Sound and letter yu summary of a speech therapy lesson. Summary of a correctional and developmental lesson for children of the preparatory group “Introduction to the sound and letter “U”


1. Continue to teach children how to conduct sound analysis words

2. Introduce the vowels “Yu” “yu”; the letter "Yu" means two sounds - YU.

3. Learn to make a sentence of 3 words with the conjunction “I”.

Progress of the lesson

Hello hands, clap, clap, clap, Hello legs, clap, clap, clap.

Hello cheeks, smack, smack, smack,

Chubby cheeks splash Hello teeth Hello lips Hello guests, hello.

Pochemuchka and Dunno came to visit us again. Their friend Tube was in trouble and asked his friends to help him. But since Dunno and Pochemuchka are just learning, they decided to ask you for help again. Let's help Pochemuchka and Dunno rescue their friend from trouble?

To do this you will have to complete some tasks.

Task No. 1

You must end the sentence with a word that begins with the sound “z”

1. They painted (the fence) at the zoo

2. A cowardly (hare) ran across the field

3. They hung a (lock) on the gate

4. Zina has snow-white (teeth)

5. Zoya opened a beautiful (umbrella)

6. Mom hung new (curtains)

Well done, you completed the first task. Let's look at the second task.

Task No. 2

But first, answer the questions. What sounds are there?, What are the consonants? Name the object a word and say how many vowels are in this word. The teacher shows the pictures to the children. Well done! You completed this task too.

Task No. 3

Guys, stand in a circle. I will throw you a ball and say a word, and you name the first sound in this word. If you named the sound correctly, then return the ball to me. Words: house, bread, car, sofa, swing, sky, dishes, plate, watermelon, magician, flowers. Phys. munutka We're kicking, stomping, stomping! We clap our hands! We are the eyes of a moment! We shoulders chick-chick! One here, two there, turn around. One - sat down, Two - stood up.

Everyone raised their hands up.

One - two, one - two,

It's time for us to get busy.

Task No. 4

Now we will get acquainted with the word spinning top.

The teacher invites the children to listen and say which is the first sound in the word - yula (y), reminds that the sound (y) is always a soft consonant, and denotes it with a green chip, then intonationally highlights the sound (u), the children name the sound and Together with the teacher, they designate it with a red chip. Then the teacher pronounces the sounds (yu) several times, explains that if these sounds come one after another, they are designated by the letter yu and replaces the sound chips (yu) with the letter yu. The analysis of the word is continued by a child called to the board. Questions: How many sounds are in the word yula? What vowel sounds are in the word? What is the soft consonant sound? What is a hard consonant?

Now you can independently perform a sound analysis of the word Yura.

Task No. 5

Working on a proposal.

Task No. 6

Did/game “What sound was lost?” The hunter shouted: “Oh! The doors (animals) are chasing me!”

Sits firmly in the garden

Orange cap (turnip).

The lazy man is lying on a folding bed, gnawing, crunching, guns (drying).

The poet finished the line,

At the end I put a barrel (dot).

Guys, thank you for your help, and now it’s time for Dunno, Pochemuchka and Tube to return to their tale

Development of Prototype in the Uncategorized section and published on September 1st, 2016
You are:

Municipal educational institution

Secondary (complete) comprehensive school No. 2

Volzhsk, Republic of Mari El

Lesson summary of literacy



teacher primary classes

Fedorova Lyubov Sergeevna




Goals: Educational : learn to find the letter Y and read syllables and words with new letter, graphically indicate the sounds it makes, expand vocabulary in a literacy lesson.

Developmental: promote the development of logical general educational skills and abilities, various types memory, attention.

Educational: improve skills joint activities, self-discipline.

Methodological goal: demonstration of techniques for learning the new iotized letter U, general educational logical skills.


I. Mobilizing stage

Look at each other and smile! Sit down!

II. Orthoepic warm-up

1-2 people – individual work.

On the board: The hedgehog also climbed into the thick rye.

Read with just your eyes.
– Who is the tongue twister about?
- What is said about them?
– Name only vowels with stress.
– Read the consonants, naming them correctly.

III. Updating knowledge

Let's, guys, remember into what groups all the sounds in a tongue twister can be divided?
– What can vowel sounds be? (Drummed and unstressed)
– What about consonants? (Hard and soft; voiced and voiceless)
– What makes consonant sounds soft? (Thanks to vowel sounds)
– Name the soft consonants in a tongue twister? (Called)

On the board: Milk box pike motor food thicket - divide words into syllables.
– How was the number of syllables determined? (As many vowels as there are in a word, there are as many syllables)
– Who will remember special letters? (e, e, i)
– What is their feature? (Can represent two sounds)
Checking individual work.

IV. Formation by students of the topic and objectives of the lesson

On the board: raccoon, spinning top, hedgehog, lizard.

Read the words written on the board. Who knows what the word Lizard means?
– A lizard is an extinct large animal with a small head, long tail. His body was covered with scales. (Show illustration)
– Divide these words into groups according to several criteria at the same time. (Animals, 4 letters, starts with a vowel, ends with a consonant)
– Remember once again the peculiarity of the first letters you highlighted three words, pay attention to the first letter of the fourth word and formulate the topic of our lesson today. (The letters E, E, I designate two sounds if they are at the beginning of a word or after a vowel. In the word yula, the first letter is Y. We are not familiar with it. So, the topic of the lesson is “The letter Y and the sounds that it means”).
– Considering the topic of the lesson and relying on the words written on the board, formulate the purpose of our lesson:
On the board: Get to know…. (with the letter Yu and the sounds it represents)
Learn to distinguish…. (the letter Y from other letters)
Learn to read….(words, sentences with a new letter)

V. Introducing a new letter and sounds

1). The letter Yu came to us with her friends. Let's find her and greet her. If you see the letter Y, clap your hands; if it is another letter, turn your head.

The teacher shows the letters: O N S I Y

So you have greeted the letter Y. Now try to depict it in pairs.
– Look at the ribbon of letters, where is the letter Y located? What does its location tell us? (The vowel is located in the second row - gives the consonant softness)
- Let's return to our words. Name the word for toy. (Yula)
– How many syllables are in the word YULA? (The word yula has two vowels – two syllables)
- Name the first syllable. How many letters does the first syllable consist of?
– Say the first syllable slowly and tell me how many sounds you hear? (2 sounds)
– Name these sounds. ([Y`][U])
– Describe these sounds.
– What letter represents the sounds [й`][у]? (YU)


Conclude in which case the letter Y means two sounds?

1. At the beginning of a word(hang out the card)

Make a sound diagram of the word YULA. (1 student on the board)
– Letter Yu invited her friends to our lesson: a boy and a girl. Determine their names. They consist of 3 letters and 4 sounds. The topic of the lesson will help you. (Yura, Julia)
– Why do the words Yura and Yulia have four sounds each? (They start with the letter Y, and it stands at the beginning of the word and denotes two sounds)
– Make up sentences using the children’s names and the word YULA.
– I wrote this sentence on the board: Yura and Yulia play with a spinning top.
– Name the word that answers the question What are they doing? (playing)
– Divide the word PLAY into syllables.
– How many syllables are there in a word? (3)
– Name it last syllable. (s)
- How many letters does it have? (2 letters)
- Say it and determine how many sounds it contains? (3)
– Name them. ([Y`], [U], [T])
– Explain why the syllable YUT has two letters and three sounds? Where is the vowel Yu? (After a vowel)

2. After a vowel (hang out the card)
– Conclude in what cases does the letter Y mean two sounds?

Physical education minute

I will name the words. If they contain the letter Y, boys do squats; if not, girls do squats.


VI. Consolidation

Let's work with our textbook. Open the ABC book on page 46
– Look at the vowels and the chips next to them.. What can you say about the choice of color?
– On page 47 look at the crossword puzzle. What words are encrypted in it?
– Let’s do a sound analysis of the words on p.47
- Well done!

Physical education minute(for eyes)

Read the words on the board: chess, dance, youth club
– What do the Yunnats do? (Study nature)
“At the youth club class, the guys learn a lot of new and interesting things. What exactly you will determine by reading the text (on the cards).

Frogs and toads spawn not only in water. Pipa toads attach their eggs to their backs. In midwife toads, the caviar looks like a cord with beads. They wrap their jewelry around their lower back. Some frogs spawn on the ground. The males remain to guard the eggs. Tadpoles emerge from the eggs. They crawl onto dad's back. Dad carries them to the water. Some frogs swallow their eggs. And then they spit out the ready-made frogs.
(According to N. Sladkov)

What new things have you learned about the life of frogs?

Group 1 (level A) – read the text and count all the words with the letter U
Group 2 (level B) – perform a sound analysis of the word EARTH.
Group 3 (level C) – match the word to the sound pattern. (A diagram is given for the word CREEP)

VII. Lesson summary

What letter did we meet today?

What can you say about this letter?

I drew you a flower, we will decorate it now.

Let's decorate the flower: (reflection)
- Those who were interested and who understood everything will take the red chip.
– Who was interested, but something remained unclear - the yellow chip.
– Who was not entirely interested and did not understand everything, the blue chip. - Let's see which color is bigger.

List of used literature

Zhurova L. Evdokimova A. Primer, textbook on literacy and reading, part 1, Ventana-Graf, 2011

Irina Gurova


Correctional and educational:

Introduce the letter "Y".

Continue to develop audio skills, syllabic analysis and synthesis; analysis of the verbal composition of a sentence with a preposition.

Exercise in restoring the meaning of a deformed phrase, in composing a simple common sentence with prepositions.

Continue teaching how to solve puzzles.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop visual and auditory attention, memory, letter gnosis, thinking, spatial concepts.

Promote the development of general and finger motor skills, graphic skills.


Continue to develop the ability to interact amicably in a group, listen carefully to the teacher and each other.


Tops made of cardboard according to the number of children, spinning tops; diagram-profile of articulation of sounds [j], [у]; table showing the letter “Y” and corresponding pictures; cards with printed tasks; colored pencils; cards with printed syllables and words for reading; ball; material “proposal diagram”; board, chalk

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment. Development of finger motor skills. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Children are sitting at tables. Each one has a top made of cardboard. The speech therapist suggests launching your tops and observing how beautifully the colors mix as they rotate.

Speech therapist: “Guys, a top is a small spinning top. And mine is big, real (shows). The word "Yula" begins with the letter "Y". Today we will meet her.

II. Characteristics of the sounds [j], [y] according to articulatory-acoustic characteristics.

The speech therapist explains that the letter “Yu”, like the letters “I”, “E”, “E”, means two sounds when it is at the beginning of a word and in the middle after a vowel.

III. Introducing the letter "Y". Development visual perception, spatial representations.

Examination of the letter (discussion: what elements it consists of and how they are located).

Does the letter “U” love the sun? (he doesn’t like it because he “looks” to the right).

Reading poems about the letter “U”:

1. To prevent “O” from rolling away,

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened:

It turned out... the letter “Y”. (A. Shibaev).

2. I recognize my spinning top,

When I look at the letter “U” (F. Bobylev).

3. In the arena, the tamer -

Lord of the formidable tigers,

It's like the letter "U" with a ring

He boldly faced the tigers. (V. Stepanov)

What else does the letter “Y” look like? (children's answers).

Find the letter “U” among other letters, take it and trace it with your finger.

Color the letter "Y" on your cards with a red pencil.

IV. Reading syllables with the letter "U". Game exercise “Going down in the elevator.”

The speech therapist reminds children that the letter “U” means two sounds - [j], [y], when it is at the beginning of a word and in the middle after a vowel. He further explains that the letter “U” softens the consonant after which it is located. In this case, it means one sound – [y].

After this is carried out game exercise“Going down in the elevator” (reading syllable rows, laid out from letters on the board and located in the direction from top to bottom):



3. PJ, KY, TY, NU, MJ, SY, BJ, etc.

V. Development gross motor skills, auditory perception, attention. Physical education minute.

The speech therapist invites children to listen carefully to the words. If the word contains the letter “U”, then you need to raise your hands, and if not, squat down: “Yunga, world, cat, south, yurt, skirt, chalk, young man, brush, top, Jupiter...”

VI. Development of skills in sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.

Completing tasks on cards (the material was prepared in the program “ Microsoft Word"and printed on a color printer).

Perform a sound-syllable analysis of the words “Yura” and “Lyuba” (draw diagrams with colored pencils under the corresponding pictures).

Print the words below the diagrams.

Fill in the missing letters "U" in the words. Read the sentence.

VII. Reading words with the letter "Y".

1. South, cabin boy, yurt, cabin, wash, bathe, ride.

2. Luda, raisin, plus, key, raisin, cranberry.

VIII. Restoring the meaning of deformed phrases. Working on a sentence with prepositions. Exercise with the ball “Words quarreled” or “Sentence fell apart.”

The speech therapist throws a ball to the children one by one and names the words. Children return the ball, making up a sentence and finding a word with the letter “U” in it.

Birds, autumn, fly away, south, to. – In autumn, birds fly south.

Spring, fly, south, from, birds.

Lights, wardrobe, skirt, put away, in.

Julia, from, package, get, raisins.

Chair, spinning top, under, lie down.

Jura, cranberry, swamp, find, on.

An analysis of one sentence based on the children’s choice is carried out: “What is the first word in the sentence? What's the second word? Name the third word. Are there any other words in this sentence? How many words are there in total? A proposal diagram is laid out on the board.

IX. Skill Development sound-letter synthesis, thinking. Execution entertaining task on the card, solution to the puzzle.

The speech therapist again offers to take the cards and draws attention to the new task:

The letters in the boxes are mixed up. Make words from the letters, print them under the boxes and connect them with the corresponding pictures.

In front of the children, the speech therapist draws a puzzle on the board and offers to solve it. Answer: "Blizzard".

X. Summing up the lesson.

The speech therapist asks children to answer the following questions:

Which letter are you familiar with?

What have you learned about the letter "Y"?

What tasks did you do well?

What was difficult for you?

A differentiated assessment of the students’ activities is given.

Publications on the topic:

Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson with children of a preparatory school group with TNR (ONR) “Sound and letter H”

Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson in a preparatory school group “Differentiation of sounds [H] - [T’]” Goals: correctional and educational: - to give children an understanding of the mechanism of formation of the sounds Ch - Th in comparative terms; - build skills.

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on teaching literacy in a preparatory school group with TNR “Sounds [Z] - [Z`]. Letter Z" Topic: “Sounds Z - Z`. Letter Z." Goal: To strengthen children’s understanding of the sounds [З] and [З`], to introduce them to the letter “Z” Objectives: Educational.

Goal: to promote the formation of ideas about the sound and letter Ch. Objectives: Correctional and educational: - to promote the formation of an image.

Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “Sound [b] and letter B” Topic of the lesson: “Sound [b] and letter B.” Goal: consolidation correct pronunciation sound[b]. Objectives: 1. Improvement of sound and letters.

Goal: creating conditions for familiarization with the letter and sound Y.




Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution " Kindergarten general developmental type No. 105" municipality city ​​of Bratsk


activities with older children

preschool age

on topic

"The letter and sound U"

Compiled by:

Molchanova I.L.



Target: creating conditions for familiarization with the letter and sound Y.


Introduce the letter and sound Y;

Continue learning to perform sound analysis words; name sounds, give them characteristics;

Strengthen the ability to select words for a given sound

Material: presentation, pictures, chips, letters.

Progress of the lesson

1. Motivation.

My bell is ringing and ringing.

All the guys gather around.

The bell sings ding, ding, ding.

He calls your guest: “Ding-ding-ding.”

And who came to us? Guess for yourself.

Song from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio"

2. Surprise moment.

Toy – Pinocchio.

Pinocchio decided to go to school after all, but it was very difficult for him. He doesn't know a lot, and he decided to turn to you guys. Will you help him? There are several tasks to complete. Pinocchio is a joker, and he hid them in the group and left you a map.


The children look at her.

What number is the first task?

3. Game task“Name the sounds.”

Children find an envelope with the number 1. It contains blue and green chips.

What do you think it is? What does the chip mean? blue? What vowels can come after a consonant? solid sound? (a, y, s, oh, uh)

What vowels can come after a consonant? soft sound? (i, e, e, i)

Game "What has changed?"

The teacher swaps the letters, and the children must find the mistakes.

Children look for all the following tasks in envelopes themselves.

4. Introducing the letter Y (slide 2).

The riddle about the spinning top.

I'm spinning, I'm spinning,

And I'm not lazy

Spin around even all day long. (spinster)

The teacher invites the children to listen and say what the 1st sound in the word is - yula (th). Reminds that the sound (th) is always a soft consonant. How will we designate it? Next, the sound (u) is highlighted intonationally, the children name the sound and, together with the teacher, designate it with a red chip. Then the teacher pronounces the sounds (yu) several times, explains that if these sounds come one after another, they are designated by the letter yu and replaces the sound chips (yu) with the letter yu.

The analysis of the word is continued by a child called to the board. Questions: How many sounds are in the word yula? What vowel sounds are in the word? What is the soft consonant sound? What is a hard consonant?

So that O doesn't roll away,

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened:

It turned out...the letter Y.

5. Game “Name the name that begins with the sound Y” (slide 3, 4).

AbstractclassesForchildrenWithFFN. Vowels of the second row.

Letter Y.

Teacher - speech therapist Sukhorukova N.L.

Subject: Vowel sounds.

Target.Introduce students to the formation of the vowel of the second row - the letter Y. Indicate the softness of consonants using vowels of the second row; develop reading technique.

Tasks: clarify and consolidate the articulation of vowels, develop phonemic awareness, develop fine motor skills.

Equipment: table of syllables, counting sticks, cords, split alphabet, puzzles.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Org. Moment

Introducing the letter Y

Listen to a funny poem.

Pigs love the letter Y!

Without it they won’t say: oink!


Look at the board. The word (oink) is written here. Find the letter Yuyu among the letters of the split alphabet.

What elements does it consist of? Construct a large Yu and a small Yu from sticks and cord.

Now let's make this sound (pay attention to articulation pattern)

2. Indicating the softness of consonants using vowels

A) Let's remember our fairy tale about the letters IiY. These sister letters were very similar, only I sounded drawn-out and could sing beautifully, but Y couldn’t, it sounded short and abrupt. Then the letter Y came to visit the vowels of the first row and offered to sing together. First they sang with the letter A, when their sounds merged, what letter did they get? - I, then they sang with the letter E?-E, then with the letter O?-E, and today we will listen to a wonderful song with the letter U, let's all together-Y...

B) Game (with a ball) “On the contrary”:

La-la-la la-la-la

So-so-so so-so-so

Lu-lu-lu lu-lu-lu

Tu-tu-tu tu-tu-tu

Physical exercise.

Speech with movements.

Matrona was walking from the garden

I found a hoopoe under a bush.

And the hoopoe said to her: “Doo-doo-doo!”

I won't go with you!

I’ll run to Baba Dunya,

She’ll give me cottage cheese!”

Let's continue our game with words and write in our notebooks:

Whining thread



3. Acquaintance with the letter Yu - serves to indicate the softness of the consonants in front. Reading from syllabic tables with comments.

4. Physical exercise.

5. Development fine motor skills: complete the puzzle "Yu"

6. Oculomotor gymnastics.

Bottom line: What letter did we meet in class today? How is it different from the letter U? Which exercise did you like?

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