Entertaining tasks in biology. Extracurricular activity "entertaining biology"

Intra-school control in the management system of an educational institution


Organizing internal school control is one of the most difficult activities of the head of an educational institution, requiring a deep understanding of the mission and role of this function, understanding of its target orientation and mastery of various technologies.

It is intra-school control that is the necessary link, as a result of which the regulation function begins to work, making the necessary adjustments both in the analytical process and in the process of planning and organizing action. The purpose, content and methods of corrective actions in the management process are dictated by the control function, which, by identifying non-compliance with standards and requirements, provides information about where, what, how and when it is necessary to put it in proper order. The selectivity and accuracy of the regulation function will entirely depend on the level of quality of intra-school control.

If regulation will help promptly eliminate identified inconsistencies, then in order to make decisions at the strategic and tactical level it is necessary to obtain information about the state of the system and ongoing processes and then analyze this data. Thus, it is intra-school control that becomes the necessary link, thanks to which it is possible to carry out the function of analysis, achieving its high-quality implementation. It is intra-school control that acts for the analytical function as the main supplier of necessary and necessary information, which is then processed and analyzed in the management mechanism. The control function is an integral part of management activities. Information obtained during control is the basis for making management decisions.

Despite the presence of numerous studies on the topic of intra-school management, publications do not sufficiently disclose the scientific and pedagogical foundations of school management and control by the administration in modern conditions. Due to the expansion of the scope independent activity schools, the relevance of regulating intra-school relations on the basis of a personal-legal approach to management has increased.

Relevance mentioned problems, their insufficient knowledge in the conditions of changed social and production relations, the urgent need to assess the theoretical and practical significance of this type of management activity determined the choice of the topic of the thesis.

The purpose of the study was to solve the above problem by scientific justification and creating a model of intra-school control in modern conditions.

The object of the study is intra-school management, history, development and practice of intra-school control.

The subject of the study is the process of improving control and inspection activities in a modern school.

Research hypothesis. Based on an analysis of the literature on social management, psychological, pedagogical and legal literature, legislative and regulatory documents, I put forward the following assumptions:

1. The effectiveness of control and inspection activities at school will increase if its organization is based on a personal-legal approach, based on ensuring and respecting all the rights and freedoms of participants educational process within the established standards.

2. Intra-school control will be able to realize its purpose if it is based on a scientifically based model of functioning.

3. The development of democratic management principles will be facilitated by the involvement of school self-government bodies in the development of a local legal framework for school management and control over their compliance.

4. The effectiveness of control, which contributes to the maximum use of the potential of each employee and school staff, will increase if its essence is based on the idea of ​​objective assessment and provision of professional help every employee.

Research objectives:

1. Identify the structure, typology of power and, based on them, develop

approaches to modeling intra-school control.

2. Reveal the essence of the local legal framework for school management

and develop requirements for its formation.

3. Reveal the essence of intra-school control in modern conditions.

4. Determine the principles, purpose, objectives, functions, methods, and procedure of internal school control.

5. Characterize the pedagogical conditions for increasing the effectiveness of intra-school control.

The methodological basis of the study is: general scientific theory of systems, theory of management of social and pedagogical processes, theory of epistemology and modeling, recognition of priority universal human values and a person’s highest value, the theory of personality formation in creative activity and communication.

The theoretical basis of the study were theories and concepts: about pedagogical systems (V.P. Bespalko, E.I. Kazakova, L.I. Novikova, etc.); about the nature of pedagogical activity (L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, V.A. Slastenin, etc.); on management, including pedagogical systems (V.G. Afanasyev, Yu.V. Vasiliev, Yu.M. Kiselev, M.I. Kondakov, A.M. Moiseev, G.H. Popov, M.M. Potashnik, P. I. Tretyakov, A. Fayol, T.I. Shamova, etc.); on intra-school control (N.V. Gorbunova, V.P. Davydov, N.S. Zhbankova, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, M.K. Runkova, V.F. Sautkin, N.S. Suntsov, N.A. Shubin and others). The research methodology was also determined by legislative and regulatory documents and the democratic state-public nature of education management.

Research sources:

Official legislative and regulatory documents, legal acts regulating relations in the field of education;

Pedagogical periodicals, materials of the Ministries of Education Russian Federation, education departments of district/mountains/administrations

Georgievsk, regulatory documents of secondary schools;

Anthology of pedagogical thought, historical and pedagogical literature on problems of management, development of school education, legal literature;

Domestic and foreign encyclopedias, encyclopedic dictionaries, reference books on management and pedagogy;

Annual statistical materials.

Scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study. The thesis provides comprehensive study scientific and pedagogical foundations of modern school management, organization of control and inspection activities of school administration:

· a model of intra-school control based on the legal framework of school management is considered;

· necessary and sufficient legal framework school management, its structure, content and validity in accordance with the requirements of legislative and regulatory acts;

· the principles, goals, objectives, content, technology of organizing intra-school control and inspection, their interpretation in the conditions of modern relations in the education system are revealed;

· systematization and classification of the main functions of the school were carried out, the functions of inspection and control were clarified;

· the main subject of intra-school management is presented as a process of formation, organization, streamlining of social partnership relations of the state, society, family, school;

· trends in innovations in the functions and structure of intra-school management have been identified.

The practical significance of the study is determined by:

– justification of the need to update and develop school management systems and the schools themselves, their adaptation to modern social and public requirements, to work in the conditions of the national-regional education system;

– introduction of mechanisms scientific foundations intra-school management: conceptual apparatus, patterns, principles, methods and functions of management that will help school leaders move from “collecting” examples of school management to conscious design and construction of an intra-school management system;

– expanding the base and conditions for managing the quality of education at different management levels.

1. Intra-school control as part of the management system of an educational institution

There is no unambiguous interpretation of the essence and purpose of intra-school control either in theory or in practice today.

Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, for example, believes that internal school control is one of the most important management functions, which is directly related to the function of analysis and goal setting; control data without analysis is dead, and in the absence of a goal there is nothing to control.

P.I. Tretkov considers intra-school control as a type of activity of school leaders together with representatives of public organizations to establish the conformity of the functioning and development of the school’s water management system on a diagnostic basis.

A.V. Chobotar believes that intra-school control is one of the main functions of management, aimed at obtaining information about the activities of teachers and assessing them in order to make decisions. constructive solutions on further optimization of management and self-government at school!

I adhere to the interpretation that internal school control is:

1. providing methodological assistance to teachers in order to improve and develop professional skills;

2. interaction between the administration and teaching staff, aimed at increasing efficiency pedagogical process;

3. type of activity of managers together with representatives of public organizations to establish compliance of the functioning and development of water management on a diagnostic basis with national requirements.

Intraschool control is one of the most important management functions, which is directly related to the functions of analysis and goal setting: according to Yu. A. Konarzhevsky, data without analysis is dead, and in the absence of a goal there is nothing to control.

“The modern idea of ​​intra-school control is based on a diagnostic approach, that is, on an approach in which the state of a system or process is identified in its entirety by studying parts, elements, parties and the entire system as a whole.”

Since modern secondary school- this is a complex, highly organized institution, then in order to solve the assigned tasks, control must be:

§ Multipurpose– that is, it is aimed at checking various issues (educational, methodological, experimental and innovative activities, improving the educational and material base of the school, fulfilling sanitary and hygienic requirements, compliance with safety regulations, etc.);

§ Multilateral – means the application of various forms and methods of control to the same object (frontal, thematic, personal control of the teacher’s activities, etc.);

§ Multistage – control of the same object by different levels of government (the work of a teacher during the educational process is controlled by the director, deputy directors, chairmen of methodological associations, representatives of the district education department, etc.).

The essence and purpose of intra-school control is as follows:

§ providing methodological assistance to teachers in order to improve and develop professional skills;

§ interaction between the administration and the teaching staff, aimed at increasing the efficiency of the pedagogical process;

§ a system of relationships, goals, principles, measures, means and forms in their interrelation;

§ type of activity of managers together with representatives of public organizations to establish compliance of the functioning and development of the system of educational work on a diagnostic basis with national requirements.

The structure of intra-school control of the educational process at school consists of the following elements:

1) General requirements for the organization of control in a modern educational institution:

§ planning - long-term, current and operational control planning;

§ multilateralism – creation of a control system that ensures its regularity, optimality, and comprehensiveness;

§ differentiation – taking into account the individual characteristics of teachers in the process of monitoring;

§ intensity – control activities should be planned for academic periods and academic weeks with the same degree of regularity in order to prevent overload of managers and employees of the educational institution;

§ organization - the control procedure must be clearly defined, communicated to those being inspected and must be strictly observed in accordance with legal requirements;

§ objectivity – inspection of the activities of teachers on the basis of state standards, educational programs, as well as control programs, indicating developed indicators and criteria, should take into account the characteristics of the conditions in which the person being inspected works, as well as the characteristics of his personality;

§ effectiveness – availability positive changes in the activities of the teacher, eliminating deficiencies identified during control;

§ inspector's competence - their knowledge of the subject and methods of control, the ability to see the advantages and disadvantages in work during control, to predict the development of control results, to analyze the control results with the person being checked in such a way as to arouse in him the desire to improve activities and eliminate shortcomings as quickly as possible.

2) Principles for the effectiveness of intra-school control:

§ the principle of strategic direction of control;

§ the principle of compliance with the case (adequacy of control methods to its object and situation);

§ principle of control at critical points;

§ principle of significant deviations;

§ principle of action (orientation of control towards constructive change in the situation);

§ the principle of timeliness, simplicity and cost-effectiveness of control.

3) Control objectives:

§ competent verification of the implementation of decisions governing bodies in the field of education and regulatory documents;

§ collection and processing of information about the state of the educational process;

§ providing feedback in the implementation of all management decisions;

§ skillful, correct and prompt correction of shortcomings in the activities of performers;

§ improving the management activities of heads of educational institutions based on the development of their analytical skills;

§ identification and generalization of advanced teaching experience.

4) Control tasks:

§ create favorable conditions development of an educational institution;

§ ensure interaction between the control and managed systems;

§ create an information bank of data about the work of each teacher, the state of the educational process, the level of education, and the development of students;

§ encourage the elimination of existing shortcomings and the use of new opportunities;

§ motivate teachers to improve their work results.

5) Functions of intra-school control:

§ providing feedback, since without objective and complete information that continuously flows to the manager and shows how the assigned tasks are being accomplished, the manager cannot manage or make informed decisions;

§ diagnostic, which is understood as an analytical cut and assessment of the state of the object under study based on a comparison of this state with pre-selected parameters for improving the quality and efficiency of control;

§ stimulating, which involves turning control into a development tool creative beginnings in the activities of a teacher.

6) Main control components:

§ the first component of control is people acting as its objects and subjects;

§ conditions that determine the volume, breadth and direction of control (conditions affecting the control process should include material, time, and personnel resources);

§ determination of control goals, criteria, indicators and standards for assessing controlled parameters;

§ selection of control methods based on the stated principles;

§ identifying and ascertaining information about the current state of affairs;

§ evaluation of the results obtained;

§ comparison of the obtained control results with the standards;

§ analysis and assessment of this situation, and development and implementation of corrections to bring the controlled object to the planned state.

7) Organization of intra-school control.

In the practice of organizing control, it is necessary to resolve a number of issues: identify control participants, provide instructions for them, outline a control program, study the preliminary necessary documentation related to the objects of inspection, distribute working time, optimally use observations of the objects of control identified in the plan, plan the connection of intra-school control and methodological work.

Any form of control is carried out in the following sequence:

§ justification for the inspection;

§ goal formulation;

§ development of an algorithm, a structural diagram of the upcoming inspection;

§ collection and processing of information about the state of the inspected object according to the developed scheme;

§ drawing up the main conclusions based on the inspection results:

o the main reasons for success (failure) are revealed;

o management decisions are made: reshuffling of personnel, generalization of experience and others;

o the timing of the next control is determined;

§ discussion of the results of the inspection at the appropriate level (teaching council, meeting of the methodological association, subject department, etc.)

When talking about control, it is necessary to distinguish between types, forms and methods of control.

8) Types of control.

A type of control is a set of forms of control carried out for a specific purpose. The features of types of control are determined by the specifics of their objects and tasks, as well as the means used for control.

§ by scale of goals: strategic, tactical, operational;

§ by process stages: initial or qualifying, educational or intermediate, final or final;

§ by time direction: preventive or anticipatory, current, final;

§ by frequency: one-time, periodic (input, intermediate, current, preliminary, final), systematic;

§ by latitude of the controlled area: selective, local, continuous;

§ by organizational forms: individual, group, collective;

§ by object: personal, class-generalizing, subject-generalizing, thematic-generalizing, frontal, complex-generalizing.

There are two main types of control: thematic and frontal.

Thematic control aimed at an in-depth study of any specific issue in the system of activity of the teaching staff, group of teachers or individual teacher; at the junior or senior stage of schooling; in the system of moral or aesthetic education of schoolchildren. Consequently, the content of thematic control consists of various areas of the pedagogical process, specific issues that are studied deeply and purposefully. The content of the thematic control consists of innovations introduced at school, the results of the implementation of advanced pedagogical experience.

Front control is aimed at a comprehensive study of the activities of the teaching staff, methodological association or individual teacher. Due to the labor intensity and large number of checkers, it is advisable to use this type of control no more than two or three times per academic year. With frontal control of the activities of an individual teacher, all areas of his work are studied - educational, educational, social-pedagogical, managerial. During frontal control of the school’s activities, all aspects of the work of this educational institution are studied: universal education, organization of the educational process, work with parents, financial and economic activities.

9) The main forms of control used in school.

The form of control is the way control is organized.

§ self-control (the initiator and organizer - the teacher regarding his own activities);

§ mutual control (mutual training of equals);

§ administrative control (spontaneous and planned): the initiator and organizer is the school administration;

§ collective control;

§ external control.

Taking into account the fact that control is carried out over the activities of an individual teacher, a group of teachers, the entire teaching staff or any administrative service, several forms of control are distinguished: personal, class-generalizing, subject-generalizing, thematic-generalizing, complex-generalizing. The use of various forms of control allows you to cover significantly larger number teachers and teaching staff, various areas of school work, rational use of the time factor, avoid possible overloads of school leaders and teachers.

Personal control carried out by the work of an individual teacher, class teacher, educator. It can be thematic and frontal. The work of a team of teachers consists of the work of its individual members, so personal control is necessary. In the activities of a teacher, personal control is important as a means of teacher self-government and a stimulating factor in his professional development.

Class-generalizing form of control applicable when studying a set of factors influencing the formation of a class team in the process of educational and extracurricular activities. Subject of study in in this case the activities of teachers working in one class, the system of their work on individualization and differentiation of teaching, the development of motivation and cognitive needs of students, the dynamics of student performance by year or within one year, the state of discipline and culture of behavior are highlighted.

Subject-generalizing form of control used in cases where the state and quality of teaching a particular subject in one class, or in parallel classes, or in the school as a whole are studied. To carry out such control, both the administration and representatives of the school’s methodological associations are involved.

Thematically generalizing form of control has as its main goal the study of the work of different teachers and different classes, but in separate areas of the educational process.

Complex-generalizing form of control is needed when monitoring the organization of the study of several academic subjects by a number of teachers in one or more classes. This form predominates with frontal control.

The name of the control forms repeats the term “generalizing”. This emphasizes the purpose of control as a function of managing the pedagogical process, providing it with reliable, objective, generalizing information. It is this information that is necessary at the stage of pedagogical analysis, goal setting, decision making and organizing their implementation.

All of the above forms of control find their practical application through control methods.

10) Control methods.

A control method is a method of practical implementation of control to achieve a set goal. The most effective control methods to study the condition educational activities are:

§ observation (attending classes, extracurricular activities);

§ analysis (analysis with identification of causes, determination of development directions);

§ conversation (free conversation and targeted interview according to a specially prepared program);

§ study of documentation (working with class magazines, student diaries, lesson plans, personal files, safety magazines);

§ questionnaire (method of research through questioning);

§ timing (measurement of working time spent on repeating operations);

§ oral or written testing of students’ knowledge, abilities, skills (test to determine the level of training and other methods).

The methods complement each other for objective knowledge of the real state of affairs. Where possible, different control methods should be used.

When conducting control, it is possible to use the method of studying school documentation, which reflects quantitative and quality characteristic educational process. The educational and pedagogical documentation of the school includes:

§ alphabetical student record book;

§ personal files of students;

§ magazines: ? cool;

· extracurricular activities;

· extended day groups;

· additional education;

§ books: ? accounting for the issuance of education certificates;

· accounting for the issuance of gold and silver medals;

· minutes of meetings of the pedagogical council;

· orders for school;

· accounting of teaching staff;

· log of absences and replacement of lessons.

The fact of the abundance of school documentation speaks of the diversity and richness of information obtained in the process of its use. School documentation contains information for several years; if necessary, you can go to the archive, which allows for comparative analysis, which is especially valuable for predictive activities.

In school practice, oral and written control are most often used. With all the availability of these control methods, it is impossible to limit ourselves to their use alone, therefore a group of sociological methods of collecting information is used.

The use of sociological methods in intra-school control - questionnaires, surveys, interviews, conversations, the method of experimental assessments - allows the inspector to quickly obtain the information of interest to him.

The timekeeping method is used to study school operating hours, rational use of lesson time and extracurricular activities, to identify the reasons for overload of students and teachers, determine the amount of homework, and reading speed.

The study of advanced pedagogical experience and diagnostic methods complement in-school information about the characteristics of certain teachers, their pedagogical systems, and ways of demonstrating pedagogical creativity.

Thus, the choice of forms and methods of intra-school control is determined by its goals, objectives, characteristics of the object and subject of control, and the availability of time. The use of various forms and methods is possible subject to clear, reasonable planning of the directions and stages of control and the inclusion of representatives of the administration and teachers in its implementation.

Based on the above, the structure of control processes (Figure 8, Figure 9, Figure 10) can be presented as follows:

Figure 8? Classification of control by type.

Figure 9? Classification of control by methods.

Figure 10? Classification of control by periods).

All types of control culminate in the development of proposals to eliminate identified deficiencies. These proposals should be aimed at improving educational activities and correspond to the real capabilities of the educational institution.

11) Results of control can be summarized:

§ at a meeting with the director or his deputies;

§ at a meeting of the methodological association of teachers;

§ at the pedagogical council.

Ways to sum up: certificate, certificate-report, interview, accumulation of methodological material, etc. Based on the results of internal school control, depending on its form, goals and objectives, taking into account the real state of affairs:

§ meetings of pedagogical or methodological councils are held;

§ comments and suggestions made are recorded in the documentation in accordance with the nomenclature of school affairs;

§ the results of in-school control may be taken into account when conducting certification of teaching staff, but do not form the basis for the conclusion of the expert group.

12) Objects of internal school control are the following types of educational activities (Figure 11):

§ educational process;

§ methodological work, experimental and innovative activities;

§ psychological state of students and teachers;

§ provision of the educational process with the necessary conditions (compliance with labor protection requirements, sanitary and hygienic conditions, provision of educational and methodological literature, educational and technical equipment).

Figure 11? Objects of intra-school control.

When drawing up an internal school control plan, the following elements are taken into account: educational work:

§ complete training;

§ the state of teaching subjects;

§ quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students;

§ execution of decisions of teachers' councils, meetings, etc.;

§ quality of school documentation;

§ implementation of programs and the prescribed minimum;

§ preparing and conducting exams.

methodological work:

§ advanced training of teachers and administration;

§ work of methodological associations;

§ work with young specialists;

§ work with teachers who came from other educational institutions.

13) In-school control technologies.

§ the teacher fills out the “Personal Passport”;

§ coordinates its plan with the leaders of the methodological association;

§ the head of the methodological association systematizes the personal plans of teachers and draws up a technological map for monitoring his methodological association;

§ the head teacher, together with the head of the methodological association, analyzes and draws up a control plan at the level of the methodological association;

§ the administration analyzes the plan for the methodological association, determines the plan for inspection, administrative and individual control, and introduces teachers to it;

§ The director approves the consolidated plan for intra-school control.

The successful implementation of intra-school control at school is facilitated by the creation of incentives for active creative activity through a joint search for optimal options for organizing the educational process and providing the teacher with the opportunity to test them in practice, as well as the dissemination of best practices and creative findings, highlights of teachers.

Thus, the control function is associated with making decisions about what, when and how to control, what types and forms of control to use, how to analyze the information received, as well as decisions to implement corrective actions. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what impact internal school control has on the management process of an educational institution.


Intra-school control in modern conditions as a tool for managing the quality of student learning

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Educational institution

"Gomel State University named after Francis Skaryna"

Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel

Special Faculty for Personnel Retraining

Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines

Intra-school control in modern conditions as a tool for managing the quality of student learning


Performer: listener of group M - 2


"Management of preschool institutions,

general secondary education,

out-of-school education and training"


Scientific supervisor: candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Minyailova E.L.

Reviewer: Ph.D., Associate Professor ADARCHENKO E.L.

Gomel 2009

Assignment for the thesis (project) To the listener Brickehowl to Tatyana Gennadievna 1. Topic of the thesis Intra-school control in modern conditions as a tool for managing the quality of student learning. 2. The deadline for the student to submit the work is "____"_______________ 2009_3. Initial data for the thesisTheoretical basis: works of L.I. Vagina, L.K. Grebenkina, I.V. Gurevich, T.G. Ulyanova, articles and Internet sources that reveal the basics of planning and implementing intra-school control, the legal framework that determines state policy. Object: the process of managing the quality of student education. Subject: intra-school control as a tool for managing the quality of education. 4. List of issues to be developed1) In-school control, its types and forms2) Theoretical foundations planning and implementation of intra-school control3) Features of intra-school control in modern conditions4) Traditional and new control actions that allow to cover the functional areas of the life of the school.5) Determining the effectiveness of managing the quality of student learning through diagnostic, rehearsal and centralized testing.5 Work schedule with instructions deadlines for completing individual stages.


  • Assignment for the thesis (project)
    • Introduction
    • 1. Theoretical foundations of intra-school control
    • 1.1 In-school control, its types and forms
    • 1.2 The role and place of control in the system of intra-school management
    • 1.3 Control requirements
    • 1.3.1 Disadvantages in the organization of in-school control
    • 1.4 Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of in-school control
    • 1.5 New control actions to cover the functional areas of the school’s life
    • 2. Main directions of organizing intra-school control
    • 2.1 Planning and implementation of in-school control
    • 2.2 Determining the effectiveness of managing the quality of student learning through diagnostic, rehearsal and centralized testing
    • 2.3 Methodological recommendations for the implementation of intra-school control
    • Conclusion
    • List of sources used
    • Appendix A
    • Appendix B
    • Appendix B
    • Appendix D
Introduction Intra-school control is a pressing problem, since it is one of the most important management functions, which is directly related to the functions of analysis and goal-setting. In-school control is a comprehensive study and analysis of the educational process at school in order to coordinate all work in accordance with the assigned tasks. The effectiveness of educational and educational process largely depends on the extent to which the leader knows the real state of the educational process. The activities of both teaching and student teams at the school are led by the director together with his deputies. Therefore, the school principal must manage the teaching and educational process in accordance with the requirements today. Therefore, control should be aimed, first of all, at ensuring high quality training and education of the younger generation. Control functions are checking and recording the implementation of guidelines, the effectiveness of their implementation, and identifying the causes of shortcomings. Based on control data, work is coordinated in accordance with the assigned tasks. Thus, control includes analysis results achieved and is the starting point of a new management cycle, involves the identification of new tasks that arise from an analysis of the state of the school’s work. Intra-school control is a complex and multilateral process, and it, like any whole, has some natural orderliness, an organization of interconnected parts, each of which performs certain functions. Control over extracurricular activities and control over the implementation of educational programs will differ in both the form of organization and methods of control. The same can be said about monitoring the state of teaching academic subjects, and monitoring the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. The purpose of the thesis is to identify the main characteristics of intra-school control as a tool for managing the quality of student learning. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are formulated: Determine and justify the types and forms of in-school control, requirements for in-school control. Identify the conditions for the effectiveness of in-school control. Develop methodological recommendations for the implementation of in-school control as a tool for managing the quality of student learning. 1. Theoretical foundations of intra-school control 1.1 In-school control, its types and forms In-school control is one of the general functions intra-school management systems. In contrast to inspection, intra-school control is carried out by the subjects of the educational institution itself. There are administrative control, mutual control, collective control of teachers, and self-control. The purpose of intra-school control, as emphasized by L.I. Vagina - give information about real state affairs in an educational institution, identify the causes of shortcomings in work to correct the situation, provide methodological and practical help teachers. Control and analysis of information underlie management decision-making and thus make management meaningful and purposeful. The information obtained during in-school control is used in the assessment of the work of personnel, in summarizing advanced pedagogical experience. In-school control includes a systematic study of the life of the school, the teaching and educational process and the work of the teacher. All aspects of teachers’ work are analyzed: planning, didactic and technical preparation for the lesson, individual work with students, variability of homework, testing and assessment of students’ knowledge. modern theory intra-school management is allocated the following principles effective intra-school control: strategic direction of control; relevance to the case (adequacy of methods of intra-school control to its object and situation); standards; control at critical points; significant deviations; actions (orientation of control towards constructive changes in the situation); timeliness, simplicity and cost-effectiveness of control (Figure 1). Figure 1 - Principles of intra-school control. The basis for school internal control is a pedagogical analysis of the results of the teacher’s work and the state of the educational process. The goals of intra-school control are: a) achieving compliance of the functioning and development of the pedagogical process in school with the requirements of the state education standard; b) further improvement of the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of students, their interests, educational opportunities, health status. The following tasks of internal school control follow from the goals: periodic verification of compliance with the requirements of state standards in various subjects; formation in students of a responsible attitude towards mastering knowledge, abilities, skills; systematic monitoring of the quality of teaching academic disciplines, teachers’ compliance with scientifically based requirements for content , forms and methods of educational work; step-by-step control over the process of assimilation of knowledge by students, their level of development, mastery of methods of independent acquisition of knowledge; providing assistance to teachers in educational work and improving their pedagogical excellence;studying the work experience of teachers; constantly checking the implementation of all school work plans and management decisions; ensuring communication between classroom and extracurricular activities of the school; diagnosing the state of the educational process, identifying deviations from the programmed result in the work of the team and its individual members, creating an atmosphere of interest, trust and joint creativity; development of the most effective technologies for teaching subjects; increasing the responsibility of teachers, implementing new methods and techniques of work in the practice of teaching academic subjects. improving the system for monitoring the status and maintenance of school documentation. Functions of intra-school control: Feedback function. Without objective and complete information that continuously flows to the manager and shows how the assigned tasks are being accomplished, the manager cannot manage or make informed decisions. Diagnostic function. This refers to an analytical cut and assessment of the state of the object under study based on a comparison of this state with pre-selected parameters for improving the quality and efficiency of control. It is connected, first of all, with translation to a diagnostic basis. The teacher must have a clear understanding of the level of requirements, the criteria for assessing student development and assessment methods. Stimulating function. It involves turning control into a tool for developing creativity in the teacher’s activities. The task of control is obtaining information and providing assistance to the teacher. The modern level of education management is associated with the modernization of the education system. Modernization presupposes a change in organizational legal aspects management. This, in turn, is related to the procedures for regulating and evaluating the activities of an educational institution. Certification and licensing of an educational institution allows consumers of educational services to receive objectively reliable information about the compliance of the conditions and results of training and education in a particular institution state regulations. In this case, the educational institution itself must also monitor the compliance of its own activities with state standards - carry out intra-school control - the first and most important point, from which management activities begin. Intra-school control, as I.V. rightly notes. Gurevich, should be reduced to a minimum of objects of control (to the choice of priority areas of control). He calls this minimum the basic component of intra-school control. It is that invariant intra-school control that enables school management to prepare it for certification, maintain the integrity of the school’s educational process, and guarantee the state standard of education for school graduates. At the same time, an educational institution has the opportunity to follow program documents for modernizing the education system. To do this, the institution can expand the in-school control plan due to the variant part. The basic component of in-school control (invariant) will be provided by the State Standard of Education, and the innovative (variable) component allows organizing modern management, which will depend on the concept chosen by the institution. The basic component of intra-school control serves stable structures management system educational institutions, while the innovative component is aimed at servicing mobile structures. Stable structures will allow an educational institution to maintain the required quality of education (function), and mobile structures will provide the opportunity to search for optimal options for implementing the program for modernizing the education system in conditions of an insufficient regulatory framework, determining the individual identity of the institution, increasing competitiveness in the market of educational services, that is , engage in school development. In the diagram it looks like this (Figure 2). Figure 2 - Structure of intra-school control When thinking through the organization of control, some leaders seek to establish a priority in studying the state of teaching academic disciplines. In this regard, in the first quarter they test some subjects, in the second - others, etc. For others, control is built without taking into account any principles and is a system of disparate activities. Still others strive for daily and even attendance at lessons. At first glance this seems good, but there are drawbacks. The head of the school attends the lessons of different teachers every day for a month and does not devote as much time to any of them as is required for a comprehensive study of the teacher’s work. The noted approaches to organizing intra-school control do not meet the requirements of today. Taking into account the current level of the educational process, school leaders should strive for continuity in the scientific and methodological growth of the entire teaching staff; the new academic year should be a continuation of the past in improving the pedagogical skills of each member of the team. Maintaining continuity should become the principle of administration leadership teaching staff and serve as a basis for the selection of controls. The management system includes a combination of various areas and forms of control that help managers obtain comprehensive information about the state of affairs in the school. Directions and forms of control are an important aspect in organizing the management of the educational process (Figure 3). Each direction and form of control, first of all, must have a purpose and contribute to the prevention possible errors in the teacher's activities different stages educational work. The content of in-school control includes the following areas: the educational process, teaching staff, educational and material base. In the educational process, in-school control is usually carried out over the implementation of general education, the state of teaching academic subjects, the level of knowledge of students’ skills, extracurricular educational work, organization of out-of-school educational work. In-school control in work with teaching staff is carried out over the implementation of regulatory documents, implementation of decisions of teachers' councils and recommendations of scientific and practical conferences, production meetings, over the work of methodological associations, over the professional development of teachers and their self-education. The educational and material base is subject to intra-school control over such parameters as the storage and use of educational visual aids and TSO, the development of the office system, the maintenance of school documentation and school office work, the activities of teaching staff, etc. To characterize intra-school control, it is important to understand its types, forms and methods. The problem of their classification currently remains controversial, which confirms the relevance of this problem in theory and practice and the ongoing search for its optimal solution. Scientists such as M.L. are working on this problem. Portnova, N.A. Shubin, T.I. Shamova and others. So in the classification of T.I. Shamova distinguishes two types of control: thematic and frontal. Thematic control is aimed at an in-depth study of any specific issue in the system of activity of the teaching staff, group of teachers or individual teacher; at the junior or senior stage of schooling; in the system of moral or aesthetic education of schoolchildren. Consequently, notes T.I. Shamov, the content of thematic control consists of various areas of the pedagogical process, specific issues that are studied deeply and purposefully. The content of thematic control consists of innovations introduced at school, the results of the implementation of advanced pedagogical experience. Frontal control is aimed at a comprehensive study of the activities of the teaching staff, methodological association or individual teacher. Due to the labor intensity and large number of inspectors, it is advisable, as practice shows, to use this type of control no more than two or three times per academic year. During frontal control of the activities of an individual teacher, for example during certification, all areas of his work are studied - educational, educational, social-pedagogical, managerial. During frontal control of the school’s activities, all aspects of the work of this educational institution are studied: universal education, organization of the educational process, work with parents, financial and economic activities, and more. Taking into account the fact that control is carried out over the activities of an individual teacher, a group of teachers, and the entire teaching staff, several forms of control are distinguished: personal, class-generalizing, subject-generalizing, thematic-generalizing, complex-generalizing. The use of various forms of control makes it possible to cover a significantly larger number of teachers and teaching staff, various areas of the school’s work, rationally use the time factor, and avoid possible overloads of school leaders and teachers. Personal control is carried out over the work of an individual teacher, class teacher, and educator. It can be thematic and frontal. The work of a team of teachers consists of the work of its individual members, so personal control is necessary and justified. In the activities of a teacher, personal control is important as a means of teacher self-government and a stimulating factor in his professional development. Unfortunately, cases cannot be ruled out when the results of such control and subsequent analysis indicate the teacher’s professional and pedagogical incompetence, lack of growth, and sometimes even professional unsuitability. Figure 3 - Forms of intra-school control. Classroom-generalizing form of control is applicable when studying a set of factors influencing the formation of the class team in the educational process and outside educational activities. The subject of study in this case is the activities of teachers working in the same class, the system of their work on individualization and differentiation of teaching, the development of motivation and cognitive needs of students, the dynamics of student performance by year or within one year, the state of discipline and culture of behavior, etc. A subject-generalizing form of control is used in cases where the state and quality of teaching a particular subject in one class, or in parallel classes, or in the school as a whole is studied. To carry out such control, both the administration and representatives of the methodological associations of the school are involved. The thematic-generalizing form of control has as its main goal the study of the work of different teachers and different classes, but individual directions educational process. For example, the use of local history material in the learning process, or the development cognitive interests students, or the formation of the foundations of the aesthetic culture of students in science lessons and others. A complex-generalizing form of control is used when monitoring the organization of the study of several academic subjects, several teachers in one or several classes. This form predominates with frontal control. V.M. Muravyov notes that the name of the forms of control repeats the term “generalizing.” This once again emphasizes the purpose of control as a function of managing the pedagogical process, providing it with reliable, objective, generalizing information. It is this information that is necessary at the stage of pedagogical analysis, goal setting, decision making and organization their implementation. In the process of intra-school control, methods such as observation, conversations, oral and written control, questioning, studying best pedagogical practices, timekeeping, diagnostic methods, i.e. methods that allow you to obtain the necessary objective information. Intra-school control methods complement each other, and if the administration wants to know the real state of affairs, it should, if possible, use various control methods. When carrying out control, it is effective to use the method of studying school documentation, which reflects the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the educational process. The school's educational and pedagogical documentation includes: an alphabetical student record book, students' personal files, class journals, elective classes journals, after-school group journals, record books for the issuance of education certificates, a record book for the issuance of gold and silver medals, a book of minutes of school council meetings and pedagogical council, a book of orders for the school, a book of records of teaching staff, a log of absences and substitutions of lessons. Even the very fact of the abundance of school documentation speaks of the diversity and richness of information obtained in the process of its use. School documentation contains information for several years; if necessary, you can go to the archive, which allows for comparative analysis, which is especially valuable for predictive activities. In school practice, sociological methods of collecting information are also widely used; questionnaire, survey, interviewing, conversation, method of experimental assessments. They allow the inspector to quickly obtain the information he is interested in, and the proposed methods can include information that is of particular interest to the inspector, counting on the interested, responsible attitude of the respondents. The following objects of intra-school control are distinguished. In this regard, let us refer to those objects of intra-school control that M.P. highlighted in his work “The ABC of School Management”. Portnov. Educational process: implementation of educational programs; level of knowledge and skills of students; productivity of the teacher; individual work with gifted children; quality of extracurricular subject activities; skills of methods of independent cognition in students. Educational process: level of education of students; level of social activity of students; quality work class teachers;participation of parents in the educational process; quality of school-wide traditional events; level of health and physical training students; quality of preventive work with pedagogically neglected children. Methodological work: scientific and methodological level of each teacher; methodological level of each class teacher; mechanism for disseminating teaching experience; advanced training of teachers. Scientific and experimental activities: compliance of this activity with the concept of school development; degree of scientific validity innovations; effectiveness of innovations; level of scientific education of teachers; research activities of students. Psychological state of students and teachers: degree of psychological comfort (discomfort) of students, teachers; psychological preparedness of the team for the introduction new structure etc. Providing the educational process with the necessary conditions: labor protection; sanitary and hygienic conditions; provision of educational and methodological literature; provision of educational and technical equipment. 1.2 The role and place of control in the system of intra-school management To achieve modern quality of education, the organization of internal school control is of great importance. Control is one of the most difficult types of activity of the head of an educational institution, requiring a deep understanding of the mission and role of this function, understanding of its target orientation and mastery of various technologies (Figure 4). Control - component intra-school management, the beginning of management activities. Direct control of the activities of an official of an educational institution - intra-school (intra-institutional) control is carried out by the head or his deputy in accordance with the order on the distribution of responsibilities or job descriptions. It is control in an educational institution that contributes to the formation of reliable information about the results of the activities of participants in the educational process and prevents the manifestation of shortcomings in work. In accordance with the findings of the inspections, prompt measures are taken to eliminate negative phenomena, and the necessary methodological assistance is provided to teaching staff. Inspection of a teacher’s activities can be included in the internal school (intra-institutional) control plan in the event of: a planned study of the results of the current, intermediate certification of students; the need to provide methodological assistance to the teacher due to low written results test work carried out according to the text proposed by the head of the educational institution; preparation for certification of an educational institution; preparation for certification of teaching staff (at the request of the person being certified); preparation for consideration of the issue at the pedagogical council; appeals from parents of students. Before starting the inspection, it is necessary, among other things, to study regulatory documents on the topic of inspection: determine the indicators and criteria for assessing the activities of the person being inspected; get acquainted with that part of the educational program that is studied during the inspection process; get acquainted with the existing methodological support of the educational program; analyze the state of the current control of students’ knowledge. Control: this is an inspection, as well as observation with the purpose of the audit; a process that ensures the achievement of the set goals (setting criteria, measuring the results achieved and making adjustments if there are differences). The audit may be limited to an analysis of the written test work carried out according to the text proposed by the head of the institution. In this case, it is advisable to compare the results obtained with the results of the current control carried out by the teacher. After each visit to a training session, it is advisable for the leader to conduct a short interview to familiarize himself with the self-assessment of the results of the work of the person being tested and to clarify the implementation of lesson and thematic planning. The final stage in job control is summing up, forming conclusions and proposals for improving the work of teaching staff or determining measures to eliminate identified violations. Approximate control topics: State of teaching of the subject. Implementation of educational programs: implementation of thematic planning (theoretical and practical parts of educational programs) according to class magazines; system of homework (training exercises, home creative and individual work, their volume). Work on the implementation of legislation on the protection of children's rights. Maintenance of established school documentation by teaching staff. Preparation for exams in final grades. Organization of teachers' work on typical mistakes of students and eliminating gaps in mastering educational material. The state of work in extended day groups. The state of work of teachers with children studying at home (due to illness). The results of teachers’ activities in observing labor protection and creating safe conditions when organizing training sessions.Organization of educational activities of a young (newly appointed) teacher. Results of innovative or experimental work of a teaching worker. Joint activities of teaching staff in the classroom, class teacher, parents and students in the prevention of neglect and delinquency. State of work of teaching staff in instilling conscious discipline in students (conscious attitude to educational activities, skipping classes, etc.).Figure 4 - The role and place of control in the mechanism of intra-school management. Control is a tool by which the results of employees’ work are recognized. Control is a condition for confident and safe work. Control is a stimulant your progress. Control is considered as the next stage of quality management of the educational process, the effectiveness of which largely determines the adequacy of management decisions made. Such a systematic representation of control as an element of a unified management process allows us to formulate its goals, functions and objectives, requirements for planning, organization and implementation, specific content and forms of control, based on the goals of ensuring high quality of the educational process. Based on the results of the control, the goals and plans for managing the quality of the educational process can be clarified and adjusted. Intra-school control ensures the high-quality work of the school if a comprehensive diagnosis of the teaching staff is carried out annually in order to identify problems in the work of teachers and their educational needs. Diagnostics is the basis for high-quality management of an educational institution. Diagnostics should be aimed at studying and analyzing the state of affairs in an educational institution, identifying (and preventing) certain shortcomings, identifying their causes, and determining ways to eliminate them as quickly as possible. Team diagnostics - important condition, which will provide the management of an educational institution with the information necessary to organize person-oriented control and variable flexible methodological services at school. Only under this condition will intra-school control fulfill its diagnostic, stimulating and educational functions. 1.3 Control requirements In conditions of democratization school life The school administration is not only not freed from control over the educational process, but also becomes, as it were, the main state inspector over the activities of the teaching staff. The requirements for intra-school control are set out in the “Regulations on In-School Control” (Appendix A). Practice shows that control and analysis carry elements of democracy when the following conditions are met: 1. High competence of school leadership, a sufficient level of its ideological, scientific and theoretical training, creative work of the school leader as a subject teacher, thorough knowledge of pedagogy, didactics, private methods, age and educational psychology, teacher psychology, theories and methods of education, the ability to correctly evaluate the work of teachers.2. Public nature of control: involvement in inspections the best teachers schools, leaders of methodological associations and creative groups.3. Transparency and objectivity of control are essential conditions for providing information to the teaching staff and controlled persons; at the same time, transparency becomes a prerequisite for regulation and correction of the educational process.4. The presence of an organic relationship between control and a deep and comprehensive analysis of the objects being checked, pedagogical phenomena, the activities of the teacher and students, ultimate goal which is the adoption of pedagogical and management decisions, as well as forecasting the further development of the process being studied or individual parties of this process. When improving internal school control, it is necessary to keep in mind: * the focus of control on the quality of final results and rational ways to achieve them; * increasing the independence of all levels of school work through their autonomy (transfer of powers to departments, methodological associations, etc.) and increasing everyone's responsibility for the quality of the final results; stimulating the transition of autonomous structures, as well as individual teachers, to self-control and self-assessment in combination with monitoring of final results by school leaders; * the creation in each school of a system of intra-school control, providing for control of all components that ensure stabilization, transfer of the school to development mode or its functioning in this mode; * development and constant accumulation of scientifically based programs for collecting information, where the purpose of verification, theoretical approaches, assessment parameters, observation program and methods for processing results are clearly formulated. 1.3.1 Disadvantages in the organization of in-school control Intra-school control ensures high-quality work of the school if the following shortcomings are absent::Control is not always aimed at the final result. It happens that a lot of inspections seem to have been carried out at school: lessons were attended, tests were carried out, and conversations were held with teachers and children, but in reality there is no control, because the inspections missed the mark. There is no system visible in the organization of internal school control: the choice of control objects is random and does not reveal the administration’s ability to identify the main, priority areas of the team’s activities and focus on them. With such an organization of control, it is typical to attend a significant number of lessons, but with different teachers, which does not allow one to form a systematic idea of ​​​​the work. Insufficiently thought-out planning of in-school control (not all areas are taken under control or are checked haphazardly). Some managers excessively regulate the activities of teachers, without sufficient there are grounds for giving ill-considered recommendations regarding the forms and methods of work of teachers, without taking into account their creative potential and pedagogical style, they strive to show that “we are not cut out either.” This is how a unified thematic planning is imposed on teachers (at “my” discretion), they are forced to rewrite it from methodological journals (when only correction is required). The level of knowledge, skills and abilities is not studied enough, the results, which are recorded as a set of marks, are not analyzed, the reasons for the gaps are not established. in the knowledge of students. The teacher is perceived not as a subject, but as an object of control, therefore, the analysis uses a monologue type of communication. There is often no analysis, no conclusions. If the analysis is late, then the visiting notebook cannot be used, since the lesson (its course and content) cannot be reconstructed from the notes kept there. But if there is a lesson observation program (recording/analysis sheet), where conclusions are drawn based on the implementation of the goals and results of the lesson, then you can help the teacher in his work. 1.4 Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of in-school control Control plays a big role in improving the quality of the educational process in any pedagogical system. When it comes to control, there can be no trifles. Controlling people's work is a very delicate matter: by controlling, you can increase the initiative of workers, but you can also dampen it. Skillful, effective control is a whole science. Effective determination of methods of intra-school control is possible only on the basis of clarifying the degree of influence of previously taken and ongoing actions, on the basis of the introduction of achievements from the field of psychological and pedagogical theory and practice. And also on the basis of objectivity. “To avoid subjectivity in assessing a teacher’s work,” G.V. notes in his work. Elnikov, - one must rely not only on a sufficient number of facts, but also take into account the conditions in which he works, as well as his capabilities. Objective assessments exclude biased or condescending attitudes towards individual employees.” To ensure psychological and pedagogical conditions for effectiveness, intra-school control must be carried out in stages. Let us briefly describe these stages. The mobilization stage includes a clear definition of the goal and objects of control. The teaching staff promptly gets acquainted with the tasks of control, methods of its implementation and their responsibilities, what is required to achieve the goal, what parameters are important to be guided in the process of solving it. Experimental stage. Involves the inclusion of teachers in various types creative work according to a given program. Final clarifying stage. The previously received information is received, analyzed, and the degree of formation is clarified. specific skills students. The activity forecasting stage requires inclusion additional information into the experimental program, teachers’ focus on understanding it, as well as ensuring the relationship between leadership, mutual control and self-control in the process of predicting search. Teachers are thinking about new methods of influencing students in order to more successfully train and educate them. This approach to organizing and implementing intra-school control can rightfully be considered as a dynamic process in which a creative teacher is involved in a constant search for the most effective means of influencing students. It is important, as V.I. notes. Zatvyazinsky and the fact that the final clarifying stage in the control system helps to carry out constant correction of teachers’ activities, and the predictive one directs them to constant creative search. The effectiveness of control is, first of all, improving the quality of the teacher’s educational work and the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities students. Control over a lesson is not an end in itself, but a pedagogical necessity put forward by the very essence of the educational process, the state of affairs, its results in this or that class, with this or that teacher. Teachers do not like checks and inspectors. This happens when the inspection does not bring any tangible benefit to the teacher, and the inspectors themselves are not ready for the inspection, analysis and qualified recommendations to the teacher. The main, fundamentally important essence of the psychological and pedagogical effectiveness of intra-school control is to give deep analysis reasons for success or failure, check to help the teacher. To achieve best results in teaching and upbringing, you need to deeply know all the strengths and weaknesses in the conduct of lessons by each school teacher in order to actively intervene in the process of teaching and upbringing. At the core effective verification The quality of teaching lessons accounts for 80-90 percent of the total time spent by the school administration on internal school control. School begins with a lesson, and a teacher begins with a lesson, educating the student as more than just a carrier a certain amount knowledge, but also as a citizen. During the school year, the deputy director is required to attend 180-200 lessons. Of the many tasks of effective intra-school control, it is first necessary to highlight the most important, the most significant, the ones that most actively influence, in a positive or negative sense, the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, and their development good manners, quality of lessons and fulfillment of requirements government programs. Each school has its own specifics, its own characteristics and, consequently, control goals. However, there are also aspects of the organization and methodology of the lesson that are inherent to a greater or lesser extent in any teaching staff, for example, studying the work of the lesson system of a teacher who has achieved high performance in work to reveal the secrets of his successes and disseminate them in the team, making the success of one the property of all. But the object of study can also be the lessons of a teacher who has not yet achieved high results, although he spends no time less effort. The system of work of such a teacher is studied for another purpose: to find a set of reasons that interfere with achieving high results and determine ways to eliminate them. Before going to class, the deputy director must study explanatory notes to the program, get acquainted with the material covered in the previous lesson and homework in the class magazine, study or review lesson developments on this topic. If the teacher and deputy director are psychologically and methodologically ready to analyze the lesson after its completion, then this is the most optimal option. If there are limiting factors (the teacher is excited, the deputy director needs to consult with specialists, there is not enough time), then you can postpone the conversation for 2-3 days. But it is imperative to give the teacher a brief, evaluative analysis of the lesson. With all the varieties of forms and methods of studying the teacher’s activities, special importance must be given to preventing shortcomings in the teacher’s work, the so-called preventive control. Let the teacher show what he is capable of, what his potential capabilities are. Let the teacher’s lessons become better, more effective, and the students’ knowledge stronger and deeper. This is where the effectiveness of intra-school control lies. The teacher must prepare psychologically and mobilize himself to work in the presence of an outsider. The deputy director also monitors the quality of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities. He conducts this test directly in class. The main attention is paid to how the students learned the material and what the teachers taught them. Personal testing of students' knowledge and skills by the deputy director is the most important element in the effectiveness of intra-school control, because only in this case can reliable information be obtained about the real results of the educational process. The level of knowledge, its awareness, accuracy and effectiveness is the main criterion in assessing the work of teachers. When planning a test of students’ knowledge, the deputy director must clearly define the purpose, content and methods of testing, set deadlines, think through the plan and content of the test, and also familiarize teachers with the terms of the test, must evaluate the objectivity of the teacher’s knowledge and its compliance with the established program standards for assessments, assessment of students’ knowledge of individual topics, sections of the program, the availability of objectivity of data for issuing final quarter marks to students. Next, you should find out what the system for testing and assessing students’ knowledge is, the methods and techniques of the teacher used when checking the quality of knowledge, the reasons for the low quality of knowledge of individual students, establish how the teacher works in the lesson with low-performing students to prevent and eliminate gaps in knowledge, how are organized additional classes, mutual assistance in studies. According to the fair remark of A.E. Kapto, “effective, targeted intra-school control has a positive effect on improving the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, as well as strengthening the teacher’s responsibility for the productivity of his work.” An important psychological and pedagogical condition for organizing intra-school control is the skillful diagnostic work of the deputy director of the school. Diagnostics should become the connecting link between the content and effectiveness of the activities of all participants in the educational process. In internal school control, diagnostics // performs the following // functions. Analytical. This is a psychological and pedagogical analysis of the educational process at all levels of its structural organization. pedagogical system. In contrast to the controlling function, which is aimed only at identifying shortcomings, analytic function identifies cause-and-effect relationships in the educational process, between the results and conditions of learning. Proper diagnostic. This is a psychological and pedagogical study of the student’s training, education and development, as well as the level of professional competence of the teacher. Evaluation. This is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the activities of the school administration, each teacher and student. Correctional. This is a didactic correction of the teaching and educational process and a psychological and pedagogical correction of the teacher’s own activity towards self-development (one should remember and take into account that the entire system of positive values ​​lies not outside the teacher, but within him). Orientation. This is the orientation of the teaching staff towards solving the goals and objectives of the school, towards eliminating those “pain points” that occur in the life of the entire team and individual teachers. Informational. This is constant information from all participants in the pedagogical process about positive results pedagogical diagnostics. Diagnostic work with the teaching staff allows you to predict the prospects for professional growth of the teacher, see the strengths and weaknesses in the work of the teacher in order to create a correction system, form pedagogical culture and skill of the teacher, promote the growth and improvement of the teacher’s methodological culture, stimulate the quality of work of methodological associations educational institution. A successful teacher is always focused on self-analysis and self-diagnosis. In order for diagnostic research in working with teachers to be effective, the deputy director, together with the psychological service, needs to determine a package of diagnostic techniques with a long-term perspective. The structure of diagnostics of internal school control // consists of // three // main // components. Setting diagnostic goals and objectives. At every moment of pedagogical activity, the deputy director deals with a hierarchy of goals and objectives, the range of which covers both general goals (goals of the school, education system, society) and operational tasks. Pedagogical methods and means of solving problems using diagnostic techniques. When choosing means and methods pedagogical influences The deputy director should be primarily focused on the teacher, on stimulating his moral, emotional and intellectual development. At the same time, the key idea is to develop the activity and independence of the teaching staff. When organizing the activities of teachers, the deputy director should build management not as direct influence, but as the transfer of those grounds from which the teacher could independently derive his decisions. The main principles of self-realization of the deputy director are emotional and personal openness, a psychological attitude towards optimal work with a given teaching staff in order to achieve maximum persuasiveness and expressiveness, the choice and application of methods, organizational forms of interaction with teachers that facilitate the learning process, a positive emotional and psychological climate in the team .Analysis and evaluation of the teacher’s pedagogical actions. Every teacher should strive to correctly evaluate and adjust their work. Therefore, he analyzes errors, misses and pedagogical discoveries, summarizes his experience, draws up and implements a plan for his professional development. The deputy director can use the data obtained as a result of the diagnosis to adjust the plan of intra-school control, to plan educational and problem-solving seminars on how teachers can overcome difficulties in organizing lessons and extracurricular activities. When visiting teachers’ lessons, the deputy director should pay great attention the question of students' attitude to the educational activities of each teacher. Materials from diagnostic studies should become the basis for planning and forecasting of intra-school control and good assistance in organizing annual planning work of the school. Management and control over the organization of the educational process is impossible without properly organized analysis and evaluation of the most important form of the educational process - the lesson. A lesson is a complex psychological and pedagogical process, an act of teacher creativity, which is subject to many different requirements. Analysis and evaluation of the teacher’s work should be based on the study of the entire system of lessons on the topic (system analysis). In practice, it can be very difficult to conduct a system analysis that would cover all aspects of the lesson and the requirements for it. Therefore, partial (aspect, thematic) analysis is often used, which identifies and examines qualities in the lesson that have highest value for these purposes. To analyze and correct indicators of the level of students' learning, it is necessary to monitor the activities of students in the classroom, study the facts that influence the effectiveness of learning. This diagnosis is designed to ensure correct definition educational outcomes and minimizing errors when transferring students from class to class. Using diagnostics, the head of an educational institution identifies educational problems and plans the stages of the educational process. The results of attending lessons with one or more teachers can serve as the basis for conclusions about the activities of teachers of a general education institution in developing general scientific skills in working both with the teaching staff and with each teacher. Teachers, in turn, organize work to develop students’ skills through thematic planning and the development of their own tools for tracking learning outcomes. The head of the school needs to have reliable information about the performance of teachers. By attending lessons, the school leader can analyze the work of teachers in terms of their use of the main categories of educational goals (knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation). The results of the analysis can serve as the basis for drawing conclusions about the work of teachers (reproductive, algorithmic, heuristic, research). 1.5 New control actions to cover the functional areas of the school’s life Currently, there is a desire of schools to supplement the list of traditional control actions with new ones, allowing to cover new functional areas of the life of the school. New types of control actions that implement the content of control are: for control over the educational subsystem: development of control standards: models of a school graduate, models of the results of educational processes , models of social order, plans for the functioning and development of schools, etc.; diagnostics of the state of the educational subsystem of the school; assessment of the state of this subsystem from the point of view of compliance with control standards; analysis of the causes of identified discrepancies and search for ways to overcome them; making decisions on the directions of correction of the educational subsystem of the school or on the need to clarify control standards;

Control - necessary condition For successful implementation any activity. It is designed to identify violations and shortcomings that can negatively affect the expected result of work. It is control that provides feedback between school management and teachers, teachers and children. Thanks to him, it is possible to make the necessary adjustments to the educational process in a timely manner. Let's consider what pedagogical control in school is and how it is organized.

Functions performed

Pedagogical control is an activity during which the state of its compliance with state standards, as well as the level of knowledge, education and development of schoolchildren is examined. The work carried out in this direction performs the following functions:

  1. Pedagogical. Knowing about checks, children are more responsible in their studies.
  2. Diagnostic. The teacher sees the weak and strengths students and their typical mistakes.
  3. Orienting. The teacher identifies shortcomings in his work, sees the individual characteristics of schoolchildren and makes appropriate adjustments.
  4. Preventive. The upcoming control encourages the child to repeat the material covered, preventing its forgetting.
  5. Testing and evaluation. Monitoring the activities of each teacher allows us to identify the level of his vocational training, disadvantages and advantages. The effectiveness of training programs is also assessed.

Control requirements

Any check should not become an end in itself. Identified shortcomings become a signal to make changes in the educational process. There are a number of requirements for organizing pedagogical control:

  1. Focus on the requirements of approved programs.
  2. The objectivity of the supervisor and the reliability of the results.
  3. Assessment of not only the level of theoretical knowledge of schoolchildren, but also the ability to apply it in practice, the degree of independence.
  4. Systematic and timely control, publicity of results.
  5. The use of both collective and individual forms.

Systematic verification of learning outcomes includes:

  • Preliminary control. It is held at the beginning of the next school year and reveals the readiness of both teachers and students for the upcoming classes. The level of development of schoolchildren is assessed at at the moment, gaps in knowledge over the past year.
  • Current control. It involves constant monitoring of the effectiveness of individual stages of training and identification of shortcomings.
  • Thematic control. It is carried out in order to consolidate and generalize a voluminous topic.
  • Final control. It is an assessment of the performance of the teacher and students during a quarter or the entire school year.
  • Final control. Certification of the student, based on the results of which a certificate of graduation is issued.

Forms of control over the activities of teachers

The school administration must receive reliable and timely information about how things are going in the educational institution. Pedagogical control is effective way monitor the activities of teachers, evaluate the effectiveness of their impact on the class, an individual student or an entire parallel.

For this, the following forms of control are used:

  • Personal. Observation of an individual teacher or student.
  • Cool-summarizing. Monitoring the activities of all teachers working with a particular class.
  • Subject-generalizing. It involves studying the results of teachers’ work in the chosen discipline.
  • Survey. A detailed study of a separate issue (the state of internal school documentation, the technical equipment of classrooms, etc.).
  • Complex and generalizing. Control over and education in parallel classes.

The methods used are observation, detailed analysis of classes, timing, conversations with the exchange of opinions, study of documentation, questionnaires, knowledge testing, both oral and written.

Forms of monitoring children’s learning of educational material

In order to put into practice the tasks set by state standards, it is necessary to check not only the organization of the learning process, but also the results obtained. Students' knowledge and skills are monitored regularly. The following forms of pedagogical control are used:

  • Frontal. In writing or orally The knowledge of the entire class is tested.
  • Group. The teacher surveys or gives a collective task to a certain part of the class.
  • Individual. It involves studying the knowledge of one student, often carried out at the blackboard.
  • Combined. A combination of several types of control, when the class performs a common task, while some children receive individual cards. At the same time, the teacher calls the students for an oral questioning or solving a problem at the blackboard.
  • Mutual control. Children check the written work of their classmates.
  • Self-control. The child learns to see his mistakes by comparing his work with a model, analyze the reasons for their occurrence, and work to eliminate gaps.

Methods of pedagogical control

There are several ways to test students' knowledge and skills. Traditionally, the school uses the following methods:

  • Oral survey, involving students answering the teacher’s questions and commenting on them.
  • Written test, which takes the form tests, essays, abstracts, dictations, drawings, written tests, presentations, etc.
  • Laboratory control, during which children demonstrate the ability to use measuring instruments and conduct experiments.
  • Practical control. It involves checking the development of educational skills. Includes research projects, drawing up maps of the area, demonstrating motor skills in physical education, labor, and drawing lessons.
  • Testing, when children are offered short, standardized tasks based on the material they have studied.
  • Machine control, which involves the use of computer programs and has a high degree of objectivity.

Control and physical education

The goal of the school is not only the intellectual development of children, but also the improvement of their physical qualities and the promotion of health. It is necessary that the methods used, the load in lessons and competitions correspond to the functional state of the child’s body.

For this purpose, the following types of pedagogical control are used:

  • Preliminary, during which conclusions are drawn about physical fitness schoolchildren and their health status.
  • Operational, involving tracking of well-being, breathing, pulse and other indicators throughout the lesson.
  • Current, determining the body’s reaction to the received load after the end of the lesson.
  • Staged, measuring the development of physical qualities in schoolchildren during one quarter. The total effect of training is assessed.
  • Final, determining the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the annual plan. Serves as the basis for drawing up a program for the next academic year.

Among the methods widely used are observation of students, surveys about well-being, control competitions and compliance with standards, timing of classes with the aim of alternating loads and rest, tracking physical readings (lung capacity, pulse, weight).

Control over the educational process

School, according to educational standards, is responsible for comprehensive development children. Pedagogical control is an opportunity to monitor the effectiveness of not only the educational process, but also the educational process.

In this case, the following are assessed:

  • education of schoolchildren;
  • work of class teachers;
  • involving parents in the education process;
  • quality of organization of school-wide holidays and events;
  • holding sports competitions and competitions;
  • circle work for the purpose of additional education;
  • preventive work with “difficult”, pedagogically neglected students.

The school management regularly visits cool watch, festive events to observe the process of education. Conversations are held with students and parents. Class teachers submit reports on the work done. All this makes it possible to change the methods of influencing schoolchildren in a timely manner, to train teachers in the necessary techniques and methods of education, and in some cases, to attract outside specialists.

Monitoring the level of education of students

The main work of educating schoolchildren falls on the shoulders of the class teacher. It is impossible to evaluate its effectiveness without receiving feedback.

Pedagogical control in education involves the use of the following methods:

  • Monitoring children during various types activities.
  • A conversation during which the teacher reveals the degree of moral awareness of students, their attitude to various norms and rules.
  • Psychological survey.
  • Analysis of the work of the class activist and the degree of participation of schoolchildren in socially useful events.
  • Inclusion of students in specially created situations that allow identifying the level of development of moral qualities.

Pedagogical control is a measure that allows one to evaluate the progress of the educational process and its effectiveness. Without it, it is impossible to realize the goals set by the state to educate a harmonious personality.


Butabaeva N.P.


Tashkent - 2007

Reviewers: Lomukhina V.I. – director of school No. 210 in Tashkent

Mirzoeva L.V. – Deputy Director for educational work of school No. 101 in Tashkent

Scientific editor: Yuldashev H.K. – Rector of TGIPPKPE, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Release Officer: Umronkhodzhaev A. – candidate

Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

The manual contains teaching materials on the organization of intra-school control.

The pedagogical activities of any school are characterized by comprehension of the accumulated work experience, the search for new ideas, reaching a higher level of pedagogical excellence in the organization of educational and educational activities, the emergence and dissemination in the pedagogical, parental, and managerial environment of a new understanding of the values ​​of education, when education becomes a priority in the life of the younger generation.

The Law “On Education” and the National Personnel Training Program were a guide to action in the development and improvement of public education in Uzbekistan. Work in this direction intensified even more after the adoption of the “State National Program for the Development of School Education for 2004-2009,” which provides for a radical improvement of the entire school education system that meets the most modern requirements.

And one of the levers for such development in each specific school is the apparatus of intra-school control (ISC).

HSC is a system that allows you to manage, control and optimize the educational process.

VShK is a complex control system, because includes the relationship between the administration, the team of teachers, and the team of students.

The purpose of this methodological development is the assessment of the following concepts:

 Efficiency of HSC.

 Organization of the administration’s work in this direction.

 Organization of the teacher’s work.

 Motivating aspects of a teacher’s activity.

 Forms and methods of intra-school control.

 Psychological climate of teaching and student teams.

 Efficiency of the educational process.

 Planning of in-school control.

Conditions for the effectiveness of HSC

Every school leader constantly needs a clear idea of ​​how the school is developing, what the development trends are, and how the educational process is improving (or not improving). In other words, we need constant analysis, constant feedback, awareness of all areas of the team’s life and activities. Such information - reliable, complete - can only be obtained with the help of well-established intra-school control based on diagnostics.

Diagnostics – the basis for quality management of an educational institution.

Diagnostics should be aimed at studying and analyzing the state of affairs in an educational institution, identifying (and preventing) certain shortcomings, identifying their causes, and determining ways to eliminate them as quickly as possible.

Team diagnostics – an important condition that will provide the management of an educational institution with the information necessary to organize student-oriented control and variable flexible methodological services at school. Only under this condition will intra-school control fulfill its diagnostic, stimulating and educational functions.

There are a number of principles that make the control process effective:

 regularity and absence of unexpected control procedures;

 refusal of various forms of hidden control;

 identifying not only shortcomings, but also controlled successes;

 communicating control results to subordinates;

 respect for employees during the control process;

 the importance of subordinates accepting control and their knowledge of how their work can be improved.

Unfortunately, most often control is focused on identifying shortcomings, which causes psychological discomfort for the employee. This can lead to severe overstrain of the teacher and cause a feeling of resistance. As a result, control not only does not contribute to the improvement of work, but is a demotivating factor.

To prevent this from happening, you must adhere to the following conditions:

 the results expected by management are clearly defined and known to every teacher;

 the results correspond to the capabilities of teachers who do not doubt their abilities;

 in the educational institution there are the necessary organizational, material, technical and other conditions sufficient to achieve the expected results, which teachers have no doubt about;

 achieving the expected results does not require excessive stress from teachers;

 in the organization there are well-known rewards for achieving results;

 these rewards provide value to performers;

 the control system will provide an objective assessment of the results of work, and every teacher is confident in this;

 the results of each teacher are known within the team;

 the status of a teacher depends on how he works;

 teachers do not doubt the fairness of the distribution of rewards, since they correspond to the results of work.

Evaluation of work will be meaningful and attractive for the teacher if he is confident in its fairness and in the realistic requirements. Too much high demands may be perceived as completely unattainable, while too low may hinder the feeling of success.

The results of control will be perceived as fair if teachers who achieve equal results are assessed equally. In this case, the standards or evaluation criteria must be sufficiently justified and previously agreed upon with the team.

Fairness of control is also achieved by substantiating and reasoning the evaluative judgments of the inspector; recognition that the teacher has his own position in assessing the results of his work; respectful and friendly attitude towards the person being controlled.

Requirements to ensure effective control.

The manager exercising control must himself have high competence, culture, i.e. have high scientific and theoretical training, focus on the latest psychological and pedagogical achievements, and professional development of school development.

When carrying out control, adhere to it yourself and demand this from other inspectors following ethical rules:

 honesty, clarity, consistency and objectivity in the analysis and presentation of judgments and opinions based on the results of performance assessment;

 striving for accuracy and respect for evidence;

 reliability of the stated facts;

 politeness, openness and impartiality when discussing issues with participants in the educational process and officials;

 respectful attitude to the proposals of the heads of educational authorities and educational institutions on objects of inspection and deadlines for work;

 understanding the characteristics of the educational institution, as well as respect for the interests, public authority and position of individuals and groups;

 assessment of performance results is carried out taking into account indicators of priority areas and correlating them with government policy in the field of education;

 recognition that the interests and well-being of students are the highest priority educational policy states;

 respectful attitude and confidence in the integrity of managers, teachers, students, parents and government representatives;

 understanding how seriously the inspector’s expressed opinion affects everyone affected by it;

 the actions of the inspector are determined job description, including his rights and obligations, within the framework of the balance of powers and responsibilities, indicating a specific check.

Control should end with the formulation of proposals for improving the work of those being inspected, and, if necessary, with proposals for providing them with assistance. And the positive achievements found should also become the property of the team, the public, through the dissemination of best practices, examples of the best examples of work in order to improve the entire educational process.

Ineffective controls (what control should not be):

 not aimed at the final result;

 without a system, i.e. irregular control, which has the nature of a random phenomenon;

total control, which inherently frees teachers from personal responsibility for the results of one’s labor, gives rise to negligence;

 hidden control (through “snitches”), which causes frustration, as it serves as an indicator of a lack of trust;

 control “for show”, showing that the manager does not care whether the teacher achieves success or not;

 control, where the teacher is perceived as an object of control, and not as a subject of joint activity;

 you cannot control only your favorite area - you get used to it;

 control should not be limited to incidents (according to special occasions);

 suppression of conclusions from control results; control results are fruitless if they do not become the subject of discussion.

And so that control encourages teachers to improve themselves and efficient work, the manager needs to use special rules :

 ensure that control procedures are carried out dear people;

 emphasize the significance of the work of the teacher being tested for the entire educational institution;

 try to identify not only the shortcomings, but also the successes of teachers;

 respect the opinion of the person being inspected, avoid “showdowns”;

 evaluate performance results according to criteria agreed with the team;

 create a positive emotional mood in the teacher, avoid irritation, feelings of resentment, and the desire to “settle scores” for any sins of the person being tested;

 discuss with the teacher the necessary changes in his work;

 instill in the teacher confidence in his own abilities.

In-school control :

  • this is a motivated stimulating process, the purpose of which is to remove the difficulties of participants in the educational process, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of their joint activities;

  • this is observation, study, verification, monitoring, collection and processing of information, its analysis, systematization, identifying the state of the system in order to further improve activities.
Goals :

 providing methodological assistance in order to improve and develop professional skills;

 interaction between the administration and the teaching staff, focused on improving the pedagogical process;

 a system of relationships, goals, principles, measures, means and forms in their interrelation.

Principles :

 scientific character;  goodwill;

 relevance;  mutual respect;

 planning;  mutual enrichment;

 openness;  comparative analytical approach;

 methodological orientation.

Objects of control :

  1. The state of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the successful operation of the school.

  2. The state of the educational process.

  3. The state of extracurricular educational work.

  4. State of financial and economic activity.

  5. The quality and efficiency of teachers’ work (quality of teaching, implementation of state curricula, growth of professional skills as a result of advanced training and self-education, methodological work).

  6. The quality and efficiency of students’ work (attendance at classes, academic performance; quality of knowledge, skills, development of moral qualities).

  7. Quality of work of service personnel, etc.
Each of the listed objects represents a complex pedagogical division and can be divided into smaller elements.

Each of these objects has its own specific characteristics in terms of organization and content of work, and therefore has some independence. But at the same time, they are all closely interconnected and, taken together, constitute a single system and structure of intra-school control.

Organization of internal school control :

  1. Determination of control goals and objectives.

  2. Object detection

  3. Determining the range of issues requiring study.

  4. Determination of control periods.

  5. Identification of areas, distribution of their responsibilities.

  6. Determination of forms and methods of control.

  7. Definition of types of summing up.

  8. Preparation of the final document (analytical report, order, resolution, etc.).

  9. Determining the timing of verification of the implementation of proposals and recommendations.
Control stages :

I. Preparatory:

 planning;

 choice of type and shape;

 selection of methods;

 setting deadlines;

 study of literature;

 group formation;

 briefing.

II. Diagnostic (practical):

  1. tests, tests, cut-offs on:
 reproductive level;

 reconstructive level;

 creative level.

2. Gathering information, observation, interview, studying documentation, attending classes.

3. Questioning of students and parents.

III. Analytical:

 analysis and systematization of information;

 conversation with teachers.

IV. Final stage:

 formulation of conclusions;

 providing methodological assistance;

 coordination of proposals;

 summing up the results of control.

Distribution of responsibilities between school leaders when exercising control

For the correct implementation of intra-school control, a clear, thoughtful distribution of responsibilities between managers is required in order to prevent impersonality, duplication and cover all levels of control. Distribution of responsibilities is one of the primary tasks proper organization labor. When the school does not pay due attention to this, the clarity and rhythm of control is disrupted, unnecessary duplication and contradictions appear in the assessment of the activities of the same teacher, and certain areas of work remain uncontrolled. All this ultimately leads to a decrease in labor discipline and quality of work.

What should be the starting point in solving such a complex issue? Firstly, from the responsibilities of leaders as defined by the Secondary School Charter; secondly, from the entire volume of intra-school control; thirdly, from the best practices of schools. On this basis, we can propose the following approximate distribution of responsibilities, which is indicative, since the specifics of the school and the quantitative composition of the administration should be taken into account.

The school principal controls :

● the work of administrative and managerial personnel - deputies for educational work, deputy director for spiritual and educational work; housekeeping assistant;

● implementation of internal regulations, sanitary and hygienic conditions, labor protection and safety regulations in accordance with labor legislation;

● ideological and political orientation of teaching subjects and the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. In this case, the following distribution is practiced: if one of the leaders is a specialist in the subjects of the mathematical cycle, and the second is a specialist in the humanities, then each of them takes control of the work of teachers of the corresponding cycle;

● implementation of the law “On universal education”; Law “On Public Education”; Law “On the National Personnel Training Program”; content and organization of extracurricular and extracurricular activities;

● implementation of decisions of the pedagogical council;

● work on issues of self-education for teachers;

● activities of class teachers;

● fulfillment of uniform pedagogical requirements for students;

● organization of educational work in extended day groups;

● safety of the school’s educational and material resources;

● student behavior;

● organizing and conducting career guidance work;

● maintaining school records;

● the work of the method of combining objects of a controlled cycle;

● library work;

● organization and implementation of duty at school;

● the state of military-patriotic work in school;

● pedagogical leadership of school government;

● organizing and carrying out work among parents, including organizing pedagogical propaganda at school and at sponsoring enterprises;

● financial and economic activities;

● the school’s activities to attract extra-budgetary funds, in accordance with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 414 of September 3, 1999.

The Deputy Director for Educational Work supervises :

● the state of educational work at school;

● the work of subject teachers of a controlled cycle;

● the state of student achievement, the quality of their knowledge, skills, and attendance;

● the work of class teachers on issues of students’ educational activities;

● dosage homework;

● organization of educational work in classrooms in controlled subjects;

● fulfillment of uniform pedagogical requirements for students, implementation of the training schedule;

● implementation of state programs and the prescribed minimum of practical, laboratory, training and control work, conducting excursions;

● work of subject methodological associations;

● the procedure for maintaining class registers, student notebooks and other school documentation;

● organizing and conducting extracurricular activities;

● educational work in extended day groups;

● the work of a librarian on organizational issues extracurricular reading by subject;

● monitoring;


● the deputy director for educational work instructs and consults teachers on issues of educational activities, self-education, teachers and class teachers on the issues of drawing up plans, reports and maintaining class journals and student work;

Deputy Director for Spiritual and Educational Work harmonious education younger generation :

● organizing and conducting educational work at school;

● activities of class teachers on issues of conducting extracurricular work with students, implementation of educational work plans;

● the work of leaders of various circles, sections, studios, etc.;

● extracurricular educational work carried out by teachers;

● students visiting clubs, studios, sections, etc.;

● the work of those responsible for the preparation and conduct of individual school-wide public events;

● radio programs, content of school-wide wall newspapers;

● the work of great political informants;

● educational work in extended day groups;

● organizing, conducting and recording socially useful activities of students;

● mass sports, tourism and local history work;

● controls the work of youth organizations “Kamolot”, “Kamalak”;

● controls the activities of organizers of children's leisure;

● leads the work of methodological associations of class teachers, instructs and advises class teachers, teachers of extended day groups and teachers on issues of extracurricular and out-of-school educational work with students, invited specialists and parents to carry out educational work with students;

The organizer of school leisure activities supervises the work of the youth movement “Kamolot”, “Kamalak”, organizes the work of leaders and heads the leadership council.

Forms and methods of intra-school control

How to organize control over the state of teaching subjects so that it is not random? What forms of control should I choose? Unsystematic, ill-considered visits to lessons represent superficial observations of the pedagogical process. Control should be determined by the need for it.

When thinking through the organization of control, some managers seek to establish a priority in studying the state of teaching academic subjects. In this regard, in the first quarter they test some subjects, and the second - others, etc. For others, control is built without taking into account any principles and is a sum of disparate activities. Still others strive for uneven daily class attendance. At first glance, this doesn't seem bad. But there are also disadvantages. The head of the school attends the lessons of different teachers every day for a month and does not devote as much time to any of them as is required for a comprehensive study of the teacher’s work. The noted approaches to organizing intra-school control do not meet the requirements of today. Taking into account the current level of the educational process, school leaders should strive to achieve continuity in the scientific and methodological growth of the entire teaching staff of the school. The new academic year should be a continuation of the past in improving the pedagogical skills of each member of the team and, consequently, in improving the quality of the entire educational process at school.

Maintaining continuity should become the principle of leadership of the teaching staff and serve as the basis for selecting a system of management tools. The system of management tools, first of all, should include a combination of various forms of control that will help managers obtain comprehensive information about the state of affairs in the school. The form of control is an important aspect in organizing the management of the educational process. Which of them should be considered more rational and why?

Each form of control, first of all, must have a purpose and help prevent possible errors in the teacher’s activities at different stages of educational work. Correctly chosen forms of control will help the manager obtain complete and comprehensive information about the state of educational work at the school.

The following forms of intra-school control can be identified:

 overview;

 preliminary;

 personal (longer monitoring of the work of one teacher);

 thematic;

 frontal;

 class-generalizing control.

All these forms are interconnected and complement each other, but each of them has its own specific features. Common to all forms is the staged implementation of intra-school control. Each check, regardless of its purpose, must be carried out in a certain sequence, namely: the preparatory stage, collecting the necessary information, analyzing the collected information and discussing it, checking the execution of instructions. All stages are interconnected, and each of them is based on the previous one. For example, without preliminary preparation for collecting information, control cannot be targeted, and, therefore, this information cannot be given a deep pedagogical analysis. If you collect and analyze information without taking specific measures and checking execution, you will end up with a simple statement of facts.

I. Overview control allows the leader to find out at what professional level the entire teaching staff begins the school year; if it is large in composition, then some part of it, especially the one that worries the leader; whether everything that the entire team worked on over the past year has become part of practice. It is rational to use this form of control at the beginning of the school year. Some teachers attended advanced training courses, others received specific tasks from the head of the school before going on leave to work independently in order to improve their teaching skills. Naturally, leaders are concerned about what’s new in the work of each of these teachers. What potential opportunities will they enter the new school year with?

As a result of review control, the administration, on the one hand, can see everything new and advanced in work practice, on the other hand, outline specific measures to assist teachers in need and use such forms as preliminary and personal controls for these purposes. The activities of working with individual teachers can be different: a quarter, a half-year, a year, it all depends on the success of each. But control itself in these cases is determined by necessity.

Review control is also used at the end of the third or at the very beginning of the fourth quarter. What is being checked in this case? Let's say that over the course of a year the team resolved a certain set of issues in order to improve the quality of educational work at school. For example, the following topics were developed: 1. Ways to activate cognitive activity students in class. 2. Forms and methods of working with strong and weak students in class and outside of class time and methods of organizing this work.

These issues were discussed throughout the year at production meetings, pedagogical councils, methodological associations, and open lessons were held on the topics. Of course, every manager is interested in whether these issues are reflected in the practical activities of the entire team or some part of it.

As a rule, the results of control are discussed at the final pedagogical council. It is noted in detail what has been achieved and what still needs to be done on these issues in the new year and by whom exactly. Specific events are planned.

This form of control is intended only for school leaders and takes 15-20 days. It is organized as follows. The deputy director for educational work draws up a schedule for teachers and the director to attend lessons.

This form of control can also be used by a newly appointed manager. In this case, it allows him, to some extent, to get acquainted with the work of the entire team, both in class and outside of class time, and to get a general idea of ​​the state of educational work at school.

So, review control is used:

 at the beginning of the school year, when the head sets the task of seeing at what professional level the whole team or part of it is starting the school year, what new things have appeared in the work of each teacher;

 at the end of the school year, when the leader seeks to determine how fully the issues that the entire team worked on throughout the year were embodied in the practical work of all or part of the teachers;

 by the newly appointed head for the purpose of general acquaintance with the state of the educational process at the school.

II. Preliminary control allows the leader to get acquainted with the construction of a lesson or series of lessons on any topic from a particular teacher, according to lesson or thematic plans, preliminarily discuss to what extent these lessons meet the requirements of today, and, if necessary, provide the help you need. The purpose of preliminary control is to prevent possible errors in the teacher’s work before conducting a lesson or studying a topic.

In practice, this form of control is used in working with teachers who are beginning or newly arrived to a given teaching staff. Taking care that a newly arrived or novice teacher gets involved in the rhythm of work chosen in a given teaching team as quickly as possible, the head of the school can begin his control over his activities by becoming familiar with the lesson plan.

The manager focuses special attention on the following:

 has the teacher thought through the production? cognitive task in order to increase interest in the material being studied and enhance the mental activity of students;

 how, when developing a topic or part of it, previously acquired knowledge by students is used in order to deepen and develop it in the process of learning new things;

 how the teacher builds a presentation of new material: through descriptive or demonstrative explanation, the use of interactive teaching methods;

 how successfully worked by the teacher educational material from life observations, fiction or popular science literature, in order to form conscious ideas and concepts;

 does the teacher, in the process of presenting the material, strive to lead his students to independent conclusions and generalizations;

 what diverse and effective forms of work with students does the teacher use in order to enhance their cognitive activity;

 what modern technologies used by the teacher in the classroom to develop students’ independent thinking;

 is the training educational in nature;

 to what extent the homework is thought out and whether it aims students at explaining facts or phenomena from the surrounding reality on the basis of acquired knowledge.

Of course, the approach when analyzing lesson or thematic plans may be different, i.e. Other requirements of the educational process may be considered. It all depends on the goals and objectives that the teacher is going to solve during the lesson (whether to present new material, consolidate previously learned material, develop practical skills, etc.). But any lesson plan must be subordinated to the main goals of teaching - the formation of solid knowledge, deep beliefs and the development of independent thinking in students.

A preliminary form of control is also used in the case when the teacher begins to study the most complex topic. Based on the results of the past year, the leader knows that students have poorly mastered it, since teachers have not thought through effective ways to study this topic. In order to prevent last year’s mistakes, the director invites several teachers teaching this subject in this parallel and the head of the methodological association for a preliminary discussion of this topic, proposes to develop it, including work of a training and control nature, and be sure to discuss and approve the development at the methodological association. It is important that the methodological association not only be involved in the development of the topic, but also be responsible for its quality. The developed topic is submitted to the supervisor for approval before studying it in class. In this case, through preliminary control, the leader seeks not only to prevent possible errors, but also to influence the teacher’s work efficiency.

The same form of control is used by the leader when working with young and inexperienced teachers who do not yet know how to deeply think through and correctly plan a lesson based on the specifics of the class. How can I help them? The leader invites them to a conversation on the lesson plan of an experienced teacher and shows how a master pedagogical work, based on the specifics, prepares for the lesson: what cognitive material is selected for the lesson and how the teacher links it to life, what teaching techniques and methods the teacher uses and why he considers them appropriate in this case. The structure of the lesson and effective forms of working with students are discussed in detail.

This form of control is also successfully used in extracurricular activities. The manager discusses the progress and content of an event in advance with the responsible persons, makes amendments if necessary, and thereby prevents possible mistakes.

So, the preliminary form of control is aimed at preventing possible errors and is used to influence the effectiveness of the teacher’s work.

III. Personal control(personal-professional) allows the leader to work with an individual teacher for a long time in order to improve his teaching skills. In the practice of managing a teaching staff, there are often cases when, as a result of control, some shortcomings in the work of a teacher are discovered. But for one teacher they are easily eliminated, while for another they are not, and long-term work with such a teacher is required. Basically, a personal form of control is intended to provide effective assistance to a novice or inexperienced teacher.

Let's consider the methodology for organizing personal control. For example, a literature teacher is unable to conduct conversational and generalizing lessons. repeat lessons. He does not know how to involve the whole class in an active conversation. What is the reason? The leader attends lessons together with an experienced teacher. As a result, it is established that the teacher does not know how to create the necessary situation in the lesson; his questions do not awaken independent thought, but are aimed at retelling the content. Hence the sluggish and uninteresting lesson. Students are passive. How to provide effective assistance to a teacher if the leader is not an expert in this subject? First of all, the teacher is asked to figure it out himself and select techniques that will activate the students’ mental activity in the lesson. The teacher is recommended to seek advice from the district or city methodologist and study in detail the necessary literature. Together with an experienced teacher, several lesson plans are developed, lessons are attended experienced teachers. This is the first stage of working with a teacher. The head sets a specific date for re-checking, which he includes in his lesson attendance schedule.

This form of control can be used not only to provide the necessary assistance to the teacher, but also to ensure proper demands on his work. For example: control is established over checking student notebooks, working on mistakes, questioning students, and dosing homework. In this case, the purpose of personal control is to focus the teacher’s attention on where there is a clear deficiency.

Although personal supervision is most often planned in the manager's current work plan, it can be included in general plan. If internal school control is well established, the head knows the weak links in the work of a particular teacher. For example, the teacher does not pay enough attention to weak students. In this regard, the leader includes in the annual plan personal control over how the teacher plans work with the weak and carries it out in the learning process, what is the frequency of questioning the weak, and individual work with them. Usually, the school-wide annual plan includes an inspection of the work of several teachers and, most often, on various issues.

The importance of personal control cannot be overestimated. The success of the entire team depends on the quality of work of each member.

Personal control is designed for long-term work with an individual teacher in improving his professional skills. It can be used not only to assist a novice or inexperienced teacher, but also to achieve the necessary rigor and systematicity in the work of individual teachers on certain issues.


  1. Personal control involves the study and analysis of the teaching activities of an individual teacher.

  2. During personal control, the manager studies:

  • teacher's level of knowledge in the field modern achievements psychological and pedagogical science, professional skills of a teacher;

  • the level of teacher mastery of developmental teaching technologies, the most effective forms, methods and techniques of teaching;

  • teacher performance results and ways to achieve them;

  • ways to improve the professional qualifications of teachers.
3. When exercising personal control, the manager has the right:

  • familiarize yourself with the documentation in accordance with functional responsibilities, work programs (thematic planning, which is drawn up by the teacher for the school year, is considered and approved at a meeting of the methodological association and can be adjusted in the process of work), lesson plans, class magazines, student diaries and notebooks, protocols parent meetings, plans of educational work, analytical materials of the teacher;

  • study the practical activities of school teaching staff through visiting and analyzing lessons, extracurricular activities, clubs, electives, sections;

  • conduct an examination of teaching activities;

  • monitor the educational process with subsequent analysis of the information received;

  • organize sociological, psychological, pedagogical research: surveys, testing of students, parents, teachers;

  • draw conclusions and make management decisions.
4. The teacher being inspected has the right:

  • know the timing of control and criteria for assessing its activities;

  • know the purpose, content, types, forms and methods of control;

  • timely familiarize yourself with the administration’s conclusions and recommendations;

  • contact the conflict commission of the school trade union committee or higher authorities of public education if you disagree with the results.
5. Based on the results of personal monitoring of the teacher’s activities, a certificate is issued.

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