4 3rd millennium BC. IV millennium BC

Egypt is one of ancient states world, and his art is one of the most early deposits into the cultural history of countries Ancient East. The first states in the Nile Valley arose six thousand years ago, at the end of the 4th - beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. e.; they were united into a centralized despotism. By this time belong greatest works ancient egyptian fine arts, architecture, writing and others. Egyptian pyramids, temples with reliefs and paintings, sculptural portraits, developed mythology - all this testified to the great artistic talent of one of ancient peoples peace. It is reflected in the art of Egypt majestic nature. The breath of the desert winds, the ashen color of the sandy plains, the abundance of various types of stone in the depths of the mountains, the thickets of papyrus in the Nile Delta, the flowers of the sacred lotus, etc. largely determined the harsh beauty of the Egyptian

art. Over the centuries it has developed perfect ways images and expressive means with the help of which the complex and majestic image of man was recreated, reflecting the wealth of mythological ideas.

The cultural history of Egypt is divided into five large periods:

  • 1. Predynastic period (4 thousand BC);
  • 2. Ancient kingdom(XXX-XXIII centuries BC);
  • 3. Middle Kingdom (XXI-XVIII centuries BC);
  • 4. New Kingdom (XVI-XI centuries BC)
  • 5. Later time (XI century - 332 BC)
  • 332 - the country was conquered by Alexander the Great and joined the system of the Hellenistic world.

Predynastic period (4th millennium BC)

Traces ancient culture in Egypt belong to the Neolithic period. During the 4th millennium BC. e. clan communities are disintegrating. Separate regions are formed - nomes, at war with each other. Subsequently, they unite into the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. According to the most ancient religious beliefs, each nome had its own patron - a crocodile, ibis, snake, etc., which reflected totemic ideas. Slate tablets for rubbing paints and clay painted smooth vessels associated with funeral rites were found in the burials.

Monuments of art of the 4th millennium BC. e. talk about historical events, about people's beliefs. The changes were caused by the conquest of the North by Southern Egypt and the unification of the country under the rule of the pharaoh. The rules for depicting people and animals in sculpture and painting are established. The images of animals personify the powers of the deified ruler (a mighty lion devouring an enemy; a bull goring a defeated person, etc.); the significance of the pharaoh was emphasized by the size of his image, which was much larger than that of other people (for example, the relief slate slab of Pharaoh Narmer (c. 3000 BC). Techniques for arranging figures on a plane were being developed (wide shoulders turned to the front, legs and head with sharp features - in profile). The composition of the relief is built in horizontal stripes, which is why the content is perceived as a story with strict consistency.

These features subsequently develop into the system of the ancient Egyptian canon with its firm fixation of proportional relationships, iconographic techniques, rhythmic combinations, and interest in the holistic reproduction of the figure.

Ancient Kingdom (XXX - XXIII centuries AD)

Since the 3rd millennium BC. e. (after the unification of Egypt), there is a flourishing of art Ancient Egypt, which reflected the cult of the unlimited power of the pharaoh, who combined his powers with the rank of high priest.

There was a complex mythological system that reflected the earthly hierarchy. The supreme god was Ra, the sun god, and the pharaohs declared themselves the sons of the sun. The deceased pharaoh was identified with Osiris. Osiris is the god of the earth; his veneration was based on ideas about the annually dying and resurrecting forces of nature. Osiris, the Egyptians believed, taught people all arts and crafts. His brother, the god Set, was the embodiment of evil; he killed Osiris. He was resurrected by his wife, the goddess Isis. But Osiris did not return to earth; he became the king of the land of the dead.

According to the beliefs of the Egyptians, man consisted of three elements: the body, the “ka” part and the “ba” part. "Ka" was man's double and his guardian angel. At the same time, he was the guide of the deceased in the next world. The soul of man was "ba" - a bird with a human head.

There was a developed funeral cult. The body of the deceased was embalmed and provided with food and everyday items. Statues of the deceased were created, they seemed to replace the body so that the soul could return to be reunited with its double. Therefore, sculpture gravitated towards accurate portraiture. The architecture of this period was also associated with the funeral cult.

Historical chronology, as is known, is divided into two periods. In the beginning there was a time that contemporaries call the stage BC. It ends with the beginning of the first year. At this time our era began, which before today and lasts. And although today people do not say “AD” when naming the year, it is nevertheless implied.

The first calendars

The process of human evolution created the need to organize dates and times. To the ancient farmer it was necessary to know as accurately as possible what time it was best for him to sow seeds, and the nomadic livestock breeder - when to move to other territories in order to have time to provide his livestock with food.

This is how the very first calendars began to appear. And they were based on observations of celestial bodies and nature. U different nations There were also time calendars that differed from each other. For example, the Romans counted their chronology from the founding of Rome - from 753 BC, while the Egyptians - from the first moment of the reign of each of the pharaonic dynasties. Many religions also created their own calendars. For example, in Islam, a new era begins with the year in which the prophet Muhammad was born.

Julian and Gregorian calendars

In 45 BC, Gaius Julius Caesar founded his calendar. In it, the year began on the first of January and lasted twelve months. This calendar was called the Julian calendar.

The one we use today was introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory the Twelfth. He managed to eliminate some significant inaccuracies that had accumulated since the first. At that time, they amounted to as much as ten days. The difference between Julian and increases by about a day every century, and today it is already thirteen days.

In history, chronology always plays a big role. After all, it is important to imagine in what period of time a significant event in the life of mankind took place, be it the creation of the first tools or the beginning. They say that history without dates is like mathematics without numbers.

Religious form of chronology

Since the beginning of our era is calculated from the year considered the date of the birth of Jesus, in the religious version the corresponding entry is often used: from the Nativity of Christ and before it. There is still no completely accurate historical data about when life appeared on our planet. And only based on religious and historical artifacts can scientists make conclusions about when approximately this or that event occurred. In this case, the years BC are indicated in chronological reverse order.

Zero year

The mention of the division between the time before and after the birth of Christ is associated with a calculation in astronomical notation made according to the integer numbers on the coordinate axis. Year zero is not commonly used in either religious or secular notations. But it is very common in astronomical notation and in ISO 8601, an international standard issued by an organization such as the International Organization for Standardization. It describes the format of dates and times and provides guidelines for their use in an international context.


The concept of “BC” became widespread in chronology after its use by the Venerable Bede, a Benedictine monk. He wrote about it in one of his treatises. And starting from 731, the calculation of time was divided into two periods: before our era and after it. Gradually, almost all countries in Western Europe began to switch to this calendar. The most recent of them was Portugal. This happened on August 22, 1422. Until January 1, 1700, Russia used the chronological calculation of the Constantinople era. The Christian era “from the creation of the world” was taken as the starting point. By by and large, many eras were based on the relationship between the “days of the creation of the world” and the entire duration of its existence. And the Constantinople was created under Constantius, and its chronology was carried out from the first of September 5509 BC. However, since this emperor was not a “consistent Christian,” his name, and at the same time the countdown he compiled, are reluctantly mentioned.

Prehistoric and historical eras

History is prehistoric and historical era. The first of them begins with the appearance of the first person, and ends when writing appeared. The prehistoric era is divided into several time periods. The basis for their classification is archaeological finds. These materials, from which people before our era made tools, the period when they used them, formed the basis for recreating not only the time frame, but also the names of the stages of the prehistoric era.

The historical era consists of the periods of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, as well as New and Modern times. IN different countries they were advancing in different times, so scientists are unable to determine their exact time frame.

It is well known that the new era at the very beginning was not calculated by a continuous count of years, for example, from the first year to, say, the current one. Its chronology began much later, with the date of the Nativity of Christ. It is believed that it was first calculated by a Roman monk named Dionysius the Lesser in the sixth century, that is, more than five hundred years after the dated event. To get the result, Dionysius first counted the date of the Resurrection of Christ, based on church tradition that the Son of God was crucified in the thirty-first year of his life.

The date of his Resurrection, according to the Roman monk, is the twenty-fifth of March 5539 according to the chronology “from Adam”, and the year of the Nativity of Christ, therefore, became 5508 according to the Byzantine era. It must be said that Dionysius’ calculations raised doubts in the West until the fifteenth century. In Byzantium itself they were never recognized as canonical.

From the seventh to the third millennium BC, the planet experienced the Neolithic era - the period of transition from the appropriating form of economy, namely hunting and gathering, to the producing one - agriculture and cattle breeding. Weaving, grinding of stone tools and pottery appeared at this time.

The end of the fourth - the beginning of the first millennium BC: the Bronze Age reigns on the planet. Metal and bronze weapons became widespread, and nomadic cattle breeders appeared. replaced by Iron. At this time, the first and second dynasties ruled in Egypt, uniting the country into a single

In 2850-2450 BC. e. The economic rise of the Sumerian civilization began. From 2800 to 1100 the Aegean, or culture, rises Ancient Greece. Almost at the same time, arose in the Indus Valley Indus civilization, the highest flowering of the kingdom of Troy was observed.

Around 1190 BC e. The powerful Hittite state collapsed. Almost four decades later, the Elamite king captured Babylonia, and the height of his power began.

In 1126-1105 BC. e. The reign of the Babylonian ruler Nebuchadnezzar began. In 331, the first state was formed in the Caucasus. In 327 BC. e. The Indian company of Alexander the Great took place. During this period, many events took place, including the slave uprising in Sicily, the Allied War, the Mithridatic Wars, the campaign against the Parthians, and the reign of Emperor Augustus.

And finally, between the eighth and fourth years BC, Christ was born.

New chronology

Different peoples have always had different concepts of chronology. Each state decided this problem independently, while being guided by both religious and political motives. It was only by the nineteenth century that all Christian states established a single point of reference, which is still used today under the name “our era.” The ancient Mayan calendar, the Byzantine era, the Hebrew chronology, the Chinese - they all had their own date for the creation of the world.

For example, the Japanese calendar began in 660 BC and was updated after each death of the emperor. The Buddhist era will soon enter the year 2484 and the Hindi calendar will enter the year 2080. The Aztecs updated their calendar once every 1454 years, after the death and rebirth of the Sun. Therefore, if their civilization had not perished, today would only be 546 AD for them...

Ancient world map

Before our era, travelers were also interested in the world and drew up drawings of their routes. They transferred them to tree bark, sand or papyrus. The first map of the world appeared many millennia before the new era. It was rock paintings that became one of the first images. While people were exploring the Earth, they became especially interested in ancient maps of bygone eras. Some of them represent our planet as a huge island washed by the ocean, while on others you can already see the outlines of the continents.

Babylonian map

The very first map created before our era was a small clay tablet, found in Mesopotamia. It dates from the end of the eighth - beginning of the seventh centuries before our chronology and is the only one that has come down to us from the Babylonians. The land there is surrounded by seas called “salt water.” Behind the water are triangles, obviously indicating mountains of distant lands.

This map shows the state of Urartu (modern Armenia), Assyria (Iraq), Elam (Iran) and Babylon itself, in the middle of which the Euphrates flows.

Eratosthenes Map

Even the ancient Greeks imagined the Earth as a sphere and argued this very elegantly. Pythagoras, for example, said that everything is harmonious in nature, and most perfect form in it is a ball in the form of which our planet exists. The first map compiled taking into account this image of the Earth belongs to Eratosthenes. He lived in the third century BC in Cyrene. It is believed that this scientist who led and coined the term “geography”. It was he who for the first time, even before our era, drew the world into parallels and meridians and called them “running side by side” or “midday” lines. The world of Eratosthenes was one island, which was washed by the North Ocean from above and the Atlantic Ocean from below. It was divided into Europe, Ariana and Arabia, India and Scythia. In the south was Taprobane - present-day Ceylon.

At the same time, it seemed to Eratosthenes that there were “antipodes” living on the other hemisphere, which were impossible to reach. After all, people then, including the ancient Greeks, thought that it was so hot near the equator that the sea boiled there and all living things burned. And, on the contrary, it is very cold at the poles, and not a single person survives there.

Ptolemy's Map

For several centuries, another map of the world was considered the main one. It was compiled by the ancient Greek scientist Claudius Ptolemy. Created around one hundred and fifty BC, it was part of the eight-volume Manual of Geography.

For Ptolemy, Asia occupied the space from North Pole all the way to the equator, displacing Pacific Ocean, while Africa smoothly flowed into terra incognita, occupying the entire South Pole. To the north of Scythia there was the mythical Hyperborea, but nothing was said about America or Australia. It was thanks to this map that Columbus began to reach India, while sailing to the west. And even after the discovery of America, they continued to use the map from Ptolemy for some time.

Part. 4. Rus' in the VI - I millennia BC.

“The word Rus' is more than 250 thousand years old.”
Publication by I. Yadykin “OH Rus', WASH YOUR EYELIDS!”,
newspaper “Red Star”, May 30, 2007

As stated earlier, in 5508 BC The Rus returned to the Azov region and the Northern Black Sea region.

Rice. 18. The territory of the Rus in 5508 BC.

In 500 - 1500 years(in the 5th millennium BC) another split occurred in the carriers of the R1a1a1 haplogroup, which inhabited the Black Sea steppes. A powerful wave of carriers of haplogroup R1a1a1b from the Dniester-Don region is moving north and towards the Volga. Descendants of the Rus are actively settling across the Russian Plain - Aryans and Scythians(according to American company Family Tree DNA Aryans and Scythians also belong to haplogroup R1a1a1, its southeastern (Eurasian) branch). In 4700 years (in the 8th century BC), the Scythians migrate from the Russian Plain to the southeast, displacing the Cimmerians.

Rice. 19. Migration of Aryans and Scythians (haplogroup R1a1).

In 1500 - 3500(in IV - III millennium BC) man for the first time meets copper. This acquaintance occurred through nuggets, which were taken for stones and tried to be processed in the usual way by hitting them with other stones. The pieces did not break off from the nuggets, but were deformed and could be given the required shape (cold forging). They did not yet know how to fuse copper with other metals to obtain bronze. In some cultures, to increase ductility, nuggets were heated after forging, which led to the annealing of defects formed as a result of cold deformation. The low distribution of copper is associated, first of all, with the insufficient number of nuggets, and not with the softness of the metal - in regions where there was a lot of copper, it quickly began to displace stone. Despite its softness, copper had an important advantage - copper tools could be repaired, but stone ones had to be made anew. From the 4th millennium BC, copper and bronze tools began to replace stone ones. On the territory copper ore processing centers emerge between the Dnieper and Don, and copper ore mining centers appear in the Donbass. A period of consolidation is coming, public organization tribes, the development of patriarchy, the formation of large public associations.

Around 1500(IV millennium BC) Rus domesticated horse. “Recent studies of the teeth of the remains of a horse (stallion from Dereivka, Ukraine, c. 4000 BC) showed that the bit was used for its modern purpose. Ethnological parallels showed that the development of horse riding should have been accompanied by an increase in demographic status and increased mobility.” [ Source: D. Anthony, D.Ya. Telegin, D. Brown, “The Origin of Horse Riding” // “In the World of Science”, 1992. No. 2 pp. 36 - 42].

At the same time it is invented wheeled transport. [Source: Safronov V.A., “Indo-European ancestral homelands.” Gorky, 1989].

Also in 1500(V IV millennium BC) in Rus' Cimmerians appear.

Rice. 20. Migration of the Cimmerians (haplogroup R1a1).

In the “Book of Veles” (tablet 6e), it is written about the kinship of the Rus with the Cimmerians. They are named under the name kimry: “Were Kimry, Also our fathers, but they shook the Romans and scattered the Greeks like scared pigs.”

The Greeks encountered the people of the steppe part Northern Black Sea region they call them - Cimmerians. [Historical treatise "History" ancient Greek historian Herodotus of Halicarnassus].

Cimmerians belonged to the community of Rus - carriers of R1a1. [ Source: Akhmatnurov S.S. "Huns, runic writing, haplotype R1a1"].

The Cimmerians wore leather jackets, trousers, boots and pointed hats. Most often found on Cimmerian items a figure in the form of a diamond-shaped badge with concave sides and a circle in the middle. Almost always, such an icon fits into a circle, resulting in a simple four-petal rosette. Badges of this kind were usually decorated on round bronze plaques with holes for crossing straps at the bridle. The badge could also be given the meaning of amulets. There are also round plaques with an inscribed straight line. equal-pointed cross.

Having migrated from the territory of the Southern Urals and the Middle Volga region, the Cimmerians settled in the Black Sea region, and then began to settle and undertake trips further to the west. At the same time, with the campaigns of the Cimmerians, a funeral rite was spreading in Central Europe - cremation, before, the dead were buried in the ground. The archaeological cultures of the Northern Black Sea region dating back to the early Iron Age are often called Cimmerians; accordingly, this time is called the “Cimmerian era” (XI-VII centuries BC).

In the Black Sea region, the Cimmerian era was marked by the flourishing of culture and economy. Cattle breeding and arable farming expanded in the Azov region. Was very metallurgy of iron and bronze developed. Traces of the development of their mines and metallurgical production with slag and smelting residues were found in the Donbass near the city of Artemovsk. First-class weapons were produced - long steel swords , arrowheads, spears. But along with steel, they also used bronze tips, and battle axes. The main branch of the army was cavalry. They already used bridles and bits, which made it possible to maneuver horses well.

In 1700 - 2200(in 3800 - 3300 BC) the Sredny Stog (or Skelyanskaya, Novodanilovskaya) culture developed on the territory of Rus', which was formed on the basis of the traditions of the Lower Don and Sur cultures in the area between the Kalmius and Lower Don rivers.

The Sredny Stog culture includes 4 burials near the Mariupol burial ground (the walls of the graves were strengthened with stone slabs, maces with a kidney-shaped pommel, pendants made of marmot teeth, boar tusks, copper beads, bracelets, a belt of mother-of-pearl threads, the grave was covered with stones on top). With the contact of the Skelyanskaya and Azov-Dnieper cultures, the following Eneolithic culture was formed - the Kvityanskaya (late 4th - 1st half of the 3rd millennium BC), which laid the foundation for the emergence of mounds (“graves”) in the Northern Azov region (“uterine” position of the deceased, head orientation to the east , plant litter, ocher as an element of burial, the presence of a cromlech - a ring riprap).

This time also includes archaeological sites of the Azov region:

Nizhnemikhailovsk culture (3000 - 2600 BC: mounds in the Ilyichevsky district of Mariupol, on the site of the power plant of the Ilyich plant) - was characterized by the creation of unique cult complexes - steles and altars, burials with black-polished pots with parting food;
. Zhivilovsko-Volchanskaya culture (mid-3rd millennium BC: burials near the town of Sartana) - in addition to pots, there were also some kind of playing chips in the form of bones of kneecaps, astragals and metapodia of sheep;
. Yamnaya culture (mid-3rd millennium BC: multiple mounds in the area of ​​Volonterovka and Novoselovka, near the villages of Kremenevka, Ogorodnoye, Chermalyk, etc.) - orientation of the deceased to the rising of the Sun and Moon, the presence of horizontal platforms on top of the mound for funeral rituals. It is this culture that accounts for about 80% of all mounds in the Northern Black Sea region. In the mounds of the “Stone Graves” and in the city itself (the mound at the intersection of Stroiteley Avenue and Uritsky Street in the city of Mariupol, popularly called “Green Hill”, on ancient maps - “Grandfather”) traces of the copper-bronze era were found.

In 1993, during the construction of a water pipeline that ran along the outskirts of the Green Hill mound (Mariupol), bones were found, three burials related to Bronze Age, it is possible that the mound also contains burials of the Scythian-Sarmatian period. Individual mounds have a soil volume of more than 2000 m³ and a weight of more than 2400 tons. The skeletons found are quite tall(men - 173 cm, women - 160 cm). The find of the Mariupol archaeological expedition in 1984 was recognized as unique. Near Mariupol were discovered remains of wooden four-wheeled carts with solid wooden disc-shaped wheels. Scientists have dated this find XXVII century BC. Thus, the carts found in the Azov region are today one of oldest species wheeled transport in the world(previously the transport of Mesopotamia of the 26th century BC was considered as such).
The most characteristic cultures on the territory of Rus' at that time were the Trypillian and Yamnaya cultures.

Rice. 21. Territory of distribution of the Trypillian and Yamna cultures.

Trypillian culture.
Trypillian culture- Chalcolithic archaeological culture, common in the VI - III millennia BC in the Danube-Dnieper interfluve, its greatest flourishing occurred during the period between 5500 and 2750 BC. This is one of the earliest agricultural crops in Eastern Europe. Trypillians grew several varieties of wheat, barley and millet. In addition, they were engaged in cattle breeding. Their farms had cows, pigs, goats, and sheep. They also knew copper metalworking and could spin and weave. Most a clear sign cultures - painted ceramics, and the most “popular” motif was the spiral one.
Trypillians lived in settlements, some of which can be called proto-cities - their size sometimes reached 450 hectares. As a rule, the layout of settlements was correct, with dwellings located in parallel rows, groups or concentric circles. The houses of the Trypillians were made of adobe, some two-story. However, due to the fact that the fertility of the cultivated land was rapidly decreasing, the Trypillian people were forced to move to a new place every 50 - 70 years. Tools and weapons were made from animal bones, flint, stone and copper.
Tribes were ruled by leaders, and there were also supreme leaders of tribal unions. The religion was agrarian cults, the veneration of the Great Goddess, the sacred animal was the dog.
With the arrival of the Rus (carriers of haplogroup R1a1a1) some of the Trypillians joined their gene pool.

V.N. Tatishchev also writes about the migration of the families of Prince Sloven from the Black Sea coast to the north in “Russian History”:

« Prince Slaven, leaving in Thrace and Illyria near the sea along the Danube son of Bastarn, went by midnight he created a great hail, in your own name Slavensk called (...)".[

Age of Noah: 5.2-4.2 thousand years BC. e.

The story of St. Noah is one of the most popular biblical stories. To this day, enthusiasts, firmly believing in its absolute veracity, are calculating how numerous the settler colony was and are looking for traces on the slopes of Ararat. the legendary ark. Without at all belittling the importance of this kind of analysis, we propose to look at the myth of Noah a little more broadly. The information contained in the Book of Genesis allows us to determine the direction of migration of the family of Noah and its approximate time. These are two rational moments of the myth about which we can speak quite definitely. Everything else should be classified as fiction.

Let's start with the fact that the adjustment of biblical chronology forced the creators of the Book of Genesis to connect the fate of Noah with the universal catastrophe of the 11th millennium BC. e. The events that took place during the era of Enos were artificially transferred closer to our time. Migration in the 5th millennium BC e. part of the Indo-Europeans (“Noah’s company”) from the territory of the Russian Plain was indeed maritime. They swam across what we previously defined as the Eurasian Ocean (or what was left of it by that time). It was a water area covering the Black, Azov and Caspian Sea. The Bible interprets this migration as forced, initiated by the approaching Ecumenical Flood. But it happened long before that. The real reason for migration, it seems, was one of those that inspired the first round the world expeditions and is driven by “The Curious Man”: the Indo-Europeans discovered the far corners of the planet.

Noah set sail when he was six hundred years old. Consequently, the sea migration of people from the Russian Plain to Western Asia should be dated back to 4.6 thousand years BC. e. It roughly corresponds to the period of the emergence of the first agricultural settlements in Mesopotamia. The Bible records this fact briefly but powerfully: “Noah began to till the land and planted a vineyard” (Genesis 9:20). People who mastered agriculture and mastered the culture of gardening came to Mesopotamia. Moreover, the drunken history of Noah's family indicates the existence of winemaking at that time. In general, the northern migrants knew how not only to work, but also to rest freely.

Archaeological data indicate that the Sumerians were ethnically and linguistically alien to the Semitic tribes who settled Northern Mesopotamia somewhat later. Traditionally, they (though with high degree uncertainty) are attributed to the Mediterranean race. And there is an explanation for this. As already mentioned, the early Indo-Europeans already at the turn of the 11th and 10th millennia BC. e. penetrated into the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. Over the next millennia, they lived among local tribes, came into contact and, as is usual, mixed with them when implanted in a foreign environment. A new wave of Indo-European migration dates back to the middle of the 5th millennium BC. e. In the Bible, she is depicted as saving Noah's family from impending disaster. The sea expedition, no matter how huge the “ark” was, could not be large enough. Noah blazed a trail that his compatriots would later follow. As a result, Asia Minor-Mediterranean, Indo-European and Semitic tribes eventually gathered in Mesopotamia.

The main deity of Sumerian mythology was the god An, which means “sky” in Sumerian. His name is written with a sign denoting the concept of “god” and placed as a determiner before the names of other gods. In lists of gods, he invariably opens the list. His permanent title is “father of the gods.” But in the voiceless spelling the names An and Noah are identical. Russians still remember their supreme god with the word “He” and relate him to the sky. The Russian “He” became the Sumerian An, and in the Bible the keeper of the cult of the sky god and the leader of the immigrants from the Russian Plain is called Noah. In Hebrew this name means “peace”, “tranquility”. The most precise definition for god eternal shelter human souls! It’s amazing how organically elements of Russian, Sumerian and Jewish traditions coexist in one image.

The Sumerian epic mentions their homeland, which they considered the ancestral home of all humanity - the island of Dilmun (Tilmun), a happy, blissful island. The sun rises on Dilmun, this is a pristine country where there were no snakes, scorpions, lions, wild dogs and wolves. Dilmun is a “pure”, “immaculate”, “bright” country, “the land of the living”, knowing neither disease nor death. Dilmun appears to be a divine rather than a human paradise, the habitat of the gods. The root in the name of this Sumerian Eden reminds us of Thule - the “island of the blessed” of the ancient Celts. Academic scientists do not even seem to entertain the idea of ​​a northern origin for the Sumerians. So they correlate Dilmun with Bahrain, the “pearl” of the Persian Gulf. It is not customary to talk about the fact that the name of the protected country is one hundred percent Indo-European. You might pass for a Europhile!

We propose to correlate the name Dilmun with the concept of “dolmen”, a structure made of megaliths. Usually it represents a “house” made of stone slabs with a round (semicircular) window (entrance) in one of them. Dolmens acted as sanctuaries; their purpose is disputed. In our opinion, the dolmen represents feminine, this is the altar of the Great Goddess: the entrance in the form of a circle speaks for itself. (At a symbolic level, this is the same as a hut on chicken legs, which can turn its back to the forest, and its front to the hero.) The Sun God - the husband of the Goddess - enters her house sunbeam. Dilmun is the land of dolmens. IN Krasnodar region and in the North Caucasus, dolmens are present in abundance, and it is reasonable to assume that the dolmen (and, more broadly, megalithic) culture spread from the Caucasus to the south, and not vice versa.

Babylonian priests divided the history of their country into two periods: “before the flood” and “after the flood.” One of them is Berossus (350 BC - 280 BC) - in his historical work gives a list of 10 kings who reigned “before the flood.” Their names are: Alaros, Alaparos, Amelon, Ammenon, Megalaros, Daonos, Eudorachus, Amenpsinos, Otiartes, Xisuthros. This is the Babylonian equivalent of the list of the ten most ancient biblical patriarchs. It was compiled later than the biblical one, and therefore the meaning of the Babylonian names is unlikely to have deep meaning, characterizing the content of their era (and the times of their reign are prohibitively long). But the names of the four rulers end in "ros" - the word denoting an Aryan priest. Today we can correct Berossus: that part of the Indo-Europeans who did not call themselves Aryans left the Russian Plain; the latter appeared in Sumer a little later. But Berossus' list serves as a clear indication of northern origin antediluvian kings!

The Bible says that in the time of Noah “the whole earth had one language and one speech” (Genesis 11:1). And even the descendants of Noah, who built Babylon, still continued to speak common language. “And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men were building. And the Lord said, “Behold, there is one people, and they all have one language” (Genesis 11:5-6). What was this language like? Our answer is Indo-European. Noah's descendants eventually mixed with the local peoples, but this happened over thousands of years. All sons sailed on the ark, which means they were 100% European. All current hobbies for the Nostratic and Boreal languages ​​are nothing more than a tribute to the liberal tradition. The Indo-Europeans, leaving the Russian Plain, carried their language to other peoples. In their dialogues those mixed forms were born that philologists dubbed boreal and nostratic.

The era of Noah coincides with the collapse of the Indo-European community. At this time, Caucasians begin their victorious march across the planet. If earlier their migrations from the territory of the Russian Plain were local in nature, now they are in every sense can be called global. The distribution area of ​​Europeans coincides with the zone of painted ceramic cultures. Here we should highlight two vectors of movement - “Asian-African” (in the Bible, the migration of Noah) and “European” - the Trypillian archaeological culture (the territory of Ukraine and Moldova) and the cultures of Vinca and Starchevo in the north of the Balkan Peninsula. The migrations were carried out by the Jeneva-Butov tribes.

The Book of Genesis makes it clear that not all “sons of men” followed Noah. The descendants of Cain remained to live within the same boundaries. This is why the creators of the Bible inserted parallel genealogies into the text! The differences between them begin with Lamech. In the genealogy from Seth, the patriarch Lamech will give birth to Noah, who is destined to leave his homeland. The pedigree from Cain paints a different picture.

“And Lamech took for himself two wives: the name of the one was Ada, and the name of the second was Zillah [Sella]. Adah gave birth to Jabal: he was the father of those who lived in tents with their flocks. The brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all those who played the harp and pipe. Zillah also gave birth to Tubalcain [Tobel], who was a forger of all tools of copper and iron" (Genesis 4: 19-22). The “father” of all farmers in the descendants of Lamech appeared not only cattle breeders, but also blacksmiths and musicians. The last circumstance is extremely significant, since the Bible declares the birthplace of metalworking Eastern Europe. Suddenly?

Here is an excerpt from the already mentioned book by M. Gimbutas: “The first copper products appear in Eastern and Central Europe after 5500 BC. e. In a number of settlements, awls, beads and other small items made by heating and forging were found.<…>At the beginning of the 5th millennium BC. e. the development of copper deposits is becoming systematic; by the middle of the same millennium, its volume increases significantly. Around the same time, gold entered the scene, smelting technology was developed, and large copper tools appeared.<…>There were many copper deposits in the Carpathian, Transylvanian and Rhodope mountains. The oldest known development is located in Rudna Glava, 140 km south of Belgrade, and dates back to no later than 5000 BC. e.<…>In 1971 E.N. Chernykh discovered and in 1972 carried out excavations at the Ai-Bunara mines, 8 km from the city of Stara Zagora (Central Bulgaria). 11 mines were found there total length 500 m, some of them were up to 110 m in length and up to 20 m in width. Such mines could produce more than one ton of copper ore. Developments at Ai-Bunar date back to the mid-5th millennium BC. e. Copper tools were discovered in the mines, including tools for mining operations, like adze axes and pickaxes. Analysis of copper from Ai-Buna-ra and from nearby workshops, burials and storage facilities showed that the entire eastern part of the Balkan region, Moldova, was supplied with it. Western Ukraine And Southern Russia, and in the west – Slovakia and North-Eastern Hungary.” It is striking that our timeline is perfectly supported by archaeological discoveries.

The beginning of metalworking falls exactly in the era of the sons of Lamech. The Bible once again demonstrates its deep historicism and extraordinary thoroughness in presenting the events of world history.

The Biblical Encyclopedia teaches that the name Jabal means “stream”, “stream”, and the name Jubal means “drawn sound”, “horn”, “trumpet”. There is probably no need to say that the original content of these names lies in the layer of Indo-European vocabulary. The word “uval” – “elevation” – still lives in the Russian language. The names of Ada's sons reproduce him in different ways. And what is extremely important, they preserve their northern origin. In a modern way, today they would be called Mountains (Egors, Igors).

The name of Zillah's son, Tubalcain, is a complete mystery for philologists. But it takes on a meaningful meaning if we assume that the first letter was attached to it later, and “Cain” - the Greek “new” - is a nickname. Then (T)Ubal-kain should be translated as “Uval the new,” that is, Uval, born of Zillah, the second wife of Lamech, after Uval, born of Ada. All the sons of Lamech in our interpretation wear same names, and all of them are connected by their name with the Russian Plain. And as a memory of these patriarchs of northern civilization, the Northern Uvals stand on it.

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