Afghan war, how many soldiers of the Soviet army died. How many Soviet soldiers died in the Afghan war?

A couple of years ago, one fine day, Michal Sobolev went out onto 86th Street and asked the non-Russian-speaking residents of the Big Apple the following question: "What do you know about Russian-speaking residents of the USA?" Supplemented with photographs found on Google upon request "Typical Russian"

Ethan(Manager, 46 years old): Among the Russian-speaking population of the United States, there are very few law-abiding people. Criminal groups You, of course, do not create, as representatives of the Latin American diaspora do, but you have a direct relationship with the famous Russian mafia. The Russians have put their hands into all major government organizations. Their influence is growing every day.

Andy(Student, African American):
I can't stand Russians. Every year there are more and more of you. Soon all of America will speak Chinese, Spanish and Russian. You are ready to do anything to achieve your goal. And your goal is to snatch more money. America is a country of civilized and cultured people, not beggars. You have neither conscience nor honor. Thieves, bandits and quitters, in a word... By the way, your president is not at all better than all of you. The same...

Heidi(Bank employee, Puerto Rican American):
Russians? Russian vodka, Russian mafia, bears, the Kremlin, communism. This is the first thing that comes to mind.
Russians are a very closed diaspora. You have little contact with people of other nationalities. You live like in the Soviet Union, cut off from the whole world. Russians also really don’t like it when people make comments to them; you won’t get an apology from them.
Do you want to say that your behavior is influenced by the previous way of life in the USSR? Cubans also came to America from totalitarian state, but they are completely different - more sociable, relaxed and friendly.

Ashraf(Taxi driver, came from Egypt 7 years ago):
Russian immigrants are a very noisy people. They love to have a lot of fun, sing songs, and have noisy feasts. They can be understood, because they all came from a country where the main national symbol is vodka.
Russian speakers are unpredictable. They can drive around in taxis all day and not leave a cent in tip. At the same time, they are absolutely sure that they are doing the right thing. Very strange people.

Joey(American, 36 years old):
Russians can live in America for 20 years and not speak English. They sit in Brighton, drink tea, and get insurance. I can't even understand what they are doing in America. The Chinese have vegetable shops, restaurants, laundromats, the Arabs have small shops, the Italians focus on the restaurant business. But the Russians... You can’t be seen, you can’t be heard, and when you get into the metro, there’s no way through. Are you all on welfare? Or are you engaged in an underground business?

Kamal(Salesman at grocery, came from Pakistan 11 years ago):
What do I know about Russian-speaking New Yorkers? Most of them are very rich people holding prestigious positions in large companies. Russians are taciturn and do not like to be asked questions. In this they are very reminiscent of the Poles and Yugoslavs. I completely agree with the statement that Russian-speaking girls are some of the most beautiful in the world. But they prefer to meet exclusively with Russian men (laughs).
I also know your Alla Pugacheva, a world-famous singer. I like her voice.

Said(Leather clothing seller, came from Turkey 4.5 years ago)
The Russian diaspora is one of the largest in the United States. There are no areas left in New York for a long time that the Russians have not chosen. You can’t even imagine how many Russians now live in Istanbul. Soon there will be more of them than the Turks themselves. By the way, Turks really love Russian girls. Don't believe me?! Come to Antalya (the largest Turkish resort - author's note) or go to any Turkish store in New York (laughs).
I really like Russian cuisine, especially dumplings. Turkish beer is very reminiscent of Russian beer. In general, our peoples have a lot in common, despite the fact that we are Muslims and you are Christians.

Jamal(Landlord, came from Morocco 9 years ago)
Russians almost never say hello and very rarely smile when interacting with other people. Based on these features, they can immediately be distinguished from the multinational crowd of immigrants. This is probably due to the fact that the Soviet Union had a very strict totalitarian regime. Lenin, Stalin, then Gorbachev... The Russians at one time suffered greatly from the communists. I also heard that among your immigrants there are many former employees KGB...

Kiki(Waitress in a Chinese restaurant, came from China 2 years ago):
Don't be offended, but, in my opinion, Russian immigrants are very lazy. They will never work hard for a few dollars. Russians are very arrogant and love everything that is expensive - from clothes to cars. Moreover, even a very rich person may not leave even a dollar tip in a restaurant.
It is no secret that many Chinese consider Russians to be thieving and dishonest. You really like to stand out from the crowd and show your importance. In addition, Russians smoke and drink a lot. Little attention is paid to sports and healthy image life.

Louis(Born in the USA, parents came from Puerto Rico, tattoo parlor worker):
It is very pleasant to work with Russians. Two years ago, a girl from Russia had an internship in our salon. I think she was from St. Petersburg. A very modest, charming and hardworking employee. With her manners she reminded me of the local Italians. They have something in common in temperament.
I know that Russian culture goes back many centuries. The Russian people can confidently be called great. After all, in the end, it was you who were able to defeat Hitler.
In their love of drinking, Russians are akin to the Irish - they are ready to drink anything until they fall off their feet.

Sonya(Manager at a supermarket, came from Korea 7 years ago):
I associate Russian culture with Pushkin, vodka, tanks and your current president Putin. That's probably all I can say about Russian immigrants. In appearance, they are practically no different from Native Americans. Austrians, Irish, French, Italians are very similar to each other. After all, New York is a city where all kinds of cultures mix. I know that Russians are very fond of figure skating and skiing.

Johnny(Owner of an alcohol supermarket, came from China 16 years ago):
Russians drink a lot. Moreover, they can drink everything - vodka, whiskey, wine, tequila, without giving preference to any one drink. And if representatives of other diasporas drink alcohol only on holidays in small quantities, then Russians are ready to drink at least every day. It seems that the passion for alcohol is inherent in them at the genetic level (laughs). Apparently this is how Russians relieve stress. I'm surprised that so few of you are chronic alcoholics.
I would especially like to note that Russians are very grateful people. They will never regret a hefty tip if they see that the person serving them deserves it.
Marta, a housewife, came from Italy 16 years ago
Absurdly, Americans feel an involuntary fear of Russian immigrants and at the same time reverence for the Russian culture that is so widely represented in America. It is difficult to communicate with Russians, because they always expect some kind of trick or deception from you.
There is also a myth that Russian women are very frivolous and are ready to do anything to marry a rich American. Notorious Russian-speaking Brighton Beach also uses it. A very dirty and cramped area, reminiscent of Manhattan's Harlem.

Greg(A Polish grocery store employee arrived from Poland 7 years ago):
Russians and Poles have a common Slavic basis, therefore our peoples can be called fraternal. The character of Poles and Russians has a lot in common. Moreover, our national cuisines are largely identical.
I could be wrong, but it seems to me that in America Russians are often ashamed of their nationality. There are a lot of young people who come from Soviet Union, try to pass themselves off as Italians, Romanians, Bulgarians, even Poles, carefully hiding their real roots. Perhaps Russian people are simply ashamed of their nationality.

Chris(dry cleaning worker arrived from Ghana 6 years ago):
I have been dating a Russian girl for two and a half years. I often visit her parents and talk with her friends. Every Russian is a mystery. To fully understand the mysterious Russian soul, you need to become half Russian yourself (laughs).
There are a lot of brilliant and gifted people in your community. At the same time, Russians love to fight and brawl. Especially when they drink. I happened to witness several drunken showdowns in one of the Russian restaurants. The sight, I tell you, is not a pleasant one. The main thing that Russians lack is a sense of proportion.

John(23 years old, Chinese restaurant worker)
Oh, you're from the newspaper! This is my first time communicating with a journalist in America. What do I think about the Russian-speaking diaspora? (speaks in clear English– approx. ed.) Are you Russian yourself? Sorry, I don't understand English at all.

Talif(11 years in America came from Iran):
Russians - good people. They just don't have enough patience. They are always in a hurry, nervous, and worried. I was in Russia once, in the mid-80s. But the people there were completely different. Not like here. I know that you love beer very much. It’s also quite common to see you driving drunk (laughs). At police stations, the majority of detained motorists are Russian. By the way, you don’t know how to drive at all (laughs again).

Based on materials from Mikhail Sobolev.

Drunkenness, girls, unpredictable character, violent temper, the most difficult language. Are these things really Russian for foreigners? business card? Or we have attributed these stereotypes to ourselves. Let's figure it out.

Not long ago, scientists from different countries who lived in Russia for several years, wrote notes in which they shared their observations about the main Russian clichés.

About drunkenness

Rastislav, Slovakia:
— I recently realized that in Russia people are divided into two groups: either they like beer and don’t like wine, or they like wine and don’t like beer. I myself like to drink beer. I used to like to walk along the embankment with a jar, but now the law prohibits it. I don't think Russians drink a lot. I’ve been to Germany, Italy, England - that’s where everyone constantly sits in bars.

Mirceu, Moldova:
— In Russia they drink a lot. Even compared to Moldova. How was it before? Wedding, lots of food and a glass of wine. There wasn't much alcohol. And now hundred-gram glasses - one, two, three! Moreover, wine is very expensive in Russia. In Moldova, a good bottle costs 70-80 rubles.

Vratislav, Czech Republic:
— In Russia they drink a lot. In the Czech Republic too, but in a completely different way. Beer in the Czech Republic is for talking: when talking, we seem to accidentally pour beer into ourselves and accidentally become drunk. In Russia, the beer that is called Czech is disgusting - you have to look for tasty beer.

Gregorz, Poland:
— In Poland there is an opinion that in Russia they drink a lot. A year ago they still thought that all of Russia listened to Tatu and that everything was cheap here. Actually this is not true. It turned out that the only cheap things to do in Dubna are to take a taxi, smoke and drink alcohol. And it’s even more expensive here than here in Warsaw, especially all kinds of entertainment and even apartments.

About girls

Eugene, Romania:
— Speaking separately about women: they are very emancipated. They love themselves more than their husbands - this is the main trend. They like to always look good, have a good haircut, be independent, go with friends to the bar for a drink. In Romania it is almost impossible to see a woman in a bar or drinking alcohol, this happens very, very rarely.

Alexey, Ukraine:
— There aren’t very many women at JINR, but there are enough: about one woman per floor.

Pavel, Czech Republic:
Beautiful women There are many in Russia, it’s true. But, for example, in the Czech Republic there are just as many of them. However, here women dress up more: they wear high heels to work and dress up.

Gregorz, Poland:
— What else attracts me to Russia are Russian girls. They are very beautiful. And, for example, you come to Germany, everyone there is fat: three times more, 100 kilograms. English women are not particularly beautiful either. French women, of course, are nice, but I’m already in Russia.

Hanif, Türkiye:
— In Russia, I was most impressed by the women who do everything themselves. Like men.

About Russian language

Rastislav, Slovakia:
- I have favorite word- “juniper”. I heard it in the cartoon “Hedgehog in the Fog.” I don't know why I like it. Sounds very nice.

Hanif, Türkiye:
- I like the way it sounds Russian word"justice".

About Russian character

Gregorz, Poland:
- For some reason, the hardest thing for you to say, ask or apologize, it’s easier to cough, start touching, look with harmful eyes. But in general, Russian people are incredibly friendly and open, and they also love freebies and hanging out. Some gestures broad soul I adopted it myself: you come to a restaurant with friends and you don’t mind leaving five thousand. Still, you need to love Russia or not love it, but it is almost impossible to understand it.

Eugene, Romania:
— Russian people are very open, sincere, direct. If a Russian doesn’t like you, he’ll tell you so—I appreciate that. They are also pragmatic and free-spirited. I think life in Russia is what you make it. You can make it heavy in any country. In Russia there are conditions to do business and develop in any field. The process itself can be difficult, but there is access to information, to education - all paths are open.

A former assistant director on television, Veronica came to Moscow with her husband, a chef. Of our three heroines, she is the least critical of
to Russians and Russian life and constantly talks about his love for Russia...

“My husband left for Russia in May 2000, and I joined him in September. When I asked my friends about this country, they openly intimidated me: “Russia? It's always cold there and night - around the clock! And all people are unfriendly and too proud.” When I had not yet moved to my husband, he came to see me in France and said that it is impossible to describe Russia, you need to see it with my own eyes. I must say that he was right.
The first surprise was the weather. I thought that Moscow would greet me with snow and cold, but September turned out to be sunny and warm, almost like in Paris. The city itself amazed me with its scale: the streets are endlessly long and wide, the traffic on the roads is simply crazy, and people are always in a hurry to get somewhere, busy with something. The dynamism of Moscow life is impressive, and it seems that time flies very quickly. For several weeks I walked the streets, hypnotized by the general excitement. In France, the streets are very narrow and quiet. It seems to me that Moscow is the most vibrant city on Earth. Here there is a constant desire to do something, to create, just look out the window.

In Russia, women are extraordinarily beautiful, everywhere - in stores, in the subway, on the streets. In France, women are feminine, in Russia they are beautiful. But the courage of Russian girls, as a French woman, shocks me. My husband and I went to Moscow nightclubs and saw things that we still need to look for in France. Even very young women dress in an overtly sexual manner: short skirts, shorts, bare backs, arms - everything is exposed! Sexual dancing between clearly unfamiliar young people, touching. Complete liberation. In France, such behavior would be defiantly indecent. Several times my husband went to the club without me. I’m a little worried about this, because Russian girls, among other things, are also not indifferent to foreigners...

The French have some rituals, such as kissing on both cheeks when meeting. I haven’t noticed anything like this in Russia, but I am still surprised by the superstition of Russian people. We also have signs, but we do not attach such importance to them. I no longer say hello across the threshold. Soon, it seems, I’ll start paying attention to black cats. For a long time I could not get used to running from store to store in search of the necessary food products: meat in one place, milk in another. And prices in supermarkets are significantly higher than store prices. In France it's the other way around. In the center of Moscow, the shops are very expensive, I can’t imagine what normal person can afford to buy something there.

But I really like that in Russia it is customary for groups of friends to gather together. Friends and relatives meet here more often. People come to each other, despite the distance. At such gatherings it happens very warm atmosphere. And there is always beer..."

internal protest, but since we agreed to leave compliments for another time and talk frankly...

“I was in my second year at the University of Albania when the Albanian Ministry of Education announced a competition, the winners of which had the opportunity to continue their education in Germany, Italy or Russia. A prerequisite was knowledge of the relevant foreign language. I could go to any of these countries. But I chose Russia. By that time, I had been studying Russian for almost two years at the linguistics department. My teacher was simply sick of Russia and managed to infect all the students with this “disease”. When I started studying Russian, I fell in love with your culture, with your traditions. I imagined Russia fairyland, where people live with a Russian soul incomprehensible to a foreigner...

The first time I visited Russia was in 1996 as a tourist. Moscow fascinated me: exhibitions, museums, beautiful architecture... But then I didn’t know that coming here as a guest was one thing, but living here as a foreign student was completely different. In 1998 my dream came true. I came to Russia. And the disappointments began. I imagined the Russian character to be more open, warmer, more oriental, or something... I was struck by some kind of Scandinavian coldness, unsociability and even nervousness of people on the streets and in shops. And then this feeling, which almost every Russian has and which soon appeared in me - a feeling of guilt for something unknown and before whom...

True, nowhere in the world - I have traveled a lot - are there so many beautiful female faces, like in Russia. You often call yourself slim, but in Albania your slim is just a very thin girl. Russian beauty, it seems to me, is cold. Maybe because Russian girls gesticulate much less than most European girls. It took me a long time to get used to the way you dress. I noticed that the classic style is very popular in Russia: trousers, jackets, shirts, knee-length skirts, high-heeled shoes, neat bags. But I don’t understand why girls who are 18-19 dress like this. Maybe they want to appear older. In Albania, girls under 25 dress in a sporty style.
But still, Russian girls dress better than Russian men. In general, Russian men, in my opinion, are too feminine. And they are spoiled by female attention. In Russia, girls are very strong, they themselves “lead” men in relationships. They introduce themselves, take a phone number, and make an appointment. Is this good or bad, I don't know. Here, girls, especially beautiful ones, are often complimented, people get to know them, and flirt with them. In Russia, for some reason, it’s girls who give compliments—including beautiful ones! And they smoke more than men. Everything in Russia is the other way around. Or maybe, as a foreigner, it just seems that way to me.”

“20 years ago, many Brazilians studied in Russia. Among them were my father's friends. Since childhood I listened fascinating stories from them student life. Immediately after graduation high school I entered Faculty of Law Brazilian Catholic University, but studied there for only a month. In fact, my dream has always been an elite faculty international relations. But applying for it in Brazil was simply unrealistic. Therefore, when my father suggested that I go to study in Russia and enter the same faculty here, I didn’t think twice. I thought about Russian people something like this: Russians don’t exactly like foreigners too much, but they are quite open and sociable. The Russian winter, out of ignorance, has not yet frightened me. In general, I decided that I was going.

Everything is different here: climate, food, transport, lifestyle - everything! At first there was a desire to pack up my things, leave everything and go home, where it’s warm and there are a lot of friends. It seemed that in this country I was completely alone and no one cared about me. Terrible feeling. But I decided that this was a test that I needed to pass. I stayed. The hardest thing was to get used to transport - you always need to hold on to something so as not to fall. Yes, the metro in Moscow is very beautiful, but I also try to go into the metro less often. Policemen often stop me there, check my documents and are very surprised that I am a citizen of Brazil. I wonder who they take me for? It took me a long time to get used to your food. Among Russian dishes, I really like homemade pies. But I can’t stand borscht. I also really miss cheap fruits and juices.

Russian women are not at all similar to Brazilian ones. I don’t want to offend anyone, but you (not everyone, of course) have habits that look very strange. For example, many girls wear short skirts in winter or wear high heels in icy conditions, when even without heels you can break your legs. Then - this daytime makeup, like in the circus. The skin doesn't breathe at all! I don’t think Russian men like this kind of makeup. The clothes are catchy, bright, maybe that’s why the makeup is so... Girls in Russia are very beautiful, but their clothes spoil all their beauty.

In Brazil, when meeting, it is customary to shake hands firmly, even with girls. Your grip is very constrained, weak and cold, northern, in general. In the relationship between opposite sexes there are also a lot of strange things. At night, complete debauchery reigns in Russia. The girls do nothing but look around in search of someone they can promote and drink a lot. Apparently, the right girls sleep at night. Brazilians are not characterized by such licentiousness. Topless carnivals? So this is especially for foreigners! Do you really think that in everyday life does anyone behave like this? A Brazilian girl will never show off all her charms so openly.”

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