What is an electric dipole? Electric dipole and its electric field

The method of transmitting information is determined by the purpose of communication, the formation of communication channels, the presence of common communication between the parties sign system(language of communication, symbolic system). The language of communication is characterized by genres of oral and written speech, which must be formalized for each communication channel. Standardization of the communication language is carried out based on style standards and the mechanism for transmitting information. To convey semantic and evaluative information, appropriate verbal and non-verbal means. Such communicative factors as the choice of language code, rules and norms of their use and methods of updating private communicative functions form a communicative attitude. Language code selected based on volume, frequency, existing communication means and communication channels.

The transmitted information must be adequately perceived by the recipient. To do this, encoding and decoding are closed in a single circuit. When communication is carried out using technical means, encoding and decoding of information is ensured through various communication channels. In modern technical means This is ensured by the use of identical equipment at the input and output of the communication channel. The recipient of the information must be able to:

Quickly highlight the topic of information by keywords;

Correctly interpret the beginning of a message and therefore anticipate its unfolding;

Restore the meaning of the message despite missing elements;

Correctly determine the intent of the statement (discourse).

These skills relate to the encoding-decoding system that enables communication.

Voice message has a structure that includes an introductory, main part and conclusion. Internal structure speech reflects the relationship between parts of speech, parts and the whole, the dynamics of the message (beginning, climax, denouement), etc. The most general syntactic requirements for the communicative process taking place in speech form, come down to the use of short statements with simple grammatical structure, direct word order, limiting multi-word and multi-level phrases, emphasizing it semantic meanings using pauses and intonation. Much attention should be paid to standard pronunciation, distribution of semantic stress, intonation, tone, tempo and rhythm of the message. All these nuances convey the communicator’s evaluative attitude towards information and contribute to expressiveness. transmitted message. The effectiveness of information perception increases significantly when the tempo and rhythm of the communicator and the personal tempo and rhythm of the listener coincide. Among the aesthetic requirements for the speech communication process, one should highlight the limitation or complete exclusion dissonant and rarely used forms, as well as the exclusion in one statement of words with common root and identical content, unjustified repetitions, pauses.

TO subjective factors perception, conditioned psychological characteristics and individual human experience include:

a) meaningfulness of perception, which involves assessing the identity of information, i.e. the relationship between real and described events, understanding the evaluative attitude towards information of its sender - the communicator and his communicative attitude;

b) discreteness of perception, which is associated with a person’s ability to isolate “semantic supports” in a message as a result of dismembering, analyzing and combining the flow of information;

c) the conditioning of perception by a person’s past experience, the so-called apperception, which gives him the opportunity to anticipate and predict further information;

d) the anticipatory nature of perception associated with the previous factor.

A person’s ability to anticipate the future - anticipation - is based on the law of anticipatory reflection of the impact of the surrounding reality, formulated by P.K. Anokhin. By perceiving the message, the person receives necessary information already at its beginning and based on the context, it can anticipate the final part of the utterance (discourse).

The effectiveness of the communication process enhances the appeal to famous names, authorities. People feel more confident if their opinion coincides with the point of view famous personalities. Often in the communication process one can notice the use of exotic terms in order to introduce the listener (reader, viewer) to the mystery and romance of the unknown. At the same time, oversaturation of the message with incomprehensible, although exciting, words can create a barrier of misunderstanding.

Most often in the communication process you can notice the use of reference to current social events, facts social significance. It uses not only up-to-date information, but also value orientation communicant. The activation of communication processes is facilitated by the implementation of other functions of communication: incentive, regulatory, will-expressive, ritual, self-presentation. The formation of communication norms and rules for transmitting information is influenced by the specifics of the selected communication channel. The addition of verbal communication means to visual ones (photos, cartoons, graphs, diagrams, etc.) significantly enhances the impact of information on the audience. So using various techniques maintaining the communication process and factors contributing to the impact of communication on individuals and social groups, allows the communicator to direct the process of information exchange in the right direction and achieve their goals.

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The powerlessness to help oneself with words cannot but be shameful, since the use of words is more typical human nature than using the body.


Why does a person speak? Why was he given a device that can produce speech stream or text? To convey information. Transmitting information is the universal purpose of any speech. Language is designed in such a way that behind the flow of sounds or letters there is some meaning. A set of (even speech) sounds that has no meaning behind it is neither speech nor text. And a text is only that which has meaning behind it, transmitted, on the one hand, and understood, on the other hand. Moreover, if the text is understandable to the transmitter (speaker) and incomprehensible to the receiver (listener or reader), then it, too, in the strict sense of the word, is not a text. For example, “Anawasifu watoto wa wageni wangu” (cyax.) - “He praises the children of my guests” - is not a text for many Russian-speaking people, because it is incomprehensible and cannot be understood, since they do not know the Swahili language in which it is written. written. Language ability (competence) is given to a person to understand natural language and communicate in this language. The structure of natural language itself, and this is a sign structure ( natural language- this is a semiotic system), for the transmission of information as such is optimal. A person uses natural language for two purposes: not only to convey information, but also to understand the world. Consequently, language also exists as a means of cognition. What is cognition? Cognition can be terminologically defined as the reception of information (although this is an imprecise analogue). In this case, we can say that natural language is given to a person to receive and transmit information. However, the functions of receiving and transmitting information belong to thinking. It is thinking that deals exclusively with the reception, processing and transmission of information. In this understanding, language and thinking begin to be perceived as a single entity. For a long time, linguistics as a science in to a certain extent identified these concepts. Many books and articles have been published whose titles simultaneously contain the words language And thinking, and in the text itself the dual essence of this object is proven (in particular, the famous book of the founder of the leading linguistic concept of the 20th century - the theory of transformational generative grammars - N. Chomsky, which is called: “Language and Thinking”, which is fundamental for the development of modern science of language ; see chapter "Demonstration by analogy").

Natural language for a long time was considered the ideal model for mental function. Intellectual activity and language project onto each other and create a single entity - this is an idea that linguistics clung to until very recent years.

When they say " perfect model" (or "ideal apparatus"), it is reasonable to ask the question: "What is it compared with in order to conclude that it is the best?" After all, usually, in order to recognize the advantage of some object, it is compared with other objects. This is the usual practice of obtaining a result through comparison. This habitual way of assessing objects in the surrounding world, however, turns out to be not the only one, and the science of the 20th century came to understand that there are objects whose ideal essence should not be proven through comparison. The point is not that “ideality. "of these objects is unprovable, and simply perceiving them as ideal should be the basis of the theory, be part of its axiomatics. This idea is by no means linguistic origin, this is a conceptual conquest of the natural sciences.

-I watched a movie yesterday and saw the most beautiful woman in the world.

- What, did you compare with everyone else? How can you say that she is the best beautiful woman in the world, if you simply haven’t seen the majority of women?

- She- the most beautiful, because it is impossible to be more beautiful. Why compare?

Such reasoning is informal and unprovable, they can be rejected, but their methodological validity has been tested by today's science. Based on postulates of this type, many scientific results have already been achieved.

So, there are a priori ideal structures. In the case when we talk about natural language, it is not a structure, but a class of structures (i.e., a set), which for a certain purpose (communicative) are initially perceived as ideal. This class of structures is all natural languages ​​that exist on our planet. It is important to understand that there are no more complex and less complex languages, more expressive and less expressive, there are no better or worse languages ​​- the deepest thought can be expressed in any natural language. (This scientifically based position, in particular, deprives the racist concept of a theoretical foundation.) Another thing is that languages ​​differ significantly in their structure: some are complicated in the vocabulary block, others in the grammar block. If in one language (for example, English) there is a term to denote some object, but in another language (for example, the Papuan language) there is no term, this does not mean that it is impossible to express given value, - it will be expressed descriptively in many words that explain the meaning of this term, but the idea will still be conveyed to the listener quite adequately.

Recognizing natural languages ​​as initially ideal communicative structures, it is nevertheless reasonable to ask the question whether the reception and transmission of information as a function mental activity occur through the means of natural language, or a person also has other possibilities. (This does not mean, of course, the semiotic system of BL, since it accompanies speech, i.e. natural language.)

It turns out that the reception and transmission of information can be carried out, except EYA, in at least two more ways, corresponding to two human intellectual capabilities: imaginative thinking and sensory. Figurative thinking is the perception of the world in the form of a picture. An artistic canvas or sculpture is also a text (though special properties), carrying a considerable information load. Thinking visual images is familiar to every person, for example, when he recalls an episode from his life not dissected verbally, but recorded by consciousness in the form of a photograph.

Sensory is understood as a bioenergetic method of exchanging information, in which a person does not say or demonstrate anything (he may not be observable at all), but at the same time transmits information, and it is perceived by the communicants.

Thus, with more deep analysis it becomes obvious that by nature people are endowed with three in different forms thinking: EYA,imaginative thinking and sensory thinking.

We constantly observe how natural language works in its speech, communicative function: a linearly ordered text is built, where one word is followed by another, each of the words has its own meaning, together creating a total meaning (however, this sum is conditional, it is not the result simple addition all constituent elements).

How does imaginative thinking, on which, in particular, fine art is based, function? The perception of the world is carried out undividedly, but as a single picture. It is impossible to read a painting as a linear text; it cannot be divided into elements; it is perceived as a whole. The man doesn't get more information when moving, say, from the left side of the picture to the right, but he receives more and more information by looking at the entire canvas for a long time. This means that, compared to natural language, this is a fundamentally different form of perception. Undivided paintings can form a linear sequence in some forms of art (cinema, comics, etc.), but it is important to understand that the elements of such a sequence are always complex, cumulative images.

It must be said that there are people who are endowed with much more imaginative thinking. to a greater extent than others. A child sometimes surprises his parents with an unusual reaction to ordinary questions.

- How do you feel?

- I'll draw it for you now.

- Do you like this dog?

- I'm going blind now.

- What did daddy give you today?

- Oh, I'll show you.

A natural attempt to enter with such a child into speech communication encounters the obvious predominance of figurative thinking over verbal thinking. This phenomenon, on the one hand, is congenital, and on the other hand, apparently not inherited, which is proven known fact: Great artists rarely have children who are just good at drawing. It is interesting that professional artist-teachers define a person’s painting ability with the words: “He (she) good eye, he (she) knows how to see." What does it mean to “have a good eye”? This is the ability to see more in a picture than other people see, and the ability to convey more information through an undifferentiated structure than others can. Thus, painting and drawing are is by no means the ability to draw, say, a horse. This is the ability to express a complex, deep meaning in a visible way instead of a verbal one. This difference is, of course, fundamental. In the trilogy "Christ and Antichrist" D.S. Merezhkovsky puts the following words into the mouth of Leonardo da Vinci: “The eye gives a person a more perfect knowledge of nature than the ear. What is seen is more reliable than what is heard... In a verbal description there is only a series of individual images, following one after another; in a painting, all the images, all the colors appear together, merging into one, like sounds in consonance..." People with developed imaginative thinking perceive the world differently than people with a predominance of the mental language function.

Speaking about sensory thinking, it should be noted that the problem itself has been discredited a large number cases of profanity. Unfortunately, there are many people who, through simple scams, pass off nothing as a sensory effect, and this is very damaging scientific research biosensors. However, the method of receiving and transmitting information without assistance known to science analyzers certainly exist.

The basis of this phenomenon should be sought, apparently, at the deepest, “cellular” level. It turns out that devoid of rudiments nervous system and any receptors, the cell is capable of demonstrating a phenomenon that manifests itself in clairvoyance, prognostication, retrospection - it is called “cellular telepathy”. In 1965, in the laboratory of Academician V. Kaznacheev in Novosibirsk, experiments began on communication between isolated cells. Schematic diagram theirs is very simple. Identical single-cell cultures are placed in two transparent, hermetically sealed quartz balls. There is no contact between them, neither biological, nor chemical, nor physical. They only “see” each other. A pathogenic virus is injected into the first ball, causing the cells to die. And then an amazing thing is discovered: the cells in the neighboring ball also get sick and die, although the possibility of accidental transmission of the virus is excluded. If a third ball with a dead culture is placed next to a second ball with healthy cells, the latter, in turn, will suffer the same fate. During the experiments, a whole line of 50 balls was created, and chain reaction step by step it covered her all. This process can be continued ad infinitum, but the result will be the same. The question arises: what is the cause of cell death if the material subject - the virus - is reliably isolated in the first ball? There is only one possible answer: “deadly” information. But then how is it transmitted? After all, the cell does not have optical receptors to receive it in a transparent ball, and all other channels known to us for perceiving information in in this case excluded. This means that its transmission can only occur through the biofield, which is generated even by an individual cell, not to mention any living organism. “By studying the behavior of cells, the mechanism of their reproduction, the influence that they have on each other in the absence of any contact, with the exception of “visual”, we came to the idea, after conducting thousands of experiments, that the true nature of living organisms is manifested in their mutual influence, and not in isolated life, - emphasizes V. Kaznacheev. - We had to recognize the existence of biofields. Our work also confirmed the hypothesis that, in addition to living cells, there is “cosmic” life. It is interesting that the presence of fields is not only a property, but. And a necessary condition existence of living things human body: a person can stay in a magnetic isolation chamber for no more than 30 minutes, after which irreversible changes begin in the brain. The reason, apparently, lies in the fact that for four billion years living matter has never been in a state of isolation from magnetic fields, which have become a necessary condition for its preservation and development.

The possibility of non-contact human information influence on the life activity of biological objects has been proven different levels organizations: cells, microorganisms, animals and people. When a psychic puts his hands to a test tube with single-celled organisms, through a microscope one can see how the single-celled organisms literally begin to rush up and down the test tube and only after an hour return to their previous state. Based on this experience, a reliable assessment method has been developed psychic abilities people, with the help of which false healers are easily identified.

With a psychic’s mental stimulating setting for growth, microorganisms develop several times more intensely; with a setting for oppression, vital activity decreases by an average of a third. Experiments on animals show that, for example, artificially induced inflammation of the paws in white rats goes away three times faster than in controls if a psychic conducts several sessions of therapeutic radiation within two weeks. Since any suggestion or self-hypnosis is excluded in these experiments, the only factor may be the influence biological energy, generated by a person and carrying information about processes occurring in the brain. Moreover, most likely, she is different from everyone else known species energy, because it also affects inanimate objects. Addressing skeptics, it should be said that, as the famous physiologist Claude Bernard advised, “when you come across a fact that contradicts the prevailing theory, you need to recognize the fact and reject the theory.”

Today it has become clear that biosensory effects can be modeled and learned. Indeed, there are centers that develop each type of reception and transmission of information, and sensory skills too. Sensory is telekinesis, telepathy, and parapsychological phenomena themselves. For example, cases when a person entering special condition, which is called trance, sees a picture of a crime in which he was not present, but received information about it. No one can explain in what way (all explanations, as a rule, are unconvincing). But it is important to understand that he cannot do it at all, but in natural language he cannot, but sometimes he can draw (this explains the fact that many bioenergeticists are excellent artists). This provision gives grounds for scientific hypothesis. It's about that the three considered methods of receiving and transmitting information are in unequal interaction with each other. Natural language is realized through the speech apparatus and auditory analyzer, which are localized above the neck. Imaginative thinking is mainly associated with visual analyzer, but, in addition, the information transmission channel involves hands that sculpt and draw. In biosensory effects, the analyzer is apparently the entire human body. “As an artist, I am primarily attracted by the mood, which is difficult to put into words, but which is felt on the skin of the back,” wrote the play’s production designer A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" at the Drama Theater of St. Petersburg (1994). Maybe we shouldn't look for a metaphor in this text.

There is no reason to assume that the information in these cases is received directly by the brain. A very common way of transmitting information is through the laying on of hands. Localization of sites human body, which are involved in receiving and transmitting information by means of natural language, figurative thinking and biosensory, are completely different; At the same time, figurative thinking is close to natural language, and biosensorics is close to figurative thinking. The distance between biosensors and natural language is so great that one cannot even be explained through the other.

Scientific consideration of the problem of the relationship between mental types is in its infancy. This will be done science XXI century. Therefore, the provisions proposed below are to a certain extent hypothetical.

1. Every person naturally has all three types of thinking.

2. U different people in relation to each other, these types are distributed unequally in percentage terms.

3. A significant priority of one mental type in a person leads to a reduction of the other two.

If you observe people who are professionally engaged, say, fine arts, it becomes noticeable that many artists can speak well and even in several languages, but they are not very Interesting do. These people, as a rule, have difficulty with the procedures of strict logical transitions (they are linear!), so in school years they usually do poorly in a subject like algebra.

People with strong sensory abilities are also rarely very talkative: they do not feel the need to do so.

4. All types of thinking are developable, their innate distribution is not constant throughout life, and a tendency to shift is possible. This distribution is not a static structure; it can only be recorded in a unit of time. Of course, all human life is the development of his thinking abilities, but this does not happen spontaneously. If development is not stimulated, a process of degradation begins. Moreover, any mental form is subject to destruction if not used, which is well proven by the cases of “Mowgli”, in which even a one-year withdrawal from human communication does not subsequently allow speech to be restored, despite the collective efforts of psychologists, linguists, speech therapists, and doctors. Defeat occurs within a short time of inactivity: speech ability is completely lost.

Suppose a person is naturally endowed with strong imaginative thinking, but due to circumstances did not stimulate its development, for example, did not engage in art. (It should be noted that not every type of art contributes to the development of imaginative thinking, for example music, which, like speech, is linear structure; but classes in painting, sculpture and architecture raise the level of figurative perception of the world.) He was taught languages ​​​​and mathematics, reoriented to the first mental type - a reduction in figurative thinking will definitely occur, although at first he will even perceive foreign languages ​​figuratively (impress texts in his memory as photos). There are concepts of “trained organ” and “untrained organ”. If you don't train an organ, it will atrophy. There is no reason to suppose that with thinking things are different.

The considered pattern is general character. If we want to predict the outcome of the development of one person, we should take into account his innate distribution of all three types of thinking. For example, two people (A And IN) it may be like this.

It turns out that the reception and transmission of information can be carried out, except EYA, in at least two more ways, corresponding to two human intellectual capabilities: imaginative thinking and sensory. Figurative thinking is the perception of the world in the form of a picture. An artistic canvas or sculpture is also a text (albeit of a special nature) that carries a considerable information load. Thinking in visual images is familiar to every person, for example, when he remembers an episode from his life not dissected verbally, but recorded by consciousness in the form of a photograph.

Sensory is understood as a bioenergetic method of exchanging information, in which a person does not say or demonstrate anything (he may not be observable at all), but at the same time transmits information, and it is perceived by the communicants.

Thus, upon deeper analysis, it becomes obvious that by nature people are endowed with three different forms of thinking: EYA, imaginative thinking and sensory thinking.

We constantly observe how natural language works in its speech, communicative function: a linearly ordered text is built, where one word is followed by another, each of the words has its own meaning, together creating a total meaning (however, this sum is conditional, it is not the result of a simple addition of all constituent elements).

How does imaginative thinking, on which, in particular, fine art is based, function? The perception of the world is carried out undividedly, but as a single picture. It is impossible to read a painting as a linear text; it cannot be divided into elements; it is perceived as a whole. A person does not receive more information when moving, say, from the left side of the picture to the right, but he receives more and more information by looking at the entire canvas for a long time. This means that, compared to natural language, this is a fundamentally different form of perception. Undivided paintings can form a linear sequence in some forms of art (cinema, comics, etc.), but it is important to understand that the elements of such a sequence are always complex, cumulative images.

Speaking about sensory thinking, it should be noted that the problem itself has been discredited by a large number of cases of profanity. Unfortunately, there are many people who, through simple scams, pass off nothing as sensory input, and this has greatly harmed the scientific research of biosensing. Nevertheless, a way to receive and transmit information without the help of analyzers known to science certainly exists.

The basis of this phenomenon should be sought, apparently, at the deepest, “cellular” level. It turns out that a cell deprived of the rudiments of a nervous system and any receptors is capable of demonstrating a phenomenon that manifests itself in clairvoyance, prognostication, and retrospection - it is called “cellular telepathy.”

The possibility of non-contact human information influence on the life activity of biological objects at different levels of organization has been proven: cells, microorganisms, animals and people. When a psychic brings his hands to a test tube with single-celled organisms, through a microscope you can see how single-celled organisms literally begin to rush up and down in a test tube and only after an hour return to their previous state. Based on this experience, a reliable method has been developed for assessing the extrasensory abilities of people, with the help of which false healers can be easily identified.

Today it has become clear that biosensory effects can be modeled and learned. Indeed, there are centers that develop each type of reception and transmission of information, and sensory skills too. Sensory is telekinesis, telepathy, and parapsychological phenomena themselves.

There is no reason to assume that the information in these cases is received directly by the brain. A very common way of transmitting information is through the laying on of hands. The localization of areas of the human body that are involved in receiving and transmitting information by means of natural language, figurative thinking and biosensory is completely different; At the same time, figurative thinking is close to natural language, and biosensorics is close to figurative thinking. The distance between biosensors and natural language is so great that one cannot even be explained through the other.

Scientific consideration of the problem of the relationship between mental types is in its infancy. This is what science of the 21st century will do. Therefore, the provisions proposed below are to a certain extent hypothetical.

  • 1. Every person naturally has all three types of thinking.
  • 2. In different people, in relation to each other, these types are distributed unequally in percentage terms.
  • 3. A significant priority of one mental type in a person leads to a reduction of the other two.

If you observe people who are professionally involved in, say, fine arts, it becomes noticeable that many artists can speak well and even several languages, but they are not very good at it. Interesting do. These people, as a rule, have difficulty with the procedures of strict logical transitions, so during their school years they usually do poorly in a discipline such as algebra.

People with strong sensory abilities are also rarely very talkative: they do not feel the need to do so.

4. All types of thinking are developable, their innate distribution is not constant throughout life, and a tendency to shift is possible. This distribution is not a static structure; it can only be recorded in a unit of time. Of course, all human life there is a development of his thinking abilities, but this does not happen spontaneously. If development is not stimulated, a process of degradation begins. Moreover, any thought form is subject to destruction if not used.

Suppose a person is naturally endowed with strong imaginative thinking, but due to circumstances did not stimulate its development, for example, did not engage in art. He was taught languages ​​and mathematics, reoriented to the first mental type - a reduction in figurative thinking will definitely occur, although at first he even foreign languages will perceive figuratively (impress texts in his memory as photographs). There are concepts of “trained organ” and “untrained organ”. If you don't train an organ, it will atrophy. There is no reason to suppose that with thinking things are different.

5. It is possible that the relationship between the three mental types is to a certain extent connected with racial characteristics, not civilizational, but specifically racial. It is reasonable to assume that natural language, as the most pronounced form of mental activity, is the privilege of the white race, for which (obviously) speech has priority over all other methods of transmitting and receiving information. And since the history of mankind of the last millennium has been largely “suppressed” by white culture, the idea that natural language is the only and optimal mental system has become widespread. This is due solely to the cultural authority of the white race.

The yellow race is predominantly characterized by imaginative thinking, which is indirectly proven both by writing (hieroglyphics is a special type of drawings) and by a specific combination in cultural tradition any type of art (for example, poetry) with a visual image (drawing).

The little-studied culture of the black race has given researchers many mysteries. For example, how is information transmitted from one tribe to another over many hundreds of kilometers in the impenetrable jungle? Why is the leader always a psychic? How the natives learn a lot about white missionaries moreover, what do they tell them? It can be assumed that the biosensory method of receiving and transmitting information is more typical for the black race than for others. Of course, this is only a hypothesis, but one that scientists should think about.

The priority of different types of thinking in different people has great importance for communication practice. When you enter into verbal communication with another person (private, business, official), you should not only carry out complex psychological analysis his personality, but also to get an idea of ​​what type of thinking predominates in him, and try to “play along” with him at this level. Since the main communicative position is that of the listener, the speaker must adapt to him not only in personal attitude both in relation to priority in argumentation, but also in relation to this distribution. Imagine that you are sitting at a table in a restaurant with someone you like and want to impress. Do you want to give him yours? emotional state and talk throughout the evening. And this is a person with pronounced sensory skills, an excellent receiver, acutely feeling another person without words.

Of course, you will not be able to achieve any emotional goal that you set in this situation. It is better to remain silent, looking at each other (in rhetoric this is called “holding a pause”). This procedure is very difficult for people endowed with developed verbal thinking, but in this case a pause must still be kept, exchanging only minor remarks. And if in front of you is an artist and you tell him about how you were in Florence and admired Michelangelo’s “David” and what this brilliant sculpture is, and he, being a professional, does not understand at all how a work of art can be explained, then most likely , you will only cause irritation in your interlocutor! Better show him a photograph of the sculpture, and associations will arise in his mind. Two people endowed with strong imaginative thinking can spend an evening passing each other impromptu drawings made on napkins, and get great pleasure from such communication. There are often people who have difficulty withstanding verbosity: if you ask them for something in five words, they will probably do it, in ten they will think about it, and in twenty they will not do it at all. You just start speaking and suddenly hear in response: “I already understood everything, no need to continue.” If you spend the evening with a person who has pronounced verbal thinking and are shyly silent, nodding your head in response to his stories, the communicative goal is also unlikely to be achieved.

Two equal charges opposite sign, +Q And -Q, located at a distance l from each other form an electric dipole. Magnitude Ql called dipole moment and is indicated by the symbol r. Many molecules have a dipole moment, for example a diatomic molecule CO(atom WITH has a small positive charge and ABOUT- small negative charge); Although the molecule is generally neutral, charge separation occurs due to the unequal distribution of electrons between the two atoms. (Symmetrical diatomic molecules, such as O2, do not have a dipole moment.)

Let us first consider a dipole with moment р = Ql, placed in a uniform electric field of intensity E. The dipole moment can be represented as a vector r, equal in absolute value Ql and directed from negative to positive charge. If the field is uniform, then the forces acting on the positive charge QE, and negative, -QE, do not create a net force acting on the dipole. However, they lead to the emergence of a torque, the magnitude of which is relative to the center of the dipole ABOUT is equal to:

or in vector recording τ = pE.
As a result, the dipole tends to rotate so that the vector r was parallel E. Job W, made by the electric field above the dipole when the angle θ varies from θ 1 to θ 2, is given by the expression:

As a result of the work done by the electric field, the potential energy U dipole;
if you put U = 0 , When , That

U= - W = -pEcosQ = -рЕ

If the electric field is nonuniform, then the forces acting on the positive and negative charges of the dipole may be unequal in magnitude, and then, in addition to the torque, the dipole will also be subject to a resulting force.

So, we see what happens to an electric dipole placed in an external electric field. Let us now turn to the other side of the matter. Let us assume that there is no external field and determine the electric field created by the dipole itself (capable of acting on other charges). For simplicity, we will limit ourselves to points located perpendicular to the middle of the dipole, like the point R in Fig. 22.26, located at a distance r from the middle of the dipole. (Note that r in Fig. 22.26 is not the distance from each of the charges to R, which is equal to ( r 2 + l 2 /4) 1/2, and it is this that should be substituted into the formula.) Tension electric field at point P is equal to E = E + + E -, Where E+ And E -- field strengths created respectively by positive and negative charges, equal in absolute value:

Their Y-components at the point R cancel each other out, and in absolute value the electric field strength E equal to

Far from the dipole ( r » l) this expression is simplified:

It can be seen that the electric field strength of a dipole decreases with distance faster than for a point charge (as 1/ r 3 instead of 1/ r 2). This is to be expected: long distances two charges of opposite signs seem so close that they cancel each other out. Dependency type 1/ r 3 is also valid for points that do not lie perpendicular to the middle of the dipole.


There are two types of electrical charges - positive and negative. These names should be understood algebraically: every charge contains in SI units plus or minus so many coulombs (C). Electric charge is conserved: if as a result of some process a certain amount of charge of one sign appears, then an equal amount of charge of the opposite sign certainly appears on the same or on other bodies; the total charge will remain zero. According to atomic theory, source electric charge is an atom that consists of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons. The charge of the electron is -e= -1.6 x 10 -19 Cl. Conductors are substances that have enough electrons to move freely, while substances that have few free electrons, turn out to be insulators. A body with an excess of electrons is negatively charged, and a body with less than the normal amount of electrons is positively charged. A body can acquire a charge in one of three ways: by friction, when electrons move from one body to another; due to electrical conductivity, when a charge transfers from one charged body to another upon contact, and through induction, when the separation of charges occurs when a charged object approaches the body without direct contact between them.

Electric charges interact with each other. An attractive force arises between charges of opposite sign. Charges of the same sign repel. The strength with which one point charge acts on the other, is proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them (Coulomb’s law):

A charge or group of charges creates an electric field in space. The force acting on a charged object can be explained by the existence of an electric field at its location. Electric field strength E at any point in space is the force per unit charge acting on the positive test charge q at this point: E = F/q. The electric field is graphically represented in the form of lines of force that begin at positive charges and end in negative. The direction of the line of force at each point corresponds to the direction of the force that acts on a small positive test charge placed at that point; the density of field lines is proportional E. The electrostatic field (i.e. the field in the absence of moving charges) inside a good conductor is zero; power lines near a charged conductor are perpendicular to its surface.

Electric dipole- is a system of two equal charges of opposite sign +Q And -Q, located at a distance l. Magnitude p = QI called the dipole moment. A dipole placed in a uniform electric field experiences a moment of force (if r And E are not parallel) and does not experience a net force. The electric field created by the dipole decreases in inverse proportion to the third power of the distance r from dipole ( E~ 1/r 3) when r » l.

To be continued. Briefly about the following publication:

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