Social and personal significance of education. Is education necessary? Functions of education and its value for society

One of the most important criteria for the level of civilization of a society and the manifestation of its culture is education, with which all those living in the world are associated at different periods of life. modern society.

What is education? In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, it is understood as “a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of a person, society, state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of the established state educational levels(educational qualifications)".

Education - social institution, consisting of many institutions and institutions, including means of management and organization.

Education serves many functions in society. These include:

Transfer of knowledge from generation to generation and dissemination of culture;

Generating and storing the culture of society;

Development and creation of new ideas and theories, discoveries and inventions;

Socialization of the individual, especially young people, and their integration into society;

Providing vocational guidance and professional selection of youth;

Creating conditions for social mobility. The position of an individual in society and the opportunities for his successful advancement up the career ladder are determined by the quality of the education received, which is largely related to the prestige of the educational institution.

Education belongs very much important role in definition social status personality, in reproduction and development social structure society, in maintaining social order and stability, the implementation of social control over the processes of intellectual, moral, physical development younger generation. And on the system vocational education, in addition, there are also the functions of controlling the distribution of the generation entering into independent working life, according to various cells of the social structure of society: classes, social groups, layers, production teams.

Education - social elevator. Education, along with the army and the sphere of employment, is one of the elevators of social mobility. Having acquired knowledge and high qualifications, it is much easier to make a career in modern society than: a) it was in pre-industrial and industrial society, b) if a person did not possess them.

Those who leave school early have lower socioeconomic status in the future. Moreover, the main percentage of dropouts falls on families with low socio-economic status. This is explained not only by a lack of money, although this is often the main reason.

From ancient times to this day, education as a social institution has been the main mechanism for social testing, selection and distribution of individuals into social strata and groups.

An uneducated person cannot get a highly paid and responsible work, no matter what social origin he may be. The educated and the uneducated have unequal life chances, but the situation can always be corrected by improving your qualifications, you just have to make an effort.

Of course, you can always find a workaround by getting a well-paid job that does not require a university degree. But there are few such places, and besides, being in such a place for a long time social position It’s risky: either the next certification check will come, or your competitors will bypass you, or you’ll make a serious mistake due to your illiteracy. The second time it is much more difficult to find a loophole. Even the falsification of educational documents and the purchase of a fake diploma indicate the increased importance of education as a channel of vertical mobility.

Level of education - level of income. Another thing is that the connection between two variables - level of education and level of income - is not so obvious, and in some societies it is even problematic. A philologist or general practitioner may be more educated than many successful businessmen. But they receive completely different incomes. Before choosing a university, you need to find out the market value of your future education. This will determine your chances of achieving the desired level of material well-being. Until recently, the profession of economist and lawyer in our country was in greatest demand, and accordingly, competitions in specialized universities constantly growing. But now there is an oversaturation of the labor market with such specialists. Therefore, the market price of engineering education is growing.

In a society with a stable and prosperous economy between the level of education and the size wages a rigid connection is detected. For example, in the United States, workers who have only completed high school earn on average one and a half to two times less than their peers with a bachelor's degree, and almost three times less than doctors. The picture is approximately the same in European countries. Each step up the educational ladder is well rewarded, because the perception of higher education not only how social good, but also as the highest spiritual value.

Quality education is beneficial not only for the individual, but also for society as a whole. Thanks to him, an individual can hope to make a good career in business, in the political or cultural field. Thanks to the education system, the country receives highly qualified workers. And this means an increase in labor productivity, the introduction of new technologies, reaching the forefront in social development.

Education and training. Today's education system in the world is based on the fundamental substitution of the concept of “educated person” with the concept of “trained person” and on the identification of the education process with the learning process. However, this is far from the same thing.

Education is the process of transferring knowledge, abilities, skills from a teacher to a student, which has clearly regulated goals, objectives and stages of implementation.

As for education, it is much broader and fundamental concept. The process of education, formation human personality occurs continuously throughout a person’s life in the course of an individual-personal dialogue with the world of the surrounding culture. At the same time, situations occur when someone specially teaches or trains a person; however in a huge number There are no cases of special training, but the education process still occurs. For example, when a person simply reads books, or communicates with smart people, or he himself is trying to create something in the spiritual sphere.

The situation with the concepts of “enlightenment” and “literacy” is also difficult, as we have yet to see.

What is an educated person? Educated man has developed sense conscience and therefore is able to bear responsibility for his actions and their consequences not only to himself and his friends and loved ones, but to a much wider community, which is called humanity as a whole. An educated person is a person in whom there is a moral principle. But the specificity of a moral position is that it cannot be learned as some kind of external knowledge, it can only be suffered through.

An enlightened person is an individual with a broad humanitarian view of the world; well acquainted with the achievements of world culture; oriented in its history and directions; able to carry on a conversation or show his erudition in the most various issues, including those in the natural sciences. He can be deep at the same time moral person, however, the criterion of morality is not inherent in the very concept of an enlightened person. Rather, it is some kind of addition to it.

Homo edoctus (educated person) - not only well-informed and knowledgeable modern sciences individual. In addition, he has an independent way of thinking, a flexible and developed mental apparatus that allows him to search and find non-standard solutions. At the same time, we are not talking about what he owns ready-made algorithms thinking or patterns of knowledge, as in the case of an enlightened person, but that his thinking has its own unique style.

But an enlightened person is always an individual who speaks a wide range of cultural languages, allowing him to enter into a productive dialogue with representatives of other cultures. First of all, it is the language of artistic and poetic creativity. Such people are considered to be the flower of the humanitarian intelligentsia. While an educated person may well be a narrow specialist or even a practitioner in technical fields.

A competent and enlightened person. The result of a developed system of secondary and higher education in society, among other things, is the creation, firstly, of a literate (based on secondary education), and secondly, an enlightened (based on higher education) population.

It is no longer customary to talk about the benefits of education in our age. interrogative form. Few doubt its necessity. Although we are all varying degrees let us partake of its fruits. One who has understood the basics of the sciences taught in high school, is called a literate person. And if, in addition, he understands contemporary art and literature, knows the classical heritage in the field of humanitarian thought, then why not call him an enlightened person. But the one who joins knowledge not for the sake of curiosity, but conducts serious research, expanding our understanding of the world, contributes to the growth of new knowledge, is undoubtedly considered a scientist.

Training gives qualifications, education - meta-qualifications, i.e. a knowledge system that facilitates the search and assimilation of new knowledge. For example, farmers in developed countries are not only highly qualified through farm experience and secondary education. They have a meta-qualification that gives them the knowledge of who and when to seek advice from - a lawyer, a veterinarian, a local sales agent, a university plant pathologist, a wholesale supplier, a meteorologist, a mechanic. Meta-qualification thus allows a person to find necessary information and internalize it, even if it is far beyond his personal experience.

Basic terms and concepts

Education, training Questions and assignments


1. Describe education as a social institution.

2. What is a social elevator? Why can education be included in this category? Compare it with the capabilities of other social elevators.

3. Explain the difference in the meaning of the phrases: an educated person, a trained person, an enlightened person, a literate person. What determines such different learning outcomes?

4. What is a meta-qualification? How much do you have it? How does it manifest itself?


1. The paragraph describes the main functions of education. Group them, indicating the criterion that became the basis for selection. Are there one or two functions among them that can be called central, system-forming? Justify your opinion.

2. Model the arguments of the participants in the discussion, some of whom would talk about the importance of obtaining a secondary education for all citizens, while others would proceed from the position: “Not all people need a high education. Moreover, not everyone wants to study. So is it worth spending money, effort and teaching everyone, much less forcing them to learn?”

There are many definitions of education, but in a simple way, education - the act or process of transmitting or receiving general knowledge, building the ability to reason and judge, and in general learning directly.

Many underdeveloped countries today do not pay attention to the importance of education in society and this has made most countries sluggishly developing. I ask myself what is contributing to this, most of these underdeveloped countries have people in government who are well educated and if they could give proper attention to the education sector of the country for the youth to develop and be able to reposition the country as they are the named leaders of tomorrow .

It is known that education leads to success. Education can never be underestimated as education forms the heart of any society. The knowledge of creating new discoveries by carrying out these discoveries for the success of any society can be achieved through education. The growth of many developed countries today can be attributed to the quality of education that is imparted to the people. People who have quality education, is able to improve society by making reforms that will bring about economic, social and political growth and development of society.

Education opens your mind to better understand the world around you. Studying different cultures and cases occurring in various places around the world are possible through education. Our horizons are expanded through education so that we cannot only be limited to what is happening in our countries, but also what is happening throughout the world.

Education helps you to be confident in life. You are able to plan your life effectively when you have education as it will help you analyze the problems of life and be able to come out with solutions to those problems that you might face. Educated people are able to make decisions that can change lives in positive ways They will have a lot of experience as they learn new things every day.

The importance of education is well evident in developed countries as it plays main role in personal and social development. Education was used as a means to alleviate poverty, oppression, and war, as leaders were well equipped with the knowledge to lead the country to growth. Some countries have had the problem of overpopulation, which is one of the biggest concerns of humanity. Overcrowding can be attributed to the lack of adequate and better education. Sex education must be taught to young people who are the adults of tomorrow.

Financial growth in life can be achieved through education. Instructions on how to manage money and invest money wisely can be achieved when you have good education, since you are well informed regarding the ways to start your own business. Education was used as the main tool to inform people of their rights.

Finally, children with early age must understand the importance of education. Saturating your brain useful information writing an essay or using a manual, and so on.

Kuznetsov Alexander Dmitrievich

The importance of education lies in the fact that
that education is needed to realize its necessity

Nowadays, quotes and pictures are very fashionable that diplomas are created only to cut sausage with them and yesterday’s C student can easily become a millionaire without special knowledge.

I, as a person with two higher educations, can easily prove that this is not so :).

To begin with, it is important to remember that education is not only the crust that you receive at an institute or school, but also the entire learning process. These are the books you read, term papers and dictations, films and facts. This is what gives us the opportunity to write words without errors, tell exactly where the Eiffel Tower is and answer questions in a simple crossword puzzle.

I have not yet seen a single employer who hired a person just for his beautiful eyes. Everyone wants the secretary who serves coffee to graduate from a university, and the cleaning lady who takes out the trash from the office to at least graduate from a technical school. Nobody wants to hire you just because you're talented. Give everyone documentary evidence of your talents, even if your certificate shows straight C’s.

Education is very important for every person. Without knowledge of languages ​​you cannot fly abroad, without knowledge of marketing you cannot “sell” your resume in the HR department, without mathematics you cannot cope in the supermarket.

We use our knowledge every day and don't even notice it. We read signs at airports, frantically remembering what Mary Ivanovna said, we catch familiar words in the texts of foreign performers and try to sing along to the rhythm.

Thanks to your studies, you make acquaintances and connections, get a job, move in society, and improve your personal life.

Why is education so important for everyone? Why should a girl have a diploma of secondary specialized or higher education? There are a number of reasons for this:

  • This is a way to make money. It doesn’t matter that you graduated from the Faculty of History and work in an office as a translator. You were hired for your knowledge of the language, but no one would have hired you without a diploma from ANY university.
  • Independence. Work, in turn, gives you a feeling of confidence and, over time, independence. You can afford to buy things and go on vacation. For a woman, independence is no less important than for a man. Because there is a husband today, but not tomorrow. And your salary is always with you :).
  • You don't have to answer to anyone.
  • Opportunity to travel abroad for other work. It is unlikely that your candidacy would be considered if you only had a school certificate in your pocket.
  • Development mental abilities– another important element that we must remember.

Rave:). Not all of us were born Steve Jobs or Einstein. Most people are unremarkable and do not have particularly outstanding abilities. That is why they need to always strive for self-development and constantly improve their skills.

The sad fact is that people who dream of a diploma do not even try to get it honestly. Many students pay money to take exams, receive diplomas, and then cannot get a job simply because they lack knowledge and skills.

There are many good professions and without the need for higher education. I will tell you in my next article about which areas are currently developing intensively and where to go to study!

> The role of employee training in the development of an organization

The role of employee training in the development of an organization

“If you think learning is expensive, try to find out how much ignorance costs.” - Robert Kiyosaki (American businessman)

Personnel are one of the most important resources of every organization. Well-trained employees can significantly increase the profitability of an organization, and modern conditions Only organizations with high income will be able to survive. Therefore, every HR manager strives to ensure that only professionals work in his team.

Today, management is well aware of the role that employee training plays in the development of the organization. The incompetence of employees and their reluctance to work will ultimately affect the quality teamwork over projects and profits. In order to get full performance from your employees, you need to train them well. Personnel training and development allows an organization to increase the level of business profitability by increasing the efficiency of teamwork, the value of specialists, as well as their professional level. During the training process, employees will be able to develop effective communication skills necessary to establish good relationships with partners and clients.

Training is necessary even if the manager is completely satisfied with the efficiency and quality of teamwork in the organization. After all, in order to achieve success, you need to constantly move forward, look for new opportunities for the development of the organization and be able to quickly adapt to changing business conditions. Investments in staff training help the manager to flexibly respond to business requirements and effectively manage the organization.

However, for employee training to be truly effective, they must themselves recognize that they need it. Employees must have strong incentives to learn to their full potential. Therefore, the HR manager must help employees understand the importance of training and explain how it will benefit them. Experienced and proactive employees who are engaged in building a career are ready for permanent job over yourself in order to achieve more high results. But other employees need to be stimulated. By using a variety of staff motivation methods to encourage proactive employees who want to gain new knowledge, the manager will show them that learning is not only useful, but also profitable.

In an organization whose employees are constantly learning, managers spend most of of their time to achieve coordination of actions in collective work on projects. Since during the training process each employee develops a different system of thinking, new approaches to work are developed. In this case, we should not forget that even a highly qualified professional cannot handle the entire project alone. In this regard, the manager in the process of personnel management faces the task of team building.

The “Simple Business” project management system will provide the manager with tools for setting project tasks, planning work, business communications, monitoring intermediate and final results, which will help him unite employees with different thinking into one team to work collectively on the project. At the same time, the manager has the opportunity to use different views to the task.

During collective work on the project, employees will be able to acquire new knowledge and develop useful practical skills in professional field. Learning through teamwork will allow them to effectively achieve their goals in various business situations.

Provide your employees with learning opportunities and they will show their limits. Only training and experience can make a person rich and successful.


Several centuries ago to get an education to the common man it was difficult, so educated people were highly valued. IN modern world a person has no problems getting an education, at least in basic level. It is worth noting that even now educated people very much appreciated. The problem is that due to the ease of access to education, people have ceased to value the opportunity to receive it. And yet this is of enormous importance.

The process of obtaining an education provides a huge choice of lifelong pursuits: science, sports, business, IT, creativity. Each direction involves its own characteristics of activity and requires characteristic skills, abilities, and abilities. Of course, if something you love is difficult, this does not mean a wrong choice. This means that a person needs to make every effort to achieve the goal.

But how to find what you love? How not to make a mistake? Education will help you. Despite skeptical attitude to education for schoolchildren - at school, for students - at a university, unnoticed by them, the learning process helps determine life guidelines, preferences, values. Even ours negative emotions in relation to any subject are an indicator. Moreover, classes unloved objects instills discipline and patience in a person, and these qualities are highly valued by employers.

It turns out that by studying various disciplines at school, and then at a university, we form and create our personality. It should be noted that in the learning process we meet people, find friends, gain useful acquaintances, which is also necessary, for example, for building a career.


The meaning of education is to obtain basic knowledge, to reveal hidden talents, development of their unique abilities. In any type of work, it is important to have knowledge, that is, always try to be an expert in your field. And the specialist must direct all his efforts to studying subjects related to his direct activities. However, it is very important to lay the foundations, literally starting from school.

Education at a university has its own nuances. Receiving a diploma is a necessary formality. But only a formality. You need to keep in mind that this is not what is valuable to the person who hires you. First of all, your actual skills and abilities will be assessed. And they are purchased at receiving education. Years of study allow you to think about a lot and draw your own individual conclusions. Probably, after some time, any person will realize everything positive aspects training.

To summarize, it should be noted the importance of education in the 21st century, along with previous centuries. You need to understand all the responsibility when studying both at school and at university, as this will be reflected at all stages of life. And it’s better to study all your life, because learning is light!

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