Genres of speech styles. Genres of speech communication

MM. Bakhtin divides speech genres into:


Primary (simple);

Secondary (complex): novels, dramas, scientific research all kinds, large journalistic genres, etc.

Genre is organically and inextricably linked with style, which is especially clearly revealed when analyzing linguistic or functional styles. Essentially, linguistic or functional styles are nothing more than genre styles of certain areas human activity and communication. Each sphere has its own genres that meet the specific conditions of this sphere; These genres correspond to certain styles. Specific function(scientific, technical, journalistic, business, everyday) and certain conditions of speech communication specific to each sphere give rise to certain genres, that is, certain, relatively stable thematic, compositional and stylistic types statements.

Each person, as a rule, speaks only in certain speech genres, that is, all his statements have certain and relatively stable typical forms of constructing the whole. We have a rich repertoire of oral (and written) speech genres. These speech genres are given to us almost in the same way as we are given our native language, which we speak fluently even without theoretical study of grammar. Native language- we learn its vocabulary and grammatical structure not from dictionaries and grammars, but from specific statements that we hear and which we ourselves reproduce in live verbal communication with the people around us. Forms of language and typical forms of utterances, that is, speech genres, come into our experience and into our consciousness together and in close connection with each other. Speech genres organize our speech in almost the same way as grammatical forms (syntactic) organize it. We learn to cast our speech into genre forms, and, hearing someone else’s speech, from the very first words we guess its genre, predict a certain volume (that is, the approximate length of the speech whole), a certain compositional structure, we foresee the end, that is, from the very beginning we have a sense of the speech whole, which is then only differentiated in the process of speech.

The better we master genres, the more freely we use them, the more fully and brightly we reveal our individuality in them (where it is possible and where it is needed), the more flexible and subtle we reflect the unique situation of communication - in a word, the more perfectly we exercise our free speech intent. So, a person masters the genres of public speech in the process of socialization. Genres of speech are present in the consciousness of a linguistic personality in the form of ready-made samples (frames) that influence the process of unfolding thoughts in speech. The linguistic personality gradually masters these ready-made samples in the course of his social development. The wider the range of mastered speech genres, the higher the level of a person’s communicative competence. This position is relevant for both the speaker and the listener. The formation of genre thinking, i.e. knowledge of how they speak and behave in a particular socially significant communication situation, increases the predictability of the speech message, which significantly improves its understanding. Speech genres, compared to the forms of language, are much more changeable, flexible, and plastic, but for the speaker they have a normative meaning; they are not created by him, but given to him.

For modern man, having high level communicative competence, knowledge of the genres of speech communication that function in different areas is necessary. Thus, in the educational field of activity, the genres of speech communication include the teacher’s explanation, pedagogical dialogue between the teacher and the student in a questioning situation, lecture, seminar, course defense, theses. The main goal of educational speech communication is the transfer of knowledge and control over the level of knowledge.

In the scientific field, the main genres of speech communication are a scientific report, a scientific message at a conference, a round table (if there are listeners), defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations at the academic council (if there are invited guests). The main function of oral scientific communication is to find scientific truth or to recognize a found scientific truth as truth.

In the business sphere, one can distinguish genres of speech communication that are common to all subjects of activity, regardless of the sphere labor activity(factory, theater, school, etc.) - a meeting, banquet, anniversary, memorial service, the purpose of which is to ensure the functioning of the work collective as a single organism.

There are also special genres business speech communications, specific to such labor spheres as parliamentary and judicial activities - parliamentary debates, court hearings (open), which are a complex of genres of public communication. The purpose of special genres of business speech communication is to ensure the functioning of the state, ensure the safety of citizens, and impose punishment. Among the general genres of public business communication They also identify so-called PR genres that serve to create positive publicity for an organization, for example, a press conference and presentation perform, on the one hand, the function of informing the public, i.e., conveying to the public the organization’s point of view on topical issue, and on the other hand, the function of persuasion, which consists in forming in the public, with the help of the text, a positive attitude towards the organization.

In the socio-political and socio-cultural spheres, oral journalistic speech is represented by the genres of political speech at a rally, public television interviews and discussions (if there are spectators in the studio). The function of these genres is to influence the consciousness of listeners in order to attract attention to socially significant problems and create public opinion.

The religious sphere of communication is characterized by such a genre of public communication as preaching, aimed at the formation of moral values ​​and general spiritual growth parishioners

Thus, public communication gives a person the opportunity to:

Carry out joint activities with others to successfully solve life problems;

Gain knowledge about the world;

Form samples and models of your behavior;

Organize thinking, develop the ability to analyze and evaluate, create an image of the world.

Forms and types of speech communication. There are oral and written forms of speech communication. Each form is characterized by a number of characteristics, on the basis of which the types of speech communication are determined. These signs include the following:

1) terms of communication:

Direct, or immediate, communication with active feedback(for example, dialogue) and with passive feedback (for example, written instructions, etc.);

Indirect communication (for example, speaking on radio, television, in media mass media);

2) number of participants:

Monologue (speech by one person);

Dialogue (speech between two people);

Polylogue (speech of several people);

3) purpose of communication:


Persuasion (including motivation, explanation, etc.);


4) nature of the situation:

Business communication (report, lecture, discussion, etc.);

Everyday communication (conversations with loved ones, etc.). Any speech situation can be classified as a certain type.

For each type of communication, there are specific linguistic means (words, grammatical structures, etc.), tactics of behavior, the mastery of which in practice is a necessary condition for achieving success in the process of verbal communication.

Model of speech communication. No matter under what conditions speech communication is carried out, no matter what means information is transmitted, no matter how many people take part in communication, it is based on a single scheme or model. The components of this model are:

1) sender of information(or addressee) – a person speaking or writing;

2) recipient of information(or addressee) – a person reading or listening;

3) message(text in oral or written form) is an integral part of the model, since without the exchange of information there can be no verbal communication.

A separate speech act (fragment of communication) is called communicative act(for example, in a dialogue - a remark from one of the interlocutors).

The simplest diagram of an individual communicative act in the process of speech communication is as follows:

Speech communication is the communication of people, understood in the broad sense of the word not only as a conversation or conversation, but as any interaction for the purpose of exchanging information (reading, writing, etc.). Communication is carried out in the process of human speech activity using verbal (verbal) and non-verbal means. Verbal speech activity includes four aspects: speaking, listening, reading, writing. The main purpose of verbal communication is the exchange of information. In accordance with this, the tasks that a person solves in the process of communication can be reduced to the following main ones:

Efficient Receipt information;

Effective communication of information;

Achieving a set goal by persuading the interlocutor and encouraging him to act;

Obtaining additional information about the interlocutor;

Positive self-presentation.

Receiving Information Efficiently refers to both oral and written language and depends on the level of reading and listening skills. Effective communication of information(in written and oral forms) requires proficiency in writing and speaking skills. Achieving your goal by persuading the interlocutor requires knowledge of basic rhetorical techniques (both in oral and written speech), as well as mastery of speech tactics of persuasion and motivation. Obtaining additional information about the interlocutor possible on the basis of knowledge of the basic laws of the functioning of language in society (to determine the level of socio-cultural development of a person, his social affiliation), the ability to distinguish shades of intonation and voice of the interlocutor (to assess his emotional state), the ability to interpret the content of his statements and understand possible subtext. Positive self-presentation means the ability to produce good impression on the interlocutor (or on the reader) and presupposes mastery of the basics of speech culture, which includes knowledge of the norms of the language and the ability to “perform” one’s speech in a manner that is pleasant to the interlocutor, demonstrating one’s positive qualities.

Typology of oral speech. Speech communication, as defined by A.A. Leontyev, is “an activity of exchanging information, the purpose of which is to change the behavior of the interlocutor.” P.M. Jacobson described and identified 3 main groups of motives by which people communicate with each other: 1) motives of business communication; its goal is to establish business connections with people to carry out joint activities; 2) motives for influencing another person or group of people in order to change the essential aspirations of a person, some personality traits; 3) motives for communication; its goal is “to make another person, on the basis of contact with him in some respects, close to himself, just as to make himself close ... to another.”

As a rule, two spheres of human activity in which oral speech is used are distinguished - social and personal (everyday). The main differences can be presented in the following table:

Characteristic signs of differentiation Public sphere Everyday life sphere
1.Nature of communication official informal
2. Preconditions for communication preparedness lack of preparation
3. Content factor thematic assignment thematic freedom
4. Initiatives socially determined private
5. Speech style literary colloquial
6.Quantitative parameter of communication collective or mass communication limited number of participants
7. Etiquette standards strictly observed freedom of choice
8. Type of speech monologue/dialogue dialogue

In the sphere of public activity, oral public /rhetorical/ speech is widespread. It is a synthesis of spoken and written speech. The more widely live conversational speech is represented in a public speech, the higher its effective power. On the other hand, accuracy, logic, argumentation, and aesthetic finishing of the oratorical word are based on the foundation of written speech. From “colloquiality” comes intonation, imagery, direct contact with listeners, improvisation and impromptu, and from it comes the rhetorical organization of the text. From written speech - literary, aesthetic, and in certain cases - artistic.

Oral speech is primary in relation to written speech: it arose as the first instrument human society, and only much later did the first ones appear written signs to fix it.

Spoken and written language share many features, as can be seen from the following table:

Opposition parameters Oral speech Written speech
1. Language signs Flow of sounds, pauses, intonation, stress "Flow" of letters, punctuation marks
2. Non-linguistic signs Gestures, facial expressions, postures, etiquette behavior No
3. Execution It unfolds dynamically in time, is linear, irreversible, and does not allow the text to be altered Static, presented on paper, allows pauses for choosing words, adjusting, reworking the text
4. Addressee Specific listener/listeners Abstract reader and concrete addressee
5. Style Colloquial Book and literary
6. Other characteristics Situationally determined, spontaneous, based on dialogue /monologue/ Does not depend on the situation, prepared, based on a monologue

Types of public communication. Modern scientific and methodological literature notes the variety of types of public communication and classifies them on various grounds. They authors divide oral presentations into 1) monologue and 2) dialogical; others are 1) emotional and 2) rational, etc.

The most complete classification of modern eloquence is presented in the book by G.Z. Apresyan "Oratory". The author identifies the following main types of eloquence: socio-political, academic, social, judicial, theological and church. The socio-functional sign of speech is taken as the basis for this classification.

Each genus combines certain types of speech depending on the function that speech performs from a social point of view.

1. The author classifies as socio-political eloquence a report on socio-political and political-economic topics, a reporting report, a political speech, a diplomatic speech, a political review, a rally speech, and an agitator speech.

2. Towards academic eloquence - a university lecture, a scientific report, a scientific review, a scientific report.

3. To judicial eloquence - prosecutorial, or accusatory, speech, socially accusatory speech; advocacy, or defensive speech; socially protective speech; self-defense speech of the accused.

4. To the social and everyday – anniversary speech, table speech (toast), funeral speech (funeral word),

5. Towards theological and church eloquence - a sermon, a speech at a council.

This classification quite fully reflects modern oratory, although it does not cover all types of eloquence. In particular, it does not contain discussion and polemical speeches, such effective form oratorical speech, like a remark, answers at a press conference, the word for " round table", as well as types of eloquence used on radio and television.

questions for control

1. What is a speech genre? What types of speech genres do you know?

2. What types of public communication do you know?

Assignments on the topic

Task 1. a) Determine which group of journalism genres (1, 2, 3) the genres listed on the left (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) belong to. Please note that some items on this test have multiple answer options.

b) identify the elements that characterize each genre:

Task 2. Determine what style the given texts belong to and make a stylistic analysis of them.

1. The power of the reflected signal during planetary radar is negligible. Imagine that a kettle of boiling water was poured into the ocean, and somewhere thousands of kilometers away a glass of water was scooped out of the sea. In theory, the poured boiling water “slightly” warmed the world’s oceans. So, the excess thermal energy in a randomly scooped glass of sea water is of the same order as the energy of the received signal reflected from Venus.

2. In Tbilisi on the street named after. Georgy Tovstonogov took place grand opening memorial to the former director of the BDT. The marble plaque states that “from 1915 to 1946. A great director lived in this house.” The event was attended by the President of the Interstate Confederation of Theater Workers, Kirill Lavrov.

3. Solid, consisting of a large number of small crystals, is called polycrystalline. Single crystals are called single crystals.

4. The last decade has been marked in Russia by heated discussions around the formation of a new identity, which would correspond to the current democratic character Russian state and society. The area of ​​foreign policy has not remained aloof from these discussions. After all, the future image of the country and its behavior in the international arena largely depend on what value system will form the basis of the “new Russian identity.”

5. Language refers to those social phenomena that operate throughout the existence of human society. Using language, people exchange thoughts and express their feelings. Language is inextricably linked with thinking, with the knowledge of people, and serves as a means of forming and expressing their thoughts. Words, phrases, and sentences consolidate the results of a person’s cognitive activity and reflect his diverse experience.

6. “There are two troubles in Russia: fools and roads,” Karamzin argued. A lot of time has passed since then, the constitutional system in the country has changed, but these eternal problems are still present in our reality. And if a state program has not yet been invented to combat fools, the state is constantly fighting against potholes and potholes on the roads. Last year, the five-year presidential program “Roads of Russia” ended, but now transport workers have decided to think on a larger scale and have developed a plan for the decade.

7. Innovation is a new phenomenon, an innovation within the framework of any economic subsystem, generating significant changes in social policy, the introduction of scientific and technical developments into production; creation of various types of innovations, new scientific and technical achievements and its practical implementation.

8. The greatest value of a people is their language, in which they write, speak, and think. He thinks! This must be understood thoroughly, in all the polysemy and significance of this fact. After all, this means that a person’s entire conscious life passes through his native language. Emotions and sensations only color what we think or push the thought in some way, but our thoughts are all shaped by language.

In general, it should be remembered: there is no thought outside its expression in language, and the search for a word is, in essence, a search for thought. Inaccuracies in language arise primarily from inaccuracies in thought (D.S. Likhachev).

Task 3. Find the stylistic features of colloquial speech in the following fragment: a) informality, ease; b) situational; c) emotionality, expressiveness.

So, my father usually doesn’t let me drive, but it’s so hot here, he’s tired, well... I’m fine, this isn’t the first time. No, well, I already went to the dacha to pick mushrooms, have you forgotten? I’m driving, everything is calm, quiet and peaceful, I’ll give you 100 kilometers... Yeah, my father is sleeping. And suddenly, at a turn, some shabby “five” cut me off! Not a jeep, not a “bomb” - just arrogance! I'm on the brakes. Father woke up, of course. "What's happened! How do you drive? - in short, not himself. I didn’t get enough sleep, you know. I’m fine, I’m silent, but he... What? Are we going out?

Task 4. Edit your conversational monologue based on your needs. official communication. How can you present the work experience described in the dialogue in your resume (written version) and present it in a job interview (oral version)?

What, are you already working?

Yes, in the office alone.

Promoter, or what? There are only girls there!

You understand a lot! I select samplers, train them... here you need to be able to work with people.

Do you need money?

No, parents give... but it’s nice to have something extra in your pocket.

Task 5. Read fragments from the materials of the newspaper “Arguments and Facts” (No. 3, 2005), reflecting the same event. Name the event in question. Determine how and for what purpose (to inform, analyze, tell details, etc.) this event is presented. Make a conclusion which genre each of the materials belongs to.

Fragment 1

On Monday, V. Putin gave his assessment of the monetization of benefits ongoing in Russia. According to him, the government and regional authorities have not fulfilled their task of not worsening the situation of those who need state assistance. And there are still a huge number of such citizens in Russia. The President particularly focused on the problem of abolishing preferential travel on transport. It could be solved by giving people a choice: buy travel tickets at a price not exceeding the amount of the corresponding preferential payments, or receive this amount in cash. “This is the simplest, most understandable,” said V. Putin. “Any citizen can decide: either buy a travel document that allows him to travel on all types of urban transport for a month, or keep this money if he does not travel so intensively.”

Fragment 2

It seems, however, that today they are trying to make the old people themselves and the parties that supported them extreme. They threaten organizers of unauthorized rallies with administrative and even criminal charges.

I think this is ridiculous. The dumbfounded government is looking for some instigators and finds them in the ranks of the opposition. But the opposition exists to take advantage of acute situations and point out to the authorities their mistakes... The problem is not the machinations of the opposition, but the poor work of the government agencies themselves, in the center and locally. There is a Constitution that states: Russia is a social state, and no reforms can infringe on the rights of citizens. There is a direct instruction from the president to the government that no one should suffer during monetization. The ministers assured that this would be the case... the people took to the streets because they saw that the constitutional principles and orders of the president were not implemented.

V. Lukin. Substitution of benefits or fodder?

Fragment 3

Traffic was blocked for two hours,” says Georgy Chevichev, head of the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs. “But we don’t even have the right to use force in such cases.” And from a human point of view: how can we raise our hands against the elderly? On the other hand, I cannot allow anyone to break the law. So we opened five administrative cases: against three organizers and two riot activists. The cases have already been sent to court. Now they will decide there. Although in general I understand veterans.

M. Chizhov. Dialogues in transport and with authorities.

Fragment 4

To what extent did it have to offend people so that the most voiceless, the most patient - pensioners and veterans - would take to the streets. It’s shameful that the big guys, accustomed to looking at the street from imported dick carriers, at first even tried to threaten the people with an imperious finger - they say, it’s unauthorized, they say, it’s a provocation. Throw them in jail, the instigators! We must repent, ask for forgiveness from offended Russia, and not raise our voices against our own people.

V. Kostikov. Various songs about the main thing

Task 6. Edit your father's remarks to suit the communication situation.

Dad, I want corn flakes for breakfast. Is it really oatmeal today?

Yes. Mom suggested that in view of the cold weather, it would be useful to raise your body temperature by eating oatmeal. Also, due to the aforementioned temperature conditions, your granny-knitted gloves and a coat with a warm lining and hood should definitely be worn.

Can I sprinkle sugar on my oatmeal?

The lack of sugar in the sugar bowl at our disposal was noted some time ago by dad. However, at present, the next dose of this substance is delivered by the mother from the kitchen, where it is stored in a specially adapted container.

Dad, I don't want to go to school today. It's not every day to go there!

Several researchers have independently shown that the deficiency school education may subsequently negatively impact an individual's ability to earn money. In addition, other dads have reported that, in particular and especially, the school that dad pays money to is very good. Another factor that needs to be taken into account is the relative freedom that mom enjoys during the day in your absence, due to which she has the opportunity to pay attention only to the baby and herself.

Task 7. Characterize the speakers based on the following texts:

Text 1

Who do you work for? - I ask.

“A system administrator and a programmer,” he answers.

“I see,” I say, not understanding anything. – What is a system administrator?

I'm sitting in the office on the grid. The grid, however, is junk - coaxial. But they all huddle together on twisted pair cables. And can you imagine, we have twenty-five computers! How to work here on a serial connection? Just as a cleaning lady slams a cable somewhere with a mop, you have to climb all over the office like a coconut bee.

Yes indeed! Get to work! – I agree. – Is it comfortable to sit on the net? Maybe just put some kind of chair?

“You’re not coming in,” Sergei gets angry. - I do administration. Access sharing, this and that. There are all kinds of security there.

So you work as a security administrator! – I finally guessed.

No, how can I talk to you? – Sergei became completely angry. – I immediately said that I work as a system administrator. This is the system administrator! Understood?

“I understand, I understand, don’t worry,” I hastily replied. – Each company has its own work system. You work as an administrator in this system. Right?

Well, something like that,” Sergei agreed, waving his hand.

To defuse the situation, I invited him to dance. At first he disagreed for a long time, declaring that the last time he danced was before the invention of computers, but then he finally prevailed. During the dance, he spoke continuously, but I understood at most one word out of twenty. The word “card” was heard several times, from which I concluded that the guy was not a fool for having fun. Once he used the word “port”, from which one could understand that his profession was somehow connected with the sea. The term "cable" indicated that it had to do with electricity. In short, the mysterious guy turned out to be something.

At the end of the dance, he became so excited that he spent a long time depicting some strange structure on the table using bottles, cans and cutlery, which he called “Mail Routing Scheme in Our Grid.” From which I understood that he also has something to do with post office. Apparently, he worked part-time in the mornings delivering mail.

A. Exler. Notes from a programmer's bride.

Text 2

Why did you choose our company?

I was attracted by the opportunity for professional growth; I could gain useful experience from you.

Have you already received other job offers?

Yes, but working in your company interests me, to be honest, more.

Wouldn't your personal life work with us? This position requires travel and long working hours.

I think not. My family is used to my lifestyle.

What are your strengths?

I know how to make quick decisions, maybe that’s why I’ve been driving a car for ten years without a single accident.

What are your weaknesses?

Sometimes people mistake my determination for impatience. However, now I always watch my manner of expressing thoughts.

Why do you want to get this particular job? Why should we hire you?

Your company is developing very dynamically, judging by the press, you intend to seriously develop the regions. I believe that in these conditions you can make a career. On the other hand, my work experience would be useful to you.

Why did you decide to change your job?

I don’t see any opportunities for professional growth in my old place. I feel like I could have done more.

How do you imagine your position in five (ten) years?

I would like to work in the same organization, but in a more responsible job.

What kind of boss do you think your boss should be?

A competent, strong leader that I could learn from.

Based on materials from http: //

Task8. Analyze the texts from the point of view of their belonging to the official business style.

Text 1

CJSC "Igrotekhnika Plant", located at the address: St. Petersburg, V.O., 16th line, no. 7, announces the holding of an extraordinary general meeting of the closed joint stock company "Igrotekhnika Plant" in the form of joint presence.

The meeting will take place on December 22, 2006 at 14.00 at the address: St. Petersburg, V.O., 16th line, 7"

Text 2

“Traffic was blocked for two hours,” says Georgy Chevichev, head of the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs. “But we don’t even have the right to use force in such cases.” And from a human point of view: how can we raise our hands against the elderly?! On the other hand, I cannot allow anyone to break the law. So we opened five administrative cases - against three organizers and two riot activists. The cases have already been sent to court. Now they will decide there.”

Text 3

You are holding in your hands the “Index of Physical Effects and Phenomena.” This is not a reference book because it includes only a small part of the huge number of effects and phenomena of the world around us. This is not a textbook either. It won't teach you how to effectively use physics to solve puzzling technical problems.

Text 4

The conduct of a forensic examination is provided for in Ch. 27 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. Forensic examination– this is a procedural action assigned in accordance with Art. 195 and carried out with the aim of obtaining an expert’s opinion on issues related to the establishment of circumstances significant for the criminal case. The expert must conduct a complete and comprehensive study based on the use of proven methods and scientific and technical means; prepare substantiated answers to all questions posed, i.e. give a conclusion that meets the requirements of Art. 204 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Text 5

Article 196. Intentional bankruptcy

Intentional bankruptcy, that is, the deliberate creation or increase of insolvency, committed by the head or owner of a commercial organization, as well as an individual entrepreneur in the personal interests or interests of other persons, causing large damage or other grave consequences, is punishable by a fine in the amount of five hundred to eight hundred times the minimum wage. labor or amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of five to eight months, or imprisonment for a term of six years with a fine in the amount of up to one hundred times the minimum wage or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one month or without it (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for as of October 1, 2002).

Section 4.

Related information.

Discipline: Russian language and literature
Type of work: Abstract
Topic: Styles and genres of speech

Kazan State University

Faculty of Journalism and Sociology

By subject

Russian language and speech culture

Styles and genres of speech


Fatykhov D.F.

Group 1333


Markelov V.S.

Kazan, 2004
Table of contents.

Introduction. 3

1. Scientific style of speech. 4

2. Newspaper and journalistic style of speech. 8

3. Official business style of speech. 11

4. Conversational style of speech. 14

5. Artistic style of speech. 15

6. About genres of speech. 16

Conclusion. 24

References. 26


Speech has a communicative nature and is thus addressed to someone. Depending on the form of information exchange, speech is divided into oral.

Depending on the number of participants in communication into monologue and dialogue. The basis of both written and oral speech is the literary language. It should be noted that for each communication situation in one or another social sphere there are rules for activities speech behavior, speech norms, functional styles of speech are distinguished, each of which is characterized by its own selection of linguistic means. The most established includes five functional styles:

Scientific style
Newspaper journalistic style
Formal business style
Colloquial style

Each style gives preference to oral or written form, dialogic or monologue speech.

1. Scientific style of speech.

Main features scientific style both in writing and in orally are:

Objectivity of presentation

The scientific style is characterized by the use of special scientific and terminological vocabulary, incl. and international.

The peculiarity of vocabulary is that ambiguous words are not used in all meanings, but only in one. This brings it closer to the vocabulary of the official business style. The volume of text in a scientific style increases due to repeated repetition of the same words. Absent colloquial vocabulary. Assessments are present and are rational, not emotional. Complex syntax is also used union proposals, complicated simple sentences. Texts contain various formulas, tables and graphs.

The sphere of social activity in which the scientific style functions is science.

So, let's look at this style using an example. Analyzes a chapter from the textbook “Economics without Secrets” by I. Lipsits. In this chapter, entitled “This sweet word is budget,” continuing the theme of the textbook on the foundations of a market economy, the author reveals the content of some concepts of modern economic theory.

It reveals cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena and reveals patterns.

The text of the chapter is presented objectively and has a logical sequence. It begins with an explanation of what is the basis of the “state budget”, how it is executed, who is involved in this (“financiers”), how they resolve situations in the event of “expenses” exceeding “income” - “budget deficit”.

"cuts in social programs"
"issue of fiat money"

The text provides definitions of the concepts under consideration. They are underlined on both sides and in dark font, for example: “A government budget deficit is a financial situation that arises when .....”

Special scientific terms mentioned above and placed in quotation marks are also highlighted in the text in font.

This chapter provides digital data on the structure of budget revenues and expenditures. The contents of the textbook include both graphs and tables with numbers.

In the text there are polysemantic words that here have strictly one meaning, for example, “financial operations” (We know that this word is polysemantic, because it is both a “military operation” and a “surgical operation”).

In the text you can find abstract concepts, for example, “the authority of government securities.”

Many words, scientific terms, are repeated many times, thereby increasing the volume of the text, for example: “state”, “securities”, “yield”, “debt”, “money”, “loans”, “credits”, etc.

Simple complex sentences are also actively used here:

introductory words: “essentially”, “really”, “of course”, “as a rule”
phrases: “absolute amounts”, “world experience”
participial and participial phrases: “having become acquainted with the list of items of government expenditure”...

All this helps to understand the true essence of phenomena and identify scientific patterns. Scientific texts require repeated reading.

Example: “This textbook is intended for students in grades 9-11, colleges and technical schools, so the author tried to explain the essence of complex economic laws as clearly as possible.”

Scientific style is the style of scientific works, articles, textbooks, lectures, reviews. They contain information about various phenomena of the world around us. In the field of vocabulary, the scientific style is characterized primarily by the presence special vocabulary, terms: declension, conjugation, theorem, bisector, logarithm, etc. Words are used, as a rule, in their direct meanings, since scientific speech does not allow ambiguity and must be extremely accurate. The syntax of scientific works is characterized by the widespread use of complex sentences, isolated minor members, introductory words indicating the sequence and logical connection of thoughts: Plot (from the French sujet subject, content) system of events that make up the content of the action of a literary work, broader “character history.” (M. Gorky), shown in the system of events. It is important to keep in mind, first of all, the content of the plot, the reflection in it of the conflicts of life itself, illuminated by the writer’s worldview. Plots are socially determined.

2. Newspaper and journalistic style of speech.

The main feature of newspaper journalistic style is the interaction of two trends:

tendencies towards expressiveness (due to the function of persuasion, emotional impact on the reader, listener);
tendencies towards a standard (determined by the information-content function, and information should be known as soon as possible a huge number people this distinguishes the newspaper-journalistic style from others)

Emotional impact is enhanced by the expression of the author’s attitude towards the information being communicated, adjusted by the opinion of a certain social group of people to which the author belongs.

Taking into account the above, let us analyze E. Arsyukhin’s “Stumbling Pretzel” (“ Russian newspaper" No. 95 2003)

Here the expression of the title immediately attracts attention. The phraseological unit “stumbling block” is well known (that is, something that cannot be resolved in any way, around which there is a lot of controversy and everyone “stumbles” over this “stone”). The author, paraphrasing it, draws attention to the topic of the article. And the subtitle with elements of colloquial speech close to the jargon “bakers want to make money” leaves no doubt about the conclusion made by the author “bread will rise in price.”

In the article we encounter an interweaving of words and phrases characteristic of the scientific style (“resonance”, “traders”, “profitability”, “cost”, “intervention”), and characteristic of colloquial speech (“making money”, they have room to squeeze in) , “reduce the price of buns”).

In the language of the article there are features characteristic of the newspaper-journalistic style. standard expressions clichés (“the root of evil”, “the interests of both sides”, “heroic efforts”, etc.) which, on the other hand, certainly facilitate communication.

In the text, the author uses a very expressive figurative comparison, given by grain expert from the Institute of Agricultural Marketing Yu. Ognev: “...grain was cheaper than the dust of trucks...”, thereby increasing the impact on the reader.

Talking about how the government fought against the cheapness of grain and eventually achieved its rise in price, but thereby provoked an increase in bread prices, without taking into account the political nature of this price increase and even the strategic one, the correspondent, journalistically sharpening his thought, poses the question: “It turns out that for what did they fight?...”, implying “that’s what they ran into!” This question and the implied answer emphasizes his author’s position.

We conclude that many features of the newspaper-journalistic style are presented in this article.

The most common genres of journalism include an editorial, correspondence, essay, speech at a rally, meeting, etc. Works of journalism usually have two tasks: firstly, a message, information about certain social phenomena or acts and, secondly, an open assessment of the issues presented in order to actively influence the listener or reader in order to attract the interlocutor to support the position that the author takes and defends.

The vocabulary of this style contains many words and phraseological units socio-political nature: progressive humanity, the struggle for peace, advanced ideas. To enhance expressiveness in vocabulary, outdated words and forms are often used: faithful sons Fatherland, bend the knee, ancestor (ancestor), solemnly elevated words are widespread: power, accomplished, sacred duty, godina. To more effectively influence the interlocutor, figurative means are used, and in syntax exclamations and incentive offers: Today there is no need to guess “whose groan is heard over the great Russian river.” Then the Volga itself groans, dug up length and breadth, sick, with brine water, stretched by the dams of hydroelectric stations, swollen from reservoirs with the famous fish wealth decreasing from year to year. Looking at the Volga, you understand especially well the price of our civilization - those benefits with which man was lured, like an unreasonable child, and replaced his joy of being with the joy of selfish victories and achievements. It seems that everything that was possible has been defeated, even the soul, even the future; More and more bitterness, like ash from factory chimneys, oppresses our hearts... (V. Rasputin)

3. Official business style of speech.

For official business speech characterized by common stylistic features.

Precision and impersonality of presentation, not allowing for differences in interpretation
Impartial statement
Detail of presentation
Stereotyping, standardization of presentation
Formality, rigor of thought
Objectivity and logic

Business style genres perform informational, prescriptive, and ascertaining functions in various types of activities. Therefore, the main form of implementation of this style is written.

Main scope official business style:

Administrative and legal activities
Formalization of business relations between the state and organizations, as well as between members of society in the official environment.

We will analyze this style of speech using the example of the “Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation”.

In the text of this resolution there are practically two paragraphs, consisting of two sentences, in which the same type of phrases are repeated several times and occupy a large amount of text (“in the field of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, ensuring fire safety, as well as restoration and construction of residential buildings, facilities housing and communal services farms... etc.)

The repetition of these phrases clearly shows us that any discrepancies or other interpretations of the text are simply unacceptable here.

The second point introduces us to the changes that have occurred in the composition of the Government Commission. Verbs in the infinitive are widely represented here, containing the theme of obligation and instructions characteristic of the official business style (“introduce”, “include”, “release”, “exclude”)

The names of persons included and excluded from the commission are given, along with their positions, which is typical for this style of speech, and no characteristics are given and no assessments are made of these changes in the composition of the commission.

So, the stylistic features of the text of the resolution are the standardization and detail of the presentation, the unambiguous reading of the text.

The official business style serves a wide area of ​​legal, administrative, diplomatic relations. Its main purpose is information, a message. This style is used when writing various documents, instructions, charters, etc. The words in it are used in direct meaning to avoid their misinterpretation. The vocabulary of this style contains many words and stable combinations, assigned specifically to this style: petition, statement, resolution, order, protocol, appeal, bring a claim, draw up a petition; we, the undersigned. It often uses nouns with -nie: in order to improve the supply of the population; failure to comply with the decision; compound prepositions: due, in case, provided, etc.

In the area of ​​syntax, business style is characterized by the use of verb phrases with a noun: declare gratitude (thank neutral), ask for permission (instead of asking for permission). Frequent in the syntax of this style are impersonal sentences with the meaning of necessity, order: it is necessary to urgently prepare; measures should be taken, etc.

In the official business style, complex sentences are widely used, as well as simple, significantly common ones, including isolated revolutions, homogeneous members: Storm warning. A cyclone is heading towards the coast of Scandinavia. The water level in the Neva has risen by 162 cm. All organizations located in the flooded zone should prepare for possible flooding. Roshydrometcenter.

4. Conversational style of speech.

The conversational style serves primarily for direct communication with the people around us. It is characterized by ease and unpreparedness of speech. It often uses colloquial words (young instead of newlyweds, start instead of begin, now instead of now, etc.), words in figurative meaning(window meaning break).

Words in a colloquial style often not only name objects, actions, signs, but also contain their assessment: good fellow, dodgy, careless, smart, clever, cheerful. In a conversational style, words with diminutive suffixes are used: little book, spoon, bread, pretty, tea, etc.

Phraseological phrases are found especially often in the conversational style: walk at a snail's pace, get up at first light, rush as fast as you can. The syntax of the conversational style is characterized by the use of simple sentences. Incomplete sentences are widely represented in it, since colloquial speech is often a dialogue. For example:

“Uncle,” asked Tolik, “why did you remove the sign from Bim?”

Are you crazy, boy? he answered the question with a question.

You took him away with a sign. I wasn't the only one who saw it.

(G. Troepolsky)

5. Artistic style of speech.

An artistic style used in works of art to draw living picture, depict an object or event, convey to the reader the author’s emotions. Expressions of artistic style are distinguished by imagery, clarity, and emotionality.

Characteristic linguistic means of style include: words with specific meaning, words in figurative use, emotional-evaluative words, words with the meaning of a sign, object or action, words with the meaning of comparison, juxtaposition; perfective verbs with the prefix for-, denoting the beginning of an action, figurative use of forms of tense and moods (Akim fell in love with this Dunyasha!); emotionally-tinged sentences: Suddenly something broke through the still air, the wind blew strongly and whirled across the steppe with a noise and a whistle. Immediately the grass and last year's weeds began to murmur, and dust swirled on the road, ran across the steppe and, carrying straw, dragonflies and feathers with it, rose to the sky in a black spinning column and fogged the sun. (A. Chekhov)

6. About genres of speech.

The verbal-sign design of typical situations of social interaction between people is called speech genres.

M. M. Bakhtin was the first to pose the problem of studying speech genres. With his light hand, the study of this linguistic object led to the creation of a special promising direction, the field of anthropocentric linguistics and genre studies (genre studies). Bakhtin considered the speech genre a category that allows us to connect social reality with linguistic reality. He called genres of speech “transmission belts from the history of society to the history of language.” At the same time, genres of speech...

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The most in a fast way The transmission of information from one person to another is the printed word. Depending on the tasks and target audience, the set of expressive means of the Russian language can change significantly. Both the reader and to the person writing it is important to know how to determine the style of the text, because this will give an understanding of what is written, and will also allow you to outline a whole range of possible techniques, with the help of which it is easy to convey thoughts to the reader.

What is text

A text is usually called any speech that is written down on paper or in electronic form, while it can be artistic or journalistic, in the form of a document, letter, etc. In fact, the text contains at least two sentences, and they must be united not only by meaning, but also by grammar. The description of events or objects, destinies or actions in the text is always predetermined by the main theme, the message. Regardless of the style, the topic of what is written should be clearly outlined.

As a rule, it is not so difficult to understand what the text will be about, because the authors bring the topic up, making it the title. For convenience, intermediate subheadings are also used, which give direction and explain to the reader what awaits him in this or that semantic part of the text. It is interesting that the same information can easily be presented under different “sauce”, for diametrically opposed audiences or cases. So, how to determine the correct text style?

The concept of functional speech style

Various areas of journalism and literature have their own varieties of language. The word “style” has many definitions used in fine arts, architecture, design (in addition to literature). Speaking purely about literary significance, then this is a set of expressive (artistic and other) elements inherent in writing a text. Functional speech styles look like this:

  1. Narration is a time-based account of current events. The sequence in this type of text does not always correspond to chronology, but is always related to it. The narrative form requires the use of words: “while”, “after which”, “then”, etc. These words mark events, tying them to a specific part of the chronology.
  2. Description – a statement of the qualities of the object of discussion. This type of text often uses adjectives that reflect the distinctive features of the object: “beautiful”, “large”, “wide”, “thin”, “light”, “fast”. The description can use adverbs to compare with other objects of the same category: longer, faster, smaller, deeper.
  3. Reasoning - this type of text contains three required elements: statement, proof and conclusion. Initially, the argument indicates a certain thesis, for example: “Does a UFO exist?” This is followed by evidence, an analysis of the veracity or falsity of this statement, and based on the evidence, a conclusion is drawn about the correctness of the original statement.

What are the types of speech styles?

In the Russian language there are four main language style, differing from each other in different sets of techniques and characteristics and having their own main characteristics of the text:

  • official business;
  • colloquial;
  • art;
  • journalistic.

In each specific case, the author must know how to correctly determine the style of the text, which functional styles of the modern Russian language to use in order to convey its essence to the final audience. For example, the question of what text style is is easy to answer if you know that:

  • The official business genre is suitable for correspondence with business partners, superiors and subordinates.
  • And for personal communication and correspondence, conversational is more suitable.
  • The description of events, places, emotions and experiences is better achieved through an artistic style of presentation.
  • The journalistic style of speech is intended to convey ideas through the media - magazines, newspapers, the Internet. However, media texts cannot always be called journalism; in some cases, the colloquial or scientific genre is used.


The result of this style of presentation is an article, report, interview or essay. The grammar and style of the genre ensure ease of reading and perception by the widest masses of the target audience. The journalistic style almost always does not involve addressing the reader, because the presentation is in the third person. You will find examples of this style by reading any newspaper.

The scientific and journalistic style is sometimes distinguished as a separate option. In this case, the text uses reasoning on scientific topics. The author makes an assumption at the very beginning, and throughout the article, essay or note he provides evidence of the veracity or falsity of this thesis, and at the end he draws a conclusion based on the arguments given. Linguistic means of scientific style involve the use precise definitions. Examples of journalistic style are common, and it is difficult to confuse them with others.


The main use of the style is oral speech, and its expressiveness and understandability for the masses makes it popular in journalism. Such a text uses colloquial expressions and accepts direct appeal to the reader, asking questions and provoking an emotional perception of what is written. The written conversational style differs from the oral one because... Using text, it is more difficult to convey emotions expressed by facial expressions or gestures.


If it's not about literary magazines, this genre is not used in periodicals. What is literary text? It involves lengthy reasoning, descriptions, dialogues, and analysis. The task of the artistic style is not to convey information, but to maximally immerse the reader in the work, excite emotions, fantasies, and influence the senses. This genre provides for the possibility of lengthy reasoning, subjectivity in assessing facts, events and phenomena. The length of the text for those who use a book style of speech is not limited.

Official business

The official style of speech is intended for business communication both within a team and in correspondence with outside organizations. Official business is also used in oral communication, if we are talking about business relations. The purpose of this style of text is to convey the maximum number of facts from one person to another without the use of evaluative adjectives. Standard phrases and repetitions are widely used, which in other styles are perceived as shortcomings or even errors.

The official business style involves a dry listing of facts, figures, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, and a certain system that determines the construction of written sentences. This type of text is different from all others; it necessarily contains two elements:

  • Descriptive part – here the accomplished facts and possible consequences are stated.
  • Action – a requirement, request, proposal for performing certain actions is indicated here.
Watch a video about speaking styles.

Examples of texts of different speech styles

Several models of using different genres to present the same situation using text:

  • Journalistic. “This morning, Baba Nyura, going out to the barn to milk her cow Zorka, was quite surprised. She found the door to the utility room open, and the animal was not inside. “Who took Zorka away and what should I do without her?” Baba Nyura asked the local police officer Ivan Golovin with these questions. An investigation is underway."
  • Colloquial. “I, Stepanovna, go into the barn, but Zorka is not there! I already called her, screamed, went to my neighbor Petrovich - maybe he saw something... But since last night he was so drunk that he still doesn’t leave the house. I went to the local police officer, he said: “Write a statement, we’ll sort it out.” Well, I wrote it. I went home through the cemetery, I looked, and my Zorka was grazing in the clearing!”
  • Art. “The light morning haze had just begun to dissipate, and the first rays of the sun touched the lush grass of the front garden. The roosters began to crow their simple morning calls, and the village of Gulkovo began to wake up. The door, which had not been oiled for a long time, creaked lightly and Baba Nyura appeared on the threshold of the rickety wooden hut. She was looking for her cow."
  • Official business. “06/17/2014 at 9:30 am, citizen of the Russian Federation Anna Zakharovna Egorova filed a statement at the police station in the village of Gulkovo. Based on the essence of the questions asked, she explained that on June 17, 2014, at approximately 4:50 am, she discovered the loss of livestock (cows) on the territory of her own household. The animal was in a separate outbuilding. Egorova A.Z. stated that the cow could not have left on its own and demanded that an investigation be launched under Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The statement was registered in the register of crimes and offenses. 06/17/2014 at 16-00 Egorova A.Z. again turned to the Gulkovo police station with a statement that the animal she was looking for had been found and the applicant had no claims against anyone.”

Speech style chart

An excellent tool for those who do not know how to determine the text style. The proposed table contains the main style features. With its help you will learn how to define style finished text, what are the styles of speech in Russian, the stylistic affiliation of the document that needs to be created:




Official business

Style functions

Depict, describe

Communication, conversation

Report, prove a point

Convey information

Scope of style


Everyday communication, personal letter

Social activities, cultural, political, economic relations

Office work, lawmaking, creation regulatory documents

Style genres

Poems, fairy tale, drama, novel, story


Reasoning-explanation, message, essay, newspaper article

Certificates, statements, instructions, orders, samples, laws, plans

Characteristic features of the style

Use of any types of syntactic and lexical constructions in all possible combinations

Emotionality, simplification or ignoring grammar rules, slang words

Imagery, logic, assessment of events and phenomena, accessibility to the masses

Accuracy, impersonality, standardization

It is very important to remember that the organization of the text, its stylistic features are given by the author's intention, the author's intention, but this intention itself, this intention, or attitude is a complex phenomenon; it includes several sides: on the one hand, this is an attitude that is “imposed” on the author himself, “set” by the conditions of communication, in particular, the sphere of social activity in which communication takes place, the nature of the addressee, the nature of the relationship with him, and on the other hand, is the author’s own personal attitude, determined precisely by the author’s individuality, the level of his speech culture and characteristics of character and temperament, which is manifested in his speech preferences. So, for example, if communication takes place in the field of scientific social activity (in the field of science), then the author will strive for the most accurate, logical, evidence-based, objective presentation. The nature of the addressee (for example, an audience of specialists with whom the author of the text will communicate “on equal terms”, or a mass audience of non-specialists to whom the speaker must convey scientific information in a popular form) will also determine the author of the text to focus on a strictly scientific and abstract nature of the presentation in the first case or, on the contrary, to a more specific, visual and thus more accessible to the understanding of the audience nature of the presentation of the scientific problem in the second.

At the same time, different authors, under equal conditions, will build - Already due to purely individual speech features- various texts. Therefore, in the presence of such purely individual characteristics, speech stylistics is still interested in the stylistic features of texts, as in to a certain extent typified speech works that implement the author's attitude and are built according to certain canons enshrined in culture. This typification allows us to talk about types of texts, or genres of speech.“Thus, clarifying the position given at the end of the previous paragraph, we can say that speech style- This is the style of texts belonging to certain genres of speech.

Of course, a researcher may set out to study those features of the text that are associated with the author’s personal tastes and speech preferences; such a task was set before stylistics, which Sh. Bally called individual. Individual stylistics, according to the scientist, should study the characteristics of the speech of each individual, each native speaker. This kind of research could be considered appropriate if, for example, the task was solved to establish how and for what reasons some individual features of the speech of individual native speakers become common features of the speech of all members of the language community or some specific part of it (sociolinguistic task). In another case, such a task arises when the goal is to study the features of the writing style of an individual artist of the word: those ideological and artistic features of all the works of a particular writer that make up his individual style, or idiostyle, are clarified. But this is no longer the task of speech stylistics or individual stylistics, but of stylistics fiction. But for the stylistics of speech, what is important is not these individual features of the speech of each individual and not the idiostyles of writers, but those features that are characteristic of texts of a certain type, that is, certain genres of speech. Let's consider the concept genre of speech.

First of all, note that there are two different approaches to the interpretation of the genre: literary And linguistic.

From the point of view of literary criticism, genres are distinguished artistic works: this is a type of literary and artistic work within the genus (epic, lyric and drama): heroic song, ode, poem, ballad, elegy, idyll, tragedy, drama, comedy, etc.; within the genus, genres are distinguished according to their leading aesthetic quality, aesthetic “tonality”: comic, tragic, elegiac, satirical, idyllic, etc. And, finally, genres are distinguished according to the third feature - volume and the corresponding general structure of the work: lyrics usually small in volume, drama has dimensions dictated by the conditions of stage embodiment, and heroism and tragedy require an expanded, “wide breath” (Kozhinov 1964: 39-50).

With the development of literary criticism, the understanding of the characteristics of literary genres deepens. Now, to the main characteristics of the genre identified earlier, the following are added: 1) the aesthetic basis of relations to reality; 2) coverage of reality (cf.: story and novel); 3) type of presentation (narration, description, dialogue); 4) compositional structure (role of action, character, circumstances); 5) the nature of the organization of verbal fabric (rhythm, intonation, tropes, etc.). Based on these five features, the range of the genre is determined, “the play between thematic and stylistic structures, the possibilities of variations of various elements inherent in the text” (Polyakov 1983: 3-52). Literary scholars: Yu.N. Tynyanov, D.S. Likhachev, V.V. Kozhinov and others - emphasize both the long history of the formation of genres and their historical variability. On the one hand, the genre is constantly changing, transforming in the work of every outstanding writer. A genre is born and dies. At the same time, not only some genres come to replace others, but even the principles of identifying genres change, the types and nature of genres, their functions in a given era change. On the other hand, a genre can exhibit stability and vitality.

The literary language historian and literary critic are faced with the task of studying literary genres in various aspects: firstly, the task is to study the formation, formation of genres; secondly, the task is to study the principles on which genre divisions are made; thirdly, to study the system of genres of each era, i.e. their interaction.

New to genre theory is the problem of the connection between genre and culture and history. Theoretical research on genre problems only in literary criticism recent years so numerous that the study of genre is often separated into a special section of literary criticism, which is called “genrology” or “genology” (from the French genre).

In addition to the considered interpretation of genres associated with works of art, in recent decades the concept of “speech genres”, put forward by M. Bakhtin and actively developed by many modern scientists, has become widespread in linguistic literature: T.G. Vinokur, N.D. Arutyunova, A. Vezhbitskaya, T.V. Shmeleva, T.V. Matveeva, M.Yu. Fedosyuk and others.

Concept speech genre is interpreted ambiguously in linguistic literature. For the most part, researchers rely on the concept of speech genres by M. Bakhtin, who emphasized that speech genres are extremely diverse, so the difficulties of studying their nature cannot be downplayed. Speech genres correspond typical situations speech communication, typical topics, i.e., they represent a reflection in speech of certain types of social interaction of people that occur repeatedly in life. These are “relatively stable thematic, compositional and stylistic types of statements” (Bakhtin 1996:164). At the same time, it is important to emphasize that statement in this definition does not mean a sentence, but a certain unit of communication, which is characterized by semantic completeness and which is delimited from other similar units by a change of subjects of speech. Essentially, the definition of a speech genre given by M. Bakhtin allows for two interpretations, i.e. both a typical type of text (letter, statement, text of a decree, story, novel, etc.) and situational-typical utterance (replica of dialogue, order, command, question, etc.) The sign “change of the subject of speech” does not play a role in this case, since there may be speech genres within which the subjects of speech regularly change (for example, an argument, a quarrel , dialogue, conversation), and this, nevertheless, is one speech genre. And in other cases, on the contrary, there is no change in the subjects of speech, but the speech genres are different; for example: preface and text of the work; dedication and main text or novel text and epilogue. Therefore, if we replace M.M. in the definition. Bakhtin's word statement per word text, then under the definition of speech genre (this relatively stable thematic, compositional and stylistic type of text) a novella, a story, and all others will do literary genres, as well as replicas of everyday dialogue, and a discussion, and a quarrel, and a letter, and an order, and a military command, and a statement, and an abstract, etc.

Legality of the proposed replacement of the term statement per term text in defining a speech genre, one can prove by reference to the signs of “utterance” that we find in M.M. himself. Bakhtin. They coincide with the characteristics of the text. The first sign is the presence of clear boundaries; the second - completeness, integrity; third - the presence of a certain author's intention; finally, the fourth - certain compositional and stylistic features specified by the subject-semantic content, the author's intention and his subjective-emotional attitude to this content. Thus, the “statement” of M.M. Bakhtin is characterized by integrity, determined by three factors: 1) subject-semantic exhaustion, 2) speech intent, or the speech will of the speaker, 3) typical compositional-genre forms of completion. It is absolutely clear that the characteristics of the text are given here, as it is currently understood by the majority of linguists. With this interpretation of speech genres, they turn out to be functionally very heterogeneous (compare, for example, on the one hand, a short military command, a proverb, and on the other, all literary genres from a short story to a multi-volume novel). Therefore M.M. Bakhtin proposed to distinguish primary (simple) speech genres and secondary (complex). He considered the primary ones, in particular, an everyday story or letter, replicas of everyday dialogue, i.e., genres that developed in conditions of direct verbal communication. In contrast, secondary speech genres (novels, dramas, scientific studies of all kinds, large journalistic genres, etc.) arise in conditions of more complex and relatively highly developed and organized cultural communication, mainly written.

But besides this opposition, another one is proposed: elementary speech genres/ complex speech genres. Elementary (in other terminology - atomic) speech genres are thematic, compositional and stylistic types of texts that do not contain components that have the status of certain genres of speech; For example, praise, greeting, order. And complex speech genres are types of texts that include such components, which, in turn, themselves have the status of certain speech genres; For example: consolation, persuasion, conversation, discussion, quarrel etc.

Thus, as part of a complex speech genre argument includes elementary (atomic) speech genres reproach, threat, accusation, insult etc.

How do the concepts of functional style, speech style and speech genre relate? A speech genre, as has been said, is identified with a certain type of text. At the same time, speech style is the compositional speech structure of texts of this type (texts belonging to a given speech genre). From the point of view of functional styles of a language, one speech genre can be the embodiment of various functional styles. For example, the speech genre about accusation, relating to the primary elementary (atomic) Speech genres, may be the embodiment vernacular(example 1), Spoken speech(example 2), journalistic style(example 3), of formal business style(example 4): (1) You're being rude, you asshole!!! (2) It was you who set the dog on!(3) These street riots are clearly inspired by representatives of your party;(4) X. is accused of speeding, causing moderate injuries to citizen U.

The first clear division of forms of verbal communication was made by Aristotle. A major role in identifying everyday speech genres belongs to M. M. Bakhtin, who, without using the term “pragmatics,” characterized the necessary pragmatic components of speech communication, emphasized the importance of the role of the addressee (the Other, in his terminology), anticipating his response. M. M. Bakhtin defined speech genres as relatively stable and normative forms of utterance, in which each utterance is subject to the laws of integral composition and types of connections between sentences and statements. He defined dialogue as a classical form of verbal communication.

The following genres are distinguished according to the types of communicative attitudes, the method of participation of partners, their role relationships, the nature of their remarks, the relationship between dialogic and monologue speech: conversation, conversation, story, story, proposal, recognition, request, argument, remark, advice, letter, note, message on pager, diary.

1. Conversation. This is a genre of verbal communication (dialogue or polylogue), in which, with a cooperative strategy, the following occurs: a) exchange of opinions on any issues; b) exchange of information about the personal interests of each participant - to establish the type of relationship; c) aimless exchange of opinions, news, information (phatic communication). Different types conversations are characterized by corresponding types of dialogic modality.

The second type of conversation involves spiritual “consonance”, praise, approval, compliments, and sincere confessions.

The third type of conversation genre is idle speech communication, in which participants relieve emotional stress, practice wit by telling jokes, make political forecasts, share their concerns, seek sympathy, and tell jokes and stories. This type of conversation is characterized by an emotional modality.

The genre of conversation is that type of conversation in which, despite various tactics, the strategy of solidarity in opinions and agreement dominates. The exchange of information in a conversation can be one of the phases of verbal interaction, an auxiliary tactic, so the modality can be expressed in introductory words like: You know; You can't imagine; And what do you think was there?; Imagine that; these modal words and the reaction of the addressee(s) to them - I can’t imagine; Really; Isn't it; How should I know; I have no idea; - play the role of regulators during the conversation, determining the vector of speech communication. Therefore, it is right to refer to the conversation as the words of N. Abramov (“The Gift of the Word,” 1901) that “a conversation is an exchange of sympathies.”

All of the above information about the relationship and mutual influence of pragmatic factors on the course of speech interaction can be applied to conversation, this basic type of communication.

2. Conversation. This genre can implement both cooperative and non-cooperative strategies. The purposes of communication differ: a) informative conversation; b) prescriptive conversation (requests, orders, demands, advice, recommendations, beliefs in something); c) conversations aimed at clarifying interpersonal relationships(conflicts, quarrels, reproaches, accusations). Purposefulness is a characteristic feature of conversation, in contrast to conversation, which can be an idle speech genre. The special features of the conversation are indicated by set expressions, historically developed in the language system, for example: I have a conversation with you; serious conversation; big conversation; unpleasant conversation; cheerful conversation; empty talk; pointless conversation; business, conversation.

The initial conversation line may be an indicator of the type of conversation. In a conversation of the first type, it indicates the speaker’s interest in obtaining the necessary information. This type is characterized by question-answer replication, and the role of the leader, participant directing the course of the conversation is played by the questioner, with short remarks-questions, repeat questions, clarifications-questions, and the role of the “follower” is played by a participant who has knowledge, with remarks-answers of varying degrees. length. The main condition for the success of an informative conversation is the correspondence between the world of knowledge of the addresser and the addressee. The communicative competence of the participants in the conversation and their knowledge of social norms of etiquette are also important. Communicative competence includes the ability of speakers to choose a situationally appropriate form of presenting knowledge, interpretation of events and facts, nuances of the use of indirect speech acts, and non-literal expressions.

Conversations of the second type, as a rule, occur between participants who have different social and role characteristics, for example, between father and son, between neighbors who have different social status. The motives of the conversation are revealed by verbs: I ask, demand, advise, recommend, convince, beg, order, insist, etc. In a conflict conversation based on a non-cooperative strategy and the inability of speakers to comply with the conditions of successful communication, various tactics of refusing to perform an action are possible and respectively, tactics of influence on the addressee, systems of threats and punishments.

The structure of this type of conversation, as well as others, is determined not only speech rules introducing cues of agreement or refusal, but also by behavioral reactions of communication participants. These behavioral reactions in conversation are valuable not only in themselves, but also as motives for including one or another linguistic element, one or another way of expression in a dialogical response.

The next type of conversation - a conversation aimed at clarifying relationships - is based on a non-cooperative strategy of quarrel, conflict, reproaches, and bickering. Here, ridicule, irony, and hint often become a verbal form of expression of aggression. Metalanguage of the remarks: “I am like this and consider me like this! What I say in this form is significant.” The hyperbole of questions-negations, affirmation-denial acts as a negative assessment; for example: You are always like this; Do you think so?; That's what he did to you! A strategic goal can be pursued by silence—the desire to stop communicating.

3. Dispute. A dispute is an exchange of opinions with the aim of making a decision or clarifying the truth. Different points of view on a particular issue nevertheless have a common phase that is not explicitly expressed linguistic forms, - interest in communication. This determines a positive beginning in a dialogue or polylogue, a kind of code of trust, truthfulness and sincerity, expressed in etiquette forms of address, politeness, and the truth of arguments. The purpose of the dispute is to find an acceptable solution, but at the same time it is also a search for truth, the only correct solution. Depending on the topic of the dispute, it is possible to form an epistemic modality (in disputes on topics of science, politics) or an axiological modality (in disputes about the world of values, on moral issues, etc.).

The constructive beginning in this genre of verbal communication is the interlocutors emphasizing the commonality of views and common positions. Declaring the infallibility of one’s own view, on the contrary, leads to communicative failure. In the theory of dispute, there is a rule of the “presumption of an ideal partner,” which puts the subject of the dispute in the center of attention and prohibits touching on the personal qualities of the partners. Expressing disagreement by the speaker, presenting his point of view, presenting arguments for its truth is advisable using so-called verbs of opinion (we believe, we believe possible, etc.).

Disputants, by presenting various arguments in defense of their point of view, demonstrate their commitment to the truth, and not just their disagreement. Argumentation, or showing that a statement is true, has many techniques. The “impression of truth” is created by consciously using explanatory complex sentences like: It goes without saying that...; It is known that... etc.; or sentences with particles, adverbs that refer the addressee to an assessment of truth; for example: Yes, son, your mother and I forgave you too much...

In addition to presenting objective arguments and using hidden argument techniques, when conducting a dispute, sometimes there is an “argument to the individual.” This can be either flattery to the addressee so that he accepts the addressee’s point of view, or, conversely, psychological pressure on the addressee through humiliation human dignity, insult to feelings. Many “personal arguments” are considered prohibited techniques in argument theory.

In everyday disputes, with a strategy for reconciling positions, the tactic of changing the topic is appropriate: for example, a statement like: Let's talk about the weather. In any controversial situations, partners should be treated with respect and treated as equals.

4. Story. This is a genre of colloquial speech in which the monologue form of speech within a dialogue or polylogue predominates. The main strategic line of verbal communication is solidarity, agreement, cooperation, “permission” to one of the participants to carry out their communicative intention, which basically comes down to information. The theme of the story can be any event or fact that happened to the narrator or someone else. The course of the story can be interrupted by question remarks or evaluation remarks, to which the narrator answers with varying degrees of completeness.

A characteristic feature of the short story genre is the integrity of the transmitted information, ensured by the coherence of individual fragments. In the story, the addressee, interpreting real events, acts as the author and arbitrarily, from his own point of view, evaluates them. At the same time, with the help of a certain functional perspective of sentences, word order, intonation, introductory and plug-in constructions, particles, adverbs, periphrases (for example: And Petya, this Plyushkin, suddenly became generous...), the addresser creates not only an epistemic addressee oriented to the world of knowledge) the modal plan of the story, but also the axiological outline of the story (offers a hierarchy of value guidelines, consistent with the world of sociocultural stereotypes of the addressee).

Support for the narrator's communicative initiative and the interest of the listeners can be manifested in interruptions, repetitions, and exclamations not addressed to the speaker.

The theme of the story and the nature of real events (scary, neutral, funny, instructive) also determine the modality of speech.

Phraseology, idioms, allusive precedent texts and “fashionable” lexemes represent both semantic blocks and a way for the speaker to present himself as a storyteller.

5. History. This genre of colloquial speech, like the story, is primarily monologue speech, which takes into account all components of the pragmatic situation. In addition, an important pragmatic factor in speech when telling a “story” is memory. This factor determines the structure of the narrative and the content of speech. It is characteristic that the stories do not include the addressee himself as a character.

The communicative purpose of history is not only the transmission of information about events that happened earlier (at an unspecified moment), but also a semantic summary, summary, comparison with an assessment modern events and facts.

Unlike other types of verbal communication, story and story refer to planned types of speech “allowed” by the participants in the communicative interaction. Therefore, communicative success here is a foregone conclusion. to a greater extent, but not absolutely.

The style of history has absorbed all the features of conversational syntax: thematic fragmentation (“mosaic”), associative deviations from the “plot” of the narrative, elliptical constructions, question-and-answer moves. The expressiveness of lexical elements is determined by the cultural background of the communication situation; it reflects spontaneity and unpreparedness of the narration; therefore, speech contains an abundance of specifying lexemes, as well as introductory words showing the speaker’s control over the course of presentation and method of expression.

6. Letter. A necessary condition for this genre of verbal communication is sincerity, which is possible with the internal closeness of related or friendly people. “The context of agreement characteristic of the concept of sincerity corresponds to the etymological meaning of the word: sincere meant “close, close, nearby.” Whatever mode prevails in writing, the very fact of addressing one’s feelings and thoughts in writing, which involves non-immediate reading, indicates that the author has the opportunity to use natural way explication of oneself as a person (and this is the most important pragmatic condition of any verbal communication).

The regularity of correspondence is determined by a number of factors: a) the relationship between the participants in this type of verbal communication; b) external circumstances of correspondence; c) relevance for the addressee of the topic; d) frequency of correspondence.

I. N. Kruchinina, analyzing the stylistic features of this genre, comes to the conclusion that ease of relations with the addressee is the main condition for correspondence, and “the absence of this prerequisite is usually immediately felt as an obstacle to communication and can even lead to its termination; see, for example, in Pushkin’s letter to Vyazemsky: “Darling, I’m tired of writing to you, because I can’t appear in a dressing gown, open and sleeveless” (November 1825).”

The element of colloquial speech in writing is reflected in the dissonance of linear syntactic connections; this indicates the “quick enunciation” of the writer, the arbitrary nature of thematic elements in the course of presenting thoughts (for example: About Valya, I laughed when I read about her tricks...; which may be an analogue of the construction of a codified language: As for Valya, I laughed ...). This tendency to “string together” elements that are thematically important, from the point of view of the author of the letter, is also characteristic of the formation of the entire structure of the letter: the letter can be thematically discrete, rich in associative elements and additional messages.

The pragmatic condition of solidarity and agreement in the genre of writing finds its formal expression in the “formulas” of greeting and farewell, originating in the mists of time.

7. Note. Unlike writing, this genre of written colloquial speech is to a large extent is formed by the common world of feeling-thought of the addresser and the addressee, the same epistemic and axiological modality, the relevance of the same circumstances. Therefore, the content of the note is usually brief; detailed reasoning can be replaced by one or two words that play the role of a hint.

So, for example, a note left in a student dormitory may contain only two words: “They called: We are waiting.” The addressee of the note guesses both the authors of the note and their communicative purpose. Situational conditioning and close relationships between the addresser and the addressee make free expression and reticence possible; see, for example, A. N. Ostrovsky’s note to N. A. Dubrovsky: “Nikolka! Why don’t you lead Vetlitsky and where the hell are you? Will you listen to me! Well, just wait!”

You can’t write like that, that’s just what I thought, but you have to write like this:

"Dear Sir

Nikolai Alexandrovich,

Would you like to come to me today directly from the office to dining table, which will greatly oblige your deeply respected and devoted A. Ostrovsky.”

(Oct. 1870)."

The informal, friendly tone of the first note and the purely official nature of the second explain the incompleteness of the construction of the first note (where are you leading?). The second note does not have the modal components of the first: the probability of refusal and the tactics of influencing the addressee are not expressed here.

In a note, as in a letter, it is possible for the addressee to self-check his method of expression and train of thoughts; for example: Shall I go? (no, I’ll run early in the morning). In addition, a note, like a letter, may not be a spontaneous flow of feeling-thought, but a processed version, copied from a draft, in which the unevenness of improvisation and the unexpected appearance of meaningful elements of the utterance in consciousness are “softened” and reduced.

8. Diary. Diary entries are texts of addressed conversational speech, and therefore, have all the stylistic features of texts determined by a multifactorial pragmatic space. The addressee of the diary texts is an alter ego, a supersubject, “the highest authority of response understanding” (in the terminology of M. M. Bakhtin), which helps the writer express his thoughts, feelings and doubts. This pragmatic factor forces the author of diary entries to verify the accuracy of the expression of thoughts, introduce synonyms and specifiers, use syntactic devices such as gradation, question-and-answer moves, and rhetorical questions; introductory words and sentences that are signals of the author's reflection; see, for example, a fragment of the diary of Andrei Bely (entry on August 8, 1921; the day after the death of A. Blok): “I realized that the stupor that attacked me yesterday came from the consciousness that “Sasha” (alive, physically) is a part of Me. How so? I am alive, but the contents live content has my soul died? Nonsense?! Then I realized that some huge stage of my life was over” [Literary. newspaper. 1990. August 1].

The style of diary entries is determined by all aspects of personality (intellectual self, emotional self, spiritual self, etc.); depending on the predominance of one or another principle, the nature of the presentation changes. Diary entries are divided into two large categories. Some diaries reflect the author's orientation towards describing the day as a temporary space. This could be a listing of what has been done, a summary, reflections, analysis of feelings and thoughts, plans, etc. Diaries of another type (they can be kept irregularly) - “talking” about oneself in “time, thinking about what worries, a kind of “ stream of consciousness” with associative subtopics of the “main” thoughts of the day. Diary entries of people leading creative work, represent a laboratory creative searches and are not much different from " notebooks"and "workbooks" of writers and poets.

Culture of Russian speech / Ed. OK. Graudina and E.N. Shiryaeva - M., 1999

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