What is a direct object? Supplement in English: direct and indirect

– is the person or thing to which the action is directed. The object is found after the verb or the combination “verb-link + adjective”:

  • After the verb: I see you. - I see you.
  • After a linking verb + adjective: I am afraid of you. - I'm afraid of you.

Direct object in English

Direct object(direct object) is the object to which the action is directed. A direct object can be added without a preposition:

I love this game. – I love this game.

I believe you. - I believe you.

We learn languages. – We learn languages.

Also direct object can be joined using a preposition (prepositional object).

I'm talking to you. - I'm talking to you.

He is proud of you. - He's proud of you.

Prepositions between a verb and an object are a stumbling block, and not only for beginners. Here you cannot rely on the patterns inherent in verbs and prepositions in the Russian language. It often happens that in the Russian version a preposition is needed, but in English it is not, or vice versa.

A cat climbed the tree. – The cat climbed ON tree.

Don't listen TO him– Don't listen to him.

To quickly remember which preposition comes after which verb, pay attention to the context when learning verbs. Consider that “verb + preposition” is a whole word with its own meaning, and the same verb + another preposition is another word. For example:

  • Talk about something- talk about something

Let's talk about art. - Let's talk about art.

  • Talk to somebody- talk to someone

Talk to my boss. - Talk to my boss.

In addition, practice helps to cope with the “verb-prepositional” problem (as with any other problem). The more you read and listen, the more combinations you remember, the easier you understand and use them.

Indirect object in English

Both in English and Russian there are verbs that require not only a direct object, but also an indirect one - an object to which the action is directed through a direct object.

Let's take the verb tell- talk, tell. This action can be directed to a single object - a direct object:

Jane is telling a fairy-tale. - Jane is telling a story.

But often the action tell is aimed at two objects - one directly, the other indirectly, through the first, it answers the question “to whom?” Note that the indirect object comes between the verb and the direct object.

Jane is telling me a fairy-tale. Jane is telling me a story.

An indirect addition cannot do without a direct one. Even if there is no direct object in the sentence, it is implied, unspoken:

He told me... - He told me... (possibly told “everything” or “the truth”)

As a rule, verbs that fit into the logical scheme of “doing something to someone” have two objects – indirect and direct – for example: show- show, explain– explain, give- give. Moreover, the direct object is usually some object, and the indirect object is a person.

He showed you his city. – He showed you his city.

Give us your phone, please. - Give us your phone number, please.

She passed Jack a slice of pizza. – She handed Jack a piece of pizza.

Indirect object after direct

In many cases, an indirect object can be placed after a direct object, then a preposition will be needed before it to(indirect prepositional object):

He showed his city to you. “He showed you his city.”

Give your phone to us, please. – Give us your phone number, please.

She passed a slice of pizza to Jack. – She handed a piece of pizza to Jack.

A number of verbs allow only this option of addition, for example: prove- to prove, explain– explain, repeat- repeat.

  • Right: Repeat the word to me. - Repeat the word to me.
  • Wrong: Repeat me the word. – Repeat my (?!) word.

The lesson was held in a classroom with children who have a sufficient level of knowledge, skills and abilities, with a developed cognitive interest. When developing the lesson, I tried to take into account the following characteristics of students:

The need for cognitive activity,

Willingness to perform a variety of tasks, especially developmental ones individual abilities students



Ways of expressing additions. Direct and indirect object.

Target: activate previously acquired knowledge about additions, expand the concept of ways to express additions (infinitive, whole phrase); developing the ability to determine ways of expressing additions in writing, develop the ability to see and highlight direct and indirect objects.


educational:teach to see distinctive properties secondary members of the sentence from the main ones; teach to determine which parts of a sentence are this or that word form; pay attention to difficult cases complement expressions: (distinguish the nominative case from the accusative, the infinitive - complement from the predicate infinitive);

Educational : formation of communication skills in students; formation of moral positions of students;

developing : development of speech culture, independent thinking, research skills.

Methods and forms of training: partially search, independent work using ICT, individual, work in pairs.

Lesson type : learning new material.

Equipment : cards with task and text, presentation, video projector

Lesson progress:

Stage 1 Organizational moment. Motivation for learning activities.

Questions about oblique cases

You already know without a doubt.

If you ask them without delay,

You will immediately find... ADDENDUM.

Indeed, today in class we will be reviewing addition.

But let's start the lesson by checking your homework.

Stage 2 Updating knowledge and trial educational action.

1.Checking the house. ass. (there are 3 people at the board - individual work using cards)

2. exercise 160; syntactic analysis of SS. – commenting

The class writes down combinations of words: name SS with a subordinating connection. Work in pairs.

Word and deed, to kick the bucket, continued to study, near the fortress, a dewy meadow, adopt a resolution.

What can you say about other combinations?

3.Linguistic warm-up. (3 slide) Specify the method subordinating connection.

Write down the answer to the riddle.

By variety (we alternate riddles)

Which visual medium lies at the heart of the mysteries? 3rd slide.

The bone back, hard bristles, makes friends with the soft paste, serves us diligently.

Gold coins fall from a branch.
(Yellow leaves) (adj.+noun)

Two mothers have five sons.
(Fingers) (noun + noun with prev.)

Wide, not the sea, gold, not money,
Today on the ground, and tomorrow on the table.
(Wheat field) (noun + noun)

1c -toothbrush, fingers; 2nd century - yellow leaves, wheat field)

4.Checking the ind. work at the board.

1st card. Write from memory vocabulary words from frames. (pp. 57-77 - from homework) Write lexical meaning the word RESOLUTION (decree, decision), make an SS with this word according to the scheme: ch (ch. word). + noun V.p. (adopt a resolution)

2nd card. Parsing sentences: A parable is a figurative story often used in the Bible and Gospel to present instructive truths. Place punctuation marks.

3rd card. Mother, who knew the customs by heart, always tried to shove the unfortunate book away. Syntactic analysis of the sentence. Write out the SS with the subordinating connection control.

5. Frontal survey: (checking advanced homework - paragraph 16)

Which parts of the sentence are called minor?

List the minor members of the sentence (examples from the sentence on the board)

In what ways are minor members connected to others in a sentence?

What is a supplement? Name the SS according to the scheme of Ch. +noun V.p from vocabulary dictation(adopt a resolution) - entry ss.

Stage 2. Setting a learning task.

1.So, determine the goals and objectives of the lesson...

Our task is...to expand and deepen the understanding of the secondary member of the sentence - the complement.

Summarize existing knowledge and pay attention to new facts,

learn to determine:

Additions are direct and indirect;

Ways of expressing additions. Let's formulate the topic of the lesson. Let's write down the wording of the topic.

(1st slide)

Stage 3. Collaborative exploration of the problem.

Theory: paragraph 16, page. 75 - according to plan.

Which new information You learned about the addition from paragraph 16? What caused you difficulty?

What additions are called direct?

What case, besides V., can express a direct object?

In what cases? Which additions are indirect?

Direct and indirect additions. Reading paragraph paragraph. Comparison with table.

Slide 4

Stage 4. Implementation of the completed project.

Sometimes there are difficulties in determining the forms of nouns, if the accusative case form is an object, expressed by a noun, matches the shape nominative case subject. (Checking the assignment on the board – proofreaders)

The word order is straight, the subject comes first. Now let's reverse the word order.

Task “Proofreaders”:3 cards – checks the class.

1.Fix spelling errors, underline the additions in the following sentences and indicate the case:

The expedition crossed the valley. - 1st row

The storm covers the sky with darkness. -2nd row

Birch trees will flood the sun (into their braids) - 3rd row

What should you do to determine the addition in the text? (highlight grammatical basis.)
- Okay, what did you do next? (They isolated phrases and asked a question from the main word to the dependent one)
- And what was the last thing you did or had to do? (If the question is indirect cases, then this is an addition, if not, then this is another minor member offers).

2.The teacher shows slide 5.

Highlight the grammatical basis of the sentence.

Find phrases.

Ask a question from the main word to the dependent one.

If the question is indirect case, then this is an addition, we underline it with a dotted line, we write the case above the word; if there are other questions, then this is another minor member of the sentence.

Stage 4 Collaborative exploration of the problem.

Difficult cases of determining the case forms of nouns.

How to distinguish the form of I.p. and V.p?

Task "Proofreaders"

Word order is straight: the subject comes first.

Now let's reverse the word order. (3rd sentence)

The sun braids the birches.


Sometimes there are difficulties in determining the forms of nouns if the accusative form of the object expressed by the noun coincides with the nominative case form of the subject. (Task “Proofreaders”)

5 stage. Primary consolidation.

Exercise 166 1c – 3-4; 2v -6-7 (following the example) reasoning algorithm

2. Slide 6

1st part - task: identify grammatical basics and additions

(reading Gospel of Matthew 7; 21-27)

Let us now think about what Jesus Christ meant by “home”, what is “home” for each of us?

Our life.

Anyone who has seen how a house is built knows that the deeper and firmer its foundation, the stronger it will be, the better it will withstand storms, winds and floods.

But what about a person in his everyday life is meant by “rain, winds, storms”?

Troubles, misfortunes, grief, illness, poverty...

Yes. In life, a person has to struggle with disasters and dangers, and only then will he stand against them if he establishes his life on a solid, unshakable foundation. And what should become the foundation of our home - our life, according to the teachings of Jesus Christ?

Faith, love.

2 var. - butt : in each sentence (simple and complex) find the grammatical basis (bases) and addition.

Slide 6. “Everyone who hears My words and does them is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the rivers overflowed, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, and it did not fall, because it was founded on rock.

But everyone who listens to My words and does not do them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. And the rain fell, and the rivers overflowed, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell, and its fall was great.”

3. Physical exercise - slide 7

And now everyone sat down straight,

They raised their eyes to the ceiling,

Hands up, forward, back -

Here's a warm-up for the guys! (sideways) 2 times

STAGE 6. Independent work with verification against the standard

What parts of speech can express an addition?

(any part of speech in the meaning of a noun)

Examples from the textbook (paragraph 16)

Slide 8

Fill out the table, determining which parts of speech express the additions - write out SS (talk + add.)

work in pairs (slide 9)

Big ones can do anything. 1 Adj.

Eight is not divisible by five without a remainder. 2 Num.

We remember the dead... 3 verses.

Who sang “about beauty far away”? 4 people

He asked Mary to sing. 5 Inf.

He warmed up Bezrodny and brought him into his family. 6 App.

The dog understood my “ugh!” perfectly. 7 Int.

I saw several fishermen on the sea. 8 Whole name.

I saw a girl with a blind man.

Conclusion: except noun. and places. The addition can be expressed by other parts of speech in the meaning of a noun: adjective, number, parable, adverb, interjection, n. f. verb. And also an indivisible combination.

The infinitive object answers the questions of indirect cases:

Asked (about what?) to sit down

Stage 7. Designing a new way of action.

Problematic question: how to distinguish the roles of the infinitive?

slide 10

Infinitive – object

And the verb in

Personal form denotes the actions of different persons Pugachev ordered (what?) to execute

Explanation: Pugachev ordered, but others will execute

I told the coachman to go - I ordered, and the coachman must go. I ask you to wait (I ask, but you must wait)

Infinitive - object depends on the predicate

N.F. can be replaced with a noun:

Agreed to meet - agreed to meet


Vladimir began to worry.

He stopped smiling.

Lisa decided to help her sister.

The infinitive refers to the same subject of action as the verb. In the sentence it is part of the GHS.

STAGE 8. Transition to the stage of solving particular problems

Slide 11

Find phrases in which there is an error in the use of preposition and noun case, correct it:
a) I miss you
b) did not respond to the call
c) think about the question
d) pay for travel

From the essays! Correct mistakes..Work at the board using cards.

She began to distance herself from her peers. Peter was worried about Masha’s illness. Pugachev attracted the sympathy of those around him. With her seriousness and love of books, Tatyana stood out sharply among the girls.

Slide 12 The class works on the table orally. Variable designs

Choose nouns for these words. Indicate direct objects.

1st century

Faith (in what?)

Dress (who? what?)

Review (of something)

Pay (for what?) for

Come to school

Addition. Types of additions and ways of expressing them.

A complement is a minor member of a sentence, usually expressing object relations. Οʜᴎ answer questions that coincide with questions of indirect cases.

Meaning. The value of the object is the most a clear sign additions. In this case, the addition can express other meanings (subject, instrument of action, state): The teacher has set a task(teacher– subject of action in the passive context); He's sad (he's- subject of the state).

Means of expression. Morphologized object - a noun in the form of an indirect case, a pronoun. The unmorphologized complement must be expressed various parts speeches: You're talking idle talk(adjective); He didn't understand what he read ( Communion); I learned to play the violin(infinitive); I managed to see something dark, small(indivisible phrase); The commander did not particularly respect the weaker sex ( FE).

Position in a sentence. The addition is usually located after the word being distributed. In this case, inversion of additions in colloquial or poetic speech is possible.

Syntactic connection. The main type of subordinating connection between an addition and the main word is control (less often, adjacency) or free attachment to the entire predicative center (determinant). Most complements refer to one word, ᴛ.ᴇ. are non-deterministic. Only some semantically obligatory additions act as determinants: It's both painful and funny to him.

In relation to the semantic content of the sentence. Additions are semantically obligatory components of a sentence: He is in a cheerful mood.

Non-deterministic complements differ based on which word in the sentence they refer to, ᴛ.ᴇ. what parts of speech control them.

1. The most common and widespread are verb complements, since many verbs name an action that presupposes a particular object: build a house, build for workers, tell a friend, tell about an incident, chop with an ax.

2.Adjective additions. Οʜᴎ are rarely used, since only high-quality adjectives have the ability to manage, and not all of them: We lived in an ore-rich region. The region is poor in forests.

3.Adjuncts can refer to nouns. These are substantive additions. There are also few of them, since the complement should be used only with an abstract noun formed from a transitive verb or from qualitative adjective. This means that in the phrase dress sleeve, house roof The relations are not objective, but attributive, since the distributed nouns are non-verbal. But in the phrase treatment of patients object relations. The common noun is formed from a strongly controlled direct transitive verb treat. In case the noun refers to a strongly controlled one, but intransitive verb, then the addition acquires a defining connotation, syncretism appears: passion for music, thinking about my son.

4.Additions may refer to words in the status category: I felt sorry for Bela (Lermontov).

5.Additions can also apply to adverbs: far from home.

Types of add-ons. Traditionally, additions are divided into direct and indirect. The direct object expresses the meaning of the object to which the action directly passes. It must be expressed by a noun or pronoun in the accusative case without a preposition: I read a book and saw a horse. At the same time, the direct object must be expressed by a noun or pronoun in the genitive case without a preposition with a negative predicate - a transitive verb: I haven't read this novel. And also a noun in the genitive case, expressing the meaning of “part of the whole”: drink tea, bring firewood. The remaining additions are indirect.

There is some disagreement in the linguistic literature regarding the boundaries of the use of direct and indirect additions. Some believe that the division of objects into direct and indirect concerns only verbal objects (Skoblikova). Others believe that direct objects also occur with words of the state category ( I feel sorry for him) Still others believe that direct ones can include both adjectival and substantive complements.

The addition expressed by the infinitive is extremely important to distinguish from the part of the GHS, ᴛ.ᴇ. subjective infinitive from objective: I start to tell, I can tell, I was afraid to tell - I ordered to tell, asked to tell, helped to tell. The infinitive object has its own LP. In LZ there is neither modal nor phase meaning. Activities are indicated by different verbs. Such additions are ϶ᴛᴏ objective infinitive. A subjective infinitive can also act as a complement, when the subject of the action indicated by the complement coincides with the subject of the action of the verb being explained: agreed to correspond.

Addition. Types of additions and ways of expressing them. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Addition. Types of additions and ways of expressing them." 2017, 2018.


Addition - this is a minor member of a sentence that answers questions of indirect cases and denotes the object (subject) to which the action is directed or associated or (less often) in relation to which it is manifested qualitative sign. Sometimes addition denotes the subject of an action or state (see translation agency). For example: The old man was catching fish with a seine (A. Pushkin); He was not at all inclined to humility and meekness (K. Chukovsky); I can’t sleep, there’s no fire... (A. Pushkin).

Add-ons, expressing the object of action, are used with verbs, as well as with nouns formed from them: deliver goods- cargo delivery; work on an article- working on the article.

Add-ons, naming an object in relation to which a qualitative attribute is manifested, are used with adjectives and nouns formed from them: faithful to duty- loyalty to duty; stingy in his movements- stinginess in movements.

Add-ons are divided into straight And indirect.

Direct addition - This addition, which depends on a transitive verb and is expressed by a noun or pronoun (as well as any part of speech used in the meaning of a noun) in accusative case without preposition: see picture, sing a song, fix the iron , write a letter , solve a problem , seehis , meet a friend .

Direct addition can also be expressed by a noun in the genitive case without a preposition. Genitive instead of the accusative it is used in two cases: 1) if there is negative particle Not before transitive verb: felt joy- did not feel joy; heard voices- did not hear voices; 2) if the action does not transfer to the entire object, but only to a part: bought bread- bread; drank water- water: ...The gun commander did not leave the firing position, he asked to bring him shells from broken guns(V. Astafiev); Don’t sing, beauty, in front of me you sing the songs of sad Georgia... (A. Pushkin).

Direct addition denotes an object to which an action is directly directed, which can arise, be created or disappear, or be destroyed during the action: knit a sweater,write an essay, decorate a room, check a dictation, break a tree, demolish a house etc.

Everyone else additions are indirect, they express different relationships actions or attributes to objects: I won't regret it about roses, withered with a light spring (A. Pushkin); Aksinya remembered her youth and all her life, poor in joys (M. Sholokhov).

Add-ons can be expressed:

1) a noun in any indirect case with or without preposition: With a golden ray the villagelilo (A. Maikov);

2) pronoun: I could never argue with them(M. Lermontov);

3) cardinal number: Divide thirty-six by two;

4) any part of speech in the meaning of a noun: I ran to my grandmother and asked her about the forgotten (M. Gorky);

5) infinitive: Everyone asked her to sing something (M. Lermontov);

6) syntactically integral phrases and phraseological units (the same as the subject): The hunters killed seventeen snipe (L. Tolstoy).

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