Types of subordinating connections. Subordinating connection of sentences and phrases, examples

To the question: What are the types of subordinating connections in the Russian language? and how to determine them? given by the author THE DEVIL ALSO WEARS A PRADO the best answer is

For example: Very cute (how cute?); speak while listening (doing what?).

Reply from Whistle[guru]
approval: dependent word is adj. (or another part of speech with the meaning of the attribute), answers the question which? (uh, uh, uh...)
blue sea...

adjacency - connection in meaning, the dependent word is necessarily unchangeable (adv., adverb, n.f. verb), answers questions of circumstances (how? where? where?...)
very loud, so far away...

Control - the main word subjugates the dependent word with the help of the candidate. case (except I. p), you can ask questions about cases. If there is a preposition between the main word and the dependent word, this is definitely control.

Reply from Igor Volkov[newbie]
There are three types of subordination: coordination, control, adjacency.
Coordination is a type of subordinating connection in which main word agrees with the dependent in gender, number and case. Ch. Form sl. =form frozen sl.
For example: beautiful picture (feminine, singular, nominative) ; With main road(feminine, singular number, genitive).
Control is a type of subordinating connection in which the main word puts the dependent in a certain case.
For example: advise a friend (to whom? dat. case); talk about the weather (what? prepositional).
Adjunction is a type of subordinating connection in which the main word is associated with the dependent word only in meaning and intonation, and the dependent word - immutable part speech.

go to school, knock on the door, see a friend, give a notebook...

Reply from Mansion[newbie]
Evgenia Gordeeva speaks the truth

Reply from Caucasian[newbie]
There are three types of subordination: coordination, control, adjacency.
Agreement is a type of subordinating relationship in which the main word agrees with the dependent word in gender, number and case. Ch. Form sl. =form frozen sl.
For example: a beautiful picture (feminine, singular, nominative case); from the main road (feminine, singular, genitive case).
Control is a type of subordinating connection in which the main word puts the dependent in a certain case.
For example: advise a friend (to whom? dat. case); talk about the weather (about what? prepositional case).
Adjunction is a type of subordinating connection in which the main word is associated with the dependent word only in meaning and intonation, and the dependent word is an unchangeable part of speech.
For example: Very cute (how cute?); speak while listening (doing what?). agreement: the dependent word is adj. (or another part of speech with the meaning of the attribute), answers the question which? (oe, ee, ee...) blue sea... adjacency - connection in meaning, the dependent word is necessarily unchangeable (adv., adverb, n.f. verb), answers questions of circumstances (how? where? where?.. .)
very loud, so far away... control - the main word subjugates the dependent word with the help of k. -n. case (except I. p), you can ask questions about cases. If there is a preposition between the main word and the dependent word, this is definitely control.
go to school, knock on the door, see a friend, give a notebook...

In modern Russian language, especially in writing, complex sentences are often used. There are two types of complex compounds in the Russian language: union and non-union. Non-union - which consists of several parts, but conjunctions are not used to connect these parts with each other. Here is a classic example of a non-union sentence: “It was snowing, the weather was frosty.” Or, for example: “It was getting cold, the birds were flying south.”

Allies, in turn, have another feature. They also have two or more parts and use conjunctions to communicate. There are two types of unions - coordinating and subordinating. If subordinating conjunctions are used, the sentence is called complex. If coordinating conjunctions are used, it is called compound.

Subordinating connection in a complex sentence

If the parts of a complex sentence are connected to each other using a subordinating connection, it is called complex. It consists of two parts: main and subordinate clauses. There is always only one main thing, but there can be several subordinate clauses. From the main part to the subordinate part you can pose a question. There are different types of subordinating connections.

Subordinate clause can serve as an adverbial function, for example: “I left home from school when the bell rang.” It can also serve as a complement: “I told him what I had been wanting to say for a long time.” And, finally, it can serve as a circumstance, for example: “The grandmother told her grandson to go to where he forgot his briefcase,” “I didn’t come because my grandmother was sick,” « “My mother arrived when the snow melted in the yard.”

Here classic examples options with various types subordinating connection. In all examples, the first part will be the main one, and the second - subordinate clause, accordingly, the question is asked from the first part to the second:

  • “I love it when spring comes”;
  • “I read a book about the house that Jack built”;
  • “Mom was upset because her son got a bad grade”;
  • “The boy decided to find out where Santa Claus comes to the house from.”

Coordinating connection in a complex sentence

We can talk about a coordinating connection in cases where the simple parts that make up a complex are equal, and none of them can be called main or dependent. Accordingly, the question cannot be raised from one part to another. The most common coordinating conjunctions are conjunctions “a”, “but”, “and”.

Examples of coordinating connections:

  • “Mom came home, and at that time my son went for a walk.”
  • “I felt bad, but my friends were able to cheer me up.”
  • “The sun has set, and the heads of the dandelions in the meadow have closed.”
  • “Winter has come, and everything around has plunged into white silence.”

Coordinating connection in variants with the conjunction “a” is often used in Russian folk proverbs and sayings based on the opposition of any characteristics, for example: “Hair is expensive, but the mind is short.” In the old Russian language, for example, in folklore works (fairy tales, epics, sayings, fables), the conjunction “a” is often replaced by its Old Russian synonym “da”, for example: “Grandfather came to pull a turnip, but the turnip grew big. The grandfather pulled and pulled the turnip and called the grandmother for help.”

Compound Sentences are especially often used in descriptions of nature, when the author of the work wants to give the most full picture summer day, winter night or bright beautiful landscape. Here is an example of such descriptive text with coordinating connection in complex sentences: “It was snowing, and people ran home with their collars turned up. It was still light outside, but the birds had long since fallen silent. All that was heard was the creaking of snow underfoot, and there was no wind. The sun was slowly setting behind the horizon, and two lovers on a park bench admired the short winter sunset.”

Also, complex sentences, especially sentences with the conjunctions “a” and “but”, are actively used in scientific style written speech, in texts-reasonings. Here is an example of such reasoning: “ Human body hardy, but immune system easily destroyed by uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Antibiotics as medicines have many advantages, but they cause dysbiosis and have negative influence for immunity."

Features of punctuation

Two parts subordinating clause connect with each other subordinating conjunctions. Parts coordinating type, in turn, are connected to each other coordinating conjunctions. A conjunction is a small particle that visually resembles a preposition, but performs a completely different function: connects or two sentences that are inside one.

Both in complex and compound sentences, conjunctions must be preceded by a comma. When reading aloud, you need to pause before this comma. Omitting a comma before conjunctions using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions is considered rude syntax error. However, primary and even high school often make such mistakes in dictations, in independent and verification work in Russian language, in essays and written works ah, literature. In this regard, in school curriculum studying the Russian language includes a separate section devoted to practicing the rules of punctuation.

In difficult non-union proposals To connect two parts, you can use not only a comma, but also other punctuation marks, for example:

  • “The sun has risen, the birds have woken up with their usual morning song.”
  • “I warned you: playing with fire is very dangerous!”
  • "It lit up full moon, illuminating the earth with its radiance; sensing the approach of night, a wolf howled in the distant forest; somewhere in the distance, on a tree, an eagle owl hooted.”

Complex sentences help in writing and oral speech especially expressive. They are actively used in texts various contents. Competent writing of them in compliance with all punctuation rules indicates that the person knows the Russian language well and is able to clearly express his thoughts in in writing. Neglect existing rules punctuation, on the contrary, indicates a low level speech culture person. Teachers of Russian language and literature should pay attention special attention on correct spelling complex sentences when checking students' written work.

Subordinating connection - this is a connection that unites sentences or words, one of which is the main one (subordinate), and the other is dependent (subordinate).

Collocation - is a combination of two or more significant words related to each other in meaning and grammatically. green eyes, writing letters, difficult to convey. In the phrase, the main word (from which the question is asked) and the dependent word (to which the question is asked) are distinguished: Blue ball. Relax outside the city. Ball and rest are the key words.

The following are not subordinating phrases:

1. Combination independent word with an official: near the house, before a thunderstorm, let him sing; 2. Combinations of words as part of phraseological units: to play the fool, to play the fool, headlong; 3. Subject and predicate: night has fallen;

4. Compound word forms: lighter, will walk;

5. Groups of words united by a coordinating connection: fathers and sons.

There are three types of subordinating connections:

Coordination - this type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word becomes in the same forms as the main one: green oak , wide field, freshly cut grass, green lawns.
The main word in agreement is a noun (or a word in its meaning), a dependent adjective, a participle, as well as a numeral and a pronoun similar in form to the adjective: green oak, green oak tree in the distance, third oak tree from the road, this oak. Sometimes the dependent word in agreement can be a noun: hero city, teenage girl, giant cliff.
A dependent word can agree in number, gender and case, or in number and case, or in case only.
When agreeing, a change in the main word causes a corresponding change in the dependent word: green oak - green oak - green oak etc.
Agreement is expressed using the ending of the dependent word.

Control - this type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word (a noun or a word in the meaning of a noun) is placed in the case determined by the main word: be proud of your deeds(the main word controls instrumental case); strive for excellence(the main word controls dative case); road to the port(the main word controls accusative case).
When controlled, only the form of the main word changes: I'm proud of what I do, you are proud of your deeds, be proud of your deeds etc.

In a combination of words like three palm trees(With Not animate noun) word three in them and wine in cases it controls the noun, and in other cases it agrees with it: im. and wine p. three tables- management; date p. three tables, creative p. three tables, sentence n. ( O) three tables- coordination.
Combined type three girlfriends(with an animate noun) control is observed only in it. p., in other cases - agreement: three girlfriends, three friends, three girlfriends,three friends, (O) three girlfriends- coordination.

Adjacency - this type of subordinating connection in which the dependent word is connected with the main word in meaning and intonation: go fast, speak slowly, desire to speak out,very nice.
Immutable words are adjacent - adverbs (soft-boiled egg), participles (met smiling), infinitive (went out for a walk, desire to go).

Exercise. What type of connection is used in the phrase BUILD MECHANICALLY.

We define the main word and ask a question from it: catch (how?) mechanically; catch is the main word, mechanically is the dependent word. We determine the part of speech of the dependent word: mechanically is an adverb. If the dependent word answers the question how? and is an adverb, then the adjacency connection is used in the phrase.

1. In the text it is easier for you to find the dependent word first.

2. If you need agreement, look for a word that answers the question what? whose?

3. If you need control, look for a noun or pronoun that is not in the nominative case.

4. If you need to find an adjunct, look for an unchangeable word (infinitive, gerund, adverb or possessive pronoun).

5. Determine from which word you can ask a question to the dependent word.

Exercise. From the sentences, write down a subordinating phrase with the connection CONNECTION.

I was in third grade when I caught a bad cold. I started getting otitis media. I screamed in pain and hit my head with my palms. Mom called ambulance, and we went to the regional hospital.

When adjoining, the dependent word is an infinitive, adverb or gerund. Let's try to find these parts of speech: strongly (how?) - adverb. We find the main word for it, from which the question is asked to the adverb: caught a cold. Thus, we write out the phrase I caught a bad cold.

There is such a thing in linguistics as a subordinating relationship. In Russian, subordinating connections occur in phrases and sentences. This happens in speech all the time. But what is a subordinating phrase and clause?

First, let's look at what a subordinating relationship means. It connects independent (notional) words and phrases with each other through the fact that one part is the main one and the other is the dependent one. This is very easy to check. From the main part you can ask a question to the dependent part. Such a connection is determined both in meaning and grammatically. For example, beautiful flower, where from the word “flower” you can ask the question “which one?” to the word “beautiful” and determine that the dependent adjective here is.

Types of subordinating connections in phrases


Gender, number and case form dependent part are fully consistent with main part, that is, he is likened to her. From the main word you can ask questions “which?” and “whose?” (these questions may vary depending on the form).

When agreeing, the main noun is always the noun, and the dependent ones can be:

  1. Adjectives: blue sea, clear image, bright light.
  2. Ordinal numbers: first place, (on) the tenth floor, hundredth film.
  3. Participles: writing man, running kitten, bouncing ball.
  4. Possessive pronouns (except for them, him, her): our hearts, my treasure.

Coordination also can be complete or incomplete. In the first case, the dependent word in all forms is likened to the main one, and in the second case - only partially. But the incomplete form rather concerns only exceptions and vernaculars. An example of incomplete (or partial) agreement is the case when a word denoting a profession (as we know, many such words occur in male uniform, but the person himself can be a woman), has an adjective next to it, but in a different gender (our doctor).


When controlling, the dependent word changes under the influence of the main word only by case, one word “controls” the other. Control phrases can be: verb + noun, gerund + noun, participle + noun, two nouns or cardinal number + noun. Happens two types of control: with a preposition, when there is a preposition, or without a preposition. When controlling the dependent word, a question is asked oblique case or circumstantial question(where, where, where), since a word can answer two questions at the same time.

Examples: smoking a cigarette, living in a house, a toy cat, six players, dropping out of school, writing books.


With this type of connection, one part is “adjacent” to another. In other words, such phrases determined only by meaning, since both parts retain all their shapes. Main sign adjacencies - the dependent word is an unchangeable part of speech (verb infinitive, gerund, adverb, pronouns his, her, their).

The main difference from management and coordination is precisely the “independence” of the parts and dependence on each other only in meaning. An adjacency is a connection between two nouns if they denote a name (Lake Baikal, the country of Russia, the Volga River). You can ask an adverbial question (not to be confused with management!): what to do, what to do, what by doing, what by doing and whose (his, her, theirs).

Examples: his jacket, planet Earth, live well, drive without stopping, grew up quickly.

Phrases that do not have a subordinating connection

  • Word and service part speeches (near the house).
  • Compound words(brighter).
  • Words joined by the conjunction “and”.
  • Phraseologisms.
  • Verb and subject.

Subordinating communication in sentences

Sentences also have a subordinating relationship, but this only applies to non-complex sentences. Complex sentence different from complex topics that both parts cannot be separated. If they are used separately, the sentence will lose meaning, while the parts compound sentence it's quite possible use separately from each other and divide the letter with a dot.

The types of subordinating connections in such sentences are distinguished only if subordinate parts some. For example: he told me that he would only go to the place where he was directed. Here we see one main clause and two dependent clauses.

  • sequential;
  • parallel;
  • homogeneous.

Sequential a sentence can be defined if a question goes from the main part to a subordinate clause, and from this subordinate clause to another subordinate clause. For example: I bought a jacket (which one?), which was sewn for me in an atelier (which one?), which is located far from my home.

At parallel in the form of subordination to all subordinate clauses, questions from the main part are asked, but from different words. Thus, a sort of “parallel” is obtained. In such cases it is usually main part is between dependents. (Example: when the school bell rang, I was talking to a new classmate who had recently transferred to our class).

At homogeneous type, dependent clauses refer to the same word found in the main part. (For example: today I went for a walk in the park, where there are usually very few people and where I forgot my jacket).

During exams, school graduates are given tasks to determine the type of connection in the text. Many people have difficulty doing this, although it is not that difficult.

A complex connection in sentences or phrases is a sentence (phrase) in which one of the parts is subordinate to the other. When carefully studying the rules of subordinating relationships, many examples are given independently.

There are only three types of subordination - coordination, adjacency and control.

  • Coordination.

The dominant word is a noun, and participles, adjectives, possessive pronouns or ordinal numerators are dependent words, i.e. subordinate, consistent. Cases, gender and numbers change following the main word.

For example: our dacha, an open book, the first warrior. In the first phrase, the pronoun acts as a predicative word, and the type of subordinating connection will be agreement.

  • Control.

The predicative word changes from the dominant one in the case. Parts of speech are very diverse. You can find familiar combinations: adjectives and nouns, participles (gerunds) and nouns, verbs and nouns, numerals and nouns, even nouns and nouns.

Example: watch a movie, death threats, pea soup, five stars.

During final exams, applicants are often faced with the task of changing the type of communication from coordination to management or vice versa. Typically the example is two nouns. The above is split pea soup. To change a phrase, you need to transform one noun into an adjective, so you get pea soup. For inverse conversion You need to make the adjective a noun. For example, a silk dress will become a silk dress.

  • Adjacency.

In adjacency, the dominant word is connected with the dependent word only logically, that is, in meaning. Typically, the following parts of speech have this type of connection: verb and verb, verb and adverb, verb and gerund, adjective or participle, verb and degree of comparison in an adverb. Feature adjacency is that the dependent word has no case and gender.

For example: it’s sad to watch, he says laughing, I can’t fly, be kinder, it was better.

There are several types of subordinating connections in complex sentence. There is one main simple clause and several subordinate clauses. The subordination of phrases differs from each other, so it is not always easy to distinguish them.

  • Consistent submission.

In this case main phrase goes first, and the dependents obey him sequentially one after another.

For example. She looked at the guy from whom she once asked for a lecture, but he didn’t write it down either.

The main clause here is “She looked”, the first subordinate clause is “from whom she asked for a lecture”, and the second subordinate clause is “he did not write down”.

  • Parallel subordination.

This is the subordination in which subordinate clauses depend on one main thing, but on it different parts speech.

For example. That evening, which smelled wonderfully of bird cherry, he told his son about the moments when he and his mother met.

The main thing here is “That evening he told his son about the moments.” The first subordinate clause answers the question: “What evening?” And the answer immediately follows: “Which smelled wonderfully of bird cherry.” Another dependent phrase sentence poses the question: “About what moments?”, the answer will be: “When he and his mother met.”

You need to know: what it is, examples of it in the literature.

From this we can see that there is a main sentence and two subordinate clauses, which depend on different words.

  • Homogeneous submission.

This method of subordinating communication has a peculiarity. With such subordination, predicative sentences answer the same question and depend on the same part of speech.

For example. She knew that it couldn't get any better and that it was better for her to leave forever.

The main thing: “She knew.” The first subordinate clause answers the question - did you know about what? That it won't get any better. The second subordinate clause also answers the question “About what?”, the answer is that it is better for her to leave forever.

After analyzing the text, it turns out that it is complex with a homogeneous method of subordination.

  • Subordination is allied.

This is a way of subordination using conjunctions and allied words.

For example. She didn't know she was being watched.

The dominant phrase “She didn’t know,” the subordinate clause, answers the question “About what?” The answer will be “That she is being watched.”

  • Indirect interrogative submission.

Subordinate clauses answer the main question using relative interrogative adverbs or pronouns. Main idea predicative sentence expressed using a verb or noun that describes a state or feeling.

For example. She didn't know how much it hurt. The main one is “She didn’t know.” The subordinate clause “how painful it was” answers the question “I didn’t know about what?”

  • Subordination.

Subordinate and main clauses are dependent on each other, and main idea expressed using lexico-syntactic means.

She had not yet laid out her things when she was surrounded by children.

The dominant thing is that she didn’t put things away. It answers the question “what happened” (she was surrounded by children).

Knowing the principles of constructing complex sentences is important for every Russian person, especially for schoolchildren before final exams. You don’t carry knowledge behind your back, and it’s nice to talk to a competent person.

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