What is the source of star radiation? Stars

Stars: their birth, life and death [Third edition, revised] Shklovsky Joseph Samuilovich

Chapter 7 How do stars radiate?

Chapter 7 How do stars radiate?

At a temperature of about ten million Kelvin and a sufficiently high density of matter, the interior of the star should be “filled” with a huge amount of radiation. Quanta of this radiation continuously interact with matter, being absorbed and re-emitted by it. As a result of such processes, the radiation field acquires equilibrium character (strictly speaking, almost equilibrium character - see below), i.e. it is described well-known formula Bar with parameter T, equal to the ambient temperature. For example, the radiation density at frequency

in a unit frequency interval is equal to

An important characteristic of the radiation field is its intensity, usually denoted by the symbol I

The latter is defined as the amount of energy flowing through an area of ​​one square centimeter in a unit frequency interval in one second within a solid angle of one steradian in some given direction, and the area is perpendicular to this direction. If the intensity value is the same for all directions, then it is related to the radiation density by the simple relation

Finally, of particular importance for the problem of the internal structure of stars is radiation flux, denoted by the letter H. We can define this important quantity in terms of the total amount of energy flowing outward through some imaginary sphere surrounding the center of the star:


If energy is “produced” only in the innermost regions of the star, then the magnitude L remains constant, i.e. does not depend on an arbitrarily chosen radius r. Believing r = R, i.e., the radius of the star, we will find the meaning L: obviously it's easy luminosity stars. As for the amount of flow H, then it changes with depth as r -2 .

If the radiation intensity in all directions were strictly the same(i.e., as they say, the radiation field would be isotropic), then the flow H would be equal to zero[ 18 ]. This is easy to understand if we imagine that in an isotropic field the amount of radiation flowing through a sphere of arbitrary radius outward, equal to the number inflowing inside this imaginary sphere of energy. In the conditions of the stellar interior, the radiation field almost isotropic. This means that the value I overwhelmingly superior H. We can verify this directly. According to (7.2) and (7.4) at T= 10 7 K I= 10 23 erg/cm 2

erased, and the amount of radiation flowing in any one direction (“up” or “down”) will be slightly greater: F = I = 3

10 23 erg/cm 2

With. Meanwhile, the magnitude of the solar radiation flux in its central part. somewhere in the distance

100 000 km from its center (this is seven times less than the solar radius), will be equal to H = L/ 4r 2 = 4

10 33 / 10 21 = 4

10 12 erg/cm 2

s, i.e. a thousand billion times less. This is explained by the fact that in the solar interior the flux of radiation outward (“up”) is almost exactly equal to the flow inward (“down”). It's all about that "almost". An insignificant difference in the intensity of the radiation field determines the entire pattern of the star’s radiation. It is for this reason that we made the reservation above that the radiation field is almost equilibrium. With a strictly equilibrium radiation field, there should be no radiation flux! Let us emphasize once again that the deviations of the real radiation field in the interiors of stars from the Planck field are completely negligible, as can be seen from the smallness of the ratio H/F

At T

10 7 K the maximum energy in the Planck spectrum is in the X-ray range. This follows from Wien’s law, well known from the elementary theory of radiation:

m- wavelength at which the maximum of the Planck function occurs. At T= 10 7 K m = 3

10 -8 cm or 3? - typical X-ray range. The amount of radiant energy contained in the interior of the Sun (or any other star) strongly depends on the distribution of temperature with depth, since u T 4 . Exact theory stellar interior allows us to obtain such a dependence, from which it follows that our luminary has a reserve of radiant energy of about 10 45 erg. If nothing held back the quanta of this hard radiation, they would have left the Sun in a couple of seconds and this monstrous flare would undoubtedly have burned all life on the surface of the Earth. This does not happen because the radiation is literally "locked" inside the Sun. The huge thickness of the Sun’s matter serves as a reliable “buffer”. Radiation quanta, continuously and very often absorbed by atoms, ions and electrons of the plasma of solar matter, only “leak” out extremely slowly. In the process of such “diffusion” they significantly change their main quality - energy. If in the depths of stars, as we have seen, their energy corresponds to the X-ray range, then from the surface of the star the quanta come out already very “thin” - their energy already corresponds predominantly to the optical range.

The main question arises: what determines the luminosity of a star, i.e., the power of its radiation? Why does a star, which has enormous energy resources, spend them so “economically”, losing only a small, although quite definite, part of this “reserve” to radiation? Above we assessed the reserve of radiant energy in the interior of stars. It should be borne in mind that this energy, interacting with matter, is continuously absorbed and renewed in the same amount. The “reservoir” for the “available” radiant energy in the bowels of stars is thermal energy of matter particles. It is not difficult to estimate the value thermal energy, stored in a star. To be specific, let's consider the Sun. Assuming, for simplicity, that it consists only of hydrogen, and knowing its mass, it is easy to find that there are approximately 2

10 57 particles - protons and electrons. At a temperature T

10 7 K the average energy per particle will be equal to kT = 2

10 -9 erg, which means that the solar thermal energy reserve W T is a very significant amount

10 48 erg. At observed power solar radiation L

10 33 erg/s this reserve is enough for 10 15 seconds or

30 million years. The question is: why does the Sun have exactly the luminosity that we observe? Or, in other words, why is a gas ball with a mass in a state of hydrostatic equilibrium, equal mass Does the sun have a completely definite radius and a completely definite surface temperature from which the radiation comes out? For the luminosity of any star, including the Sun, can be represented by the simple expression


Where T e- temperature solar surface[ 19 ]. After all, in principle, the Sun, with the same mass and radius, could have a temperature of, say, 20,000 K, and then its luminosity would be hundreds of times greater. However, this is not the case, which, of course, is not an accident.

Above we talked about the reserve of thermal energy in a star. Along with thermal energy, the star also has a substantial reserve of other types of energy. First of all, let's consider gravitational energy. The latter is defined as energy gravitational attraction all particles of the star among themselves. She certainly is potential energy of the star and has a minus sign. Numerically, it is equal to the work that needs to be expended in order to, overcoming the force of gravity, “pull apart” all parts of the star to an infinitely large distance from its center. An estimate of the magnitude of this energy can be made by finding the energy of the gravitational interaction of the star with itself:

Let us now consider a star not in equilibrium, stationary state, but in the stage of slow compression (as is the case for a protostar; see § 5). During the compression process, the gravitational energy of the star slowly decreases(remember that it is negative). However, as can be seen from formula (7.9), only half The released gravitational energy will turn into heat, i.e. it will be spent on heating the substance. The other half of the released energy must leave star in the form of radiation. It follows that if the source of the energy of a star’s radiation is its compression, then the amount of energy emitted during its evolution is equal to its reserve of thermal energy.

Leaving aside for now the very important question of the reasons why a star has absolutely definite luminosity, we immediately emphasize that if we consider the source of the energy of a star to be the release of its gravitational energy in the process of compression (as was believed in late XIX century), we will face very serious difficulties. The point is not that to ensure the observed luminosity, the radius of the Sun must decrease annually by about 20 meters - such an insignificant change in the size of the Sun modern technology observational astronomy unable to detect. The difficulty is that the reserve of gravitational energy of the Sun would be enough only for 30 million years of radiation from our star, provided, of course, that it radiated in the past approximately the same as it does now. If in the 19th century, when the famous English physicist Thompson (Lord Kelvin) put forward this “gravitational” hypothesis of maintaining solar radiation, knowledge about the age of the Earth and the Sun was very vague, now this is no longer the case. Geological data with great reliability allow us to assert that the age of the Sun is estimated at at least several billion years, which is a hundred times higher than the “Kelvin scale” for its life.

This leads to a very important conclusion that neither thermal nor gravitational energy can provide such long-term radiation from the Sun, as well as the vast majority of other stars. Our century has long pointed to a third source of radiation energy from the Sun and stars, which is of decisive importance for our entire problem. This is about nuclear energy(see § 3). In § 8 we will talk in more detail and specifically about those nuclear reactions that occur in the interior of stars.

Amount of nuclear energy reserve W i = 0 , 008Xc 2 M

10 52 erg exceeds the sum of the gravitational and thermal energy of the Sun by more than 1000 times. The same applies to the vast majority of other stars. This reserve is enough to maintain the radiation of the Sun for one hundred billion years! Of course, it does not follow from this that the Sun will radiate for such a huge period of time on modern level. But in any case, it is clear that the Sun and stars have more than enough reserves of nuclear fuel.

It is important to emphasize that nuclear reactions occurring in the depths of the Sun and stars are thermonuclear. This means that although fast (and therefore quite energetic) charged particles react, they still thermal. The fact is that particles of gas heated to a certain temperature have Maxwellian velocity distribution. At a temperature

10 7 K the average energy of thermal motions of particles is close to 1000 eV. This energy is too low to overcome the Coulomb repulsive forces during the collision of two nuclei and hit another nucleus and thereby cause a nuclear transformation. The energy required must be at least tens of times greater. It is important, however, that with a Maxwellian velocity distribution there will always be particles whose energy will significantly exceed the average. True, there will be few of them, but only they, colliding with other nuclei, cause nuclear transformations and, consequently, the release of energy. The number of such anomalously fast, but still “thermal” nuclei depends very sensitively on the temperature of the substance. It would seem that in such a situation, nuclear reactions, accompanied by the release of energy, can quickly increase the temperature of the substance, which in turn causes their speed to sharply increase, and the star could use up its supply of nuclear fuel in a relatively short time by increasing its luminosity. After all, energy cannot accumulate in a star - this would lead to a sharp increase in gas pressure and the star would simply explode like an overheated steam boiler. Therefore, all nuclear energy released in the depths of stars must leave the star; This process determines the luminosity of a star. But the fact of the matter is that no matter what thermonuclear reactions there are, they cannot occur in a star at an arbitrary speed. As soon as, at least to a small extent, local (i.e. local) heating of the star’s matter occurs, the latter due to increased pressure will expand, which is why, according to Clapeyron’s formula, it will happen cooling. In this case, the rate of nuclear reactions will immediately drop and the substance will thus return to its original state. This process of restoring the hydrostatic equilibrium disturbed due to local heating, as we saw earlier, proceeds very quickly.

Thus, the rate of nuclear reactions “adjusts”, as it were, to the temperature distribution inside the star. As paradoxical as it may sound, the magnitude of the star's luminosity does not depend from nuclear reactions occurring in its depths! The significance of nuclear reactions is that they are, as it were, support steady temperature regime at a level determined by the structure of the star, ensuring the luminosity of stars during “cosmogonic” time intervals. Thus, a “normal” star (for example, the Sun) is a perfectly regulated machine that can operate in a stable mode for a long time.

Now we must come to the answer to the main question that was posed at the beginning of this section: if the luminosity of a star does not depend on the energy sources located in it, then what determines it? To answer this question, we must first understand how energy is transported (transferred) from the central parts to the periphery in the interior of stars. There are three main methods of energy transfer: a) thermal conductivity, b) convection, c) radiation. For most stars, including the Sun, the mechanism of energy transfer by thermal conduction turns out to be completely ineffective compared to other mechanisms. The exception is the subsoil white dwarfs, which will be discussed in § 10. Convection occurs when thermal energy is transferred along with matter. For example, a heated gas in contact with a hot surface expands, which makes its density decreases and it moves away from the heating body - it simply “floats up”. In its place, cold gas descends, which again heats up and floats up, etc. Such a process can, under certain conditions, occur quite violently. Its role in the very central regions of relatively massive stars, as well as in their outer, “subphotospheric” layers, can be very significant, as will be discussed below. The main process of energy transfer in stellar interiors is still radiation.

We have already said above that the radiation field in the stellar interior almost isotropic. If we imagine a small volume of stellar matter somewhere in the bowels of the star, then the intensity of the radiation coming “from below,” that is, in the direction from the center of the star, will be slightly greater than from the opposite direction. It is for this reason that inside the star there is flow radiation. What determines the difference in the intensities of radiation coming from “above” and “from below,” i.e., the radiation flux? Let us imagine for a moment that the substance of the stellar interior is almost transparent. Then radiation that originated far from it, somewhere in the very central region of the star, will pass through our volume “from below.” Since the temperature there is high, the intensity will be very significant. On the contrary, the intensity coming “from above” will correspond to the relatively low temperature of the outer layers of the star. In this imaginary case, the difference in radiation intensities “from below” and “from above” will be very large and will correspond to a huge flow radiation.

Now let's imagine the other extreme: the star's matter is very opaque. Then from this volume one can “see” only at a distance of the order of l/

Absorption coefficient calculated per unit mass[ 20 ]. In the depths of the Sun the magnitude l/

Close to one millimeter. It’s even strange at first glance that gas can be so opaque. After all, we, being in earth's atmosphere, we see objects tens of kilometers away! Such a huge opacity of the gaseous substance of the stellar interior is explained by its high density, and most importantly, by the high temperature, which makes the gas ionized. It is clear that the difference in temperature over one millimeter should be absolutely negligible. It can be roughly estimated by considering the temperature difference from the center of the Sun to its surface to be uniform. Then it turns out that the temperature difference at a distance of 1 mm is close to one hundred thousandth of a degree. Accordingly, the difference between the intensity of radiation coming from “above” and “from below” will be negligible. Consequently, the radiation flux will be negligible compared to the intensity, as discussed above.

Thus, we come to the important conclusion that the opacity of stellar matter determines the flow radiation, and therefore the luminosity of the star. The greater the opacity of stellar matter, the lower the radiation flux. In addition, the radiation flux must, of course, also depend on how quickly the temperature of the star changes with depth. Let us imagine a heated gas ball, the temperature of which is strictly constant. It is quite obvious that in this case the radiation flux would be zero, regardless of whether the absorption of radiation is large or small. After all, no matter what

the intensity of radiation “from above” will be equal to the intensity of radiation “from below”, since the temperatures are strictly equal.

Now we can fully understand the meaning of the exact formula connecting the luminosity of a star with its main characteristics:


where is the symbol

means the change in temperature as you move one centimeter from the center of the star. If the temperature were strictly constant, then

would be equal to zero. Formula (7.10) expresses what was already discussed above. The radiation flux from a star (and, consequently, its luminosity) is greater, the lower the opacity of stellar matter and the greater the temperature difference in the stellar interior.

Formula (7.10) allows us, first of all, to obtain the luminosity of a star if its main characteristics are known. But before moving on to numerical estimates, we will transform this formula. Let's express T through M, using formula (6.2), and accept that

3M/ 4R 3 .

Then, assuming

Will have


A characteristic feature of the resulting formula is that the dependence of luminosity on the radius of the star was dropped from it. Although the dependence on the average molecular weight of the stellar interior is quite strong, the value itself

For most stars it varies within insignificant limits. Opacity of stellar matter

depends primarily on the presence of heavy elements in it. The fact is that hydrogen and helium in the conditions of stellar interiors fully They are ionized and in this state they are almost unable to absorb radiation. Indeed, in order for a radiation quantum to be absorbed, it is necessary that its energy be completely spent on removing an electron from the nucleus, i.e., on ionization. If the hydrogen and helium atoms are completely ionized, then, to put it simply, there is nothing to tear off [21]. Heavy elements are a different matter. They, as we saw above, still retain some of their electrons in their innermost shells and therefore can absorb radiation quite effectively. It follows that although the relative content of heavy elements in stellar interiors is small, their role is disproportionately large, since they mainly determine the opacity of stellar matter.

The theory leads to a simple dependence of the absorption coefficient on the characteristics of the substance (Kramers formula):


Note, however, that this formula is rather approximate. Nevertheless, it follows from it that we will not do very big mistake, if we set the value

not changing very much from star to star. Accurate calculations show that for hot massive stars

1, while for red dwarfs the value

10 times more. Thus, from formula (7.11) it follows that the luminosity is “normal” (i.e., in equilibrium at main sequence) of a star primarily depends on its mass. If we substitute the numerical value of all the coefficients included in the formula, then it can be rewritten in the form


This formula makes it possible to determine absolute the luminosity value of a star if its mass is known. For example, for the Sun it can be assumed that the absorption coefficient

20, and the average molecular weight

0, 6 (see above). Then L/L

5, 6. We should not be embarrassed by the fact that L/L

It didn't turn out to be equal to one. This is explained by the extreme crudeness of our model. Accurate calculations, taking into account the distribution of the temperature of the Sun with depth, give the value L/L

Close to unity.

The main meaning of formula (7.13) is that it gives the dependence of the luminosity of a main sequence star on its masses. Therefore, formula (7.13) is usually called the “mass-luminosity relationship.” Let us once again pay attention to the fact that such most important characteristic stars what's her name radius, is not included in this formula. There is no hint of the dependence of the luminosity of a star on the power of energy sources in its depths. The last circumstance is of fundamental importance. As we have already emphasized above, a star of a given mass, as it were, itself regulates the power of energy sources, which “adjust” to its structure and “opacity”.

The mass-luminosity relationship was first derived by the outstanding English astronomer Eddington, the founder of modern theories internal structure of stars. This dependence was found by him theoretically and only later was confirmed using extensive observational material. The agreement of this formula, obtained, as we saw above, from the simplest assumptions, with the results of observations is generally good. Some discrepancies occur for very large and very small stellar masses (i.e., blue giants and red dwarfs). However, further improvement of the theory made it possible to eliminate these discrepancies...

Above we presented the relationship between the radiation flux and the temperature difference, based on the assumption that energy is transferred from the interior of the star outwards only by radiation (see formula (7.10)). In the interior of stars, the condition is fulfilled radiant equilibrium. This means that each element of the star's volume absorbs exactly as much energy as it emits. However, this balance is not always sustainable. Let's explain this with a simple example. Let's select a small volume element inside the star and mentally move it upward (i.e., closer to the surface) a short distance. Since, as we move away from the center of the star, the temperature and pressure of the gas that forms it will decrease, our volume should expand with such movement. We can assume that in the process of such movement there is no exchange of energy between our volume and the environment. In other words, the expansion of the volume as it moves upward can be considered adiabatic. This expansion will occur in such a way that its internal pressure will always be equal to the external pressure of the environment. If, after moving, we imagine our volume of gas “to itself,” then it will either return back to its original position or will continue to move upward. What determines the direction of volume movement?

And P represent density and pressure. After the volume has moved upward (or, in other words, “suffered a disturbance”), and its internal pressure is balanced by the pressure of the environment, its density must differ from the density of the specified environment. This is explained by the fact that in the process of rising and expanding our volume, its density changed according to a special, so-called “adiabatic” law. In this case we will have

= c p /c 3 - ratio of specific heat capacities at constant pressure and constant volume. For the ideal gas of which the matter of “normal” stars consists, c p /c 3 = 5/ 3. Now let's see what we got. After the volume moves upward, the environmental pressure acting on it is still equal to the internal one, meanwhile, the gravitational force acting on a unit volume has become different, since it has changed density. It is now clear that if this density turns out to be more density of the environment, the volume will begin go down until it reaches its original position. If this density in the process of adiabatic expansion became less density of the environment, the volume will be continue your movement up, “floating up” under the influence of Archimedes’ force. In the first case, the state of the environment will be sustainable. This means that any random movement of gas in the medium will be, as it were, “suppressed” and the element of matter that began to move will immediately return to its original place. In the second case, the state of the environment will be unstable. The slightest disturbance (from which one can never “insure” oneself) will become more and more intensified. Random movements of gas “up” and “down” will occur in the medium. Moving masses of gas will carry with them the thermal energy they contain. A state will come convection. Convection is very common in terrestrial conditions(remember, for example, how water is heated in a kettle placed on the stove). Energy transfer by convection is qualitatively different from the energy transfer by radiation discussed in the previous paragraph. IN the latter case, as we have seen, the amount of energy transferred in the radiation flux limited opacity of stellar matter. For example, if the opacity is very high, then for a given temperature difference the amount of energy transferred will be arbitrarily small. This is not the case with energy transfer by convection. From the very essence of this mechanism it follows that the amount of energy transferred by convection is not limited by any properties of the medium.

In the interior of stars, as a rule, energy transfer occurs through radiation. This is explained stability environment in relation to disturbances of its “immobility” (see above). But in the interiors of a number of stars there are layers and even entire large regions where the stability condition obtained above is not satisfied. In these cases, the bulk of the energy is transferred by convection. This usually happens when the transfer of energy by radiation is limited for some reason. This can happen, for example, when the opacity is too high.

Above, the basic “mass-luminosity” relationship was obtained from the assumption that energy transfer in stars occurs only by radiation. The question arises: if energy transfer by convection also takes place in a star, will this dependence be violated? It turns out not! The fact is that “fully convective stars,” that is, stars in which energy transfer everywhere, from the center to the surface, would be carried out only by convection, does not exist in nature. Real stars either have only more or less thin layers or large regions in the center where convection plays a dominant role. But it is enough to have at least one layer inside the star, where energy transfer is carried out by radiation, so that its opacity would most radically affect the “throughput” of the star in relation to the energy released in its depths. However, the presence of convective regions in the interiors of stars will, of course, change the numerical value of the coefficients in formula (7.13). This circumstance, in particular, is one of the reasons why the luminosity of the Sun calculated by us using this formula is almost five times higher than the observed one.

So, due to the specific instability described above, large-scale gas movements occur in the convective layers of stars. The hotter masses of gas rise from the bottom up, while the colder ones fall. An intensive process of mixing the substance occurs. Calculations show, however, that the difference in the temperature of the moving elements of the gas and the environment is completely negligible, only about 1 K - and this at a temperature of the subsurface substance of the order of ten million kelvins! This is explained by the fact that convection itself tends to equalize the temperature of the layers. The average speed of rising and falling gas masses is also insignificant - only on the order of several tens of meters per second. It is useful to compare this speed with the thermal speeds of ionized hydrogen atoms in the interior of stars, which are on the order of several hundred kilometers per second. Since the speed of movement of gases participating in convection is tens of thousands of times less than the thermal speeds of particles of stellar matter, the pressure caused by convective flows is almost a billion times less than ordinary gas pressure. This means that convection does not at all affect the hydrostatic equilibrium of the stellar interior, determined by the equality of the forces of gas pressure and gravity.

You should not imagine convection as some kind of ordered process, where areas of rising gas regularly alternate with areas of its falling. The nature of convective movement is not “laminar”, but “turbulent”; that is, it is extremely chaotic, randomly changing in time and space. The chaotic nature of the movement of gas masses leads to complete mixing of the substance. It means that chemical composition the region of the star covered by convective movements must be homogeneous. The last circumstance is very important for many problems. stellar evolution. For example, if as a result of nuclear reactions in the hottest (central) part of the convective zone the chemical composition has changed (for example, there is less hydrogen, some of which has turned into helium), then in a short time this change will spread throughout the whole convective zone. Thus, “fresh” nuclear hot can continuously enter the “nuclear reaction zone” - the central region of the star - which, of course, is of decisive importance for the evolution of the star [22]. At the same time, there may well be situations when there is no convection in the central, hottest regions of the star, which leads in the process of evolution to a radical change in the chemical composition of these regions. This will be discussed in more detail in § 12.

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What are the sources of energy from stars? What processes support the “life” of stars? Give an idea of ​​the evolution of ordinary stars and red giants, explain the processes occurring in their interiors. What is the prospect for the evolution of the Sun?

Like all bodies in nature, stars do not remain unchanged, they are born, evolve, and finally “die”. To follow up life path stars and to understand how they age, you need to know how they arise. Modern astronomy has a large number of arguments in favor of the assertion that stars are formed by the condensation of clouds of gas and dust in the interstellar medium. The process of star formation from this environment continues to this day. Clarification of this circumstance is one of the greatest achievements of modern astronomy. Until relatively recently, it was believed that all stars were formed almost simultaneously, billions of years ago. The collapse of these metaphysical ideas was facilitated, first of all, by the progress of observational astronomy and the development of the theory of the structure and evolution of stars. As a result, it became clear that many of the observed stars are relatively young objects, and some of them arose when man was already on Earth.

Central to the problem of the evolution of stars is the question of the sources of their energy. In fact, where does it come from, for example? great amount energy required to maintain solar radiation at approximately observable levels for several billion years? Every second the Sun emits 4*10 33 ergs, and over 3 billion years it has emitted 4*10 50 ergs. There is no doubt that the age of the Sun is about 5 billion years. This follows at least from modern estimates of the age of the Earth using various radioactive methods. It is unlikely that the Sun is “younger” than the Earth.

Success nuclear physics made it possible to solve the problem of sources of stellar energy back in the late thirties of our century. Such a source is thermonuclear fusion reactions occurring in the depths of stars at the very high temperature prevailing there (on the order of ten million degrees). As a result of these reactions, the speed of which strongly depends on temperature, protons turn into helium nuclei, and the released energy slowly “leaks” through the depths of stars and, in the end, significantly transformed, is emitted into outer space. This is an extremely powerful source. If we assume that the Sun initially consisted only of hydrogen, which as a result of thermonuclear reactions was completely transformed into helium, then the amount of energy released will be approximately 10 52 erg.

Thus, to maintain radiation at the observed level for billions of years, it is enough for the Sun to “use up” no more than 10% of its initial supply of hydrogen. Now we can imagine the evolution of a star as follows. For some reasons (several of them can be specified), a cloud of interstellar gas-dust medium began to condense. Quite soon (of course, on an astronomical scale!) under the influence of forces universal gravity from this cloud a relatively dense opaque gas ball is formed. Strictly speaking, this ball cannot yet be called a star, since in its central regions the temperature is not sufficient for thermonuclear reactions to begin. The gas pressure inside the ball is not yet able to balance the forces of attraction of its individual parts, so it will continuously compress.

Some astronomers previously believed that such “protostars” were observed in individual nebulae in the form of very dark compact formations, the so-called globules. The successes of radio astronomy, however, forced us to abandon this rather naive point of view. Usually, not one protostar is formed at the same time, but a more or less numerous group of them. Subsequently, these groups become stellar associations and clusters, well known to astronomers. It is very likely that at this very early stage in the evolution of a star, clumps of lower mass form around it, which then gradually turn into planets.

As a protostar contracts, its temperature rises, and a significant part of the released potential energy is radiated into the surrounding space. Since the dimensions of the collapsing gas ball are very large, the radiation per unit of its surface will be insignificant. Since the radiation flux per unit surface is proportional to the fourth power of temperature (Stefan-Boltzmann law), the temperature of the surface layers of the star is relatively low, while its luminosity is almost the same as that of an ordinary star with the same mass. Therefore, on the spectrum-luminosity diagram, such stars will be located to the right of the main sequence, i.e., they will fall into the region of red giants or red dwarfs, depending on the values ​​of their initial masses.

Subsequently, the protostar continues to contract. Its size becomes smaller, and surface temperature increases, as a result of which the spectrum becomes more and more “early”. Thus, moving along the spectrum-luminosity diagram, the protostar will rather quickly “sit down” on the main sequence. During this period, the temperature of the stellar interior is already sufficient for thermonuclear reactions to begin there. In this case, the gas pressure inside the future star balances the attraction, and the gas ball stops contracting. A protostar becomes a star.

It takes relatively little time for protostars to go through this earliest stage of their evolution. If, for example, the mass of the protostar is greater than the solar one, it takes only a few million years, if less, several hundred million years. Since the evolutionary time of protostars is relatively short, this earliest phase of star development is difficult to detect. Nevertheless, stars in such a stage are apparently observed. We are talking about very interesting T Tauri stars, usually embedded in dark nebulae.

Once on the main sequence and having stopped contracting, the star radiates for a long time, practically without changing its position on the spectrum-luminosity diagram. Its radiation is supported by thermonuclear reactions occurring in the central regions. Thus, the main sequence is, as it were, a geometric location of points on the spectrum-luminosity diagram where a star (depending on its mass) can emit for a long time and steadily due to thermonuclear reactions. A star's place on the main sequence is determined by its mass. It should be noted that there is one more parameter that determines the position of the equilibrium emitting star on the spectrum-luminosity diagram. This parameter is the initial chemical composition of the star. If the relative abundance of heavy elements decreases, the star will "fall" in the diagram below. It is this circumstance that explains the presence of a sequence of subdwarfs.

As mentioned above, the relative abundance of heavy elements in these stars is tens of times less than in main sequence stars.

The time a star stays on the main sequence is determined by its initial mass. If the mass is large, the star's radiation has enormous power, and it quickly uses up its reserves of hydrogen "fuel". For example, main sequence stars with a mass several tens of times greater than the solar mass (these are hot blue giants spectral class O) can emit steadily while being on this sequence for only a few million years, while stars with a mass close to the Sun are on the main sequence for 10-15 billion years.

The “burning out” of hydrogen (i.e., its transformation into helium during thermonuclear reactions) occurs only in the central regions of the star. This is explained by the fact that stellar matter mixes only in the central regions of the star, where nuclear reactions take place, while the outer layers keep the relative hydrogen content unchanged. Since the amount of hydrogen in the central regions of the star is limited, sooner or later (depending on the mass of the star) almost all of it will “burn out” there.

Calculations show that the mass and radius of its central region, in which nuclear reactions take place, gradually decrease, while the star slowly moves to the right on the spectrum-luminosity diagram. This process occurs much faster in relatively massive stars. If we imagine a group of simultaneously formed evolving stars, then over time the main sequence on the spectrum-luminosity diagram constructed for this group will seem to bend to the right.

What will happen to a star when all (or almost all) of the hydrogen in its core “burns out”? Since the release of energy in the central regions of the star ceases, the temperature and pressure there cannot be maintained at the level necessary to counteract the gravitational force compressing the star. The star's core will begin to contract, and its temperature will increase. A very dense hot region is formed, consisting of helium (which hydrogen has turned into) with a small admixture of heavier elements. A gas in this state is called “degenerate”. He has a number interesting properties, which we cannot dwell on here. In this dense hot region, nuclear reactions will not occur, but they will proceed quite intensely at the periphery of the nucleus, in a relatively thin layer. Calculations show that the star's luminosity and size will begin to increase. The star, as it were, “swells” and begins to “depart” from the main sequence, moving into the region of red giants. Further, it turns out that giant stars with a lower content of heavy elements will have a higher luminosity for the same size. When a star passes into the red giant stage, the rate of its evolution increases significantly.

The next question is what will happen to the star when the helium-carbon reaction in the central regions exhausts itself, as well as the hydrogen reaction in the thin layer surrounding the hot dense core? What stage of evolution will come after the red giant stage? The totality of observational data, as well as a number of theoretical considerations, indicate that at this stage of evolution, stars whose mass is less than 1.2 solar masses “shed” a significant part of their mass, forming their outer shell.

Stars: their birth, life and death [Third edition, revised] Shklovsky Joseph Samuilovich

Chapter 8 Nuclear energy sources of stellar radiation

Chapter 8 Nuclear energy sources of stellar radiation

In § 3 we already said that the sources of energy of the Sun and stars, ensuring their luminosity during gigantic “cosmogonic” periods of time, calculated for stars not very large mass billions of years, are thermonuclear reactions. Now we will dwell on this important issue in more detail.

The foundations of the theory of the internal structure of stars were laid by Eddington even when the sources of their energy were unknown. We already know that the series important results, concerning the equilibrium conditions of stars, temperature and pressure in their interiors and the dependence of luminosity on mass, chemical composition (determining the average molecular weight) and opacity of matter, could be obtained without knowledge of the nature of sources of stellar energy. Nevertheless, understanding the essence of energy sources is absolutely necessary to explain the duration of the existence of stars in an almost unchanged state. Even more important is the importance of the nature of sources of stellar energy for the problem of the evolution of stars, i.e., the regular change in their main characteristics (luminosity, radius) over time. Only after the nature of the sources of stellar energy became clear, it became possible to understand the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, the basic pattern of stellar astronomy.

The question of sources of stellar energy was raised almost immediately after the discovery of the law of conservation of energy, when it became clear that the radiation of stars is due to some kind of energy transformations and cannot continue forever. It is no coincidence that the first hypothesis about the sources of stellar energy belongs to Mayer, the man who discovered the law of conservation of energy. He believed that the source of radiation from the Sun was the continuous fall of meteoroids onto its surface. Calculations, however, showed that this source is clearly insufficient to provide the observed luminosity of the Sun. Helmholtz and Kelvin tried to explain the long-term radiation of the Sun by its slow compression, accompanied by the release of gravitational energy. This hypothesis, which is very important even (and especially!) for modern astronomy, however, turned out to be untenable to explain the radiation of the Sun over billions of years. Let us also note that at the time of Helmholtz and Kelvin there were no reasonable ideas about the age of the Sun. Only recently has it become clear that the age of the Sun and all planetary system about 5 billion years.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. one of the greatest discoveries in human history was made - radioactivity was discovered. Thus it opened completely new world atomic nuclei. However, it took more than a decade for the physics of the atomic nucleus to become firmly established. scientific basis. Already by the 20s of our century it became clear that the source of energy of the Sun and stars should be sought in nuclear transformations. Eddington himself also thought so, but it was not yet possible to indicate specific nuclear processes occurring in real stellar interiors and accompanied by the release of the required amount of energy. How imperfect the knowledge of the nature of sources of stellar energy was then can be seen from the fact that Jeans, the greatest English physicist and astronomer at the beginning of our century, believed that such a source could be... radioactivity. This, of course, is also a nuclear process, but, as can easily be shown, it is completely unsuitable for explaining the radiation of the Sun and stars. This can be seen at least from the fact that such an energy source is completely independent of external conditions - after all, radioactivity, as is well known, is a process spontaneous. For this reason, such a source could not “adjust” to the changing structure of the star. In other words, there would be no “tuning” of the star's radiation. The whole picture of stellar radiation would sharply contradict observations. The first person to understand this was the remarkable Estonian astronomer E. Epic, who shortly before the Second World War came to the conclusion that only thermonuclear fusion reactions could be the source of energy for the Sun and stars.

Only in 1939 known American physicist Bethe gave a quantitative theory of nuclear sources of stellar energy. What kind of reactions are these? In § 7 we already mentioned that in the interior of stars there should be thermonuclear reactions. Let's look at this in a little more detail. As is known, nuclear reactions, accompanied by nuclear transformations and the release of energy, occur when particles collide. Such particles can be, first of all, the nuclei themselves. In addition, nuclear reactions can also occur when nuclei collide with neutrons. However, free (i.e., not bound in nuclei) neutrons are unstable particles. Therefore, their number in the interiors of stars should be negligible [23]. On the other hand, since hydrogen is the most abundant element in the interior of stars and it is completely ionized, collisions of nuclei with protons will occur especially often.

In order for a proton to be able to penetrate into the nucleus with which it collides during such a collision, it needs to approach the latter at a distance of about 10 -13 cm. It is at this distance that specific attractive forces act, “cementing” the nucleus and attaching the “alien” to it. , colliding proton. But in order to approach the nucleus at such a short distance, the proton must overcome a very significant force of electrostatic repulsion (“Coulomb barrier”). After all, the nucleus is also positively charged! It is easy to calculate that to overcome this electrostatic force, the proton needs to have a kinetic energy that exceeds the potential energy of the electrostatic interaction

Meanwhile, as we saw in § 7, the average kinetic energy of thermal protons in the solar interior is only about 1 keV, i.e. 1000 times less. There will be practically no protons with the energy necessary for nuclear reactions in the depths of stars. It would seem that in such a situation no nuclear reactions could occur there. But that's not true. The fact is that, according to the laws of quantum mechanics, protons, whose energy is even significantly less than 1000 keV, can still, with some small probability, overcome the Coulomb repulsive forces and enter the nucleus. This probability decreases rapidly with decreasing proton energy, but it is not zero. At the same time, the number of protons will rapidly increase as their energy approaches the average thermal energy. Therefore, there must be such a “compromise” energy of protons, at which the low probability of their penetration into the nucleus is “compensated” by their large number. It turns out that under the conditions of the stellar interior this energy is close to 20 keV. Only about one hundred millionth of a proton has this energy. And yet this turns out to be just enough for nuclear reactions to occur at such a speed that the energy released would exactly match the luminosity of the stars.

We focused our attention on reactions with protons not only because they are the most abundant component of the matter of stellar interiors. If heavier nuclei, which have significantly greater charges, collide elementary charge proton, the Coulomb repulsive forces increase significantly, and the nuclei T

10 7 K no longer have practically any possibility of penetrating each other. Only at significantly higher temperatures, which in some cases occur inside stars, are nuclear reactions on heavy elements possible.

We have already said in § 3 that the essence of nuclear reactions inside the Sun and stars is that, through a series of intermediate stages, four hydrogen nuclei combine into one helium nucleus (

Particles), and the excess mass is released in the form of energy that heats the environment in which the reactions occur. In the interior of stars, there are two ways of converting hydrogen into helium, differing in different sequences of nuclear reactions. The first path is usually called the "proton-proton reaction", the second - the "carbon-nitrogen reaction".

Let us first describe the proton-proton reaction.

This reaction begins with collisions between protons, which result in the formation of a heavy hydrogen nucleus - deuterium. Even in the conditions of the stellar interior this happens very rarely. As a rule, collisions between protons are elastic: after the collision, the particles simply fly apart in different directions. In order for two protons to merge into one deuterium nucleus as a result of a collision, it is necessary that two independent conditions be met during such a collision. Firstly, it is necessary that one of the colliding protons has a kinetic energy twenty times greater than the average energy of thermal motion at the temperature of the stellar interior. As mentioned above, only one hundred millionth of protons have such a relatively high energy necessary to overcome the “Coulomb barrier”. Secondly, it is necessary that during the collision one of the two protons would have time to turn into a neutron, emitting a positron and a neutrino. For only a proton and a neutron can form a deuterium nucleus! Note that the duration of the collision is only about 10 -21 seconds (it is on the order of the classical radius of a proton divided by its speed). If we take all this into account, it turns out that each proton has a real chance of turning into deuterium in this way only once every few tens of billions of years. But since there are quite a lot of protons in the depths of stars, such reactions, and in the required quantity, will take place.

The fate of newly formed deuterium nuclei is different. They “greedily”, after just a few seconds, “swallow” some nearby proton, turning into the helium isotope 3 He. After this, three paths (branches) of nuclear reactions are possible. Most often, a helium isotope will interact with a similar nucleus, resulting in the formation of an “ordinary” helium nucleus and two protons. Since the concentration of the 3 He isotope is extremely low, this will happen within a few million years. Let us now write the sequence of these reactions and the energy released during them.

Here the letter

means neutrino, and

Gamma quantum.

Not all the energy released as a result of this chain of reactions is transferred to the star, since part of the energy is carried away by neutrinos. Taking this circumstance into account, the energy released during the formation of one helium nucleus is equal to 26 , 2 MeV or 4 , 2

10 -5 erg.

The second branch of the proton-proton reaction begins with the combination of the 3 He nucleus with the “ordinary” helium nucleus 4 He, after which the beryllium nucleus 7 Be is formed. The beryllium nucleus in turn can capture a proton, which then forms an 8B boron nucleus, or capture an electron and become a lithium nucleus. In the first case, the resulting radioactive isotope 8 V undergoes beta decay: 8 B

8 Be + e + +

Note that the neutrinos produced during this reaction were discovered using a unique, expensive installation. This important experiment will be discussed in detail in the next paragraph. Radioactive beryllium 8Be is very unstable and quickly decays into two alpha particles. Finally, the last, third branch of the proton-proton reaction includes the following links: 7 Be, after capturing an electron, turns into 7 Li, which, having captured a proton, turns into the unstable isotope 8 Be, which decays, as in the second chain, into two alpha- particles.

Let us note once again that the vast majority reactions are coming along the first chain, but the role of “side” chains is by no means small, as follows at least from the famous neutrino experiment, which will be described in the next paragraph.

Let us now move on to consider the carbon-nitrogen cycle. This cycle consists of six reactions.

Quantum. Isotope 13 N, undergoing

Decay with the emission of a positron and a neutrino turns into the carbon isotope 13 C. The latter, colliding with a proton, turns into an ordinary nitrogen nucleus 14 N. During this reaction,

Quantum. This isotope is then

The decay turns into the nitrogen isotope 15 N. Finally, the latter, having attached a proton to itself during a collision, decays into ordinary carbon and helium. The entire chain of reactions is a sequential “weighting” of the carbon nucleus by the addition of protons followed by

Decays. The last link in this chain is the restoration of the original carbon nucleus and the formation of a new helium nucleus due to four protons, which at different times, one after another, joined 12 C and the isotopes formed from it. As can be seen, no change in the number of 12 C nuclei in the substance in which this reaction occurs occurs. Carbon serves here as a “catalyst” for the reaction.

The second column gives the energy released at each stage of the carbon-nitrogen reaction. Part of this energy is released in the form of neutrinos, which arise during the decay of radioactive isotopes 13 N and 15 O. Neutrinos freely come out of the stellar interior, therefore, their energy does not go to heating the star’s matter. For example, during the decay of 15 O, the energy of the resulting neutrino is on average about 1 MeV. Finally, during the formation of one helium nucleus by the carbon-nitrogen reaction, 25 MeV of energy is released (without taking into account neutrinos), and neutrinos carry away about 5% of this value.

The third column of Table II shows the values speed various parts of the carbon-nitrogen reaction. For

Processes are simply half-lives. It is much more difficult to determine the reaction rate when the nucleus is made heavier by adding a proton. In this case, it is necessary to know the probabilities of proton penetration through the Coulomb barrier, as well as the probabilities of the corresponding nuclear interactions, since the penetration of a proton into the nucleus itself does not yet ensure the nuclear transformation of interest to us. Probabilities of nuclear reactions are obtained from laboratory experiments or calculated theoretically. To reliably determine them, it took years of hard work by nuclear physicists, both theoreticians and experimentalists. The numbers in the third column give the "lifetime" of the various nuclei for the central regions of a star with a temperature of 13 million Kelvin and a hydrogen density of 100 g/cm 3 . For example, in order for the 12 C nucleus, having captured a proton, to turn into a radioactive carbon isotope under such conditions, one must “wait” 13 million years! Consequently, for each “active” (i.e. participating in the cycle) nucleus the reactions proceed extremely slowly, but the whole point is that there are quite a lot of cores.

As has been repeatedly emphasized above, the rate of thermonuclear reactions depends sensitively on temperature. This is understandable - even minor changes temperatures very sharply affect the concentration of relatively energetic protons necessary for the reaction, the energy of which is 20 times higher than the average thermal energy. For a proton-proton reaction, the approximate formula for the rate of energy release calculated per gram of substance has the form

The main source of energy from the Sun, the temperature of the central regions of which is close to 14 million Kelvin, is the proton-proton reaction. For more massive, and therefore hotter stars, the carbon-nitrogen reaction is significant, the dependence of which on temperature is much stronger. For example, for the temperature range 24-36 million Kelvin


It is clear why this formula contains as a factor the quantity Z- relative concentration of heavy elements: carbon and nitrogen. After all, the nuclei of these elements are catalysts for the carbon-nitrogen reaction. Typically, the total concentration of these elements is approximately seven times less than the concentration of all heavy elements. The latter circumstance is taken into account in the numerical coefficient of formula (8.3).

Nuclear reactions continuously occurring in the central regions of stars “slowly but surely” change the chemical composition of the stellar interior. The main trend of this chemical evolution is the transformation of hydrogen into helium. In addition, during the carbon-nitrogen cycle, the relative concentrations of various isotopes of carbon and nitrogen change until a certain equilibrium is established. At such an equilibrium, the number of reactions per unit time leading to the formation of an isotope is equal to the number of reactions that “destroy” it. However, the time required to establish such an equilibrium can be very long. Until equilibrium is established, the relative concentrations of various isotopes can vary within wide limits. We present the values ​​of equilibrium concentrations of isotopes obtained at a temperature of 13 million Kelvin[24]:


The calculated equilibrium concentrations of isotopes do not depend on the density of the substance, because the rates of all reactions are proportional to the density. The first two isotope ratios also do not depend on temperature. Errors in the calculated equilibrium concentrations reach several tens of percent, which is explained by uncertainty in knowing the probability of the corresponding reactions. IN earth's crust attitude

For the proton-proton reaction, the equilibrium state occurs after a huge period of 14 billion years. Calculations performed for T= 13 million kelvins, give values


Note that for lower temperatures T = 8

10 -2, i.e. almost a hundred times more. Consequently, formed in the depths of relatively cold dwarf stars The isotope 3 He is very abundant.

In addition to the proton-proton and carbon-nitrogen reactions, other nuclear reactions may also be significant under certain conditions. Of interest, for example, are the reactions of protons with the nuclei of light elements - deuterium, lithium, beryllium and boron: 6 Li + 1 H

3 He + 4 He; 7 Li + 1 H

2 4 He; 10 B + 2 1 H

3 4 He and some others. Since the charge of the “target” nucleus that the proton collides with is small, the Coulomb repulsion is not as significant as in the case of collisions with carbon and nitrogen nuclei. Therefore, the rate of these reactions is relatively high. Already at a temperature of about a million Kelvin they go quite quickly. However, unlike the nuclei of carbon and nitrogen, the nuclei of light elements are not restored in the process of further reactions, but are irreversibly consumed. This is why the abundance of light elements in the Sun and stars is so negligible. They have long since “burned out” in the very early stages of the existence of stars. When the temperature inside a protostar collapsing under the influence of gravity reaches

1 million Kelvin, the first nuclear reactions that will take place there are reactions on light nuclei. The fact that weak spectral lines of lithium and beryllium are observed in the atmosphere of the Sun and stars requires explanation. It may indicate a lack of mixing between the outermost layers of the Sun and the "deep" layers, where temperatures already exceed 2 million kelvins - the value at which these elements would "burn out". However, one should also keep in mind a completely different possibility. The fact is that, as has now been proven, in the active regions of the Sun (where flares occur) charged particles are accelerated to very high energies. Such particles, colliding with the nuclei of atoms forming solar atmosphere, can give (and do!) various nuclear reactions. More than 10 years ago, using a gamma detector installed on the specialized satellite OSO-7 (Seventh Orbital Solar Laboratory) launched in the United States, two spectral lines in this range were discovered during a bright solar flare on August 4, 1972 . One line, having a quantum energy of 0.511 MeV, is identified with the radiation arising from the annihilation of electrons with positrons, the other with an energy of 2.22 MeV is emitted during the formation of deuterium from protons and neutrons. These important experiments demonstrate that nuclear reactions take place in the active regions of the Sun and, of course, stars. Only such reactions can explain the anomalously high abundance of lithium in the atmospheres of some stars and the presence of technetium lines in stars of the rare spectral class S. After all, the longest-lived isotope of technetium has a half-life of about 200,000 years. It is for this reason that he is not on Earth. Only nuclear reactions in the surface layers of stars can explain the presence of technetium lines in the spectra of the stars mentioned above.

If for some reason the temperature of the stellar interior becomes very high (on the order of hundreds of millions of kelvins), which can happen after almost all the hydrogen “burns out,” a completely new reaction becomes a source of nuclear energy. This reaction is called the "triple alpha process". At such high temperatures, reactions between alpha particles occur relatively quickly, since the “Coulomb barrier” is already easier to overcome. In this case, the “height” of the Coulomb barrier corresponds to an energy of several million electron volts. During collisions, alpha particles with an energy of about one hundred thousand electron volts will effectively leak through the barrier. Note that the energy of thermal motion of particles at such a temperature is about ten thousand electron volts. Under such conditions, colliding alpha particles can form the radioactive beryllium isotope 8Be. This isotope very quickly decays again into two alpha particles. But it may happen that the 8 Be nucleus, which has not yet decayed, will collide with a third alpha particle, of course, provided that the latter has enough high energy to “leak” through the Coulomb barrier. Then the reaction 4 He + 8 Be will take place

Leading to the formation of a stable carbon isotope with the release of a significant amount of energy. Each such reaction releases 7.3 million electron volts.

Although the equilibrium concentration of the 8 Be isotope is completely negligible (for example, at a temperature of one hundred million kelvins per ten billion

There is only one isotope of particles, 8 Be), yet the speed of the “triple” reaction turns out to be sufficient to release a significant amount of energy in the depths of very hot stars. The dependence of energy release on temperature is extremely high. For example, for temperatures of the order of 100-200 million Kelvin

In Fig. 8.1 in logarithmic scale The dependence of energy release on temperature is given for the three most important reactions that can take place in the interior of stars: proton-proton, carbon-nitrogen, and the “triple” collision of alpha particles, which was just discussed. The arrows indicate the position various stars, for which the corresponding nuclear reaction is of greatest importance.

To summarize this paragraph, we must say that the successes of nuclear physics have led to full explanation nature of sources of stellar energy.

It is generally accepted that the richest world of atomic nuclei became known to mankind after Becquerel’s outstanding discovery of radioactivity. It is, of course, difficult to argue with this factor. But throughout its history, humanity has bathed in the rays of the Sun. It has long become a banal statement that the source of life on Earth is the Sun. But Sun rays is recycled nuclear energy. This means that if there were no nuclear energy in nature, there would be no life on Earth. Being everyone owe to the atomic nucleus, people for many millennia did not even suspect its existence. But in other way, look- that doesn't mean yet open. And we are not encroaching on the glory of the wonderful French scientist...

Nuclear processes play, as we have seen in this section, a fundamental role in the long, quiet evolution of stars on the main sequence. But, in addition, their role is decisive in rapidly occurring non-stationary processes of an explosive nature, which are turning points in the evolution of stars. This will be discussed in the third part of this book. Finally, even, it would seem, for such a highest degree For a trivial and very “quiet” star, such as our Sun, nuclear reactions open up the possibility of explaining phenomena that seem very far from nuclear physics. This will be discussed in the next paragraph.

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So, due to the specific instability described above, large-scale gas movements occur in the convective layers of stars. The hotter masses of gas rise from the bottom up, while the colder ones fall. An intensive process of mixing the substance occurs. Calculations show, however, that the difference in the temperature of the moving elements of the gas and the environment is completely negligible, only about 1 K - and this at a temperature of the subsurface substance of the order of ten million kelvins! This is explained by the fact that convection itself tends to equalize the temperature of the layers. The average speed of rising and falling gas masses is also insignificant - only on the order of several tens of meters per second. It is useful to compare this speed with the thermal speeds of ionized hydrogen atoms in the interior of stars, which are on the order of several hundred kilometers per second. Since the speed of movement of gases participating in convection is tens of thousands of times less than the thermal speeds of particles of stellar matter, the pressure caused by convective flows is almost a billion times less than ordinary gas pressure. This means that convection does not at all affect the hydrostatic equilibrium of the stellar interior, determined by the equality of the forces of gas pressure and gravity.

You should not imagine convection as some kind of ordered process, where areas of rising gas regularly alternate with areas of its falling. The nature of convective movement is not “laminar”, but “turbulent”; that is, it is extremely chaotic, randomly changing in time and space. The chaotic nature of the movement of gas masses leads to complete mixing of the substance. This means that the chemical composition of the region of the star covered by convective movements must be homogeneous. The last circumstance is very important for many problems of stellar evolution. For example, if, as a result of nuclear reactions in the hottest (central) part of the convective zone, the chemical composition has changed (for example, there is less hydrogen, some of which has turned into helium), then in a short time this change will spread throughout the entire convective zone. Thus, “fresh” nuclear hot can continuously enter the “nuclear reaction zone” - the central region of the star - which, of course, is of decisive importance for the evolution of the star. At the same time, there may well be situations when there is no convection in the central, hottest regions of the star, which leads in the process of evolution to a radical change in the chemical composition of these regions. This will be discussed in more detail in § 12.

In § 3 we already said that the sources of energy of the Sun and stars, ensuring their luminosity during gigantic “cosmogonic” periods of time, calculated for stars of not too large a mass in billions of years, are thermonuclear reactions. Now we will dwell on this important issue in more detail.

The foundations of the theory of the internal structure of stars were laid by Eddington even when the sources of their energy were unknown. We already know that a number of important results concerning the equilibrium conditions of stars, temperature and pressure in their interiors and the dependence of luminosity on mass, chemical composition (determining the average molecular weight) and opacity of matter could be obtained without knowledge of the nature of sources of stellar energy. Nevertheless, understanding the essence of energy sources is absolutely necessary to explain the duration of the existence of stars in an almost unchanged state. Even more important is the importance of the nature of sources of stellar energy for the problem of the evolution of stars, i.e., the regular change in their main characteristics (luminosity, radius) over time. Only after the nature of the sources of stellar energy became clear, it became possible to understand the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, the basic pattern of stellar astronomy.

The question of sources of stellar energy was raised almost immediately after the discovery of the law of conservation of energy, when it became clear that the radiation of stars is due to some kind of energy transformations and cannot continue forever. It is no coincidence that the first hypothesis about the sources of stellar energy belongs to Mayer, the man who discovered the law of conservation of energy. He believed that the source of radiation from the Sun was the continuous fall of meteoroids onto its surface. Calculations, however, showed that this source is clearly insufficient to provide the observed luminosity of the Sun. Helmholtz and Kelvin tried to explain the long-term radiation of the Sun by its slow compression, accompanied by the release of gravitational energy. This hypothesis, which is very important even (and especially!) for modern astronomy, however, turned out to be untenable to explain the radiation of the Sun over billions of years. Let us also note that at the time of Helmholtz and Kelvin there were no reasonable ideas about the age of the Sun. Only recently has it become clear that the age of the Sun and the entire planetary system is about 5 billion years.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. one of the greatest discoveries in human history was made - radioactivity was discovered. This opened up a completely new world of atomic nuclei. However, it took more than a decade for the physics of the atomic nucleus to establish a solid scientific foundation. Already by the 20s of our century it became clear that the source of energy of the Sun and stars should be sought in nuclear transformations. Eddington himself also thought so, but it was not yet possible to indicate specific nuclear processes occurring in real stellar interiors and accompanied by the release of the required amount of energy. How imperfect the knowledge of the nature of sources of stellar energy was then can be seen from the fact that Jeans, the greatest English physicist and astronomer at the beginning of our century, believed that such a source could be... radioactivity. This, of course, is also a nuclear process, but, as can easily be shown, it is completely unsuitable for explaining the radiation of the Sun and stars. This can be seen at least from the fact that such an energy source is completely independent of external conditions - after all, radioactivity, as is well known, is a process spontaneous. For this reason, such a source could not “adjust” to the changing structure of the star. In other words, there would be no “tuning” of the star's radiation. The whole picture of stellar radiation would sharply contradict observations. The first person to understand this was the remarkable Estonian astronomer E. Epic, who shortly before the Second World War came to the conclusion that only thermonuclear fusion reactions could be the source of energy for the Sun and stars.

Only in 1939 did the famous American physicist Bethe give a quantitative theory of nuclear sources of stellar energy. What kind of reactions are these? In § 7 we already mentioned that in the interior of stars there should be thermonuclear reactions. Let's look at this in a little more detail. As is known, nuclear reactions, accompanied by nuclear transformations and the release of energy, occur when particles collide. Such particles can be, first of all, the nuclei themselves. In addition, nuclear reactions can also occur when nuclei collide with neutrons. However, free (i.e., not bound in nuclei) neutrons are unstable particles. Therefore, their number in the interiors of stars should be negligible. On the other hand, since hydrogen is the most abundant element in the interior of stars and it is completely ionized, collisions of nuclei with protons will occur especially often.

In order for a proton to be able to penetrate into the nucleus with which it collides during such a collision, it needs to approach the latter at a distance of about 10 -13 cm. It is at this distance that specific attractive forces act, “cementing” the nucleus and attaching the “alien” to it. , colliding proton. But in order to approach the nucleus at such a short distance, the proton must overcome a very significant force of electrostatic repulsion (“Coulomb barrier”). After all, the nucleus is also positively charged! It is easy to calculate that to overcome this electrostatic force, the proton needs to have a kinetic energy that exceeds the potential energy of the electrostatic interaction

Stars are perhaps the most interesting thing in astronomy. In addition, their internal structure and we understand evolution better than anything in the cosmos (or so we think). The situation with planets is not very good, because their interiors are very difficult to explore - we only see what is on the surface. As for the stars, most of us are sure that they have a simple structure.

At the beginning of the last century, one young astrophysicist spoke at Eddington’s seminar in the spirit that simpler than the stars there is nothing. To which the more experienced astrophysicist replied: “Well, yes, if you are viewed from a distance of billions of kilometers, then you will also seem simple.”

In fact, stars are not as simple as they seem. But still, their properties have been studied most fully. There are two reasons for this. First, we can numerically model stars because we think they are made of ideal gas. More precisely, from plasma, which behaves like an ideal gas, the equation of state of which is quite simple. This won't work with planets. Secondly, sometimes we manage to look into the depths of stars, although so far this mainly concerns the Sun.

Fortunately, in our country there were and still are many good astrophysicists and stellar specialists. This is mainly due to the fact that there were good physicists who made nuclear weapons, and the stars are natural nuclear reactors. And when the weapon was made, many physicists, including Siberian ones, switched to studying stars, because the objects are somewhat similar. And they have written good books on this topic.

I will recommend you two books, which to this day, in my opinion, remain the best of those in Russian. “Physics of Stars,” the author of which is the famous physicist and talented teacher Samuil Aronovich Kaplan, was written almost forty years ago, but the basics have not changed since then. And modern information about the physics of stars is in the book “Stars” from the “Astronomy and Astrophysics” series, which my colleagues and I made. It enjoys such interest among readers that it has already been published in three editions. There are other books, but these two contain almost complete information for those who are becoming familiar with the subject.

Such different stars

If we look at the starry sky, we will notice that the stars have different brightness (visible brightness) and different colors. It is clear that brightness can be a matter of chance, since one star is closer, the other is further away, it is difficult to say from it what the star really is. But color tells us a lot, because the higher the body temperature, the further into the blue region the maximum in the radiation spectrum shifts. It would seem that we can simply estimate the temperature of a star by eye: red is cold, blue is hot. As a rule, this is indeed the case. But sometimes errors arise due to the fact that there is some kind of medium between the star and us. Sometimes it is very transparent, and sometimes not so much. Everyone knows the example of the Sun: high above the horizon it is white (we call it yellow, but to the eye it is almost white, because its light blinds us), but the Sun turns red when it rises or sets below the horizon. Obviously, it is not the Sun itself that changes its surface temperature, but the environment that changes its visible color, and this must be remembered. Unfortunately for astronomers this a big problem– guess how much the color has changed, i.e. the visible (color) temperature of a star, due to the fact that its light has passed through interstellar gas, the atmosphere of our planet and other absorbing media.

The spectrum of starlight is a much more reliable characteristic because it is difficult to distort too much. Everything we know about stars today we read in their spectra. The study of the stellar spectrum is a huge, carefully developed area of ​​astrophysics.

Interestingly, less than two hundred years ago one famous philosopher, Auguste Comte, said: “We have already learned a lot about nature, but there is something that we will never know - this is the chemical composition of stars, because their matter will never fall into our hands.” Indeed, it is unlikely that it will ever fall into our hands, but literally 15-20 years have passed and people have invented spectral analysis, thanks to which we learned almost everything about the chemical composition, at least, of the surface of stars. So never say never. On the contrary, there will always be a way to do something that you don’t believe in at first.

But before we talk about the spectrum, let's look again at the color of the star. We already know that the maximum intensity in the spectrum shifts to the blue region with increasing temperature, and this must be used. And astronomers have learned to use this, because taking a full spectrum is very expensive. Needed large telescope, long time observations to accumulate enough light at different wavelengths - and at the same time obtain results for only one star under study. And color can be measured very simply, and this can be done for many stars at the same time. And for mass statistical analysis, we simply photograph them two or three times through different filters with a wide transmission window.

Usually two filters - Blue (B) and Visual (V) - are enough to determine the surface temperature of a star to a first approximation. For example, we have three stars who have different temperatures surfaces, the color is different for everyone. If one of them is like the Sun (temperature about 6 thousand degrees), then in both images it will be approximately the same brightness. However, the light of a cooler star will be more attenuated by the B-filter, and little long-wavelength light will pass through it, so it will appear to us as a “weak” star. But with a hotter star the situation will be exactly the opposite.

But sometimes two filters are not enough. You can always make a mistake, like with the Sun on the horizon. Astronomers usually use 3 transmission windows: Visual, Blue, and the third - Ultraviolet, at the boundary of atmospheric transparency. Three photographs already tell us quite accurately the extent to which the interstellar medium weakens the light of each star, and what the star’s own surface temperature is. For the mass classification of stars, such 3-band photometry is so far the only method that has made it possible to study more than a billion stars.

Universal certification of stars

But the spectrum, of course, characterizes the star much more fully. The spectrum is the “passport” of a star because the spectral lines tell us so much. We are all accustomed to the words “spectral lines”; we can imagine what they are (slide 08 – spectra of chemical elements in the visible region). The horizontal axis is the wavelength, which is related to the frequency at which the light is emitted. But what is the origin of the shape of the lines, why do they look like straight vertical lines, and not circles, triangles or some kind of squiggles?

The spectral line is a monochromatic image of the entrance slit of the spectrograph. If I made a slot in the shape of a cross, I would get a set of crosses of different colors. In my opinion, a third-year physicist should think about such simple things. Or, as in the army, they said “line” - does it mean line? This is by no means always a line, because the spectrograph does not necessarily use an entrance slit, although, as a rule, the entrance hole is a vertical rectangular slit, which is more convenient.

There is always a dispersive element in the circuit of any spectrograph; a prism or diffraction grating. A star - a cloud of hot gas - emits a characteristic set of quanta of different frequencies. We pass them through the entrance slit and the dispersing element and obtain images of the slit in different colors, orderedly located along the wavelength.

If free atoms of chemical elements emit, the spectrum is lined. And if we take the hot filament of an incandescent lamp as a radiation source, then we get a continuous spectrum. Why is that? There are no characteristic energy levels in a metal conductor; electrons there, moving wildly, radiate at all frequencies. Therefore, there are so many spectral lines that they overlap each other and a continuum is obtained - a continuous spectrum.

But now we take a source of a continuous spectrum and pass its light through a cloud of gas, but colder than the spiral. In this case, the cloud snatches from the continuous spectrum those photons whose energy corresponds to transitions between energy levels in the atoms of this gas. And at these frequencies we get cut out lines, “holes” in the continuous spectrum - we get an absorption spectrum. But the atoms that absorbed light quanta became less stable and sooner or later emitted them. Why does the spectrum continue to remain “leaky”?

Because the atom doesn’t care where to throw out the “extra” energy. Spontaneous emission occurs in different directions. A certain fraction of photons, of course, flies forward, but, unlike the stimulated emission of a laser, it is tiny.

Spectral lines are usually very wide and the distribution of brightness within them is uneven. We also need to pay attention to this phenomenon and investigate what it is connected with.

There are many physical factors that make the spectral line broad. In a graph of the brightness (or absorption) distribution, two parameters can, as a rule, be distinguished: the central maximum and the characteristic width. The width of the spectral line is usually measured at the level of half the intensity of the maximum. Both the width and shape of a line can tell us about some physical features light source. But which ones?

Suppose we suspended a single atom in a vacuum and do not touch it in any way, do not prevent it from emitting. But even in this case, the spectrum will have a non-zero line width; it is called natural. It arises due to the fact that the radiation process is limited in time, for different atoms from 10⁻⁸ to 10⁻¹⁰ s. If you “cut” a sinusoid of an electromagnetic wave at the ends, then it will no longer be a sinusoid, but a curve that expands into a set of sinusoids with a continuous spectrum of frequencies. And the shorter the radiation time, the wider the spectral line.

There are other effects in natural light sources that broaden the spectral line. For example, the thermal movement of atoms. Since the radiating object has a non-zero absolute temperature, its atoms move chaotically: half towards us, half away from us, if you look at the radial velocity projection. As a result of the Doppler effect, the radiation of the first is shifted to the blue side, while the radiation of others is shifted to the red side. This phenomenon is called Doppler thermal broadening of the spectral line.

Doppler broadening can also occur for other reasons. For example, as a result of macroscopic movement of matter. The surface of any star boils: convective flows of hot gas rise from the depths, and cooled gas descends. At the moment the spectrum is taken, some flows move towards us, others - away from us. The convective Doppler effect is sometimes stronger than the thermal one.

When we look at a photograph of the starry sky, it is difficult for us to understand what the size of the stars actually is. For example, there is red and blue. If I didn't know anything about them, I might think this: a red star doesn't have a very high surface temperature, but if I see it quite bright, it means it's close to me. But then I will have a problem determining the relative distance to the blue star, which shines weaker. I think: so, blue means hot, but I don’t understand whether she is close or far from me. After all, she may be big size and emit great power, but be so far away that little light comes from there. Or, on the contrary, it can glow so faintly because it is very small, although close. How can you tell a big star from a small star? Is it possible to determine its linear size from the spectrum of a star?

It would seem not. But nevertheless it is possible! The fact is that small stars are dense, while large stars have a rarefied atmosphere, so the gas in their atmospheres is in different conditions. When we obtain the spectra of so-called dwarf stars and giant stars, we immediately see differences in the nature of the spectral lines (slide 16 - The spectra of dwarf and giant stars differ in the width of the spectral lines). In the rarefied atmosphere of the giant, each atom flies freely, rarely meeting its neighbors. They all emit almost the same way, since they do not interfere with each other, so the spectral lines of the giants have a width close to natural. But a dwarf is a massive star, but very small and, therefore, with a very high gas density. In its atmosphere, atoms constantly interact with each other, preventing their neighbors from emitting at a strictly defined frequency: because each has its own electric field, which affects the neighbor’s field. Due to the fact that the atoms are in different environmental conditions, the so-called Stark line broadening occurs. Those. By the shape, as they say, of the “wings” of the spectral lines, we immediately guess the density of the gas on the surface of the star and its typical size.

The Doppler effect can also manifest itself due to the rotation of the star as a whole. We cannot distinguish the edges of a distant star; it looks like a point to us. But from the edge approaching us, all lines of the spectrum experience a blue shift, and from the edge moving away from us, they experience a red shift (slide 18 - The rotation of a star leads to a broadening of the spectral lines). Adding up, this leads to a broadening of the spectral line. It looks different from the Stark effect and changes the shape of the spectral line differently, so you can guess in which case the line width was affected by the rotation of the star, and in which by the gas density in the star’s atmosphere. In fact, this is the only way to measure the speed of rotation of a star, because we do not see stars in the form of balls, they are all points for us.

The movement of a star in space also affects the spectrum due to the Doppler effect. If two stars move around each other, both spectra from this pair mix and appear against each other. Those. The periodic shift of lines back and forth is a sign of the orbital movement of stars.

What can we get from a series of time-varying spectra? We measure the speed (by the amplitude of the displacement), the orbital period, and from these two parameters, using Kepler’s third law, we calculate the total mass of stars. Sometimes, based on indirect evidence, it is possible to divide this mass between the components of the binary system. In most cases, this is the only way to measure the mass of stars.

By the way, the range of masses of the stars that we have studied to date is not very large: the difference is slightly more than 3 orders of magnitude. The least massive stars are about a tenth of the mass of the Sun. Their even smaller mass prevents them from triggering thermonuclear reactions. The most massive stars we have recently discovered are 150 solar masses. These are unique, only 2 of them are known so far out of several billion.

By observing rare binary systems in whose orbital plane we are located, we can also learn a lot about this pair of stars using only observational characteristics, i.e. which we can directly see, and not calculate on the basis of some laws. Since we do not distinguish them individually, we simply see a source of light, the brightness of which changes from time to time: eclipses occur while one star passes in front of the other. A deeper eclipse means that a cold star covered a hot one, and a shallower one means, on the contrary, a hot one covered a cold one (the covered areas are the same, so the depth of the eclipse depends only on their temperature). In addition to the orbital period, we measure the luminosity of stars, from which we determine their relative temperature, and from the duration of the eclipse we calculate their size.

The size of stars, as we know, is enormous. Compared to the planets, they are simply gigantic. The Sun is the most typical in size among the stars, on a par with such long-known ones as Alpha Centauri and Sirius. But the sizes of stars (as opposed to their masses) fall within a huge range - 7 orders of magnitude. There are stars noticeably smaller than them, one of the smallest (and at the same time one of the closest to us) is Proxima, it is slightly larger than Jupiter. And there are much larger stars, and at some stages of evolution they swell to incredible sizes and become noticeably larger than our entire planetary system.

Perhaps the only star whose diameter we measured directly (due to the fact that it is not far from us) is the supergiant Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion; in the Hubble telescope images it is not a dot, but a circle (slide 26 - The size of the star Betelgeuse in comparison with the diameters of the Earth and Jupiter orbits. Photo from the Hubble Space Telescope). If this star is placed in the place of the Sun, it will “eat” not only the Earth, but also Jupiter, completely covering its orbit.

But what do we even call the size of a star? Between what points do we measure the star? In optical images, the star is clearly limited in space, and it seems as if there is nothing around. So, you photographed Betelgeuse in visible light, applied a ruler to the image, and you were done? But this, it turns out, is not all. In the far infrared radiation range, it is clear that the star’s atmosphere extends much further and emits streams. We must assume that this is the boundary of the star? But we move to the microwave range and we see that the star’s atmosphere extends over almost a thousand astronomical units, several times larger than our entire Solar System.

In the general case, a star is a gaseous formation that is not enclosed in rigid walls (there are none in space) and therefore has no boundaries. Formally, any star extends indefinitely (more precisely, until it reaches a neighboring star), intensely emitting gas, which is called the stellar wind (by analogy with solar wind). Therefore, when talking about the size of a star, we always need to clarify in what range of radiation we define it, then it will be more clear what we are talking about.

Harvard Spectral Classification

The actual spectra of stars are undoubtedly very complex. They are not at all similar to the spectra of individual chemical elements that we are used to seeing in reference books. For example, even in the narrow optical range of the solar spectrum - from the violet region to the red, which our eye just sees - there are a lot of lines, and it is not at all easy to understand them. Find out, even on the basis of a detailed, highly dispersed spectrum, which chemical elements and how many stars are present in the atmosphere is a big problem that astronomers cannot fully solve.

Looking at the spectrum, we will immediately see prominent Balmer lines of hydrogen (Hα, Hβ, Hγ, Hδ) and a lot of iron lines. Sometimes helium and calcium come across. It is logical to conclude that the star consists mainly of iron (Fe) and partly hydrogen (H). At the beginning of the 20th century, radioactivity was discovered, and when people thought about the sources of energy in stars, they remembered that there are many lines of metals in the spectrum of the Sun, and assumed that the decay of uranium or radium warms the insides of our Sun. However, it turned out that this was not the case.

The first classification of stellar spectra was created at the Harvard Observatory (USA) by the hands of about a dozen women. By the way, why women in particular is an interesting question. Processing the spectra is a very delicate and painstaking job, for which the director of the observatory, E. Pickering, had to hire assistants. Women's work in science was not very welcome at that time and was paid much worse than men's: with the money that this small observatory had, it was possible to hire either two men or a dozen women. And then for the first time I was called to astronomy a large number of women who formed the so-called “Pickering harem”. The spectral classification they created was the first contribution to science by the women's team, which turned out to be much more effective than expected.

At that time, people had no idea on the basis of what physical phenomena the spectrum was formed; they simply photographed it. Trying to build a classification, astronomers reasoned like this: in the spectrum of any star there are hydrogen lines; in descending order of their intensity, all spectra can be ordered and grouped. We laid them out, designating the groups of spectra in Latin letters in alphabetical order: with the strongest lines - class A, weaker lines - class B, etc.

It seems like everything was done correctly. But a few years later quantum mechanics was born, and we realized that an abundant element is not necessarily represented in the spectrum by powerful lines, and a rare element does not manifest itself in any way in the spectrum. Much depends on the temperature.

Let's look at the absorption spectrum atomic hydrogen: only lines of the Balmer series fall into the optical range. But under what conditions are these quanta absorbed? When moving only from the second level up. But in a normal (cold) state, all the electrons “sit” in the first level, and there is almost nothing in the second. This means that we need to heat hydrogen so that some fraction of electrons jump to the second level (then they will return down again, but before that they will spend some time there) - and then the flying optical quantum can be absorbed by an electron from the second level, which will manifest itself in the visible spectrum.

So, cold hydrogen will not give us the Balmer series, but warm hydrogen will. What if we heat the hydrogen even more? Then many electrons will jump to the third and higher levels, and the second level will become depleted again. Very hot hydrogen will also not give us spectral lines that we can see in the optical range. If we go from the coldest stars to the hottest, we will see that the lines of any element can be fairly well represented in the spectrum only in a narrow temperature range.

When astrophysicists realized this, they had to rearrange the spectral types in order of increasing temperature: from cold stars to hot ones. This classification, according to tradition, is also called Harvard, but it is already natural, physical. Stars of spectral class A have a surface temperature of about 10 thousand degrees, hydrogen lines are as bright as possible, and with increasing temperature they begin to disappear, because the hydrogen atom is ionized at temperatures above 20 thousand degrees. The situation is similar with other chemical elements. By the way, in the spectra of stars colder than 4000 K there are not only lines of individual chemical elements, but also bands corresponding to molecules that are stable at such temperatures complex substances(for example, titanium and iron oxides).

The resulting sequence of letters OBAFGKM, when ordering classes by temperature, is quite easy for astronomy students to remember, especially since all sorts of mnemonic sayings have been invented. The most famous in English is Oh, Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me! The range of surface temperatures is as follows: the hottest stars have tens of thousands of degrees, the coldest ones have a little over two thousand. For a more subtle classification, each class was divided into ten subclasses and one number from 0 to 9 was assigned to each letter on the right. Note that optical spectra in color are photographed only for beauty, but for scientific research this is meaningless, so black and white images are usually taken.

It is rare, but it happens that stars do not show absorption lines (dark on a bright background), but emission lines (bright on a dark background). Their origin is no longer so easy to understand, although this is also quite elementary. At the beginning of the lecture, we saw that a rarefied cloud of hot gas gives us emission lines. When we look at a star with emission lines in its spectrum, we understand that the source of these lines is a rarefied, translucent gas located on the periphery of the star, in its atmosphere. That is, these are stars with an extended hot atmosphere, which is transparent in the continuum (in the spaces between the lines), which means that it emits almost nothing in it (Kirchhoff’s law). But it is not transparent in individual spectral lines, and since it is not transparent in them, it emits strongly in them.

Today, the Harvard classification of stellar spectra has been expanded. New classes have been added to it, corresponding to hot stars with an extended atmosphere, the cores of planetary nebulae and novae, as well as recently discovered rather cold objects occupying intermediate position between normal stars and largest planets; they are called “brown dwarfs” or “brown dwarfs”.

There are also branches from some classes for stars with an original chemical composition. This, by the way, is a mystery to us: it is still not clear why some stars suddenly have an excess of some rare chemical element. Indeed, despite the diversity of stellar spectra, the chemical composition of their atmospheres is very similar: 98% of the mass of the Sun and similar stars consists of the first two chemical elements - hydrogen and helium, and all other elements are represented by only the remaining two percent of the mass.

The sun is the brightest source of light for us; we can stretch its spectrum very much, distinguish tens of thousands of spectral lines in it and decipher them. Thus, it has been established that all the elements of the periodic table are present on the Sun. However, I’ll tell you a secret, so far about 20 lines of the solar spectrum, very weak, have remained unidentified. So, even with the Sun, the problem of recognizing the chemical composition has not yet been completely resolved.

The distribution of chemical elements in the solar atmosphere has a number of interesting patterns). This is believed to be the typical composition of stellar matter. And for most stars this is true. Starting from carbon and up to the heaviest nuclei (at least up to uranium), there is a fairly smooth decline in the abundance of elements as their atomic number increases. However, there is a very strong gap between helium and carbon - this happens because lithium and beryllium are the easiest to participate in thermonuclear reactions, they are more active even than hydrogen and helium. And as soon as the temperature rises above a million degrees, they burn out very quickly.

But within this even trend there are peculiarities. Firstly, the peak of iron stands out sharply. In nature, including in stars, iron, nickel and elements close to them are unusually abundant compared to their neighbors. The fact is that iron is an unusual chemical element: it is the final product of thermonuclear reactions occurring under equilibrium conditions, i.e. without any explosions. In thermonuclear reactions, the star synthesizes heavier and heavier elements from hydrogen, but when it comes to iron, everything stops. Further, if we try to make something new out of iron in a thermonuclear reaction, adding neutrons, protons, and other nuclei to it, then there will be no release of heat: when the fire burns out, you won’t get anything from the ash. On the contrary, energy would have to be supplied from the outside to carry out the reaction, and no reaction with iron would take place on its own under normal conditions. Therefore, a lot of iron has accumulated in nature.

Another important point to note is that the line connecting the points on the graph has a sawtooth shape. This happens because nuclei with an even number of nucleons (protons and neutrons) are much more stable than those with an odd number. Since stable nuclei are easier to create than to destroy, there are always more of these nuclei in comparison with neighboring elements. whole order, or even one and a half.

Unlike the Sun, it contains globe and Earth-like planets contain very little hydrogen and helium, but starting with carbon, a “stellar” distribution of chemical elements is characteristic of them too. Therefore, every planet, not only the Earth, has a large iron core.

Unfortunately, the spectra only show us the composition of the surface of stars. By observing the light of a star, we can tell almost nothing about what is inside it, and the internal life of stars of different masses differs. Energy transfer in a star occurs through several mechanisms, mainly radiation and convection. For example, in stars like the Sun in the central part, where thermonuclear reactions take place, energy is mainly transferred by radiation, and the core matter does not mix with the overlying layers. Mixing occurs at the periphery, but it does not reach those internal regions in which the chemical composition gradually changes due to thermonuclear reactions. Those. thermonuclear reaction products are not carried to the surface, they circulate here starting material, from which the Sun was once born. In more massive stars, convective mixing occurs inside, but does not spread further. The accumulated chemical elements cannot jump to the surface of the star either.

Finally, low-mass stars are the most correct stars: convection is the main mechanism of heat transfer, and complete mixing of matter occurs inside them. This means that, it would seem, what has been produced in thermonuclear reactions in the center should float to their surface. However, thermonuclear reactions occur very slowly in these small stars, they spend their energy very economically and evolve slowly. Their lifespan is hundreds and thousands of times longer than that of stars like the Sun, i.e. trillions of years. And in the 14 billion years that have passed since the birth of the Universe, practically nothing has changed in their composition. They are still babies, many of them are still immature and have not started the normal thermonuclear cycle.

Thus, we still do not know what is inside the stars, what the chemical composition of the matter is there; we do not have field data. Only modeling can tell us something about this.

Hertzsprung–Russell diagram

The apparent brightness of stars is measured on an inverse logarithmic scale. magnitudes(slide 43), but for a physicist this is not interesting. What is important to him is the total radiation power of the star, and we cannot just guess it from a photograph.

For example, Alpha Centauri has amazing brightness among other stars, but this does not mean that it is the most powerful, nothing like that. This is a completely ordinary star like the Sun, it’s just that by chance it turned out to be much closer to us than the others and therefore, like a lantern, it floods the surrounding piece of sky with its light, although most of the stars neighboring it in this photo are much more powerful sources of radiation, but they are located further away.

So, we need to estimate the power of the star as accurately as possible. To do this, we use the photometric inverse square law: by measuring the apparent brightness of a star (the density of the light flux reaching the Earth) and its distance, we calculate the total power of its radiation in watts. Now we can present the general physical picture by depicting all the stars on a two-dimensional diagram (slide 46), on the axes of which two values ​​derived from observations are plotted - the temperature of the surface of the star and the relative power of its radiation (astronomers, taking into account only the optical range, call this power luminosity and measured in units of solar power). At the beginning of the 20th century, such a picture was first constructed by two astronomers, after whose names it is called the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram.

The Sun, a star with a temperature of about 6000 K and a unit power, is located almost in the middle of this diagram. Along the range of changes in both parameters, the stars are distributed almost continuously, but along the plane of the diagram they are not randomly scattered, but are grouped into compact areas.

Today, on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram, several typical groups are distinguished, in which stars observed in nature are concentrated (slide 47). The vast majority of stars (90%) lie in a narrow band along the diagonal of the diagram; this group is called the main sequence. It ranges from dim, cool stars to hot, bright ones: from parts per million to several million solar luminosities. For a physicist, this is natural: the hotter the surface, the stronger it emits.

On both sides of the main sequence there are groups of anomalous stars. A number of high-temperature stars have unusually low luminosity (hundreds and thousands of times less than the Sun) due to their small size - we call them white dwarfs because of their color. Other exceptional stars opposite corner diagrams, is characterized by a lower temperature, but enormous luminosity - which means that they clearly have a larger physical size, these are giants.

During its evolution, a star can change its position on the diagram. More on this in one of the following lectures.

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