Sensual pleasures. Sensual pleasure

Electronic cigarettes have recently become fashionable. There's talk about them sufficient quantity rumors, so people who want to make a final decision on purchasing this device should familiarize themselves with all kinds of information.

Electronic cigarettes have their advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional tobacco products. Their manufacturers and dealers need this product to be in demand. Therefore, naturally, they tend to remain silent about the shortcomings of their products, describing (and often exaggerating) their advantages. That is why even those who have never encountered them know about the advantages of e-cigarettes. Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that a smoker of conventional cigarettes is exposed to the poisonous effects of hydrocyanic acid, tars and a number of other substances that make up tobacco smoke, and some of them are not excreted and remain in the body for the rest of their lives. The liquid for smoking in electronic cigarettes does not contain these dangerous compounds. Among others positive properties These gadgets include the following:

– They are odorless, so they do not cause disturbance to others and do not permeate the smoker himself (his clothes, skin, hair) with a difficult-to-remove aroma, or the room and interior items.

– Smoking is allowed in common areas.

– There is no danger of passive smoking for people nearby.

– With the right approach it can be effective auxiliary in the fight against nicotine addiction.

– The smoker gets rid of the morning cough, his taste and olfactory sensations become more acute.

– Initial purchase of all necessary components it's not cheap, but end result, the use of electronic cigarettes significantly saves money and is a financially more profitable option.

Among the disadvantages of e-cigarettes, the following should be noted:

– Out of habit, you can easily exceed the dosage of nicotine.

– Research has shown that nicotine is present even in nicotine-free liquids. They also contain toxic substances, some of which can trigger the development of cancer. They also contain propylene glycol, which is an allergen.

– When smoking, water vapor is inhaled, which leads to dry mucous membranes and a sore throat. That's why you need to drink more liquid or increase salivation, for example, with candy.

– After smoking, you can throw away an expensive gadget out of habit, like an ordinary cigarette butt.

- A multitude arises unpleasant situations, when you need to explain that this is not an ordinary cigarette. For example, when asked to smoke or when smoking in crowded places.

– Those quitting smoking should clearly understand that without the application volitional efforts they will simply replace tobacco cigarettes with electronic ones, but will not get rid of their addiction.

– When people immediately switch from traditional cigarettes to an electronic equivalent, a number of problems arise. side effects associated with the removal of toxins from the body. A person experiences headaches, dizziness, nausea, and weakness. Indigestion, weight gain (on average 3-7 kg), skin rashes, depressive state, irritation.

It is worth keeping in mind that full-fledged studies aimed at identifying negative impact e-cigarettes have not been tested on the human body. Experiments require money, and manufacturers of these products are not interested in sponsoring such programs. Therefore, this area has not yet been studied. Many doctors are ardent opponents of this smoking device. Final decision Whether or not to switch to e-cigarettes is something everyone decides for themselves, carefully weighing all the pros and cons. Statistics show that about 80% of those who tried e-cigarettes did not return to smoking tobacco, becoming adherents of e-vaping, as some now call the process.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about the effects of e-cigarettes, but no one doubts the fact that when smoking an electronic analogue, no pungent smoke is released. Instead, the smoker inhales steam, and instead of fire, a diode glows.

The absence of smoke and fire determines the pros and cons of an electronic cigarette:

No harmful substances

A significant plus. When you smoke an e-cigarette, you inhale vapor. It does not contain tar, ammonia, arsenic, cyanide, benzene, soot - these substances cause the most serious harm to the smoker.

No second hand smoke

By choosing electronic cigarettes, you do not expose others, your loved ones and children to dangerous smoke.

You can smoke everywhere, without restrictions

All restrictions placed on smokers are lifted. You can smoke in public places, transport, even in non-smoking rooms. Particularly convenient on long air flights.

E-cigarette does not burn

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, more than 90% of fires start from unextinguished cigarettes. With an e-cigarette, it is basically impossible to set fire to clothes, carpets, or bedding.

No smoky smell

No smoke – no unpleasant odor from hair and clothes. The e-cigarette operates on the principle of an inhaler, with it the smell of your breath will always be fresh.

Teeth don't turn yellow

No smoke - no tar and soot. After "smoking" there is no yellow plaque on the teeth, the skin on the fingers does not become rough.

Can you smoke in the car?

With an electronic cigarette, it is impossible to smoke inside the car; you do not need to be distracted while driving to shake the ashes.

The ability to gradually give up nicotine

It has been proven that smoking causes, in addition to physiological, strong psychological dependence, which is much more difficult to cope with. A person gets used to gestures, to a cigarette, as an opportunity to relieve stress or suppress appetite. 95% of those who decide to quit the bad habit do not survive even a month. With an electronic cigarette, you can gradually reduce psychological dependence, while simultaneously reducing the dosage of nicotine or giving it up altogether without giving up familiar image life, making smoking absolutely harmless to health.

But electronic cigarettes have both pros and cons:


Nicotine- it's poison. You are protected from smoke, tar and more than 4,000 types of carcinogens, but you continue to inhale nicotine, which has a detrimental effect on the body.

Psychological addiction for non-smokers

After the first puff and the unpleasant stupor from the taste of bitter smoke, many give up smoking forever. But with an e-cigarette, non-smokers can become... heavy smokers, inhaling a pleasant aroma.

Lack of government control

No one regulates the electronic cigarette market, so there is a risk of purchasing counterfeit cartridges with nicotine liquid. Remember, counterfeits may contain substances that are much more dangerous than cigarette smoke.
Like nicotine liquid, flavor additives of dubious quality can be very dangerous to health.

In conclusion

For an experienced smoker electronic cigarette has many advantages, but non-smokers should pay more attention to the disadvantages. In favor of e-cigarettes is the fact that doctors in many countries admitted that after switching to e-cigarettes, their patients improved. They also admit that e-cigarettes are ten times less harmful to human health than tobacco. But they don’t deny that nicotine is still harmful to health.

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Receiving sensual pleasure

Unlike physical pleasure, Sensual pleasure does not imply satisfaction of the body's needs for material sources of its functioning. Sensual pleasure arises when repeatedly viewing paintings, listening to music, reading books and other ways of perceiving already known information. The reason for sensual pleasure is the coincidence of the transversal speeds of the sensory image in the dynamics of its change with the transversal speeds of the image extracted from memory. Repeated perception of a sensory image increases the energy of the memory state corresponding to it. This state of memory is basic for the programmatic setting of human actions for the purpose of re-perceiving a sensory image. A positive feedback. The human mind becomes dependent on sensual pleasure.

The danger of dependence on sensual pleasures is not recognized by everyone. For earthly life, many consider this pleasure to be a blessing. Indeed, it can be perceived as a reward for passivity that contributes to the stability of society. But, like any attachment to material things, it is objectively harmful. The human mind is only a moment in process eternal life exists in an embodied state in material world, and these attachments will be a burden to him.

Can the Mind of a collector of stamps, paintings, and other works of art be considered to have completed its task? Its development is one-sided and by earthly standards. While living in the conditions of Paradise, his intellect will develop, increasing the imbalance. There can be no talk of harmony, good weather on the planet of memory. Obtaining supersensible information and developing the Intellectual sphere of the Mind in the area of ​​lower dimensions will be difficult. There will always be a danger of manifestation of programmatic attitudes of attachment in any situation.

Attachment to sensual pleasures is one of the links of karma and causes the need for re-incarnation. Collecting works of art makes sense for the wider dissemination of their information content, expressed more in the circumstances of creation and the motivation for the activities contained in them than in the aesthetic forms themselves. Collecting for personal use and enjoying the beautiful cannot cause anything other than the birth of black karma.

The question arises: did brilliant artists and musicians, poets and writers cultivate black karma and are therefore doomed to re-incarnation and new suffering? No, their creativity is not a source of black karma. The creative achievements of geniuses are based on supersensible information received from the Essence. Among the sensory perceptions there is only creative inspiration, ecstasy, which is akin to the feelings experienced upon achieving Enlightenment. These feelings contain a programmatic installation of the desire for supersensible knowledge, which will remain forever and will become the basis for the formation of the macroprogram of the individual in the process of future eternal life in a disembodied state. They have no attachment to their own works. On the contrary, they tend to be critical of them. They have the same attitude towards the achievements of their colleagues.

For many geniuses, the problem of karma lies elsewhere - in attachment to drinking alcohol. Creative process proceeds more intensely with a decrease in potential barriers that prevent the penetration of the Mind of lower dimensions into the area of ​​consciousness. But the elimination of vicious dependence will require a new incarnation in a different capacity, with a different, maybe very difficult fate when the karmic link of attachment to alcohol is broken.

This does not mean that you need to be indifferent to works of art. Brilliant creations reflect the achievements of civilization, are role models, guide creative thought, and drive the progress of society. They constitute the main material content of the achievements of the collective Mind. Their influence on spiritual life cannot be overestimated. An example to follow should be the process of creating a work of genius and the programmatic setting of the activity that it contains, and not the form of this work itself. Works of art are material objects. Their contemplation enhances the energy of the basic states of memory. But only the software settings contained in them have positive influence for the birth of white karma.

Sensory perception of works of art helps to overcome many program settings for the reproduction of black karma. However, one must keep in mind that after the destruction of black karma, white karma will lose its white color. Further increase in the energy of its program settings can create a new karmic link of attachment to the sensual material object. Then it will turn black. It is impossible to draw an exact line between white and black karma. A person is forced to balance between them all his life, but there is no other way. Only works aimed at improving spirituality and mastering true knowledge do not pose a danger of changing the color of karma. On the path of spiritual improvement, karma does not change its white because this path is endless.

Most people use the body as a pleasure machine. Why else maintain life in this body if not for the sake of carnal pleasures? For example, why do most of us need language? To enjoy the taste of food. Genital organs - for pleasant ones sexual sensations, the highest of which is orgasm. With the help of our eyes, ears, and nose, we also want to see, hear, and smell pleasant things. Whether we are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, civilized or not - as a rule, we try to satisfy the demands of the senses. And the reason for this is the mistaken identification of oneself with the body.

If you think that you are the body, you will try to achieve satisfaction by pleasing the body. You will think: “I am the body and I want to be happy, satisfied.” So you will try to satisfy the stomach, tongue, genitals, ears, eyes, nose, etc., thinking that this will bring you the inner satisfaction and happiness that you crave.

But bodily pleasures do not bring satisfaction. This is another evidence that you are not the body. No matter how much you please your senses, you will still never experience inner satisfaction.

This does not mean that sensual pleasures are bad, and that instead of them one should strive for bodily suffering. Mechanically replacing “plus” with “minus” will not lead to anything good. We simply want to draw attention to the fact that bodily pleasures do not make us happy, and therefore it is foolish to consider them the purpose of life.

Often people try so hard to find happiness in sense objects that they may even try to enjoy through several or all of the senses at once. For example, someone can watch TV and at the same time listen to the radio, chew potato chips, sip beer and smoke a cigarette, and during commercial breaks also leaf through a magazine. We try to fill ourselves with all kinds of sensations, but we are still not satisfied; we are still missing something.

You can eat so much that your stomach hurts, but you still want more. Although the stomach is so full that it causes physical pain, you (your self) are not full, you still want to absorb. The fact that the body can be filled, satisfied, and at the same time you feel emptiness, indicates that you are not the body.

Those who are rich and famous have enough money, power and influence to go anywhere in pursuit of happiness and do almost anything they want. Ordinary people often envy such luxury. Most of the “have-nots” are convinced that those who “have everything” are happy. Therefore, the “have-nots” try in every possible way to become the “haves.”

However, the image of a “happy rich man” formed in the minds of most people is just an illusion. Money can only buy bodily “joys”, not real happiness and satisfaction. This is very convincingly shown by the story of Freddie Prinze, a television star who, in just a few years, rose from the New York ghetto to the bright lights of Hollywood. Prince grew up in New York in a poor Puerto Rican family, but soon after graduating from high school he became a famous comedian. Within a few years, he had his own television show and film contracts worth millions of dollars. Personal chauffeurs drove him around Hollywood in luxurious limousines; he literally had the best that money could buy. But although he could provide his senses with every imaginable pleasure, he felt empty inside himself. In desperation, the Prince asked his manager: “Is there anything more to life than this [wealth, fame, etc.]?” The manager replied: “This is There is life, Freddie. You are a star! Shortly thereafter, the twenty-two-year-old Prince committed suicide by putting a twenty-five-caliber pistol to his temple and pulling the trigger.

History knows many other examples of the rich and famous people who, despite exceptional opportunities for sensual pleasures, became so desperate that they committed suicide. More longer list those who ended up in a mental hospital. Indeed, the feeling of frustration, emptiness and purposelessness that haunts the hearts of hundreds of millions of wealthy people is all too familiar in developed Western countries. The vast majority of their inhabitants try hard to please their senses (and have every opportunity to do so), but are nevertheless still unhappy. This is evidenced by the high and constantly growing rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, divorce and suicide.

Thus, even after satisfying everything urgent needs body and having experienced countless sensual pleasures, you will still not be satisfied. The rich hedonists in the Rolling Stones still sing, “I can never get any satisfaction.”

If the body were the person itself, sensual pleasures would bring real satisfaction. If the body were you, by fulfilling the desires of the body, you would be completely satisfied. If the personality, our "I", were material, then we would be satisfied with matter (material pleasure). Hedonistic a lifestyle that would lead to complete satisfaction and happiness, and not to the disappointment, emptiness and loss of meaning in life that we see today in the materially developed countries of the world.

Companion: I agree that sense pleasures and material wealth cannot satisfy the individual. But I'm not sure that people in less developed countries would be able to understand this either.

Teacher: Everyone can understand this, no matter whether they are rich or poor. The poor are on their own too personal experience They are convinced that bodily pleasures do not bring them satisfaction. Do you think the poor do not enjoy through their senses? Do you know whether poor people experience pleasure from the taste of food or sexual orgasm? Of course they do. Material wealth in itself is not pleasure. It only provides opportunities for more refined sensual pleasure. For example, for money you can buy a nice apartment with a large, skillfully made bed and silk sheets. Wealth increases the number of consumables available to you. For money you can buy a lot of different food and everything else. But money in itself is not pleasure. “Poor” people also have genitals, a tongue, etc., and they also enjoy food, sex, etc. Perhaps a “poor” person experiences sexual orgasm on a mattress lying on the floor in a mud hut, and a “rich” person experiences sexual orgasm in a luxurious bed in a good apartment. But, essentially, it's still the same feeling. Therefore, both the “rich” and the “poor” can ask themselves the question: “Am I satisfied by having an orgasm?”

Companion: That is, in order to understand that bodily joys will not bring satisfaction, there is no need to become financially secure?

Teacher: Right. To to a certain extent security makes it easier to understand, but a necessary condition is not. Besides, if you look around, you will see that most unhappy rich people do not know why they are unhappy. They still do not know that money and sensual pleasures cannot satisfy them. So, whether people are rich or poor, they need, first of all, education. They need to realize that their own attempts to achieve happiness by pleasing their senses have failed. And you need to see that similar attempts by others have also failed.

Bodily pleasures are like short bursts. They appear and disappear. Before you have time to look back, there is nothing left. That is why hedonists, before they begin to satisfy the desires of the body, try so hard to enjoy anticipation sensual pleasures. They know that as soon as they become immersed in pleasure itself, it will disappear.

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