Dinosaurs became extinct. When did the dinosaurs become extinct, or a deception for millions (of years)

Modern science is at high level development. However, at the same time, there are still many topics that remain a mystery to her. One of the most important is the extinction of dinosaurs. Scientists know well that ancient lizards became extinct on final stage Cretaceous period due to the fall of a huge asteroid on our planet. This version is one of the main ones, but there is very little evidence in its favor. There are still heated debates among experts regarding the causes of the death of dinosaurs, and more and more new versions are appearing.

Scientists are trying to understand why the ancient lizards, which dominated the Earth for millions of years, became extinct in a relatively short time. World science often tries to explain the death of lizards using so-called “catastrophic” hypotheses. Lizards, and along with them ammonites and marine reptiles, could have died as a result of volcanic activity, a drop in ocean water levels, a supernova outbreak in the vicinity of the solar system, or a meteorite impact.

The most popular version is that the lizards became extinct due to the fall of an asteroid. Its author is Luis Alvarez, an American physicist who claimed that approximately 66 million years ago a gigantic meteorite fell on the planet. The location of the disaster is the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. After the cataclysm, a lot of dust rose into the atmosphere, and previously dormant volcanoes became active. All this led to the astroid winter and, as a consequence, to the extinction of ancient reptiles and some other animal species. This version has opponents who claim that the Chicxulub crater is very small in size, and that there are much more on the planet large craters from large celestial bodies, however, during the period of time when these objects collided with our planet, no significant changes in the fauna occurred there. However, adherents of this theory argue that the death of the lizards was provoked by the fall of not one, but several asteroids at once, since dinosaurs died out over hundreds of thousands of years, that is, quite slowly.

Another version is quite popular - the so-called hypothesis of active volcanism. Proponents of this theory rely in their conclusions on the Deccan Traps (India) - a plateau covered with basalt eruptions, the thickness of which is about two kilometers. The age of the basalt is estimated at approximately 60-68 million years. According to supporters of this version, volcanic activity lasted for a considerable time, as a result of which the earth's climate became much colder, and the ancient lizards simply froze.

However, their opponents argue that if the process of eruption and cooling was long, then reptiles could well adapt to it and, therefore, survive.

This hypothesis suggests that the death of dinosaurs occurred as a result of changes in climatic conditions on the planet due to continental drift. The drift provoked temperature changes, the death of many plant species, drying out of water bodies and, as a result, a change in the food supply of reptiles.

In addition, there is a theory that temperature changes caused exclusively males or exclusively females to emerge from lizard eggs. Ultimately, this provoked the death of the species.

Another version says that due to cold weather, the shells of lizard eggs became thinner or thicker, therefore, the cubs either could not get out and died, or died from numerous infections or predators.

Opponents of this hypothesis are climatologists, whose research indicates that 66 million years ago there were no significant climate changes. The most recent cooling began 58 million years ago.

There is also a popular assumption among scientists that the cause of death of ancient lizards could have been a change in the atmosphere. According to this theory, the cataclysms entailed such large-scale atmospheric changes on the planet that the dinosaurs simply died from lack of air. According to scientists, the reasons for such changes may be different. Some researchers, again, talk about asteroids, others blame volcanoes.

As experts note, during the period of existence of ancient lizards on the planet, the oxygen content in the atmosphere was approximately 10-15 percent, and much less carbon dioxide. As a result of changes in the composition of the air, plants also changed, due to which new fauna began to develop.

However, opponents of this theory, after studying the composition of air in ancient sediments and rocks, stated that during the Cretaceous period no significant changes in the composition of air occurred.

The hypothesis about the appearance of flowering plants is related to changes in the food pyramid of ancient dinosaurs. It is generally accepted that during that period the vegetation on the planet was changing rapidly. Flowering plants, completely new to dinosaurs, began to appear. The reptiles were unable to adapt to the alkaloids present in the plants, so they died from poisoning.

A mass extinction herbivorous dinosaurs resulted in the death of predators.

According to the hypothesis of competition with mammals, clumsy lizards of gigantic size could not compete with much smaller active warm-blooded mammals, which, among other things, also fed on lizard eggs.

Modern science adheres to the theory of the great extinction, the essence of which is that the main factors in the death of ancient dinosaurs are climate changes caused by continental drift, as well as the appearance of flowering plants.

At first, new plants gradually replaced horsetails and ferns. The developed root system of flowering plants significantly slowed down the flow of nutrients into the ocean, which led to the death of algae and, consequently, the extinction of sea lizards.

At the same time, land dinosaurs gradually adapted to new plant species. As a result of continental drift, sea and air currents changed, cooling began, which resulted in the cessation of the emergence of new species of lizards. Those species that existed up to this point lived for some time and then died out. Belemnites and ammonites, as well as small algae, died along with them. Crocodiles, turtles and snakes, birds, corals, as well as relatives of ammonites - nautiluses - survived. Mammals, which gradually evolved, did not immediately establish their dominance on land.

It should be noted that domestic and foreign paleontologists hold different points of view. Thus, domestic experts claim that ancient lizards disappeared gradually - as a result of climate cooling and the appearance of flowering plants. The development of plants led to the appearance of insects that small mammals fed on. They, quite obviously, could not compete with dinosaurs, but at the same time, predators fed on the eggs of dinosaurs. Thus, the viability of dinosaurs was weakened, despite the fact that there was no direct competition between them and mammals.

Western paleontologists are more inclined towards catastrophic hypotheses. The basis for this kind of view was the Chicxulub crater. The main argument in this theory was a thin layer of clay, in which experts discovered a high content of the metal iridium (probably of unearthly origin).

The weak point of catastrophic hypotheses is the fact that the extinction of dinosaurs lasted for millions of years, but it began much earlier. before the fall asteroids. It is quite possible that before the asteroids fell, many species of dinosaurs suffered from some negative long-term processes, and the asteroid only accelerated their death.

However, why did the asteroid fall have such catastrophic consequences? How did the disaster affect the biosphere? And why was the death so selective - only the ancient lizards died out, but turtles, snakes and crocodiles remained.

To find answers to all these questions, a marine scientific expedition began last spring: researchers are trying to drill into the Chicxulub crater from a tower in Gulf of Mexico. Scientists hope that rock samples extracted from there will help them clarify the situation.

Japanese experts, at the same time, put forward another hypothesis, according to which the cause of the death of the lizards was the soot that rose into the atmosphere after the fall of the asteroid. It should be noted that the generally accepted assumption is that the impact of the asteroid led to the filling of the atmosphere with aerosols of sulfuric acid, which reflected sunlight, as a result of which photosynthesis stopped, darkness came, and acid rain and the temperature dropped. At the same time, this theory does not explain in any way why mammals, birds and crocodiles survived.

All this has led Japanese scientists to suggest that soot emissions are a more realistic scenario.

The final calculations confirmed that the probable soot emissions were about 1,500 teragrams. The moderate cooling and slowdown in photosynthesis in the ocean that followed the release led to the extinction of ammonites, but did not affect deep-sea organisms.

Geologists have found that a drop in temperature and drought triggered a destructive process: the drying out of plants triggered a drop in soil moisture. Those plants that managed to survive were eaten by herbivorous lizards. The process of desertification began, which entailed the death of herbivorous reptiles, and, consequently, the predators that fed on them. Freshwater crocodiles survived because the basis of their food base was plant detritus, which entered the water at sufficient quantity even during the critical years of the disaster.

Scientists say the asteroid impact was not as bad as commonly thought. At the same time, the extinction of dinosaurs indicates that even such a short-term catastrophe can lead to irreversible changes in the biosphere - and this is a valuable lesson in the century global warming

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Dinosaurs ruled our planet for 130 million years - 100 times longer than the Earth has existed human race. And 65 million years ago, dinosaurs went extinct. But 65 million years ago, dinosaurs weren't the only ones who had it bad. Then, in general, difficult times came on Earth. Life on the planet was in mortal danger. Flying reptiles have disappeared. Waterfowl reptiles have become extinct in the oceans, as have shellfish and starfish. Even became extinct most of small animals - plankton.

Nobody knows for sure. But there are a great many theories. Most of them suggest that there were some strong changes in the climate of our planet, which damaged many living organisms, not just dinosaurs. The latest and most popular theory claims that dinosaurs and other animal species became extinct due to one terrible universal catastrophe: 65 million years ago, the Earth collided with an asteroid, and a terrible explosion occurred.

: in addition to dinosaurs, flying reptiles and big number sea ​​inhabitants.

By examining clay deposits in layers of the Earth's crust dated to have been deposited 65 million years ago, scientists have found high levels of iridium in these rocks. Iridium is rarely found on Earth, since during the formation of our planet, iridium as heavy element plunged deep underground and is located mainly near earth's core. Iridium only reaches Earth from space when meteorites and asteroids fall from the sky. Scientists have found iridium in ancient clay deposits around the world. Here is their conclusion: the iridium fell from a cloud of dust that was thrown into the atmosphere when the asteroid collided with the Earth. Here's what could have happened.

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Dinosaur extinction hypothesis

An asteroid with a diameter of 10 kilometers or more flew from space into the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of at least 100,000 kilometers per hour. Having crashed into the Earth, it formed a crater with a diameter of 160 kilometers. Tons of crushed rocks and soil (a mixture of asteroid and Earth rocks) flew high into the sky from the explosion. From passing through the atmosphere fireball and an explosion in the atmosphere, hurricanes arose that spread dust that shot up into the sky throughout the Earth. The sky was clouded with a huge dust cloud. The sun darkened and day became night. The darkness continued for months. The average daily temperature dropped from plus 19 to minus 10 degrees Celsius. The mass death of plants and animals caught in the darkness and cold began.

Dinosaurs are terrestrial vertebrates that lived on Earth during the Mesozoic era. They first appeared between 247 and 240 million years ago. Dinosaurs lived on Earth for about 175 million years.

It is believed that the last dinosaurs went extinct approximately 65 million years ago. This is the end Cretaceous periodlast period Mesozoic era. Exist various theories on why this happened.

Theories about the extinction of dinosaurs have become the subject of much controversy. Scientists have not yet come to a consensus.

Huge asteroid

One of popular theories, which is supported a large number of Scientists have a theory that a huge asteroid (or group of asteroids) crashed into the Earth near the Gulf of Mexico.

The asteroid was so huge that the dust and debris that rose into the air as a result of its impact blocked the Earth from sunlight. Mountains formed at the site of the asteroid impact. The tsunami buried plants and animals under thick piles of rubble. The planet cooled and remained that way for many years. On Earth, climate conditions have actually changed, and most species of animals and plants have become extinct.

A deadly chain of events occurred. Without the sun, plants died. Without plants, herbivores died. Without herbivores, predators died.

There is one problem with this theory that may undermine its plausibility. Paleontologists have not found dinosaur skeletons in the rocks dating back to the period of the asteroid impact. Some evidence even suggests that all dinosaurs died before the asteroid hit Earth.


There's another one scientific theory, which concerns volcanoes. Scientists have found plenty of evidence that even before the asteroid hit, life on Earth was already in trouble.

Multiple volcanic eruptions released molten rock and corrosive gases. They could acidify the oceans. All this could have created an imbalance in the ecosystem long before the asteroid hit.

When dinosaurs lived on Earth, the climate was most likely hot and humid. No evidence has been found in rocks from this period ice age or glaciations. Carbon dioxide was close to the current level.

The ice caps at the North and South Poles have melted, causing sea levels to rise. Australia was breaking away from Antarctica and gradually moving away from South Pole, closer to the equator.

The landscape was dominated coniferous trees and ferns, the first flowering plants appeared. About half of Australia was covered by shallow inland seas.

These data were obtained as a result archaeological excavations in fossils found in rocks of this region. They contain marine molluscs and large prehistoric reptiles such as ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs. Today this area is called the Great Artesian Basin.

But what happened to the climate during this period? Between the Early and Middle Cretaceous periods, Earth's climate warmed by as much as 10°C. Some scientists have linked this phase of global warming to the enormous impact of asteroids. Others attribute this to big amount volcanic eruptions in the area that is today India and Pakistan.

Many great changes occurred during the Late Cretaceous. Continents were destroyed, volcanoes released ash and gas into the atmosphere, rapidly changing the climate. Wind and ocean currents. Sea levels have dropped. Marine changes, combined with volcanic influence, may have caused the mass extinctions.

Other theories

Some scientists believe that the cause of the extinction of dinosaurs was mass diseases and epidemics (such as plague). As a result, entire populations of dinosaurs disappeared.

There are theories about the influence of space - a burst of gamma radiation damaged the Earth's ozone layer, and this led to irreversible consequences in climate and development of creatures.

There is also a theory about the influence of flowering plants. As a result of the spread of flowering plants on Earth, dinosaurs were poisoned by them, since such plants contain alkaloids (these are important active substances of plants).

There are a lot of theories about the extinction of dinosaurs, some seem more plausible, and some even fantastic.

January 27th, 2013

65 million years ago the Skyhammer asteroid official name whose location - "Chicxulub", struck the Earth, causing a global ecological disaster, and tore out a page from the history of the planet called “Dinosaurs.” Today, the latest scientific data allows us to high probability draw up a protocol of " doomsday" Death came without warning, literally falling out of the blue...

A colossal rock fragment measuring ten kilometers across came from the icy depths of space. At a speed of 150 thousand kilometers per hour, it escaped from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, where it had peacefully moved in an elliptical orbit around the Sun for billions of years. When the asteroid crossed the orbit of the blue planet, which was at that moment in fatal proximity, it was captured by it gravitational field, slowed down and changed trajectory...

The solar wind licked and rounded the surface of the giant stone with long journeys cosmic dust and frozen gases. Evaporating, they stretched out in a long trail, and now the alien was already visible in the sky even during the day, frozen there as a harmless luminous comma. However, accelerated by the planet’s gravity, it swallowed the last 400 thousand kilometers in an instant. The Earth was reliably protected from smaller guests by a dense, humid atmosphere, where they sometimes burned up, sometimes were crushed into small meteor showers, without having time to strike great damage. But for an asteroid of this size, it didn’t matter whether there was atmospheric protection...

Leaving a blinding plasma trail in the clear sky, the “Heavenly Hammer” crashed into the earth’s firmament at a speed of 72 thousand kilometers per hour, or 20 kilometers per second. Fatal collision geometry - under acute angle to the surface - aggravated the already serious consequences of the blow. The earth's crust, especially thick under the continents, withstood the onslaught and even sprung somewhat, throwing the asteroid back.

But in these thousandths of a second, its entire mass, which is two thousand billion tons of stone, has already been converted into energy equal to the simultaneous explosion of five billion atomic bombs, dropped on Hiroshima. Matter turned into a mess of atoms - plasma, a ball of energy released at one point; a flare brighter than the sun illuminated even near space. In the colossal temperature of the explosion (> 10,000 ° C), billions of tons of earthly rock evaporated; a hellish prominence broke through the atmosphere of the doomed planet and stopped only somewhere halfway to the Moon.

From the flash, within a radius of several thousand kilometers from the epicenter, it almost instantly disappeared, all organic matter and some inorganic matter evaporated.

...the first hours

A shock wave rushed towards the different sides away from the explosion site and circled around it many times Earth. The wall of incredibly thick dust whipped up by it scattered in concentric circles over thousands of kilometers, suffocating all living things.

At the site of the collision, a so-called “astrobleme” or “star wound” arose - impact crater with a diameter of 200 kilometers and a depth of 40 kilometers. Its vertical walls, which rose up for several minutes, again collapsed into the boiling magma below. The fall of multibillion-dollar masses of rock caused a colossal explosion of pressure of five gigapascals, as if water had been splashed onto a white-hot frying pan. A hot prominence was thrown high into the atmosphere, containing, in addition to liquid and gaseous rock, megatons of evaporated sea ​​salt and millions of cubic kilometers of water in the form of superheated steam, because half of the crater was in the water area Atlantic Ocean.

When the upward movement stopped, the hot materials of the explosion fell onto the surface of the planet within a radius of 7000 kilometers from the epicenter, covering the Northern and South America; a fiery shower ignited vast areas of virgin forests, and the atmosphere began to fill with impenetrable smoke, the likes of which the world had never known.

As a result of the asteroid impact, vibrations arose in the molten semi-liquid core of the planet, generating a tsunami in the oceans more than one kilometer high, which spread from the epicenter in all directions at a speed of 1000 kilometers per hour, broke through hundreds of kilometers deep into the continents, crumbled and washed away all coastal regions.

In parallel to this, vibrations in the bowels of the planet launched a murderous scenario on land: super-strong earthquakes (or rather, “planetquakes”) with a force of at least thirteen shook the globe, bringing down and smashing everything to dust. We are not familiar with such earthquakes today. Shocks of such force were guaranteed to knock down even 80-ton colossi such as the Brontosaurus (in other conditions very stable creatures); they fell into cracks that opened up everywhere and died under collapsing rocks, which is now being discovered during excavations.

... first days

There was no escape from “quick death” in the first moments and hours after the impact, even in the most remote corner of the globe. It turned out that this was only the beginning of a planet-wide hell; life at great distances simply received a reprieve. The survivor was doomed to perish in the endless fire forest fires, thickening the already impenetrable smog with a smoke screen. The “Heavenly Hammer” hit a kilometer-thick layer of limestone and dolomite, a huge mass of these rocks evaporated, and a terrible poisonous cocktail of a mixture of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.

... the first weeks... months... years...

The cataclysm has entered its “slow” phase. A few days later, the entire sky above the planet was covered with a funeral shroud - a black cloud (however, it would only be seen as black from below). When passing through the atmosphere, the asteroid ripped a colossal “hole” in it, in which a vacuum arose for several minutes. Based on the principle of traction in a chimney, millions of tons of products from the first explosion rushed into this hole, “sucked” by a giant pump to a height of 40 kilometers.

The hole into space had already closed by that moment, and everything remained in the atmosphere. The second explosion after the crater collapse created a second layer of pollution. Everything gradually dispersed around the globe, the water turned into ice crystals, filling the stratosphere by different levels. From the outside, the planet seemed wrapped in a thick cotton blanket, impenetrable to sunlight; reigned completely on the surface dark night without the slightest hint of a change in time of day. Today this phenomenon is called " nuclear winter", which would be the consequence of a global nuclear war.

After a brief spike in temperatures due to the asteroid explosion, planet-wide fires, and magma breaking through to the surface, temperatures everywhere quickly dropped to at least 20°C below normal. The surviving plants, including ocean microalgae, stopped growing, the process of photosynthesis was interrupted, and oxygen ceased to flow into the atmosphere. Due to a sharp reduction in evaporation, precipitation almost ceased; the infrequent rains became a poisonous shower, adding to the agony of the survivors.

The heaviest of the survivors, the herbivorous lizards, were the first to die. Predators received a short reprieve, but for them too short time abundance, the “feast in darkness” quickly ended, because soon there was no one left to eat. Due to the rapid mixing of the ocean, the upper layers of water, rich in oxygen and life, were absorbed by “dead” water of great depths; all the “little things” died out, the food chain collapsed, the sea giants left the historical arena forever.

Almost all those who survived this phase of the disaster died of hunger and cold over the next months, because the black cloud did not disappear, as happens with rain clouds after a rainstorm; it remained in the atmosphere for years, decades, maybe even centuries! The Great Dying took a long time.

Yucatan Sky Hammer Anvil

Today the place of that terrible event is called by the beautiful Spanish-Creole name “Yucatan”. It is known for its wonderful beaches, palm groves, exotic flavor, it is washed by the gentle waves of the Atlantic Ocean - and there are no visible traces of tragedy. The movement of continental plates has long healed the wound inflicted by the asteroid on the Earth; now this place is covered by a kilometer-thick layer of rocks. Is this really the tomb of “Planet of the Lizards”?

The hypothesis of the disappearance of the colossi of antiquity with the participation of a space object is only one of eighty existing theories. This is supported by the discovery of unusually high concentrations of iridium, a rare earth element found only in the Earth's mantle, in the Italian Apennines. It is present almost everywhere on Earth in precisely the layer of clay that corresponds to the time of the death of the dinosaurs.

The theory is also supported by the small oval granules of black glass tektites found almost everywhere, which are a product of the fusion of microportions of sand under the influence of very high temperatures. In layers of clay with a high iridium content there are up to twenty thousand of them per cubic centimeter! This could only happen as a result of a gigantic ejection of deep matter high into the atmosphere, from where they returned to the earth in the form of precipitation.

Their global distribution confirms that the cataclysm that killed the dinosaurs was not a local emergency, but world event, which affected the entire planet. These two finds - iridium and tektites - became the basis for the theory of the American scientist, laureate Nobel Prize Luis Alvarez, which caused a furor in scientific circles in the 80s: dinosaurs became extinct due to an asteroid impact that provoked a superactive volcanic activity on the planet.

A little bit later funny case brought evidence of this hypothesis. In 1981, Mexican geologist Antonio Camargo, on behalf of the Pemex oil concern, undertook geological measurements to localize probable underground deposits. He didn't find oil, but he discovered a strange anomaly magnetic field Earth on an underground formation invisible from the surface round shape. It was an astrobleme, a colossal crater.

The geologist came to the only correct conclusion: we are talking about the place where a celestial body fell about 65 million years ago. He reported his discovery on scientific congress in Los Angeles and... reaped a storm of indignation! “Scientific luminaries”, often being ossified bureaucrats and opponents of everything that does not coincide with their opinion, immediately rejected the point of view of the “non-specialist”; Pemex even threatened to fire him so that he would search for specific oil, and not mythical lizards.

Fortunately, the report was carefully listened to and recorded by a Texas journalist. In his newspaper article, he recalled the hypothesis of another scientist, Luis Alvarez. The story received publicity and aroused interest scientific world. So the individual pebbles formed a completely realistic picture of the event. The location of the asteroid impact was clearly established: the Chicxulub crater, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

Latest Research

In order to piece together the Big Impact puzzle as accurately as possible, scientists intend to take the crater seriously. To this end, several months ago a group of geophysicists, geologists, paleontologists and impact specialists began a complex project. Among other things, wells are being drilled to a depth of 1,800 meters; The extracted drill cores are expected to be deciphered using modern methods.

Today's capabilities make it possible to reconstruct with high probability what exactly happened on that day and how. However, all this will take years, according to mineralogists at the Potsdam Center for Earth Geology (Germany), which is responsible for a comprehensive analysis of the crater.

It took life on Earth millions of years to recover from that knockout. Scientists suggest that two-thirds of the earth’s inhabitants died that time; only creatures with a body weight of no more than twenty kilograms, who could still find food sufficient to gain time, managed to survive. Mosses and ferns were the first to return to the devastated regions, followed by other plants, insects and animals.

Those who adapted to a new phenomenon, the cold, had advantages, having, say, wool. This is exactly what the “weaklings” of that era had - today we call them mammals. The first of them appeared about 200 million years ago, were the size of a mouse, and in the world of giant lizards they were content with the role of universal prey, forced to hide and adapt. New conditions became the beginning of “their era.”

How great is the danger of a new collision between the Earth and an asteroid? According to experts, it is only a matter of time. Scientists have calculated that today a much smaller asteroid would cause such a chain of oscillations in the bowels of the Earth that the resulting tsunamis would wash away the coastal, usually densely populated regions of the planet within a few hours without a trace.

The meteorite that struck fifteen million years ago between present-day Munich and Stuttgart and left a 25-kilometer crater was only one kilometer across, but even this “baby” completely destroyed the then Europe, changing the very geographical contours of the continent. A space object of the caliber of the Yucatan guest would completely destroy today's civilization.

"Big Five" asteroids

There is a version that the source of constant meteorite danger for the Earth is the supposed invisible satellite of our star “Nemesis”. This one is absolutely black Star moves in an orbit passing along the outer perimeter of the Solar system, and from time to time captures cosmic bodies that are dangerously close with its colossal gravitational field, throws them inside our system, where they then collide with one or another planet.

Today, experts agree that the development of life on Earth was determined by five proven collisions of the Earth with space objects, each of which radically changed the conditions of existence on the planet each time: 65, 200, 240, 360 and 440 million years ago.

So everyone knows about mysterious planet"Nemesis"?

Nemesis (Nibiru) is dark cosmic body: a protostar, in the depths of which they did not begin thermonuclear reactions, and by now has already cooled down, or vice versa, the star has quickly used up its supply of thermonuclear fuel and by now has also cooled down.

One of the reasons for the hypothesis about the existence of Nemesis was the Stone Age rock paintings depicting two suns.

According to a theory actively discussed in the 1970s and 1980s, the star Nemesis revolves around the Sun in a wide orbit. Approaching the Solar System, Nemesis should create gravitational disturbances in the orbits of the planets, the Earth's magnetic field, and even bring down icy planetoids from the so-called Oort cloud onto the Earth.

It is interesting that the Nemesis hypothesis and its “fatal” name were initially required in order to explain the cyclical periods of mass death of almost all life on our planet. This means that further evidence of the existence of Nemesis in reality could have extremely important consequences for our understanding of not only the history of the Earth, but also our own destinies in the future.

A newly discovered brown dwarf is reported to be just 60 AU away ( astronomical units) (1 AU = distance from the Sun to the Earth) from us and is currently moving towards the constellation Sagittarius. Due to periodic gravitational disturbances in the Oort Cloud, a Spanish team of astronomers calculated that G1.9 travels in an elliptical orbit as it approaches the Sun.

You might ask why astronomers have never discovered this object before. In fact, they discovered it a long time ago. G1.9 was first identified as a "supernova remnant" in 1984 by Dave Green of the University of Cambridge, then after more detailed study by very large telescope NRAO array in 1985, it turned out that the discovered object was unusually small for a supernova.

In 2007, x-ray observations from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory showed that the object is much larger than in last time has been noticed! It increased in size by 16%. Puzzled by this observation, Very Large Array repeated its observations 23 years ago and became convinced that it had increased in size. Knowing that a supernova doesn't expand as quickly unless it just explodes, they explained that G1.9 should be a "very young" supernova - no more than 150 years old. But no information about a visible supernova has been found corresponding to this historical period(time Civil War in USA).

Spanish astronomers tracked this object with great interest because they were expecting its appearance. Gravity anomalies have been appearing in the Oort Cloud for some time, suggesting that disturbances were caused by a number of objects with significant mass. G1.9 was recorded to have increased in size even further. This is exactly what they expected, and it proves that an object (Planet X, Nibiru, Nemesis) has approached Earth.

Object G1.9 [above right] is currently positioned toward the center of our Galaxy, Sagittarius, which glows brightly in this infrared spectrum image. Due to the bright background, G1.9 is not visible in normal wavelengths of light.

The image [above] shows evidence that the object grew in size over a period of 23 years. On the left, a blue spherical object was detected in the radio range in 1985 by the Very Large Array. The image on the right shows the same observation point taken in 2008. Obviously the object is larger.

In this image [above] we see the original 1985 photograph of radio emissions from the VLA compared to a 2007 photo, this X-ray image taken by the Chandra Observatory.

The image above was provided by the Starviewer team. It shows the object G1.9 on the left and the famous brown dwarf, Gilese 229A on the right. We look for emissions in the microwave range (Starviewer says) that indicate radiated heat from each source. The dark red area is the hottest. Note that the G1.9 has a solid heat output similar to the Gilese 229A. The Starviewer team says this suggests that if G1.9 is truly a supernova, as previously thought, we might expect the spherical region to be larger as hot gas and emissions from the exploding star would be concentrated in the surrounding body .

An example of an infrared scan of the Cygnus-Loop supernova ejecta is below.

There is scientific evidence that the G1.9 brown dwarf is the real reason climate change. Back in July 2010, Dr. Paul Clark published articles on Science.com regarding this issue, and nearly 700 scientists signed a report on climate change.

StarViewer Team, published the results of her research back in 2009 in a number of journals, as well as on your website. The collected evidence met with an extremely negative reaction in astronomical circles, which in every possible way prevented the acceptance of the discovery and demanded more evidence.

In its statement, Starviewer wrote that NASA would never allow this information to be made public. NASA is fooling people, distracting their attention with all sorts of nonsense, while a small group of scientists is trying to tell the world what is happening and the reason for it.

In their article, Spanish astronomers openly accused NASA scientists in concealing information that there is another one in our solar system massive object(twice bigger than Jupiter) is a “brown dwarf” star (official name G1.9), which influences the orbits of the planets known to us. That is, essentially ours solar system is binary. Spanish astronomers claim that all this has long been known to NASA, which is simply leading everyone by the nose, hiding this information from ordinary people.

Dinosaurs are huge lizards, the height of which reached a 5-story building. Their remains are found deep in the earth, which is why scientists say that dinosaurs lived on Earth millions of years ago. The last dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago. And they appeared 225 million years ago. Judging by the remains of the bones of these lizards, scientists conclude that there were more than 1000 varieties of such animals. Among them were large and medium-sized, bipedal and quadrupedal, as well as those that crawled, walked, ran, jumped or flew in the sky.

Why did these giant animals become extinct? There are several theories about their death.

Why dinosaurs became extinct: scientific research facts

Since the death of dinosaurs occurred a very long time ago, we can only build hypotheses based on known scientific facts:

  • The extinction of the dinosaurs proceeded very slowly and took millions of years. This period was called “glacial” by paleontologists.
  • Over the course of these millions of years, the climate has changed. In the previous era, there were no ice caps on Earth, and the water temperature at the ocean floor was +20ºC. Climate change has caused a decline general temperature and the appearance of significant icing.
  • In addition to climate, the composition of the atmosphere changed. If at the beginning of the Cretaceous period the air contained 45% oxygen, then after 250 million years it was only 25%.
  • IN specified period a planetary catastrophe occurred. It is confirmed by the presence of iridium, an element that is located deep in the earth’s core and is also found in asteroids and comets. Iridium is found in deep layers of soil throughout the planet.
  • There are indirect witnesses of the collision of the Earth with an asteroid - huge craters. The largest are in Mexico (80 km in diameter) and at the bottom Indian Ocean(40 km).
  • Along with dinosaurs, some species of lizards (sea and flying) became extinct.

When and how dinosaurs went extinct: theories of disaster

Habitat change

Our planet is changing very slowly but steadily. The climate is changing, new species of animals appear and old species disappear. They find themselves not adapted to life in new conditions.

Cold weather

The average air temperature dropped from 25ºC to +10ºC. The amount of precipitation has decreased. The climate has become colder and drier. Dinosaurs, like other lizards, were not adapted to life in cool conditions.

It is known that most lizards are cold-blooded. When the air temperature drops, they cool down and become numb. However, this theory cannot explain why those reptiles that were warm-blooded and could hibernate became extinct.

Another theory is more viable - as a result of climate change, there is less grass vegetation - ferns, which were eaten by non-predators. Judging by the size of dinosaurs, they needed substantial thickets of food to feed them. As a result of a decrease in the amount of food, gradual extinction began. Herbivores died because they lost food. And the predatory ones - because there were few herbivores (which they ate).

Planetary catastrophe: collision with an asteroid or explosion of a star

Traces of collision with celestial body discovered on the island of Yucatan - a huge crater covered with stones and soil. When an asteroid collided with the earth, it should have happened powerful explosion, which lifted tons of soil, stone and dust into the air. The dense suspension blocked the sun for a long time and caused a cold snap. As a result, not only dinosaurs, but also a number of other reptiles became extinct. This theory is confirmed by the remains of iridium in the soil of the Cretaceous period.

The explosion of a star relatively close to our planet could be the cause of a significant increase in radiation. However, it is not clear why the colossal emissions of radiation left other animals alive. Why dinosaurs became extinct still remains a mystery that haunts the minds of scientists.

Despite many theories, scientists do computer modelling and a reconstruction of what happened many millions of years ago. This is what the film will talk about.

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