Planning educational work in the preparatory group on the topic: “Vegetables. Garden

Anastasia Aleksandrovna Marchenkova
Planning educational work in preparatory group on the topic: “Vegetables. Garden"

Mode Joint activities adults and children, taking into account integration educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, whole room groups)

Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in critical moments

Morning Morning exercises. Conversation “What I saw on the way to the d/s”.

Target: learn to compose a coherent story from personal experience.

DI “Whether in the garden or vegetable garden» .

Target: fix the classification vegetables and fruits.

Introducing children to encyclopedic books.

Target: learn work with books.

P/I "Have time to run out". Target: develop movement reaction. Exercise Lesha, Nikita K., Dima in the ability to shade figures in one direction. Situational conversation "Why is it necessary to wash vegetables and fruits before meals» . Class duty.

Target: learn to cook jobs.

Models vegetables and fruits.

"Smart Book Shelf".

Independent play activity in employment centers.

Direct educational activities

Cognitive development (FCCM) « Vegetables. Garden» .

Target: to clarify and consolidate children’s ideas about vegetables: where they grow, how they collect them, what they are useful for, what they prepare; develop attention, memory, logical thinking;

generalize children's vocabulary using adjectives denoting signs and properties of objects, develop visual-motor coordination.

Application “Wicker basket for still life”.

Target: teach children to create a form as the basis for a future composition (basket for a still life of fruit). Improve your appliqué technique (I. A. Lykova, p. 42).

Physical training (By physical plan. employee)

Walk Observation adults working in the garden. Target: activate cognitive activity, consolidate knowledge about autumn works.

S/R game "Field breeders". Target: consolidate knowledge about technology (tractor, combine).

P/I "Burners".

Exercise Misha and Danya Kh. in the ability to tap the ball on the ground with both hands. Situational conversation "Tasty stories". Target: consolidate knowledge about dishes made from vegetables and fruits. Work on the site - collecting sand in the sandbox.

Target: learn to finish what you start.

S/R games of children's choice. Independent play activity.

Productive activity "I'm drawing vegetables» . Target: drawing with a stick in the sand.

Job before bed Cultural and hygienic skills. Reading a fairy tale by A. Volkov "Oorfene Deuce and the Wooden Soldiers" (continuation).

Evening Gymnastics after sleep. Watching a cartoon "Funny garden» .

S/R game "Family. Cooking lunch from vegetables» .

Vocabulary work with Dasha F., Nikita V., Danei P.

Game "Come up with a word". Situational conversation “How I help my mother in the kitchen”. Activities at the design center "Useful machines".

Target: learn to assemble various equipment from Lego.

Independent play activity.


DI “Find an object of the same shape”.

P/n "The Bear and the Bees". Independent play activity.

Didactic game "Finish the sentence".

Tasks: bring up ability to understand causal connections between phenomena, develop speech, creative thinking children, imagination.

Publications on the topic:

Topic: "My family." O goal: Deepening the child’s understanding of the family and its history; about where their parents work, how important they are to society.

Time Joint activity between adults and children Independent activity children Interaction with specialists, parents, social workers.

Planning educational work on the topic “We are in the Universe” Time Joint activity of adults and children Independent.

Planning educational work on the topic “Utensils”. Time Joint activity of adults and children Independent activity.

Theme: "Dishes". Program content: To form ideas about dishes and their meanings in human life. Refine and expand knowledge.

Planning educational work with children in the preparatory group for school Morning Reception of children. Goal: to create a cheerful emotional state for the whole day, to ensure a calm separation of children from their parents. Carrying out:.

We have completed a very summer and very country theme week “Garden and vegetable garden”. Actually, this is already the third week on this topic in Egorka’s life, but every year I try to present it in a new way, and each time my son learns more and more about working in the garden, about fruits, berries and vegetables, about what he can to do with the harvest collected from the beds, fruit trees and shrubs at my grandmother’s dacha.

Our report today is, as always, rich in photographs and ideas for your activities. Watch, get inspired, use!

Development of logic and fine motor skills with the themed week “Garden and Vegetable Garden”

This was my last week without a printer, so I made the most of the printed material I had on hand. In particular, the magazine “Ponimashka” was very relevant to the topic. In it we found interesting complex wiring, which we supplemented with labyrinths from a notebook and a themed coloring book.

They counted the seeds in watermelon slices (in the photo Egor shows how big watermelons can be). They concluded that Masha chose a very bony slice.

They laid out the cards in order and made up a story based on the pictures. Egor came up with the idea that Pony Masha planted flowers, first a flower grew, and then a watermelon grew instead of a flower, so Masha was upset. I had to remind my son that both watermelon and his favorite strawberries come from flowers, and there is no need to be upset about this.

In the same “Ponimashka” they found fruits and vegetables for the finger theater. True, the cucumber quickly burst, which upset Egorka. Still, it’s better to laminate such things or at least stick them on thick cardboard before starting the game.

I made the “Apple and Caterpillar” lacing from a piece of porous rubber and a lace from an old jacket. I recently organized a flash mob for decluttering my dacha, and since I set the task of throwing away 5 things every day, it seems that the necessary things have already begun to go to the trash bin too - this is how a caterpillar for this lacing appeared and another gorgeous toy - a snake from a terry cloth belt robe It's very fun to play catch-up with her, the driver runs with a snake and hisses, trying to sting the players running away from him. Thanks to our little neighbor in the country for the idea.

Creativity with the themed week “Garden and Vegetable Garden”

A simple craft - first Egor smeared the plasticine in the form of pods, and then pressed peas (or rather, their halves) into the plasticine. While my son was smearing the plasticine, I told him that we would show the craft to dad so that he could quickly make sticks for our real peas, because peas are a plant that definitely needs to cling to something...

My son extended plasticine lines to the drawn leaves, saying that it is necessary to hook the pods to something, because peas are a clinging plant :) After finishing the work, when I sign the date and age, Egor now often asks me to sign the drawing too, he takes my pen and pretends to write.

I made an applique called “Jam”.

Try themed weeks now - get notes for free!

Detailed description themed games and classes, everything necessary materials for printing. Everything you need for comprehensive developmental activities!

Watched the presentation:

Potatoes in the sandbox with the themed week “Garden and Vegetable Garden”

Pebble potatoes were planted in the sandbox. This year Egor participated in planting real potatoes, so we also dug holes in the sandbox and filled them with sand from the holes of the next row - just like dad and grandfather did a few weeks ago. Then I helped Yegor hill up his beds, we built tops from the grass growing around the sandbox, and Yegor watered his garden. After sleep, when the sand had dried, Yegor dug stone potatoes.

Game "Nakhodilka" with the theme "Garden and Vegetable Garden"

Since we don’t have a lot of fruit in our garden yet, I decided to make a find with leaves. I drew the leaves in advance:

  • raspberries,
  • currants,
  • strawberries,
  • apple trees,
  • grapes
  • beets,
  • potatoes,
  • peas

Without my prompting, Egor independently found strawberries, apple trees, raspberries, peas and beets. But he stubbornly denied the similarity of the image of the potato leaf with the original - probably the color misled him.

I must say that by the end of the week Yegorka was tired of our theme week “Garden and Vegetable Garden”, and marking on the sheet last leaf, asked: “Mom, let’s draw a Ford Mustang here!” I realized that it was time to change the topic, and I made this “strawberry car” for my son’s afternoon snack.

Valentina Kolesnik


Formation of children's interest in experimental and research activities on cultivation cultivated plants in indoor conditions, instilling in children a love of nature, creating group of vegetable garden on the windowsill.

1. Conversations with children "What's happened vegetable garden and what grows in it» , “What plants can be grown on a windowsill”.

2. Conversation with parents about “Participation in the project « Vegetable garden on the window» .

3. Reading Russian folk tale "Turnip", poems by S. V. Mikhalkov "Vegetables", V. Korkina “What’s growing in our garden?”. Memorization: A. Prokofieva « Garden»

1. Learning nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, songs related to vegetable garden, vegetables and fruits.

2. Planting dill and parsley seeds and bulbs.

3. Introducing children to the algorithm for caring for plants.

III week

1. Acquisition necessary equipment (containers, soil, fertilizers, seeds). Preparation of land, material for creative design vegetable garden.

2. P/n "Cucumber", d/i "What grows on vegetable garden» , "The Fourth Wheel", "Find a Pair", “Assemble the parts into a whole”.

3. Examination of illustrations, pictures, models of vegetables and fruits, clarification of shape and color.

1. Drawing “One day the mistress came from the market”.

2. Making signs - signs with the names of plants.

3. Teacher's story "Vitamins in vegetables".

1. Guessing riddles about vegetables and fruits.

2. Observations: "Earth and Plant" Target: Find out how much land is needed for plant growth.

1. Consultation for parents “About onions for children”

2. Compilation of stories and fairy tales about onions “How an onion appeared in the garden bed”

3. Modeling vegetables from plasticine.

4. D/i: "Botanical Lotto", “Find a vegetable by description”, "Guess by taste".

III week

1. Shared care with children seedlings: watering, loosening, thinning.

2. Didactic games : "Tops and Roots", « Wonderful pouch» . Round dance game "Harvest".

3. Observations on the growth of the onion root system in water.

1. Making vegetable masks for staging « Garden - round dance» .

2. Experimental activities - "Man and Plant". Target: identify whether the plant needs human care.

3. Sowing seeds of cucumbers and flowers.

1. Reading excerpts from the book by D. Rodari "The Adventures of Cippolino", Y. Tuvim "Vegetables".

2. Drawing “Tomatoes in a jar.”

1. Plot- role play “Let’s prepare cabbage soup for the dolls”.

2. Game low mobility « Our garden is fine» .

III week

1. Conversation “The role of the sun, air and water in plant life”.

2. Watering and caring for plants « vegetable garden» .

1. Role-playing game "Vegetable shop".

2. Application "Onion".

3. Design of a photo album « Vegetable garden on the windowsill» .

Publications on the topic:

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Comprehensive thematic planning in the junior group Approximate comprehensive thematic planning Topic Detailed content of the work Period Options for final activities Kindergarten. Early.

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Comprehensive thematic planning

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