Where is Burkina Faso country located? Calling code and domain name

Translated from the local dialect, the name of the country means “country honest people».

Capital of Burkina Faso. Ouagadougou.

Area of ​​Burkina Faso. 274,200 km2.

Population of Burkina Faso. 18.11 million people (

Burkina Faso GDP. $12.54 billion (

Location of Burkina Faso. Burkina Faso is a state in Western. In the north and west it borders, in the east - with, in the south - with, and Cote d'Ivoire.

Administrative divisions of Burkina Faso. The state is divided into 30 provinces.

Form of government of Burkina Faso. Republic.

Head of State of Burkina Faso. President, elected for 7 years.

Highest legislative body of Burkina Faso. Assembly people's deputies, term of office - 5 years.

Higher executive body Burkina Faso. Government.

Major cities of Burkina Faso. Bobo-Dioulasso, Koudougou.

State language Burkina Faso. French.

Religion of Burkina Faso. 50% are Muslims, 40% are pagans, 10% are Christians (mostly Catholics).

Ethnic composition of Burkina Faso. 50% - Mossi, 10% - Fulani, 7% - Lobby, 7% - Mande, 5% - Gourmet.

Currency of Burkina Faso. CFA franc = 100 centimes.

CFA (CFA - Communaute Financiere Africaine - African Monetary Union).

Climate of Burkina Faso. The struggle of winds from the Sahara determines the uniqueness of the subequatorial region. The cool and dry season lasts from November to March, the hot and dry season from April to May, the hot and humid season from June to October. Average temperature January + 24 °C, average July temperature + 28 °C. The heat in April reaches + 45 °C. The amount of precipitation does not exceed 1000 mm per year, in the north - 100-120 mm per year.

Flora of Burkina Faso. Most territory of the country - with acacias, shea butter trees, carob trees, and baobabs. Forests cover about 9% of the area. Tropical vegetation predominates here.

Fauna of Burkina Faso. The fauna of Burkina Faso is characterized by buffalo, antelope, hippopotamus, crocodile, lion, leopard, elephant, hippopotamus and water turtle. Large areas are infested with tsetse flies.
Rivers and lakes. Largest rivers- Black (Mukhun), Red Volta (Naznon), White Volta (Nakanbe).

Sights of Burkina Faso. Ancient burials from the Mosi kingdoms in Bobo-Dioulasso.

Useful information for tourists

The best time to travel to Burkina Faso is during the cool winter months from November to February. When setting out on the road, keep in mind that in January and February the Har Mattan winds come from the Sahara, bringing clouds of sand and dust to the country.

Tips are closely related to the concept of “kado” - a gift that a rich man gives to a poor man who has rendered him some service. In restaurants that do not include a service charge on their bills, it is customary to leave a tip of about 10% of the total amount order. Bargaining is acceptable in private stores and craft markets.

Ancient history and the Middle Ages

Recent archaeological surveys carried out in Bure (southwest of Niger and southeast of neighboring Burkina Faso) have established the existence here from the 2nd to the 12th centuries. AD Bura culture, belonging to iron age. The ancient Bura-Asinda cluster of settlements is located in the lower Niger River valley, including the Burkina region of Bura. Further research is aimed at clarifying the role of this early civilization in ancient and medieval history West Africa.

From the Middle Ages to the end of the 19th century. the territory of Burkina Faso was under the rule of the Mossi people. It is assumed that the Mossi came to these places from the north of Ghana, where the ethnically related Dagomba tribe still lives. For several centuries, Mossi peasants were forced to serve as both farmers and warriors, as the Mossi kingdoms successfully resisted attempts at forced conversion to Islam from the Muslim northwest, protecting their ancestral religious beliefs and social structure.

French Upper Volta

When the French established themselves in the territory in 1896, Mossi resistance was finally crushed with the capture of their capital, Ouagadougou. In 1919, several provinces on the territory of present-day Côte d'Ivoire were united into French Upper Volta as part of French West Africa. In 1932, the colony was disbanded for reasons of economy, and administrative consolidation was carried out in 1937. After World War II, the Mossi renewed their claims to receive status national autonomy, and on September 4, 1947, Upper Volta was restored to its rights as part of French West Africa.

The revision of the organization of the French coastal territories began with a mention in the Basic Law (Loi Cadre) of July 23, 1956. This act was followed by reorganization measures, during which the self-government of individual territories was significantly expanded. Upper Volta began to be considered autonomous republic under French auspices since December 11, 1958.

Republic of Upper Volta

First President of Burkina Faso - Maurice Yaméogo

Lamizana's government faced a challenge from the traditionally powerful trade unions. On November 25, 1980, President Lamizana was overthrown by General Saye Zerbo in a bloodless coup. Zerbo organized the Military Reconstruction Committee and National Development as supreme body executive power by repealing the 1977 constitution.

General Zerbo also met resistance from the trade unions and was overthrown two years later, on November 7, 1982 by Major Jean-Baptiste Ouedraogo and the Council of Public Safety. The Council continued its policy of prohibition political parties and organizations, promising to further transition to civil rule and a new constitution.

A bitter confrontation developed between the reformers of the Council and the radicals, led by Captain Thomas Sankara, who became Prime Minister in January 1983. Intensive political struggle and Sankar's leftist rhetoric led to his arrest. Efforts were made to free him, coordinated by Captain Blaise Compaoré. These efforts resulted in another military coup on August 4, 1983.

After the coup, Sankara headed the National Revolutionary Council (NRC), which he created. Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) were also formed to “mobilize the masses” and implement the revolutionary programs of the LDC. The true composition of the NRS, which remained a mystery until the end, contained two small Marxist-Leninist groups. The actual power in the country belonged to left-wing officers: Sankara, Compaore, Henry Zongo and Major Jean-Baptiste Lingani.

On August 4, 1984, Upper Volta changed its name to Burkina Faso, which means "land of honest people." Being a charismatic leader, Sankara sought to give the masses an impetus for development through word, deed and personal example.

5-day war with Mali

On Christmas Day 1985, escalating tensions with Mali over the mineral-rich Agasher Strip led to a war that lasted five days and claimed the lives of about 100 people. The conflict was resolved through the mediation of Ivory Coast President Felix Houphouët-Boigny and was called the “Christmas War” in Burkina Faso.

Sankara's strict revolutionary measures met with growing discontent and resistance. Despite the personal popularity and charisma of the president, problems have emerged in the implementation of revolutionary ideas.

Burkina Faso today

Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, which were initially formed as public organizations, in some areas took the form of gatherings of armed people clashing with local trade unions. Tensions grew over the government's repressive tactics and its absolute power. On October 15, 1987, Sankara was killed in the coup that brought Captain Blaise Compaoré to power.

Compaore, Captain Henry Zongo and Major Jean-Baptiste Bukari Lingani formed the Popular Front (PF), which was supposed to continue the work of the revolution, eliminating Sankara's "deviations" from the main course. The new government, recognizing the need to support the middle class, naturally moved away from Sankara's policies. As part of the process of "opening" the country, several political associations, three of them non-Marxist, were accepted under the auspices of the political organization created by the NF in June 1989.

Some members of the leftist Organization of People's Democracy (Organisation pour la Démocratie Populaire) were against cooperation with non-Marxist groups. On September 18, 1989, when Compaor returned from a two-week trip to Asia, Lingani and Zongo were accused of plotting a coup to remove power from the Popular Front. That same night they were arrested and executed. Compaor reorganized the government, appointing several new ministers, and assumed the powers of the Minister of Defense and Security. On December 23, 1989, the presidential security service arrested about 30 civilians and military personnel on suspicion of plotting a coup.

In February 2011, the death of a schoolboy sparked unrest in the country that lasted until April 2011. The suppression of demonstrations was accompanied by the introduction of troops and the shooting of demonstrators.

New constitution

A new constitution establishing the fourth republic was adopted on June 2, 1991. Among other things, it provided for the convening of an Assembly of People's Deputies, containing 107 seats (now 111). The President is the head of state, distributes ministerial portfolios and appoints the Prime Minister, who, with the support of the Assembly, serves as head of government. In April 2000, the constitution was amended (effective from 2005), reducing the presidential term from 7 to 5 years and giving the president the right to be re-elected only once. Legislative power belongs to National Assembly(Assemblée Nationale), which has 111 seats. Assembly members are elected by popular vote for a term of five years.

In April 2005, President Compaoré was re-elected to his third term. He received 80.3% of the vote, while his closest rival, Benevende Stanislas Sankara, received only 4.9%. Following the results of the presidential elections held in November 2010, the highest government post was again occupied by Blaise Compaoré (almost 81% of the votes), leaving behind his main competitors - former diplomat Hamou Arbou Diallo (7.96%) and the famous oppositionist Benevende Stanislas Sancar (5.52%).




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Burkina Faso is a country in West Africa. It borders with Mali in the north, Niger in the east, Benin in the southeast, Togo and Ghana in the south and Cote d'Ivoire in the southwest. It has no access to the sea.

Most of Burkina Faso's territory is occupied by a vast plateau with occasional low hills. Average altitudes are 300–400 m above sea level. To the west of Bobo Dioulasso rises a plateau composed of sandstones. Here is highest point country - Mount Tena Kuru (747 m). The largest rivers of Burkina Faso - the Black, White and Red Volta on the territory of Ghana merge and form the Volta River.

Burkina Faso Airport

Ouagadougou Airport

Hotels Burkina Faso 1 - 5 stars

Weather Burkina Faso

The climate is subequatorial, characterized by three main seasons: a cool dry season lasts from November to March, a hot dry season from March to May, and a hot humid season the rest of the year.

Average annual rainfall in the interior ranges from 1,300 mm in the southwest to 630 mm in the north and northeast, where harmattan blows from the desert add to the heat and dryness between March and May.

Average monthly temperatures generally increase from 24–26°C in the south to 30–35°C in the north.

Language of Burkina Faso

Official language: French

A number of Sudanese tribal languages ​​are spoken in the country language family, but none of them are used to communicate between different peoples.

Currency of Burkina Faso

International name: KFA

Currency exchange can be done in banks and exchange offices. The use of credit cards and travel checks is possible only in large banks and hotels in the capital, preference is given to Visa and MasterCard. Checks and credit cards French banks.

Customs restrictions

The import and export of currency is not limited. A customs declaration upon entry and exit is not required. Duty-free import of clothes and other items intended for personal use is allowed.

The import of weapons and ammunition, narcotic and psychotropic substances. Weapons, drugs, and food are prohibited from being exported to large quantities, exotic plants, animals and birds. Antiquities and art, items made of gold and precious metals are subject to mandatory customs control. The export of animal skins is prohibited, ivory and products made of crocodile skin without the appropriate permit.

Mains voltage: 220V


Standard tip is 10%, you should check your bills in restaurants, because... service fees are often already added to the bill (large tips are not accepted in most cases).


The basis of the cuisine of Burkina Faso is made from meat, game and fish. There are no special frills. The most popular dishes are grilled meats served with tomato and onion sauce.


Handicraft and handicraft industries are developed in Burkina Faso. Thanks to the development of gold and silver deposits, the jewelry business has developed in the country. Moshi, Bobo and Lobi masks are the most famous. Mossi make antelope masks, some reach a height of 2 meters, they are colored red or white colors. Bobos make large butterfly masks painted with stripes of white, red and black. Many souvenirs can be purchased at craft markets, which are open seven days a week.

Office hours

Banking hours are daily, except Saturday and Sunday, from 8.30 to 17.00.

Country code: +226

Geographical domain name first level:.bf

Capital: Ouagadougou
Population: About 10.8 million people. The country has more than 60 ethnic groups, each with its own social and cultural structure. The main groups include the Bobo, who live around the town of Bobo-Dioulasso, the Fulani, the Lobi and the Senufo, but the most significant and dominant group is the Mossi people.
Language: French (official), tribal languages ​​belonging to Sudanese are widely used language group, spoken by 90% of the population.
Religion: Over 50% of believers adhere to local traditional beliefs, about 40% are Muslims, the rest are Christians (mainly Roman Catholic denominations).
Geography: A country in West Africa, bordered by Benin, Togo and Ghana in the southeast, Ivory Coast in the southwest, Mali in the west and north, and Niger in the east. It is one of the smallest countries in West Africa, but at the same time, one of the most densely populated. The north of the country is flat, arid and infertile, with Saharan sand dunes extending far into the country. In the south there are small forested areas, and in the east there are elevated plateaus overgrown with fairly dense forest. Deforestation and desertification are the main threats to Burkina Faso, caused by rapid population growth, persistent droughts and a severe economic crisis. Total area countries - 274.2 thousand sq. km.
Climate: Subequatorial. The average monthly temperature ranges from +24 C to +35 C; throughout the year temperature fluctuations are insignificant. The hottest time of the year is March - June. Precipitation amounts to 500-1000 mm. per year, the dry season lasts from November to May, the relatively wet season from June to October. From December to February in northern regions The country is blown by the Harmattan, bringing hot air and sand from the Sahara, which sharply reduces visibility and makes breathing difficult.
Political state: Republican form of government. The head of state is the president. Legislature- Assembly of People's Deputies. Currency: West African CFA Franc (CFA), 100 CFA francs are approximately equal to 1 French franc. Currency exchange can be done at banks and exchange offices. Banking hours are daily, except Saturday and Sunday, from 8.30 to 17.00. Some exchange offices work not only seven days a week, but also around the clock. The use of credit cards and traveler's checks is only possible in large banks and hotels in the capital, Visa and MasterCard are preferred (what is unusual for African banks is the low fee, often not charged at all, so take advantage of this if you are traveling to another West African country, and change money before you leave Burkina Faso). Checks and credit cards from French banks have the best exchange rates. Standard tip is 10%, you should check your bills in restaurants, because... service fees are often already added to the bill (large tips are not accepted in most cases).
Time: Corresponds to Greenwich Time. It lags behind Moscow by 3 hours in winter, and by 4 hours in summer.
Main attractions: Burkina Faso roughly translates to "land of honest people." Indeed, the locals are sociable and hospitable people, always ready for a laugh, and inviting guests "for a cup of coffee" is one of the tourist " brands"countries, especially since they can brew coffee here in almost 30 ways and with very high quality. Ouagadougou (or Ouaga), standing at the crossroads of several ancient trade routes, is rather a big provincial town than a metropolis. Central part The capital is small and can easily be explored on foot in one and a half to two hours. Ouagadougou does not have any special monuments, but the capital does not lack a variety of epic monuments and majestic buildings from different eras, there are surprisingly many wide shady boulevards, a soft atmosphere and relatively clean air. Unlike many other cities in the Sahel, Ouagadougou is populated mostly by non-Muslims, which is clearly reflected in its life - it has many restaurants, bars and nightclubs. A must visit and National Museum, which is still under development, but entry is already possible. Traditional masks, pieces of pottery, and other ritual accessories of the main ethnic groups of the country are on display here. The cathedral, located near the Moro-Naba Palace, is the most big church in West Africa. The Great Market of Ouagadougou, located in the city center and with many large decorative turrets along the top of its façade, is also worth a visit. Near the Moro Naba Palace, every Friday for many centuries, a colorful ceremony of the “false departure of the emperor” has been held, which symbolically depicts the struggle of the Mosi Empire with external enemies. Bobo-Dioulasso, located 300 km. south of Ouagadougou, the "capital" of the Bobo people is smaller and more modest than the country's capital, but has the same "airy" boulevards, tree-lined streets and thriving markets. The Provincial Museum in a Sudanese style building has two sets of exhibitions; a permanent exhibition of contemporary African art, batik and sculpture, and a regular exhibition of traditional art from the West African region. The most impressive of Bobo-Dioulasso's buildings is the Great Mosque, built of clay in the traditional Sudanese style, and most interesting for its interior decoration, which can be viewed for a small fee. The old district of Kibidvi is full of craft workshops, mainly pottery and blacksmith shops, and stands special attention. Banfora is just two main streets with a petrol station, a bank and two hotels, but it is also the starting point for a trip to the Carfiguela waterfalls, a rare sight in these parts. The waterfalls are interesting all year round, but are truly amazing during the rainy season. The picturesque Dam de Carfiguela rock, located near the waterfall, is good place for viewing the waterfalls and the entire surrounding area. Ten kilometers from the waterfalls lies Lake Tegreakute, a pleasant place to stop and relax in the lap of nature. Fishermen from the nearby village will be more than happy to provide their boats for a small fee and some required bargaining, and then you can get close to the flocks of waterfowl that have chosen this place. A little more than a kilometer north of the lake lie absolutely fantastic appearance Sindhu rocks resembling abstract sculptures. Gorom-Gorom, located 290 km. northeast of Ouagadougou, is a typical Sahel city, with its outskirts extending into a sea of ​​dunes. This is where civilization simply ends. For thousands of kilometers from here, a “whistling silence” stretches in all directions, as local nomads, mainly Tuaregs, characterize the desert. blue people desert." The Gorom-Gorom market is undoubtedly the most colorful and interesting in Burkina Faso, if not in the whole Sahel. Such a mixture various peoples and ethnic groups are not likely to be found anywhere else in Africa. There are Tuareg shepherds in indigo robes, Peule shepherds and Songhai farmers in bright yellow and red turbans, Peule women in brightly colored boubou ( special kind robes made of dense but light fabric that perfectly protects from the heat), wicker baskets of all styles and complex hairstyles of local fashionistas, large silver and gold curved earrings flash everywhere. The people wear ornate leather belts and silver weapons. And all the variety of local foods and crafts of the desert are on display for sale. Tibele, located 140 km. south of the capital near Po and the border of Ghana, is starting point to the Thambi-Kabore National Park. Designed to protect elephants, it has recently expanded significantly and is currently best place to monitor these animals. You can go out and walk around the Ranch, where guests are usually accommodated, and the elephants sometimes come right up to the houses in search of handouts (which, however, is strictly not recommended). Interesting and National Park Double-B and its constituent reserves - Xingu, Pama, Arly, etc. Arly National Park in southwestern Burkina Faso, was created in the 1950s in an attempt to stop the effects of desertification environment and forest information. Although the Arli park itself is quite small, it actually merges with two others, Singu and Pama, forming a vast expanse of protected savannah with the impressive and picturesque cliffs of the Tambarga and Gobangu massifs rising in it. Vahiguia is a typical Burkina Faso town. Many come here for a pilgrimage to the local mosque to mark the end of Ramadan, and it is also home to the Mason du Naba Kango, the royal palace of the rulers of the Yatengo kingdom. The FESPACO Film Festival, usually held on the last Saturday of February in odd-numbered years, had humble beginnings in 1969 but has since grown significantly to become West Africa's chic version of Hollywood. During the years when FESPACO is not held, the country regularly hosts various pan-African cultural festivals covering other artistic disciplines - music, dance and theatre.
Entry rules: Visas are required for everyone except Economic Community of West African States (ECWAS) citizens. Minimum term paperwork - 3 days. Required documents: questionnaire and photographs - 4 pcs. (the application form is issued in Russian or French) and the original invitation. Consular fee - 20-50 US dollars (depending on the type of visa, timing and purpose of the trip). The entry visa is valid for 90 days. A transit visa is required when traveling through the country. Children under 16 years old are included in the visa of their parents (mother). When crossing the border, you must present a passport with a visa and completed French an application insert, which indicates: full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, profession, address of residence in Russia and Burkina Faso, passport number, point of departure. A certificate of vaccination against yellow fever is also required, as well serious problem Burkina Faso - malaria. There are no restrictions on movement within the country.
Customs regulations: Import and export of currency is not limited. A customs declaration upon entry and exit is not required. Duty-free import of clothes and other items intended for personal use is allowed. The import of weapons and ammunition, narcotic and psychotropic substances is prohibited. The export of weapons, drugs, food in large quantities, exotic plants, animals and birds is prohibited. Antiquities and art, items made of gold and precious metals are subject to mandatory customs control. The export of animal skins, ivory and crocodile skin products is prohibited without the appropriate permit.

General information

Official name - Burkina Faso. The state is located in West Africa. The area is 273,187 km2. Population - 17,812,961 people. (as of 2013). The official language is French. The capital is Ouagadougou. Currency- CFA franc.

The state borders in the south with Benin (border length 306 km), Ghana (548 km), Cote d'Ivoire (584 km) and (126 km), in the east - with Niger (628 km), in the north and west - with (1,000 km). Total length borders 3,192 km.

The climate in the country is subequatorial, with a pronounced dry season (from November to March, in northern regions the dry season lasts up to 10 months). The average temperature in July is about +28°C, in January - about +24°C.


The state of Burkina Faso is inhabited by several African peoples. Exactly the same demographic situation developed in these parts in the 11th century, when the first states began to form here. New, centralized system management was established by immigrants from my neighbor. They acted prudently and far-sightedly: in order to unite disparate tribes under their rule, they used the cult of ancestors, widespread among most peoples of Africa, declaring themselves descendants legendary heroes. A hierarchy of new leaders was formed small states, who eventually submitted to the rulers of mine. And they were able to establish relationships with neighbors who posed a certain threat, helped by stories about the common origin of their peoples. So the Moss began to in every sense words are the masters of the situation.

IN late XIX V. the newly formed colonial possessions in Africa. In 1895, despite resistance local population, french army first captured one of my states - Yatenga, and then conquered other lands. And in 1904 it already introduced colonial rules, calling its new territory Upper Volta. However, even after this they did not even think of submitting to them or at least pretending to submit to the white newcomers, forcing them to make concessions and compromises. And this persistence bore fruit: on August 5, 1960, the colony was declared an independent state of Upper Volta ( modern name Burkina Faso - the country received in 1984).

Most African countries that got rid of them in the middle of the 20th century. from colonial dependence, shared a common fate: decades of military coups, famine and economic impotence. Burkina Faso has followed the same path, but there is no hope for a better life on the horizon, and it is unknown when it will be possible to get rid of the label of one of the most backward countries in the world. State expenses are many times higher than the income generated by the export of gold and cotton. As a consequence, Burkina Faso is still under economic control European countries, especially France. But for now, the former colony cannot do without it: regular subsidies help, at the very least, to balance debit with credit.

Residents of Burkina Faso (Burkinabe), however, do not give up and do not lose heart, hoping that their own hard work will help them turn the situation around. Having graduated at best primary school, the majority of the population starts working at very early age on cotton and corn plantations. And most profitable business Livestock breeding is considered here: the price of livestock products in Burkina Faso relative to other provisions is very high. This is not due at all to the monopoly policy of local farmers, but to the arid climate.

Each of the peoples inhabiting Burkina Faso, along with agriculture common to all, has its own “creative specialization.” Among the Bobo people, for example, there are many skilled metalworkers, and the Mande people are famous for their weaving traditions.

Sights of Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso has enough long time ruled by representatives of the Mosi tribe. Today, a magnificent monument of this period, and indeed the country as a whole, can be called the Palace, which bears the name Moro-naba. This palace is the residence of the Mosi ruler. The palace is located in the capital of the state, called Ouagadougou. Initially, the settlement on the site of the current capital was called Kombemtinga. It was here that the residence was located in the twelfth century. Notable feature Palace, can be called Friday's ceremony, which represents the "mock departure ceremony of the emperor." Everything quite symbolically depicts the struggle of the Mosi Empire with its enemies.

The main attraction of this country can be called its nature. It is in this regard that it is necessary to talk about numerous national parks. One of these is the Tambi-Kabore Park. The purpose of this national park- protection of elephants. Recently, there has been an expansion of the territory of this park. Thambi Kabore National Park - amazing place, which allows you to observe these amazing animals.

The rock is considered one of the most picturesque attractions of Burkina Faso Dame de Carfiguela. The location of this rock is an area not far from the Carfiguela waterfall. It is this rock that is recognized as the most suitable place for viewing the area, which is attractive not only for its waterfall, which is rare for African territories, but also for the adjacent picturesque areas. Rocky ledges, amazing landscapes - all this merges into an amazing picture, which is especially transformed during the rainy season, when from the cliff you can see how streams of rain intertwine with the flows of waterfalls.

Lake Tegreakute is located approximately ten kilometers from the places through which the Carfiguela waterfalls carry their waters. The attractiveness of this lake is that it is a surprisingly quiet and pleasant place to enjoy relaxation in the lap of beautiful nature. In addition, local residents, with great pleasure and for a small fee, are ready to provide boats on which, through the waters of the lake, you can get to the locations of flocks of waterfowl, which have been chosen by this lake for a long time.

In the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, Africa's largest film festival is held in odd-numbered years: Fespaco (in even-numbered years it is moved to). It started in 1969 with the participation of just five countries, but now brings together directors and television professionals from all over the continent. The host country consistently shows itself with the best side: Whatever the economic situation in Burkina Faso, filmmakers always delight their audiences. In 1990, Burkina Faso-born film director Idrissa Ouedraogo won the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival with his film The Law. He is a graduate of the African Film Institute in Ouagadougou.

Cuisine of Burkina Faso

The cuisine of Burkina Faso is quite traditional for West Africa. Hot pili-pili sauce, palm wine, all kinds of snakes, larvae and fruits - all this and much more is consumed. Most plants and animals are also eaten. They say about the Bantu tribes that they eat everything they can chew.

The basis of the diet is such classic products as meat (beef), fish, sorghum, rice, corn, peanuts, beans, potatoes, etc.

Sorghum porridge- This is the main dish of the local cuisine, which is cooked in a clay pot along with a sauce made from baobab leaves.

Zom-com is a drink of friendship. It is offered to everyone they meet. It perfectly quenches thirst and is prepared from water, sorghum, ginger and honey. If a tourist refuses to take a sip of zom-com, he will be viewed with suspicion.

Meat dishes can be prepared from the meat of hippopotamuses, antelopes, monkeys, snakes, woodlice (the size of a turtle), turtles and other living creatures that are found in these parts.

Pili-pili sauce is added to almost all dishes. This is a hot pepper that gives even the most uninteresting dish an original taste. In Africa, pepper is used as a food disinfectant. But you have to be extremely careful, the pepper is extremely hot.

Wine Banji- the most common drink. This is wine extracted from palm trees. Interesting method of preparation. The old palm tree is cut down, and the log site is sealed with clay. A peg is driven into the middle of the palm tree, which will subsequently play the role of a plug. The palm tree is left in sunny place: The clay dries out and the palm juices begin to ferment. After some time, the plug is removed and real palm mash comes out of the hole.

A classic African dish - chicken cooked in peanut batter and bananas.

Banana cream whipped with egg whites is common as a dessert.

Burkina Faso on the map

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