The highest government body during the Second World War. State apparatus during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

State Committee defense of the USSR

State Defense Committee(abbreviated GKO) - an emergency governing body created during the Great Patriotic War, which had full power in the USSR. The need for creation became obvious as a result of the crisis, which was caused by the confusion of the then management system. Stalin and the Politburo actually headed the state and made all decisions. But formally these decisions came from the Presidium Supreme Council, Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (b), etc. Such bureaucracy created difficulties during the war and it was decided to eliminate it by creating the State Defense Committee.

Education GKO

Composition of GKOs

Initially (based on the joint Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks dated June 30, see below) the composition of the State Defense Committee was as follows:

  • Chairman of the State Defense Committee - J.V. Stalin.
  • Deputy Chairman of the State Defense Committee - V. M. Molotov.

State Defense Decrees

The first decree of the State Defense Committee (“On organizing the production of medium tanks T-34 at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant”) was issued on July 1, the last (No. 9971 “On payment for the balances of incomplete ammunition elements accepted from industry and located at the bases of the NKO USSR and NKVMF” ) - 4 September . The numbering of resolutions remained continuous.

Of these almost ten thousand decisions, 98 documents and three more partially remain classified at present.

Most of the GKO resolutions were signed by its chairman, Stalin, some also by his deputy Molotov and GKO members Mikoyan and Beria.

The State Defense Committee did not have its own apparatus; its decisions were prepared in the relevant people's commissariats and departments, and paperwork was carried out by the Special Sector of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.

The overwhelming majority of GKO resolutions were classified as “Secret”, “Top Secret” or “Top Secret/Especially Important” (designation “s”, “ss” and “ss/s” after the number), but some resolutions were open and published in the press (an example of such a resolution is GKO Resolution No. 813 of October 19, 1941 on the introduction of a state of siege in Moscow).

The vast majority of GKO resolutions concerned topics related to the war:

  • evacuation of population and industry (during the first period of the Great Patriotic War);
  • mobilization of industry, production of weapons and ammunition;
  • handling captured weapons and ammunition;
  • studying and exporting to the USSR captured samples of technology, industrial equipment, reparations (for final stage war);
  • organization of combat operations, distribution of weapons, etc.;
  • appointment of authorized representatives of State Defense Committees;
  • about the beginning of “uranium work” (the creation of nuclear weapons);
  • structural changes in the GKO itself.

GKO structure

The State Defense Committee included several structural divisions. During its existence, the structure of the Committee has changed several times in order to maximize management efficiency and adapt to current conditions.

The most important unit was the Operations Bureau, created on December 8 by GKO resolution No. 2615c. The bureau included L.P. Beria, G. M. Malenkov, A. I. Mikoyan and V. M. Molotov. The actual head of the Operations Bureau was Beria. The tasks of this unit initially included coordinating and unifying the actions of all other units. On May 19, Resolution No. 5931 was adopted, by which the functions of the bureau were significantly expanded - now its tasks also included monitoring and control over the work of the people's commissariats of the defense industry, transport, metallurgy, people's commissariats of the most important areas of industry and power plants; Also, from that moment on, the Operations Bureau was responsible for supplying the army; finally, it was entrusted with the responsibilities of the Transport Committee, which was abolished by decision.

Other important divisions of the State Defense Committee were:

  • Trophy Commission (created in December 1941, and on April 5 by Resolution No. 3123ss transformed into the Trophy Committee);
  • Special Committee (dealt with the development of nuclear weapons).
  • Special Committee (dealt with reparations issues).
  • Evacuation Committee (created on June 25, 1941 by GKO Resolution No. 834, disbanded on December 25, 1941 by GKO Resolution No. 1066ss). On September 26, 1941, by GKO Resolution No. 715c, the Office for Evacuation of the Population was organized under this committee.
  • Committee for Unloading Railways - formed on December 25, 1941 by GKO Resolution No. 1066ss, on September 14, 1942 by GKO Resolution No. 1279 it was transformed into the Transport Committee under the GKO, which existed until May 19, 1944, after which, by GKO Resolution No. 5931, the Transport Committee was abolished, and its functions were transferred to the GKO Operations Bureau;
  • Evacuation Commission - (formed on June 22, 1942 by GKO Resolution No. 1922);
  • Radar Council - created on July 4, 1943 by GKO Resolution No. 3686ss consisting of: Malenkov (predecessor), Arkhipov, Berg, Golovanov, Gorokhov, Danilov, Kabanov, Kobzarev, Stogov, Terentyev, Ucher, Shakhurin, Shchukin.
  • A group of permanent commissioners of the State Defense Committee and permanent commissions of the State Defense Committee at the fronts.

Functions of State Bonds

The State Defense Committee managed all military and economic issues during the war. The leadership of the military operations was carried out through Headquarters.

Disbandment of the State Defense Committee

The State Defense Committee was disbanded by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated September 4.

More information on Wikisource

  • Resolution of the State Defense Committee of May 30, 1942 No. 1837ss “Issues of the partisan movement”

see also

  • State Defense Committee of the DPRK


External links

  • Bulletin of declassified documents of federal state archives Issue 6
  • List of documents of the State Defense Committee of the USSR (1941-1945)


Gorkov Yu.A. “The State Defense Committee decides (1941-1945)”, M.: Olma-Press, 2002. - 575 p. ISBN 5-224-03313-6

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what the “State Defense Committee of the USSR” is in other dictionaries:

    GKO extraordinary highest government agency, who concentrated all power during the Great Patriotic War. Formed on June 30, 1941. Composition: L. P. Beria, K. E. Voroshilov (until 1944), G. M. Malenkov, V. M. Molotov (deputy chairman), I. ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    This term has other meanings, see State Defense Committee (meanings). Should not be confused with the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command State Defense Committee of the USSR State Defense Committee, State Defense Committee of the USSR Emblem of the Armed Forces Years of existence ... Wikipedia

    THE STATE DEFENSE COMMITTEE in the USSR (GKO) is an extraordinary highest state body that concentrated all power during the Great Patriotic War. Formed 30.6.1941. Composition: L. P. Beria, K. E. Voroshilov (until 1944), G. M. Malenkov, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    GKO, State Defense Committee of the USSR,- from June 30, 1941 to September 4, 1945, an extraordinary supreme state body that concentrated in its hands the fullness of legislative and executive power, effectively replacing the constitutional bodies of power and administration. Abolished due to... ... Brief dictionary historical and legal terms

    This term has other meanings, see State Defense Committee (meanings). Not to be confused with state committees central authorities government controlled THE USSR. Not to be confused with committees at... ... Wikipedia

    State Defense Committee: The State Defense Committee was created during the Great Patriotic War as an emergency governing body that had full power in the USSR. State Defense Committee of the People's Republic of China highest... ... Wikipedia

    The State Defense Committee (abbreviated as GKO), which was created during the Great Patriotic War and had full power in the USSR, should not be confused with the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. Necessity... ...Wikipedia

    - (GKO), an extraordinary highest state body during the Great Patriotic War. Possessed all power in the country. Formed on June 30, 1941. Composition: I. V. Stalin (chairman), V. M. Molotov (deputy chairman), ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    STATE DEFENSE COMMITTEE (GOKO)- - a committee created by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Central Committee of the Party and the Council People's Commissars USSR June 30, 1941 due to the current situation state of emergency in the country in order to quickly mobilize all the forces of the peoples of the USSR for... ... Soviet legal dictionary


An emergency situation developed in the country when the question of the very existence of the Soviet state arose.

All the changes in the control system could not solve the wartime problems. Therefore, along with traditional forms power and administration were created at the beginning of the warspecial emergency authorities with special powers. These bodies were extraordinary because, firstly, their creation was not provided for by the Constitution of the USSR; secondly, their powers were higher than those of the constitutional bodies of power and administration. Already in the first days of the war, the inadequacy of the measures taken to repel aggression became visible.

The need to concentrate all power in one hand became obvious, where there would be no division into party, state and military bodies, where any management issues would be resolved quickly and authoritatively. It became such a bodyState Defense Committee(GKO), created by a joint resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on June 30, 1941. Initially, the GKO included 5 people, and then was expanded to 9 people, and by the end of the war was reduced to 8. Headed GKO Stalin.

On September 17, 1941, the State Defense Committee issued a decree “On universal compulsory military training for citizens of the USSR,” according to which, from October 1, 1941, compulsory military training all male citizens of the USSR from 16 to 50 years old. The organization of this training was entrusted to the People's Commissariat of Defense and its local authorities. As part of the People's Commissariat of Defense, it was formedDirectorate of General Military Training(Vseobuch).

Through the People's Commissariats of the State Defense Committee he supervised the work of state institutions and departments, and through the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command he directed the armed struggle against the invaders. The GKO was abolished by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 4, 1945.The State Defense Committee had unlimited powers. Its composition indicated that it contained the most capable and authoritative people from the highest party and state bodies endowed with legitimate powers of power. Despite the small number of the State Defense Committee, wartime conditions did not allow it to meet regularly and in full force. Decisions were made by the chairman or deputy in agreement with other members of the State Defense Committee.

Resolutions of the State Defense Committee had the force of wartime laws. All organizations - party, Soviet, economic, public - were obliged to strictly comply with any resolutions and orders of the State Defense Committee. The committee made do with its own small administrative apparatus. He exercised leadership through party and Soviet structures authorities. In the republics, territories and regions, as well as in the military and industrial people's commissariats, positions of GKO commissioners were established.

In front-line areas, by decision of the State Defense Committee, regional and city defense committees were created, which united party, Soviet and military power in the region. Their activities were subordinated to the interests of defense. They supervised the creation of the people's militia, the construction defensive structures, repairing military equipment, carried out social and educational work, established peaceful life in areas liberated from the occupiers.

The State Defense Committee created auxiliary bodies to strengthen control over certain industries of the defense complex. In July 1942, at a joint meeting of the Politburo and the State Defense Committee, theTransport Committee. This committee became a unified management body for all types of transport. He mobilized the resources of the country’s railway workers, watermen, and aviators, and ensured the interaction of all links transport system. The Transport Committee included the People's Commissars of Communications, Maritime and river fleet, representatives of the People's Commissariat of Defense. In December 1942 it was createdGKO Operations Bureau. This body monitored the work of the industrial and transport people's commissariats, drew up monthly and quarterly production plans for the most important industries, and monitored the timely supply of metals, coal, oil, and electricity. The Operations Bureau also took over the functions of the abolished Transport Committee.

The Armed Forces of the USSR also underwent changes during the Great Patriotic War. To guide military operations the day after the start of the Great Patriotic War, the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Bolsheviks) createdHeadquarters of the High Command. On July 10, 1941 it was converted intoHeadquarters of the Supreme High Command. The headquarters was supposed to exercise strategic leadership of the country's armed forces. Stalin headed this body and was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

On June 24, 1941, by resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks was formedEvacuation advice. The council worked closely with the People's Commissariats, under which evacuation departments were created. In June 1941, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR determined the procedure for the removal and placement of human contingents and the most valuable property. In September, under the Evacuation Council, it was createdDepartment of Evacuation of the Population. Along with the Evacuation Council in October and December 1941, there was alsoEvacuation Committee. The committee supervised the evacuation of equipment, supplies of raw materials and food. The placement of evacuated enterprises and organizations was carried out jointly with local authorities. Along with the Council and the Evacuation Committee, on June 22, 1942, the State Defense Committee was created by DecreeEvacuation Commission. The commission operated until the autumn of 1942. Such emergency management bodies were also created and operated asCommittee on Food and Clothing Supply And Transport Cargo Unloading Committee.

At the first stage of the war, due to the country’s insufficient preparedness for active defense, many regions of the USSR found themselves occupied by fascist troops. Despite severe repression, the Nazis failed to completely paralyze and eliminate the Soviet system of government in the occupied territory. In the zone German occupation continued to operate or were created again party and Soviet authorities. They relied on underground movement Andpartisan formations.

The partisan movement arose soon after the occupation of the part Soviet territory. However, it gained wide and organized scope after proper management of partisan detachments and formations was organized. On May 30, 1942, the State Defense Committee adopted the Resolution “On the creation at Headquarters of the Supreme High CommandCentral headquarters of the partisan movement" In the republics, territories and regions, corresponding headquarters were created to direct partisan movement. Partisan headquarters were also created under the Military Councils of the fronts. In the rear of the Nazi troops, partisan regions were created, zones where organs were restored Soviet power, collective farms, local industrial enterprises, medical, cultural and other institutions.

Emergency bodies of power and administration were also created to solve specific problems that arose in connection with the war. Wartime conditions dictated the creation of new governing bodies.

On November 2, 1942, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR formedExtraordinary State Commission for the identification and investigation of atrocitiescommitted by the Nazi invaders, and determining the damage they caused to citizens, collective farms, government agencies THE USSR. This commission was entrusted with the collection of documentary data on atrocities, their verification, and the preparation of materials on the damage caused to Soviet citizens during the occupation. Similar commissions were created in republics, territories, regions, and cities.

The creation of emergency management bodies did not remove responsibility from traditional levels of leadership. They were required not only to be diligent, but also to be proactive and fully dedicated to their efforts. Government bodies, like the whole country, operated in a state of emergency.

At 3:30 a.m., when the German fascist troops received the pre-arranged signal "Dortmund", according to Soviet border posts and the fortifications were suddenly struck by an artillery strike, and a few minutes later enemy hordes invaded the USSR.

In June 1941 (a week after the start of the war), the Presidium of the Supreme Council, the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks issued a resolution on the creation of a supreme emergency body - the State Defense Committee (GKO), which concentrated all power in its hands. All organizations and individuals were obliged to comply with his orders.

The State Defense Committee acted through existing state, party and public bodies, special committees and commissions and its authorized representatives. Local defense committees were created in some regional and city centers. They included representatives of Soviet, party bodies, executives bodies of the NKVD and military command. The State Defense Committee bodies acted in parallel, simultaneously and through the constitutional bodies of power and administration.

In the summer of 1941, the evacuation began industrial enterprises to the eastern regions of the country. For this work, the Council for Evacuation Affairs under the State Defense Committee was created. In October 1941, the Committee for the evacuation of food supplies, industrial goods and industrial enterprises was formed. Both bodies functioned until the end of December 1941, when instead of them, the Directorate for Evacuation Affairs was created under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, and evacuation departments were created under the Council of People's Commissars of the republics and regional (territorial) councils, at railways- evacuation points.

In July 1941, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks adopted a resolution on the organization of the partisan movement in enemy-occupied territories. The local organizers of the movement were party bodies, sabotage military groups and the NKVD. By the end of 1941, headquarters and departments of the partisan movement began to be created under the political departments of the fronts. In May 1942, the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement was formed at the Headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief, and in September the Special Main Command of the Partisan Movement was formed.

At the beginning of November 1942, the Presidium of the Supreme Council formed an Emergency State Commission to identify and investigate crimes Nazi invaders and their accomplices and the damage they caused to citizens, collective farms, public organizations, state enterprises and institutions of the USSR. Local commissions were formed in republics, territories, regions and cities. In their work, the commissions used the results of the activities of military tribunals.

At the beginning of the war, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR formed a number of new people's commissariats: in September 1941 - the People's Commissariat of the Tank Industry, in November 1941 - the People's Commissariat of Mortar Weapons. The structure and work of the People's Commissariat of Railways and the People's Commissariat of Communications were restructured.

Speaking about the State Defense Committee, it should be emphasized that a similar form of organization of power already existed in the Soviet state. A kind of prototype of the State Defense Committee was created during the civil war and foreign intervention Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense.

However, emergency authorities during the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War differed significantly. Main feature The Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense was that it did not replace party, government and military bodies. Fundamental issues of conducting an armed war were considered at the same time at the Politburo and the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee, at meetings of the Council of People's Commissars.

During the Great Patriotic War, no plenums, much less party congresses, were held; everything cardinal issues were decided State Committee Defense (GKO).

An emergency form of party leadership was also introduced in the armed forces. It became the Institute of Military Commissars. Simultaneously with the creation of the institution of military commissars, the Party Central Committee reorganized the army and navy bodies of political propaganda into political departments, which supervised both organizational-party and political-mass work. With the beginning of the war, the importance of military councils among the troops increased. In the first six months, 10 military councils of the fronts and about 30 military councils of the armies were created. They included big number experienced workers, major party and government figures.

From the first days of the war, another emergency institution was expanded - the institute of party organizers of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, as well as party organizers of the Central Committee of the Communist Parties of the union republics, regional committees, regional committees at the most important enterprises.

During the war, the authorities carried out two important measures, aimed at strengthening national unity in the country, while abandoning some ideological postulates.

In May 1943, the abolition of the Comintern was announced. The arguments given in the statement boiled down to the following: in a war situation, each national communist party faces different tasks. In the battle against fascism, each Communist Party can best act “within the framework of its state”; the need for a single center of the communist movement no longer exists.

The second most important event was the restoration of the governing church bodies in September 1943: a Council was convened, which elected the Patriarch (whose place had been empty since 1925), and a Synod was formed. At the same time, a state body was created designed to cooperate with the Church - the Council for Affairs Orthodox Church. Was overcome church schism, artificially created in the 20s.

As noted by the outstanding Soviet commander, Marshall Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov: “It was an incomparable labor epic, without which our victory over the strongest enemy would have been absolutely impossible.”

The system of institutions operating on the territory of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, which included: People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD), Main Directorate state security(GUGB), People's Commissariat of State Security (NKGB).

On July 10, 1934, a decision was made to form the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR (NKVD USSR) as a centralized body for managing state security and public order. The people's commissars were G. G. Yagoda (07/10/1934 - 09/26/1936), N. I. Ezhov (09/26/1936-11/25/1938), L. P. Beria (11/25/1938 - 12/29/1945). ). A number of independent branches and institutions were transferred to the jurisdiction of the NKVD, including convoy troops, correctional labor institutions withdrawn from the justice system, the number of which reached 528 by February 1941. People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs were also created in all Union republics ( except the RSFSR), and in the regions - the NKVD departments. The OGPU of the USSR was fully integrated into the NKVD, transformed into the Main Directorate of State Security (GUGB). Instead of the abolished judicial board of the OGPU of the USSR, a Special Meeting was created under the People's Commissar, which, in addition to the People's Commissar, included his deputies, the Commissioner for the RSFSR, the head of the Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia (GURKM), the People's Commissar of the republic in whose territory this or that criminal case was initiated case, and the USSR Prosecutor. At first, the powers of the meeting were limited to the right to apply extrajudicial imprisonment in a correctional labor camp for periods of up to 5 years, exile under supervision for 5 years, and deportation from the USSR. On December 1, 1934, a resolution was adopted by the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR “On the procedure for conducting cases related to the preparation or commission of terrorist acts,” according to which the investigation period was reduced to 10 days, the indictment was handed over to the defendant just a day before the trial. The case was heard in court without a prosecutor or lawyer. Appeals and petitions for pardon were not allowed. Sentence to to the highest degree punishment was carried out immediately. A similar procedure was introduced on September 14, 1937 for the consideration of cases of sabotage and sabotage. As a result of the intensification of the struggle for power in the leadership of the state and party in 1937-1938. the country plunged into the abyss political repression, from which all sectors of society suffered. The punitive component of the NKVD apparatus was a tool in carrying out repressions, but this did not save the NKVD from a total purge. G. G. Yagoda and N. I. Ezhov, all their deputies and assistants, the heads of all large prisons and camps responsible for mass repression. Many security officers working in the field of intelligence and counterintelligence were subjected to repression. On February 3, 1941, in accordance with the resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the People's Commissariat of State Security was separated from the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs. The NKVD of the USSR retained the functions of protecting public order, socialist and personal property, security state borders USSR, organization of local air defense, maintenance of convicts, prisoners of war and internees and a number of other functions. The border and internal troops, as well as those serving them, remained under his command. special departments. The People's Commissariat of State Security of the USSR (NKGB USSR) (People's Commissar - V.N. Merkulov from 02/03 to 07/20/1941 and from 04/14/1943 to 05/04/1946) was entrusted with the tasks of conducting intelligence work abroad, combating subversive, espionage, sabotage and terrorist activities of foreign intelligence services within the USSR, prompt development and elimination of the remnants of the anti-Soviet underground and protection of the country's leadership. With the beginning of the war, the enemy concentrated on Soviet-German front the main forces and means of its intelligence apparatus, counterintelligence and sabotage units. State security agencies had to carry out complex and intense work to uncover and suppress the subversive activities of the special services fascist Germany, ensure the safety of national economic facilities, maintain vigilance, organization and order in the country. By the resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of June 25, 1941, the NKVD bodies were entrusted with the task of protecting the rear of the active Red Army. For this purpose, the NKVD troops, the police of the front-line areas and the destroyer battalions created in June 1941 under the territorial bodies of the NKVD, which became one of the links in the system of ensuring state security, were used. With their help, tasks were also solved in combating enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups, searching for and capturing spies, protecting enterprises, maintaining public order in populated areas. Subsequently, 1,350 fighter battalions with a total strength of 250 thousand people joined the active army. At the end of June 1941, due to the difficult situation at the front, the USSR government entrusted the NKVD with the formation of 15 rifle divisions from the border and internal troops NKVD. The formed divisions were transferred to the active army and took an active part in the defense of Leningrad, the battle of Moscow and many other defensive and offensive operations. In June 1942, the NKVD formed and transferred 10 more divisions to the Red Army. In the territory liberated by the Red Army, the enemy left a large number of sabotage groups to commit sabotage on important sites, terrorist actions in relation to military personnel, party and Soviet leaders. Beginning in January 1942, as the country's territory was liberated, state security agencies took measures to neutralize German agents, their accomplices and traitors who actively collaborated with the occupiers. In July 1941, by decision of the State Defense Committee and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the NKVD and NKGB were again united into one People's Commissariat - the NKVD of the USSR. The creation of a single centralized body for the protection of state security and internal affairs made it possible to initial period wars to unite efforts and direct them to fight invaders, traitors and deserters. In April 1943, due to a change military situation, The People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs was finally divided into the NKVD of the USSR and the NKGB of the USSR. In the first days of the war, under the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, a Special group, which was entrusted with the tasks of reconnaissance and sabotage activities in the deep and near enemy lines, organizing the partisan movement, managing special radio games with German intelligence for the purpose of misinforming the enemy. Under the Special Group, a separate motorized rifle brigade special purpose(OMSBON) NKVD USSR. The OMSBON consisted of more than 25 thousand fighters, of which 2 thousand were foreigners. The best Soviet athletes fought in the brigade, including boxing and athletics champions. OMSBON became the basis of sabotage formations that were thrown behind enemy lines. October 3, 1941 instead of the Special Group, due to the protracted nature of the war, the occupation of the majority European countries and significant territory of the Soviet Union, as well as the need to carry out reconnaissance and sabotage activities on a larger scale behind the front line, the 2nd Department of the NKVD of the USSR was created, which had independent functions. On its basis, on January 18, 1942, the 4th Directorate of the NKVD-NKGB of the USSR was created. During the war years, the Special Group (2nd Department of the NKVD - 4th Directorate of the NKVDNKGB of the USSR, throughout the war, head P.A. Sudoplatov) and its military units, performed responsible tasks VGK rates, Moscow Defense Headquarters, Defense Headquarters of the Main Caucasus Range, a number of front commanders. More than 2 thousand operational groups with a total strength of 15 thousand people were sent behind enemy lines, 2045 enemy intelligence groups were neutralized and 87 high-ranking German officials were eliminated. More than 80 disinformation radio games were carried out with the Abwehr and the Gestapo, including operations “Monastery”, “Novices”, “Berezino”. More than 12 thousand employees of state security agencies - the NKVD, NKGB and counterintelligence SMERSH - died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, behind enemy lines and in confrontation with enemy agents.

Historical sources:

Lubyanka in the days of the battle for Moscow. Materials of the USSR state security agencies from the Central Archive of the FSB of Russia. M., 2002;

State security bodies of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War: collection of documents. In 3 T. M., 1995-2003.

The Great Patriotic War brought significant changes to the composition, structure and management of the armed forces. The attack on our country by a multi-million fascist army required immediate mobilization. In accordance with the mobilization plan, already on June 22, 1941, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, guided by the Constitution of the USSR, announced the mobilization of military personnel of 14 ages in 14 military districts of the country. In the first days of the war, 5 million people were drafted into the army. Later, mobilization was carried out in other districts, and men aged 18 to 55 were subject to conscription. By the end of the war, the number of Soviet armed forces reached 11,365 thousand people. In total, during the war, about 31 million people, born before 1927 inclusive, served in the Red Army.

One of most important tasks military construction was a massive training of defenders of the Motherland for replenishment active army. Soviet state took measures to ensure that each new recruit came to the army and navy already with military skills. In accordance with the resolutions of the State Defense Committee "On the preparation of reserves in the system of the People's Commissariat of Defense and the People's Commissariat Navy"dated July 16, 1941 and "On universal compulsory military training for citizens of the USSR" dated September 18, 1941. compulsory education All men aged 16 to 50 years were eligible. In total, during the war years, about 18 million people went through the military preliminary general training system.

Military mobilizations were not the only source of replenishment of the armed forces. In the very first days of the war, a patriotic upsurge gripped everyone. Soviet citizens. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers joined the army. People's militia divisions, fighter battalions, and volunteer women's units began to form. At the beginning of July 1941, the creation of militia divisions was authorized by the State Defense Committee. These divisions were formed on a voluntary basis in areas directly threatened by fascist troops, from citizens not subject to mandatory mobilization. Providing assistance to the personnel army, civil uprising covered itself with unfading glory.

In the territory temporarily captured by the Nazis, the number of partisan formations grew - a clear indication of activity masses V liberation struggle against the occupiers. According to official data alone, there were more than 1 million fighters in partisan detachments and formations. The peoples of the USSR consciously went into battle, made sacrifices and hardships in order to bring victory over the fascist invaders closer.

Much has been done to improve the system of training command personnel. During the war, about 2 million military personnel passed through it.

In January - February 1943, new insignia were introduced for personnel of the Red Army and Navy, and shoulder straps were restored.

In the most difficult, initial period of the war, the soviet guard. Military units, ships, formations and associations (armies) that showed heroism, high organization and the ability to defeat the enemy were given the names of Guards and awarded them Guards Red Banners. Special distinctions were established for personnel in the form of military guards ranks and badge. To encourage soldiers and officers who particularly distinguished themselves in battle during the war, nine new military orders were established, including the Order of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Alexander Nevsky, the Patriotic War, Glory, and many medals.

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War brought significant changes to the organization military administration .

In June - August 1941, the system of strategic and operational management bodies of the Armed Forces was rebuilt. On June 23, 1941, by decision of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Headquarters of the Main Command of the Armed Forces of the USSR was created as the body of the highest military leadership of the country. On July 10, 1941, it received the name of the Supreme Command Headquarters, and on August 8 - Headquarters of the Supreme High Command . It included members of the Politburo of the Party Central Committee and leaders of the People's Commissariat of Defense: S.K. Tymoshenko (chairman), SM. Budyonny, K.E. Voroshilov, G.K. Zhukov, N.G. Kuznetsov, V.M. Molotov, I.V. Stalin.

During the war, Stalin held a number of senior party and government posts. He was at the same time Secretary General Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (b), Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (from May 6, 1941), Chairman of the GKO, Supreme Commander-in-Chief (from August 8, 1941), People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR (from July 19, 1941), Chairman of the Transport Committee of the GKO.

The working apparatus of the Headquarters was the General Staff, the Offices of the People's Commissariat of Defense and the People's Commissariat of the Navy. The decisions made by the Headquarters were communicated to the command of the fronts and fleets in the form of directives of the Supreme High Command. In its activities, the Headquarters relied on the military councils of the fronts. Communication with the fronts was also carried out through representatives of the Headquarters, whose tasks included: coordinating the actions of the fronts, monitoring the implementation of the directives of the Supreme High Command, and assisting the fronts in planning, preparing and carrying out operations. Most often, the Headquarters was represented by G.K. Zhukov, appointed first deputy in August 1942 Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and the boss General Staff A.M. Vasilevsky.

The highest formations of troops since July 1941 were the three most important strategic directions led by their Main Command (North-Western - K.E. Voroshilov, Western - S.K. Timoshenko, South-Western - S.M. Budyonny), and after the reform of directions in July 1942, the fronts, led by commanders and military councils, became the highest formations of troops. They led military operations.

The military councils of the fronts and armies were constantly associated with the State Defense Committee and Supreme High Command, bore full responsibility to them for fighting, military training, political and moral state and logistical support of troops.

During the war, formations included corps, divisions, and brigades. Commanders of fronts and armies, commanders of formations who directly supervised combat operations were granted the right to assign military ranks, appointment to positions of command and commanding staff, awarding orders and medals to those who distinguished themselves in battle on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Units in the Red Army were regiments, as well as special category units that received the name “separate” (separate battalion, separate division), whose command enjoyed rights one step higher.

Important role Political organs played in the army and navy. General leadership Party political work in the army was carried out by the Main political administration(GPU) of the Red Army and the Main Political Directorate of the Navy (both as military departments of the Central Committee of the party. By the end of the war, more than 2 thousand political agencies and about 78 thousand primary organizations operated in the army.

On July 16, 1941, the institution of military commissars was introduced in units and formations, who, while leading party-political work, along with commanders, bore full responsibility for combat training and combat effectiveness of troops. But unlike during the Civil War, the functions of control over command staff the commissioners did not have. The positions of political instructors were introduced in the units. After the successful deployment of a multimillion-strong army, the rise of its moral and political spirit and combat effectiveness, and the accumulation of experience by commanders in political work, it became possible to strengthen unity of command in command and control of troops. In October 1942, the institution of military commissars in the army and navy was abolished. The positions of deputy commanders for political affairs were introduced. Military commissars were retained in the partisan detachments. There were partisan departments under the Main Political Directorate and at the political departments of the fronts.

May 30, 1942 to unite the leadership of the partisan struggle behind enemy lines on an all-Union scale and coordinate actions partisan detachments with units of the Red Army at Headquarters, the Central Headquarters of the partisan movement was created (headed by the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus (Bolsheviks) P.K. Ponomarenko) and republican (Ukrainian, Belarusian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian) headquarters. Special departments for communication with partisan detachments were created at army headquarters.

From this moment on, the partisan movement acquired a more organized character and coordinated its actions with the army (Belarus, Northern part Ukraine, Bryansk, Smolensk and Oryol region). By the spring of 1943, underground sabotage work was carried out in almost all cities in the captured territory. Large partisan units(regiments, brigades), led by experienced commanders: S.A. Kovpak, A.I. Saburov, A.F. Fedorov, N.Z. Kolyada, S.V. Grishin and others. Almost all partisan formations had radio contact with the Center. Since the summer of 1943, large partisan formations carried out combat operations as part of combined arms operations. Particularly large-scale partisan actions were during Battle of Kursk, operations " Rail War" and "Concert". As it comes Soviet troops partisan units were reorganized and merged into units of the regular army.

In total, during the war years, the partisans disabled 1.5 million enemy soldiers and officers, blew up 20 thousand enemy trains and 12 thousand bridges, destroyed 65 thousand vehicles, 2.3 thousand tanks, 1.1 thousand aircraft, 17 thousand km of communication lines.

More than 1 million partisans fought behind enemy lines throughout the war. The central headquarters of the partisan movement established contacts with partisan formations, directed and coordinated their activities, spread the partisan struggle again, trained personnel, supplied the partisans with weapons, ammunition, medicine, and most importantly, organized their interaction with the troops. For some time (from September 6 to November 19, 1942) there was a position of Commander-in-Chief of the partisan movement (Marshal of the Soviet Union K.E. Voroshilov).

The combat experience of all branches of the military during the war was regularly summarized and clearly reflected in new regulations and manuals, including the 1942 Infantry Combat Manual, the 1942 Staff Field Service Manual, and the 1942 Military Intelligence Manual.

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