A funny incident from life. Writing a thesis

The main features of the scientific style of speech

The most common a specific feature of this style of speech is the logic of presentation .

Any coherent statement must have this quality. But the scientific text is distinguished by its emphasized, strict logic. All parts in it are strictly connected in meaning and are arranged strictly sequentially; conclusions follow from the facts presented in the text. This is done by means typical for scientific speech: linking sentences using repeated nouns, often combined with a demonstrative pronoun.

Adverbs also indicate the sequence of thought development: first, first of all, then, then, next; as well as introductory words: firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, so, therefore, vice versa; unions: since, because, so that, therefore. Predominance union communications emphasizes the greater connection between sentences.

To others typical sign scientific style of speech is precision .

Semantic accuracy (unambiguity) is achieved by careful selection of words, the use of words in their direct meaning, wide use of terms and special vocabulary. In scientific style, repetition of keywords is considered the norm.

Distraction And generality necessarily permeate every scientific text.

Therefore, they are widely used here abstract concepts that are difficult to imagine, see, feel. In such texts there are often words with an abstract meaning, for example: emptiness, speed, time, force, quantity, quality, law, number, limit; formulas, symbols, symbols, graphs, tables, diagrams, diagrams, drawings.

It is characteristic that even specific vocabulary here acts to denote general concepts .

For example: The philologist must carefully, that is, a philologist in general; Birch tolerates frost well, i.e. not a single object, but a tree species - general concept. This is clearly manifested when comparing the features of the use of the same word in scientific and artistic speech. In artistic speech, a word is not a term; it contains not only a concept, but also a verbal artistic image(comparison, personification, etc.).

The word of science is unambiguous and terminological.



1) Deciduous tree with white (less often dark) bark and heart-shaped leaves. ( Dictionary Russian language.)

A genus of trees and shrubs of the birch family. About 120 species, in the temperate and cold zones of the North. hemisphere and in the mountains of the subtropics. Forest-forming and decorative species. The most important farms are B. warty and B. downy.
(Large encyclopedic dictionary.)

White birch

Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.
On fluffy branches
Snow border
The brushes have blossomed
White fringe.
And the birch tree stands
In sleepy silence,
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire.

(S. Yesenin.)

The scientific style of speech is characterized by plural from abstract and real nouns: length, magnitude, frequency; frequent use of neuter words: education, property, meaning.

Not only nouns, but also verbs are usually used in the context of scientific speech not in their main and specific values, but in a generalized abstract meaning.

Words: go, follow, lead, compose, indicateь and others do not denote movement itself, etc., but something else, abstract:

IN scientific literature, especially mathematical, the form of the future tense is often devoid of its grammatical meaning: instead of a word will are used is, is.

Present tense verbs also do not always receive the meaning of concreteness: regularly used; always indicate. Imperfective forms are widely used.

Scientific speech is characterized by: the predominance of 1st and 3rd person pronouns, while the meaning of the person is weakened; frequent use of short adjectives.

However, the generality and abstractness of texts in the scientific style of speech do not mean that they lack emotionality and expressiveness. In this case, they would not have achieved their goal.

The expressiveness of scientific speech differs from the expressiveness of artistic speech in that it is associated primarily with the accuracy of the use of words, the logic of presentation, and its persuasiveness. Most often, figurative means are used in popular science literature.

Do not mix terms that are established in science and formed according to the type of metaphor (in biology - tongue, pestle, umbrella; in technology - clutch, paw, shoulder, trunk; in geography - base (mountains), ridge) using terms for figurative and expressive purposes in journalistic or artistic style speech when these words cease to be terms ( pulse of life, political barometer, negotiations are stalled etc.).

To enhance expressiveness in a scientific style of speech , especially in popular science literature, in works of a polemical nature, in discussion articles, are used :

1) intensifying particles, pronouns, adverbs: only, absolutely, only;

2) adjectives like: colossal, most advantageous, one of the greatest, most difficult;

3) “problematic” questions: in fact, what kind of bodies does... the cell in environment?, what is the reason for this?

Objectivity- another sign of a scientific style of speech. Scientific theories and laws scientific facts, phenomena, experiments and their results - all this is presented in texts related to the scientific style of speech.

And all this requires quantitative and quality characteristics, objective, reliable. That's why exclamation sentences are used very rarely. IN scientific text personal, subjective opinion is unacceptable, it is not customary to use the pronoun I and verbs in the first person singular. Here, indefinite personal sentences are used more often ( think that...), impersonal ( it is known that...), definitely personal ( let's look at the problem....).

In the scientific style of speech, several substyles or varieties can be distinguished:

a) actually scientific (academic) - the most strict, accurate; he writes dissertations, monographs, articles in scientific journals, instructions, GOST standards, encyclopedias;

b) popular science (scientific and journalistic) they write science articles in newspapers, popular science magazines, popular science books; this includes public performance on radio, television scientific topics, speeches by scientists and specialists before mass audiences;

c) scientific and educational (educational literature on different subjects For different types educational institutions; reference books, manuals).

Addressee purpose

Scientist, specialist
Identification and description of new facts and patterns

Scientific and educational

Training, description of the facts necessary to master the material

Popular science

Wide audience
Give general idea about science, to interest

Selection of facts, terms

New facts are selected.
Well-known facts are not explained
Only new terms proposed by the author are explained

Scientific and educational
Typical facts are selected

All terms explained

Popular science
Intriguing, entertaining facts are selected

Minimum terminology.
The meaning of the terms is explained through analogy.

Leading type of speech Title


Reflects the topic, problem of the study
Kozhina M.N.
“On the specifics of artistic and scientific speech”

Scientific and educational

Reflects the type educational material
Golub I.B. "Stylistics of the Russian language"

Popular science


Intriguing and arousing interest
Rosenthal D.E.
"Secrets of Stylistics"

Lexical features of scientific style of speech

The main purpose of a scientific text and its vocabulary is to designate phenomena, objects, name them and explain them, and for this we need, first of all, nouns.

Most common features scientific style vocabulary are:

a) the use of words in their literal meaning;

b) lack of figurative means: epithets, metaphors, artistic comparisons, poetic symbols, hyperboles;

c) widespread use of abstract vocabulary and terms.

In scientific speech there are three layers of words:

The words are stylistically neutral, i.e. commonly used in different styles.

For example: he, five, ten; in, on, for; black, white, large; goes, happens etc.;

General scientific words, i.e. found in language different sciences, and not any one science.

For example: center, force, degree, magnitude, speed, detail, energy, analogy etc.

This can be confirmed by examples of phrases taken from texts of various sciences: administrative center, center of the European part of Russia, city center; center of gravity, center of movement; center of the circle.

Terms of any science, i.e. highly specialized vocabulary. You already know that the main thing in the term is accuracy and its unambiguity.

Morphological features of the scientific style of speech

Verbs in the 1st and 2nd person singular are practically not used in scientific texts. IN literary text they are used frequently.

Verbs in the present tense with a "timeless" meaning are very close to verbal noun: splashes down - splashdown, rewinds - rewinding; and vice versa: fill - fills.

Verbal nouns convey objective processes and phenomena well, which is why they are often used in scientific texts.

There are few adjectives in a scientific text, and many of them are used as part of terms and have a precise, highly specialized meaning. In the literary text of adjectives in percentage more, and epithets and artistic definitions predominate here.

In scientific style, parts of speech and their grammatical forms are used differently than in other styles.

To identify these features, let's do a little research.

Syntactic features of the scientific style of speech

Typical scientific speeches are:

a) special revolutions like: according to Mendeleev, from experience;

c) use of words: given, known, appropriate as a means of communication;

d) use of a chain genitive cases:Establishing wavelength dependence x-rays atom.(Kapitsa.)

In scientific speech more than in other styles, they are used complex sentences, especially complex ones.

Compounds with explanatory clauses express a generalization, reveal a typical phenomenon, one or another pattern.

Words as is known, scientists believe, it is clear etc. indicate when referring to a source, to any facts or provisions.

Complex sentences with subordinate reasons are widely used in scientific speech because science reveals causal connections phenomena of reality. In these sentences they are used as common conjunctions ( because, since, because, since), and book ( due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, in view of the fact that, for).

In scientific speech, comparisons help to deeper reveal the essence of a phenomenon, to discover its connections with other phenomena, while in work of art their main purpose is to vividly and emotionally reveal the images, the picture, the words depicted by the artist.

Often the use of participles and participial phrases.

Using expressive means

The generality and abstractness of scientific speech does not exclude expressiveness. Scientists use figurative language to highlight the most important semantic points and to convince the audience.

Comparison - one of the forms of logical thinking.

Ugly (devoid of imagery), for example: Borofluorides are similar to chlorides.

Expanded comparison

…In history new Russia we are met with an “excess” of factual material. It becomes impossible to include it entirely in the research system, since then we will get what is called “noise” in cybernetics. Let's imagine the following: several people are sitting in a room, and suddenly everyone starts talking about their own things at the same time. family matters. In the end, we won't know anything. The abundance of facts requires selectivity. And just as acousticians select the sound that interests them, we must select those facts that are needed to illuminate the chosen topic - ethnic history our country. (L.N. Gumilev. From Rus' to Russia).

Figurative comparison

Human society is like a turbulent sea in which individuals, like waves, surrounded by their own kind, constantly collide with each other, arise, grow and disappear, and the sea - society - is forever seething, agitated and never silent...

Problematic issues

The first question that confronts us is: What kind of science is sociology? What is the subject of its study? Finally, what are the main departments of this discipline?

(P. Sorokin. General sociology)

Restrictions on use linguistic means in scientific style

– Inadmissibility of extraliterary vocabulary.

– There are practically no 2nd person forms of verbs and pronouns you, you.

– Limited use incomplete sentences.

– The use of emotionally expressive vocabulary and phraseology is limited.

All of the above can be presented in a table

Features of the scientific style of speech

In vocabulary

a) terms;

b) unambiguity of the word;

c) frequent repetition of keywords;

d) lack of figurative means;

As part of the word

a) international roots, prefixes, suffixes;

b) suffixes that give an abstract meaning;

In morphology

a) predominance of nouns;

b) frequent use abstract verbal nouns;

c) the infrequency of the pronouns I, you and verbs of the 1st and 2nd person singular;

d) the infrequency of exclamatory particles and interjections;

In syntax

a) direct word order (preferred);

b) widespread use of phrases

noun + noun in genus P.;

c) the predominance of vaguely personal and impersonal sentences;

d) rare use of incomplete sentences;

e) an abundance of complex sentences;

f) frequent use of participial and participial phrases;

Basic type of speech
Reasoning and description

Example of scientific style

Spelling reform 1918 brought writing closer to living speech (i.e., it abolished a whole series of traditional, rather than phonemic, orthograms). The approach of spelling to living speech usually causes a movement in the other direction: the desire to bring pronunciation closer to spelling...

However, the influence of writing was controlled by the development of internal phonetic tendencies. Only those spelling features had strong influence for literary pronunciation. Which helped to develop the Russian phonetic system according to the law of I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay or contributed to the elimination of phraseological units in this system...

At the same time, it must be emphasized that, firstly, these features were known at the end of the 19th century. and that, secondly, even now they cannot be considered completely victorious in modern Russian literary pronunciation. Old literary norms compete with them.

Scientific style(researcher) serves various branches of science and technology, provides educational process in universities of various profiles (humanitarian, natural and technical).

Scientific style – functional style associated with scientific activity and reflecting the characteristics of theoretical thinking.

Main function of research assistant– communication (transmission) of scientific information, the most accurate, logical and unambiguous expression of thoughts in a particular field of knowledge.

The main purpose of a scientific work– inform the addressee of new knowledge about reality and prove its truth.

1. N.s. implemented in two forms: oral (oral scientific speech) and written (written scientific communication). Written monologue speech is the main form of scientific presentation.

2 . Language of scientific presentation complemented by means of graphical clarity, i.e. drawings, diagrams, graphs, symbols, formulas, diagrams, tables, pictures, etc.

Stylistic features (signs) of scientific speech:

    objectivity (statement different points perspective on the problem, lack of subjectivity in the transmission of scientific content, impersonality of linguistic expression);

    logic (consistency and consistency of presentation);

    evidence (argumentation of certain provisions and hypotheses);

    accuracy (use of terms, unambiguous words, clear design of syntactic connections in sentences and text);

    conciseness and information richness (use of types of compression of scientific text);

    generalization and abstractness of judgments (use of general scientific vocabulary, nouns with abstract meaning),

    impersonality and abstractness of the statement (use of special grammatical forms: predominance of returnable and impersonal verbs, use of 3rd verb faces, vaguely personal sentences, passive constructions);

    standardization of means of expression (use of scientific style speech clichés to design the structure and components scientific work, as well as genres of annotations, abstracts, reviews, etc.).

For scientific and technical literature also typical:

Lack of imagery, metaphorical turns of language and emotionally expressive means,

Prohibition on the use of non-literary language,

Almost complete absence of signs of conversational style,

Wide use of terms, abstract and highly specialized vocabulary,

Using words in their literal (rather than figurative) meaning,

The use of special ways of presenting material (primarily description and reasoning) and methods logical organization text.

Within the framework of the scientific field of activity, special methods of logical organization of text, namely : 1) deduction; 2) induction; 3) problematic presentation;

Deduction (Latin deductio - deduction) is the movement of thought from the general to the specific. The deductive method of presenting material is used when it is necessary to consider a phenomenon on the basis of an already known position and law and draw the necessary conclusions regarding this phenomenon.

Composition of deductive reasoning:

Stage 1– putting forward a thesis (Greek thesis - a position whose truth must be proven) or hypothesis.

Stage 2– the main part of the argument is the development of the thesis (hypothesis), its justification, proof of truth or refutation.

To prove the thesis, various argument types(Latin Argumentum - logical argument):

    interpretation of the thesis,

    "proof from cause"

    facts and examples, comparisons.

Stage 3– conclusions, suggestions.

The deductive method of reasoning is widely used in theoretical articles, in scientific discussions on controversial scientific issues, in educational and scientific seminars.

Induction (Latin inductio - guidance) is the movement of thought from the particular to the general, from knowledge of individual or particular facts to knowledge of a general rule, to generalization.

Composition of inductive reasoning:

Stage 1- determining the purpose of the research undertaken.

Stage 2- presentation of accumulated facts, analysis, comparison and synthesis of the obtained material.

Stage 3- based on this they are made conclusions, patterns are established, signs of a particular process are identified, etc.

Inductive reasoning widely used in scientific communications, monographs, course and diploma theses, dissertations, research reports.

Problem Statement involves the formulation of a certain sequence of problematic issues, by solving which one can come to theoretical generalizations, the formulation of rules and patterns.

Problem Statement is a type of inductive reasoning. During a lecture, report, in the text of a monograph, article, graduation project, dissertation, the author formulates a particular problem and proposes a number of possible ways her decisions. The most optimal of them are subjected to detailed analysis in the study (the internal contradictions of the problem are revealed, assumptions are made and possible objections are refuted), and thus the process of solving this problem is demonstrated.

Indicate a sentence in a scientific style that uses vocabulary from other styles.

A. Solid, that is, the crystal, continues to reveal to us many more new and unexpected things.
B. In the area low temperatures physicists find liquid helium.
B. Ideas and methods quantum theory fields penetrate into all branches of physics.
G. And if physics high energies stuns us with a fireworks display of new particles, then quasiparticles—strange “ghosts” of particles—enter the scene.
Write down words of other styles from the scientific style sentence you indicated. Write down which style these words belong to.

perhaps, individual dense stars, so precise and specific plans are constantly formed in the writer’s mind from the boundless ocean of life’s impressions.

(2) Only yesterday it seemed that nothing could be gleaned from the depths of the soul and memory, but today there are wide horizons, an abundance of material... (3) The maturation of material is a largely mysterious thing.

(4)Is there a difference between a notebook and just a memory? (5) In my opinion, these are the same thing. (6) If the writer wanted to remember (write down) a thought or incident, then the professional perceptual apparatus has done its job. (7) In a word, the notebook should be in your pocket.

(8) Professional memory is selective. (9) There is no professional memory in general, but there is a professional memory of such and such a writer. (10) I think that if, for example, Prishvin and Erinburg were walking around the city and then through the forest at the same time, then each of them would remember their own, something that the other missed.

(11) I sometimes see how, during a lively conversation, my friend, a writer, takes out notebook and quickly writes down in it the phrase just spoken, the incident just told. (12) And then I suddenly come across this episode in the book. (13) From it, like from a seed, a whole chapter of a story or story developed and flourished.

(V. Soloukhin.)

A1. Determine the type and style of speech of this text.

1)narrative, artistic

2)narrative, scientific

3) reasoning, journalistic

4)description, artistic

1) Because it’s impossible to remember everything.

2) Because everyone remembers their own.

3) Because only the most important things are remembered.

4) Because only the most interesting information.

A3. In what meaning is the word used? COLOSSAL in sentence 1?


2) huge

3) mysterious

4) amazing

A4.What remedy artistic expression used in expression “From it, like from a grain, ...” from sentence 13?

1) comparison

2) metaphor


A5. Choose the correct answer to the question: “How are the ideas of works formed in the mind of a writer?”

1) They are suggested by literary friends.

2) The writer borrows them from already created masterpieces.

3) They are completely based on the writer’s imagination.

Part 2.

IN 1.In sentence 12, find and indicate the word(s) in which there are more sounds than letters.

AT 2.Write down a synonym for the word COMRADE (sentence 11)

AT 3.Define and indicate the method of word formation LIMITLESS (sentence 1)

AT 4.In sentence 4, find and indicate a phrase with the connection CONCORDING.

AT 5.Indicate what part of speech the word is SELECTIVE (sentence 8)

AT 6.Among sentences 2-5, find and indicate a sentence with an introductory word.

AT 7. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 7.

AT 8.Define and indicate quantity grammar basics in sentence1

AT 9.In sentences 7-9, find and indicate a word with an alternating vowel in the root.

AT 10.Among sentences 10-13, find and indicate a sentence with an uncommon application.

AT 11.Among sentences 2-5, find and indicate a sentence in which the subject and predicate are expressed as nouns.

AT 12.In the sentence from the text, all commas are numbered. Indicate the numbers indicating the comma(s) between parts of the complex sentence.

Only yesterday it seemed (1) that there was nothing to be gleaned from the depths of the soul and memory, (2) and today there are broad horizons, (3) an abundance of material...

B13.From sentence 5, write down all the functional parts of speech.

B14.In the sentence from the text, all commas are numbered. Specify the numbers indicating the comma(s) when introductory words.

Just as from a colossal, (1) almost limitless nebula, (2) perhaps (3) individual dense stars are formed, (4) so ​​constantly in the mind of a writer, from the boundless ocean of life impressions, precise and specific plans are formed.

B15. Define and specify syntactic role words SOMETHING in sentence 9.

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