Interesting notes on integrated classes in the preparatory group. Integrated lesson in the preparatory group: “Journey to the forest school

Target: generalization of knowledge, children through organization various types activities



- strengthening the counting of cardinal and ordinal numbers within 10, the ability to compare numeric value;

- consolidation characteristic features seasons, names of months, days of the week, day;

- practice selecting several adjectives for a noun;

- practice determining the number of words in a sentence;


– expansion of children’s vocabulary, dialogical speech;

- develop logical thinking;

- develop constructive activity;

- develop hand motor skills.


- cultivate curiosity and observation;

- cultivate mutual assistance and independence;

Form of work - frontal, individual

Equipment and materials: Pictures (Dinosaurs, eastern sultan, European princess, picture of the first printers Cyril and Methodius), geometric figures, counting sticks, cards with number series, cards with numbers, board, chalk, TSO.

Progress of Direct Educational Activities:

Educator: Today I suggest you go on a journey, but not an ordinary one, but on a journey through time, look at this magic clock, by turning the hands on it, you and I will find ourselves in different eras and the heroes of these times will ask questions about how ready they are to go on a journey.

Educator: Then let's turn our arrows magic hours and off we go.

(music sounds)

Also interesting activity for the preparatory group:

Educator: You and I found ourselves in ancient times in the era of dinosaurs, we are met in a mathematical clearing by cheerful dinosaurs, they really love geometric shapes and have prepared the first task for you.

1 Task:(work on carpet)“Lay out the figures.”

  • Lay out 5 triangles, 1 less squares.
  • Lay out the shapes equally (two ways: add one square or remove one triangle).
  • Lay out 5 ovals in descending order
  • Lay out 5 circles in descending order

Educator: Well done, you completed the task. Let's continue our journey and turn the clock hands.

Educator: We're in ancient Persia it was here that the first writing of numbers was invented, as we know them now. Look, the Persian Sultan is meeting us, and he has prepared a task for you.

Task 2: “Number series”(work at the easel)

Fill in the missing numbers in number series.

Task 3: “More, less”

Cards with a task from the Sultan, in it you need to compare the numbers and put a greater or less sign between them.

Educator: Now let's rest a little.

Fizminutka:(walk in place)

Who walks together is unlikely

Groups "Rainbow" squad (use any group name)

Brave, skillful,

Tanned under the sun!

Educator: Well done, let's continue our journey, turn the clock, where are we?

IN ancient Europe, the guys invented the first clock with hands here.

Task 3: “Drawing time” (work at the board)

Educator: Look guys at the beautiful European princess, she decided to find out how well you know the time.

The teacher calls the time; the children draw the hands of the clock with chalk on the board (the dial is drawn in advance).

Well done guys, you did it.

Task 4: “First letters” (work at tables)

Educator: Let's turn the hands of our magic clock and find ourselves in ancient Rus', we get acquainted with the first writing in Rus'. The first to come up with the letters of our alphabet were Cyril and Methodius. And they are another task for you: the letters are written on the cards and lay them out using counting sticks. Count how many counting sticks you needed to make a letter, come up with a word that will contain this letter.

Task 5: “Making proposals”

Educator: Divide into pairs, there are colored strips in front of you, take apart strips of the same color with your pair, turn them over, there are words written there, put them together into a sentence and read it.

Let's continue our journey, turn the arrows and behold, we are already in the times of our grandfathers. Look at the TV screen, they sent us a video of a riddle, let's try to guess it.

Educator: Well, our journey is coming to an end, it’s time for us to return home, let’s turn the clock hands to last time to find yourself in our time. (music sounds)

I hope you enjoyed our trip.

Title: Summary of the final integrated lesson in preparatory group"Time Travel"
Nomination: Kindergarten - Lesson notes, GCD - play activities

Position: teacher first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 257 “Little Country”
Location: Novokuznetsk city, Kemerovo region

Complex lesson in the preparatory group “I want to know everything!”


To unite the efforts of teachers and parents to successfully prepare children for school;

To help parents understand the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by their children.


IN game form consolidate children's knowledge on speech development and literacy, on the formation of elementary mathematical representations;

Develop speech and logical thinking;

Cultivate attention and perseverance;

Create an atmosphere of community of interests and emotional mutual support.


A letter, crowns for queens, a marker, geometric shapes, numbers from 1 to 12, letter boxes, a set of large format letters, squared notebooks, pencils, a test sample, a tape recorder, an audio recording of the song “On the Road to Goodness” (composer Mark Minkov, author of the text Entin Yuri), a sweet surprise for children.


Organizational moment

Children enter, say hello and take their seats. There is a knock on the door, the teacher goes to the door and finds a letter.

Guys, what a surprise! A letter has arrived at our address. Let's see what's in it. Opens and reads:

“Hello, dear guys!

You have become quite grown up, so we want to invite you to go on a journey to the Land of Knowledge. The journey will not be easy, but we are confident that together we will overcome all difficulties, because at the end of the road a reward awaits you. To get into magical land Childhood, you must complete all the tasks that will be offered to you. Good luck and see you soon.

Queen Mathematics and Queen Grammar."

Guys, we received such a mysterious letter. Well, how can we cope?

Entering into activity.

If you're ready to hit the road, there are a few things you need to take with you.

D\game “Name the generalizing word”

Sandwiches, tangerines, cookies, candies, crackers, apples (Food)

Overalls, sweater, socks, hat, scarf, jacket, mittens (Clothing)

Let's think about what transport we can use to travel? (Plane, car, ship, bicycle, train, etc.)

Close your eyes and count to 10 and back. Let's go! (While the children are counting, the teachers turn into Queen Mathematics and Queen Grammar)

Main part .

D\game "Slam-top"

The correct answer is clapping, the wrong answer is stomping.

Four is more than three;

The neighbors of the number 7 are 5 and 8;

We come to kindergarten in the morning and return home in the evening;

Spring gives way to winter;

The moon shines during the day and the sun at night;

Before 10 comes the number 8;

January is the first month of the year.

D\game “Say the opposite”

Strong - weak, cheerful - sad, dirty - clean, light - dark, day - night, warm - cold, talk - remain silent.

D\game "Geometric shapes"

Geometric shapes of the same color are attached to the carpet - square, triangle, circle, rectangle.

Name the shapes;

Which figure is the odd one out? Why?

How many corners does a rectangle have?

Why is the triangle called that?

How many sides does a square have? then we know about his sides?

Outdoor game “Find your place”

Each child has numbers from 1 to 12 (according to the number of children). At the signal, line up in order. Disperse and line up at the signal. Take a step forward:

A number that is 1 more than 5;

A number that is between 10 and 8;

The number that comes after 3;

The number that comes before 8;

A number that is 2 more than 10.

Sound - letter analysis words "Castle"

The children have a box of letters on their desks.

How many sounds?

What is the first sound, is it a vowel or a consonant?

Soft or hard?

What color is it indicated by?

What letter will we use to denote it?

Similar work is carried out with all sounds.

Let's summarize:

How many letters are there in total? How many sounds? How many consonant sounds? Hard? Soft? How many vowels? How many syllables? What is the first syllable? Second? Which syllable is stressed?

What does the word “lock” mean (emphasis on the first syllable)? If you change the stress to the second syllable, what happens? What does this word mean? Now you see how important it is to put the accent correctly in a word!


Quickly stand up, smile,

Stretch higher, higher.

Come on, straighten your shoulders,

Raise, lower.

Turned left, right,

Hands touched with knees,

Sit down and stand up, sit down and stand up

And they ran on the spot.

Problems in verse

Two spoiled puppies

They run and frolic.

Three friends for the naughty girls

They rush with loud barks.

It will be more fun together.

How many friends are there in total? (2+3=5)

Four sheep were lying on the grass,

Then the two sheep ran home.

Come on, think, decide quickly,

How many sheep are there on the grass now? (4-2=2)

Write down the solutions to the problems on the board.

D\game “Say the word”

The roof is covered with fur,

White smoke above your head

House in the snow. White houses

At night she came to us...winter

I took two oak blocks,

Two iron runners

I filled the bars with slats.

Give me snow! Ready...sled

Thunder struck, cheerful thunder,

Everything around was sparkling!

Rush into the sky tirelessly

Multi-colored fountains.

Splashes of color are pouring everywhere.

This is a festive...firework

Pop - and the candy shoots like a cannon.

It is clear to everyone that this is...firecracker

D\game “Name the days of the week” (with a ball)

Fifth day of the week; last; first; the day following Tuesday; day between Friday and Sunday; second day; Thursday - what day?

D\game “Catch the sound” (with a ball)

Goat, cat, noise, poppy, mom, beetle, cheese, mouse, house, fox, wolf, dad.

Graphic dictation"The Key to the Land of Knowledge"

Summing up

So we completed all the tasks and found ourselves in the magical Land of Knowledge. Did you enjoy the trip?

In this country you showed good knowledge. But soon you will go to school and end up in School Country, where everything you learned in kindergarten will be useful to you. And Queen Grammar and Queen Mathematics say goodbye to you and turn into your educators. And for you - a sweet surprise.

The song “On the Road of Goodness” is played (composer Mark Minkov, text author Entin Yuri)

Strengthen the ability of ordinal and quantitative counting, the ability to count from given number;

Comparison of sets, ability to name adjacent numbers, solving examples, knowledge of geometric shapes;

Continue to learn the sound analysis of words, divide words into syllables, be able to compose words from letters and read them, compose sentences according to a pattern;

Foster a culture of communication, activity in classes, and a desire to learn.

Material: ten snowflakes, numbers, cards for sound analysis, letters, geometric shapes, the alphabet, drawings depicting various animals, drawing of an owl, cut parts of letters.

Progress of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group of a kindergarten:

Educator: Today we will visit a forest school. Children, we are in the forest, what do you see? (There are 10 snowflakes on the carpet). Yes, these are snowflakes.

Why don't we see flowers in the forest? (Because it's winter) how can we talk about winter? What is she like? (Children's answers: white, cold, fluffy, wonderful, frosty, magical, long-awaited, desired.) What winter month is it now? (January) How much winter months You know? How many months are there in total in a year? Let's name them. Children name the names of the months.

Educator. Children, let's count the snowflakes (quantitative, ordinal counting, counting from a given number, counting backwards, and in English).

Educator. Snowflakes are magical, there is something hidden under them (children pick up snowflakes, there are numbers under them).

Educator. We are heading to the forest school, and there are math classes, Wise owl invites us to name the neighboring numbers of the numbers 2, 5, 7, 3, 8, 4, 6. Well done!

Exercise “Right Place”

The wise owl suggests looking at the drawing and finding which of the animals made a mistake and stood in the wrong place? Children correct mistakes, lay out a number series, and place animals in the correct order. Let's name the animals in English!

Teacher questions:

How many animals are there in total? (10)

Who is third?

Who is standing in front of the sixth?

How much does a goat cost? (She's not there)

What number do we get if we add 1 to 5?

What number comes next after the number 7?

What number comes before 4?

Exercise “Math Train”

Well done guys, you are good at solving examples, have you guessed what we will travel on next? That's right, by train. Stand next to each other and let's go!

Stop, what do we see? There are snowballs on the floor! The teacher invites the children to play a game

Game "Let's collect the word"

Children are asked to collect the word “snowflake”, a number is attached to each “snowball”, for example: S-1, N-2, E-3, F-4, I-5, N-6, K-7, A- 8. Children complete the task.

Educator. Children are taking literacy classes at the forest school.

Exercise “Spoiled letters”

The wise owl offers to help the animals and fix the letters, because someone damaged them and the animals cannot read their favorite alphabet! Let's help! Children sit at tables and assemble whole letters from parts and name them! Well done! We saved the letters and now our little animals will be able to read! And we will show the Wise Owl that we know vowels and consonants. Children are asked to do a sound analysis of the words: “WINTER” and “LETTERS”, the children parse the words, the teacher checks.

Exercise “Find the shapes”

Educator. Children, the Wise Owl, says that the crocodile mixed up all the geometric shapes and the animals cannot count them! Let's help count squares, triangles, balls, etc. Children complete the task.


Did you like the forest school lesson? For your efforts and helping animals, the wise owl gives you this alphabet so that you learned to read and prepared for school.

Summary of the final integrated lesson in the preparatory school group

Target: generalize and systematize children’s acquired knowledge.

  • Develop an interest in the history of your city; expand children's knowledge about their city, attractions, and cultivate a sense of pride in the city in which you live.
  • Develop attention, thinking, coherent speech, work on the expressiveness of speech, continue to develop the ability to answer a question with a complete extended sentence.
  • Develop skills writing: read individual words and phrases, write in block letters.
  • Mastering the sound analysis of words; intonation selection of sounds in a word, determination of their sequence, characteristics of sounds (vowel - consonant), drawing up a word diagram, enriching the dictionary with verbs.
  • Determine the number and sequence of words in a sentence; make sentences with given quantity words orientation on a sheet of paper.
  • Develop logical thinking, the ability to solve simple math problems, ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, develop fine motor skills fingers
  • Strengthen children's knowledge about the elements mathematical symbolism, the concept of part of a task.
  • Ability to formulate and solve problems; knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, seasons, parts of the day.
  • Develop spatial imagination and elements logical thinking, the ability to solve riddles.
  • To cultivate perseverance, the ability to listen, mutual assistance, a desire to help, a love of nature, a desire to learn.
  • Develop skills in performing a given task and the ability to evaluate the results of your activities.

Equipment: seven-flowered flower, postman uniform, parcel box, task cards 7 pcs., note, mini-museum “Belgorod-Gorod” military glory"; cards with images of a fox, hare, bear, wolf, squirrel, beaver; blue and red cards for everyone; cards with printed words without one letter: shk (o) la, mash (i) na, (z) ayats, bana (n), fox (a), gory (o) d; cards with math tasks, letters different colors; rulers, toys: hare, turnip, granddaughter, bug; emoticons.

Preliminary work: role-playing games “School”, “Mail”;
d/i “Who lives in the forest?”, theatrical activity“Turnip”, visit to the mini-museum “Room of Russian Life”, “Belgorod - City of Military Glory”.

Progress of educational activities:


Educator: Guys, let's say hello to our guests and give them our smiles. Now everyone look at me and give me your smiles. Good morning, dear children and adults.
(Children with the teacher stand in a circle.)
I see in a wide circle
All my friends stood up.
We'll go right now
Now let's go left
Let's gather in the center of the circle
And we will all return to our place.
Let's all smile at each other.
That's it, we can start
But first we need to work together
Say hello everyone.


There is a knock on the door. On the threshold is a postman (child) with a box containing a seven-flowered flower and a note. The numbers from 1 to 7 are pasted on the colored side of the petal.

Postman: Hello, I'm a postman, I brought you a parcel.
Educator: Hello, postman. Come in, please. Guys, let's open the package and see what's inside. Oh, there's a magic flower here. Maybe you recognized him?
Children: Tsvetik - Semitsvetik.
Educator: Why is it called that?
Children: It has seven petals.
Educator: What color are its petals?
Children name the colors of the petals (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).
Educator: Where else are the colors arranged in the same order?
Children: The colors of the rainbow are arranged in this order.
Educator: Who knows the saying for remembering the order of colors in the rainbow?
Children say a saying: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.”
Educator: Oh, guys, and there’s also a note in the box.
Educator takes out and reads the note :
Postman: Wow! How are you interested? Can I stay with you?
Educator: Guys, would you like to take the postman on a trip with us?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Well, let's go on a trip.

The child tears off the petal and names the number. At this time, the teacher says: “Fly, fly petal and lead us to task N1.”
Cards with task numbers are located throughout the group in the appropriate centers.



The teacher reads out the questions.
- Name the country in which we live? (Russia).
Main city Russia? (Moscow).
— Colors Russian flag?

Educator: How much do you know about our Motherland? And we recover further.

The child tears off the petal and reads the number. Teacher “Fly, task N2.”



Educator: In this task we are asked to solve riddles. Do you want it? And we will check the answer from the picture.
The teacher makes riddles, and the children check the answers using the pictures.
I have a luxurious tail
But my character is not simple -
I am cunning and cunning.
Deep is my hole. (Fox)
I'm gray, I live in the forest,
I know a red fox.
I sing a sad song,
Howling loudly at the moon. (Wolf)
The owner of the forest
Wakes up in the spring
And in winter, under the blizzard howl
He sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear)
Not a lamb or a cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round.
A gray fur coat is for summer.
A different color for winter. (Hare)
I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a deep forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree
I'm gnawing nuts. (Squirrel)
Water masters
They build a house without an axe,
House of brushwood and mud
And a dam. (Beavers)
Educator: You completed the task. I'm very glad!

The child tears off the petal and reads the number 3. Vo-l “Fly, fly... to task N3.”



Educator: airplane - flies, soars.

  • hare - jumping, afraid;
  • wind - blows, makes noise;
  • the train is moving, humming, puffing;
  • the sun is shining, warming;
  • pencil – writes, strokes;
  • flower - grows, blooms;
  • chicken - pecking, clucking;
  • mosquito - squeaks, bites;
  • the kettle is boiling and whistling;
  • ball - jumping;
  • needle - sews, pricks;
  • the phone is ringing.

Educator: I am very pleased that you tried! Second task. I invite you to sit on the chairs.

Game educational situation “Making sentences”, “ Graphic representation proposals."
- Guys, now I’ll show you fairy tale hero, and you must name it and make any sentence of 3-4 words with this word. For example: hare ( the hare loves carrots). How many words does this sentence consist of? this sentence consists of 3 words, the child writes the outline of the sentence on the board \- — —).
Then the teacher shows in turn: a turnip; granddaughter; Bug.
Grandfather planted a turnip. Bug called the cat. Granddaughter for grandmother.
1) \- — — .
2) \- — -.
3) \- — — .
Educator: What fairy tale is this excerpt from? ("Turnip") Well done!

The child tears off the petal and reads the number. Vos-l "Fly, task N4."



The teacher reads the assignment. Physical education minute. Here we will warm up a little. We perform movements to the music.

The child tears off the petal and reads the number 5. Teacher “Fly, task N5.”



The teacher invites you to come to the tables and reads the task:
Task No. 1 The game is called "Who is attentive."

Educator: Okay guys! You have completed this task.

Educator: Task N2: “Which letter is missing? »

shk (o) la, mash (i) na, (h) ayats, bana (n), fox (a), mountain (o) d. You work using cards, and Dima is on the board. Let's check, is everyone like Dima?

Task No. 3 Game "Come up with a word with a given sound."
Listen carefully: mmmama, Rimma, comm. What is the same sound in all words? Now come up with a word with the sound “mmm” and mark the place of this sound in the word: at the beginning, middle or end. On card No. 2 ( completing the task). Let's check what words you came up with? Where is the sound? Well done guys, you did a good job with this task too.

The child tears off the petal and reads the number 6. Teacher “Fly, task N6.”



The teacher invites you. Now let's play, stand in a circle ( ball game). You pass the ball around while the tambourine sounds. The one of you who has the ball answers the question.
1. Mom has a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok, and a daughter Lyuba. How many children does mom have? (1).
2. What do crocodiles eat at the North Pole? (crocodiles don't live there).
3. Who moos louder: a rooster or a cow? (the rooster cannot moo).
4. What color is the bun's hair? (the bun has no hair).
5. What kind of dishes should you not eat from? (from empty).
6. Neighbors of the number 16.
7. How many days are there in a week?
8. How many months are there in a year?
9. Name the last month of winter.
10. Name the parts of the day. How many are there?
11. How many horns do 2 cows have? (4)
12.How many ears do 3 mice have?(6)

Listen to the task. We work using card N1

But first, remember the rule of measuring with a ruler (hold the ruler with your hand, start measuring from 0).

Card N2. Look at the picture and write down the problem. (The bear has 10 round balls and 3 oval ones). Ask a question about the problem. (How many balls does the bear have in total?) How many balls does the bear have in total? (13). Write and read the solution to the problem (10 + 3=13).

CardN3. Children receive individual cards With mathematical example where a digit is missing, they need to insert the desired number in place of the point.
3 + . = 5 4 – 2 = .
4 + . = 7 6 — . = 4
5 + 5 = . 10 — . = 3

The child tears off the petal and reads the number 7. Vos-l “Fly, fly... to task N7.”


Educator: Our journey is coming to an end. In the last task you need to put words out of letters, and put the words into a sentence. This will become your motto before school: “WE ARE READY FOR SCHOOL.”
(If that doesn’t work, a hint is that the letters in the word are the same color).
Educator: All tasks have been completed. You handled everything well.


Educator: Was it interesting for you, postman?
Postman: I had fun with you guys. But it's time for me to go to work, delivering mail.
Educator: Then stick it if you liked the smiley face. And if it was sad, uninteresting, boring, then add a sad note.
Postman: Goodbye.
Children: Goodbye.
(The postman goes into the locker room).
(Children paste sad emoticons on an easel, 2 sheets of A-4, round emoticons lie on the table).
Educator: Thanks to our guests, teachers, thanks to our children.
(Children say goodbye).

In the first task you will need to answer quiz questions.
Name the country we live in? (Russia).
— The main city of Russia? (Moscow).
— Colors of the Russian flag? (tricolor: white, blue, red).
- What is the name of the city in which you and I live? (Belgorod).
- Why is it called that? (because it is white and stands on the chalk mountains).
- Who can tell me the streets of our city? (Gubkina, Shalandina, Yesenina, Vatutina Ave., Korolev).
Educator: How much do you know about our homeland? But we are recovering further.

In this task we are asked to solve riddles.
Do you want it? And we will check the answer from the picture.
What animals were we talking about (wild).
You completed the task. I'm very glad!

Physical education minute. Here we will warm up a little.
We perform movements to the words of music.

Here we have several tasks. Listen to the first task: “I offer you ball game "Name the action" Stand in a circle, please. I call an object - you are an action that it can perform. For example: airplane - flies, soars.
Children stand in a circle; The teacher throws the ball one by one and asks questions.

  • hare - jumping, afraid;
  • wind - blows, makes noise;
  • the train is moving, humming, puffing;
  • the sun is shining, warming;
  • pencil – writes, strokes;
  • flower - grows, blooms;
  • chicken - pecking, clucking;
  • mosquito - squeaks, bites;
  • the kettle is boiling and whistling;
  • ball - jumping;
  • needle - sews, pricks;
  • the phone is ringing.

Educator: I am very pleased that you tried! Second task. I invite you to sit on the chairs.

“Making proposals”, “Graphical representation of proposals”. Guys, now I will show you a fairy-tale hero, and you must name him and make up any sentence of 3-4 words with this word. For example: hare (the hare loves carrots). How many words does this sentence consist of (this sentence consists of 3 words, the child writes the outline of the sentence on the board \- — —).
Then the teacher shows in turn: a turnip; granddaughter; Bug.
Grandfather planted a turnip. Bug called the cat. Granddaughter for grandmother.

The teacher invites you to come to the tables and reads the task:
Task No. 1 The game is called “Who is attentive.”
- I will show the letter (U, Yu, D, Sh, O, R, F, A). If it represents a vowel sound, you need to raise a red card; if it represents a consonant, then a blue card. (Completing the task).
Educator: Okay, guys! You have completed this task.

Educator: Task N2: “Which letter is missing? »
Read the words and write in place of the dot which letter is missing:
shk (o) la, mash (i) na, (h) ayats, bana (n), fox (a), mountain (o) d. You work using cards, and Dima is on the board. Let's check, is everyone like Dima?

Task No. 3 Game “Come up with a word with a given sound.”
Listen carefully: mmmama, Rimma, comm. What is the same sound in all words? Now come up with a word with the sound “mmm” and mark the place of this sound in the word: at the beginning, middle or end. On card No. 2 (completing the task). Let's check what words you came up with? Where is the sound? Well done guys, you did a good job with this task too.
The teacher invites you. Now let’s play, stand in a circle (ball game). You pass the ball around while the tambourine sounds. The one of you who has the ball answers the question.
1. Mom has a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok, and a daughter Lyuba. How many children does mom have? (1).
2. What do crocodiles eat at the North Pole? ( crocodiles don't live there).
3. Who moos louder: a rooster or a cow? ( the rooster can't moo).
4. What color is the bun's hair? ( the bun has no hair).
5. What kind of dishes should you not eat from? ( from empty).
6. Neighbors of the number 16.
7. How many days are there in a week?
8. How many months are there in a year?
9. Name the last month of winter.
10. Name the parts of the day. How many are there?
11. How many horns do 2 cows have? (4)
12.How many ears do 3 mice have?(6)

The teacher invites you to go to your desks.
Listen to the task. We work using card N1
The girl Zhenya carried bagels on a string and counted crows. A stray dog ​​stole all the bagels, and Zhenya was left with only a string. On a piece of paper you have drawn a string from the steering wheels. Measure the length of the string with a ruler and write the result in the box next to it.
But first, remember the rule of measuring with a ruler ( We hold the ruler with our hand and start measuring from 0).

Card N2. Look at the picture and write down the problem. ( The bear has 10 round balls and 3 oval ones). Ask a question about the problem. ( How many balls does the bear have in total?) How many balls does the bear have in total? ( 13 ). Write down and read the solution to the problem ( 10 + 3=13 ).

CardN3. Children receive individual cards with a mathematical example where a number is missing; they need to insert the correct number in place of the dot.
3 + . = 5 4 – 2 = .
4 + . = 7 6 — . = 4
5 + 5 = . 10 — . = 3
Zhenya is working on the board. Did everyone turn out like Zhenya?

Educator: Our journey is coming to an end.
In the last task you need to lay out words from letters,
and put the words into a sentence.
This will become your motto before school.
(If it doesn’t work, a hint -
letters in a word are the same color).
Educator: All tasks have been completed.
You handled everything well.

“Hello, dear children. School students are writing to you. You'll be going to school soon. Are you ready to go to school? By traveling to the land of knowledge and completing the last task, you will answer this question. Each petal of our flower has a task for you. By doing them consistently, you will take a journey to the land of knowledge.”

Educator: Did you, postman, have fun with us?
Postman: I had fun with you guys. But it's time for me to go to work, delivering mail.
Educator: Then stick it if you liked the emoticon. And if it was sad, uninteresting, boring, then add a sad note.
Postman: Goodbye.
Children: Goodbye.
(The postman goes into the locker room).
Educator: Guys, I invite you to express your opinion about today’s journey.

Teacher of category II Esipova Natalya Nikolaevna

Program content: create conditions for activity, independence, manifestation of a subjective position in cognitive activity; identify the level of knowledge of children in the following sections: mathematics, cognitive activity, literacy training, based on the criteria for the level of development of children in these sections.

Materials: travelers map, numbers from one to ten, chips, two magnetic boards, 10 magnets for each team, ball, steering wheel;
- for each team of children:

Mathematics: large geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle), story pictures for composing problems, sheets with segments, 8 triangles each, two rulers, a pencil, a pen, trays for handouts, numbers from one to ten, sheets with a picture for making shapes from triangles;
literacy: one word for a sound pattern, one set of syllables for a word, one set of words for a sentence;
cognitive activity: cards with questions on surrounding ideas (see appendix to the lesson).
- for each parent team:
mathematics: sheets in a cage, pen;
literacy: a set of letters;
cognitive activity card with questions about the surrounding reality (see appendix to the lesson)

Lesson structure.
Introductory part.
Children enter the group.
Educator: Children, let's say hello to the guests who came to travel with us.
Guys, where can you travel? (children offer different guesses).
Educator: Guys, what countries do you know? (children list)
What is the name of our country? (children's answer)
And if you dream, a kindergarten can be considered a country?
Let's give this country a name. (bring the children to the name “country of preschool children”). And every country has different cities.
Then we can say that in our country “Country of Preschool Children” there are three wonderful cities: Soschitaika - the city of mathematics, Chitaika - the city of literacy, Poznavaika - the city in which we learn a lot and learn to live in friendship with the outside world.
Today I invite you to show our guests these cities that will lead us to what country do you think? (lead to the answer - “Country of first-graders”). Our parents will also travel with us and will help us on our journey.
Educator: But in order to get to the country of first-graders, you need to be attentive, smart, smart, friendly, and do a lot of things correctly different obstacles. Aren't you scared?
And so we set off. And this map will help us with this.

Main part.
Part 1. Mathematics.
The announcement reads on the tape recording:
“Bus number 9 leaves for the city of Soschitaika.
You can get on this bus with tickets, but only in pairs, the numbers on the tickets must add up to 9.”
(children should split up in pairs and bring the numbers in pairs that make up the number 9).
Our bus needs to find a driver, he will be the one who tells me a number consisting of one ten and five units (children's answers, the one who named first sits in the driver's seat).
We also need a conductor; he will be the one who tells me the number of two tens and three units (children’s answer).
Dear conductor, please check the passengers' tickets.
(children take their seats on the “bus”)
Educator: And while you and I are driving to the city of Soschitaika, we’ll play a game
“Name the neighbors” (with a ball)
We've arrived.
Look at the two tables and the geometric shapes on them. How are they different from each other? (lead to division into teams)
(on geometric figures different tasks)
Educator: Now guess the task, which one geometric figure are we going to do it now?

Circle. Picture problems.
It is necessary not only to solve the problem correctly, but also to be able to tell it. Highlighting its components (condition, question, solution, answer)
Logical tasks (two tasks for each team)
(Riddle about the square)
Square. Measuring and comparing numbers.
It is necessary to connect two points using a ruler and measure the resulting segment and the existing segment and compare the numbers using the greater than, less than, equal signs.
(riddle about the triangle)
Triangle. Game with triangles.
Look carefully at the drawing and make it up.
(children are given a chip for completing tasks correctly)

What a great fellow you are, you have completed all the tasks proposed by the city of Soschitaika, you can send it to the next city, where we will fly on a cloud. And while you are resting on this cloud, your parents will also complete tasks.
1 task – logic puzzles.
Task 2 – graphic dictation.

Part 2. Certificate.
On the tables for both teams, different tasks are offered based on the material covered in literacy (three tables for each team and one common table). Children complete the task on the first table and move to the next table; when the tasks are completed, the children, together with the teacher, check whether the tasks were completed correctly. For correct execution, the team receives a token. Then the teams come to the common table and complete the task: “Make a proposal according to the diagram”, in this task you can make more offers and collect more chips.
First task: Make a sound diagram of the word.
Team 1 – the word “book”.
Team 2 – the word “sounds”.
Second task: Compose a word from syllables and add stress.
1st command – the word “peek-a-boo”.
Team 2 – the word “ma-shin-ka”.
Third task: Make a sentence out of words.
Children must form a sentence correctly (each child holds one word, and they are formed from left to right, facing their parents). When the sentence is constructed, you can suggest constructing a sentence by swapping words.
Team 1 – sentence “Warm summer will come soon.”
Team 2 – sentence “The first flowers bloom in spring.”
Common table: four sheets of sound diagrams.
Both teams approach the tables at the same time and make sentences at speed.
The teacher sums up the results of the literacy game.
Then the children are asked to sit on chairs and listen to how their parents answer.

Assignments for parents
"Make a word." (there are letters on the tables in front of the parents, parents are asked questions, they must choose the correct letter, and form the word “School” from 5 letters)
1. The first consonant sound with which the name of a large-horned animal begins, which gives useful product, from which you can make an omelet. (Cow)
2. The second vowel is the sound of the hard surface on which we walk. (Floor)
3. The vowel sound with which the name of the science that studies the structure of man begins. (Anatomy)
4. The first vowel sound of the name of a flower that is undressed by the wind. (Dandelion)
5. The first or last consonant sound of a forest house built from branches, where there is a sweet paradise. (ShalaSH)
Summing up the results of this competition.
Educator: To get to the city of Poznavaika, you need to solve a riddle. (riddle about a book)

Part 3. Cognitive block.
Each team answers questions within 1 minute.
For each correct answer, the team receives one chip.
The game is played with parents using the same principle.

The final part.
Summing up.
Educator: So we have reached the country of First-Graders.
And here is your first bell, it welcomes you. I'm glad that you and I were able to reach this country with good results, and I think that in this country you will only study at……..(children finish).
You see, dear parents, your children promise to study only for four and five, and I think you will help them with this.

Questions for children.
1. Tea vessel? (kettle)
2. Where does rain come from? (cloud)
3. Layout globe? (globe)
4. Who builds dams on the river? (beaver)
5. What do you open in the morning when you go to wash? (tap)
6. Name the largest sea animal? (whale)
7. Where does a camel live? (desert)
8. What do fish breathe? (gills)
9. What are people who fish called? (fisherman)
10. An insect that looks like a helicopter? (dragonfly)
11. A house floating on water? (ship)
12. What is the name of the city where you live? (Berezniki)
13. Bird's house? (nest)
14. Why does the water in the river heat up? (Sun)
15. Who flies the plane? (pilot)
16. Is the fox wild or domestic? (wild)
17. The longest nosed boy? (Pinocchio)
18. Where does the river flow? (sea)
19. Name the first cosmonaut? (Gagarin)
20. Who has a hump on his back? (camel)
21. What are they filled with? balloons? (by air)
22. Is a tree always green? (spruce)
23. What is the name of the huge flash of electricity sparkling between the clouds? (lightning)
24. What does a cactus have instead of leaves? (spines)
25. What does a bear do in winter? (sleeping)
26. Glass house for fish? (aquarium)
27. What is the coldest time of the year? (winter)
28. Who has needles on his back? (hedgehog)
29. What is the car powered by? (petrol)
30. What is another name for a pig's nose? (nickel)
31. What does a drop turn into when heated? (steam)
32. What is the name of the game played with a stick and puck? (hockey)
33. Who is the mouse afraid of? (cat)
34. What day is it today? (...)
35. Where does the polar bear live? (north)
36. What does water turn into when it freezes? (ice)
37. What do we hear? (ear)
38. How does a fox cover his tracks? (tail)
39. When is it hot outside? (in summer)
40. Name the baby of the sheep? (lamb)
41. What can you use to cross the river? (boat)
42. What number does the count begin with? (one)
43. Who is called the king of beasts? (lion)
44. What color is the water? (colorless)
45. Who has a house in a hollow? (squirrel)
46. ​​What is the name of the president of our country? (Putin)
47. A device for cleaning dust in the house? (vacuum cleaner)
48. Which bird stands on one leg? (heron)
49. What does the wind drive across the sea? (wave)
50. What do you call your mother's father? (grandfather)
51. Who has a trunk instead of a nose? (elephant)
52. What remains on the asphalt after rain? (puddle)
53. What are teeth used for? (chew)
54. What animal likes to howl at the moon? (wolf)
55. How do you wash off soap? (water)
56. Who wears the dress? (girl)
57. Who has long ears? (hare)
58. Name a car with horns? (trolleybus)
59. What bird can be taught to speak? (parrot)
60. Name a predator. (...)
61. How can you draw? (pencil,..)
62. Why does tea become sweet? (sugar)
63. An insect that looks like a flower? (butterfly)
64. Where can you swim in winter? (pool)
65. Does a snake have paws? (No)
66. What grows upside down in winter? (icicle)
67. Which animal has the longest neck? (giraffe)
68. Who works underwater? (diver)
69. Predatory sea animal? (shark)
70. What does our country call it? (Russia)

Questions for parents.
1. Small sea in the house? (bath)
2. A device with which a person breathes under water? (scuba)
3. A stream of water coming out of the ground? (fountain)
4. How do fish reproduce? (caviar)
5. Does a polar bear swim? (Yes)
6. Name the most high mountain on the planet? (Everest)
7. Earth satellite? (moon)
8. What is the name of a huge piece of ice in the ocean? (Iceberg)
9. What is a camel’s hump filled with? (fat)
10. The most cold continent on the planet? (Antarctica)
11. Air layer surrounding the earth? (atmosphere)
12. Capital of Mexico? (Mexico City)
13. Where is it colder in the mountains at the top or at the bottom? (at the top)
14. What animal changes its color? (chameleon)
15. penguin is a bird or animal (bird)
16. Measure of time? (...)
17. Which animal is the tallest? (giraffe)
18. The most sour fruit? (lemon)
19. Last month year? (December)
20. What dissolves in cold water faster: salt or sugar? (salt)
21. According to children, who is the fattest writer? (Tolstoy)
22. What is pochepops? (chupachups)

23. The capital of our country? (Moscow)
24. Is watermelon a fruit or a vegetable? (berry)
25. What animal sleeps upside down all its life? (bat)
26. Is iris a flower or a candy? (flower)
27. Is a ruff a bird? (fish)
28. Is night a part of the day or a season? (part of the day)
29. Where is it more convenient for a hare to run: downhill or uphill? (uphill)
30. Author of the work “Eugene Onegin”? (Pushkin)
31. Finish the proverb “It’s good when visiting...” (but at home it’s better)
32. Snow granddaughter of Santa Claus? (Snow Maiden)
33. Dust collector? (vacuum cleaner)
34. What is the first month of the year? (January)
35. Which insect lays its eggs on water? (dragonfly)
36. Who is your husband's mother? (mother-in-law)
37. What is your zodiac sign? (...)
38. What day is April 1st called? (April Fool's Day)
39. A device that keeps liquid hot? (plate)
40. The place where the baby kangaroo sits? (pocket)
41. Children's doctor? (pediatrician)
42. A device that helps study the sky and stars? (telescope)
43. Does a wooden spoon sink? (Yes)
44. What kind of water is in the sea? (salty)
45. “The children are talking.”
46. ​​What is the name of the street, which, according to the children, is named after the scientist who breaks noses? (Lomonosov)
47. What does fart mean? (bought)

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