How to get rid of the fear inside. How to get rid of fear: folk advice

You know well what fear is - it is your longtime companion. He has been with you since childhood. Fear of the dark, chilling a child's soul. Fear of losing parents, fear of death. It's so scary to know from childhood that death exists and you have to die. Excruciatingly scary...

Fear... You don't know how, when and why it took over your consciousness. Since then your life has become painful. You can't free your mind from negative thoughts, fear follows you everywhere. He lives in you, in your head. He is always with you. You would like more than anything to forget about him, but you don’t know how to get rid of the feeling of fear and anxiety for yourself or someone close to you, how to get rid of constant panic fear waiting for something terrible to happen. You are tense, tormented, exhausted...

And those nightmarish obsessive thoughts that create pictures in your imagination that scare you more than anything else? From these thoughts, cold sweat appears on your body, you are ready to lose consciousness. It's better to die than think about it. But thought is material, you remember this and are ready to kill yourself so that your terrible thoughts do not materialize, so that this nightmare from your head does not bring real harm to anyone. You resist these thoughts with all the strength of your consciousness, conduct meditations to get rid of fear - no, you won’t think about it, you won’t allow yourself! But this only puts you into colossal tension, unpleasant, painful - even your body begins to hurt from this mental intensity. And your terrible obsessive thoughts - they are still greater strength creep into your consciousness. How to get rid of bad ones obsessive thoughts and fears? After all, there must be some way, it can’t be that there isn’t!

How to get rid of fear of people, men, the dark, dogs... Fear comes in all forms

You know well what fear is - it is your longtime companion. He has been with you since childhood. Fear of the dark, chilling a child's soul. Fear of losing parents, fear of death. It's so scary to know from childhood that death exists and you have to die. Excruciatingly scary. You're so used to fear that it feels like it's part of you. Therefore, you have no idea how you can get rid of inner fear and uncertainty forever.

But what is happening now is unbearable! You can't live like that...

Yes, fear has always been with you, it only changed its appearance. Or didn't change it. The main thing for him is to live in your head under any pretext. You may be afraid of heights, water, snakes, insects, dogs - he doesn’t care. by and large. You may seem funny to other people when you are afraid of germs in your public transport. But it’s not funny for you - there are so many diseases in the world that you can get infected with! And be sick for a long time, and die painfully... You don’t know how to get rid of worries and fears in life, so you follow their lead. Do not touch the handrails in the minibus; carry antibacterial wipes with you. You wash your hands a thousand times a day.

By the way, about diseases. Who can tell me how to get rid of the fear of getting sick? Sometimes you feel like you're sick. This has happened often in your life. You carefully monitor your body, your health... And suddenly you see that something has changed. You look for information about this on the Internet and find confirmation: yes, you are sick. Seriously. Looks like your song is over. How terrible it is to get sick in such early age! You are only 20 (30, 40, 50...). Become disabled, lose your health, and even worse - die after a difficult struggle for life. And how afraid you are of pain, torment, of everything that has to be experienced - you are afraid to the point of pain in your heart. To tears. You can't sleep at night, you're so afraid.

You have already prepared for the worst, bought everything you need to take with you to the hospital and... the doctors did not confirm your diagnosis. They didn't find anything. You can’t believe it and go to other doctors! But even there they tell you that you are completely healthy! You cry with happiness, because you won’t die or become disabled! But... what was that? Hypochondria is one of the faces of your old friend FEAR. I would like to understand how to get rid of the fear of illness and pain, and what diseases there are - how to get rid of all fears...

A painful question: how to get rid of fears and complexes?

No matter what happens in your life, fear always makes its own adjustments. Even wonderful events are overshadowed by fear. For example, you are afraid of losing something. Something or someone.

If you are in love, and even mutually, and even happy, this happiness does not last long. Fear drags into your consciousness the thought that your loved one may stop loving you, abandon you, or cheat on you with someone else. Your fear helpfully paints pictures in your imagination, painful pictures of betrayal. There she (he) is with someone else, and it seems to you that her (his) behavior is actually suspicious. She (he) pays little attention to you, at least less than before. Stopped loving (fell out of love)? You are tormented by jealousy, suspicion, and fear of abandonment. You throw up scenes of jealousy, sort things out, and your beloved (beloved) looks at you with round eyes in surprise and says that you have no reason to be jealous.

You see that you yourself, with your own hands, are gradually destroying your great relationship, making them sick and painful. You're ruining yours great love. And it’s always like this: first you don’t know how to get rid of the fear of approach, then - how to get rid of the fear of betrayal, and there is no end to this... Fear always guides you, lives with you, screams at you, makes you hysterical, is jealous of you...

Fear prevents you from living. It brings suffering to you and your loved ones. Get rid of fear! Make him leave your consciousness forever. Because it's possible.

System-vector psychology. How to get rid of fear and phobias

So, what is the technique for getting rid of fear?

Systemic psychoanalysis by Yuri Burlan helps to get rid of fears guaranteed and forever. Many people have already used this method and received excellent and lasting results, got rid of a variety of bad conditions, including phobias, obsessive fears, panic attacks.

How does this work?

System-vector psychology is the science of vectors, innate desires and mental properties for their implementation, which are indicated on the human body by erogenous zones. If a person is not aware of his true, innate desires, he will not realize them. Then the vectors (that is, the psychic hidden in the unconscious) are not filled, and the person experiences bad states.

You can try systemic psychoanalysis in action completely free of charge at the introductory online lectures “System-vector psychology”. To register for the training, go to.

Proofreader: Galina Rzhannikova

The article was written based on the training materials “ System-vector psychology»

How to get rid of fear is a question that worries many who feel the influence of all kinds of phobias and negative states psyches associated with them. The article describes the methods, techniques and techniques that help to overcome fears.

When dwelling on the peculiarities of the psychology of phobias, it is necessary to focus on the factors that distinguish them from fears as ordinary emotional manifestations of a person:

  • intensity: in phobias it is significant in magnitude (from increased emotional agitation to all-consuming horror) and is tied to specific thoughts, circumstances and objects;
  • sustainability: phobias are permanent and do not go away spontaneously;
  • unreasonableness: phobias are characterized by groundless, groundless experiences and anxieties at the level of expectations;
  • life restrictions: fear is surmountable and a person can do without everyday restrictions; with phobias, an individual necessarily has a tendency not to be a participant in certain events and situations.

Phobias have a pronounced biopsychosocial nature. It is the joint causes - from the point of view of biological, psychological and social foundations, determine the emergence and existence of phobias.

Influence and role

When describing the experiences of a phobia, it should be said that it is not the individual who controls his condition (fear), but on the contrary - fear controls the person’s personality.

All behavioral manifestations, every action or decision of a person become dependent on the phobia:

  1. The individual suffers from obsessive thoughts that traumatize him mental state. When encountering an object of fear, emotions with extremely negative manifestations are experienced, including thoughts of death or a feeling of loss of the ability to think rationally.
  2. The instinct of self-preservation takes on hypertrophied forms - danger is seen where there really is none, as a result, a person is even inclined to fall into a stupor - a special physical and mental state of the body when external stimuli do not produce the proper response.
  3. The harmful effect of fear on a person is that it can transform - fear changes its form, but retains its general image. It's like a well-recognized melody - we identify it, even if we hear it performed out of tune. So is a phobia - even small details that are associated with it can knock a person out of the usual flow of life.

How to get rid of fear

Methods, techniques and technologies that help reduce the paralyzing and discouraging effect of phobias help to get rid of fear and anxiety.

Experts in the field of overcoming phobias insist that a person who is “taught” to be afraid (due to social influence, psychological trauma in childhood and later in life), must also systematically and persistently “learn not to be afraid.”


The most common methods of releasing fears are as follows:

  1. Overcoming fear with constant action, single and successive steps. It's about about gradual work on the phobia, which contributes to “getting used to” the fear. If a person has a fear of heights and is terrified at the mere thought of air travel, it is necessary to adapt to the height: any minimal step will help - go up to the 6th floor and carefully look out the window (following safety rules, of course!). By gradually increasing this “load”, the individual will be able to change his reaction to height.
  2. Reducing the “value” of the object of fear. In the mind of a person with a phobia, there is an excessive significance of the object of anxiety and worry. This state of affairs forces us to spend a lot of moral energy where it should not be done. A thorough, detailed (in detail) analysis of the subject of fear and an attempt to simplify your attitude towards it as much as possible will help you gain confidence.
  3. Spontaneity in actions, decisions and deeds. A person’s uncertainty is facilitated by preliminary experiences: the situation has not yet arrived, but the individual has already experienced a range of negative feelings about the negative development of events, expectations to experience fear again. You should not first replay upcoming actions in your head - this only arouses anxiety and fear; it is more important to have an outline of thoughts, but not to succumb to thoughts of “how scary it will be,” but to act arbitrarily and instinctively, only reacting to the situation here and now.
  4. A striking example from life- the best guide to getting rid of fear. The example of behavior of a confident and experienced person in similar exciting circumstances helps to overcome your inner fear, anxiety and fear. Here the internal limitation (the barrier of the unknown) – the motivator of fear – is removed. It turns out that in similar situations You can behave easily, naturally and confidently, without any fear. Here the overcoming of formed complexes, patterns and stereotypes of behavior of a person with a phobia occurs.
  5. Relaxation– both physical and mental. The feeling of panic, characteristic of many phobias, concerns not only mental properties, but also relates to physiology. Muscle tightness causes a person to shrink mentally. When the body relaxes, the mind also relaxes. This dependence also applies in reverse side. The best option is to avoid tension in the body and remain relatively relaxed. Then a person’s mental capabilities will also allow him to fight fears.
  6. Method of understanding. It assumes the ability to analyze and realize one’s own pros and cons that exist within each person when assessing a situation or life in general. We are talking about the actual fear of acting if there is no deep confidence that the individual really needs it. It is important to understand what motivates or displeases a person more - the fear of experiencing fear again or the fear of not being able to cope with it if you resist. Weighing the positives and negatives will allow you to make informed decisions.
  7. Method of knowing yourself. By studying one's own capabilities and limitations, a person finds support in himself. Such objectivity allows one to overcome suspiciousness and unreasonable self-esteem and makes it possible to resist groundless fears.


Fear that arises outside the instinct of self-preservation is considered far-fetched and pathological, giving rise to depression and stress.

Several technical techniques will allow you to avoid such far-fetchedness:

  • shutdown negative thinking – involves overcoming a fixation on the negative: the “switch” technique – mentally imagining obsessive fear in the form of a switch and abruptly turning it off with a jerk downwards (once it’s gone, the main thing is to imagine it clearly and in detail);
  • an easy way to avoid fear– breathing: “inhale courage and exhale fear”, the technique is based on the dependence of the physiological manifestations of fear (rapid heartbeat, intermittent breathing, sweating) on ​​rationally organized calming breathing (inhale – light hold – exhale, twice the inhalation time);

  • action in response to anxiety and excitement: in the case when a person undertakes to do something that he is afraid of, a special energy force arises - drive, it is under its influence that a person can realize himself on the path of overcoming fear (an individual is afraid of an audience - he must undertake to speak in front of it at every opportunity);
  • we drive out like like: fear can be frightened by oneself - the technique is based on the fact that a person independently causes the accompanying fear physiological reactions(rapid breathing, increased heartbeat), thereby destroying the holistic image of the fear reaction, emotions are more conscious and controlled;
  • play a role: a person’s subconscious attitudes regarding fear can be overcome by role-playing confident person– the shoulders straighten, the “emperor’s posture” is assumed, the chin rises high, a smile appears on the lips; If you hold this physiological state in yourself for a few seconds, the brain will respond to the actions of the body and the fear will go away.

Consolidating success

It is possible to overcome fear quickly and forever only if permanent job over yourself and your personality. It is important to constantly work on your own self-esteem:

  1. Every single victory is recorded – even small and seemingly insignificant ones.
  2. The causes of failures are analyzed and, based on the results of the analysis, a scenario for achieving success is drawn up.
  3. The creation of self-support will significantly affect the situation in the fight against phobias. This may be faith in science and explanations of all its phenomena. Or faith in higher powers who will not leave and will always help. The main thing is confidence in a positive outcome and hope for a favorable result while making the most of your own capabilities.
  4. Focus on positive emotions. Love for to a loved one– a lot is overcome for her sake. Smiling from the heart and complimenting others will also allow you to feel positive in return.

Video: 3 ways to get rid of fear

Fear is a feeling that is present in every person. There are different fears: for the children, for my health, fear of heights, confined space, fear of spiders and so on.

If you're afraid, it means you can avoid it discomfort. Fears within reasonable limits warn against unnecessary actions and actions.

But what to do when fear has completely filled your existence? Are you afraid? And these thoughts become obsessive and fill your entire consciousness and existence. That is, they turn into phobias. How to get rid of such fear? About this - in the material.

Where do fears and phobias come from?

Fears psychologists divide into two main groups:

  • rational;
  • irrational.

The first ones exist in every person and are transmitted at the gene level. They help a person avoid danger, save the life of himself or his loved ones. For example, you wouldn’t hang from the railing of a balcony on the 7th floor.

For what? After all, this is life-threatening - you can fall and crash. These same rational fears They will not force you to approach something dangerous: a poisonous snake, a predator, an angry dog. Therefore, such fears perform their functions:

But the second group - irrational fears- make a person afraid of something that actually isn’t there. These are far-fetched fears. How do they appear?

When a person does not decide something internal problems, puts it off until later, is afraid of something in reality. But if you don’t work on yourself, this fear becomes deformed and goes into the subconscious, causing irrational fear.

For example, a young man was always afraid of people, of society, had complexes and could not find common language with peers. But constantly internally put aside this fear that worried him: “Then I’ll think about what to do with it.”

Over time, the real fear went into the subconscious. And an irrational fear appeared - fear of heights. Now this young man is afraid to even stand on a chair.

This - imaginary fear, which, as a result of the deformation of his fear - fear of people and not being up to par in communicating with them - turned into such a far-fetched fear - fear of heights.

What is dangerous about living in fear and how to overcome this feeling? Find out from the video:

Types of phobias

Long-term, unreasonable fear in psychology it is called a phobia.

This fear leads to prolonged anxiety and anticipation of the worst.

A person's personality begins to deform. Fear follows him everywhere.

There is no need to delay this situation, since further pathological changes in consciousness occur, which can lead to mental illness. All human phobias can be divided into main classes:

  • Aichmophobia - fear of sharp objects;
  • - water;
  • social phobia - society;
  • - heights;
  • - animal;
  • - confined space;
  • ethnophobia - a certain race, and so on.

Is it possible to fight on your own?

Man is a rational being. He can analyze his states and emotions. Therefore, he can cope with his fears and phobias on his own.

Main to overcome fears and anxiety:

  1. Human desire.
  2. Ability to analyze.
  3. Ability to make correct conclusions.
  4. Work on yourself.

If you feel like you can't do it alone, consult a psychologist, which will offer you several methods of getting rid of fears and phobias.

If you feel strong. Then begin to independently get rid of unnecessary fears and worries that prevent you from living.

To do this:

  1. Be honest with yourself about what it is that scares you.
  2. Learn to relax as much as possible during a surge of fear.
  3. While relaxing, try to understand whether everything is really so scary and unpredictable.
  4. Try to relax as much as possible and breathe properly and calmly.

The most difficult thing in getting rid of phobias on your own is being able to relax. To do this they will help you:

  • music;
  • soothing sounds;
  • uniform, calm breathing;
  • comfortable position;
  • the ability to imagine yourself at this moment in the most favorable environment for yourself.

Not everyone is able to relax and gradually minimize fear. Therefore, a psychologist in this situation is your best assistant.

At correct implementation such sessions fear will decrease, and literally in a month you will not feel even bouts of fear.

How does fear or anxiety manifest itself, how does it affect a person and how to get rid of it? Psychologist's comment:

What methods does treatment include?

How to cure or suppress fear? At professional approach treatment of experiences a number of modern techniques - starting from hypnosis and ending with medication techniques.

But if you consult a specialist in time, and medications are not indicated for you, then the specialist can use other methods of treating fears:

  1. Desensitization is a kind of processing of situations that cause fear.
  2. Exposure is confronting fear eye to eye.
  3. Humor is the ability to laugh at your fears and at yourself.
  4. Progressive muscle relaxation.
  5. Included modeling - replaying a situation that causes fear.

Therapy using virtual reality - transferring fear to play with fictional or fairy tales actors, which do not exist in nature.

The doctor may also suggest putting everything on paper and drawing diagrams. different situations and ways out of them. Then it will be visually clear that there are actually many exits - choose any one.

May be offered technique with the inclusion of logic, when all fears are depicted schematically, a diagram of options for overcoming them will be proposed.

Reasoning logically, the patient will ultimately come to the conclusion that fears are only in his head, they do not exist anywhere else. They are far-fetched and far from reality.

Basic principles in overcoming

I’m afraid of everything: how can I fight this?

Depending on the reasons for the appearance of fears, and, as a rule, all fears from childhood, you need to identify the basic methodology for working with this fear.

But for any reason and any technique there are certain principles for overcoming fear:

  1. Get away from negative thoughts.
  2. Think more about the positive.
  3. Start dreaming about something.
  4. Set yourself a goal.
  5. Catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, stop and turn them into positive mood(For example, I can't go with a friend now, but I will definitely do it after class).
  6. Take bad news as a change for the better.
  7. Give in even negative events with the thought “this means this is necessary for some reason.”
  8. Know how to laugh at yourself - funny means not scary.
  9. Don't stop there, move on.

How to remove anxiety and fear from the subconscious at home? Hypnosis session:

Unfortunately, our telecommunications are filled with horror films, these include films, games, such as zombies, street posters, pictures on the Internet, and so on.

We can see something terrible and forget for a while about this.

But then terrible pictures appear in my head, and fear appears. The first thing to do is to enable logic. Sit down calm down and ask yourself 3 questions:

  1. Why am I thinking about this now?
  2. What prompted me to these thoughts?
  3. What was the root cause of this thinking?

Answering these questions, you will understand that, for example, a recently watched horror film has been reformatted into terrible images and fear.

Draw the right conclusion - give up what excites your consciousness and makes it paint unpleasant, terrifying pictures.

From self-hypnosis

When talking about the psychosomatic nature of the disease, doctors mean the psychological and mental state of the person that provoked the disease. Doctors believe that all diseases come from a condition nervous system. That's why the main conditions for good health and absence of fears:

  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • the ability to relieve stress through physical exercise;
  • active lifestyle;
  • proper nutrition.

Get rid of self-hypnosis, including fears, possibly in different ways:

  1. Think more positive.
  2. Get to the root of the fear and write down the main reason on a piece of paper. Then get rid of this reason by working on yourself with the help of specialists or on your own.
  3. Keep yourself busy with something new and interesting.
  4. Read more positive literature, watch good films.
  5. See difficulties as necessary experiences in your life.

In other words, run away from negativity, look for positivity even in not very attractive things, set yourself up in a positive way, organize your thinking so that you are always in a good mood.

For anxiety and internal tension

Anxiety can occur periodically in a person when stressful situation , then if anxiety is your constant companion, then psychologists talk about the so-called anxious person, who is already worried without reason - out of habit.

Arises internal tension, which may be accompanied by sweating, fever, and pain symptoms. This situation must be prevented. To do this:

There are a lot of ways to get away from negativity. Don't let fear get into your head. Overcome yourself, work on yourself, every little victory will help drive everything away negative thoughts and make room for:

  • dreams;
  • joy;
  • love.


What to do to overcome feelings of anxiety? Exercises to relieve anxiety in adults:

Love yourself, because you are alone, so unique, individual, unusual, talented.

Don't be afraid to be who you are. Naturalness has always attracted people and pushed aside fears, doubts, and anxiety.

How to overcome fear and anxiety within yourself? Exercise:

If you have an irrational fear of something, subconscious anxiety or a phobic disorder, then here you can find out how to get rid of these negative feelings and conditions, and, if necessary, undergo treatment for fears, phobias and anxiety online.
Fear- innate emotion, i.e. Nature itself has instilled in us a feeling of fear - which means we need it to survive. And this is true, because it is the emotion of fear, caused in a real situation dangerous to life and health, that gives us the strength and energy to survive, i.e. when we are afraid, we are ready to run away or attack the enemy, to confront the threat.

In the process of education and development people's fears can turn into “fake”, fictitious, internal, subconscious... such fears accumulate in the depths of the psyche and become phobias and neurotic personality disorders.

How to get rid of fear, how to overcome, overcome your phobias

The main human fears and phobias that people want to get rid of, overcome and overcome:
Human phobias - list (with explanations)

  • Social fears (social phobia)
    • Fear of speaking in public, stage fright
  • Fear of sex (more precisely, sexual failure)
  • Constant fears and anxieties (as if for no reason)
  • Physical fears, such as fear of nausea and vomiting...

List "far-fetched" human fears you can endlessly... but these are still fears and people - they are felt as an emotion of fear or a state of anxiety... BUT

Lots of people have a bunch negative emotions, feelings and sensations, general emotional and psychological states that greatly interfere with living happily, but are not regarded by a person as fear.

For example, such concepts as indecision, shyness (timidity), lack of self-confidence... complexes and loneliness;

Such “invented” (not innate) feelings as guilt, resentment, jealousy, envy, revenge and hatred, gloating, pity...inappropriate anger...

Such human behavior as aggression (verbal or physical), withdrawal into oneself... overt and hidden lies, betrayal and betrayal, rudeness, humiliation and insult of others... self-destructive behavior and suicide... sycophancy and idolatry...

The list could go on for a long time - but the point is that under these feelings, emotions and behavior of a person - one, an entire people or a country - there is hidden fear, misinterpreted, far-fetched fear - main fear person that he might not survive... those. fear of death, fear of dying

Many people turn to psychologists with questions: How to overcome fear? How to overcome fear? to stop being nervous and afraid?

The answer is clear: There is no need to get rid of fear as such - it is created by nature and is necessary for survival. But you need to get rid of incorrect interpretations of “scary” situations, change your thinking and unconscious deep-seated beliefs and beliefs based on illusions and distortions of reality, which cause a feeling of fear and corresponding behavior and physiological reactions of the body.

In a word, what prevents you from living happily, growing personally, becoming successful and creating harmonious close relationships is not fear itself, but erroneous thoughts and ideas in your head (essentially fantasies), which include artificial fear... Change your thinking and the pictures in your head - there will be no fear...

If you have already accumulated “scary” images and emotions in your unconscious, then in order to overcome your fear and get rid of it forever, you need the help of a psychotherapist (you can do it online) to work through the accumulated negative images and emotions...

If you want to get rid of fear, overcome and overcome your fear once and for all, then sign up for an online appointment with a psychoanalyst - right here and now!

Psychoanalyst Oleg Vyacheslavovich Matveev will help you get rid of any fear, obvious and hidden in the subconscious, and you will also be able to overcome not only fear, but also its external manifestations in the form of negative emotions, feelings and behavior...
Online psychotherapy for fears and phobias - make an appointment

Fear is a holding anchor.

You need to gather all your strength to fight him and defeat him.

We need to understand that fear does not easily slow us down or prevent progress.

He does not allow us to move forward at all. Many people know absolutely nothing about how to overcome fears and insecurities.

Examples of how fear limits people:

  • If you are afraid to speak English, you will never speak it.
    Until you close your questions about how to overcome fear in yourself, it will continue to keep you silent.
  • If you're afraid to fight, which means in right moment you won't be able to protect your close friends in battle.
  • If you are afraid of losing your husband or wife, guy or girl, you will never become his or her ideal as long as fear lives in you.
    Ultimately, your fear of losing your partner will only push him away, and you will break up only because your fate was initially determined by a fear that you could not cope with.

Constant feelings of anxiety and fear greatly limit and hold us back in many aspects of life.

Overcome it and rewrite the script of your life.

Leave the heavy anchors of fear behind and experience the full joy of life.

Where do these phobias come from, the reasons for their appearance?

1. False beliefs and concepts, incorrect perception of the world

All your obsessive and restless thoughts are taken away from false beliefs and concepts in my head.

If there are no false beliefs and concepts, then there are no disorders or experiences.

Watch them, notice them in yourself, and they will begin to clean up. This way, you will worry less and less about how to get rid of fear and uncertainty.

2. Faith and feeding this feeling by the person himself

You can't overcome fear until you let him be in charge and as long as you believe in him.

If you believe in fear, it will only increase. And then your treatment constant feeling fear and anxiety will be useless, because the conviction of their existence will only intensify.

Remember that fear in psychology is just an emotion. This emotion shouldn't affect you.

3. Doubts about something unknown and unknown

When something new and unknown awaits a person, the process of evaluating yourself begins. When you evaluate yourself, your strength is called into question.

When evaluating yourself, there is an unnecessary need to always reinforce and confirm this assessment.

Jump into this unknown with pleasure, go towards something new.

In fact, It is the unknown that opens up new horizons, it is there that there is life and new space for growth opens up.

Get out of your comfort zone more often, strive to experience the unknown and no longer think about how to get rid of phobias on your own.

4. Self-preservation instinct - your cowardly self

Every feeling we have is based on evolution, and is rooted in self-preservation instinct. The reason for the appearance of feelings of fear and anxiety is precisely this instinct.

  • If you are feeling jealous, then this is one of the manifestations of the instinct of self-preservation.
    Jealousy protects you from sexually transmitted diseases, which can be fatal.
  • If you are lazy, laziness saves you strength in case of attack by a predator, so that you are ready to flee or fight with fresh forces at any moment.
  • Even love is a feeling aimed at preserving life. If you are in love, it gives you a purpose in life that overshadows everything else.
    Love makes the process of procreation pleasant and free from problems. Lovers simply close their eyes to problems.

Love is a feeling that makes sure that nothing interferes with the reproduction of individuals.

Every feeling that we have has a main purpose - save the lives of us and our family.

Fear is just one of these feelings. Know the reason for its appearance, and you will no longer be so bothered by thoughts about how to deal with the fear of death.

After all, this is a simple instinct of self-preservation.

1. Understand that there is nothing valuable in life to cling to.

There is really nothing in life that you can truly cling to.

If you dig deep, then for people, in fact, the most valuable thing is simply sensations (pleasures, good emotions).

But they don't create much value.

To get rid of it forever constant fear, you need to be a free person inside.

People do everything in the world for the sake of sensations, good emotion, tactile pleasures.

All human evolution is a race for emotions and sensations.

People are driven by emotions, they want to experience them.

Hence they are afraid of losing them, people cling and depend on sensations and emotions.

See the world with your own with my own eyes, and not through the eyes of society.

Otherwise, you will remain shy and timid all your life. Read more about how to remove shyness and modesty, We .

A person’s inaction and inactivity determine the degree of development of his cowardice

Fear is like a virus; it cannot be measured. But you can judge it by the body's reactions.

Antibodies are produced to the virus. Doctors find antibodies in the blood and understand that a virus lives in the body.

Fear is revealed in the same way.

Few people admit that they have it. But fear can be seen in the results of a person's life.

People stricken with fear exhibit inaction. A person is afraid and does not know what to do with feelings of fear and anxiety.

He can also be cowardly due to his big ego and... This all limits people.

When fear levels go through the roof for everything acceptable standards, it causes complete paralysis of activity.

From now on, all types of treatment are pills, powders and promises of how to overcome fear and self-doubt.

But they do not work while the fear virus lives in a person.

What you used to call laziness- are not laziness. This is the fear of leaving your comfort zone, which is carefully disguised by your excuses.

Fear - the real reason inaction, not laziness. You will know by knowing its reason for its appearance.

As soon as a person’s fears are removed, the so-called laziness immediately recedes and activity comes.

3. To fight fear and anxiety, you need to understand not the consequence, but the cause of its occurrence.

Otherwise they will never leave throughout their lives.

Subconsciously, people themselves avoid fighting fear.

People don't fight for a reason- fear, and with consequences fear - inaction.

It’s easier for people this way, because fighting inaction is much more pleasant than fighting fear.

So people keep themselves busy various kinds actions whose effectiveness is no higher than simple picking your nose.

It doesn't bring results. Questions about how to remove fear and embarrassment and be confident in yourself remain unresolved.

  1. A man who fights fear, does what is most effective, regardless of whether he is afraid to do it or not.
    As a result, a person quickly achieves success.
  2. A man who struggles with inaction avoids everything that he is afraid of and occupies himself not with what is effective, but with what is pleasant to do.
    Such people spend their whole lives on various nonsense, because their goal is just to be busy. And they get what they want - employment. They get busyness instead of results.

All the people around are trying to be busy and aren’t even looking effective method in order to overcome your fears and phobias.

There are no results because the selected activity is selected people only to avoid their fear, and not to achieve results.

Everyone struggles with inaction, and not with fear.

Because of this, a person experiences and worries about it all his life.

Engage in self-education and self-development!

  • Self-study teaches us overcome fears. It teaches us to do what is effective. Thanks to self-development, we are no longer worried about how to deal with fear and anxiety.
  • The fight against inaction teaches us just keep busy. Endless searches for employment and blind actions bypass fears.

4. Realize that you are not inside the body (all Buddhists know)

The body saves its own skin and is afraid almost always.

Many questions about how to overcome the fear of death or other misfortune will disappear forever and will never return when you realize that you are not in the body.

This does not mean that you will deliberately mutilate your body. Not at all!

There is no need to exaggerate.

You will also continue to do your favorite things, but there will be an awareness that you are not inside the body.

99% of fears are associated precisely with the feeling that that you are this mortal substance. This gives rise to concerns that you might lose something or be deprived of something.

By associating oneself with some object, in in this case with the body, you realize that you are mortal. From here, thoughts constantly arise that you may disappear, or that your body may fall into danger at any moment. This creates huge amount fears How incredibly helpful it is to realize that you are not the body, the skin.

Realize this and you will no longer be bothered by thoughts of how to get rid of the feeling of fear.

5. Let him do whatever he wants inside you - an effective non-resistance technique

Fear is illusory.

The main points and essence of this technique:

During this process you realize that fear cannot do anything other than create an emotion or sensation.

After all, fear is it's a ghost without a reason or basis.

Look straight into fear.

After all, it’s just not a real emotion, it can’t touch you.

By allowing fear to be, you realize that it is like a ghost. There is no real danger. There is only an emotion that appears. And if you don’t run away from it, it appears, grows and then disappears. The more often you DO NOT run away from fear, the faster the fear will disappear.

Without resisting what comes and goes, you close your questions about how to get rid of obsessive thoughts and fears.

6. Know that fear has no power over you, it is simply experienced in the body.

With this mindset, you understand that fear will be experienced in the body and this is the maximum that will happen to you!

Gradually you don't pay attention to him.

For you this is another an emotion that comes and goes.

There is nothing at the root of fear. There is no foundation on which it rests.

Watch the following useful video on how to cope with the fear of death, the future, failure and all sorts of unnecessary thoughts.


If you are haunted by noise in your head and internal dialogue, then meditation will help you.

Meditation will not help you get rid of fear, but it will allow you to be at peace and eliminate internal dialogue.

7. Laugh in his face, he should only have one role in your life - entertaining

Laugh at the mere feeling of fear.

This laughter destroys any of its manifestations.

This is the only weapon. This is how you can overcome anxiety and fear with just laughter.

You cannot fight it, solve it, or negotiate with it.

You can just see that it's just fake.

Fear is a reflex that develops on its own.

This reflex bypasses the cerebral cortex.

Persuasion and reasoning have no effect on him.

Fear does not go through the cerebral cortex and does not respond to persuasion.

If you feel afraid or afraid of something, laugh and smile at it, and you can get rid of your inner fear.

It makes your life more interesting and exciting. This is how wise fighters in the ring close their questions about this and any phobias.

8. Do your own self-reflection in writing.

Self-analysis allows you to clearly analyze the problem and write your own answers to it.

Grab a pen and paper and do some written self-reflection.

The benefit is that in this way you can independently remove fears from a person and get answers yourself without the need to turn to someone for help.

For example, ask yourself these questions:

  • What is bothering me now, and what is the cause and source of the problem?
  • What makes me feel this way?
  • Is it really real or is it just a feeling?

Everyone will have their own unique answers to questions about how to get rid of fears and phobias.

Everyone can solve the problem themselves.

9. Create new reference experiences, destroy old limiting beliefs.

When you face fear and do something that was previously scary, your brain creates a new reference experience.

The brain understands that there is no fear and there is no reason to be afraid of anything.

This way you gain new insights about how to treat anxiety and fears.

To leave it behind, you have to go through it.

Only by walking through fear will you rewrite and create a new reference experience that will destroy old limiting beliefs.

  1. If you run away out of fear, he will chase you all your life. It will wear you down and turn your life into an escape.
  2. If you follow fear, then at some point you will realize that it is not there. After all, he is left behind and nothing can hold you back or stop you.

That's all. Now you know everything about how to overcome the fear of death and live in harmony.

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