Self-discipline: Acceptance. Developing muscle self-discipline

As you know, if a person has everything in order in his head, then everything will be in order in his life too. To be responsible to yourself and others, to be able to control your behavior and emotions, to be able to adapt to a changing world means to have internal discipline. A person who has internal discipline has advantages over other people in all areas of his life - career, family, reputation, etc. It is organized and collected, most often these people always have a clear “plan of action” and they never neglect entries in their diary. Try it yourself, start a diary and plan all your activities. You will see that you will manage to do everything or have time to do what is really important. Doesn't work? Then it makes sense to work on how to develop self-discipline.

This is even interesting...

Conscious discipline or self-discipline means you have complete responsibility and control over yourself. The development of self-discipline must, first of all, be a conscious intention; it is necessary to make a decision and not change it. Internal discipline allows a person to develop willpower to some extent, work on his complexes, and overcome fears and self-doubt.

As for how to learn self-discipline, how to develop self-discipline, it all starts with the little things. To start, train yourself to get up at the same time every day. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a weekend or a working day, you must follow the “21 day” principle. According to psychologists, this technique is based on the fact that any habit is developed in 21 days. If during this time you do the same thing every day, then this activity will become a habit for you. In case of a “program failure”, start again. Remember, if you decide to engage in self-discipline, then show toughness, do not try to deceive yourself. Otherwise, who will you make worse?

The next step is to plan your day, so be sure to invest in a planner. In the evening, write down all your upcoming tasks for tomorrow, starting with the most important.

Be responsible with your planned activities and your time, because time is the most valuable resource. Good luck!

Video: Social studies. 7th grade

Video: Discipline of inner life - Reshetinsky

Video: Life Models - Andrey Alekseev

The difference between the discipline imposed by society and the one we define for ourselves is enormous; a person is in complete different worlds, depending on the discipline to which he is accustomed to adhere. To be honest, of course external conditions- this is the primary factor that forces us to adhere to at least some kind of discipline, because by nature a person is lax and irresponsible, and only harsh external factors force him to develop in himself certain qualities which make him stronger. Discipline is certainly one of these qualities, no success is possible in this life if you are an undisciplined person, if your actions are not forced, because in some cases, we have to overcome ourselves in order to do something. Turn to your body and ask it what it wants, will it answer you that it wants to work, but it wants to lie somewhere warm and soft so that no one and nothing will bother it.

The same applies to our brain, which also does not want to work, although for a person thinking is the main job. All this is physical matter, my friends, but you and I consist not only of them; within us sits something called a soul, or a proud spirit, as I personally prefer, possessing incredible strength and energy. It is this spirit that makes our lazy body, this worthless piece of meat, get up and go do great things, it is the spirit that makes us think, thanks to which we have risen above the rest of the animal world.

I am convinced that our essence is not ours physical body, namely the same spirit, thanks to which we are not afraid of anything and sometimes do the impossible, overcoming everything - suffering, pain, fear, cold and heat, but achieve our goal. It is useful for society to keep each of its members under control, while we keep our worthless bodies under control ourselves, or rather we must keep them if we do not want to be consumables for others. Sharpening your mind in such a way that you consider all your actions necessary, first of all, for yourself, means removing the shackles of social control.

A free person has always lived and will live only in our heads, but not outside, for it is the spirit that must be free, and only he can discipline his body, and not someone else. But as soon as you give power over yourself to other people, as soon as you give them the opportunity to control you, your spirit falls asleep, because this is unbearable for it. All that remains is a pitiful and insignificant body - this, excuse me, lazy monkey, which constantly needs to be urged on with a stick in order for it to be of any use. Such a monkey will be content only with the most primitive pleasures in life, satisfying his basic needs.

For the opportunity to satisfy all its basic needs, the pitiful and insignificant body of a monkey is ready to give anything, while our true essence, our proud and strong spirit, is simply not able to influence the body. Why can't he do this? Yes, because this, my friends, is a matter of choice that we make, guided by our reason. Here it is, our freedom is freedom of choice. Only we decide whether to be human or that lazy monkey that was given to us as the bearer of our personality in this life. And let them put chains on a monkey, let them imprison it in a dungeon and limit its actions in any other way; no one is able to do the same with the spirit of a person, with his mind.

And only when you decide for yourself whether or not to be free, what to do and what not, you can either lose or gain freedom. Discipline is certainly needed by society, without it it would not exist, but think better about what you need, what will personally lead you to success in life, what will allow you to win in it and finish it at the level of a winner? Self-discipline naturally responds to your own interests, if you don’t set goals for yourself, others will do it for you; if you don’t strive to achieve your goals, then you will pursue other people’s.

Therefore, if you do not forge your happiness, then you will forge it for others, for those who will take control of you, who will discipline and guide you, who will not be afraid to answer for you if you yourself are not able to do it. I have no doubt at all that even the most irresponsible, slack and careless person can make his life completely under his own control, he can engage in self-discipline and get rid of external influences on himself. What is needed for this is simply to awaken your proud spirit within yourself, and completely suppress the lazy monkey within yourself, realizing that we are not our body, we are something more, much more.

When you wake up in the morning, for your new great achievements, for what you came into this world for, your lazy body requires more sleep, it asks you to leave it in a warm bed, it doesn’t want anything. After all, this is insignificant physical shell, which has never had and never will have great goals, except for one single one - to feed the worms. Think for a moment what you would do if nothing in this world bothered you at all. Probably, all you would do is lie in bed all day long, eat, sleep, defecate, and at the very least copulate, if you had anyone with you. Well, is this life? worthy of a person? But some people live like this.

Look at the homeless - these people have completely buried their proud spirit, do you see what their insignificant body is asking for, how it behaves? And our bodies, without exception, call us all to this, to sink below the plinth, to live one day at a time, to satisfy our pitiful and insignificant needs, to decompose before our eyes. It doesn’t want to serve us, doesn’t want to fulfill its duties to us, and it can be understood, because even a rented horse doesn’t want what its rider wants, it wants to peacefully pluck the grass, and not gallop somewhere for something. more. It’s the same with our body, it doesn’t want anything, but our proud spirit can turn this piece of meat into a frisky horse with character, making the body iron, completely under its control.

And then, my friends, no one and nothing will stop you, there are no obstacles for you in this life, simply none. Give free rein to your spirit, and it will do everything it needs to be completely satisfied with this life and fully satisfy all the needs of the body, without which we cannot exist in this world. Our brain will find the answer to any question if we make it work, our body will overcome any difficulties and any pain if it listens to a fearless, proud spirit that cannot be defeated.

The only struggle in this life is between our spirit and our body, and this struggle lies in influencing your choice on which side to take. Choose your body, this lazy monkey, then you will be subject to social discipline, which will exploit this same monkey of yours until it gives up. But if you choose your proud spirit, then self-discipline and self-control will determine everything you do in this life, and they will certainly lead you to success and victories, you can rest assured.

Discipline lies at the basis of all human achievements, and of humanity as a whole. Thanks to discipline, various goals are achieved, various communities, organizations and states exist.

IN explanatory dictionary Ozhegova discipline is defined as obedience obligatory for all members of any team established order, rules.

A fairly precise and capacious definition. It remains to add that, as a rule, discipline is maintained with the help of rewards and punishments (the “carrot and stick” method). various systems and organizations, depending on their main tasks, the ratio of rewards and punishments can differ significantly, and individual large institutions have their own definitions: military discipline, labor discipline, party discipline, school discipline, church discipline, etc.

The purpose of this article is to consider this topic from the point of view of the development of levels of consciousness or, to consider the energetic aspects of this issue.

In practice, discipline means the purposeful use of space and time resources or a certain order, a certain sequence of their use. All these features are related to . It is the energies of the manipura chakra that give a person the opportunity to structure space and time. And not only to humans. If we talk about teams, organizations and communities, they play a significant role in maintaining discipline, which exist thanks to rules and laws common to all, in other words, common energies.

Naturally, for every organization, for every team, community or institution, there is a leader who, theoretically, most accurately and completely, implements the rules and laws of a given community and has sufficient willpower and sufficient resources to ensure compliance with discipline by all other members of the community. The size of the community does not matter. It could be two friends, a family, a team or a state. In matters of maintaining discipline, the leader always supports with his energies the corresponding egregor, who is interested in the existence of this community. To be precise, it is the egregor who appoints the leader.

As already mentioned, discipline is maintained through punishment and rewards, i.e., in other words, the energy of the manipura chakra relies on and controls the energy of the muladhara chakra and svadhisthana chakra.

At the same time, it must be understood that in order to ensure compliance with discipline, the egregor of any community strives to unbalance the muladhara chakra and svadhisthana chakra in each of its members. Because fear of punishment, like any fear in general, is inherent in a person with unbalanced muladhara, and the desire for pleasure, pleasure and encouragement is inherent in a person with unbalanced svadhisthana (a person with a balanced svadhisthana already lives with pleasure and appreciates what he has).

In fairness, it should be noted that strict adherence to discipline, even if it is achieved by force, contributes to the development and strengthening of the manipura chakra. This, in turn, makes a person more strong-willed, energetic, purposeful, and conscious. True, excessive pressure can “break” a person’s will and this may be irreparable.

It is known, for example, that young people who served in the army are often more purposeful and successful than their peers who did not serve. Most often, the army makes a person more independent and responsible, more mature.

A person with developed and balanced lower chakras (manipura, svadhisthana and muladhara), as a rule, has own opinion, quite capable of receiving independent decisions and is ready to stand up for them. Such a person could potentially become a violator of discipline, or a troublemaker. Although, most likely, this violation will be in the form of reasoned disagreement with the current state of affairs, or proposals for improvement existing system, such people are inconvenient for the community, especially for the leadership. They try to get rid of such people or put them in their place - to put pressure, to intimidate (in other words, to throw the energy system out of balance).

Fear can play different roles. Fear of punishment can force a child to do what he wants in secret from his parents, or make him secretive. Fear of punishment can deter a person from committing a crime. Fear of shame and punishment can motivate a soldier to attack, even if it seems to him that certain death lies ahead.

The desire for encouragement can make a person a sycophant, a careerist, a zealous performer, or a successful manager and leader.

As we see, discipline, on the one hand, ensures order and certainty, and on the other hand, it unbalances a person’s energy system and, because of this, will not allow him (the person), as an individual, to adequately and effectively develop the upper (spiritual) levels of consciousness.

This task (development upper levels consciousness) is decided by self-discipline.


Self-discipline means control of your actions and actions, control of your behavior. This is a special case if we consider visible part this concept. In more general case one should consider man as a system, and consider the discipline and self-discipline of each body.

We can talk about discipline of the physical body, etheric body, astral, mental, etc. d.

If discipline is based on compliance with the rules established by a certain community, then self-discipline means compliance with the rules that a person has determined for himself. Here main role belongs conscious choice, . We can say that self-discipline is strict adherence to one's code of conduct. It is clear that education and the environment play a significant role in the formation of such a code.

It should be noted that self-discipline is closely related to self-education and self-development. This is usually done by people who have enough high level consciousnesses that understand what they are doing and why. Without such motivation, it is unlikely that you will be able to adhere to your chosen principles and maintain self-discipline for a long time.

Since mention was made of human bodies, it should be noted that with the help of self-discipline one can accustom the physical body to necessary reactions and actions. You can control the reactions of the etheric body to stimuli by force of will. You can control astral body(emotions) and the mental body (thoughts). One can control actions and deeds (causal body), values ​​(buddhic body) and life philosophy or religious views(atmanic body).

However, one must understand that by disciplining one thin body, we almost always indirectly influence the self-discipline of all other bodies. Therefore, when engaging in self-development and self-discipline, it is better to start with your own strengths, from the most developed body, from what you like best. At the same time, attention must be paid to everyone else, otherwise the balance of energies will be disrupted and the effectiveness of actions will decrease.

Both discipline and self-discipline rely on the energies of the manipura chakra. However, if discipline can be maintained external factors– laws, rules, traditions, authority and personal strength leader, self-discipline requires the support of personal upper chakras and subtle spiritual bodies. Therefore, it is inevitable side effect self-discipline will be the development and balancing of the entire human energy system, from the lowest to the highest levels.

Instilling discipline and self-discipline

Below are some tips for instilling discipline and self-discipline.

Education in general, as well as the development of discipline, must be dealt with from the very birth of a child, or even better, as the ancient Greeks advised, from the moment of conception.

In the east there is still such a rule: up to five years of age a child is a king, after five he is a slave. It is believed that if a child is not broken before the age of five, then after that it is impossible to do so. Until the end of his life he will be a warrior at his core, a man with strong spirit, a person capable of making decisions and standing up for his interests.

It is clear that most parents want their child to be obedient and diligent, so that he is not too burdensome. And they begin to educate him with all sorts of prohibitions. Until the age of five, this is categorically undesirable, unless you consciously strive to ruin the person’s entire subsequent life. You can only distract the child from unwanted actions, switch his attention. Until a certain age, the child is not very inclined to be guided by the arguments of reason, but he perfectly perceives energy and his energy system adapts to the perception of the energies that are around him.

If there is discipline, order, organization, and goodwill around, then the child will adapt to these energies, and in the future he will subconsciously always strive to live in the same world. Figuratively, we can say that the energy in which a child lives in infancy is the material from which a person builds his life.

After the age of five, a person acquires the ability to consciously perceive prohibitions and restrain his desires. Now, during education, it is possible to use adequate coercion and punishment. At the same time, everything must be explained - why and for what.

An adult who has decided to engage in self-development and self-discipline must assess the state of affairs in this matter, use it correctly and, of course, clearly understand why he is undertaking all this. Then he will have good chances for success.

I wish you good luck!

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06.06.2005 01:42

The first of the five pillars of self-discipline is acceptance. Acceptance means that you accurately perceive reality and consciously acknowledge this perception.

This may seem simple and obvious, but in reality it is extremely difficult. If you are constantly experiencing difficulties in a certain area of ​​your life, it is very likely that the root of the problem is an inability to accept reality as it is.

Why is acceptance (or recognition) the basis of self-discipline? The most common mistake regarding self-discipline is the inability to soberly recognize and accept the present state of affairs. Remember the analogy between self-discipline and weight lifting from the previous article? If you're going to be successful in building strength, your first step is to determine how much weight you can lift right now. How strong are you right now? Until you determine your current level, you will not be able to adopt a rational training program.

If you do not have a clear understanding of your current level of self-discipline, it is highly doubtful that you will be able to improve it. Imagine a beginner bodybuilder who doesn't know how much weight he can lift and chooses a training program at random. There is no doubt that the weight chosen will be either too heavy or too light. If the weight is too heavy, the athlete will not be able to lift it at all and there will be no muscle growth. And if the weight is too light, the athlete will work with it without load, and muscle growth will not occur.

Likewise, if you want to increase your self-discipline, you must know your level of self-discipline. at the moment. How strong is your discipline now? Which tasks are easy for you and which are truly impossible?

This list of problems will help you evaluate your current level of self-discipline (the list is not in order):

  • Do you shower/bath daily?
  • Do you always get up at the same time? Even on weekends?
  • Are you overweight?
  • Do you have addictions (coffee, nicotine, sugar, etc.) that you want to get rid of, but cannot?
  • Is your inbox empty right now?
  • Yours workplace neat and well organized?
  • Is your home clean and tidy?
  • How much time do you waste on nonsense on a typical day? What about on weekends?
  • If you make a promise to someone, how likely are you to keep it?
  • How likely are you to keep your promise to yourself?
  • Are you able to go without eating for a day?
  • How well is the information on your computer's hard drive structured?
  • How often do you exercise?
  • What is the most difficult physical challenge you have faced and how long ago was it?
  • How many hours do you work purposefully on a typical day?
  • How many things are on your list that are more than 90 days old?
  • Do you have clearly defined, written down goals? Do you have written plans on how to achieve them?
  • If you lose your job, how much time per day will it take you to search? new job, and how long will this figure last?
  • How much time do you spend in front of TV now? Could you give it up for a month?
  • What do you look like now? What's yours appearance can you tell us about the level of discipline (clothing, grooming, etc.)?
  • Are your food choices primarily based on healthiness or taste/satisfaction?
  • How long ago last time you deliberately purchased a new one good habit? Have you given up on the bad one?
  • Do you have debts? Do you view your debts as an investment or as a mistake?
  • Did you decide in advance that you would be reading this blog at this moment, or did it happen by chance?
  • Can you tell me what you will do tomorrow? And next weekend?
  • How would you rate general level your self-discipline on a 10-point scale?
  • If you answered the last question 9 or 10, what else could you achieve?

Just like there are different exercises for training different groups muscles, there are various areas self-discipline: sleep discipline, nutrition discipline, work habits discipline, communication discipline, etc. Each of them requires different exercises to train.

My advice is to identify the area where your discipline is weakest. Assess your level now, acknowledge and accept your starting point and develop your individual program, aimed at improving this specific area. Start with fairly easy exercises, the positive outcome of which you are confident of, and gradually move towards serious problems.

The gradual increase in load method works with self-discipline in the same way as with muscle strengthening. For example, will you be able to regularly wake up at 5:00 if you usually can only get out of bed at 10:00? Most likely not. Could you cope with getting up at 9:45? Very likely. And once you have that, can you progress to 9:30 or 9:15? Of course. When I started consistently waking up at 5:00 am, I already had the experience of waking up at this time for several days in a row. Although mine usual time waking up was 6-6:30, such a big step was difficult, but achievable for me, since my level of self-discipline at that time was already different from zero.

Without acceptance you will receive or ignorance, or refutation. With ignorance, you simply don't know your level of discipline; you may not have even thought about it. You don't know what you don't know. You will only have fuzzy concept what you can and cannot do. You'll get a few easy wins and a few frustrating losses, for which you'll likely blame your chosen task or even yourself instead of simply admitting that the "weight" was too heavy for you and you need to increase your strength further to handle it. cope with.

When you are in a state of rejection and refutation of objective information about your level of discipline, you are shackled by a false view of reality. Your assessment of your abilities is either overly pessimistic or optimistic. And like an athlete who doesn't know real power your muscles, you will not achieve tangible success, since you are unlikely to choose at random the right program training. With a pessimistic outlook, you will continue to “lift light weights” and shy away from the loads that you actually can handle and that will make you stronger. And by overestimating your capabilities, you will try to lift weights that are too heavy for you and fail over and over again. As a result, you will either bring yourself to exhaustion or strain yourself, but neither the first nor the second will make you stronger.

I have benefited greatly from following the path of self-discipline. When I was 20 years old, I lived in a small studio apartment and usually slept from 4 am to 1 pm. He ate mostly fast food and junk food. I did not exercise physically, except for occasional long walks. Getting mail seemed like an important daily activity, and the rest of the day I hung out with friends. At the end of the month I couldn't name even a few significant events that occurred this month. I had no job, no car, no income, no goals, no plans and no real future. Everything I felt I had large number problems that were not going to be solved. I didn't feel like I was in control of my life path. I simply waited for events to happen and then reacted to them.

But eventually, I saw reality and realized that I couldn’t put my life on hold forever. If I'm going to achieve something, I need to put some effort into it. And, above all, this meant dealing with the pile of accumulated problems. I overcame them in a short period of time and became stronger for it.

Looking back fourteen years ago, the difference is like night and day. I get up at 5:00 every morning. I exercise six days a week. I eat completely vegetarian food from a large number fresh vegetables. My home office is well organized. My electronic and offline mailboxes do not contain unsorted incoming correspondence. My wife and two children live in good home. On my desk is a planner with written goals and detailed plans for achieving them. Several of my goals for 2005 have already been achieved. I am more clear than ever about my desires and doing what I love. I know I matter. I know that I am in control of these changes.

Nothing happened by itself. Everything was done on purpose. Of course, this did not happen suddenly. It took many years of hard work. It is still hard work, but I have become much stronger, and tasks that were unattainable for me at 20 years old, today I accomplish with ease. Therefore, I can take on more complex tasks and achieve more in them high results. If I had tried to do everything I do now back when I was 20, I would have failed. complete collapse. 20-year-old Steve couldn't stand it even for one day. But for Steve, 34, it's easy. And it's extremely exciting for me to imagine what 48-year-old Steve can achieve... achieve, of course, relative to my life path, not anyone else's.

I am telling you this to impress you, to amaze you. But not by me, but by you. I want to surprise you with what you can achieve in the next 5-10 years if you consistently develop your self-discipline. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. The first step is to openly accept your current position and condition. Are you feeling good in this state or not. Give in to what you have to work with. It may not be entirely fair, but it is what it is. You simply will not be able to increase your power until you accept your current situation on this way.

This article is part two of a 6-part series on self-discipline: Part 1 | part 2| part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6

Each of us has heard about such a quality as discipline. This is a special character trait that you need to work on developing. And its peculiarity lies in a person’s habit of observing norms of behavior and work rules. Discipline is quite closely related to the concept of self-control. However, first things first.

The essence of the concept

So, discipline is conscious attitude to their responsibilities and own behavior. It is formed in parallel with the development of certain skills. The most important of which is self-discipline.

This is a person’s ability to subordinate his activities to reasonable grounds, to fight inclinations and inclinations of a lower order, which only lead him away from fulfilling certain duties. And this good quality. Since a person who follows notorious hobbies does not have strong will. He feels only lethargy and depression. And in the fight against laziness, he manages to develop a sense of duty and strengthen his will.

Personal discipline is at a decent level among those people who have more or less well-established moral convictions, observe the established regime and certain habits in their lives. All this plays a role in the development of the above-mentioned quality.

About the mode

Cultivating discipline largely lies in following a routine. And it's clear why. After all, the regime implies a strict time distribution different types activities. If a person copes with this, then in his life, as a rule, reigns relative order. And there is no place for chaos, spontaneity and chance. But disorder and disorganization is something that requires large and wasted costs

In addition, as mentioned above, discipline is the ability to comply with rules, norms, etc. Regime is a related concept. Since in in the narrow sense it means a clearly established, standardized, correctly structured routine. For example, this is the daily routine. Which a person has determined for himself and follows it. The work schedule is the order of work and rest, observing which, it is possible to act more productively. And a person, following it fully, shows his discipline. And demonstrates it required quality for maximum effective achievement established tasks.

About habits

Not only the regime is associated with such a concept as discipline. This related concepts, and habits are also closely intertwined with them. Representing a certain moral value, of course. And promoting the development of discipline.

For example, the habit of being active and not sitting still. Such people usually allocate their resources wisely and achieve a lot. Finish what you started. If a person did not abandon him halfway, then he is responsible. This important quality. It is inherent in people who are not afraid to bear responsibility for their actions and deeds, as well as to be honest with themselves and others.

Any good habit is formed through action. A person cultivates certain qualities in himself by constantly repeating a method of one behavior or another. It is easier for people who practice this to develop discipline - since they are used to it. Although they often do not need to form this quality. Since their way of life itself developed it a long time ago.

Ability to think

It is also very important. Discipline means completing assigned tasks. Which often require motivation - an incentive to action by presenting an image that has value and meaning of activity. To do this, you need to think and be able to ask yourself questions. “What should I do? Why? When should this be done? Why do I even need this? What will I get? - don’t be shy about asking such questions. And find answers. Because it is possible to achieve a goal only if the rules and priorities are precise, clear and fixed in memory.

This is important. Rules make doing anything much simpler and easier. If they did not exist, then every time a person before starting work would experience difficult experiences motivating to action. AND volitional manifestations, accordingly, would be complicated.

About the rules

Now you can pay attention to examples of discipline. Or rather, on the rules that are aimed at nurturing this quality.

They must be expedient. A person is obliged not to obey them blindly, but to follow them wisely, understanding the benefits. But you need to follow the rules - that’s what they were created for. Otherwise, these provisions will lose their essential quality. And of course, they must be brief, clear and clearly formulated - so that the possibility of conflicting interpretations is completely excluded.


Many people want to achieve the quality that so much has been said about. And some examples of discipline really inspire respect and admiration. Well, it’s quite possible to cultivate this in yourself.

There are several rules, following which, you can develop personal discipline. First, you need to keep your promises. Secondly, be honest. You can start small. Don't have enough time, have to stay late? You shouldn't keep others in the dark - you need to warn them.

Thirdly, you need to learn to speak and write correctly. Fourthly, you need to correct your mistakes, but this will require you to master the ability to admit them.

Fifthly, any idea that comes to mind that seems promising needs to be written down.

You also need to wean yourself from complaining about failures and problems to others, since they have their own troubles, which they will always consider more important. And yet, you shouldn’t get hung up on the same thing. You always have to move forward.

You also need to develop the habit of doing what you least want to do first. The ability to cope with difficulties can save you more than once in this life.

Military discipline

This is another topic that cannot be ignored. Because the army, military service is what implies the development of discipline in the first place.

To begin with, let's talk about the concept. Military discipline is the exact and strict observance by each military personnel of those rules and order established by law, the Charter and orders of higher commanders. It is based on knowledge personal responsibility before the Fatherland and

Discipline obliges military personnel to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, the Constitution and remain faithful to the oath. They must also take care of state and military property, cope with difficulties and do anything to protect their homeland. In addition, they must be vigilant, maintain military/state secrets, and show respect to everyone else. However, this is not all. The above, as well as much more, is brought up during service - by the method of developing moral and psychological values, fighting qualities, conscious obedience to superiors, etc.

About the manifestation of quality

A disciplined person is easy to recognize. This is a good quality of personality. People who are characterized by it live according to moral laws, look responsible, purposeful, and support harmonious relationships with others, show respect, caring and selflessness. Discipline has many facets. It can even appear “under fire”, on orders. For example, in the work sphere - simply because it is necessary, the boss ordered it. But discipline can become a personal quality only in conjunction with a sense of duty, consciousness and awareness.

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