How to learn to type using a computer. Stamina is the best program for learning fast typing on the keyboard

A blogger, a copywriter, and any computer user often uses a keyboard. Typing is a standard procedure when working with a PC, but you can type with two fingers (or worse, with one), constantly looking at the keyboard, or you can master the touch typing method. We will talk about how to learn to type touch-type.

In this article you will find information about the basic rules of touch typing, common mistakes beginners, as well as the speed at which those who have mastered this typing technique type. At the end of the article there will be links to one of best books– “”, author V.Yu. Kholkin.

I have been using the ten-finger touch typing method for more than 6 years, and my average speed typing is 300 characters per minute (without strain). And by concentrating, I achieve and best values(up to 400 clicks!). You, too, can master touch typing if you devote at least an hour a day to this task for 2-3 weeks. Yes, at first you will type text very slowly, thinking before pressing each key. But then you will type much faster and more accurately than when you were looking at the keyboard.

It is especially important to master touch typing for those who have a part-time or main job. But any blogger should be able to touch type because:

  • a huge advantage of touch typing is its high typing speed (up to 500 keyboard strokes per minute);
  • those who look at the keyboard while typing ruin their cervical vertebrae and tire their eyes, constantly looking from the monitor to the buttons;
  • Internet users who touch-type get tired much more slowly.

1. Rules for touch typing

If you decide to master the touch typing method, then immediately remember two main rules:

  1. While typing You can't look at the keyboard!
  2. Every finger must press only “your” keys!

Never violate these principles. Even if some key turns out to be “difficult” for you, still don’t peek. So you just remember wrong algorithm(looked - clicked), which will be deposited in your head, and it will be extremely difficult to relearn! Even if you have mistakes, they are easy to fix. Over time, typing accuracy will only increase.

2. Placement of hands on the keyboard

2.1 Dialing rules

The placement of the hands in the ten-finger touch typing method is the same for typing in any language. We will consider special case– Russian keyboard.

So, on any keyboard, the buttons are arranged in six rows. The topmost one is auxiliary; it is not used for touch typing, so you can completely forget about it.

The bottom one (zero) is a row with the keys “space”, “Alt”, “Ctrl” and others.

The fourth row is a row of numbers, it is used quite rarely. Most often, when typing numbers, they resort to the numeric keypad located to the right of the main one, and the second row is again not used. This can be explained by the fact that the fingers have to reach far - this slows down the typing speed. And the number of typos is increasing. Still, it’s worth mastering the second row, but you don’t need to focus on it.

There are different methods of hand position, but the main one is clearly visible in the figure:

The main position of the fingers on the keyboard is the supporting row of the keyboard: FYVA(little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger - fingers of the left hand) and OLJ(index, middle, ring, little finger - fingers of the right hand). At the beginning of learning, the fingers should lie on “their” keys, but over time they will no longer rest on the keys, but will begin to hang above them at a distance of several millimeters. This will happen on its own, as a result of the transition to more high level professionalism. There is no need to artificially speed up this process; it will bring nothing but harm.

To control the position of the hands, there are small protrusions on the [A] and [O] keys. By feeling them with the index fingers of your right and left hands, you can control the correct position of your hands on the supporting row.

2.2 Auxiliary keys

First, you should master the keys , , , , , and [Space].

[ keyBackspace], used to delete characters to the left of the cursor, is in the fourth row, the number row, and is always pressed the little finger of the right hand.

[ keyEnter] also pressed the little finger of the right hand. In very rare cases (when large sizes hands) you can press this key with your ring finger.

Key [ Tab] pressed little finger of the left hand.

[ keyShift] used to change to upper case (set of capital letters). There are two such buttons on the keyboard: one on the left, the second on the right. They are used as follows:

  • if you need to type an uppercase character with your right hand, then you press left [ Shift] left little finger. For example, the keys “O”, “Y”, “G”, “T”, etc.
  • if you need to type an uppercase character with your left hand, then you press the right [ Shift] with the right little finger. For example, keys “A”, “B”, “Z”, “M”, etc.

[ keyCtrl] can be used when changing the language (for example, from Russian to English). There are also two such buttons - on the right and on the left. They're pressing right and left little finger respectively.

[ keyAlt] practically not used for touch typing (the Ctrl+Shift keys are used to change the language). There are also two of them, which can be pressed if necessary thumbs.

[Space] key one of the most frequently clicked. She's gaining left or right thumb(whatever is more convenient for you). If you're right-handed, you'll likely find it easier to press the space bar with your right thumb.

2.3 Basic keys

The correct placement of hands when touch typing can be seen in the figure above. As you can see, the index fingers take the main load on themselves, as the most mobile fingers of the hand. They are the ones who have to press the most popular letters of the Russian language (“a”, “o”, “r”, “m”, “i”, “p” and others) - this is how the Russian keyboard is designed. The little finger of the right hand also has a hard time - such is the fate of Russians: in our alphabet more letters than in English.

You should remember the location of the keyboard buttons in this order:

  • first, all “own” buttons are studied by the left index finger, after that – by the right;
  • Next, the work of the middle finger of the left hand is practiced, after that - the right;
  • left ring finger, after it - right;
  • the left little finger, followed by the right.

3. Useful materials

You can learn to touch type by yourself. To do this, just open any book and start printing it. On the first pages you will remember which finger presses which key. And a little later you will achieve automaticity, your fingers will begin to press the necessary buttons themselves. But this method of teaching is very difficult, and not everyone can do it.

So I recommend two useful sources that will help you get comfortable. They contain step-by-step exercises that make it easier to learn the ten-finger touch typing method. I ask you to pay special attention to the first source - the book by Vladimir Yuryevich Kholkin Ten-finger touch typing method on a computer . I studied it myself and am very grateful to the author for how simply and clearly the book explains the principle of touch typing.

3.1 Book by Kholkin V.Yu.

In general, the book is paid, it costs about 50 rubles. But I will give my readers and subscribers a link to download this material for free. Download the book Ten-finger touch typing method on a computer Can via this link. Archive.rar weighs 9.5 megabytes, it includes a scanned book in djvu format, a deja vu reader and a useful notepad that allows you to determine the printing speed. The book allows you to learn how to touch-type in Russian and English.

To open the book, you need to go to the djvureader_2_0_0_26 folder and run the DjVuReader.exe file

Once the reader starts, click File -> Open

And in the window that appears, you need to select Kholkin’s book, as in the screenshot below (the book is located there - in the downloaded archive):

If you do everything correctly, you can start learning to touch-type.

3.2 Keyboard solo

If someone is uncomfortable using the book, then he can use the program Keyboard solo . The program is shareware, for access to full version it will have to be paid. You can download this simulator on this page . The program is considered one of the best programs for teaching touch typing, so I recommend downloading it and familiarizing yourself with it. Touch typing training is conducted in several languages ​​(in particular, Russian).

But in general, both sources (book and simulator) are similar to each other.

Just a few years ago, computers began to appear en masse in every home. And today users are looking for all kinds of . To learn more about the touch typing method, read this article.

Fast typing on the keyboard has many advantages, including saving time, rhythmic typing (which will significantly reduce physical fatigue of the hands), speedy employment in the desired position (which, of course, will be closely related to working on a computer), logical and complete presentation of thoughts .

Therefore, users, in an attempt to learn how to type quickly, attend courses that not only take up precious time, but also money. And as a rule, the cost of such courses is quite high. You can learn this craft, with a significant amount of desire, at home.

Basic rules for fast typing on the keyboard.

1. Deposit efficient work- the right tool. Give preference to keyboards that are chosen by professionals - ergonomic ones, where the letters are divided into two parts for the right and left hand. Thanks to such a keyboard, your hands will get much less tired, and typing text on it will be much more convenient.

2. Also one of the most important aspects fast printing is correct workplace. The rules for working at a computer are clearly visible in the image below.

3. When the child begins to study native language, he begins to learn the alphabet. It’s the same here: before learning how to quickly type, you need to learn the location of letters and symbols on the keyboard. This can be done, for example, in the following way: For 10-15 seconds, look at one letter row out of three and try to remember the location of the letters in this series. After the time has passed, take paper and pen and play the memorized series. Repeat the task several times for each row until you make no mistakes.

Then you can proceed to printing the alphabet. Start typing letters on the keyboard, starting with the letter A and ending with Z. You should type quickly the desired letter without wasting time searching for it.

4. The number of fingers used greatly affects the typing speed. If you use several fingers when typing, your results will be significantly lower than if you used all 10 fingers. Some programs for teaching fast typing also teach the correct placement of fingers. At first it will be very difficult to relearn, however, after some time you will see obvious results.

5. Regularity is very important. It is impossible to learn fast typing by studying 2-3 days a week. If you are serious about learning to type quickly, then try to devote at least 20 minutes to training every day.

Touch typing method on the keyboard.

As the name suggests, the method involves typing text on the keyboard with your fingers, but without keeping your eyes on the keyboard.

During training this method your hands should be placed on the front of the laptop or on the wrist rest (for an ergonomic keyboard).

To work with this typing method, you need to remember which keys belong to which finger.

There are a total of 6 rows of buttons on the keyboard. The top row, including the f1-f12 buttons, is used extremely rarely, because This is an auxiliary keyboard row, so it is not taken into account in the touch typing technique.

The next keyboard row contains numbers, so its use depends on the type of activity you do. Some users often use the secondary number pad, which is located on the right side of the keyboard, instead of the top number row, so here you should focus only on your preferences.

And finally, the third row, from which teaching touch typing begins. There is no single way to place your fingers on the keyboard, however, the image below shows the most common one, which is used in most programs for teaching fast typing.

You need to remember the finger assignments to certain buttons as follows: first you need to remember the letters index finger left hand, then right. By analogy, gradually move on to the middle fingers, ring and little fingers. The simulators given at the end of the article contain special dictionaries containing words for training each finger. In addition, these simulators work online, which means they can work

Many modern users of a personal computer or laptop who are constantly faced with typing text will probably be surprised by the fact that the touch typing method has existed for 125 years! Widely circulated in American films The ten-finger typing method is an excellent solution for increasing efficiency and is useful to everyone today. IN to a large extent This explains the availability of many materials teaching touch typing on the Internet, online lessons and keyboard simulators to increase typing speed.

What is it?

Blind printing method(typescript, American touch ten-finger typing method, in English There are also options for touch input and the touch typing method) - keyboard text input in which a person does not look at the keys. And typing with 10 fingers is achieved through the development of muscle memory through constant practice.

History of the method

The touch typing method became famous thanks to F. E. McGurrin, who worked as a stenographer in the Salt Lake City court. This man, who practiced the fast ten-finger typing method he had developed, won a typing speed competition on July 25, 1888 against an opponent who used the sighted eight-finger method. This event was widely described in the periodical press, as a result of which the popularity of typewriters greatly increased. The printing method itself has also become famous (Wikipedia).

The layout of the keys on modern keyboards is mostly standardized, but some manufacturers sometimes resort to non-standard appearance, which makes it difficult to get used to and dial when changing workstations. Initially, the symbols on the keys, primarily letters, did not have the usual QWERTY arrangement for us, but were made in two rows in alphabetical order. This created problems with levers engaging each other and led to the invention of the QWERTY layout by Christopher Scholes in 1868. The peculiarity of this keyboard was that the keys with the most common letter combinations in the English language were placed as far as possible from each other, which made it possible to avoid intertwining of levers and make the typing process more comfortable. It was on a typewriter with this arrangement that F. McGurrin won the competition, which made QWERTY famous. Today, experts criticize this layout for its inconvenience, offering alternative ones (Dvorak, Colemak), but in popularity they are significantly inferior to the traditional one.

The Russian YTSUKEN did not have problems similar to alphabetic and QWERTY keyboards; it was initially as convenient as possible for typing, since the most frequently used letters were in the center, easy to reach with the index finger.

Advantages of the ten-finger touch typing method

Computer technologies have become so firmly established in everyday life that we cannot imagine our lives without them. When we need to prepare an essay for a university course, when we need to find information of interest on the Internet, we first turn to input devices (keyboard and mouse). The speed of typing largely determines the complexity of the task performed and the time spent. Based on this, the first advantage of touch typing is that focusing on the text, and not on the keys, significantly increases concentration and attentiveness, and helps to avoid distraction. This also makes it easier to work in a dimly lit room.

Secondly, typing with ten fingers without looking at the keyboard significantly increases your typing speed. It is unique for everyone, but it is undoubtedly higher than that of a person who does not use it. For the Russian layout, the record for the number of correct characters entered during touch typing (officially included in the Guinness Book of Records) was set by M. Shestov and is 720 characters per minute. Obviously, by using speed typing, the work of typing will become easier, since you will be able to automate the process to some extent. This is very important if every day you are faced with the need to type large texts, because now it will be less energy-consuming and efficiency will increase.

Thirdly, with the right speed dial, oddly enough, the number of mistakes and typos made is significantly reduced.

Fourthly, an important advantage, which the authors of various simulators sometimes focus on, is physical convenience. The absence of the need to look from the keyboard to the display and back helps to preserve vision, maintain neck muscle tone, and healthy posture. Using the ten-finger method involves all fingers in the process of work, which also allows you to protect yourself from occupational diseases.

Methods of teaching touch typing

The advantages of the ten-finger blind printing method are undeniable. High typing speed for all people working with a computer is directly proportional to efficiency and the amount of time spent doing the work.

An interesting fact is that in the USA 95% of people know touch typing, because they begin to teach it as early as elementary school. Numerous programs are also designed to help develop this skill: from children's flash games to paid multifunctional keyboard simulators for adults. IN Western Europe training in the ten-finger typing method is also included in educational program. But in our country, not everyone can boast of this useful skill, despite the fact that, according to experts in the field of teaching typing, everyone can learn to type quickly.

1. Home keys

Ten-finger typing is based on the fact that each finger has its own “own” keys, which must be pressed by them. In essence, the process of developing a skill comes down to constant training of “muscle” memory. In order to learn how to quickly touch-type, the first thing you need to do is remember how your fingers should be positioned on the keyboard - the so-called “home” keys.

Initial position of the left hand (standard Russian keyboard layout): little finger on the “F” key, ring finger on “Y”, middle finger on “B”, index finger on “A”. Starting position for the right hand: little finger on “F”, ring finger on “D”, middle finger on “L”, index finger on “O”. Thumbs both hands are placed on the spacebar. For greater convenience, almost all computer manufacturers make special protrusions on the “A” and “O” keys, so that even without looking at the keyboard, you can easily find the “home” line and always return your fingers to their original position.

2. Each finger has its own keys

In addition to the “home” keys, each finger is usually assigned buttons above and below the original one. At first, it is very difficult to teach yourself to type this way due to the unnatural position of individual presses, but later with practice, convenience will come.

Example 1. Classic scheme correspondence of keys to fingers

Example 2. Modified scheme for corresponding keys to fingers

In the second option, according to Andrey Mikhailov (Habrakhabr), you do not need to slip your left little finger under your ring finger.

3. Constant practice

Practice makes perfect. Try closing your eyes and placing your fingers on the home line and typing your first and last name on clean slate. Keep practicing until you can do it without making mistakes. Then go to simple sentences, for example, “Mom washed the frame” or “I have an apple.” Try not to look at the keyboard while doing this. Be persistent - it won’t work out right away. If an activity begins to irritate you, take a break and continue later.

4. Special training programs

For further development You can use many skills, both paid and free programs, which will help you learn the location of the keys and quickly type text, and develop finger motor skills. You can learn more about the pros and cons of keyboard trainers.

  • Don't rush on early stages training. High speed the set will come later as a result of practice. First, it is important to remember the location of the keys and learn to type without errors, the rest is a matter of technique.
  • Press the appropriate keys only with the appropriate fingers. This may not be very comfortable at first, but once you develop a habit, it will be much easier. Although if it is more convenient for you to “change the purpose” of individual fingers, you can try using your own technique.
  • Learn not to look at the keyboard. More precisely, unlearn this; if necessary, use improvised means to hide it.
  • Keep your fingers close to the base position. There should be no randomness in the movements of the fingers and hands, only naturalness.
  • Celebrate your progress. Most programs automatically count characters per minute and errors. When you have sufficiently mastered touch typing, play a game with yourself - blindfold yourself and write arbitrary text, and then check it.
  • When typing, keep your back straight and your head straight in front of the screen.
  • If you are using a desktop computer, it will be more convenient if you hold the keyboard slightly to the right of the monitor, as shown in the picture below for the right computer (info. Habrahabr):

Hello! Today you will learn how to learn to type quickly on the keyboard! You will also understand how you can master the ten-finger typing method. These skills are necessary for people whose profession requires them to quickly type articles.

Ordinary people are also interested in learning how to type text on a computer. There are two types of people who work with a computer. The first ones look at the keyboard and type, while others, on the contrary, have figured out for themselves how to learn to type without looking at the keyboard and use it successfully.

You can type with one hand or with all fingers. It is better, of course, to use 10 fingers, since in this case typing will be faster. Plus, if you type without looking at the buttons, then it’s absolutely great!

Keyboard simulators for teaching fast typing on a computer

Typing speed most often depends on how trained a person is. As you know, the more an athlete trains, the higher his athletic performance. So it is here! Long-term typing speed training through special programs, simulators, online services allows you to increase your results a hundred times.

Before you get started, familiarize yourself with some rules for typing text on a computer:

  • Sit up straight and don't slouch.
  • Always leave only one space between words.
  • Remember that there are no spaces between punctuation marks.
  • A number and another sign, such as a percentage, are written together.
  • If possible, place an em dash between words.
  • It is not recommended to put a dash between numbers; a hyphen is needed.
  • Correct quotation marks are written only like this: “”.
  • It is considered a mistake to put several punctuation marks, for example, like this: “???”, “!!!”

It is advisable to sit in front of the computer on a chair or armchair. Make sure that the angle is 90 degrees between the shin and thigh and between the thigh and shin. The fit should be straight without any bends. The head should also not be bent. Direct your gaze forward to the very center of the monitor. Make sure that your wrists do not sag and the distance from your eyes to the display is between 40 and 70 cm.

By following these printing rules, your texts will be of good quality.

Typing course

If someone does not want to learn on their own and needs constant monitoring, then you can hire a special teacher for copywriting. Such courses are now a dime a dozen, especially in Moscow!

But why not go online and download the same keyboard solo and start practicing. Do 100 exercises in a couple of months, and you already master the touch typing method. You can download any other program and start training yourself!

There is also an option to take courses on a special service! This project is just taking typing courses and allows online mode master printing!

Typing tutorial

This tool is distributed on the Internet absolutely free of charge. Its role is played by any program or online service with typing lessons.

You can download the program or take classes directly on the Internet! These simulators will be discussed below!

Keyboard simulator program

The fast typing program is the most used option for learning cursive writing. In addition to programs for typing text on a computer, there are online services that allow you to do the same via the Internet.

If you want to learn how to type on a computer, you can use one of the programs described below, and it’s free!

This program is by far the most popular among many beginners. Solo is distributed both as a regular program on a computer and online version. The cost of the program is not high; if you wish, you can download it for free.

Both children and adults can learn keyboard solos. After each exercise comes out educational information with jokes and more.

In my opinion this is one of the the best simulators on at the moment. I personally learned how to type on a keyboard using it.

Thanks to this program, you can easily master the ten-finger touch typing method. It's actually very cool! You sit, look out the window somewhere, and your hands seem to be typing something there independently of your body. Plus the eyes don't get tired. By the way, you can close them altogether! Just make sure you don't fall asleep! 🙂

The essence of the program is that at first you begin to remember where and what letters are located. Everything is going step by step. Maybe you noticed that there are some “papillae” on two letters of the keyboard. That is, two dashes for the letters “a” and “o”. They allow you to print without looking. Just feel for them and off you go!

Thus, after even a month of training, you can easily type text in a typing program.

Simulator program

This software, unlike the above, is distributed completely free of charge. His teaching abilities are no worse.

In this program, you can study either alone or in pairs with a neighbor. This program for learning to type on the keyboard has three levels of difficulty. Lessons are taught in one of 3 languages. It is also possible to monitor achievement statistics. Based on your results, the Sami program draws a conclusion on what to base the support on. Roughly speaking, she sees your weak points.

Rapid Typing software

A similar typing program is well suited for schoolchildren. Its interface is very colorful and children really like it. The program has a teacher mode, which makes it possible to create groups of users, make amendments and create different levels. Just like the previous program, there are 3 languages. With each new level, completing the exercise becomes more and more difficult.

This keyboard typing training program allows you to customize literally everything! You can change the font, color and even sound!

Computer typing program TypingMaster

This software was created to quickly type on the keyboard and provide an opportunity to improve your skills. Its main difference from all the others is the presence large number various games! There are three built-in games, which become more and more difficult to complete with each level.

The program for typing text on a computer has a special indicator that shows your typing speed. It also counts the number of words typed.

You can use this program as much as you want, but the paid version will allow you to get rid of ads. The software allows printing only in English.

Program for training typing on the Bombina keyboard

This is a keyboard trainer suitable for both small and middle-aged children. The free typing program even allows you to organize typing competitions! For each level passed, the student receives a reward in the form of points, then everything is calculated and the top winners are displayed!

This program for learning to type on the keyboard has two languages ​​of instruction: Russian and English. This software allows the teacher to observe how the training is going. You can diversify your student profile by changing the picture and changing the name.

All of the above programs can be used both on a regular desktop computer and on a laptop!

Keyboard simulator online services

At the moment, many programs are becoming online services. They are equipped online keyboard, statistics counters and other necessary components. Below are the most common projects where users register and learn how to quickly print on a keyboard.

We are recruiting. Ru

The project www nabiraem ru is the same keyboard solo only in the online version. The project allows you to master online touch typing. The site is presented in several languages: Russian, English, Spanish, French, Italian.

Let's dial ru, great suitable for those people who do not want to install the program on their computer. Or they simply use several PCs throughout the day. In theory, solo online is very convenient, since you can log in and train from any computer.

All 10 ru

This keyboard simulator allows you to easily master the touch typing method and teach you how to type quickly! To register for all 10 dotka ru you need to come up with a username and password. It is possible to view statistics on lessons. The project even certifies students and allows them to participate in internal rankings.

With the help of the all ten ru project, mastering the computer keyboard will go with a bang!

Klava org

The klava org and klava rus sites allow you to check your typing speed. To do this, simply select a language and start typing the words presented in the line. More precisely, it is a combination of letters. The top column on the right will show the speed and statistics of your results. For example, I managed to type 209 characters per minute.

This keyboard is for children, but I think it won’t hurt adults either!


The online stamina simulator is designed for typing text on the Internet. To be honest, it's not very impressive. It seems that the site was created with the goal of making money on advertising. Two lines appear in front of you: dark and light. You need to press the letters that match the dark line.

The online stamina simulator is distributed free of charge, so if you want, come and try it.

Verseq online

The verseq ru online trainer is a special service that allows you to master touch typing with 5 points! The program can be downloaded for free, or you can purchase it and remove all restrictions.

Touch typing study

The typing study website is a good option to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard. It is very informative, but unfortunately grayish and not very attractive.

In addition, for some reason this simulator does not have a Russian keyboard layout. To check, I had to connect the Belarusian one.

Online simulatorsense lang org

An interesting project with a good design. Choose a lesson and start practicing on the keyboard.

Before starting classes, you can turn the sound on or off, and you can also select the typing option.

Sense lang is a great project for developing typing skills.

Keyboard typing sounds

Some programs have keyboard sound, while others are silent. Although I don’t understand why keyboard sounds are needed if you already hear them when typing. Perhaps someone wants to enhance the effect!

Ten-finger typing method or keyboard typing technique

Using the programs and services listed above, you can easily master the 10-finger printing method. And you won’t ask how you can quickly learn to type on a keyboard! Because after performing 100 exercises on the same “ SOLO"You will have the skill of fast touch typing! This typing technique will speed up your typing skills several times!

The ten-finger seal has several variations, similar to one another.

  1. Before you begin, your fingers must be in a certain place. They return to these zones during pauses between entering sentences or words.
  2. You need to find a supporting row of letters. This is the fourth one from the top.
  3. The index finger of the left hand is placed on the letter “A”, and the right finger on the letter “O”.
  4. Other fingers are placed on adjacent buttons.
  5. The support buttons are located due to special serrations or protrusions.
  6. The more you practice, the faster you will be able to find the right keys and put your hands in the right position.
  7. Sometimes you can come across recommendations that you should keep your fingers on “YVAM and TOLD”
  8. The finger presses buttons within its reach.
  9. Functional buttons can also be pressed with the desired finger.
  10. Letters are easier to find than other characters, numbers, commas, etc.
  11. The BACKSPACE button is usually pressed with the little finger of the right hand.
  12. TAB – pressed with the little finger of the left hand.
  13. The “Enter” key is pressed with the right little finger.
  14. If there are two Shift buttons, then presses with the left and right little fingers are used.
  15. Spacebar and Alt press with your left or right thumb.
  16. CTRL – presses with the right or left little finger.

Such pressing options allow you to avoid unnecessary load and enable for a long time actively work at the computer.

The ten finger typing technique will give you highest speed than if you were typing with two fingers.

How to learn to touch type

Touch typing is certainly cool, but to master it you will have to work hard. I advise you to use the SOLO program on the keyboard, because I myself learned to do touch typing using it.

The essence of the program is simple:

  1. Download the file to your computer.
  2. Install.
  3. Enter your first name, or maybe your last name.
  4. Study the information provided.
  5. Move on to training.
  6. Initially, you type 5 lines of letters a, o and others.
  7. Then the process becomes more complicated.
  8. All this is accompanied by interesting information.
  9. Complete 100 exercises and now your eyes are no longer looking at the keyboard, but your hands are typing!

Thus, the touch typing method in intensive mode can be mastered in 1-2 months of daily training. Initially, it seems that learning to touch-type is difficult and very problematic, but when you start doing it stupidly, all doubts disappear and confidence appears. Just do the exercises daily and you will succeed!

Typing speed test

You can take a keyboard test online and check your typing speed on this website:

Just go to the project and click the button PASS THE SPEED TEST»

A window with text like this will appear.

Here comes an online keyboard typing speed test! Type the text and see the statistics.

Text to type on the keyboard

The text for printing on a computer can be absolutely anything. Just search for something like parenting or anything else. And open some website, then copy the text into Word and print. Or you can print directly from the site.

Then you simply print the text on your computer from an A4 sheet of paper and that’s it! Don't forget to select Russian printing or English printing or change the keyboard layout to any other desired language! Constant practice will allow you to get the rhythm on the keyboard!

Games to improve your typing

In order to learn typing, many people like to use games to learn the keyboard. Below are several games for the keyboard.


At the time of writing this article, I found this game at this address: The bottom line is that you just need to assemble the keyboards from memory. Most likely, this flash game trains you to remember the location of the buttons.

Perfect for stretching your brain!

Typing Bubble

Cool keyboard game with rhythmic music. The essence of the game is that they fly soap bubbles, and words are written in them. You need to write these words in a special table, and then press the “Enter” key. Do not press spaces, otherwise they will not be counted, also do not forget to write the word with capital letter, if required.

This game allows you to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard english letters. If you are studying English layout, then this simulator is right for you!

Keyboard racing

This game allows you to print and show how your car will move to the finish line. There is nothing complicated. Just go to the website and click quick start. Then write the text and get to the end. Afterwards, you will be given all the statistics for your race!

Thus, games for learning the keyboard will help you consolidate the acquired knowledge well after completing the training programs!

You can also find races for beginners on this website:

How to print on a computer?

If you still don't understand how to type correctly, then let's learn the basics.

Placement of letters on the keyboard and fingers

All your fingers should be above the keyboard opposite the letters FYVY and OLJ. These symbols lie on the main row, it is named so because it contains frequently used letters. Blind orientation, where which letter is possible due to the marks on the letters “A” and “O”.

This placement of your fingers on the keyboard will allow you to always be in combat readiness!

Working with a keyboard for beginners can cause difficulties, but that’s okay, once you didn’t know the alphabet either. But they learned it! So don’t worry, practice more and everything will work out!

Learning the computer keyboard

Start studying the computer layout by simply looking at the buttons and where they are located. In theory, you need to learn the keyboard, and for this you need to practice every day using the “solo on the keyboard” program as an example.

At first, of course, it’s scary, your eyes run wild, because there are so many buttons. But after several exercises and the first victories, all fear and doubts disappear! So go for it!

Below is a photo, this is a sample keyboard or a diagram of a computer keyboard.


Below in the picture you can see a set of keys on the keyboard.

All these typing keys on the keyboard are necessary for correct operation.

How to remember the keyboard

To remember, just follow the tips below.

Tip #1.

Choose one of the simulators for yourself and work with it daily.

Tip #2.

Pick up one of the keyboard games and practice typing letters.

Tip #3.

Take exercises to their logical conclusion and don’t stop halfway. If you decide to study the keyboard and understand how you can learn to type quickly on the keyboard, follow through!

Tip #4.

Always try to keep your posture straight and not tilt your head forward. Also make sure that your hands are comfortable.

Tip #5.

Before going to bed, imagine a keyboard and try to remember where each letter is. This will help you learn it quickly.

Thus, you will quickly master lessons on memorization and fast typing. The main thing is regularity!

To learn how to type quickly, you need to regularly perform typing exercises. Let's say you completed the keyboard solo. Now you know the ten-finger blind method. The next thing to do is improve your printing speed and quality. And for this you need to regularly work with the keyboard and write texts.

You can take repeated training; this will help reduce the number of errors and improve your typing skills. Watch your typing speed, if it starts to drop, better rest and start training the next day. This way you can better increase your typing speed.

Keyboard typing record

Scientists have set a printing record and it is 940 characters per minute! This record was set by Mikhail Shestov. It's not really ordinary person, since its impulses in the brain, when printed, go to the nerves immediately from the subcortex, bypassing the cortex. This ability allows him to type very quickly!

If you are interested, you can watch a short video on this topic.

But among ordinary people At the typing championship, the record was broken by a certain American Barbara Blackburn. Its typing speed is 750 characters per minute!

Keyboard for typing

The keyboard for typing should be different from all the others good quality assemblies. Agree, it will be problematic to work on a keyboard that sloshes and falls somewhere. I don't know about you, but I work on a laptop. most of of its time. And the usual built-in keyboard suits me quite well.

But I heard that mechanical keyboards are considered quite good. They can be used for both typing and gaming. But I believe that for text, buttons should not fall too far. Otherwise, your fingers may touch other buttons.

There is a keyboard for children, but it is not particularly different from the keyboard for adults. Same buttons, same functions.

Sometimes the keyboard built into the computer can be very convenient, and sometimes an online keyboard can come in handy! I can’t tell you which one to use for your specific job. The main thing is that you like it and be comfortable.

In order to print the computer keyboard on paper shown in the picture, just right-click on the picture and open it in a new tab. Then you can print or save to your computer.

Online keyboard typing training

The methods described in the article allow you to make your keyboard typing practice perfect!

I would like to give beginners a couple of tips:

  1. Once you start, finish it to the end, don’t give up.
  2. Spend at least a few minutes a day exercising.
  3. After completing training in any program, repeat it after a while.
  4. Organize typing training for yourself several times a year or month!

Thus, having gone all the way, you now understand how to learn how to type quickly on a keyboard! Today you learned about trainer programs, keyboard games, online services printing, and also got acquainted with the keyboard layout! This article has come to an end! I wish you quick printing and good mood!

How to quickly learn to touch-type with ten fingers? In this article, TeachEto will review online keyboard simulators and programs for teaching ten-finger and touch typing (typing).

Special courses have been created for this, and Western countries it is a subject in schools.

The main advantages of the ten-finger blind method

  1. When you type with all your fingers, the number of errors decreases.
  2. All fingers will work, with each of them corresponding to certain keys.
  3. Typing occurs mechanically - the desired key is struck only with the finger with which you have learned to hit it.
  4. If you master this typing method and apply it, you can save your health. You won’t need to look from the monitor to the keyboard and back, your vision won’t deteriorate as much, and your eyes won’t get so tired. You will be able to do more work.
  5. If you learn this method, you can achieve a typing speed of 400-500 characters per minute. And if you take a whole team that has mastered the blind ten-finger method, then their productivity increases by 10-15%. All documents, notes, reports, balances, texts, letters are prepared more accurately, better and faster.
  6. When touch typing, your attention is not focused on typing, but on trying to in the best possible way express a thought (findings, recommendations, conclusions, proposals).

How to learn?

There are many tools, and the special programs already mentioned online classes and touch typing courses. We will not focus on the Teach This courses, but we will talk about online simulators and the program.

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In general, most of these programs are built on the same methodology. First, the “entrant” studies the row of the keyboard, which is located in the middle - this is FYVAPROLJE, and tries to learn how to type certain letters with certain fingers. At this moment, the most difficult thing is to “move” the little finger and ring finger. When you master middle row, go to the bottom and top. Also, during learning, you may experience irritation due to the fact that your fingers press the wrong keys, you get a lot of mistakes, and so on - this is inevitable. You shouldn’t be too upset – this is a pretty serious skill, and you need to work hard to get it.

Keyboard solo

The most popular program on the RuNet for learning the ten-finger touch typing method is SOLO on the keyboard. Teach This will be discussed in more detail, because this is not an ordinary program, but a large training course. In addition to the usual typing of letters in SOLO there are tips, detailed instructions and other materials that can help cope with irritation and not leave everything halfway.

The entire course consists of 100 exercises. If you pass all 100, then this guarantees that you are already typing with ten fingers without looking at the keyboard. All exercises consist of 6-7 tasks. In addition, when you go through a lot of exercises, you may be returned to some previous one. Also, in each exercise there are jokes from the creators that can cheer you up and you can relax a little. You can also read letters from people who have already completed SOLO. In these letters, people described the problems they had and what was most difficult for them. When you complete the task, the program will give you a score on a five-point scale.


This is a free keyboard trainer with a fun and simple interface. The author of this program simply has a colossal sense of humor and he is not shy about showing it in the interface of the program itself. Training is based on step-by-step execution various tasks, and their complexity gradually increases. For example, in the first task you need to type the letters O and A in various combinations, then the letters L and B are added, and so on. You complete the entire task to pleasant music. Also, all kinds of events are accompanied by funny sounds, for example, when the program closes, the phrase “I’ll be back” is heard. The program also contains a toy, which, however, has nothing to do with learning, but you can play with it.

Rapid Typing

A free program from Western developers, in which you can learn on the English and Russian layout. It has a friendly, attractive interface. There are also lesson statistics that can help you navigate your studies. As usual, the display keyboard diagram is below.

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This is not your average keyboard trainer. The authors claim that their method is extremely effective. Their website says that after five to fifteen hours of practice you will be able to touch-type at a speed of 200-350 characters per minute. The technique is really not similar to the standard one. Here you will immediately start typing text, which consists of letters from all rows of the keyboard. In this case, the strings for typing are generated by a special algorithm that creates related phonetic sequences of characters.

But, UchiEto believes that this approach is very difficult for beginners. Explanations of which fingers to press, how to hold your hands correctly, and much more are in the help. It also says that switching from two-finger poking to ten-finger typing is not easy. At the same time, it is very difficult to learn which finger is responsible for which key, looking only at the keyboard model. There is a huge chance that a beginner will simply give up studying.

Fast Typing School

This keyboard trainer is designed for people who want to learn ten-finger touch typing. The simulator has all sorts of interesting sections built into it:

  1. Sound dictation - like in school, the voice dictates, and you must type at speed and without mistakes.
  2. Touch typing is an imitation of working on printing press, consolidates and strengthens touch typing skills.
  3. Typing – develops skills.
  4. The game “falling letters” will help take your mind off learning the keyboard and help develop your reaction time.
  5. Step-by-step learning of the keyboard - develops muscle memory.

Online keyboard simulators

In this section, TeachThis will tell you about online resources, which are designed to master touch typing.

Keyboard solo online

You can study for free. The methodology and learning process are practically no different from those presented in the program. Everything is done with care for the student and is of very high quality. Only here you have the opportunity to compete with other “online students,” of which there are quite a lot. In general, both the Solo program and the online simulator are what a beginner needs. This is the best option.

All 10

This new project, which promises to save us from two-finger poking. At the beginning, you will be given a test to check your typing speed. Then the exercises will begin. There are two courses - English and Russian. The training section contains detailed recommendations and instructions for completing all tasks.


The rules of the game are quite simple. The game randomly selects a passage of text that your opponents and you must repeat exactly, and this is all at speed. When you type without error, your typewriter, which is at the top of the list, moves forward. If you make a typo, you must correct it, otherwise you will not be able to move forward. At the end, the winners will be determined and the parameters of completing the “marathon” will be demonstrated - the percentage of characters in which you made mistakes, typing speed and time. The results of all races are saved in your statistics. For each completed text you will be awarded points, the number of which depends on the length of the text.

Time Speed

The main goal of this project is to allow all computer users to learn typing (ten-finger typing or touch typing). They offer a series of training courses to help you develop speed.

VerseQ online

This is an online version of the VerseQ program, but it differs from the program in that it allows you to study from anywhere on Earth, share your successes with acquaintances and friends, and participate in various competitions. This service is for those who want to learn touch typing easily, quickly and naturally.


To all that has been said, we can only add that everyone who sits at a computer, especially those who type a lot, needs to purchase an ergonomic keyboard. It is also called separate because the keys are separated for each hand. In addition, the left and right blocks are located at an angle to each other, which makes it possible not to bend your hand at the wrist when you put your hands in the initial position FYVAPROLJE. If you work on this keyboard, you will definitely be less tired, and this will improve your typing speed and productivity.
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