What is the fear of love called? Intimophobia - fear of physical intimacy

(from English addiction - inclination, addiction; lat. addictus - slavishly devoted) - special type forms destructive behavior, which are expressed in strong dependence on something.

Addictions are divided into the following types:

1. Psychoactive substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.)

2. Activity, involvement in the process (hobbies, games, work, etc.)

3. People, other objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, causing various emotional states.

Escaping reality is always accompanied by strong emotional experiences. Having put a person on an “emotional hook”, it is very easy to control him. Emotions are integral part dependencies. A person actually depends not on the drug, but on emotions. How stronger emotion, the stronger the dependence.

Depending on the means by which escape from reality is carried out, alcohol addiction, drug addiction, substance abuse, drug addiction, tobacco smoking, gaming addiction, workaholism, computer addiction, sex addiction, and food addiction are distinguished.

All these types of behavior feed powerful force subconscious and this gives them such qualities as irresistible attraction, demandingness, insatiability and impulsive unconditionality of fulfillment. Addictive behavior is characterized by a wide range of pathologies of varying severity from behavior bordering on normal to severe psychological and biological dependence.

The main cause of all addictive disorders is a controversial topic that has not yet been revealed.

Addictive behavior from the point of view classical psychoanalysis(Sigmund Freud)

“Classical psychoanalysis views individual behavior as the result of the interaction of three key personality subsystems: id, ego and superego.” Where the id is “the unconscious, mental, it is saturated with the energy of drives and instincts, primarily sexual. Ego is the psyche associated with outside world, rules the Id, in accordance with the demands of reality. Superego is a value system social norms, ethics". When the demands of the Ego, the Id and the Superego do not coincide with each other. And what’s more, they contradict each other; a personal conflict arises. And if the Ego cannot rationally cope with this conflict, then the person, including the mechanisms psychological protection. If psychological defense mechanisms do not help, then a person uses objects that can console him (take him into a world of illusions where there are no problems). Gradually he gets used to them and becomes dependent on them. Also, for understanding addictive behavior, psychoanalysts turn to the sexual stages of personality development. Thus, “in people who have problems such as overeating, smoking, talkativeness, alcohol abuse, psychoanalysts note a fixation on oral stage sexual development(oral fixation of pleasure).” And psychoanalysts consider such a phenomenon as drug addiction “as masturbation, which is the main form of sexual activity in adolescence».

Addictive behavior from the point of view of ego psychology (E. Erikson)

Central to the theory of ego psychology created by Erik Erikson is the proposition that: during his life, a person goes through eight stages that are universal for all humanity. Each stage occurs at a specific time for it (the so-called critical period), and a fully functional personality is formed only by passing through all stages of development. The characteristic model of a person’s behavior depends on how he will solve crises at a given stage of development. From the standpoint of ego psychology, dependent behavior is explained as an unresolved conflict between dependence and independence (autonomy). Also, from the point of view of ego psychology, the emergence of addictive behavior is influenced by the problem of identifying one’s self.

Addictive behavior from the point of view individual psychology(Alfred Adler)

"A. Adler was the first to draw attention to the phenomenon of inferiority as a source of self-improvement.” He believed that in order to understand human behavior, it is necessary to find out in what ways a person feels inferior and how he overcomes his inferiority, as well as what goals he sets when overcoming it. From the point of view of individual psychology, addictive behavior is an escape from reality caused by a person’s desire to overcome his inferiority complex.

Addictive behavior from the point of view of phenomenological direction humanistic psychology(Carl Rogers)

The phenomenological direction denies that the world around us is something that exists in itself, as an unchanging reality, in itself. It is argued that material or objective reality is reality consciously perceived and interpreted by man, in at the moment time. Therefore, human behavior must be viewed through the prism of his subjective perception and understanding of reality. Accordingly, the emergence of addictive behavior is influenced by the subjective ability to comprehend reality.

Addictive behavior from the point of view of transactional analysis (E. Bern)

Transactional analysis (from the English transaction - deal) is a psychotherapeutic method developed by the American psychiatrist Eric Berne. Berne developed the concept of “psychological game”. Game of transactional analysis is a form of behavior that ulterior motive, in which one of the subjects receives a psychological or other advantage. Addictive behavior, in his opinion, is also nothing more than a kind of psychological game. For example, “Drinking alcohol allows a person to manipulate the feelings and actions of others. At the same time, drinking alcohol is important not in itself, but as a process leading to a hangover.”

Love is one of the most mysterious and contradictory feelings. It gives a person strength and at the same time makes him vulnerable and vulnerable. Gives a feeling of happiness and euphoria. But if the lover is not reciprocated, everything ends in terrible depression and suffering. Most men and women devote their entire lives to finding love and a soul mate, when some people deny this feeling and are afraid of it.

Philophobe: what is he like?

A person who has philophobia (this is what psychology calls fear of close relationships) does not necessarily have to look gloomy and unhappy. Some people really prefer to be alone with their thoughts and devote themselves entirely to work. Others love company friendly meetings and entertainment. Fear of relationshipssomewomenturns into nymphomaniacs, and men in ladies' man, whichalways take the initiativeThey are constantly looking for new experiences and change sexual partners without regret. Sometimes people with a phobia refuse sexual relations so that animal instincts do not prevent them from conquering the peaks.

Diagnose fear of relationships to an ordinary person not possible. Some philophobes try to become invisible to the opposite sex with the help of excess weight and an unkempt appearance, when other people are happy to look after own body, take care of their appearance and spend money on beautiful clothes. Often people who are afraid of falling in love abandon their family and children, or vice versa, get married and turn into exemplary fathers and mothers.

Philophobes choose different ways and behavior patterns, but they are all united by the inability to trust opposite sex. They will never blindly fulfill their partner’s requests and will dissolve in their other half, making their husband or wife the center of their universe. For some, fear of close relationships is a gift that makes them invulnerable and strong, but for others, such a disorder becomes a punishment that prevents them from being happy.

Fear of love: greetings from the past

Little children who grew up in an atmosphere of constant scandals eventually stop believing in a happy life. family life. From a psychological point of view, they have a fear intimate relationships– this is a defensive reaction of the subconscious, which does not want history to repeat itself. The situation gets worse if the father raised his hand against the mother, or one of the parents cheated on their other half. Tears, suffering, and other things are deposited in a child’s head. negative emotions, which are already projected by mature boys and girls onto a potential partner. This is how a reluctance to take initiative in relationships, male and female love fears are formed, which are much more difficult to overcome than to acquire. The philophobe believes that he will have the same disappointment and future as his parents, so he prefers loneliness.

Girls from happy and friendly families tend to romanticize the image of their father, while boys idealize their mother. Later, they begin to look for partners similar to their parents, and when they do not meet them, they are disappointed. Men's failures in sexual relationships with women and girls' problems with boys gradually form a fear of love and relationships in general. Some lower the bar and put up with the shortcomings of their other half, just so as not to be left without a partner, while others try to raise their wife or husband so that he begins to live up to the ideal image.

Fear of relationships, especially sexual ones, is also diagnosed in people with low self-esteem. For example, if parents and others constantly devalued all male achievements, criticized and treated him with disdain, then gradually the guy comes to the conclusion that he is not good enough to create a strong relationship with a girl.

Philophobia as a result of bad experience

The reason that a person is afraid to take initiative in a relationship may be masculine and female complexes and fears that appear after a negative experience, for example, a difficult divorce, sexual failure, violence. Survivors sexual violence women are afraid of sexual relations, because all masculine qualities for them come down to aggression and meanness. Men who have become victims of pedophiles or homosexuals are afraid to take the initiative and get close to the girl, expecting misunderstanding and condemnation on her part. Inability to get rid of negative experiences after such a sad experience, it often becomes the cause of male sexual dysfunction, which only makes the situation worse. In such situations, the fear of love can be combined with the desire to start a family, which makes a person suffer even more.

Fear of the opposite sex also appears after an unsuccessful relationship or divorce. After betrayal, deception, betrayal and pain caused, it is difficult for a person to trust someone a second time. If women, after a difficult breakup or divorce, try to avoid men altogether, then divorce can affect men in a completely different way; they can turn into ladies' men and heartthrobs. After a divorce, they project their pain and mistrust onto other women, try to take revenge on their former lover with their help, become cold, distant, and prefer open and short-term relationships to serious relationships.

For some, as a result of divorce, fear serious relationship appears out of fear that new feelings will awaken subsided pain and hatred. For others, philophobia becomes armor that makes them invulnerable and strong. Once upon a time, his lofty feelings were mocked and laughed at, and now no one dares to lay claim to his heart and thoughts.

Fear of love: other reasons

Kissing is one of the ways to demonstrate love and receive emotional pleasure. Ordinary people They do not see anything unpleasant or terrible in such actions. They are happy to take the initiative in love and desire to enjoy kisses. But they meet special people who are afraid to kiss. This is precisely the reason for their loneliness. A phobia can be triggered by:

  • fear of having fun or losing control over one's own actions;
  • fear of germs that live in oral cavity another person;
  • reluctance to let someone get too close;
  • a feeling of tightness and constraint when someone takes the initiative and tries to penetrate the comfort zone.

So that the fear of kisses does not develop into panic fear Before a new relationship, you need to visit a psychotherapist and work with him to overcome this problem.

For some, a phobia of love is a consequence not of divorce, but of the loss of a wife, husband or one of their parents. At first the man was incredibly happy, and then death deprived him of joy, forcing him to suffer. After such shocks, thoughts may arise that you will definitely have to pay for love, so it is better to remain alone. Such events often cause depression, which is impossible to get rid of on your own.

Philophobia also occurs in infantile people who do not want to take responsibility for their partner’s life. Guys find men's obligations to their significant other and the need to show care and spend material and moral resources on a woman frightening.

Symptoms and treatment

There are times when an adult is simply not ready at a certain stage of his life to take the initiative and start a family or at least a permanent partner. This does not mean that he has a phobia of love and sexual relationships.

Philophobia is characterized by a number of symptoms: constant irritability, short temper and nervousness, insomnia or other sleep problems combined with bad mood and fear of losing freedom. Proven methods of psychology and psychotherapy will help overcome such symptoms, as well as male and female fears of sexual contact. Therefore, if at some life stage, for example, after a divorce or breakup, you notice similar symptoms in combination with the fear of starting a new relationship, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. A person suffering from a love disorder talks about wanting to start a family, but prefers to limit himself to light flirting and short sexual contacts without commitment. He suddenly stops taking care of himself or, on the contrary, buys a gym membership and goes on a diet to get rid of figure flaws.

If a philophobe realizes that he has a fear of love, but he does not want to change habits and give up freedom, then the person needs treatment. Patients with psychologically related childhood trauma should see a therapist, as should survivors of abuse. Negative memories and emotions first need to be spoken out, and then gradually get rid of this burden.

It is useful for people with low self-esteem to pay attention to themselves and constantly develop: read books, study languages, sign up for dancing, or find another hobby that will make them feel important. Overcome negative psychological consequences Divorce, fear of love and kisses can be addressed in group or individual classes.

In severe cases, sedatives, antidepressants or tranquilizers will help. Only a specialist can prescribe pharmacological treatment, who must determine the person’s condition and how much the fear of relationships interferes with normal life.

You can achieve good results with the help of auto-training, which will teach you to look at others and your problems with optimism, to love and value yourself. Sometimes, to overcome the subconscious fear of love, it is enough to meet new people, move or find another job to improve emotional state and become more open. A problem such as philophobia can be treated well, but only if a person himself wants to get rid of it and is ready to open his heart to his soulmate.

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Love is the most great feeling on Earth. But often it brings not only positive emotions, but also severe pain. Many women and men devote their lives to finding love and their soulmate. But it also happens when people deny this feeling and are afraid of it. Such fear often develops into a real phobia of love.

Philophobia (this is what psychology calls the fear of love) does not always make a person look gloomy and unhappy. Some philophobes truly love solitude and often devote themselves to work or improving themselves. But many remain quite sociable and friendly, often going to parties.

And also for many modern people fear appears not only true love, but also loneliness. This forces them to constantly seek sexual entertainment with new partners. Sometimes philophobes completely refuse similar relationships, believing that animal instincts prevent them from achieving new heights in self-development.

It is almost impossible for an ordinary person to diagnose a phobia.. Some patients prefer to become completely “invisible” to individuals of the opposite sex. They can dial overweight, don't take care of yourself. Others do exactly the opposite. Some philophobes even start a family, becoming exemplary fathers or mothers. Others give up having children entirely.

Despite various models behavior, all these people are united by the fear of trusting the opposite sex. They will never be able to completely dissolve in their partner. Many people consider this fear to be a real gift that makes them strong and emotionally invulnerable. But there are also those who see phobia as punishment. They are constantly unhappy and cannot find the meaning of life.

Children who grow up in an atmosphere of incessant scandals between mother and father stop believing in love and do not look for a life partner. Psychologists believe that such a decision is a real defensive reaction. Subconsciously, a person does not want his parents’ story to repeat themselves. The situation is aggravated by beatings from the father or infidelity in marriage.

Painful images, tears, fears and suffering are deposited in the child’s head. After growing up, these emotions are projected onto potential partners. This creates a reluctance to look for a soul mate, somehow develop relationships or build a family. Philophobes believe they will be as disappointed as their parents . That's why they prefer solitude.

There are other reasons. Even if the parents’ family was happy and fulfilling, children often romanticize the relationship. Later they look for guys or girls who look like their father/mother. If such a meeting does not take place, this entails great disappointment. Mistrust and reluctance to have a partner can also be a consequence of unsuccessful sexual relationships among both men and girls. Some still lower their standards and marry “unworthy” people, in their opinion. What makes them unhappy in their marriage?.

Fear of sexual relations is often diagnosed in people who are unsure of themselves. If parents or people around them often mocked or devalued the child's achievements, this leads to the idea that the person is not good enough to start a family.

Philophobia and bad experiences

Complexes and fears can manifest themselves not only because of childhood experiences. Quite often, similar emotions are experienced by people who have already had negative experience in the past (sexual failures, difficult divorce, domestic violence). If a woman has experienced sexual assault, she may feel resentment toward all men, believing that they can only be aggressive. In men, similar feelings arise after experiencing a pedophile attack or due to male dysfunction.

After divorces, especially difficult ones, there is often a fear of new relationships. If the patient has already been betrayed once, it is difficult for him to trust someone again. In women similar cases usually result in a complete reluctance to get close to the opposite sex. For men it is often the opposite. They can become ladies' men and heartthrobs. By projecting mistrust and heartache onto other women, they try to take revenge on their former lover.

Sometimes it happens that people are afraid of new relationships because they do not want to reopen old wounds. Philophobia can become a real armor that makes a person invulnerable and strong.

Other reasons

One of the causes of a phobia may be the fear of kissing. It can be triggered by various reasons:

  1. Fear of losing control over yourself and your feelings.
  2. Fear of bacteria and microbes that live in the human oral cavity.
  3. Fear of letting a person get close to you.
  4. Reluctance to leave your comfort zone, feeling constrained if someone takes the initiative.

To prevent such fear from developing into real panic, you need to visit a psychotherapist. It will help get rid of the problem.

For some people, fear of love is not the reason for divorce, but for loss. loved one. The feeling of joy and happiness that is suddenly cut short by the death of a loved one can be a real shock. Often people have thoughts that love must be paid for, so they prefer to remain alone.

Philophobia can appear in infantile people who do not want to take responsibility. Guys often think men's responsibilities frightening in the family, which pushes them away from serious relationships.

Symptoms and treatment

Of course, many people have certain stages in their lives when they are simply not ready yet to take the initiative into their own hands, look for a partner and start a family. This does not mean they have a phobia. There are a number of symptoms that indicate fear of love:

To overcome your fear, you need long-term treatment, which can only be prescribed by a professional psychotherapist.

If a patient admits that he has philophobia and wants to change his habits and start living differently, he should think about how he can be helped. Only psychoanalysis sessions will help patients with childhood traumas. People with low self-esteem must learn to respect themselves, develop, learn foreign languages, find a useful hobby.

In severe cases, taking sedatives, tranquilizers and antidepressants. Good results can be achieved with the help of auto-training. It should be remembered that philophobia is highly treatable, but only if the person himself is ready for it.

Love is the most famous and wonderful feeling in the world. Since the beginning of time, poems, odes, songs, and novels have been written about love. Almost every person in the world has been in love with someone at least once.

But there is certain type a phobia in which a person is afraid to experience this feeling of falling in love. And this fear is called philophobia.

Causes and symptoms of phobia.

Falling in love arises suddenly and spontaneously, “jumping out from around the corner like a killer.” The feeling is not subject to control, no one has ever been able to make you fall in love.

The fear of falling in love is most often based on the fear of feeling all the emotions again.

There are several causes of phobia:

1. Unsuccessful past relationships. Previous experiences can be very bitter: heartbreak, pain, suffering, emotional distress. In fact, the philophobe is afraid that this time nothing good will come of it, and sooner or later he will have to feel all the “delights” of disappointment.

2. Fear of dissolving in a partner and losing your own “I”. There are cases when one of the lovers completely gave himself to the other, thereby driving himself into dependence on his loved one. This destroys a person as a person. And your partner may simply get tired of blind devotion.

3. Care of one of the parents. If parents divorce because one of them has a new life partner, the child may perceive this as terrible disaster, and that love brings nothing but disappointment.

4. Comparison with a past partner. If the philophobe idealized past relationships, considering his “ex” a dream come true, then the fear of falling in love will lie precisely in the fact that the new partner will not meet all the requirements.

5. Incorrect upbringing. Parents often, without realizing it, literally drive into their child a dislike for such things as communication with the opposite sex, love, and intimate relationships. And if in adolescence the first feeling hits, the child is very ashamed of it, afraid that his parents will not approve, withdraws into himself, and acquires a phobia.

The symptoms of philophobia are somewhat different from other phobias. Symptoms of fear of falling in love do not include shaky knees, excessive sweating, or lightheadedness.

The symptoms are characterized as follows:

1. Destruction of relationships. As soon as a philophobe feels attached to a person, he immediately breaks off all ties with him. It is noteworthy that with people for whom he feels even the slightest positive feelings, the philophobe communicates in a slightly arrogant manner.

2. Indecisiveness. People suffering from this type of phobia resemble shy introverts. They blush, mumble, crumple.

3. Victim complex. Philophobes can feel comfortable with someone who humiliates them, despises them in every possible way and constantly yells.

If philophobia is advanced, a person can deliberately disfigure himself: cause small cuts and scars, women use provocative makeup, try to gain as much weight as possible.

What's most interesting is that a philophobe may crave attention from others. a certain person, but as soon as he receives it, he immediately breaks off all contacts.

Treatment of philophobia.

People suffering from philophobia should not stuff their fear inside or try to cope with it on their own. The best way out- seek help from a psychologist. A specialist will review everything possible reasons the occurrence of a phobia, and options for how to overcome it.

Usually, talking therapy is used, during which the doctor clearly and clearly explains how to behave with people, and that there is nothing wrong with liking another person.

The psychologist may also advise you to spend more time in crowded places, make new acquaintances, meet, and attend some events. Internal conflict Philophobes can be solved by watching romantic films with a favorable ending.

It is worth understanding and accepting that love is an integral part of the human “I”. Almost everyone has had failed relationship. But you don’t need to get hung up on them; it’s better to move forward with hope and faith in people. Philophobia interferes with the construction of normal adequate relationships between people, and it’s best to get rid of this fear before it’s too late.

Fear of relationships is a phobia that occurs in susceptible individuals or as a result of experience of trauma. The fear of love has a certain root cause, without eliminating which it will not be possible to cope with the problem.

Intimophobia - fear of close relationships

Treatment of phobia includes work on thinking and self-esteem of the individual: if a person is confident in own strength, he will not fear relationships.

The essence of a phobia

The fear of falling in love causes a violent reaction in a person: he is overcome by animal fear. In the background panic attacks It is easier for an individual to run away and hide from a problem. Fear of love is dangerous for both men and women.

The type of fear directly depends on the injury (provokes a phobia). The victim of fear fears serious or fleeting relationships. All a person operates on is fear.


Philophobia is a fear of intimacy caused by a violation of social adaptation. A person is instinctively drawn to creating a family and procreation. Without special effort men and women enter into personal relationships, fall in love and are legally married. For sensitive people (overly receptive and sensitive), such a union is scary.

In most cases, the problem has two causes: an incorrect family model that the child observed in childhood, or past trauma (past relationships). The definition of philophobia includes any fear due to possible relationships with the opposite sex.

Fear in women

In women, fear of close relationships occurs with pronounced symptoms. The victim of fear withdraws into himself, expresses disgust and disgust towards men. Reasons for alienation of women:

  1. Violence experienced in childhood. A child growing up in unfavorable conditions suffers from an incorrect relationship model. A girl may fall in love as a teenager, but is unable to trust her partner. Sincerely and fully loving a mature woman who grew up in dysfunctional family, can't.
  2. Unpleasant experience. For women, experiencing failure is a serious trauma. Falling in love again, after disappointments and betrayals, is difficult for the victim of a phobia. She is afraid of a repetition of the situation; a negative association takes root in her thinking.
  3. Hidden fears and accompanying phobias. Fear of strong relationships arises against the background of social phobia or fear of kissing. People avoiding skin-to-skin contact, consciously refuse acquaintances and dates. It's easy to fall in love with them, but to support them long term relationship fails.
  4. Low self-esteem. Fear of intimacy manifests itself in people with low demands on their partner. The woman does not position herself as a partner worthy of respect. The relationships created are quickly destroyed due to fear.

Fear of intimacy is a painful phobia for women. The nature of a woman as a wife and mother, without proper implementation, harms all areas of life. Guided by fear, a woman rushes into a career or volunteer life, but the efforts do not bring happiness.

Complexes affect objective perception and self-esteem. If a girl is not taught to love herself from childhood, adult life she cannot love her partner.

Phobia in men

With men, things are different: the stronger sex is not used to showing weaknesses (they manage to hide their fears well). Causes of phobia of the stronger sex:

  1. Great expectations. WITH early childhood special events are held with men educational activities: They are taught responsibility for their careers and future family. In adult life, excessive demands result in an unwillingness to take responsibility.
  2. Problems in intimate life. Male intimate problems become the cause of philophobia. A man who has not succeeded as a lover in the past will not build a relationship.
  3. Problems material plan. Men's priorities start with financial stability– the partner is a protector and provider. Men who cannot provide for themselves do not want to build relationships with worthy women, so any material difficulties cause philophobia.
  4. Addiction. Singles find it difficult to give up a lifestyle that brings many pleasures.

You can overcome a phobia only by fighting the root cause of fear. If a man is concerned about his financial situation and stability, he needs to share his experiences with his partner.

It is more difficult to deal with avid bachelors. They like their lifestyle; freedom is a natural and relaxed state.

Fear of new relationships

Fear of new relationships is based on fear of the unknown. Starting a relationship is scary for both men and women. New responsibilities are difficult for sensitive individuals to cope with. Before deciding to get married, such people will try to run away several times.

It is difficult for women who have experienced betrayal to open up to the opposite sex. Comfort zone is good protection which eliminates pain.

Careerists have problems with new relationships; they perceive the union as a threat and an obstacle. Before a new relationship, people who are not confident in themselves experience panic; they are afraid of disappointing their partner and are in a constant state of stress.

Fear of serious relationships

You don’t need any special reasons to be afraid of a serious relationship. Fear of a serious relationship is avoidance of responsibilities for which partners are not ready. The psychology of men as conquerors creates a fear of intimacy with one woman (the novelty disappears).

Meeting your parents and planning a wedding can cause panic. A person cannot control himself: fear of relationships pushes him to irrational actions (attempts to cancel the wedding, running away). For a serious relationship you need two established personalities.

Meeting parents causes panic among intimate phobes

Fear of intimate relationships

Fear of intimacy is called intimate phobia. Disorders of this type include phobias of intimate life, fear of touching and kissing (philemaphobia). Intimacy is a violation of personal space, a desecration of the body. Disgust from sex life occurs after long-term upbringing in religious families.

To enter into a close relationship, a partner has to make efforts on himself. This behavior is typical for victims of violence (after intimacy, a person feels his own inferiority, he feels worthy of punishment).

Symptoms of a phobia

The fear of a relationship with a man or woman is expressed in the partner’s behavior: he panics, his hands begin to tremble, and his sweating increases. After intimacy, the victim of a phobia may become severely depressed. A complex person has dozens of reasons for breaking up with the opposite sex. Victims easily justify the reason for loneliness.

Signs that there is a psychological problem:

  • aloofness and aggressiveness;
  • self-isolation;
  • high requirements for a potential partner;
  • apathy and frequent depression;
  • increased anxiety in the presence of the opposite sex.

The problem with the opposite sex intensifies over time: a clear idea of ​​the painfulness of relationships is formed in the subconscious, which is difficult to change without the help of a psychoanalyst.

The problem affects the self-perception of the individual. Over time, a person begins to blame himself for his inability to start a union. Complexes strengthen the phobia.

Alienation and apathy are symptoms of the disorder

Treatment of phobia

From problems to personal life there is no need to make a problem, the pressure from others worsens the patient's condition. First of all, the specialist advises getting rid of the fear of disappointing the expectations of loved ones and relatives. You can overcome fear if you learn to accept the imperfections of yourself and your partner. Comprehensive treatment will help get rid of philophobia: the patient increases self-esteem, learns to interact with potential partners without false expectations.

Auto-training helps a lot: at home you can get rid of wrong thinking using affirmations (phrases that need to be repeated in front of the mirror every day). For emotional stability, treatment is expected in a circle of close people. Relatives help you accept yourself and solve problems that arose in early childhood.

Before starting a new relationship, you should not panic or label a person.

Philophobia is treated through new experiences (the patient learns to do new things, finds a hobby, learns to perceive the world differently). Help to overcome a phobia group classes and meeting new people. A person says to himself: “Now I am ready for everything that is in store for me.” Pledge emotional maturity– the ability to make mistakes and forgive the mistakes of others.

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