How to spell the word tomato or tomatoes. The word “tomatoes” – plural declension: example

In the section on the question are there 5 tomatoes, or 5 tomatoes? given by the author Tatyana Danilova the best answer is Nouns masculine ending in a consonant, in plural case genitive case have the ending -ov. Wed. glasses, suitcases. If there was one pomodoro, then there would be 5 pomodoros.
Source: Yes, I graduated from the Faculty of Philology of KubSU in Dyarevyne...

Reply from Mikhail Vishnevetsky[newbie]
Take 5 TOMATO, 5 CUCUMBER and 5 ONION, chop everything finely, season with MAYONNAISE. Tasty?
How does it sound? UCI did not warp)))

Reply from Neurosis[guru]
5 tomatoes, 5 tomatoes or 5 tomatoes. both of your options are correct. from the point of view of the modern Russian language, the first option is more correct. but many centuries ago the system of declension of nouns was somewhat different. Only some masculine words, mostly monosyllabic (for example, houses, slaves, dreams, sons, etc.) ended in -ov in the genitive plural. The rest, on the contrary, had a zero ending. Over time, the declination system has changed. One can even say that the expansion of the ending -ov has spread in common parlance to feminine and neuter nouns and masculine nouns, which traditionally retained other endings (all in all, five rubles). However, in colloquial speech, where the law of saving speech effort is actively in effect, the ending -ov is increasingly “eaten up.” That's why you can say "five kilograms of tomatoes." but it’s still better to write the first option

Reply from reset[newbie]
5 tomatoes, if I'm not mistaken

Reply from ability[guru]

Reply from Olya Ilyuk[newbie]
Option 1, Dmitry, who is below, you yourself are a village)

Reply from Dmitry[guru]
five tomatoes, tomatoes only the village says so.

Is tomato salad delicious?

While talking with a friend, it was said that the greenhouse was small this season, only ten kilograms of tomatoes were harvested. He smiled condescendingly at my statement, criticized my Russian language, my literacy. In fact, the phrase corresponded to all the norms of “grammatical art.” In short, the word “tomatoes” sounded artificial.

Everyday speech situations sometimes become ambiguous from the point of view of the rigor of using the forms of known and used words. Bring two nets of tomatoes or a tomato? Eggplant dish or eggplant? Tangerine or tangerine marmalade?

Which is correct? Similar problems concern not only housewives. Experts assign sections scientific publications discussion of this issue.

Rule for speaking

Folk speech uses the short version with zero ending, save " language means" Orally they say 320 grams, however, not 320 grams, nine kilograms of eggplant, but not nine kilograms of eggplant. Modern spelling admits that the ending –ov in the genitive case for masculine plural nouns is omitted in informal oral communication.

Rule for writing

When used with numerals, agreed definitions, one should write tomatoes.

No tomatoes or tomatoes?
How often do we have to pronounce nouns in plural, genitive case. And we pronounce it somehow, without even thinking about whether we pronounce it correctly or not. What if you think about it?

Let's look at seven groups of nouns.

1. Name of nationalities. The norm for some nouns of this group is zero inflection (ending). The Bulgarians, Ossetians, English, Mordvins, Romanians, Mohicans, Gypsies, Turks, Turkmen, Buryats, Bashkirs do not have the ending “-ov”. However, there are three nouns, the norm of which applies to two variants at once: Karel - Karelians, Sarmatian-Sarmatians, Yukaghir-Yukaghir. Other nationalities have the ending “-ov” in the plural, genitive case: many Tajiks, Tungus, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Kalmyks, Bedouins, Yakuts, etc.

2. Names of paired items. They are characterized by zero inflection. Three subgroups can be distinguished here.

1) names of shoes: no boots, felt boots, moccasins, boots, leggings, sandals.
2) names of clothes: material for shorts, bloomers, leggings, cuffs.
3) names of accessories: glitter shoulder straps, epaulette.
4) names of objects: gate gate.

3. Names of military branches. This group of words happened interesting story. If a noun has collective meaning, then the ending is zero, but when denoting individuals, the inflection “-ov” should be used. For example, the departure of dragoons, lancers, midshipmen, cadets, partisans. But, three dragoons, lancers, midshipmen, cadets. The exception is the word partisans: three partisans. Three exception words have the inflection of “-s” in any use: calling midshipmen, sappers, miners.

4. Product names.

1) products ending in “-ov”: two kilograms of apricots, bananas, oranges, tomatoes, tomatoes.
2) products with zero flexion: a kilogram of eggplant, pomegranate; can of sprat

5. Weights and other measurements.

1) measures with inflection “-s”: five kilograms, carats, hectares, ergs, cables.
2) measures with zero inflection: one hundred amperes, watt, volt, newton, oersted, coulomb.
3) equal forms: five microns - micron, ohms - ohms, roentgens - roentgens.

6. Names of items: a lot of keychains, bracelets, rails.
Equal forms: few cartridges-cartridge.

7. Nouns used more often in the plural form:

1) nouns ending in “-ov”: there are not enough nerves, criteria, comments, bronchi, corridors, honeycombs, bots, socks, debates, canned food.
2) nouns with zero inflection: chess tournament.

The attentive reader must have noticed that all of the above nouns are masculine. Indeed, most often incidents occur with the masculine gender. However neuter not far away. All words in this group can be divided into four categories.
1) neuter nouns with the normative ending “-й” in the plural, genitive case: how many outbacks, coasts, potions.

2) neuter nouns with normative zero inflection: so many shoulders, apples, saucers, towels, mirrors.

3) neuter nouns with the ending “-ev”: few swamps, laces, upper reaches, lower reaches, leads, troughs, tentacles, blankets, knees, hooves.

4) neuter nouns with a standard fluent vowel at the end: a lot of nozzles - nozzles, tyagol - tyagl.

8. A separate group make up nouns that have only a plural form.
There are also four categories here.

1) equal options: sale of rakes - rakes, stilts - stilts; there are no squeezes - squeezes, picks - picks, picks - picks, picks - picks, picks - picks.

2) the ending “-ov/-ev” is normative for frills, clips, rags, rags, antlers, scum, clavichords.

3) nouns with zero inflection: fear of attacks, darkness, twilight.

4) the ending “-ey” is normative for everyday life, drovney, and nurseries.

Well feminine turned out to be the most pleasant.

Only two words, perhaps, can raise doubts: rod and wafer.
Well, fighters against gender discrimination in the Russian language should call the policy of carrots and sticks a policy of rods and waffles.

And if you want something stronger, then please, you can have a shot. Hmmm... But after reading the post it’s weak to say: “100 grams” or “100 grams” - how to write and say correctly?

Previously, the "100 gram" form was considered incorrect. However, now plural forms. birth numbers the cases of “grams” and “grams” became equal.

But to be honest, the second option still bothers me. And I'm not alone. Korney Chukovsky was also indignant at first, but then changed his mind. “Now it’s even strange for me to remember how angry I was at first with the current phrase: one hundred grams. "Not a hundred grams, but a hundred grams!" - I shouted indignantly. But little by little I got used to it, got over it, and now this new form seems completely normal to me.”

So you and I will have to get used to it.
So, correct: both 100 GRAMS and 100 GRAMS.

Sometimes the simplest speech situations turn out to be ambiguous in terms of the correct use of certain forms of well-known and frequently used words. Buy a kilo tomatoes or tomato? Prepare a dish from eggplant or eggplant? Bouquet of dahlias or dahlia? Similar questions They are of interest not only to housewives: in spelling reference books on the Russian language, entire sections are devoted to them.

Tomato shapes and tomatoes are variants of forming the genitive case of a masculine noun tomato, used in the plural. This noun belongs to type II declension and, according to the rules of Russian grammar, in the genitive case it has the ending - ov : tomatoestomatoes. Nouns have the same form of genitive case apricots, oranges, eggplants, bananas, tangerines, tomatoes: fruit salad from bananas and oranges; the sauce will require two varieties tomatoes; vegetable stew from tomatoes and eggplants.

Saving ending – ov in the genitive plural of this series of nouns is fixed by the norms of word usage and is considered mandatory for oral and writing. But in the Russian language, the processes of formation of some word forms tend towards brevity, manifested in truncation case endings. Therefore, along with full forms tomatoes, oranges, tangerines V oral speech their variants are often used tomato, orange, tangerine. They are considered colloquial and appropriate for informal communication.

Spelling case forms tomatoes And tomato associated with speech styles: in literary styles truncated form is not allowed; in texts conveying conversational style, it is possible to use the word without ending - ov .

the site gives the following recommendations regarding the spelling and use in speech of the forms of the noun tomato and tomatoes:

  1. Genitive plural form of a noun tomatoes is linguistic literary norm. Using the truncated form tomato acceptable in colloquial speech.
  2. In combination with numerals and agreed definitions, write correctly tomatoes.

How often do we have to pronounce nouns in the plural, genitive case. And we pronounce it somehow, without even thinking about whether we pronounce it correctly or not. What if you think about it? Let's look at seven groups of nouns.

1. Name of nationalities. The norm for some nouns of this group is zero inflection (ending). There is no ending “-ov” Bulgarians, Ossetians, English, Mordvins, Romanians, Mohicans, Gypsies, Turks, Turkmen, Buryats, Bashkirs. However, there are three nouns whose norm applies to two variants at once: Karelians - Karelians, Sarmatians-Sarmatians, Yukagir-Yukaghirs. Other nationalities have the ending “-ov” in the plural, genitive case: many Tajiks, Tungus, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Kalmyks, Bedouins, Yakuts etc.

2. Names of paired items. They are characterized by zero inflection. Three subgroups can be distinguished here.

1) shoe names: no boot, felt boots, moccasin, boot, leggings, sandal.

2) names of clothes: material for shorts, bloomers, leggings, cuffs.

3) Accessory names: glitter shoulder strap, epaulette.

4) names of objects: target gate.

3. Names of military branches. An interesting story happened with this group of words. If the noun has a collective meaning, then the ending is zero, but when denoting individuals, the inflection “-ov” should be used. For example, exit dragoon, lancer, midshipman, cadet, partisan. But, three dragoons, lancers, midshipmen, cadets. The exception is the word partisans: three partisans. Three exception words have the inflection of “-ov” in any use: call midshipmen, sappers, miners.

4. Product names.

1) products ending in “-ov”: two kilograms apricots, bananas, oranges, tomatoes, tomatoes.

2) zero flexion products: kilogram eggplant, pomegranate; jar sprat.

5. Weights and other measurements.

1) measures with inflection “-ov”: five kilograms, carats, hectares, ergs, cables.

2) measures with zero inflection: one hundred ampere, watt, volt, newton, oersted, coulomb.

3) equal forms: five microns - micron, ohms - ohm, roentgens - roentgen.

6. Names of items: many keychains, bracelets, rails. Equal forms: few cartridges-cartridge.

7. Nouns used more often in the plural form:

1) nouns ending in “-ov”: not enough nerves, criteria, comments, bronchi, couloirs, honeycombs, bots, socks, debates, canned food.

2) nouns with zero inflection: tournament chess.

The attentive reader must have noticed that all of the above nouns are masculine. Indeed, most often incidents occur with the masculine gender. However, the neuter gender is not far behind. All words in this group can be divided into four categories.

1) neuter nouns with the normative ending “-й” in the plural, genitive case: how many outbacks, coasts, drugs.

2) neuter nouns with normative zero inflection: so many shoulders, apples, saucers, towels, mirror.

3) neuter nouns ending in “-ev”: few swamps, laces, upper reaches, lower reaches, leads, troughs, tentacles, blankets, knees, hooves.

4) neuter nouns with a standard fluent vowel at the end: a lot nozzle - nozzle, draft - draft.

A separate group consists of nouns that have only a plural form. There are also four categories here.

1) equal options: sale rake - rake, stilts - stilt; No squeezing - squeezing, vyselok - vyselkov, vysevok - vysevok, vychesok-vychesk, opivok - opivkov.

2) the ending “-ov/-ev” is normative for frills, clips, rags, rags, antlers, scum, clavichords.

3) nouns with zero inflection: fear attack, darkness, twilight.

4) the ending “-е” is normative for everyday life, wood, nursery.

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