What are morphemes? Meaning, types and spelling of morphemes. Is the meaning of a morpheme a component of the overall meaning of a word? Do verbs have endings in the masculine singular form?

Morpheme- is the smallest significant unit of language that contains lexical or grammatical meaning. Words are made up of morphemes.

Morphemes are divided into root And official.

Root- This a common part related words.

Let's compare the words: Water - to drive; drive - driving. In the first pair of words the root VOD. However, the words Not are the same root, since lexical meaning roots are different. This homonymous roots.

The second pair presents different variants of the same root, associated with historical alternation consonants. These are the same root words: driving is the ability to drive.

The root is an obligatory morpheme present in every word.

Service morphemes are called affixes, which in Latin means attached.

There are 2 classifications of affixes:

1) location in relation to the root;

2) by function.

Affixes are divided into:

consoles(prefixes) – come before the root (suburb),

suffixes– stand after the root before the ending or at the end of words (school, quickly);

postfixes– stand after an ending or a formative suffix (washed, some);

connecting vowels(interfixes) – stand between the roots in difficult words(dried fruits, southwest);

ending– stands at the end of words or before a postfix (washed, washed – ending A).

The meaning of affixes can be word-forming And inflectional - formative.

Word-forming affixes are intended to form new words and have lexical meaning.

These include:

a) prefixes - city - suburb (a place near the city);

b) suffixes school - schoolboy (school student);

c) postfixes - wash – wash (wash yourself), which – some (unknown which);

d) connecting vowels that perform connecting function: dry fruits – dried fruits.

Formative morphemes serve for education various forms the same word and have a grammatical meaning.

The main formative morpheme in the Russian language is ending.

Ending is a variable morpheme that serves to connect words in a sentence. The ending may contain several grammatical meanings. So it exists in form. "table" null ending points to husband. kind, units number, im. pad, and in the form of “tables” ending. AH indicates plural. number of sentences case

Immutable words have no endings. Let's compare: window - windows; coat.

Some forms of adjectives and verbs are formed using formative suffixes.

Form-building suf. attached – these are suf.degrees of comparison: comparative degree – EE, E, SHE(strong - strong her; sweet - sweet e; thin - thinner e); superlative - eish, aish, sh(strongest th, the finest th, higher th).

Some forms of verbs are formed using suffixes: infinitive TH, TI(read, carry); past tense – L, zero suffix (carried, carried); imperative - AND, zero suffix (run, throw).

The plural form in the imperative mood is formed using formative postfix THOSE(run, throw).

In each word, you can identify a stem - a part of the word with a lexical meaning. Therefore, the basis does not include formative suffixes and postfixes. For example, the basis of the word “washed” is “washed”; the ending A and the past tense suffix L are not included in the stem.

The basics can be divided into non-derivatives And derivatives.

Non-derivatives are not derived from the stems of other words and are equal to the root: school.

Derivatives are derived from other stems and include word-forming morphemes: school - located at school.



Derivative morphemes


house) and without endings ( metro

take off / under-nya-t, agitation / agitation-acij-i.

Word-forming morphemes: prefix, suffix, postfix

Word-forming non-root morphemes (affixes) serve to form new words and are divided into prefixes (prefixes), suffixes and postfixes. These types of affixes differ in their place in relation to the root and other morphemes.

Console - word-forming morpheme, standing in front of the root ( re-do, pre-cute, seaside, somewhere), including before another prefix ( up-to-take, illegible).

A word-forming suffix is ​​a word-forming morpheme that comes after the root but before the inflection, if the word has an inflection ( table-ik,blush); V derived word The Russian language often has several suffixes, for example: pis-a-tel-nits-a.

Postfix is ​​a word-forming morpheme that comes after endings and formative suffixes.

Postfixes are represented in Russian - xia), -That, -or, -someday (wash your face, anyone).


The ending is a formative morpheme that expresses the grammatical meanings of gender, person, number and case and serves to connect words in phrases and sentences, that is, it is a means of agreement (new th student), management (letter brother- at) or the connection of the subject with the predicate (I went- at, you go- eat). If inflection expresses at least one of specified values(gender, person, number, case), it is an ending; in this case, the ending can also express other grammatical meanings.

So, for example, the ending of the verb form go-y expresses in addition to the meanings of the 1st person and singular also meanings indicative mood and the present time.

Only people have endings modified words. Function words have no endings ( If), adverb ( very), unchangeable nouns ( Taxi) and adjectives ( khaki). Modified words do not have endings in those grammatical forms, in which there are no specified grammatical meanings (gender, person, number, case), that is, the infinitive, gerund, simple comparative degree.

Some compound nouns and compound numerals have multiple endings. This can be easily seen by changing these words: tr-i- st-a, tr-yoh-sot-…, sofa-… - bed-…, sofa-A-bed-And.

The ending may be null. It stands out in the word being modified if there is a certain grammatical meaning, but it is not materially expressed. A zero ending is a significant absence of an ending, an absence that carries certain information about the form in which the word appears. So, the ending - A in the shape of table shows that this word is in genitive case, -at V table-at points to dative. The absence of a materially expressed ending in the form table indicates that it is nominative or accusative, that is, it carries information, meaningfully. It is in such cases that the zero ending is highlighted in the word.

Words with a zero ending should not be confused with words that do not and cannot have endings - unchangeable words. Only inflected words can have a zero ending, that is, words that have non-zero endings in other forms.

Zero endings are widely represented in the language and are found in nouns, adjectives and verbs in the following positions:

1. Nouns male 2 declensions in I.p. (v.p.) singular: boy-#... - I.p., table-#... - I./V.p.

2. Nouns female 3 declinations in I.p. (v.p.) singular: night-#….

3. Nouns of all genders in R.p. plural: countries-#…, soldier-#…, swamps-#…. Non-zero endings can also be represented in this grammatical form: night-to her-stat- to her.

The correct parsing of such words is achieved by declension of the word. If the sound [th"] disappears during declination, then it belongs to the ending: night, nights. If [th"] can be traced in all cases, then it refers to the stem: articles-… - become[th"-a] - become[y"-a]mi. As we see, in these forms the sound [th"] is not expressed at the letter level, it is “hidden” in the iotized vowel letter. In this case, it is necessary to identify and designate this sound. In order not to clutter the writing with transcription brackets, in linguistics it is customary to denote the sound [th "], "hidden" in an iotated vowel with j, entered in the right place without brackets: becomej-yami.

A fairly common mistake is to determine the endings of words ending in - and I, -no, -th. The impression that these sound complexes are endings is incorrect.

Two letter endings in initial form are presented only in those nouns that are substantivized adjectives or participles. Let's compare:

genius-…, genius-I, genius-Yu - plots-th, plots-Wow, plots-wow

armyj-I, armyj-to her - tables-and I, tables-Ouch etc.

4. Adjectives in short form masculine singular: handsome-…, smart-….

5. Possessive adjectives in I.p. (v.p.) singular; Despite the external similarity of declension, qualitative and possessive have different morphemic structure in the indicated cases:

units number of I.p. syn-th fox-…

R.p. syn-his foxj-his

D.p. syn-to him foxj-to him

V.p. = I.p./V.p.

etc. syn-them foxj-them

P.p. (O) syn-eat(O) foxj-eat

This morphemic structure of possessive adjectives is not difficult to understand if we consider that possessive adjectives denote a sign of belonging to a person or animal and are always derived, formed using word-forming suffixes -in-, -ov-, -andj- from nouns: Mother / mom-in-…, fox / fox-…. IN indirect cases this possessive suffix - th- is realized in [j], which is “hidden” in the iotated vowel.

6. Verb in the masculine singular form in the past tense of the indicative mood and in the conditional mood: things to do-... (would) - cf.: things to do, things to do.

7. A verb in the imperative mood, where the zero ending expresses the meaning of the singular: write-And-#…, write-And-those.

8. B short participles the zero ending, like short adjectives, expresses the meaning of the masculine singular: read-#….

Formative suffix

Another type of inflection is a formative suffix - a suffix that serves to form the forms of a word. Unlike endings, formative suffixes do not express grammatical meanings of gender, number, person and case, but serve to express the meanings of tense, mood, degrees of comparison, etc.; the formative suffix cannot serve as a means of coordination or control, that is, it does not participate in the design syntactic connection words So, for example, in the word form read two inflections are the ending -й, expressing inconsistent symptoms gender, number and case and serves to connect this participle with a noun ( boy reading- I.p., m.r., units. h.; girl reading- V. p., g. r., units h.) and the formative suffix - Vsh-, which denotes active voice and past tense and is not involved in agreement.

Basically, formative suffixes are presented in verb forms: then the suffixes of the infinitive, past tense, imperative mood, participial and participial forms.

In addition to the verb, formative suffixes are presented in degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs.

The verb contains the following formative suffixes.

1. The infinitive is formed by formative suffixes -т/-ти: read, carry. For infinitives on -ch there are two possible ways of identifying inflection: ne-whose or bake-#, where # is a zero formative suffix (historically in whose the end of the stem and the infinitive marker itself overlap).

In school grammar, the infinitive indicator is most often described as an ending. This is due to the fact that the concept of a formative suffix is ​​not introduced there, and the stem is considered to be a part of the word without an ending, therefore, in order to exclude the indicator of the infinitive from the stem, it is given the status of an ending. This is incorrect, since the infinitive indicator does not have the grammatical meanings of gender, number, person or case required for the ending and indicates only the infinitive - the unchangeable verb form.

2. The past tense of the indicative mood is formed by the suffixes -l- ( affairs-l-…) And -#-: carried- #, cf.: carried-l-A.

3. The same suffixes are presented in the conditional mood: things to do-#… would, carried- # -… would.

4. The imperative mood is formed by suffixes - And- (write-And-…) And -#- ( do-#-…), (sit down-#-…).

To understand that forms like do and sit down are formed by a zero formative suffix, and not by the suffix *-й, *-дь, it is necessary to remember that the imperative form is formed from the present tense stem: writing - write. In verbs like read this is not so obvious, since the stems of the infinitive and the present tense differ only in the presence of the present tense in the stem j at the end of the stem: readj-Yu - read. But the grammatical meaning is expressed by a morpheme that is not part of the stem. This morpheme is a zero formative suffix: read-#-… (the zero ending has a singular meaning - cf.: read-#-those).

5. Communion as special shape the verb is formed by suffixes -ash-(-box-), -ush-(-yush-), -sh-, -vsh-, -im-, -om-/-eat-, -nn-, -onn-/-enn-, -T-: running, taken(graphic variants of suffixes after soft consonants are indicated in brackets, alternating suffixes are indicated through a slash).

6. The participle as a special form of the verb is formed by suffixes -a(-i), -v, -shi, -lice, -uchi(-yuchi): do-i-i, be-teach.

7. Simple comparative adjectives and adverbs are formed using suffixes -e (higher), -her/s (faster), -she (earlier), -same (deeper).

8. Simple superlative adjective comparison is formed using formative suffixes -eysh-/-aysh- (fast-eysh-y, high-yish-y).

As we see, not only the ending can be zero, but also the form-building suffix, which stands out when materially not expressed meaning mood or tense of some verbs:

a) a suffix forming the past tense of the indicative mood and conditional mood for a number of verbs that are in the masculine singular ( carried-#-…). In the same verbs, when forming feminine or neuter singular or plural forms, the suffix -l- ( carried-l-A);

b) the imperative suffix for a number of verbs, which were mentioned above ( do- # -…, take it out-#-…).


When forming nouns in the Russian language, all of the above methods of word formation are used: forming words by adding affixes, abbreviation, addition, substantivization, combining addition with affixation.

Affixal ways of forming nouns

1. By the prefix method, nouns can only be formed from nouns, since the addition of a prefix alone cannot change the part-verbal affiliation of the word.

The following prefixes are used to form nouns: not- (luck< неудача), при- (город < пригород), sub-class < подкласс), сверх- (прибыль < сверхприбыль), супер- (игра < суперигра), ультра- (звук < ультразвук), анти- (частица < античастица), контр- (удар < контрудар), противо- (действие < противодействие) and some others.

2. Suffixation is most active in the formation of nouns. Through suffixes, nouns can be formed from nouns, adjectives, verbs, numerals, and adverbs.

Nouns are formed from nouns using suffixes - IR (key< ключик), -ек (замок < замочек), -к (книга < книжка), -чик/-щик (барабан < барабанчик, газета < газетчик), -ник (школа < школьник, чай < чайник), -ин (горох < горошина), -онок (тигр < тигренок), -иц (тигр < тигрица) and many others.

Nouns are formed from adjectives using suffixes -ost (strict< строгость), -изн (белый < белизна), -ин (глубокий < глубина), -от (добрый < доброта), -# (тихий < тишь), -ец (беглый < беглец), -ик (умный < умник), -ак (бедный < бедняк) and some others.

The suffixal word formation of nouns from verbs is characterized by the following suffixes: -nij (sing< пение), -к (строить < стройка), -тельств (строить < строительство), -# (входить < вход), -тель (читать < читатель, включать < включатель), -чик / -щик (перевозить < перевозчик, выдумать < выдумщик), -ец (бороться < борец), -ун (врать < врун) and others.

When forming nouns from numerals, for example, the suffix is ​​used -n (one hundred< сотня).

Nouns are formed from adverbs using suffixes -nick (shared< сообщник) и -чк (почему < почемучка) .

3. Many nouns are formed in a prefix-suffix way.

When forming such nouns from other nouns, the following combinations of prefix and suffix are used: under-...-nick (snow< подснежник), на-...-ник (колено < наколенник), при-...-j (море < приморье), за-...-j (река < заречье), меж-...-j (гора < межгорье), без-...-j (деньги < безденежье), без-...-иц (работа < безработица) .

When forming nouns from adjectives, combinations of affixes for -...-j (polar< заполярье), про-...-# (седой < проседь).

Sometimes nouns are formed from verbs using the prefix-suffix method, for example: so-...-(v)ets (serve< сослуживец) .

Non-affix ways of forming nouns

1. Many nouns are formed by addition, including abbreviations: forest + steppe< лесостепь, сберегательный банк < сбербанк, Московский State University < МГУ .

2. Nouns can be formed by abbreviation: specialist< спец, заместитель < зам .

3. When forming nouns, substantivization is active, during which the transition of adjectives and participles to nouns occurs: ice cream, manager, tips (we're talking about about those words that are recognized by speakers as nouns in the language, and not just in specific text- Wed with a participle used as a noun: Everyone looked at the newcomer).

Mixed methods

Nouns are formed by addition with suffixation. The most commonly used suffixes are: ec (earth + do< земледел-ец ), -Nick (heat + exchange< теплообменник), -тель (море + плавать < мореплаватель), -# (вино + делать < винодел) .


Adjectives in the Russian language are formed by prefixal, suffixal, prefixal-suffixal methods, addition, including fusion.

Affixal ways of forming adjectives

1. Adjectives are formed from adjectives using the prefix method; this method is one of the most productive in the formation of words of this part of speech. The following prefixes are used: not- (cheerful< невеселый), пре- (огромный < преогромный), раз- (веселый < развеселый), анти- (научный < антинаучный), противо- (естественный < противоестественный), сверх- (быстрый < сверхбыстрый), архи- (сложный < архисложный), супер- (модный < супермодный) .

2. The suffixal method is used to form adjectives from adjectives, nouns, verbs, numerals and adverbs.

When forming adjectives from adjectives, suffixes are used - onk-/-enk- (blue< син-еньк-ий, плохой < плохонький), -ущ- (большой < большущий), -енн- (высокий < высоченный), -оват-/-еват- (белый < беловатый, синий < синеватый) .

When forming adjectives from nouns, suffixes are used - n- (autumn< осенний), -ан- (песок < песчаный), -ин- (тополь < тополиный, мама < мамин), -ий (лиса < лисий), -ов (отец < отцов), -ск- (море < морской), -ист- (лес < лесистый), -чат- (пузырь < пузырчатый), -лив- (дождь < дождливый) .

Adjectives are formed from verbs using suffixes - n- (cut< резной), -чив- (улыбаться < улыбчивый), -лив- (въедаться < въедливый), -ист- (поджарить < поджаристый), -к- (пылать < пылкий), -л- (гнить < гнилой) .

When forming adjectives from numerals and adverbs, suffixes are used -n- and -enn- (two< двойной, вчера < вчерашний, внутри < внутренний) .

3. Adjectives are formed from nouns and verbs using the prefix-suffix method.

When forming adjectives from nouns, the following combinations of prefix and suffix are used: without-...-n- (ticket< безбилетный), внутри-...-н- (школа < внутришкольный), вне-...-н- (класс < внеклассный), на-...-н- (стол < настольный), после-...-н- (война < послевоенный), до-...-н- (война < довоенный), противо-...-н- (удар < противоударный), без-...-(- (усы < безусый) .

The same prefixes can be combined with suffixes -enn- (foliage< безлиственный), -ов- (сеть < внутрисетевой), -ск- (завод < внутризаводской) .

When forming from verbs, combinations are mainly used not-...-n- (break< неразрывный), без-...-н- (возвратить < безвозвратный), не-...-м- (исцелить < неисцелимый) .

Non-affix ways of word formation

1. Of the non-affix ways of forming an adjective, addition is especially productive, for example: lyrical + epic< лир(о)-эпический, засуха + устойчивый < засух(о)устойчивый . When forming adjectives by addition, an interfix is ​​required.

2. Only when forming adjectives is this method of word formation used, such as fusion: fast + instant< быстрорастворимый, с ума сшедший < сумасшедший . The difference between fusion and addition is that the phrase, when combined into one word, does not undergo any changes, except that a single stress can be established in the derived adjective (for a possible interpretation of this method, see the note in the section “Means and methods of word formation” ).

Mixed methods

When forming adjectives, addition with suffixation is possible, and suffixes are used more often than others -n- and -(-: Railway < железн(о)дорож-н-ый, кривой + бок < крив(о)бокий .


Numerals are formed from numerals in the following ways:

1) suffixal: two< дв-адцать, пять < пят-надцать, три < тр-оj-е ,

2) addition: three + one hundred< триста, двести + пятьдесят< двести пятьдесят .


Pronouns are formed from pronouns by prefixes neither-, not-, some- and postfixes -that, -either, -any: who< никто, некто, кое-кто, кто-то, кто-либо, кто-нибудь .


Verbs are formed predominantly by affixal methods (the most productive are prefixal and prefix-suffixal); addition for verbs is uncharacteristic.

Affixal ways of forming verbs

1. By the prefix method, verbs are formed from verbs. The number of verb prefixes is very large, which is associated with the expression of the meanings of the result ( species significance), directions, quantitative and temporal modifications and the nature of the action. Let's list the main verb prefixes: do< сделать), на- (писать < написать), про- (читать < прочитать), о- (слепить < ослепить), в- (нести < внести), вы- (бежать < выбежать), от- (прыгнуть < отпрыгнуть), у- (лететь < улететь), за- (петь < запеть), до- (есть < доесть), про- (жить < прожить), при- (бежать < прибежать), недо- (выполнить < недовыполнить) .

2. In a suffix way verbs are formed from verbs, nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, interjections, onomatopoeic words.

Verbs are formed from perfective verbs imperfect form using suffixes -iva/-yva, -va and -a: re-read< перечитывать, подкормить < подкармливать, напеть < напевать, решить < решать .

When forming verbs from nouns, suffixes are used -and- (salt< солить), -а- (плотник < плотничать), -е- (пот < потеть), -нича- (лентяй < лентяйничать), -ова- (форма < формовать), -ствова- (адвокат < вокатствовать) .

Suffixes are used to form verbs from adjectives -and- (white< белить), -е- (белый < белеть), -ова- (пустой < пустовать), -ича- (подлый < подличать) .

Verbs are formed from numerals using a suffix -and- (two< двоить "разделять надвое") .

From pronouns, interjections and onomatopoeia, verbs are formed by the suffix - A-, and if the generating stem ends in a vowel, an interfix-consonant is used: You< вы(к)ать, ах < ахать, мяу < мяу(к)ать .

3. In a postfixed way, verbs with a reflexive meaning are formed from verbs: wash< мыться, встречать< встречаться .

4. The prefix-suffix method is used to form verbs from verbs, nouns, adjectives and numerals.

Verbs formed from verbs receive the meaning of the imperfect form along with the designation of the intensity of the action. To do this, the following combination of species suffix is ​​used: -iva-/-iva- with attachments on- (crackle< потрескивать), при- (петь < припевать), на- (свистеть < насвистывать), под- (петь < подпевать), недо- (любить < недолюбливать).

From nouns, verbs are formed by suffixes and in combination with prefixes behind- (shadow< затенить), об- (лес < облесить), при- (земля < приземлить) . Console without- used in combination with suffixes - And- (fish< обезрыбить "лишить рыбы") And -e- (fish< обезрыбеть "лишиться рыбы" ).

From adjectives, verbs are formed using the suffix - And- and prefixes - y- (dense< уплотнить), о- (благородный < облагородить), вы- (прямой < выпрямить) and some others.

Verbs are formed from numerals using a suffix -And- and consoles y- (three< утроить), с- (двое < сдвоить ).

5. Verbs can be formed in the prefix-postfixal way from verbs. Postfix -sya/-sya at the same time combined with attachments in- (think< вдуматься), за- (думать < задуматься), на- (гулять < нагуляться), рас- (прыгать < распрыгаться), до- (звонить < дозвониться ) and some others.

6. In the suffix-postfix way, verbs are formed from nouns and adjectives using suffixes -i- (crowd< толпиться) и -е- (видный < виднеться ).

7. Verbs can be formed in a prefixal-suffixal-postfixal way: bankrupt< о-банкрот-и-ть-ся, звонить < пере-зван-ива-ть-ся .

Non-affix methods are used extremely rarely in the formation of verbs. For example, the following words are formed by addition: labor + arrange< труд(о)устроить, сам + воспламениться < сам(о)воспламениться .

Mixed methods for trimming a verb are also not very common and are represented by addition with affixation, for example: peace + create< у-мир(о)творить.


An adverb is formed predominantly by affixal methods, among which the prefix-suffixal one is the most productive.

Affixal ways of forming adverbs

1. By the prefix method, adverbs are formed from adverbs. The most commonly used prefixes are not for long< недолго), во- (вне < вовне), за- (темно < затемно), до- (ныне < доныне), на- (всегда < навсегда), по- (ныне < поныне), от- (ныне < отныне), кое- (как < кое-как), ни- (где < нигде).

2. In the suffixal way, adverbs are formed from nouns, adjectives, numerals, verbs, adverbs.

Adverbs formed from nouns contain suffixes that are homonymous to the endings of the noun (see this in the section “Formation of words by transition from one part of speech to another”). These are suffixes -om (evening< вечером, -ой/-ою (весна < весной / весною), -ами (времена < временами ).

Adverbs with suffixes are regularly formed from adjectives -o/-e (cheerful< весело, неуклюжий < неуклюже), -и (дружеский < дружески), -ком (пеший < пешком).
To form adverbs from numerals, the suffix is ​​used - wait and its modifications (two< дважды, три < трижды ).

When forming adverbs from verbs, suffixes are used - me (stand< стоймя), -ом (волочь < волоком), -ю (ощупать < ощупью ).

Adverbs can be formed by suffixation and from adverbs, and the following suffixes are used: - ovato (early< рановато), -енько/-онько (часто < частенько) and some others.

3. When forming indefinite pronominal adverbs, the postfixal method is used, in which pronominal adverbs postfixes are added -something (where< где-то), -либо (куда < куда-либо), -нибудь (зачем < зачем-нибудь) .

4. The prefix-suffix method is most actively used in the formation of adverbs from nouns and adjectives.

When forming an adverb from a noun, the following combinations of prefixes and suffixes are presented: in-...-u (dry food< всухомятку), в-...-((даль < вдаль), на-...-у (встеча < навстречу), на-...- (показ < напоказ), в-...-у (верх < вверху), в-...-е (начало < вначале), в-...-и (даль < вдали), на-...-у (верх < наверху), с-...-у (бок < сбоку) and others.

Largest quantity combinations are presented in the formation of adverbs from adjectives. These are the following combinations of affixes: according to...-him (new< по-новому, прежний < по-прежнему), по-...-и (охотничий < по-охотничьи), из-...-а (давний < издавна), до-...-а (белый < добела), с-...-а (новый < снова), в-...-о (правый < вправо), на-...-о (белый < набело), по-...-у (пустой < попусту), в-...-ую (пустой < впустую), в-...-и (близкий < вблизи), с-...-у (молодой < молоду) .

Adverbs can be formed by the prefix-suffix method from numerals, using the following prefixes and suffixes: in-/in-...-s/-them (third< в-третьих, второй < во-вторых), в-...-ом/-ем (двое < вдвоем, пятеро < впятером), в-...-о/-е (десятеро < вдесятеро), на-...-о/-е (двое < надвое) .

Adverbs are formed from verbs by affixes in-...-((jump< вскачь), в-...-ку (догонять < вдогонку).От наречий наречия образуются при помощи по-...-у (долго < подолгу), по-...-ку (нарочно < понарошку) .

Non-affix ways of formation for adverbs are not presented.

Mixed methods are represented insignificantly. Thus, some adverbs are formed by addition with suffixation, for example: past + walk< мимоходом.

Forming words by moving from one part of speech to another

Words of some parts of speech were historically formed by the transition of words from one part of speech to another.

We have already called the formation of nouns by transitioning adjectives and participles into them ( ice cream, manager) - substantivization. If a noun formed by substantivating an adjective does not have any differences in morphemic structure from these adjectives, then a noun formed by substantivizing a participle, from the point of view of its morphemic composition differ from the corresponding participle: in a noun the suffix -ush/-yush, -ash/-yush is not formative (a noun is not a form of a verb) and is included in the stem. Therefore, in linguistics education similar words is considered as a suffixation: manager (to manage, manager - “the one who is in charge”).

Many adverbs were formed by transition from other parts of speech. Thus, we can note adverbs formed by rethinking

Nouns ( at home, spring),

Adjectives ( in vain, in the open),

Participles ( sitting, lying down),

Numerals ( doubled).

The transition of a word from one part of speech to another is a historical process. From the point of view of the modern state of the language, all these words are formed using a suffix or prefix and a suffix that is homonymous to the ending of a noun, adjective or numeral, as well as the formative suffix of the participial form of the verb, for example: winter/winter, lying/lying, empty/empty. The transition process is active during the formation of function words. So, for example, we can name the following groups of prepositions: formed by transition from other parts of speech:

Named: in view of, in the form of, during, on account of, regarding,

Verbal: thanks, including, excluding, starting, after,

Adverbial: near, around, opposite, into the distance.

At the same time, the distinction between preposition and adverb is possible only in context and depends on the real presence or absence standing next noun: I looked around(adverb) - I walked around the house(pretext). The distinction between a derived preposition and a gerund is based on the difference in their meaning - a derived verbal preposition expresses the meaning of a relationship, not an action, for example: Thanks to the hosts the evening was a great success(preposition) - We left, thanking the hosts for their hospitality.(gerund participle).

As for denominative prepositions, the degree of their departure from independent words different. In a number of cases, prepositions have become completely isolated and have lost their semantic connection with the base noun, for example: in view of, during, by, regarding, as far as; V modern language these prepositions should be considered non-derivative. In other cases, semantic connections are alive: in quality, in the sphere, with the help, in favor. Such prepositions are called prepositional combinations because they retain some syntactic properties noun: selective combinability ( in the role someone - in function something), the ability to make a definition ( play the dubious role of peacemaker). In these cases, we are dealing with a living process of “suggesting” nominal combinations.

From point of view current state language, the following ways of forming prepositions can be distinguished:

1) suffixal - from verbs: exclude-i > exclude,

2) prefix-suffixal - from nouns: during-time > time e me,

3) addition - from prepositions: due to > due to + due to.


Morpheme– this is the minimum significant part words. It is not divided into smaller meaningful parts. Words are built from morphemes, the meanings of morphemes are components general meaning words.

Morphemes are divided into word-forming and inflectional (formative).

Derivative morphemes serve to form words and help express the lexical meaning of a word.

Inflectional (formative) morphemes are needed to form the forms of inflected words and express the grammatical meaning of words.

Classification of morphemes in the Russian language.

All morphemes are divided into root and non-root. Non-root morphemes are divided into word-forming (prefix, word-forming suffix, postfix), called affixes, and form-forming (ending and form-forming suffix), called inflections.


Fundamental difference root from other types of morphemes is that the root is the only mandatory part words. There are no words without roots, while there are significant amount words without prefixes, suffixes ( house) and without endings ( metro). The root can be used, unlike other morphemes, without being combined with other roots.

Roots that can be used in a word alone or in combination with inflections are called free. There are a majority of such roots in the language. Those roots that can only be used in combination with affixes are called bound, for example: take off / under-nya-t, agitation / agitation-acij-i.

An ending is a variable significant part of a word, which forms the forms of the word and serves to connect words in phrases and sentences. This formative morpheme expresses the grammatical meanings of gender, person, number and case.

Not all words have an ending. Only mutable words have it. It happens that a word has an ending, but it is not visible or heard, i.e. it is not expressed in letters and sounds - it is a zero ending. In addition, the ending does not always come at the end of the word. A word can have two endings. Sometimes, to highlight the ending, you have to use phonetic transcription.

The ending is a formative morpheme that expresses the grammatical meanings of a word (gender, person, number, case), and not lexical meanings as derivational morphemes.

The ending differs from formative suffixes in the nature of the grammatical meaning it expresses.

Only changing parts of speech can have an ending(declinable, conjugated or changing according to gender and number):

  • inflected nouns,
  • adjectives,
  • numerals,
  • pronouns,
  • Verbs,
  • participles.

To highlight the ending, you need to change the form of the word:

  • change number:

    meadow () - meadow (A),
    herbs (A)- herbs (s),
    brave () - dared (s);

  • change gender for adjectives and participles:

    white (th)- white (oh)- white (and I), thinking (ii)- thinking (and I), sat () — sat (A);

  • case for parts of speech that are inflected: house () - house (A)- house (y), syn (ii)— syn (his)— syn (to him) ;
  • verb face: write (y)- write (yeah)- write (ut) .

The part of the word that changes when changing the form of a word, it is an ending.

Ending is not part of the word, since it has only grammatical meaning.

Ends of words different parts speeches can be the same, but their endings are different, i.e. words have different morphemic structures. Examples:

  • small And vision - adjective small and noun vision at the end of the word have -ies . Changing the gender of the adjective: small (s) - small (s) -small (s) , we define the changing part - the last two letters change, therefore, -ies - ending. Declining noun vision(s) - vision(s) - vision(s), determine the ending -e .
  • yawning And angry - participle yawning has no ending, because it is an unchangeable word and an adjective hl(s) - evil(s) - evil(s)) has an ending -and I .
  • in vain And Earth - adverb in vain has no ending, because it is an unchangeable word and a noun landl (ya) - earth (oh) - earth (y) has an ending -I .
  • banner And biology - nouns banner(s) - banner(s)-banner(s) And biologist(s)-biologist(s)-biologist(s) have identical endings-I.

Attention! Second person plural verbs The present and future numbers and forms of the imperative mood of these verbs may coincide, but have a different morphemic structure, i.e. have two options for morphemic parsing:

Execute (imperative mood, you-full-and-(those), -and- — imperative mood) second task after completing (present tense, you-full-(ite)) first.
you-let-and-(those) (imperative mood) - you-let ;
you-heal-and-(those) (second conjugation, imperative mood) - you-treat-(ite) etc.

In first conjugation verbs unstressed ending-(yeah) has the same sound as the imperative mood, but is written differently:

jump out-and-(those) (command tilt) — jump out ) (first conjugation (jump), second person, plural).

With the help of endings, forms of inflected words are formed.

The ending expresses the different grammatical meanings of parts of speech:

  • number and case of nouns, numerals, personal pronouns (without a preposition or with )
    noun 2nd declension, Tv.p., singular by whom?, what? elephant( ohm), father( ohm), con( eat
  • gender, number, case of adjectives, participles, pronouns
  • person and number for verbs in the present and future tense:
  • gender and number for past tense verbs and short adjectives

In addition to distinguishing word forms, endings sometimes serve meaningful function:

bread(s) - cereals and bread(s) - products baked from flour; men are husbands, teeth are teeth, leaves are leaves.

Sometimes it's easy in the end define not only the form, but also Part of speech. For example:

In a phrase, unchangeable words are subordinate to the main word in meaning, using word order and intonation: run fast, run upstairs.

Immutable words have no endings:

Unchangeable parts of speech Examples
participles seeing, hearing, collecting, washing
adverbs naked, fun, better, in German, first of all, unbearable, married
indeclinable nouns (usually borrowed): cocoa, necklace, flowerpot
indeclinable adjectives: khaki, burgundy, beige
comparative adjectives: stronger, higher
possessive pronouns denoting belonging to a third party: his, her, theirs
interjections and onomatopoeias: hurray, ah!
Functional parts of speech:
unions though

Attention! The absence of an ending in a word is not graphically indicated. During morphemic and word-formation analysis, you cannot put a zero ending sign! The whole word is included in the base.

Participles and adverbs are unchangeable parts of speech, so they have no endings. Don't be confused gerunds and adverbs with adjective endings. The endings of adjectives can be changed:

  • doom/ A/t - dum/ A/I- gerund suffix;
  • mil( and I) is the ending of an adjective that can be changed: dear, dear.

Null endings

Declined or conjugated (changeable!) parts of speech in some forms may have a zero ending.
The zero ending is not expressed by sound and is not indicated by a letter in writing. You can detect it by changing the forms of the word. If, when changing the form of a word, an ending appears, expressed in letters and sounds, then
The null ending conveys a specific grammatical meaning:

table(), horse() - Im. n., masculine, second declension; clouds(), puddles(), mam() - the meaning of the plural genitive case.

When the form of such words changes, after the stem a pronounced ending appears (by sounds, letters).

Zero endings have: Examples
masculine singular nouns of the 2nd declension in the nominative and accusative cases:

forest() - forest(a), forest(y);
house() - house(s), house(s);
elephant() - elephant(a), elephant(y);
hero() — hero(s) [g'irOy"(a)];

feminine nouns of the 3rd declension in nominative case units:

mouse() - mouse(s);
night() — night(s),
network() — set(s)

nouns in the genitive plural. different genera:

cloud() - cloud(s) - cloud(s),
fox() - fox(s) - fox(s),
soldier() - soldier(s),
windows() - window(o);
articles() - become(s) [article(s)]

short adjectives and masculine singular participles:

handsome() - handsome, clumsy - clumsy,
bad() — bad(a);
wounded() — wounded(s) — wounded(s),
conceived - planned(s), conceived(s);

possessive adjectives in I.p. m.r. unit

fox-y() - fox(i) -fox[y"(a)], shark(), wolf() (see below why this is so)
mother(), father()

past tense verbs masculine singular in the indicative and subjunctive mood:

sang(), sang() would - sang(a),
washed - washed;

verbs of the imperative mood have singular parts:

teach(), watch(), write();

numerals in the nominative and accusative cases:

ten() - ten(s), ten(s)

Attention! It is necessary to distinguish between words with a zero ending and unchangeable words, because in a word with a zero ending it is indicated when morphemic parsing words, but in unchangeable words - no (no ending)!

  • noun already() (already (y), already (ohm)) has a zero ending, and the adverb really - an unchangeable word and therefore has no ending.
  • net() - noun ( set(s), set(s)),
    ) - a verb where the ending is indefinite (th),
    launch(s) - verb,
    five() - numeral ( heel(s)),
    path() - noun ( put(s), put(s)),
    though - a conjunction and an unchangeable word, so there is no ending,
    let , unchangeable word - no ending,
    thinking - gerund, unchangeable word - no ending.

The ending can be inside the word:

  • If a word has , then the ending is located before it, inside the stem of the word: uch (y) sya, uch (ish) Xia, having studied (ii) Xia(after the ending there is a verb -sya/-sya - the most common case); let's go (eat)-te ; in the middle of compound pronouns: How (Ouch)-either as (Wow)-either as (Wow) something, to (oh) someday.
  • In some difficult words: to Komsomolsk (f)-on-Amur (f) .

Two endings in a word.

In complex words, two endings can be distinguished:

  • for nouns: armchair (O)-bed () - armchair (A)-bed (And) ;
  • for numerals: five () ten () - toe (And) ten (And) .

But, in compound nouns and adjectives that are written together, after the first there is a connecting vowel, and not an ending: myself- O-years () , red- O-leather (ii) .

The ending is distinguished by its sound composition

using transcription, since the spelling does not reflect the morphemic composition of the word:

  • Masculine possessive adjectives in -й:

    fox(), wolf(), bear(), Where - th is a suffix and has a null ending. When declining, fluent - And - drops out of the suffix, leaving a suffix that sounds like [th’] , and in writing it is conveyed as a separator soft sign: fox (him) [fox'-y-'(willow)], wolf (him) [wolf'-y'-(willow)], bear (him) [m'edv'ezh-y'-(willow)] - the suffix sounds in the transcription [th’] and ending.

  • In the following words, the suffix -й- also appears in the sound composition of the word: guns [roug-y’-(a)],gun [roug-y’-(o)]; sparrow ya[sparrow’-th’-(a)], sparrow yu[sparrow’-th’-(y)] ; edge, edge [kra-y’-(u)]. Suffix -th- is also preserved when forming related words: rifle, passerine [ sparrow'-y'-in-(y)] . In these words and others like them (dancer, grumbler; gorge, knowledge, aspiration; May, tram etc.) not in all forms the ending is indicated by letters.

List of used literature

  • Kazbek-Kazieva M.M. Preparation for Russian language Olympiads. 5-11 grades. – 4th ed. – M.J. Iris-press, 2010
  • Panova E.A., Pozdnyakova A.A. Reference materials in Russian to prepare for exams. - M.: - Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2004.-462 p.
  • Svetlysheva V.N. Handbook for high school students and applicants to universities / V.N. Svetlysheva. - M.: AST -PRESS SCHOOL, 2011 - ISBN 978-5-94776-742-1.

The ending is a form-building morpheme that expresses the grammatical meanings of gender, person, number and case (at least one of them!) and serves to connect words in phrases and sentences, that is, it is a means of agreement (new student), control (letter brother- y) or the connection between the subject and the predicate (I'm going-y, you're going-eating).

Only inflected words have endings. Function words, adverbs, unchangeable nouns and adjectives have no endings. Modified words do not have endings in those grammatical forms that lack the specified grammatical meanings (gender, person, number, case), that is, the infinitive and gerunds.

Some compound nouns and compound numerals have multiple endings. This can be easily seen by changing these words: tr-[i]-st-[a], tr-[yoh]-sot-, sofa-bed-, sofa-[a]-bed-[i].

The ending may be null. It stands out in the word being modified if there is a certain grammatical meaning, but it is not materially expressed. A zero ending is a significant absence of an ending, an absence that carries certain information about the form in which the word appears. Thus, the ending -a in the form table-a shows that this word is in the genitive case, -u in table-u indicates the dative case. The absence of an ending in the form table indicates that this is the nominative or accusative case, that is, it carries information, it is significant. It is in such cases that the zero ending is highlighted in the word.

Words with a zero ending should not be confused with words that do not and cannot have endings - unchangeable words. Only inflected words can have a zero ending, that is, words that have non-zero endings in other forms.

E. I. Litnevskaya. Russian language: short theoretical course - M., 2000.

In this chapter:

§1. Morpheme

Morpheme is the minimum meaningful part of a word. It is not divided into smaller meaningful parts. Words are built from morphemes, and the meanings of the morphemes are components of the overall meaning of the word.

Morphemes are divided into word-forming and inflectional (formative).

Derivative morphemes serve to form words and help express the lexical meaning of a word.

Inflectional (formative) morphemes are needed to form the forms of inflected words and express the grammatical meaning of words.

§2. Types of word-forming morphemes

Derivative morphemes include root, prefix, suffix and interfix.

Root- the main morpheme, common to related words and expressing the main lexical meaning of the word.


Words without a root are impossible in the Russian language.

In words house, house ik, looking for a home, ova's house, house earpiece, house keeping, house sharpness there is a root house. In the examples of compound words given, this is the first of two roots. As can be seen from the example, there can be several roots in a word.

In the Russian language there are words consisting only of roots. This is, first of all, function words: prepositions: By, To, above, unions: And, But, If, interjections: Oh, Oh, Hello, some adverbs: Very, there, and immutable nouns: coffee, metro and adjectives: beige, khaki

Console is a morpheme that occupies a position in a word before the root, for example with run, when going, rethink. There can be several prefixes, like roots, in a word: demon with mental, demon is powerful.


A word cannot consist only of a prefix.

Suffix- a morpheme that occupies a position after the root in a word, for example human n y, shore oh oh. Many Russian words have not one, but several suffixes: nasil stvenn about, America an from irova nn y.


A word cannot consist only of a suffix.

There are several special features in the system of morphemes interfix.
Interfixes in the Russian language include letters O And e as connecting vowels in complex words. Interfixes participate in word formation, but do not add their meaning: heat O move, steam O WHO, myself O var.

§3. Types of formative morphemes

Formative morphemes include, first of all, endings and suffixes.

Ending is a morpheme that serves to change a word, form its forms and express meanings: number, gender, case, person. Endings are needed to connect words in a sentence.
Only inflected words have endings. Examples:

Listening yu, listening, listening, listening, listening, listening

Ch. present tense 1st sp., forms 1st, 2nd and 3rd person units. and plural h.

dacha a, dacha, dacha, dacha, dacha, about dacha

noun 1st class, female, units. h., name, gen., dat., wine., tv., p. pad.

Zero ending
The ending may be zero, i.e. not expressed, not represented, but such an ending also carries information about the grammatical meaning.
Example: table - zero ending (noun m.r., 2nd sc., im.=win. fall), read - zero ending (ch. past tense, m.r., plural) .


These words and these forms have zero endings:

  • for nouns of the 2nd and 3rd classes. in the form of I.p. and V.p. in units, if their shapes coincide, as in inanimate nouns: house, horse, mother, night
  • for nouns of all declensions in the form R.p. in plural: cars, windows, soldiers, armies
  • for short adjectives in the singular form. m.r.: healthy, glad, happy
  • for verbs in the indicative mood, past. time, unit, m.r.: read, wrote, considered
  • for verbs in the form of the conditional mood, singular, m.p.: would read, write, count would
  • for verbs in singular imperative forms: write, read, count
  • in short passive participles in unit form m.r.: written, read

Do not confuse:

Zero ending and no ending for unchangeable words. This is a serious mistake common during analysis.

Formative suffixes- these are morphemes that appear in a word after the root and serve to form the forms of the word. Examples: suffix indeterminate form verb -th, -ti: chita t, going you, past tense suffix -l: go l, imperative -And: review And, degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs -e:tish e.

We discuss the problem of interpretation.

Formative suffixes or endings?

Some authors consider formative suffixes as endings. Their logic is as follows: if a morpheme is used to form new words, it is a suffix, and if with the help of a morpheme they are formed different shapes of the same word, then these are endings. By this logic, it turns out that the past tense indicator -l is an ending, and so is the infinitive indicator. After all be in love And I loved- this is the same word, only its forms are different.

I recommend that children not be surprised when they encounter a new interpretation. There is nothing to be done; there are issues on which researchers have not yet come to an agreement. The main thing is to be consistent and always comment on controversial phenomena in the same way.

Test of strength

Check your understanding of this chapter.

Final test

  1. What is the minimum significant part of a word?

    • Morpheme
  2. Is the meaning of a morpheme a component of the overall meaning of a word?

  3. What morphemes serve to form words and help express the lexical meaning of a word?

    • Derivational
    • Formative (inflectional)
  4. What morpheme is common to related words and expresses the main lexical meaning of the word?

    • Root
    • Console
    • Suffix
  5. Can a word consist only of a prefix?

  6. Can a word consist of only a suffix?

  7. What morpheme is used to express meanings of person, gender, number, case?

    • Suffix
    • Ending
  8. Why are interfixes needed?

    • For word formation
    • To pass a new value
    • For shaping
  9. What morpheme is used to connect words in a sentence?

    • Root
    • Suffix
    • Ending
  10. Do verbs have an ending in the masculine singular form?

Right answers:

  1. Morpheme
  2. Derivational
  3. Root
  4. Ending
  5. For word formation
  6. Ending

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