How to overcome your fear of fighting. I'm afraid to fight, what should I do? Psychological preparation of a fighter

For any boy in Russia, a fight is of particular importance. To fight and win means to be able to stand up for yourself and dominate others. But what to do when you are physically weaker than others, you react too harshly to pain, you don't want to hurt anyone and just Are you afraid? But others can do it! Why am I worse? I would like to know how to overcome the fear of fighting in order to get rid of this discomfort once and for all.

The weakest in the class, the frailest in health - an eternal cold. He didn’t come out in height or weight. Even the boys a year younger than me are stronger and healthier. What to do? How to live further if am I not a victorious warrior? How to win girls' hearts?

Fear of a fight is not being afraid of spiders. Standing in front of you is a sort of wardrobe a head taller or a stocky bull twice as wide as you. And think to yourself what to do with it. Decide while treacherous imagination draws in my head terrible pictures of beatings, blood and pain. Getting into a fight in this situation is a failed strategy. As here overcome fear before the fight?

How to overcome the fear of fighting. Lie down or in the oven?

For a boy, fear of a fight also means being the first to fight. victim. Caustic nicknames, insults, ridicule - I had to go through all this myself. In search of a clear explanation of how to get rid of the fear of fighting, I studied psychology and the advice of martial artists. It is known that when a person has a fear of pain, fear of missing a beat, then at the moment of impact, instead of looking at the attacker, defending and dodging, he closes his eyes and freezes.

What good can be the use of conscious exercises when the ingrained Is the reaction unconscious? And this in turn means that even after hundreds of completed training sessions (in safe conditions), V emergency situation the reaction will be uncontrollable, unconscious.

Training on system-vector psychology Yuri Burlana, where besides others psychological problems pays a lot of attention to fears, offers a completely different approach.

Fear of fighting is most often associated with fear of pain and fear of death. Fear of death to some extent common to all people. All people are emotional, but some especially emotional. They love to fantasize and share impressions, experience bright feelings. They experience fear to exactly the same degree of intensity. It's about the owners visual vector. Having worked at the training visual vector, by understanding yourself more deeply, you can get rid of any fears.

I'm afraid to fight. Fear in the visual eyes

“Just think, he’s afraid to fight!” someone will say, expressing disdain for the problem. “Everyone is afraid to fight! But they overcome and fight!” Such statements are based on false understanding that all people are the same. But obviously this is not the case.

Among children and teenagers, and sometimes among adult men, fighting is one of the elements ranking a team. However, not all boys are ranked. Skin-visual boys do not perceive rankings, strive to avoid any conflicts, especially those involving the use of force.

To “remake” such a boy into a man, to join the army thinking that he is get rid of fear before a fight means putting him in a situation risking health and even life. Cases of hazing that resulted in irreparable damage to health, disability or even death conscript soldiers, talk about possible options the fate of skin-visual guys in the army.

How to overcome the fear of fighting. Is it worth fighting the “windmill”?

IN normal conditions existence of society, the ability to fight is useful to a person, well, except in exceptional cases. However, fear often remains creates a negative background V Everyday life. Intentionally experiencing frightening situations only freezes in a state of horror and anxiety for yourself.

It’s a paradox, but in order to overcome fear, visual people completely no need go and overcome it. That is, of course you need to go - for training, To obtain exact information about how to overcome your fear of a fight or combat, or any other. Learn to experience vivid feelings that bring joy and pleasure from life.

More than 10,000 people With different problems who have completed the training, left reviews. Among them are more than 400 reviews about freedom from various fears. Here are just some examples:

Fears have disappeared into an unknown direction, and, in my opinion, they are not going to return: fear of death, fear of life, fear of the end of the world - now it especially amuses me to hear about the end of the world, fears of people are gone– at first glance, I intuitively understand what a person is like and what to expect from him.

The fear that I had for reasons unknown at the time disappeared. When a person begins to fully understand the causes of all his psychological problems, he no longer needs to make any efforts to solve them - they simply disappear naturally.

While listening to the lecture, I realized that I was afraid of everything... the dark, people on the street... I constantly locked myself in the car when I was in it, even if there was simply nothing to get the thieves out at the intersection by quickly opening the door. I was shaken by phone calls and doorbells. And it passed almost without a trace.

There was a feeling of anxiety with or without reason. It passed without a trace.

Sign up for free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan! Next cycle dates introductory lectures You can find out in the schedule!

Written using training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

“Darling, where have you been?
- I was running.
- Why is your T-shirt covered in blood and your face broken?
- We caught up...”

“I’m afraid to fight...” - it’s incredibly difficult to admit something like this openly to a man, but you can discuss it incognito over the Internet. How to overcome your fear of fighting - this seemingly not a man’s problem is discussed on men’s forums. Moreover, psychologists are not far behind in their conclusions and advice from ordinary people. Usually both give approximately the same answer to the question of how to overcome fear.

How to get rid of the fear of fighting? Opinions

Let's see how the fear of fighting on the World Wide Web is usually explained. Those men who are afraid of pain, blood, or afraid of disgrace if they lose, or who are not men at all, are afraid to fight. In answers to the question of how to get rid of the fear of fighting, the following methods are suggested:

  1. Go learn how to fight professionally;
  2. Buy yourself a weapon;
  3. Overcome yourself, work on your fear, provoke fights and thereby develop “immunity” to fighting.

That is, the more I am afraid of a fight, the more often I need to go into direct confrontation: they knock out a wedge with a wedge.

At the same time, there are timid calls to resolve all issues through negotiations - not by force, but with the help of words. "We are not savages, we are modern people! Instead of looking for ways to overcome fear, isn’t it better to learn to understand others and negotiate?”

How to overcome your fear of fighting? Open questions

What is the reason for the persistent feeling “I’m afraid to fight”? Do all men experience fear of fighting? If not everyone, then why and who is afraid of a fight? What is the point of fighting? Will fighting as such disappear with the progress of society? How to overcome fear of fighting?

A new look at familiar things

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, being a new direction in modern psychological science, will help us find answers to these questions. Firstly, not all men are afraid of fighting. This is a problem only for men with (special innate mental properties). There are only about 5% of them total number men. They are more emotional and impressionable than others. Their distinguishing feature is that they, by their nature, are not capable of murder in principle. Life is for them highest value, they even feel sorry for crushing a spider.

In a group of men, where any man, in fact, moves in the corridor of libido and mortido, sex and death (hunting, prey), the viewer feels like “another,” in a sense, not a man. The children's group, where ranking takes place and primitive roles are practiced, including through fights, turns out to be the first test for visual boys. Fear of a fight and any fear in general is transmitted to others through smells. Others pick up on it - and the young viewer often becomes a victim of aggression. Therefore, the question of how to overcome his fear becomes key for him from a young age.

How to overcome the fear of fighting? Fear has big eyes

At the heart of all the fears of a visual person is the fear of death. Fear for oneself is a natural fear of the viewer; it cannot be overcome by self-hypnosis or practical training. Therefore, any advice on how to stop being afraid of a fight, through self-persuasion or constant clashes, is obviously useless. Then how to overcome your fear?

The opposite pole of fear is love. The more developed a visual boy/man is in his properties, the less fears he has and the more empathy and love. If a visual child “gets stuck” in a state of fear for his life, then even the very thought of a fight drives him into fear. Good imagination Paints the audience in bright colors bloody scenes with a sad ending, causing internal panic.

A developed visual child/man “feels sorry for a bird,” he avoids fights because he simply cannot cause pain. However, fighting is a way to rank in children's team, and he will most likely find himself in ambiguous situations.

How to overcome the fear of fighting? To understand how to behave as a visual man with a fear of fighting (or a parent of a visual child), you must first of all deeply understand yourself, the characteristics of the visual vector, realize the nature of your fear and realize your natural talents. Then there will simply be no place left for fears in your life. Yours strengths– in another, and you just need to know about them! At the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, you will learn everything about this. The spectator’s special talent is in empathizing with other people, through this he gets rid of any fears, and the question of how to stop being afraid of fights no longer arises.

So, if you are interested in finding answers to the question of how to overcome the fear of a fight or battle, register for a free online training on system-vector psychology.

Understanding the real reason of your fear - effective way curb it, understand how to cope with the fear of fighting and work productively with it. Read about, before and after completing the training:

I had quite a lot of fears. One of the strongest fears people had was social phobia. The presence of this ever-increasing fear throughout my life greatly complicated my life, significantly limiting my development, my social circle, and preventing the establishment of new social contacts, which I always tried to avoid.

Now, after almost two years, I don’t feel that former horror of people, I can calmly go out and use public transport, talk on the phone and do many other things without wasting too much time and effort on thinking and overcoming your fear...

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

First of all, you must admit to yourself that there is fear and there is no escape from it. You are not proficient in martial arts, and this is worth remembering. It is likely that awareness of these things will push you to exercise. If you have a friend who practices martial arts. Ask him to spar. If you miss punches in a practice fight, as you probably will, then in a street fight it can be even worse.

Will the martial arts section help you overcome the fear of missing a punch?

The decision to enroll in the martial arts section may be the only right one if you want to learn how to stand up for yourself. Now the choice of trends and styles is great and everyone will find something to their liking. Surely you will not regret making this decision in the future. However, remember that injuries will happen, but they will only make you stronger.

If we talk about the potential benefits of martial arts training, we can highlight the following:

  1. There will be a fight commonplace, and your fear of her will gradually disappear.
  2. At any difficult situation you will begin to feel confident, but you will not look for adventure.
  3. The more time you spend in aggressive conditions during training, the easier it will be for you to endure them during a fight.
  4. You will strengthen your body and character, and an experienced fighter is extremely difficult to break.
  5. Practicing strikes and spiritual growth only possible during classes.
  6. You will learn various techniques self-defense and stop being afraid.
As one improves in training, a person gets rid of fear. However, martial arts allow you to strengthen not only the body, but also the spirit. For many people, any type of martial arts is primarily associated with the ability to fight. However, this is not entirely true. Let's find out what benefits can be obtained from practicing martial arts from the point of view of spiritual growth:
  1. A feeling of peace appears - in any situation and place you will be relaxed and calm.
  2. You will gain confidence in your abilities - this is useful in any situation. life situations, and not just during a fight.
  3. Eliminate fear of crowds - in a fight you often have to face several opponents.
  4. Learn to use net worth, and not draw it from others.
  5. After classes, your aggression will disappear.
  6. Learn to control your breathing, which will be useful in any life situation.
  7. You will be able to use energy as economically as possible.

Exercises to combat the fear of missing a punch in boxing and on the street

A street fight is significantly different from sparring and this should be remembered. If you want to learn how to overcome the fear of missing a punch in boxing and on the street, we suggest doing two exercises.

Exercise “Two people in a ring”

  1. Two fighters are located in the center with their backs to each other, and the rest surround them in a ring.
  2. Blows are delivered to mark the places where you have opened up.
  3. The fighters in the ring can not only dodge and block attacks, but also strike back.
Thanks to this exercise, you will gradually stop being afraid of blows to the face. In addition, peripheral vision improves, which can be very useful in a street fight. You will no longer be afraid of attacks from several opponents at once, and will be able to control the situation.

Exercise “Every man for himself”

Start working for large area and each fighter must defend himself from everyone. Be careful with blows, because no one wants injuries. After a certain period of time, the area for training is reduced by half. If you want to know how to overcome the fear of missing a punch in boxing and on the street, then in this exercise try to be in the very epicenter of events.

Carrying out this exercise, you will get used to fighting in a confined space with a large concentration of fighters. There are no rules in a street fight and you need to prepare for it. During training, you have to give it your all, and don't be afraid to miss shots from the side. Gradually, you will develop a sense of distance, and opponents will not be able to approach you within striking distance. You will stop panicking when you see a crowd.

Why is there a fear of missing a punch in boxing and on the street?

Fear is natural state for each normal person. It helps us survive, but in certain situations it is necessary to get rid of it. If in an extreme situation, for example, when you are attacked on the street, you feel fear, then you will not be able to show your best. When a person is afraid of a fight, there is a high probability that he will be defeated.

Among the main reasons for the appearance of fear, we note:

  • Fear of death - if you are not afraid of it, then there will be no fear.
  • If you are afraid for your body, you should not identify yourself only with the body.
  • Project events into the future - you shouldn’t think about the future before a fight, you should prepare yourself for the fight as if it were the last one in your life.
  • Focus your attention on the surrounding stop - concentrate on anything, but not on what is happening.
  • No fighting experience - if you don't train, you don't have enough experience to win.
  • False perception of reality - you may be unsure of own strength and this will play a cruel joke on you.
  • Resistance to fear only provokes its intensification. If you are afraid, then accept the fear and do not resist it.

How should an experienced fighter behave?

If in the ring you have to fight with one opponent, then in a street fight this happens extremely rarely. Here are some tips on how to behave when facing a crowd:
  1. Each member of the crowd always hopes for the help of a comrade - if a fight with the crowd cannot be avoided, and you find yourself in the minority, then each of the attackers will wait for the first step from their comrades.
  2. Attack yourself strong opponent first - choose the strongest among your opponents and attack him. This may catch everyone else off guard and dampen their enthusiasm.
  3. Scare one of the attackers (you can make a false swing) and switch to the strongest one - this way you can keep the enemy at a distance.
  4. Don't show your fear - once the crowd senses your insecurity, things can end badly.
If you don't know how to overcome the fear of missing a punch in boxing and on the street, then remember these tips and use them in extreme situations. But if you don’t train and don’t have combat practice, it will be extremely difficult to win. It should also be recalled that fighting is the last resort conflict situation. First try to resolve everything peacefully.

A fighter with sufficient experience does not strive for a fight. He does not need to prove anything and words will be used first. In most cases street fights are started by cowards who, alone, are nothing and can only attack when they form a flock.

Remember, personality will always show itself. If you are confident in your abilities, then this will be noticeable in everything: your manner of speech, behavior in an emergency situation, your gaze, etc. Perhaps in the future you will need some tips on how to solve a problem without a fight:

  • Look your attacker in the eyes and, while listening to his words, do not show aggression.
  • Your gaze must be intense to be in complete control of the situation.
  • By your eyes, the enemy can determine whether he should start a fight or whether it is better to retreat.
  • Listen to the attacker without reinforcing his negative views.
  • If your opponent is impulsive, do not adopt this manner of speaking from him.
  • If the attacker sees that you are not provoking him to do more more aggression, there is a high probability of a peaceful outcome.

Psychological preparation in boxing

Before a fight, a boxer must not only be in good physical shape, but also his psycho-emotional state must be appropriate. In the history of this wonderful sport, one can find many examples of how athletes with great talent were unable to fully develop. The reason for this is psychology and they simply did not have enough willpower to become stars.

Some were simply lazy to work in classes with full dedication, others could not cope with the difficulties that arose in their sports path, and some were not able to overcome fear at all. At the same time, there are many who were able to cope with all these problems and, thanks to willpower and tirelessness, became known throughout the world.

When preparing a boxer, you need to pay a lot of attention not only to his physical qualities. Tactics and psychology are no less valuable, and sometimes even more significant. Boxing is a tough sport and it is impossible to do without appropriate preparation of the athlete’s mind. WITH physical fitness everything is much simpler because all boxers train a lot and hard, but why then are only a few included in the elite?

Everything is quite simple, because only those who know how to properly manage their resources can win. One of the greatest trainers of the twentieth century, Cus D'Amato, did a huge amount of work systematizing knowledge about the psychological preparation of boxers. In his understanding, fear is the fire that an athlete can use for his own benefit or “burn out” in it.

Cas was sure that fear should not be completely suppressed, since it is a kind of defense. D'Amato's students worked on their psychological state no less than in the gym. They could balance quite fine line between necessary and acceptable fear.

The modern American school of boxing is, to one degree or another, influenced by the ideas of this man. Not many boxing fans know that Muhammad Ali himself often turned to D’Amato for help. This may indicate that even great boxers find it difficult to solve psychological problems on their own.

To all athletes who plan to achieve high results in boxing, we can recommend books on psychology for studying. First of all we're talking about about two publications:

  1. « Psychological preparation fighter" - author O. Yu. Zakharov.
  2. “Psychological preparation of a boxer” - written by N. A. Khudadov.
They will definitely be able to help you solve existing psychological problems and, as a result, prepare well for the fight. Note that both publications are known not only in our country, but are also very popular abroad.

How not to be afraid of blows in boxing or on the street, watch the video below:

Any fight should require from the fighter not only physical training, but also certain moral forces. They are necessary in order to meet your opponent, to challenge him and not be afraid to take a blow. Even experienced fighters who enter the ring every day sometimes don’t know how not to be afraid to fight. However, the natural fear of beatings can be overcome, but to do this you will have to undergo a course of psychological and physical training.

What causes fear of a fight?

Why is a person afraid to face his opponents in a fist fight? Everything here is quite prosaic, and the reason lies in the natural instinct of self-preservation. The brain gives certain signals, analyzes possible turns of the collision, making a person worry about future injuries. What other reasons can give rise to a nagging feeling of fear before battle?

We are talking specifically about professional clashes, when a person enters the ring with a specific purpose. If he is simply attacked in the alley, fear does not have time to become active, and the fighter himself is driven by the natural desire to protect himself and survive.

Most often, psychologists explain such cowardice by physical unpreparedness. The lack of proper fighting skills affects the fact that a person does not feel confident, he is afraid to even step into the ring. Sometimes they come into play psychological aspects. Thus, many professional fighters spread rumors about their increased aggressiveness and inadequacy in the ring. These rumors influence their rivals, giving them a natural feeling of fear for their lives.

Ways to deal with fear

How to stop being afraid to fight, and what needs to be done for this? When asking these questions, a person usually plans to receive a specific, intelligible answer. However, there are no clear-cut techniques to combat the problem.

Psychologists and experienced trainers advise in such situations to turn to the following methods of overcoming fear:

  • improving your fighting skills, because what better person fights, the less afraid he is to enter the ring;
  • communication with a psychologist to improve moral preparation for battle;
  • a person needs to enter the ring again and again, and against strong opponents, overcoming fear during each fight;
  • learning the tricks of fighting and false swings will also help reduce the fear of battle;
  • Before a fight, you need to properly set yourself up and project your thoughts exclusively towards victory.

It is physically impossible to completely eradicate fear, since this natural sensation helps a person maintain life in stressful conditions. A fighter without fear is doomed, because he will always get into trouble, which will ultimately lead to disastrous consequences.

The first and most important advice in such a situation, continue training. How more people knows and knows how, the less he fears his opponent. The fighter is aware of his own superiority, and therefore strives to take part in a new fight.

This rule applies not only to professional fights in the ring, but also to street fights. If a guy is bullied by hooligans, he is afraid to fight back because he simply doesn’t know how to do it. However, training in a variety of martial arts can help turn this fear into a deadly skill.

Psychological preparation techniques cannot be ignored either. Often good fighters lose to less experienced opponents due to their lack of confidence. They are pre-set to lose, and therefore enter the ring doomed. A psychologist should always work with a fighter, convincing him of his superiority, cultivating a certain moral and ethical image of the winner.

Fighting a stronger opponent: rules for dealing with fear

Sometimes an experienced fighter enters the ring, confident both in his abilities and in his victory. However, when he sees an opponent as huge as a rock, his confidence disappears, it is replaced by fear, and the battle is lost.

It is always easier to fight weak opponents than to fight those who are superior to you. physical strength. However, only a fight with the latter type can finally dispel all fears. How to defeat an opponent who is larger and stronger than the fighter himself?

The main rule in the fight against an opponent whose strength turns out to be greater is not to give up, not to give up. As soon as a person accepts defeat, fear will cover him completely, and the battle will be lost. The fight must be waged to the last, perceiving your opponent not as a powerful and invincible villain, but as a person with his own minor weaknesses.

Psychologists say that when in the right mood a person can defeat anyone. Once the fight has already begun and the first blow has been struck, fear usually recedes. In such a situation, natural instincts come into force and the body’s defensive function is triggered.

To defeat an opponent, while forgetting about fear, you first need to defeat yourself. If a person improves his skills, not forgetting about psychological preparation, then it is not he who will have to be afraid, but potential rivals.

Sergey, Moscow


First, assess the current situation - how many opponents are standing in front of you, what are their physical characteristics. In the event that the forces can hardly be called equal, a fight as such is not expected, and they are simply going to beat you up, then there is no shame in running away or calling for help. Also behave as inappropriately as possible: wave your arms, jump, yell the first thing that comes to mind. Perhaps this will confuse opponents or attract the attention of others, which is what you need.

You've probably noticed that when you do something dangerous for the first time, there is always fear or concern that you might do it wrong. But when you do it regularly, you become much more confident. Same thing. This man is because he fought little in his life and was in his own strength. In order to solve this problem, the best option will sign up for Muay Thai or kickboxing training. It's not so scary with someone you know, with whom you'll shake hands after sparring. If you can’t go to such classes, then you can simply buy a pair of gloves and find someone who won’t mind sparring with you. Well last option- find someone who will fight with you, you definitely have such enemies. First, agree that you will fight with gloves, and over time, when the fear disappears, you can do without them.

When grappling with, try not to strike first. Wait aggressive actions your opponent. Try to gather all your strength, remember the most unpleasant moments of your life that cause aggression in you, so that your fists clench themselves. Forget about the fact that there is fear and others. Attack the enemy with all your strength and fervor.


  • how to stop being afraid of fights

Many men have thought at least once in their lives about how to overcome the feeling of fear of a fight. When a conflict can no longer be resolved through words, there is only one option left - to engage in battle with the enemy. In such a situation, it is very important to control your emotions and not let feelings of fear take over.

Fear is a natural reaction of consciousness to potential danger. It is this feeling that underlies the instinct of self-preservation and protects a person from making wrong decisions. In men, fear often arises before fights and brawls. And contrary to the popular belief that any conflict can be resolved peacefully, in life every now and then situations arise when it is impossible to avoid a fight. In this case, you need to be able to stand up for yourself, overcoming the obsessive feeling of fear.

Causes of fear of fighting

According to psychologists, fear of is a neurotic fear that is not tied to a specific object. Its cause is self-doubt and desire from impending danger.

Often the fear of starting a fight arises from the fear of physical pain. In this case, remember that your opponent is the same person as you. He is also afraid of pain and injury, no matter how rude and impudent he may seem to you.

How to overcome the fear of fighting

First of all, try to drown out your fear more strong emotions. Imagine something that might make you angry or furious. Able emotional excitement the fear of a fight will immediately fade into the background. Just don't overdo it: if you lose touch with reality, you can cause serious injuries to your opponent.

Another way to get rid of fear is self-hypnosis. This method Many psychologists recommend using it. Instill in your subconscious that you are completely confident in yourself and are not afraid of any fights.

Some people try by all means to avoid a fight just because they don’t know how to stand up for themselves. If you are one of them, sign up for self-defense courses or take up contact martial arts (for example, karate, Ashihara karate, sambo, taekwondo). Eastern martial arts teach a fighting philosophy that will help a person overcome anxiety before a fight.

If several people want to start a fight with you at once, do not be shy and call strangers for help. There is nothing wrong with trying to avoid a fight this way. Essentially, this is no longer a fight, but a beating, and if the attackers get the better of you, you can suffer very badly. At such a moment, start behaving inappropriately. Shout, wave your arms, jump, run. This will help you attract other people's attention and confuse your opponents.

By following the above tips, you can easily get rid of the fear of a fight and be able to protect yourself and your loved ones in any situation.

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