How should you write correctly: during the day or throughout the day? What can you eat on Tuesday of the first week of Lent?

In the current situation, one of the questions that increasingly comes to mind is how we use water? And that's why.

I remember with a shudder the recent military events in the East of Ukraine, when several thousand Ukrainian soldiers were surrounded without food and water. Everyone known fact that a person cannot last even three days without water. How can you tell me, could the young guys hold out on this bridgehead without water and under constant fire?

And every time I open the water tap, this thought gnaws at me. But I am powerless to help them with anything. Given ominous fact war is not accidental, this is a reminder to civilians that every sip of water is for our young guys who are doing their military duty before the Motherland, costs them their lives. However, in everyday life we ​​are used to spending water immeasurably, and that’s putting it mildly. We are in literally words drain the water into the sewer.

After reading the phrases, the reader will think and say: “Well, the author started the record from the wrong opera. It's war, and we live in peaceful conditions and we use as much water as we want. We pay for its consumption." And yet, starting from this fictitious quote, let's answer two questions. The first question is how much water we use. The second is how much we pay for it.

How much water do we use?

Here is an analysis of statistical data on water consumption by one person per day:

— Hand washing with the tap on — 6 — 8 liters;
— Taking a shower 10 minutes — 80 — 100 liters;
— Brushing teeth with the tap on — 5–6 liters;
— Washing (1 time) — 60 — 80 liters;
— Flushing the toilet (1 time) – 7 – 10 liters;
— Wet cleaning of the apartment — 10 — 15 liters;
— Cooking per day — 7 — 9 liters;
— Drinking — 3 liters;
— Other needs — 8 liters.

Total: 190 liters of water per day.

Of course, we don’t do laundry every day; we do wet cleaning a couple of times a week. For simplicity of calculation, we assume that a person’s daily water consumption is 150 liters. This figure is quite realistic and is confirmed by the water consumption practice of my two-person family. For a number of years, we have consumed 10 cubic meters per calendar month. m. of water or 165 liters per person per day.

I don’t know about anyone, but personally this figure shocks me. Just imagine, Ukraine, with a population of 45 million people, consumes 8.6 million m3 of water daily. To explain why this figure shocks me, I will give the known reserve data fresh water(not all drinkable) on the globe.

From total number More than 24 million km3 (70%) of fresh water is the hard-to-reach waters of the glaciers of the Arctic, Antarctic and Greenland. About 30% of fresh water lies in the surface layers of the earth's crust, with lakes containing only 0.25%, and the one-time volume in river channels is even less - 0.006%.

The water that is located in earth's crust, we practically do not use it due to the labor-intensive costs. It remains to voice the well-known fact that we take water for the public needs of the population from river beds, and this is 210 thousand km3 (210 million m3).

That is, Ukraine daily consumes 4.1% of the real fresh water reserves of our mother earth. But this is only water consumption by the population of our country.

According to the UN, at the beginning of the 2000s, more than 1.2 billion people live in conditions of constant fresh water shortage, and about 2 billion suffer from it regularly. By the middle of the 21st century, the number of people living with constant water shortages will exceed 4 billion people. It follows that water resources are very limited, and we must use water carefully and rationally. Simply put, water needs to be conserved.

P.S. Read about how much we pay for water consumption in the next article.

In 2019 Lent will begin on March 11, so it’s time to learn about the rules of nutrition for every day - a special calendar for the laity will help with this.

It is designed for 48 days - until April 27, when the whole world will celebrate the birth of Christ. Keeping a fast, of course, can be difficult, but everything is possible if you follow basic rules and understand why this is actually being done.

Not to lose weight or test one's strength - people need this time to cleanse their souls, learn to think positively and forgive others.

Interesting information!
Foods of animal origin enhance negative emotions and does not provide the opportunity to fully know oneself, so it is excluded from the diet when Lent begins. But if without meat a person becomes angry and irritable, then it is better to allow yourself such weakness sometimes and then return to the Lenten menu.

And now is the time to return to the daily nutrition calendar for the laity, compiled specifically for Lent 2019.

First week: nutrition rules from March 11 to 17

During the first seven days of Lent, the defenders are always remembered Orthodox faith. And go to the corresponding menu:

1. On Monday you should completely abstain from eating - you can only drink plain water from dawn until dawn. next day. IN as a last resort, you are allowed to eat crackers and some dried fruits.
2. On Tuesday, bread is introduced into the diet. You can eat often, but in small portions. Today, any simple pastry that does not contain eggs can serve as “bread.” This applies to everyone except clergy.
3. On Wednesday, dry eating begins, that is, you can eat any raw food, but without adding oil. The only spice used is salt.
4. Thursday is the day when you again need to completely give up food and drink only plain water.
5. On Friday, eat raw food without oil in small portions.
6. On Saturday you should eat hot food and even add vegetable oil to it. Do not forget that meat and other animal products should not be on the table.
7. Sunday - on this day, in addition to hot food with vegetable oil, you can drink a little church wine. Other alcohol is strictly prohibited.

Second week: how to eat properly during this time

The next week will be much easier, especially if you managed not to break the fast in the first days:

1. From Monday it is allowed to eat any raw food without oil. At the same time, you should not overeat - everything should be in moderation so as not to harm your body.
2. Tuesday is a day of hot food, to which no oil is added. It can be quite tasty and varied if you think through the menu for the day in advance and buy everything you need.
3. On Wednesday, the transition to dry eating occurs again, that is, only raw foods without oil and with a small amount of salt (if necessary) can be on the table.
4. On Thursday, hot Lenten dishes are prepared, but without oil and large quantity spices
5. But on Friday you need to switch to raw food without oil again. It is best to focus on eggplants, peanuts and other nuts. For sweets, honey and halva are allowed.
6. On weekends, the emphasis is on hot dishes, to which you can add a little vegetable oil. On Sunday, in addition, every believer can drink a little wine.

Third week: diet for the next week

If a person has held out until this time, then it will be even easier to continue following the Lenten menu. And during this period it will happen according to the following scheme:

1. Monday – from morning until evening it is important to observe dry eating, which means you cannot eat anything except raw foods without oil.
2. On Tuesday, butter is also prohibited, but hot Lenten dishes are already prepared.
3. On Wednesday you should again eat only raw food. It is recommended to pay attention to foods that are rich in fiber.
4. Thursday is time for hot food without adding oil. The best drinks to drink are green tea, water and homemade juices without preservatives.
5. On Friday at small quantity raw food is consumed. Of course, there is oil on this day Orthodox calendar forbidden.
6. On weekends, everything remains unchanged - hot food with the addition of vegetable oil, but so that there is no overeating. On Sundays, you can have a few glasses of wine if you wish.

The Fourth Week is another period of Lent

At this time it is already preserved usual mode nutrition, but there are some changes that need to be taken into account when compiling a daily diet:

1. Monday begins with dry eating - raw food without a drop of oil.
2. On Tuesday there is a transition to hot lean dishes, but oil is still not used either during cooking or during eating.
3. On Wednesday, dry eating returns again. You shouldn’t eat the same foods as on Monday – you need to diversify your diet to make it much easier for your body.
4. Thursday – hot food without oil. It's best to start with vegetable soup or nutritious porridge with tea or juice.
5. But on Friday there should be nothing but raw food. Oil is also hidden as far as possible on this day.
6. There are still no changes on the weekend - cooked hot meals with vegetable oil. And on Sundays, wine is added to everything else.

Fifth week: what to eat during this time

In fact, the week from March 19 to 25 is no different from the previous one. On Monday - dry eating, on Tuesday - hot food without adding oil. This alternation occurs until the weekend, when it will be possible to add vegetable oil to hot dishes.

Do not forget that wine is drunk on Sundays, but this condition is not at all necessary - each person decides for himself whether he needs it or not.

Sixth week: what changes are expected during this period

In the penultimate week of Lent, no major changes in diet are expected, but there will still be some. But it’s worth starting from the very beginning:

1. On Monday you can eat any raw foods of plant origin, but only without adding oil.
2. Tuesday is the day when hot lenten dishes are allowed. Only oil is not added to them either.
3. On Wednesday, you should again switch to eating raw food, where oil is not added.
4. On Thursday, from the very morning, hot food with minimum quantity spices (preferably only salt) and no vegetable or butter.
5. Before the weekend, raw food is consumed in small quantities throughout the day. As before, without adding oil.
6. On Saturday, until the evening, you can eat hot food with vegetable oil, but best of all - in small quantities, so that you don’t feel bad afterwards.
7. Palm Sunday - since today is a holiday, it is allowed to eat hot dishes with the addition of vegetable oil, including fish and seafood. Wine, as always, is drunk on Sunday if desired.

Holy Week - the last week of Lent

There is only a little time left to hold out on the Lenten menu. And these days you should eat as follows:

1. The week begins as usual with dry eating - there should be only raw foods on the table, suitable for consumption and without a drop of oil.
2. On Tuesday, hot dishes are prepared - oil, as usual, is not added, even in small quantities.
3. On Wednesday there is a complete transition to raw foods without oil, and on Thursday hot dishes are prepared again.
4. On Friday it is very important to completely give up food and drink only plain water.
5. On Saturday there should be hot dishes with vegetable oil on the table, and on Sunday Easter will already come, so you can eat whatever you want.

Important! It is worth learning not to overeat in the first days after Lent in 2019, otherwise the benefits of the daily nutrition calendar for the laity may not be noticed.

The body is already accustomed to certain restrictions and it needs time to react normally to products of animal origin.

Many people say that money is like water - it quickly flows away into nowhere. If you can’t remember what you spent a significant amount of money on, it’s not clear where your salary goes and why it ends in literally two weeks, you can’t save up for the desired item or vacation, it’s time to start carefully calculating your income and expenses. Planning a family budget is the first step towards fulfilling your material desires.

Maintaining home accounting: the first stage - income

Each family builds its material well-being according to its own scenario: some strive to earn more, others insist that all family members adhere to the principles of reasonable spending. The main thing is not to go to extremes, but to find your the right way. This issue becomes especially relevant in families with the advent of children, when family expenses increase significantly. There are several methods for planning a family budget and what principles to adhere to.

The first step of any of these methods is to determine the items of family income and expenses. Income should include:

  • wages;
  • social payments;
  • income from bank deposits, from renting an apartment;
  • part-time job;
  • cash gifts.

It is clear that the first 3 positions are constant, the amounts of these incomes are known, and it is from them that the basis of the income part of the family budget will be formed. Part-time work and cash gifts may or may not exist, so you shouldn’t count on them, but use them as bonuses for pleasant spending.

Stage two - expenses

The second stage is calculating expenses by various directions. Few people will be able to immediately say how much and what they are spending on, so it is important to keep track of your expenses for at least a month or two, even on small things. Then it will become clear how much the family spends and on what. How to keep records? Personal finance experts recommend writing down all your daily expenses: food, travel, entertainment.

Costs, like income, can be divided into several large categories:

  • obligatory payments;
  • expenses for food, travel;
  • spending on updating your wardrobe;
  • spending on entertainment, recreation;
  • unforeseen expenses for treatment, repairs, etc.

Mandatory payments include:

Spending on food should also be divided into categories:

  • dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • meat, fish, poultry;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • sweets, juices, baked goods, etc.

In the first months of maintaining a family budget, experts recommend drawing up a table and advise recording all food costs, down to the smallest detail. Sometimes little things like buying 200 grams of candy, cookies, or a cup of coffee add up to significant sums over a week or month. All family members need to learn to remember and record their expenses so that later they can competently plan the family budget.

Stage three: comparison of income and expenses


“Humble my soul with fasting,” says David the Psalmist. The goal of every Christian is to prepare his soul for eternity, life with the Lord, therefore we must try to humble our soul, calm passions, and they are extinguished only by fasting and prayer. Humility is the most important thing for the salvation of the soul, everything else: exploits, fasting, prayer, prostrations - this is the means, the path by which the soul goes to humility. There are such “ascetics” who impose strict fasting on themselves, and themselves burn out in passions - anger and hatred of one’s neighbor, such fasting is not pleasing to the Lord. During fasting, there should be abstinence in everything: food, actions, words, desires... What is abstinence in desires? Here, a person loves meat, but for the sake of the Lord he does not eat it at all, like the monastics. Another decides never to watch TV... All these are feats. In the fight against passions, a person develops patience, willpower, and most importantly, humility.

For the sake of the Lord, you can accomplish any feat - quit smoking, drinking, stop being irritated, and the Lord gives grace for these deeds, fills the soul with joy and peace, reveals the meaning of life. Some believe that such feats of abstinence can be accomplished by oneself, without the Lord. But it’s our pride that speaks to us; life shows us something else. There are many known cases when a person could not stop drinking, smoking, swearing, whatever he did: he relied on his own will, and friends helped, and relatives, some were coded... All in vain. And only when a person turned to the Lord, the Mother of God, repented, asked for help, promised to improve, the Lord gave strength to fight, and the person’s life changed.

Fasting heals the soul and body. Fasting is standing on guard, fighting evil spirits and passions. And if demons of despondency, despair, melancholy, anger, jealousy approach your soul, turn to the Lord in prayer, ask for strength to fight and prepare your flesh for battle by fasting: a burdened warrior cannot defeat the enemy. The Church calls us to abstinence, the Lord calls us to abstinence.

At church services on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at Great Compline, the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete is read in parts, and on Friday, after prayer, the prayer canon to the Great Martyr Theodore Tiron (hence the name of the first week), and the blessing of the koliva (kutya) is performed. In the first week of Lent, from Monday to Friday inclusive, dry eating, raw food, even without vegetable oil.

Believers (lay people) are allowed to eat boiled food; as an exception, vegetable oil is allowed. For example, in the first two days of the first fast week it is established highest degree fasting - on these days complete abstinence from food is generally prescribed. Further, abstinence and moderation in food are recommended. You can eat homemade preparations, salads from vegetables and fruits without vegetable oil, lean soups, etc.

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Important days Monday of the first week is the beginning of Lent.

Monday is popularly called clean: people wash, change their linen, our ancestors abstained from food on this day. IN Clean Monday rinse your mouth to wash away traces of the fast food eaten on Maslenitsa.

On Friday of the first week they prepare, consecrate and eat kolivo (boiled wheat with honey).

On Saturday they hold a Maslenitsa feast and bake unleavened pancakes in vegetable oil. On the first Sunday of Great Lent - the day of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, the memory of the restoration of the veneration of holy icons is celebrated, which is associated with the memory of victory Universal Church over the opponents of Orthodoxy.

Believers who observe fasting are categorically not recommended to take part in all kinds of entertainment events these days. Throughout Lent, you cannot get married, much less get married. Other celebrations should also be celebrated after the fast is completed. During this period, it is advisable to refrain from bad habits, for example, from smoking and drinking alcohol.

Church ministers believe that a person, by observing fasting and devoting more time to prayer, pushing everything unnecessary into the background, will be able to get closer to God. The first and last weeks of fasting are the strictest, and the prayers are longer. Some believers, if desired, take only water and bread on these days.

According to church canons, on Clean Monday, the first day of Lent, and Good Friday (the last Friday before Easter), it is customary to completely abstain from food.

What is possible, what is not

Refusal of certain foods and physical cleansing is one of the important components of Lent. People who do not have health problems should first of all give up any food of animal origin during the fasting period. It includes all varieties of meat and poultry, eggs, animal fats, and dairy products.

On these days it is also forbidden to eat fish, except for a couple of days. And also everything that contains elements of these products. The main foods that can be taken during fasting are grains, fruits, and vegetables.

According to church canons, a Lenten cuisine menu should be drawn up according to the following principles:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry eating, that is, it is allowed to eat bread, fruits, vegetables;

Tuesday, Thursday - you can eat hot food of plant origin without oil;

Saturday, Sunday (except for the final week of fasting) - food of plant origin with vegetable oil is allowed.

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