From Ermakovskoe Krasnoyarsk. Ermakovskoe

They look into the village of Ermakovskogo - the administrative center of one of the districts in which it is located. In this place you can get acquainted with the traditions of the region and learn about its history.

The village of Ermakovskoye is the center of the district of the same name Krasnoyarsk Territory. Located on the banks of the Oya River. Runs along the village federal highway“Yenisei”, which brings the village the glory of a transit point among travelers setting out to explore the region.

In Ermakovsky there is a church, three schools (two secondary and one primary), four kindergartens, a community center, a sports school and an art school. Numerous playgrounds have been built for children. If necessary, village residents can get help at the central district hospital.

Today more than eight and a half thousand people live in Ermakovsky. Most of them work at the wood processing plant, as well as at the hemp and oil factories. There are other small private enterprises. The village administration is interested in ensuring that excellent conditions are created for young specialists and that they do not seek to leave for other major cities. In 2011, not just a house was built for young families and professionals, but new microdistrict, Aerodrome.

History of the village

The history of the village of Ermakovskoye is a series of ups and downs, which the settlement steadfastly endured and continued to live on. And it all started back in the 18th century. One of the one-year-old Cossacks, who completed his service in the Sayan fort, organized a settlement here. It’s not difficult to guess that his last name was Ermakov. It was in honor of him that the village later received its name. It is difficult to say today exactly where his house stood. However, the fact that the life of the newly-made peasant and his family flowed smoothly and calmly can be asserted with confidence.

Everything changed in 1829, when the governor of the Yenisei province decided to organize a settlement here for exiles. Subsequently, many Social Democrats served their sentences here, including A.A. Vaneev, P.N. Lepeshinsky and others.

Due to convenient geographical location, proximity to the border with Tuva, as well as favorable natural conditions and gold mines located near the village, Ermakovskoe quickly grew and developed. Already in 1884, from a small settlement it turned into a volost center, and before the revolution it was considered the largest settlement in the entire Yenisei province. Not only exiles began to come here, but also those who were looking for better life away from the center of the country.

At the beginning of the 20th century, peasants in Ermakovsky lived well, if not well. They were doing agriculture, various handicrafts, hunting and fishing. Fairs were held here annually, the fame of which spread throughout Siberia. Craftsmen and craftsmen traded in all sorts of things! The fair lasted, as a rule, more than one day. It could drag on for a week, until the satisfied guests went home.

With the arrival Soviet power Ermakovskoye has become one of the leading collective farms in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Several small factories even appeared here. In 1941-1945, the war made adjustments: everything male population villages went to the front. However, the women were able to keep everything that was entrusted to them. It seemed that nothing could destroy the agricultural idyll. However, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, residents had to change to new way. Commercial enterprises started operating in Ermakovsky. And even though this period was not the best for the village, nevertheless, it was able to survive.

The village of Ermakovskoye today

Today in Ermakovsky, despite its small size, life is in full swing. If at the beginning of the 21st century young people sought to go to study in Krasnoyarsk and stay there, today more and more graduates of higher education educational institutions return to their native lands. There is a place to work, there is something to do, new houses are being built for young families and professionals. Ermakovskoye is the center of the district and this can be felt on the streets of the village.

The cultural life here is getting better and better every day. If the historical and ethnographic museum was closed in 2005, then in 2011 it began its work again, which indicates an undying and even developing interest local residents to art. They also come to the house of culture, where thematic events are constantly held and even theatrical performances are organized. Including visiting troupes from different villages of the Ermakovsky district. The most popular are the artists of the Tanzybey village.

All conditions have also been created for children in Ermakovsky. Walking along the streets, you can come across children's playgrounds. At the art school and sports school Numerous sections work. Teachers from local schools also teach active work in local history.

Sights of the village Ermakovskoe

  1. Church of the Three Ecumenical Hierarchs

The church in the village of Ermakovo is the religious center not only of the village, but of the entire region. Its history began quite a long time ago, in 1856. However, today nothing remains of that church; it was completely destroyed in the 30s of the 20th century, during the period of communization of the country. Naturally, the administration did not have money to restore the wooden temple at the end of the 20th century. In 2004, local residents got down to business - from their meager budgets they allocated funds for the construction of a new church. While the work was being carried out, services were held in the house of the new rector.

  1. Historical and Ethnographic Museum

In fact, the museum of the village of Ermakovskoye is not an independent museum, but a branch of Shushenskoye. However, this does not make it any less interesting. Today it includes two house-museums: Vaneev, located in house 15 on Karl Marx and Lepeshinsky streets, on Lenin Square.

The exhibitions of the first are dedicated to the life of a wealthy peasant family from Siberia. Here you can not only get acquainted with the exhibits and listen interesting story guide, but also talk with museum staff over a cup of tea and some Siberian treat. The atmosphere in the museum is friendly, every guest is received with love and at home. Sometimes you can forget that it’s the 21st century outside, and when it starts to get dark you just want to light not a light bulb, but a torch.

There is no permanent exhibition in the Lepeshinsky House Museum. Temporary exhibitions are regularly held here, organized by employees of the Shushensky Museum. They are especially popular with local schoolchildren and residents who are interested in art.

  1. Migninsky Pond

Very close to the village of Ermakovo there is one of the most scenic spots district, if not the entire region - Migninskoye Reservoir. It is popular among both guests of the village and local residents. There is a beautiful beach where you can spend hot days.

IN autumn days The smell of barbecue wafts from the shores of the lake. Local residents love to get out into nature. And Ermakovsky’s guests often simply wander along the banks, mesmerized by the peace, quiet and incredible beauty of this place.

  1. Ergaki Natural Park

It is located on the territory of three districts at once, including Ermakovsky. It’s not that far from the village, just a few kilometers. This park is famous for its natural beauty and is known far beyond the borders of the region. For many tourists it becomes the main point of the program, and for some it is the only one.

Children's holiday in the village of Ermakovskoye

Near the village of Ermakovskoye, on the shore of the Migninsky reservoir, there is the Salyut camp - great place for children's recreation. Not only the younger generation of the region, but also the entire region and even other cities of Russia rest here. Many, having visited these regions once, fall in love with them forever and instill this love in their children.

The one-story buildings are located in a green forest. Fresh air, excellent beach, experienced teachers and counselors, interesting events, sports competitions. What else do children need for have a good rest? Many people think it’s okay and return here year after year.

Tourist attractiveness of the village of Ermakovskoye

Many tourists perceive the village of Ermakovskoye as a transit point on the way to natural park The Ergakis don’t even pay attention to him. In fact, this is a great place to get acquainted with the history of Siberia, its traditions and way of life. But at the same time, do not completely abandon civilization.

If you stay in Ermakovsky for a few days, you can truly appreciate the hospitality of the local residents and the charms of national cuisine and, of course, fall in love with the unique Siberian flavor. For lovers of hunting, fishing and natural beauty and one can even consider Ermakovskoye as a “place of permanent deployment.” You can wander around the outskirts of the village endlessly, discovering more and more magical corners.

There is no hotel in Ermakovsky, but it doesn’t matter. Any of the local residents will be happy to let guests in, feed them and give them tea and even something stronger. At the same time, they may not take money at all for the stay. This is how she is - a broad Siberian soul.

Of course, the administration of the Ermakovsky district dreams of developing tourism and construction in the village and hotel complex, however, for now everything remains only in plans. There are several recreation centers and tent camps in the vicinity, but they do not contribute in any way to increasing the number of guests, except perhaps attracting fans to spend time in nature.

Rural settlement Coordinates

In the XIX - early XX centuries. one of the places of reference. The exiles V.K. Kurnatovsky, P.N. and O.B. Lepeshinsky, M.A. Silvin, N.N. Panin, A.A. and D.V. Vaneev lived in it. In 1899, V.I. Ulyanov (who lived at that time in the village of Shushenskoye) organized a meeting of 17 political exiled Marxists in Ermakovskoye, at which the “Protest of Russian Social Democrats” compiled by him against the revisionist current among Social Democrats - “economism” - was adopted. .



Hemp and butter factories, woodworking plant.

Cellular connection

There are four cellular operators in Ermakovsky - Beeline, MTS, MegaFon and TELE-2.

Notable natives

  • Bragin, Vasily Petrovich - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Safonov, Kirill Leonovich - actor.

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  • Chekhovskaya N.A. 175 years of the village of Ermakovskoye // Our Krasnoyarsk region: Calendar of significant and memorable dates for 2004 / State. univers. scientific b-ka Krasnoyar. edges. - Krasnoyarsk, 2003. - P. 121-123.

An excerpt characterizing Ermakovskoe

From officers to the last soldier One could notice in each one a seemingly personal bitterness against each of the prisoners, which had so unexpectedly replaced previously friendly relations.
This anger intensified even more when, when counting the prisoners, it turned out that during the bustle, leaving Moscow, one Russian soldier, pretending to be sick from the stomach, fled. Pierre saw how a Frenchman beat a Russian soldier for moving far from the road, and heard how the captain, his friend, reprimanded the non-commissioned officer for the escape of the Russian soldier and threatened him with justice. In response to the non-commissioned officer's excuse that the soldier was sick and could not walk, the officer said that he had been ordered to shoot those who lag behind. Pierre felt that she fatal force, which crushed him during the execution and which was invisible during captivity, now again took possession of his existence. He was scared; but he felt how, as the fatal force made efforts to crush him, a life force independent of it grew and strengthened in his soul.
Pierre dined on a soup made from rye flour with horse meat and talked with his comrades.
Neither Pierre nor any of his comrades spoke about what they saw in Moscow, nor about the rudeness of the French, nor about the order to shoot that was announced to them: everyone was, as if in rebuff to the worsening situation, especially animated and cheerful . They talked about personal memories, about funny scenes seen during the campaign, and hushed up conversations about the present situation.
The sun has long since set. Bright stars lit up here and there in the sky; The red, fire-like glow of the rising full moon spread across the edge of the sky, and a huge red ball swayed amazingly in the grayish haze. It was getting light. The evening was already over, but the night had not yet begun. Pierre got up from his new comrades and walked between the fires to the other side of the road, where, he was told, the captured soldiers were standing. He wanted to talk to them. On the road, a French guard stopped him and ordered him to turn back.
Pierre returned, but not to the fire, to his comrades, but to the unharnessed cart, which had no one. He crossed his legs and lowered his head and sat down on cold ground at the cart wheel and sat motionless for a long time, thinking. More than an hour passed. Nobody bothered Pierre. Suddenly he laughed with his fat, good-natured laugh so loudly that different sides People looked back in surprise at this strange, apparently lonely laughter.
- Ha, ha, ha! - Pierre laughed. And he said out loud to himself: “The soldier didn’t let me in.” They caught me, they locked me up. They are holding me captive. Whom me? Me! Me - mine immortal soul! Ha, ha, ha!.. Ha, ha, ha!.. - he laughed with tears welling up in his eyes.
Some man got up and came over to see what this strange guy was laughing about. big man. Pierre stopped laughing, stood up, moved away from the curious man and looked around him.
Previously loudly noisy with the crackling of fires and the chatter of people, the huge, endless bivouac fell silent; the red lights of the fires went out and turned pale. Standing high in the bright sky full month. Forests and fields, previously invisible outside the camp, now opened up in the distance. And even further away from these forests and fields one could see a bright, wavering, endless distance calling into itself. Pierre looked into the sky, into the depths of the receding, playing stars. “And all this is mine, and all this is in me, and all this is me! - thought Pierre. “And they caught all this and put it in a booth fenced off with boards!” He smiled and went to bed with his comrades.

Chernova Natalya Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher of Russian language and literature
Educational institution: MBOU "Ermakovskaya secondary secondary school №2"
Locality: With. Ermakovskoe, Krasnoyarsk region
Name of material: research work
Subject: History of the village of Ermakovskoye
Publication date: 10.03.2017
Chapter: secondary education

History of the village of Ermakovskoye

Geographical location




bordering Tuva. It spreads widely on the banks of the Oya River, which originates

high in the Sayan Mountains and flowing into the Yenisei near Shushenskoye. Big cozy

Siberian village. The road to Ermakovskoye goes through the Minusinsk Basin to the south, first

from the steppe cut by copses. And when she crosses the Smooth Ridge, her eyes

opens wide open space, on the edge of which, behind the dark forests and green




Reminds me of the Central Russian strip, then Ukraine, then the Caucasus. But this is Siberia - far away,

legendary and mysterious.

Distant 1829...

Ermakovskoye is the oldest Siberian village, located on the left bank of the tributary

Yenisei - Oya River. It arose in August 1829 as a settlement for exiles. 15







Stepanov about the establishment of 22 settlements of the Arakcheev barracks type in the province. From

There were six of them in the Shushenskaya volost of the Minusinsk district. Exiles to Siberia










settlements: Sagaisky, Sabinsky, Ermakovsky, Vostochny, Dubensky, Tigritsky.


were being built

military barracks



office of the overseer of the Cossacks of the Sayan outpost. For every four villagers -

one house. The houses, doors, windows were the same size.

In 1831, they began constructing roads, logging and building government buildings.

settlements of Vostochny, Dubensky, Ermakovsky, Tigritsky. All these settlements were

opened for occupancy in early May 1833.

How these settlements were established can be seen from the instructions of the Minusinsk District



to correct



settlements proposed to be established in the future 1831, of which one will be on

the Bolshoy Suetuk River, and the other on the Oya River in the Kubsokary (Ermakovskoye) tract, so

so that there is convenient travel on carts.”

Simultaneously with the construction of roads for new settlements, the settlers cut down the forest.

The peasants of the then existing villages were equipped to transport logs: Zheblakhty,

Kazantsevo and others.

To provide the settlers with horses, 460 horses were purchased from the Khakass in May 1833.

horses 25 rubles per one. The plight of the settlers was complicated in the new




bosses, were not successful. Exiles, men and women, were lined up side by side

against a friend and, without asking consent, they sent him down the aisle. Of course such marriages

crumbled immediately after the crown.






Dubenskoye, Ermakovskoye and others, wrote: “The villages are beautiful, regular, cultivated

quickly... But, driving through these beautiful villages, some kind of sadness overwhelmed me at the sight of these

beautiful streets, not a single one female face, not a single child or here and there as an exception

State settlements eked out a miserable existence from 1829 to 1842, and then

was transferred to the category of villages and began to be governed by the village headman. At the same time

At that time, a state campaign for the resettlement colonization of Siberia began. IN

A stream of immigrants poured into Ermakovskoye. They were attracted here by the availability of free land,

the wealth of the forest, the proximity of the river, as well as gold mining.

Village construction

Houses began to be built from Verkhnyaya Elani along the main street that abuts the Oya River.

They built them up to the last Motovsky lane. The last two quarters - with

on one side and on the other, right up to the bank of the Oi River, they built, as Kudin put it,

“in kind”, “Siberians” settled there.

For a quarter, 100 fathoms were measured in one direction and the other. In the quarter

4 houses were built on one line, 10 houses in total. The settlers themselves cut down the houses. It happened

they will shorten (make it too short) a log for construction, the prince will see it, now

demands sticks and let's flog. In general, the building was erected haphazardly. “Fist kick -

If he gets through, they cut it down,” Kudin characterized the work of the settlers.

The arable land was almost never plowed; on new lands, grain was abandoned in the fall and

They will cover it with straw, under the straw and under the snow it will grow, and in the spring good bread will be produced.

At that time, a pound of rye was 8 kopecks, a pound of fish was 15 kopecks.




sh i r i n o y


a r w. , height

The huts were separated by through covered vestibules a fathom wide. It led straight into the canopy

door from the street, locked with a wooden “delay” through a jamb passed through



shut up


“planted” into a hole drilled obliquely into the jamb. On the opposite

At the end of the entryway there was also a door with the same locks, opening onto the courtyard.

Each hut was intended for two “family members”, married or single, with

of which the vestibule and the courtyard were common. To the right and to the left from the vestibule there were doors leading to both




was different

unpretentiousness. The floor and ceiling were made of chopped unplaned wood. But the huts

were bright, since they had 4 rather large windows facing

two to the street and to the yard. And in the third wall, near which the stove stood, something was done

a small fifth window facing another part of the yard. Window frames were made with

simple binding (as in prison or barracks rooms) and were glazed

ten little ones same size glasses. At the wall adjacent to the entryway,

one side front door there was a Russian stove, and on the other - a bed or bunks.

Along the street between the residential buildings there were barns, also divided into two



to the owners,

premises for different houses and different estates.

In 1886, there were several more such huts and barns in Ermakovsky. In 1916 from everyone

of these buildings, only one half of the residential building with a vestibule, belonging to a peasant, survived

Vasily Zaitsev. The first owner of this hut was the settler Kichigin, and then

inherited by his son Yakov, who died in December 1913 as a 104-year-old man. Shoemaker

Zaitsev, who married the daughter of Yakov Kichigin, became the heir to this hut with a vestibule.

The other hut belonged to a relative of Kichigin. In 1913 it was sold

for scrapping The new owner put a small hut on this place so that he isolated himself from

the hallway is a blank wall. On old photograph on the left is an old hut with a canopy and wooden

constipation visible on the right jamb, and on the right on the site of the old settler's hut -

later construction.

“Family workers” in each hut distributed activities like this - one of them went to

earnings on the side (in the mines or as workers for someone), and the other remained

housekeeping at home. “Family owners” took wives from Siberians, most often where

lived among workers - in Shunery, Shusha, etc. For a wedding, the priest was paid 25

kopeck banknotes.

To the household and family life the gravity among the Siberian “family people” was

weak. Many, barely having time to enter the hut, ran away. Talking about these fugitives, Kudin

did not hide his unfriendly attitude towards the Siberians and accused them of

hunted for settlers, killing them “for three kopecks.”

“Kotlyanka (a river in a steep ravine and dense forest at the 9th verst from Ermakovsky to



settlers" -


were engaged





parties (according to the same Kudin) and Shushensky borrowers with settlement here

The settlers soon went home - there was no place for them to live here.

Ermakovites' classes






crafts, active development receives gardening, which provided not only

your needs, but also the market. Ermakovsky peasants sowed rye, spring wheat, oats,

barley, buckwheat, millet, sugar beets, potatoes and other garden crops were planted.

The grain was harvested with sickles and mowed with a Lithuanian scythe and rake. Bread threshed by hand

using a flail. In the fund of the senior work producer, head of the Minusinsk

land administration party, there is a file “Correspondence with a senior official on

compilation of stem records”, which contains “Notes about Ivanovo beet-

Ermakovskoe developed faster than other villages in the Shushenskaya volost, because

it had a kind of border position. Merchant caravans were formed here

mines, in Tuva, there was a Cossack border detachment.

The rapid development of Ermakovsky was reflected in the fact that with the construction in 1856

village church of the Three Saints, former village was converted into a village. And in






gold miners parish school, there were 60 students.





provide the Minusinsk merchant Ivan Gusev with rental maintenance for the construction of





measuring 657 acres 1262 sq. planting period from July 1887 for 99 years.

In 1889, in the Minusinsk district on the Oya River, the Ivanovo beet plant was founded.

sugar factory - the first beet and sugar enterprise in Siberia. In 1892, merchant Gusev

died, and the plant came into the possession of the widow of the late M.I. Guseva. In the next three

years, Guseva submitted petitions to the Yenisei Treasury Chamber for the allotment of land for her

beet crops: Kargaz dacha in 2000 dessiatines, government turnover in 300

tithes But Mrs. Guseva never received these lands. The plant existed for 10 years.

With the establishment of the plant, the village of Ivanovka was founded, whose residents were busy

beet and sugar production. Peasants of the surrounding villages: Dubenskoye, Tigritskoye,






they sowed beets and handed them over to the plant for processing. Moreover, these beets cost the plant

cheaper than his own. And for peasants, cultivating beetroot was also

profitable business.

From the day the plant was founded, sugar from 5850 went on sale for six years.

up to 28,141 poods per year. A total of 105,910 poods were sold during this period. According to the merchants

The Minusinsk district annually consumed up to 100,000 poods of sugar. The plant could, when working in

The full capacity to produce sugar is no more than 40,000 poods per year. Beetroot was usually sown

early snowfall (in 1895), from fleas (in 1896) Winter crops were grown in 1896

beets - carrion, the weight of the tops of which was 26.2 grams, the weight of beetroot - 48.4 grams,

tithes, 123,607.5 poods of sugar received.

Ivanovo plant in economic life Minusinsk district did not have much

significance, but it was the first attempt to organize sugar production in Siberia. For

the plant was needed additional lands, wood material. Their absence was

one of the reasons for the demise of the plant.

Further development of Ermakovsky

In 1859, there were 152 households and 1,632 residents in Ermakovsky. In 1884 from

The Shushenskaya volost was divided into the Beiskaya and Ermakovskaya volosts. Ermakovskoe becomes



Shushenskaya and Sagai volosts. In 1888, a one-class school was opened in Ermakovsky

ministry school public education, where about 30 children studied, they taught for three days

literacy, three days - the law of God.

In 1898, a medical station with 10 beds was opened, served by one doctor for every two

volosts (Ermakovskaya and Shushenskaya), a weather station, a chamber of the magistrate was established,

the office of the peasant chief and excise supervisor.

The Ermakov land preserves the memory of the exiled Decembrists, Social Democrats,





democratic movement, Narodnaya Volya. It was they who provided positive influence on

development of culture and economy, education and spread of literacy of our

village, they were the first teachers of Siberian children.

In 1901, the first public library was founded in the village of Ermakovskoye.

reading room, originally it was located in the house of the peasant Alexander Zimmerman,

the first stewards were the doctor Semyon Arkanov, the peasant chief Pavel

Kokoulin and magistrate Alexey Kurkutov.

Crafts and trade.



agricultural implements, 5 stores, credit partnership, consumer society.

Ermakov peasants were engaged in handicrafts: they drove resin, tar,








furrier, fur coat, shoe and soap making, lard making. During the winter, many

peasants were fond of hunting roe deer, deer, sable, fox, bear, and hare. And the Oya rivers,

Kebezh and numerous lakes abounded in fish: grayling, lenok, pike, dace, burbot, and

Peasants caught fish with nets, and in small lakes with muzzles and seines. Most

the caught fish went to their own table, and handicrafts and furs were sold for


were carried out



Mikhailovsky fairs.


Ermakovsky, -


S. Dyakov, -

were carried out


came together







sold at the fair - horses, livestock, poultry, various metal and wood products, dishes,

various oils, honey - everything in abundance.

And in the product rows, chintz, satin, brocade, wool, shoes, clothes - on

the taste of any fashionista. It is impossible to list everything that was traded. Offered goods

newlyweds, children, old people, no one was left out. And there was this abundance





The fair lasted not a single day, but the goods did not decrease. Both the sellers and

buyers. The guests were leaving, going to their homes and villages, satisfied with their purchases.

and bargaining."


Many village residents were engaged in “hunting”. They beat a squirrel and a sable.

However, already at that time money decided a lot in the population’s attitude towards nature. Already in

In 1910, hunters complained that “sable is still found, but only in the most




take.” In the spring, hunting with traps was practiced in such places. The squirrels also became very

for a skin, which was an almost unprecedented price for Ermakovsky. Ermine cost 3 rubles per

skin, fox with an average of 10-15 rubles. There weren't many shot birds either. A couple of black grouse

sold for 40 kopecks, and hazel grouse and partridges were not on sale at all. And that's it

they wondered where the game could have gone! Newspapers wrote that previously all Ermakov’s

fists “were covered with 200-300 pieces in the fall. grouse under one tent, and among the peasants of the village.

Zheblakhty and now on the arable land, near the storehouses of grain, there are “bucket” traps for the same

black grouse.



fishing muzzles and openly sold them.” There were many such violations. Is it true,

sometimes forest officials drew up protocols and took away fishing gear (tents),

made a legal move and the perpetrators were fined 10 rubles... But what is this fine when

the poacher caught 100-150 pairs at a time and received approximately 15-22 rubles at the most

low prices. Therefore, such fines did not stop them.

Holidays of Ermakovites.

The daily work routine of peasants was interrupted by holidays. They helped at least

on short time immerse yourself in an atmosphere of general high spirits, fun,





Maslenitsa symbolized saying goodbye to winter and welcoming spring, and even in poor families

it was considered obligatory. The housewives baked pancakes all week, ending

Maslenitsa on “forgiveness” day, Sunday.

Years of revolution, civil war, formation of Soviet power

Dramatic events imperialist war 1914, civil war,

October Revolution, partisan movement found against counter-revolution in Siberia

reflected in the history of Ermakovsky. The situation of the peasants was worsened by the 1914 war.

Most of the workers were young men, almost all of whom were taken to the front. Taxes and

various duties increased. Under these conditions, the discontent of the disadvantaged grew.






the volosts were: A.A.Averyanov, I.Berg, Davydkin brothers, V.Chirkov.

After the October Revolution, Soviets began to form. The first problems

which they began to decide locally were related to the distribution of land plots

poor peasants and farm laborers, providing medical care to the population,

teaching children of all classes, trade and public construction

The Ermakovsky Volost Council was created, of which V. Chirkov was elected chairman.




uprising by the Kolchak punitive detachment, in the Ermakovskaya volost they were shot

about 100 of its participants.





The Ermakovskaya volost was liberated from the Kolchakites. In the village of Ermakovskoye a






N. Morozova.

November the St. Michael's Fair opened. Prices at the fair were: 1 pood of flour - 1 rub. 30

kopecks, rye – 50-60 kopecks, oats – 55-65 kopecks, men’s wire rods – 6-8 rubles, honey – 3 rubles. 50 kopecks.

The culturalization of the village became of great importance. 25 educational programs were created,

where 998 illiterate people studied, seven reading huts and 15 red corners were organized.



hut-reading room

It is located in a good room, there are 1500 books in it. Most active

There is a certificate desk; 50 certificates and 74 applications were issued in a month...”

For the 10th anniversary of Soviet power, “The power of labor has prepared a special issue where

an entire page is dedicated to the peasants of the Ermakovsky district, it was called “What can

tell me about peasant farming? "If you take individual peasant farms, -

the newspaper wrote, “and look at their development over 10 years, you can see how it’s growing







which was bought only on holidays. The peasant introduces cultural cultivation of the land -

sows clean grain, builds warm palaces. Moreover, the poor peasant is convinced

that it is not profitable for him to work alone, and he joins a collective farm.”

Years of the Great Patriotic War and post-war years

During the Great Patriotic War, 5594 were mobilized from Ermakovsky

people, 3862 of them did not return. Hundreds of soldiers

officers for feats of arms marked



fellow countrymen


Union: P.N. Surkov, V.P. Bragin, N.P. Kabak, A.I. Shakhov, N.D. Tokarev.

The population from 1959 to 1979 decreased from 27.8 to 22.8 thousand.

people In the 1980s it stabilized, and starting from 1986 it began to grow due to intensive



(the positive balance of migration for every 1000 was then 22.7 and 33.6). Influx






flat part of the region. At the same time, in the 1980-90s the region was characterized by very

short natural increase population, and in 1994

there was a reduction in the number

residents, since since 1992 the mortality rate has exceeded the birth rate. In 1994




birth rate




population is small - 1.4 people. at 1 km

(in the region - 1.3). The population is distributed extremely

unevenly and concentrated in the basin part, in the Us River basin and along the tract





there are

populated areas


Verkhneusinsk village, Tanzybey village, Oysk village, Migne, s. Nizhnesuetuke, village. Semennikovo, village

Grigorievka, s. Zheblakhtakh, s. Novopoltavka, village Let's drive around, s. Salba. National composition

population (1989,%): Russians - 89.6; Ukrainians - 2.2; Chuvash - 0.9; Belarusians - 0.6;

Mordovians - 0.5; Germans - 0.5; Tatars - 0.4; Khakass - 0.2; others - 5.1. Employed in the economy

7.5 thousand workers and employees (1985 - 7.6), agricultural enterprises - 2.1 thousand people. (1985 -

3.0). Industry is represented by timber harvesting, sawmilling, oil production,








dairy and meat

cattle breeding,

sheep farming,








the only thing


breeding of deer, from whose horns (antlers) the most valuable tonic is produced

And medicine- pantocrine.

Ermakovskoye today

Today Ermakovskoe, whose population reaches 11 thousand people, is a large

well-maintained village. Excellent 16 apartment buildings, a new high school building,

Victory Square, hotel, kindergartens, many shops

In the Ermakovsky district there are 15 secondary schools, two incomplete and three primary schools. For







creativity, sports district club, station young technicians, children's art school.

Improves and develops medical care district. If in 1900

year in the volost there was one hospital with ten beds, served by one doctor and two paramedics,


serves the area

sick leave


district hospitals, 14 paramedic stations, 190 beds in the regional center and 15 in villages



qualified doctors,

mid-level medical worker.








countries, abroad, send any documents by fax, access the Internet.

The cultural level of the residents of the area has increased, 20 libraries are at their service, the Center

leisure activities, 20 rural clubs, children's art school (DSHI), open

local television channel, sports complex. In the district libraries, book collection

of which there are about 28 thousand books, read by more than 16 thousand readers. In the Center

leisure activities, in which there are 26 hobby groups and clubs, residents

Villages and guests are spectators and participants in a wide variety of events.

In the vast expanses of our region there are ten unique protected natural




compare these mountains with the Swiss Alps.

Nature has erected monuments to itself: Stone Town, Oiskoye Lake, Ergaki.









the rarest





Yenisei, etc.

Particularly unique fauna reserve. In the sky-high peaks of the Sayan

ridges is home to the legendary snow leopard Irbis, and nearby in inaccessible rocks he found

its refuge is the rarest animal - the Siberian ibex.

The Sayan Mountains are also a tourist Mecca. Tourists travel to the most remote places

our area. Ermakovsky district is a protected area, tourist and resort. And in 2005 4



territory -


"Ergaki", the original area of ​​which was 217 thousand hectares.

Especially vivid impression produces a village if you look at it from above

bird's eye view6 clear rectangular street layout, green gardens, blue ribbon

the Oya River with a park on the bank and in the distance - the blue peaks of the Sayan Mountains. This is our native village. AND




not easy,

the tragic life story of our ancestors

→ → Ermakovskoe village.

Detailed map of the village of Ermakovskoye

Ermakovskoye is a village that is the administrative center of the Ermakovsky district in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The location of this settlement belongs to the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is located 74 kilometers southeast of the city of Minusinsk - central city Southern District in the Krasnoyarsk region. The village is located near the Yenisei federal highway (M54). The number of inhabitants in this locality at the beginning of 2014 amounted to 110.56 thousand people.

Ermakovsky himself administrative district is one of the centers of tourism in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The territory of the Ermakovsky district is located in the basins of the right tributaries of the Yenisei - the Oya and Us rivers. Most of this territory belongs to the central part of the Western Sayan Mountains. In the southern part there are high mountain peaks and ridges, and the highest point (2600 meters) is located on the left bank of the Yenisei River and belongs to the Axial Sayan Range.

Due to the fact that the territory of the Ermakovsky district is practically untouched economic activity human, there is a high level of preservation natural resources. This area has a real pearl of Siberia - the Sayano-Shushensky State Natural Biosphere Reserve, as well as the Ergaki Natural Park, a nature reserve and seven natural monuments local significance. It is thanks to this diversity of natural objects that the area has the opportunity to develop as a tourist center of the region.

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