How to become a more sensitive person. Sensitive person

Text: Grisha of the Prophets

Highly sensitive people, or highly sensitive people, are especially susceptible to external stimulation, the emotions of others and, in general, details of the world around them. We tell you who they are and how to understand if you are one of them.

Who are Highly Sensitive People?

Highly sensitive people (we will call them highly sensitive people), or HSP, or HSP - these are people who react more intensely than others to the world. These people process both positive and negative information more carefully, so they can become overwhelmed and overwhelmed by external stimuli - when there are too many or too intense of them. Such people pay a lot of attention to all sensations: tastes, touches, sounds and smells. They are especially sensitive to emotions, their own and others. The press calls them the new introverts: highly sensitive people are especially written about in Lately, although the phenomenon was defined back in the mid-90s.

Who introduced this concept?

Psychologist Elaine N. Aron was the first to identify highly sensitive people.
in his book "The Highly Sensitive Person", which was published in 1996. Aron lived in San Francisco and began studying HSP in 1991 with her husband Arthur. Aron describes HSPs as those who have “increased sensitivity to stimulation” and who are “more aware of details and nuances and process information in a deeper, more reflective way than others.” Aron believed that Carl Jung, Emily Dickinson and Rainer Maria Rilke were highly sensitive people and that they were generally “poets, writers, teachers, doctors, scientists and philosophers.” It is believed that 20% of the world's population are highly sensitive people.

Why are they suddenly being talked about?

It’s not that the term and Aron’s book lay in oblivion, no - other researchers wrote about HSPs, and they were published science articles, but precisely in last years the media paid attention to them Special attention. The Huffington Post published a text about how highly sensitive people interact with the world differently, The Wall Street Journal wrote about the phenomenon, even Scientific American remembered Aron and her ideas. IN scientific world interest in them is also increasing: for example, the first conference dedicated to high sensitivity was held in Brussels. About the phenomenon of HSP comes out documentary called “Sensitive”, in which, for example, singer Alanis Morissette, who considers herself a highly sensitive person, starred.

Why single out highly sensitive people when introverts already exist?

Because this is a psychological - and neurobiological - category of people according to completely different indicators. Aron developed a 27-item sensitivity scale to identify HSPs; and, as with introverts, it's not easy binary system, it’s not just that you’re either a highly sensitive person or you’re not, there’s a gradation here. While introverts are primarily defined by their relationships with other people, highly sensitive people are generally defined by their relationship with the world. However, like introverts, HSPs may enjoy solitude to give their brain a break from stimulation. For example, if you often cry at the movies or are irritated by strong smells, or you are imbued with the emotions of other people at the most unexpected moments. And this is important to study: because if you understand that you are a highly sensitive person, you can better arrange your life, for example, try to work in quiet and calm places.

Do HSPs really exist?

Yes, sure. They are identified by many psychologists and neuroscientists. Hundreds of studies have been devoted to high sensitivity, from brain scans to genetic tests. Studies of the brains of HSPs show that their brain processes differ from those of other people: HSPs are more likely to experience empathy, be more attentive to their surroundings, and understand other people better. The catch is that, of course, there is a trap here, as with introverts: after the word and idea became popular, many people began to call themselves highly sensitive people, even those who are not technically one of them. Everyone wants to consider themselves special, so we want to believe that we understand the world around us more deeply and subtly than others.

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Do you like going to the movies and going on vacation alone? Do you need your own space even in the bedroom? Then these tips are for you. During my internship I met many people with high level sensitive people (I call them emotional empaths) who have difficulty in close relationships, says Judith Orloff 1. They are kind, decent, sincere people who want to find their soul mate, but remain lonely for years.

In a state of love, we are immersed in a feeling of unity and intimacy with a partner and draw strength from this, but for empaths, too intense a connection, without the opportunity to be alone (and this is how they restore strength) is extremely difficult. This doesn't mean they love less. On the contrary, sometimes they understand their loved ones without words and live all the nuances of their experiences together.

These people seem to touch an object with fifty fingers, while everyone else needs only five

Figuratively speaking, these people seem to touch an object with fifty fingers, while everyone else needs only five. Therefore, they need more time to restore internal balance.

Many of them fear that they will be misunderstood by a loved one. After all, the increased need for separate space is sometimes read by others as detachment and disinterest in relationships. And this misunderstanding is a disaster both for them and for their potential partners. Let me give some advice to sensitive people for building relationships.

Be honest

Be open and explain that you often need privacy. When you turn off your phone and step away from communication for a while, there is nothing personal about it. This is due to the peculiarities of your nature, and your partner is just as dear to you at these moments. Your attitude towards him is unchanged.

Time to sleep

Empathic people may not always sleep in the same bed as their partner. And again, nothing personal: their space is simply extremely important to them, even at night. Otherwise, they will not get enough sleep and sleeping together with a loved one will turn into torture. Have an honest conversation with your partner about this and discuss your options.

Territory of silence

The decision to live together - serious step, testing the strength of many alliances. Especially if one of the partners is in such dire need of his territory. Think about where you might be able to retire and discuss this with your partner. Perhaps you would like to "disappear" from time to time separate room or in the garage. If the apartment space is small, this could be your table separated by a screen. When there is no such place, retire to the bathroom. Turn on the water and give yourself time - even five to ten minutes will help restore strength. It is important that your partner accepts this desire of yours without offense.

On a journey

People are often surprised that anyone would choose to travel alone. Most people like to share impressions and experiences with someone. Those who like to travel independently often turn out to be emotional empaths. Traveling together, when another person, even a dearly loved one, is nearby for 24 hours, becomes a test for them. Try to discuss this with your partner so that he doesn’t hold a grudge against you if one day you want to have breakfast alone. Or don’t join him on one of the excursions.

In couples where these are respected psychological characteristics, happy and long-term relationships are created.

1 U. Orloff, Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself from Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Three Rivers Press, 2010).

“You're too sensitive! You react too much to everything!” - if you have ever heard such words addressed to you, perhaps your interlocutors are right, and you really are not like other people. You are one of the highly sensitive people - the 15-20% of the population who have a very finely tuned nervous system. I also feel acutely and am hosting the first Russian-language podcast about this phenomenon.

According to the theory of the founder of highly sensitive people, American psychologist Elaine Aron, sensitive people analyze information more deeply. They have a more active insula of the brain, where all information about the environment and internal state person. They have increased empathy due to more mirror neurons– brain cells that help us understand the experiences of another person, for example, crying while watching a movie if the main character feels bad. They are more sensitive to nuances, better at noticing details and are able to detect the slightest changes in the environment.

Highly sensitive people are more sensitive to noise, lighting, smells - for example, sitting next to a person who smoked a cigarette ten minutes ago, a sensitive person may feel as if they were stuck in a smoking room. They get tired a large number of people, although not all highly sensitive people are introverts.

It is important to understand that hypersensitivity is not a disease or a sign bad character, but a set of genes, inherited, which are designed to help the survival of the entire species. For example, the most sensitive horses run along the edges of the herd and as soon as they notice danger, they change behavior, thereby warning the entire herd about it. That is, high sensitivity is a useful signaling tool. Problems arise if we ignore these signals.

Don't ignore sensitivity

Since childhood, with the best intentions, we are often told that we shouldn’t take everything so personally. As a result, highly sensitive people begin to believe that there is something wrong with them and try to suppress their sensitivity. This happens especially often with men. Although the high sensitivity in equally occurs among men and women; society does not encourage sensitivity in men. Having heard enough suggestions in childhood “don’t cry, you’re a man!”, the boy grows up embarrassed by his sensitivity and puts on a mask of hypermasculinity or suppresses sensitivity with alcohol and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Another unsuccessful adaptation strategy is avoidance. Sensitive people often try to avoid conflict or potentially overstimulating situations, usually at the expense of their own psychological boundaries. For this reason, they are often considered weak or unintelligent - when in fact, these people simply analyze for a long time before taking any action, and do everything so as not to upset others - because they feel their feelings so keenly.

Elaine Aron has shown that highly sensitive people thrive most in situations where their sensitivity is respected and supported, and in teams with positive emotional background, but perform worse if their sensitivity is ignored, or in companies where negative sensitivity predominates emotional situation. If in childhood the parents allowed the child’s sensitivity to simply be, then, as a rule, such a person achieves a lot, because he understands the emotions of other people and understands what approach to them is needed.

From surviving to thriving

If you recognize yourself in this description, congratulate yourself: you survived and adapted without knowing anything about your sensitivity! Now is the time to move from surviving to thriving and learning to truly use your gift. I offer six simple strategies on how to do this.

1. First of all, understand and accept that everything is fine with you.

There are 1.4 billion people like you around the world. Nature does not hold anything superfluous, and if sensitivity continues to be passed on from generation to generation in people and animals, then it is needed. Give yourself permission to be hypersensitive, the world needs your gift.

2. Realize that most people perceive the world differently than you do.

80% of humanity sincerely does not understand why the smell of food in the workplace, loud music or air conditioning bothers you, and may not even notice what affects your well-being and productivity. Colleagues may enjoy light stimulation in the form of constant music, without which their nervous system goes into hibernation. Explaining what sensitivity is to someone who does not have it is like trying to explain to a blind person what color is.

So learn to speak their language.

If you need time to recover after a meeting, don't say that you're tired from the abundance of information - say that you'll go away to write down your thoughts from the meeting. Or joke that you need to warm up with a cup of tea after a chilly conversation with a client. People are afraid of the unknown, so use humor more often and do not focus on sensitivity: no one is obligated to treat you differently simply because you are a sensitive person.

3. Avoid negative people and companies.

Sensitive people are very influenced by the mood of others, and they tend to take on other people's problems. If you constantly deal with negatively charged people, such communication will drain you much more than ordinary person. If at your work someone is constantly criticized, accused, offended, such a team is contraindicated for you. Look for a more professional company - there are many of them.

4. Give yourself time to reflect and rest.

Accept that you need more time to make decisions (because your brain processes more information) and rest than others, so that the nervous system has time to recover. Don't schedule multiple meetings in a row. It is ideal to alternate between socializing and working alone. Organize your schedule so that you can be without external stimulation several times a day - sit in a quiet room, or better yet, take a walk in the park. Ideally, you should set your own schedule and make it your work priority. Many highly sensitive people choose to start their own business precisely so they can have control over their daily routine.

5. Be sure to regularly visit nature

Think about when you felt total energy, joyful, with the desire to do something necessary? I'm willing to bet it had something to do with being in nature. As in Avatar, sensitive people draw strength from nature. Try to make weekly trips out of town part of your routine. Have a variety of plants in your office and home.

6. Nourish your soul.

Highly sensitive people are not interested in just making money; they are interested in being part of something bigger. If your job is routine and just pays the bills, start a hobby that helps you make a difference in the world.

You can go somewhere as a volunteer. Many sensitive people are interested in art and literature or work in creative fields. It is important to stop repeating the beliefs of others that “it’s all stupid if it doesn’t bring you money,” and find time for activities that feed your soul. How have case With highly sensitive

person Despite bad reputation

, sensitive people can be excellent employees and friends. They are very responsible, independent, attentive to details, they always think about how the other person is feeling. When dealing with highly sensitive people, keep in mind that they may react to many things that you do not react to. Accept that This is not their fantasy, but that they really experience the world.

They are not necessarily “crybabies,” but they can cry, seemingly out of the blue.

Sensitive people quickly get tired if they are bombarded with a lot of information at once, so give them time to “digest” it. If one of your employees constantly asks permission to work from home or spends more time away from their desk than at it, it is possible that they are not shirking from work, but are simply a highly sensitive person and are trying to find balance in this way. If your child is hypersensitive, do not judge his sensitivity, but help him learn to cope with emotions and express them in a constructive way - for example, through drawing or dancing. A strict regime and psychological boundaries will also help a lot with this. Make sure your hypersensitive child doesn't have the computer on all the time—he needs rest, even if he doesn't realize it yet. situation in the family and at school. So, if your child suddenly begins to be too tired or capricious, find out what is happening in his environment - perhaps he “caught” an emotional state from his peers.

Highly sensitive people who had normal childhoods are no different from others, and even, according to research, are slightly happier than those around them. So take care of your hypersensitive child or your inner child, if you yourself are a highly sensitive person, you will be the happiest people!

You can take the sensitivity test developed by Elaine Aron for free on my website.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

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In previous articles we talked about what it is increased sensitivity how it develops sensitive child, and now - about what to do as an adult whose sensitivity became a problem for him due to rejection in childhood and constant comparison yourself with others.

Sensitive person By the time he grows up socially, he is already accustomed to the fact that his needs, requests, sensations, ideas about comfort, the environment, wishes for relationships - all this differs from the demands of the majority.

That is why a sensitive person is poorly compatible with some common rhythms, common approaches to a decision life tasks, does not always fit into groups; the accepted ones often do not suit him wide circle ways of communication and living conditions.

Many people ask the question: why can’t a sensitive person adapt? After all, all living things, in theory, adapt to environmental conditions, and may well learn to survive effectively in it. Why isn't this happening here?

Sensitivity and adaptation

For some reason, adaptation is more often understood as the breaking of personality to meet the needs of society than the real essence adaptation – dynamic balance. This means that not only the environment influences a person, but also a person influences the environment. Otherwise there would be no social change, and society would remain forever in caves.

However, we see with the naked eye how much man has changed the surrounding reality, and, regardless of the assessment of these changes, we are forced to admit: man, in his ability to adapt, has gone much further than integrating himself into his environment.

Our nervous system There are, of course, such adaptive possibilities as habituation and adaptation. But they work in proportion to the innate psychophysiological given.

Relatively speaking, it will be easy for a person whose height is 170 cm to get used to bowing his head, without particularly straining, in order to pass through a door 165 cm high. For a person whose height is 190 cm, this will be much more difficult, and to do it regularly without injuring himself in the process , he won't be able to. Do you understand the difference?

Adaptation in the form of habituation and adjustment exists, of course, in people whose sensitivity- above average. But just as it is impossible for the average person to increase their sensitivity to the level of an HSP, it is also difficult for an HSP to adapt enough to be equal to the average person.

An obvious conclusion arises: in order to adapt their high sensitivity to the conditions existing around them, HSPs can and should influence the environment in order to adapt, and not just assimilate its rules and norms accepted by the majority.

And now we will talk about how exactly a sensitive person can do this, what pitfalls are most often encountered on his way, and what internal processes can accompany all this.

Start with small things

The most difficult thing you have to do is get used to the idea of ​​your own right to be who you are. There are no instructions on the topic “how to accept yourself”; for everyone this is an individual path, which is often walked together with a specialist.

This can be especially true for HSPs. an important component. The experience of being accepted by another person, in in this case– a psychologist, helps to strengthen and develop self-acceptance. But there are some things you can do on your own.

And I suggest you start with something simple - with a list of everything that is uncomfortable for you, that hurts your sensitivity. Try to somehow rank the inconveniences as they increase, from small to more global. By small, it is usually understood that the majority of those around them have written down there.

For example, terrible curtains in the room that my mother once bought, an uncomfortable chair, dim/too bright light in the room, an unpleasant smell in the bathroom, jostling in line and resulting irritating touches, noise from neighbors, bed linen in pellets, too cold/hot weather, food that is familiar, but does not cause pleasure, and is somehow “not so" in the body, etc.

Some of these issues can be resolved with little financial investment and ingenuity. It would seem that it would be so difficult to buy another light bulb, earplugs, bedding from a different fabric, or think about food that is more suitable for you? Throw away old items that create an unpleasant odor, buy fragrances? As a rule, most people can afford all this, and even more.

Why not start using home delivery or convenience stores more often, visiting them, for example, closer to the night, when the main flow of people has already subsided? Why not think about special clothing - thermal underwear in case of cold, special “breathable” sportswear in case of heat, etc.? All this does not fall into the category of inaccessible.

The question is - why is this not done most often? But because most often you are ashamed, especially if you do not live alone.

It’s embarrassing to admit to the mother who gave you the curtains that they are not your aesthetic (and that this aesthetic matters at all!). It’s a shame to tell your husband/wife that you can no longer sleep on such underwear, it’s a shame to tell your work colleagues that for lunch you won’t go to eat pancakes with them, but will go to a vegetarian cafe, even though you’ll have to spend a little more time on the road, but there the food is more suitable for you, etc.

It’s a shame to be capricious, with pretensions, it’s scary to think about what they’ll twist at your temple, judge you, be offended or whisper behind your back. That's why I suggest starting with the little things. Firstly, because for the majority these are really small things, and they are unlikely to concentrate much on these little things, and secondly, because learning to respect oneself immediately and globally is an unrealistic task.

Any quality transformation requires a resource. A sensitive person, as a rule, at a certain point in his life gets very tired of playing by rules that are difficult for him. If you are thinking about how to accept your sensitivity, most likely, you have already reached that very moment of fatigue.

It’s the little things that can begin to fill you with resources. But sometimes it’s not easy to afford them even when no one is watching. It’s just that you yourself have long been accustomed to treating yourself this way, and from within you the voice of your mother/father/grandmother is constantly broadcasting on the topic “all children are like children, but yours...”

In order not to hear this condemning voice inside you, you try not to do anything “special” for yourself. But you don’t have to measure yourself all your life by your parents’ assessments, and the fact that now this voice is in your head is your choice, conscious or not.

The first thing you can try to tell yourself is to give permission to your needs, support yourself in this. Sometimes it is worth at this moment to imagine that child who once did not understand what was “wrong” with his needs, and was condemned, rejected and irritated with him.

Now you are your own parent and you can very well say to yourself “yes, you have the right to this, I understand you well,” try to satisfy the need and see if it will have such a destructive impact on your life as you expected.

Practice shows that after these simple attempts to take care of oneself, a sensitive person begins to to a greater extent respect himself and feel more confident, because he begins to understand already at the level of sensations: it works. It helps you live, feel better, gives you confidence and energy.

About larger tasks

When little things fill you up a little with resource, and sensitivity no longer seems like such a punishment, you will naturally have to pay attention to more serious issues.

Perhaps it is unbearable for you to be among people for eight hours, perhaps you are not able to get up early, you cannot be in a cramped room with artificial light for so long, you can’t constantly fall asleep to the roar of music in the next apartment, you really need beauty and aesthetics around, more tactful people, your problem is with environment cannot be solved by clothing alone, but your body needs a serious change in conditions...

Many HSPs fall into despair when such thoughts appear: they need to change their whole life - work, environment, the very way of life and its schedule! But a sensitive person is not a weak or weak-willed person, as we already said in the first part. Everyone experiences fear of change, but that doesn't mean you can't take action.

Vice versa, increased sensitivity can be the impetus to achieve more than the average majority.

One of my clients suffered for a long time, among other things, from the inconveniences associated with living in a high-rise building. Noise, unpleasant odors, an always dirty and smoky entrance, neighbors who barge in with tactless conversations when they meet... When she was able to take the first steps towards accepting herself and the fact that she is a sensitive person, at some point she set herself the task of moving out from here forever. The path was not easy, but being confident in the importance of her own needs, she was able to complete it, and moreover, during the process, meet a man who shared her aspirations. Now they live as a family in own home In the countryside.

My other client sincerely considered himself a social phobe, was sure that because of his “misanthropy” he could not work in an office like everyone else, that now he would have to spend the rest of his life working part-time jobs and never becoming anyone. We decided to try to perceive all this as a lifestyle - “I don’t work in the office because I’m more productive working alone” (and not because I’m some kind of “defective”), etc. As a result, he was one of the first to master new remote technologies, which allowed him to open his own business and stop worrying about not working in an office.

We can say that increased sensitivity encourages you to take steps in life that you simply would not have taken otherwise.

People often complain that their increased sensitivity exposes them to costs and additional complications. But we should not forget that it is precisely this that sometimes serves as a motive to develop in a profession, earn money, increase comfort and improve health. Which in the end may well lead to a more rich, interesting and happy life than many others.

Therefore, it is worth asking yourself the question in time: what can I and want to change thanks to my sensitivity? What life accomplishments does it give me energy for?

Of course, the most important thing is your attitude towards yourself, your characteristics and needs. But suppose (and this often happens in reality), you have already begun restructuring inside, you already perceive your sensitivity as personal characteristic, and not a defect, but at the same time, the people around you have not yet changed their minds and continue to make the same demands on you.

They can be understood - after all, you tried to mimic their needs before, and they are used to treating you as the average majority. And when you (in their eyes) suddenly have “complaints”, you can really receive a portion of criticism and depreciation.

The most important thing here is not to argue, not to prove, not to try to justify your need as supposedly “objective”. No matter how much someone might want it, our objective needs are the need for air, satisfaction of hunger, thirst, the need for shelter (minimum security) and clothing where we cannot survive without it. This is all. The absence of everything else in life, including reproduction, is not fatal.

But how many people dream of living only on primitive needs? I think you can guess for yourself. No one wants to live within the framework of only “objective needs”, that is, only to survive, therefore the needs of your critics are also not objective. And you have only stepped higher on this ladder of needs.

There is no way to prove anything here: a person whose body does not feel random touches in the subway, does not notice the smell in the entrance, sleeps to the roar of heavy rock, calmly digests cutlets from the nearest canteen - he still will not understand you with your keen hearing and ability to recognize shades the taste of plain water, subtle sensations emotional state others and attention to detail.

In this misunderstanding you are equal, according to by and large. With only one difference - your critics allow themselves to respect their needs and consider their level adequate, but you do not. But since you are an adult, you can always change this state of affairs in your favor.

“Yes, that’s how it is for me. I have such requests. You have others, I respect yours, and I invite you to respect mine.” This is all that makes sense to say to those who want to devalue them.

I often hear from clients about the fear of being alone, having begun to defend their right to have different needs from the majority. If your social circle begins to fall apart, then this will mean only one thing: there were and are no people in your environment who are ready to accept you for who you are.

It's sad, but it's better to know about it earlier. The fewer illusions you have about those whom you considered close or at least friends, the fewer risks there are in difficult situation to come across a real betrayal, which will be perceived exactly this way by you, when these people treat some very subtle part of you rudely, and even without understanding what happened.

Changing your social circle is difficult task, Yes. But remember that HSPs make up 10-15% of all people. Calculate how many people this is in your city? Countries? Isn’t this really enough to start creating a social circle for yourself of those who are able to understand you without forcing themselves? In addition, a person may not belong to the HSP category, but at the same time be aware enough to respect the other in another person, and not just those who are similar to themselves. All this in total is not such a catastrophically small number of people.

And finally...

An exception to the rule is also a rule. There's always an average height, but there's always sufficient quantity people who greatly exceed this average height or vice versa. There are always average abilities, but in history there have always been both mentally retarded people and geniuses (and these deviations from the usual norm were sometimes even confused with each other).

The majority of men and women are heterosexual, but in the world, as far as can be traced, the percentage of people remains constant gay. Most people are right-handed, however, in every school you will find at least one left-handed child, etc.

The very structure of the world implies differences. Otherwise, there will be nothing on which to build interaction and development, which is impossible without conflict, without that very “unity and struggle of opposites.”

But it won’t be possible to measure this from a “worse or better” perspective. A sensitive person is usually called upon to solve more complex, more subtle problems in different areas- it is his strong point. The fact that it is more difficult for him to adapt to the conditions of the majority is the burden that he has to pay for expanded abilities.

You do not have the opportunity to change your deep-seated characteristics of your personality or body. But you have the choice to use it for the sake of own development, or vice versa – to suppress and criticize together with others. And I really wish you to take a place in life, making the most of your characteristics.



adj., used compare often

Morphology: sensitive, sensitive, sensitive, sensitive; more sensitive; adv. sensitive

1. In the human body sensitive It is called something that has the ability to perceive external, physical stimuli.

Sensitive cells. | Sensitive nerve endings.

2. Sensitive are those parts of the body, organs that have a painfully increased ability to perceive physical, chemical, energy, etc. influences outside world and respond to them.

Eyes are sensitive to harsh light. | The most sensitive place of the body. | Sensitive skin requires special care.

3. Sensitive a device is a technical device that is capable of very subtly reflecting, recording and transforming minor influences and influences external environment(light, temperature fluctuations, humidity, etc.).

Sensitive device. | Sensitive microphone. | Sensitive element. | Sensitive antenna, membrane.

4. Sensitive call a material, a substance that reacts to the influence of the external environment by changing its structure, its composition, etc.

Sensitive photographic films. | Experts from a university in Shanghai have invented a sensitive paint that reacts to the air temperature outside the window.

5. Sensitive they call someone who is capable of vividly feeling and compassion.

Sensitive to people's suffering. | Sensitive heart. | The child was not sensitive and rarely cried. | Sensitive and kind old man.

6. Sensitive They call such works that affect a person’s feelings and are sentimental.

Sensitive songs. | Sensitive romance.

7. Sensitive they call something that is significant, powerful, effective in its manifestation.

Sensitive deficiency. | Cause sensitive damage. | Sensitive assistance to the family. | Enterprise competition has become sensitive.

sensitivity noun, and.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev.

D. V. Dmitriev.:


    Synonyms See what “sensitive” is in other dictionaries:

    Sensitive... Spelling dictionary-reference book SENSITIVE, sensitive, sensitive; sensitive, sensitive, sensitive. 1. Capable of vividly feeling, perceiving, possessing developed senses

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    SENSITIVE, oh, oh; flax, flax. 1. Having increased susceptibility to external influences and irritations. Sensitive place of the body. 2. transfer Capable of capturing, reflecting external influences, changes. Ch. device. Ch. sensor element.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Sensitive, receptive, impressionable, responsive, subtle, scrupulous; tactile, perceptive, significant, touchy. Wed. grateful, kind, decent... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. By …- easy to react - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information Technology in general Synonyms easily responsive EN responsive ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Sensitive, receptive, impressionable, responsive, subtle, scrupulous; tactile, perceptive, significant, touchy. Wed. grateful, kind, decent... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. By …- terribly sensitive extremely sensitive overly sensitive... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    Sensitive, receptive, impressionable, responsive, subtle, scrupulous; tactile, perceptive, significant, touchy. Wed. grateful, kind, decent... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. By …- [ust], aya, oh; flax, flax, flax 1) Vividly feeling, perceiving the surroundings, able to easily be moved, feel emotional. Sensitive nature. He was sensitive and even tearful (L. Tolstoy). Synonyms: perceptive/impressive, impressionable,... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    Aya, oh; flax, flax, flax. 1. Able to perceive external, physical irritations. Ch. nerve. W cells. Nerve endings. // Possessing an increased ability to perceive physical irritations. My skin. Who l. sensitive to pain... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Close to heart. How to live if you are an overly sensitive person, Sand I.. Highly sensitive people, or “new introverts,” are the name given to those who react more sharply than others to noise or fuss, quickly get tired of society and love solitude.

These people have a keen sense... Did you like the article?