When is Airborne Forces Day celebrated? The glorious battle path of the Airborne Forces

If you want to know what date Airborne Forces Day is and everything about this holiday, read this article.

The Airborne Forces, abbreviated as VDV, are an elite unit Russian army and their day is marked on the calendar on August 2. When Airborne Forces Day is in Russia, it is difficult not to notice - it is celebrated very widely.

Airborne Forces Day Values

People call the Airborne Forces “Blue Berets”, “Winged Infantry”, and other epithets, emphasizing the importance of courageous, courageous, strong and courageous people who choose to serve in the Airborne Forces, subsequently often taking risks own life to complete a complex task.

The main principle of any paratrooper is “Nobody but us!”, which emphasizes the integrity and fearlessness of people who dedicated their lives to service in the airborne forces Russian Federation.

Despite the fact that people have legends about paratroopers, many do not know when Airborne Forces Day is celebrated in Russia. In order to answer this question, you need to plunge a little into history and remember where the history of these elite units began.

History of the Russian Airborne Forces

The history of the Airborne Forces in Russia dates back to the already distant 1930. It was then, on the second of August, during an exercise near Voronezh, that a unit of paratroopers who were part of Air Force military district of Moscow.

This experiment, in which twelve people took part, allowed the military command, as well as theorists, to see the prospects, as well as the main advantages landing units during military operations.

The fact is that this kind of landing was characterized by rapid coverage of enemy units by air. It is this day, August 2, that has since been celebrated as DVD Day, or Paratrooper Day.

After a successfully completed experiment, which proved its worth, by 1933 the Volga, Moscow and Ukrainian military districts included battalions special purpose consisting of paratroopers. In 1941, five airborne corps were already equipped, the number of which exceeded 50 thousand people.

The Airborne Forces were always at the forefront in the battles of World War II. Over the many years of existence of this unit, the paratroopers have written many bright pages in military history Russia, and wherever they fought, these people were distinguished by selfless devotion to their homeland, courage and valor.

Today, the Airborne Forces have not lost their relevance, and continue to proudly carry the banner of one of best units Army of the Russian Federation in anti-terrorist and peacekeeping operations.

Traditionally, every year in Russia they celebrate Airborne Forces Day. The holiday is celebrated on August 2 every time. It is believed that it was on this day that the Airborne Forces were born. The magnificent traditions of the holiday are known to everyone, but not everyone knows the history of its origin, as well as where the traditions of eating watermelons and swimming in the pool came from.

It is worth recalling that this year marks the 87th anniversary of creation of the Airborne Forces. History says that back in 1930, it was on August 2 that 12 people landed near Voronezh, during exercises of the Moscow Military District. At that time they were not yet wearing blue berets. These people were performing a tactical mission. This is where the Airborne Forces came from. Afterwards, the paratroopers began calling themselves “Uncle Vasya’s troops.” This is in honor of the most famous commander landing troops and hero Soviet Union Vasily Margelov.

Airborne Forces Day 2017: how old

Since then, the holiday has been celebrated every year. Paratroopers traditionally meet near monuments and fountains to remember their years of service and celebrate their holiday. Over the years, the holiday has developed the well-known traditions of eating watermelons and swimming in the fountain.

The tradition of eating watermelons appeared in the early 90s. Paratroopers came from hot spots in Afghanistan and celebrated their demobilization with watermelons, which were just ripe by this time.

Airborne Forces Day 2017: history of the holiday

But the tradition of bathing in a fountain appeared a long time ago, but no one knows its true origin. The paratroopers themselves say that they see the sky in the fountain and want to be closer to it. Some believe that in Afghanistan the paratroopers did not have water and in this way they compensate for its lack.

Well, on social networks, a more common version is that once upon a time drunken paratroopers fell into a fountain, and their friends went to get it, then the police got involved and the whole thing was filmed on camera. But there is no reliable information.

The Russian Airborne Forces celebrate their holiday on August 2. The date was established in 2006 by presidential decree as a memorable day designed to promote the revival and development of Russian military traditions, increasing prestige military service and established in recognition of the merits of the military in solving the problems of ensuring the defense and security of the state.

Tasks of the Airborne Forces

Airborne Forces - a branch of the Armed Forces, which is a means Supreme High Command and designed to cover the enemy by air and carry out tasks in his rear to disrupt troop control, capture and destroy ground elements of precision weapons, disrupt the advance and deployment of reserves, disrupt the rear and communications, as well as cover (defense) individual directions, areas, open flanks, blocking and destruction of landed airborne assaults, breaking through enemy groups and performing other tasks.

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In peace airborne forces time carry out the main tasks of maintaining combat and mobilization readiness at a level that ensures their successful application by purpose.

The Airborne Forces are commanded by Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov.

Composition and weapons of the Airborne Forces

IN composition of the Airborne Forces includes airborne and air assault formations, military unit special purpose, military support units.

The Airborne Forces are fully mechanized and have combat vehicles and self-propelled artillery suitable for landing. The main techniques are combat vehicles landing forces (BMD) and armored personnel carriers (APC).

© Sputnik / Maxim Blinov

Competition "Airborne Platoon" in Ryazan

On airborne weapons airborne combat vehicles BMD-2, BMD-3, BMD-4, BMD-4M, anti-tank missile system "Kornet-E" (based on the BTR-D armored personnel carrier), self-propelled anti-tank gun SPTP 2S25 "Sprut-SD", self-propelled artillery piece 2S9 "Nona-S", airborne armored personnel carrier BTR-MDM, etc.

Birth of the Airborne Forces

Officially in the afternoon birth of the Airborne Forces It is generally accepted that August 2, 1930: on this day, during the exercises of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District near Voronezh, for the first time, an airborne unit of 12 people was parachuted from a TB-3 bomber. This experiment allowed military theorists to see the prospects and advantages of parachute units and their ability to quickly reach the enemy by air.

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The creation of mass airborne forces began with a resolution of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, adopted on December 11, 1932. The Revolutionary Military Council decided to deploy a brigade on the basis of the airborne detachment of the Leningrad Military District, entrusting it with training instructors in airborne training and development of operational-tactical standards.

The history of the Airborne Forces is inextricably linked with the name of Army General Vasily Margelov, commander of the Airborne Forces (1954-1959, 1961-1979), paratrooper No. 1. Under his leadership, the Airborne Forces achieved significant results in the development of landing equipment, organization of troops, their weapons, combat training, and expanded capabilities combat use. Vasily Margelov personified an entire era in the development and formation of the Airborne Forces, their authority and popularity are associated with his name not only in our country, but also abroad. In memory of their commander, the paratroopers call themselves “Uncle Vasya’s Troops.”

The glorious battle path of the Airborne Forces

Combat airborne route noted by many memorable dates. The 212th took part in the armed conflict at Khalkhin Gol airborne brigade. During the Soviet-Finnish War (1939-1940) together with rifle units The 201st, 202nd and 214th airborne brigades fought.

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With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War all five airborne corps took part in battles with invaders on the territory of Latvia, Belarus, and Ukraine. During the counteroffensive near Moscow, the Vyazemsk airborne operation with the landing of the 4th Airborne Corps. This is the largest airborne operation during the war years.

At the end of the war during the Manchurian War strategic operation More than four thousand paratroopers, after landing at the airfields of Harbin, Girin, Port Arthur and South Sakhalin, completely paralyzed the actions of the Japanese army.

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The Airborne Forces took part in hostilities as part of Limited contingent Soviet troops in Afghanistan, carried out special tasks by permission interethnic conflicts on the territory of the USSR and the republics of the former Union.

All formations and military units of the Airborne Forces participated in military operations in the North Caucasus region; in August 2008, military units of the Airborne Forces took part in the operation to force Georgia to peace, operating in the Ossetian and Abkhazian directions.

How to celebrate Airborne Forces Day

Every year on August 2, current and former paratroopers put on uniform berets and vests and go out into the streets of their cities in such attire. There is no official holiday on this day.

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The traditions of the celebration do not change: on Airborne Forces Day, reserve servicemen, active troops and veterans are honored with warm congratulations. Beret blue color, by which paratroopers could be recognized, became a household name in its own way, symbolizing “winged infantry.”

Appearing in such an attribute on the street is a source of great pride for the person himself and his loved ones. The Airborne Forces have a special motto. It sounds like this: “Nobody but us!” This capacious phrase contains patriotism, courage, reliability and many other qualities inherent in a real warrior.

© Sputnik / Vitaly Ankov

Parade on Airborne Forces Day 2017 - a way to remind people about military power states. So every citizen will feel that he is under the vigilant protection of his compatriots, the paratroopers.

The material is compiled on the basis of open sources.

August 2, 1930 during a training exercise military aviation For the first time in domestic practice, the Moscow Military District carried out a landing of paratroopers, who were assigned certain combat training tasks. This experiment, involving only 12 soldiers, clearly demonstrated all the advantages of airborne assaults and contributed to the emergence of a new type of military force. Today, the anniversary of the first landing of an airborne unit is celebrated as a memorable day - Day Airborne troops.

A few months after the first experimental landing exercises parachute landing The formation of new units began. In just a few years, airborne formations were able to become powerful impact force, capable of seizing bridgeheads behind enemy lines and facilitating the advancement of the entire army. The combat power of the new formations was confirmed by numerous exercises in which hundreds and even thousands of paratroopers were involved.

In 1939, soldiers of the Airborne Forces took part in an armed conflict for the first time. One of the existing brigades was transferred to the Khalkhin Gol River area and made a great contribution to the defeat of the enemy. Some large connections The Airborne Forces later participated in Soviet-Finnish war. The paratroopers also played a significant role in the return operation. western regions USSR, previously occupied by third countries.

Soon after the start of the Great Patriotic War, the Airborne Forces were separated into a separate branch of the military, and 5 airborne corps with a total number of about 50,000 people were deployed on the basis of existing formations. Airborne troops were regularly involved in solving certain combat missions. For example, a landing in the rear German troops made it possible to change the balance of power and accelerate the defeat of the enemy near Moscow. Subsequently, the Airborne Forces carried out several more large landings. Landing operations were carried out both on the territory of the liberated European countries, and in Manchuria.

After the end of the war development of the Airborne Forces was continued. During this period it was given Special attention material part of the troops. As a result of this, for the first time in the world, Airborne Forces were created, having their own fleet of specialized equipment and weapons, as well as means of landing them. The capabilities of the troops have been repeatedly confirmed and demonstrated during numerous exercises at various training grounds of the country and friendly states.

In 1956, the USSR Airborne Forces, as the most mobile branch of the military, were involved in suppressing the rebellion in Hungary. Similar tasks were assigned to the paratroopers as part of Operation Danube. IN as soon as possible Soviet paratroopers were able to take control of two Czechoslovak airfields and ensure the transfer of two divisions.

During the war in Afghanistan, airborne units operated jointly with other branches of the military, and also repeatedly carried out landings in different areas. The specifics of the theater of military operations demanded special requirements to troops and their use, but this made it possible to work out the interaction of formations and branches of troops, as well as test in practice new compositions of regiments and divisions.

Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union and the problems that followed, the Airborne Forces managed to maintain the required combat effectiveness. In the post-Soviet period, airborne troops had to use their skills during two wars in Chechnya and the operation to force Georgia to peace.

According to the results latest reforms and transformations, the Airborne Forces, having changed and optimized their composition, receive a new material part and increase their combat potential. This branch of the military retains its status as the most important component of the Armed Forces and plays special role in the defense of the state. The editors of "Military Review" congratulate all personnel and all veterans of the Airborne Forces on their professional holiday!

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