Human shortcomings and their advantages. A complete list of negative moral qualities of a person with a description

Therefore, everyone has a certain list of certain advantages and disadvantages. What could all this depend on? Upbringing, attitude and even belonging to a certain sector of the zodiac circle.

About the concept

What does this concept mean? Is it possible to make a list of a person’s shortcomings? What imperfections exist? It could be cowardice, laziness, lying, etc. However, you should not be too categorical, because sometimes various flaws can be turned into positive aspects and make good use of it.

The shortcomings of people

It is worth noting that the list of human shortcomings can be divided into several categories. Thus, there are universal human character flaws that are purely feminine and purely masculine. As for the general negative aspects of a personality, it can be rudeness towards others, the inability to keep secrets, constant lies, the desire to stand out from others, while humiliating people. However, such a character trait as the desire to tell the truth about a person to his face may be considered correct by some people, and condemned by others; it all depends on how much the interlocutor liked the information received. Here we can draw a definite conclusion that there are no absolutely objective shortcomings, it all depends on the person’s point of view. Thus, people manage to justify even white lies, placing them closer to the positive side.

About women

The list of shortcomings of a person of the fairer sex may seem interesting and even somewhat useful, i.e. women. After all, a modern lady is a person with a special set of shortcomings, including not necessarily negative ones. So, today women are often double-minded, this is necessary in order to achieve a sufficiently high level in certain circles. And at the same time callous and wooden, so as not to waste your emotions in vain. Negative qualities are also supplemented by tactlessness (granny syndrome), greed, and excessive consumerism. Most girls today are capricious, mannered and overly confident in their own irresistibility. List of human shortcomings (in in this case- women) can be supplemented by modesty (oddly enough, in the modern world this is more a disadvantage than an advantage), as well as talkativeness, which can be attributed to both good and not very pleasant aspects of character.

About men

It is also worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of gender - men. So, to negative aspects The character of guys can be attributed to untidiness (unwashed and unironed clothes, dirty shoes, unclean hair, nails, etc.), greed, stinginess, pettiness. It is also not good if a man is jealous or rude (especially with ladies). Not in better side for a representative of the stronger sex, tediousness, unpunctuality, and stupidity will play a role. It is worth noting that patriarchal views are also a man’s flaw, because he believes that in addition to work, a woman should also take care of the house, because this is not the work of a representative of the stronger sex (and there are still quite a lot of such nuances).


We looked at the person, this list is far from complete. It can be replenished day after day. However, as mentioned above, it will most likely be individual and subjective, because in such a matter it is important personal attitude to Pure objectivity, truth simply does not exist in the world, everything is the work of one person or group of people.

Technological map an extracurricular activity and a presentation for it allows you to introduce children to the strengths and weaknesses of a person, teaches them to distinguish, and work on themselves.

Prilutskaya Lyudmila Valerievna, 23.01.2018

892 38

Development content

Technological map of extracurricular activities

1. Topic: My strengths and weaknesses.

2. Item: The world around us

5. Educational institution: NMBOU "Gymnasium No. 11"

6. City: Anzhero-Sudzhensk

7. Brief description: The technology for constructing extracurricular activities is problem-dialogical. The lesson involves frontal and group work, work using ICT.

8.Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge

9.Form of organization: extracurricular activity

10.Planned result:

Subject Skills

Know the advantages and human flaws;

Be able to name them, identify them by distinctive features

Personal UUD:

Establish a connection between the goal educational activities and its motive;

Determine common rules of behavior for everyone;

Determine the rules for working in groups and pairs;

- evaluate the content being learned (based on personal values);

Regulatory UUD:

Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in class together with the teacher;

Talk through the sequence of actions in class; work according to plan, instructions;

Make your guess based on educational material;

Exercise self-control and mutual control;

Together with the teacher and classmates, evaluate activities in class.

Cognitive UUD:

Find your way through the task card and dictionary;

Navigate your knowledge system (define the boundaries of knowledge/ignorance);

Find answers to questions in the text, illustrations, using your life experience;

Conduct analysis of educational material;

Carry out classification by pointing to the basis;

Make comparisons by explaining the criteria.

Communication UUD:

- be able to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy and defend one’s point of view;

Organization of space

Forms of work



Work in pairs

Cards-tasks, proverbs and sayings, mini-dictionaries.

11. Purpose of extracurricular activities: show children the uniqueness of each person, give ideas about their advantages and disadvantages through the game extracurricular activities.

12. Tasks:

Teach children to think about simple, at first glance, things, to see the good and the bad, the kind in every person (advantages and disadvantages), to give the opportunity to compare the characteristics of people, finding similarities and differences, to explain what uniqueness is.

Develop the ability to “listen and hear” another person.

Develop the ability to analyze specific life situations in children creativity, promote their diverse self-expression.

13. Equipment: multimedia presentation "Advantages and disadvantages of man" fragments of cartoons, excerpts from works (mp3), writing paper, a set of felt-tip pens or colored pencils, emoticons-stickers, pens according to the number of participants, strips with children’s names, strips of paper: white and black, the sun, dictionaries according to the number of students, objects: shells, pebbles or nuts, proverbs on sheets of paper for groups.

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher activities

Student activities


1. Organizational moment. Psychological attitude to work.

Hello guys! Today we have another extracurricular lesson “Moral Lessons”, in which you will continue to discover secrets for yourself. Please look out the window. What day is it today? And our class is cozy and warm. And besides, the sun came out. What associations do you have when looking at the sun? (warmth, light, peace, summer, flowers, games...). And I associate the sun with our activity, because I really want it to turn out as light, warm and bright as our sun.

How do you see our work? What do you expect from him? Let's turn the rays over so that the sun can shine even brighter.

Now take the rays to your tables and let their warmth accompany you throughout the entire lesson and give you strength. Take your seats.

Check if you are sitting comfortably, how your “ workplace", how the necessary accessories are located on the desk.

Why is this important?

Have your say. I wish you good health and success! May you feel good and comfortable during our lesson. I see that you have changed. Many of you began to smile. And this means our mood has improved. It's very nice. Thank you!

Psychological exercise "Mood barometer".

Children answer the teacher’s questions, check the correct location of school supplies

and express their assumptions about the need proper organization their “workplace”, place the words on the rays of the sun, take one ray at a time and take their places.

Children show their mood (like a barometer shows the weather) with their hands: bad mood - palms touch each other, good – arms spread to the sides

Children do exercises.

Preparing students to work in extracurricular activities: development at a personally significant level of internal readiness to perform regulatory requirements educational activities.

Metasubject (UDD)


Exercise self-control;

Master the ability to forecast;


Listen and understand the speech of others;

Master the dialogical form of speech in accordance with grammatical and syntactic rules native language

2. External intrigue. Updating knowledge.

Read the entry: “Two men look through the same bars: one sees dirt, the other stars” Frederick Langbridge

What do you say? Why do people look at the same thing and see different things? Which of these two people do you consider yourself to be? Explain why?

Children read, think and answer the teacher's questions.

Children express their assumptions, with the help of the teacher they come up with the idea of ​​​​the need to warm up for successful work.

3. Warm up.

Guys, try to explain why athletes warm up before training or competitions. Why are they doing this?

And for successful work, we also need to warm up. But it’s not a warm-up for the body, but for the mind. The prepared tasks will help us with this. Your task is to focus as much as possible on the content of the questions and tasks, to give thoughtful and quick answers.

Listen here:

- I love to eat hearty food

Plenty, tasty, appetizing.

I eat everything indiscriminately,

Because I….( Glutton )

- Well, I'm lazy and boring,

I am not separated from my handkerchief.

I don't like to play and sing,

I'd rather cry.

I'm the main whiner from the class,

And everyone calls me.... ( Crybaby )

- Brothers, I don’t like to wash myself,

I'm not friendly with soap or brushes.

And now isn’t that why they will call me…. ( Dirty )

- Honestly, I'll tell you guys:

Be neat, neat ,

It's very difficult on your own.

Where are the pants and where is the shirt? I don't know. I …. ( Slob )

The children explain.

The guys listen to the questions and tasks and try to give answers quickly and correctly and be able to justify them.

The main task of this stage is to create a certain positive emotional background in the children, without which effective learning is impossible. Therefore, the warm-up includes fairly easy questions that can arouse interest, designed for intelligence, speed of reaction, and help prepare the child for active cognitive activity in class.


Master the terminology, know what the words mean.


Listen and understand the speech of others;

Be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy;

Master the dialogical form of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

3. Discovery of new knowledge.

4.Primary consolidation.

(children pull children's names out of the box).

Write down 3-4 points about what you see good in the person whose name is written on your piece of paper. How does a person feel when I notice something good in him?

Have you ever had such cases when you found something useful, beautiful and necessary in something unattractive in appearance?

Why shouldn't you judge people and things by their appearance?

How does the ability to see the good help a person in life?

Why do people often notice the bad more than the good?

Guys, all people are different: big and small, fat and thin, cheerful and angry. Every person has good qualities - these are called advantages, and there are also bad qualities - these are disadvantages. To understand these qualities, let's look at this little man (slide: drawing of a little man divided lengthwise into two parts, painted black and white). Why is one half of this little man black? We see everything bad in black, and everything good as light, white. Let's help the little man become pure and white, that is, become good. For this purpose, for each bad quality or a disadvantage, we will select a good quality or advantage that is covered with leaves. Let's remove the first leaf. What is written?(modesty).
Glue the white piece of paper onto the dark half of the man and do this until the man’s body turns white
-Guess what we will do today.

Listening to a fairy tale for children and discussing it.

Did you like the fairy tale?

Talk about the best things about yourself.

Who teaches you to see the good around you?

If you see good in people, do you always tell them about it?

-Working with proverbs:

Which proverb fits the topic of the lesson?

Practical work.

- I ask you to look out the window. Remember the quote. I ask you to make two descriptions. One is from the point of view of a person who looks out the window and sees the beautiful, and the other is from the point of view of someone who first notices the bad.

Checking practical work.

Compare descriptions.

Tell me which description was easier to make and which was more difficult. Why?

What conclusion can be drawn?

What advantages and disadvantages can you name?

The guys get acquainted with the content of the proposed material, express their assumptions, collect and give the leaves to those about whom they wrote.

Children answer the teacher's questions.

Students analyze the proposed tasks. They determine the level of difficulty of the tasks and suggest what they will do.

Divide into working groups, complete tasks and fill out a table.

This form of work is not new for children; they are easily divided into mini groups and assigned a workplace in the classroom.

Children answer questions and prove their point of view.

Children discuss and prove their point of view.

Children complete tasks (no more than 4 sentences) within a certain time.

They draw a conclusion and name the advantages and disadvantages.

Check the accuracy of completed tasks.

Card tasks used at this stage contribute to the development of intellectual qualities, allow children to deepen their knowledge, and diversify the methods and techniques of cognitive activity.

Children complete the proposed tasks at their own pace and in the sequence chosen by them, which corresponds to the principles of minimax and variability.

Students, under the guidance of a teacher, analyze tasks for independent work, determine individual level complexity. The level of difficulty is marked by color: blue is the easiest, green is medium difficulty, red is the most difficult. Each student chooses tasks of any difficulty level and begins to complete them independently.

Within groups, the teacher plays the role of consultant and coordinator.

What unusual and interesting things did you notice?

What questions have you already found the answer to?

What exercise would you suggest working on now? Why? How will you do it?

Small groups of non-permanent shifts are organized. The correctness and awareness of mastering educational material is established, gaps, misconceptions, and their correction are identified.

Works are evaluated with a smiley face.

Metasubject (UDD)


Navigate your knowledge system (define the boundaries of knowledge/ignorance);

Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson;

Under the guidance of the teacher, plan your activities in the lesson;


activities in the lesson.


Express your guess;


Express your thoughts accurately and completely.

Personal UUD:

- establish a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive (why?).

4.Dynamic pause.

It's time to relax and change the type of activity. Let's relax with the characters of your favorite cartoons.

The guys perform a dynamic pause to cheerful music.

A dynamic pause as part of a lesson develops not only the child’s motor sphere, but also the emotional one. The guys do a dance warm-up while looking at cartoon characters.

5. Application of new knowledge.

Working with words from the dictionary:


Note the advantages and disadvantages.

-Game "Black - White".
If the quality is good, we raise the white card; if the quality is bad, we raise the black card.

Children look up the meaning of words in dictionaries and read out their meanings.

Children answer the teacher’s questions, justify their answer, and note advantages and disadvantages.

Children listen carefully and pick up cards of a certain color.

At this stage, printed pages from Yazykanova’s textbook are offered to the children’s attention. Developmental tasks: tests, games, exercises. 1st grade Moscow: Publishing house "Exam" from the pages

The ability to solve search and creative tasks is very important for a child, as it allows you to feel the taste of success and gain confidence in your abilities, because solving this kind of tasks is based on the child’s search activity and intelligence, on the ability to right moment“get” from your memory this or that reasoning algorithm, the ability to delve “into yourself”, “get to the bottom of the truth.”


Metasubject (UDD)


Distinguish correctly completed tasks from incorrect ones;

Exercise self-control;



Listen and understand the speech of others;

Guys, look at the slide and read. What qualities are collected here? That's right, a person's good qualities or virtues. I wish that these qualities will always be with you and help you grow into beautiful and good people!
Take care of each other
Warm with kindness
Take care of each other
Don't let us offend
Take care of each other
Forget all the quarrels
And in a free moment.

The children answer.

Look at the small objects on your tables. Arrange these items according to some criteria, for example, by size.

Prove that objects that seem similar at first glance are different.

Exercise “Slide” (by color, shape, size, etc.).

Stack the items. Draw a conclusion.

Work in groups:


- What are the advantages of being tall and short?

Exercise "Clouds".

Compare the clouds.

Find the differences between one cloud and another.

Children lay out objects, group them in different ways, prove the differences, and draw a conclusion.

They complete tasks, find differences, and draw conclusions.


Be able to complete the assigned tasks.

Metasubject (UDD)


Distinguish correctly completed tasks from incorrect ones;

Exercise self-control;


Analyze educational material;


Listen and understand the speech of others;

The ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy

6. Reflection on extracurricular activities.


Our lesson has come to an end. How did it turn out for you?

What discovery have we made?

-Drafting a syncwine “Advantages and Disadvantages”.

Read it. What happened.

-So you and I learned what human dignity is. We even managed to acquire some of them, which in your opinion are good qualities of a person. Guys, don’t be afraid to admit your shortcomings - this is a sign of courage. From such recognition a person only becomes stronger.

Game-exercise “Garbage Bin”.

Guys, write down your shortcomings, crumple them and throw them in the trash, i.e. get rid of them forever.

-Guys, there are many opposites in life. Likewise, advantages have anti-advantages, i.e. human shortcomings. What are they?

The lesson is over, but the sun still warms us with its warmth.

Rate your work, color with colored pencils or use emoticons. If you think that you did everything right - green, if the work was difficult - red, and if the activity did not leave any impressions - yellow.

Every day for a week, observe your family members and write down or remember only the good things that happen to them. If you wish, you can draw your family members, but you don’t have to draw yourself. Color the family member you think you are like.

Children talk and bring rays and stand in a circle towards the sun, answer questions, generalize knowledge.

Children read syncwines.

The children try to objectively, fully and accurately evaluate their activities in the lesson using emoticons. Express what they have learned and what they have not learned and why.

Children write their shortcomings, unpleasant stories, situations on sheets of paper, crumple the sheets and throw them into a bucket (saying goodbye to them forever).

The success of achieving the goal is analyzed; the quality and level of knowledge acquisition is revealed.

The “Ladder of Success” is analyzed.

Personal UUD:

Establish a connection between the purpose of an activity and its result.

Metasubject (UDD)


Exercise self-control;

Evaluate activities in the lesson together with the teacher and classmates;

Identify and realize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned;


Be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

Total:40 min

Development content

Work in groups:

1. Complete the task: Stand by height, by hair color.

2. Discuss:

3.Compare clouds: Find the differences.

Work in groups:

1. Complete the task: Stand by height, by hair color.

2. Discuss:

What are the advantages of being tall and short?

3.Compare clouds: Find the differences.

Work in groups:

1. Complete the task: Stand by height, by hair color.

2. Discuss:

What are the advantages of being tall and short?

3.Compare clouds: Find the differences.

Development content

Greed - this is stinginess, greedy man doesn't like to share with friends.
Anger – a sharp and very negative feeling.
Stubbornness - intransigence, intractability.
Intolerance - unwillingness or inability to tolerate someone or anything.
Arrogance. This is when a person begins to inflate his price.
Modesty. This is when a person, even having many advantages, behaves simply and inconspicuously, without sticking them out or boasting.
Honor. This moral principles and human qualities worthy of respect from society.

Greed – this is stinginess; a greedy person does not like to share with friends.
Anger – a sharp and very negative feeling.
Stubbornness - intransigence, intractability.
Intolerance - unwillingness or inability to tolerate someone or anything.
Arrogance. This is when a person begins to inflate his price.
Modesty. This is when a person, even having many advantages, behaves simply and inconspicuously, without sticking them out or boasting.
Honor. These are moral principles and human qualities worthy of respect from society.Your opinion

  • “Two people look through the bars of the same lattice: one sees dirt, the other sees stars.”

Frederick Langbridge


  • I love to eat hearty food

Plenty, tasty, appetizing.

I eat everything indiscriminately,

Because I...

(Glutton )

  • Well, I'm lazy and boring,

I am not separated from my handkerchief.

I don't like to play and sing,

I'd rather cry.

I'm the main whiner from the class,

And everyone calls me...

(Crybaby )

  • Brothers, I don’t like to wash myself,

I'm not friendly with soap or brushes.

That's why, guys, I'm always dirty.

And now isn’t that why they will call me….

(Dirty )

  • Honestly, I'll tell you guys:

Be neat, neat ,

It's very difficult on your own.

I don’t know why, I throw things everywhere

And I can’t find them, so if I grab them, I run.

Where are the pants and where is the shirt? I don't know. I ….

(Slob )

  • The parable states that there are good people and there are bad people. Is this true?
  • How do you understand the expression “feed the wolf”?

Working with proverbs

  • The evil one cries with envy

and kind from joy.

  • Do good -

amuse yourself.

  • You will follow the evil one -

you will run into trouble.

  • Doing evil

don't hope for good.

  • Learn good things

bad things won't come to mind.

Human dignity:





Hard work









Human shortcomings:












Game "Black and White"


Hard work








Take care of each other Warm with kindness Take care of each other Don't let us offend Take care of each other Forget all the quarrels And in a free moment. Stay close to each other.

  • What is more pleasant to remember and tell others about: how you helped someone, or how you offended someone?


You need to “train” kindness in yourself: do good deeds, notice the good in people.

If someone is offended in front of you, support the weak. Remember: words can save you!

You need to “train” kindness in yourself: do good deeds, notice the good in people.

A spell helps you become kinder

"I CAN!". Try repeating it quietly.

Start becoming kind with a small deed. Don’t be ashamed to provide help, small services to your comrades and loved ones.

It is useful to keep a SECRET DIARY OF GOOD DEEDS.

Write down your successes in it. Every little success is your victory over YOURSELF.

But it also happens. Some guys are afraid to do beautiful things, for example, give way to a girl, or help someone. They feel like they are being looked at and laughed at. Such fears are harmful to character. You definitely need to get rid of them.

  • If someone is offended in front of you, support the weak.
  • Remember: words can save you!

  • What useful things did you learn from this lesson?
  • Why does a person need to be kind and humane?
  • Why does a person need to have more virtues and eradicate shortcomings in himself?
  • When is a person happy?

Every person is endowed with a unique, personal character from birth. A child can inherit certain traits from his parents, in some they manifest themselves in to a greater extent, and some are completely different from any of the family members. But character is not the behavior of parents projected onto the child, it is more complex mental phenomenon. The list of positive ones is very long. In this article we will try to highlight the main character traits.


Translated from Greek language the word "character" means " distinguishing feature, sign". Depending on the type of your psychological organization people find theirs soul mates, build relationships, build their entire lives. Human character is a unique set of mental characteristics, personality traits that play a decisive role in different aspects a person’s life and are manifested through his activities.

To understand the character of an individual, it is necessary to analyze his actions en masse. Judgments about morality can be very subjective, because not every person acts as his heart tells him. However, it is possible to identify individual stable character traits by studying behavior for a long time. If a person is in different situations makes the same decision, draws similar conclusions and demonstrates a similar reaction, then this indicates the presence of one or another trait. For example, if someone is responsible, then his behavior both at work and at home will meet this criterion. If a person is cheerful by nature, a one-time manifestation of sadness against the background of general positive behavior will not become a separate character trait.

Character Formation

The process of character formation begins in the very early childhood, in the child’s first social contacts with his parents. For example, excessive love and care can later become the key to a stable characteristic of a person’s psyche and make him dependent or spoiled. That is why many parents are especially attentive to instilling positive character traits in their children. They get pets so that the baby can feel what responsibility is, assign him to do small chores around the house, teach him to put away his toys and explain that not all wishes and whims can be fulfilled.

The next stage is kindergarten and school. The child already has the basic character traits, but at this stage they can still be corrected: you can wean the little personality off greed and help get rid of excessive shyness. In the future, as a rule, the formation and change of character traits are possible only when working with a psychologist.

Character or temperament?

Very often these two concepts are confused with each other. Indeed, both character and temperament shape human behavior. But they have a fundamentally different nature. Character is a list of acquired mental properties, while temperament is of biological origin. Possessing the same temperament, people can have completely different characters.

There are 4 types of temperament: an impetuous and unbalanced choleric person, a leisurely and imperturbable phlegmatic person, an easy-going and optimistic sanguine person and an emotionally vulnerable melancholic person. At the same time, temperament can restrain certain character traits, and vice versa, character can compensate for temperament.

For example, a phlegmatic person with a good sense of humor will still be stingy in showing emotions, but this will not prevent him from demonstrating a sense of humor, laughing and having fun in the appropriate society.

List of positive human qualities

List of positive and negative qualities huge person. Initially, all definitions regarding the nature and essence of a person, his behavior are subjective. Society has established certain norms that allow us to determine how positive or negative a particular personality trait or action is. However, there are top quality a person demonstrating his virtue and good intentions. Their list looks like this:

  • altruism;
  • reverence for elders;
  • kindness;
  • fulfillment of promises;
  • moral;
  • responsibility;
  • loyalty;
  • perseverance;
  • moderation;
  • responsiveness;
  • honesty;
  • sincerity;
  • selflessness and others.

These qualities, along with their derivatives, constitute nature true beauty character of a person. They are laid down in the family; in the process of upbringing, children copy the behavior of their parents, and therefore good well-mannered person will have all these superior qualities.

List of negative human qualities

The list of positive and negative qualities of a person can take a long time to form, since there are a lot of them. Attributing to a person the presence of a negative character quality based solely on his action or behavior will be completely wrong. You can't put labels on anyone, even the most well-mannered may actually believe that they are endowed with, say, greed or arrogance. However, if this behavior is a pattern, then the conclusion will be obvious.

List negative traits, as well as positive ones, is huge. The most basic and common ones look like this:

  • lack of will;
  • irresponsibility;
  • harmfulness;
  • greed;
  • malice;
  • deceit;
  • hypocrisy;
  • hatred;
  • selfishness;
  • intolerance;
  • greed and others.

The presence of such character traits in a person is not a diagnosis; they can and should be dealt with even in adult, conscious age, and correct behavior.

Character traits that manifest themselves in relation to other people

We have compiled a list of positive and negative human qualities. Now we will talk about character traits that manifest themselves in relation to other people. The fact is that depending on in relation to whom or what a person performs an action or deed, a specific individual feature of him is revealed. In society, he can demonstrate the following qualities:

  • communication skills;
  • responsiveness;
  • sensitivity to other people's moods;
  • respect;
  • arrogance;
  • egocentrism;
  • coarseness;
  • isolation and others.

Of course, a lot depends on the conditions in which a person finds himself: even the most open and sociable person can experience problems communicating with a strict, closed and heartless person. But, as a rule, polite people, endowed with positive qualities, easily adapt to society and suppress their negative traits.

Character traits manifested in work

Building a person’s career directly depends on the qualities of his character. Even the most talented and gifted people can fail because they are not responsible enough for their work and their talent. By doing so, they only harm themselves and do not give themselves the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Or, on the contrary, there are cases where the lack of talent was more than compensated for by special diligence in work. A responsible and careful person will always achieve success. Here is a list of the main character traits:

  • hard work;
  • responsibility;
  • initiative;
  • accuracy;
  • sloppiness;
  • laziness;
  • negligence;
  • passivity and others.

These two groups of character traits actively overlap with each other, since work activity and communication between people are inseparably linked.

Character traits manifested in relation to oneself

These are the traits that characterize his self-perception in relation to himself. They look like this:

  • feelings of self-worth or superiority;
  • honor;
  • arrogance;
  • self-criticism;
  • egocentrism;
  • self-adoration and others.

Character traits manifested in relation to things

Attitude to things does not affect the alignment social connections a person, but demonstrates and reveals the best or unsightly qualities of his nature. These are traits such as:

  • accuracy;
  • thrift;
  • scrupulousness;
  • sloppiness and others.

Mentality, qualities of a Russian person

Mentality is a very subjective concept, and it is based on stereotypical thinking. However, it cannot be denied that certain traits are inherent in one or another nationality. Russian people are famous for their cordiality and hospitality, and cheerful disposition. The Russian soul throughout the world is considered mysterious and incomprehensible, since Russians are not distinguished by the rationality and logic of their actions, and are often influenced by mood.

Another feature of the Russian people is sentimentality. A Russian person instantly adopts the feelings of another and is always ready to share emotions with him and lend a helping hand. One cannot help but mention another trait - compassion. Historically, Russia helped its neighbors at all borders of the country, and today only the heartless the person will pass past the misfortune of another.

Therefore, everyone has a certain list of certain advantages and disadvantages. What could all this depend on? Upbringing, attitude and even belonging to a certain sector of the zodiac circle.

About the concept

What does this concept mean? Is it possible to make a list of a person’s shortcomings? What imperfections exist? It could be cowardice, laziness, lying, etc. However, you should not be too categorical, because sometimes various shortcomings can be turned into positive aspects and taken advantage of efficiently.

The shortcomings of people

It is worth noting that the list of human shortcomings can be divided into several categories. Thus, there are universal human character flaws that are purely feminine and purely masculine. As for the general negative aspects of a personality, it can be rudeness towards others, the inability to keep secrets, constant lies, the desire to stand out from others, while humiliating people. However, such a character trait as the desire to tell the truth about a person to his face may be considered correct by some people, and condemned by others; it all depends on how much the interlocutor liked the information received. Here we can draw a definite conclusion that there are no absolutely objective shortcomings, it all depends on the person’s point of view. Thus, people manage to justify even white lies, placing them closer to the positive side.

About women

The list of shortcomings of a person of the fairer sex may seem interesting and even somewhat useful, i.e. women. After all, a modern lady is a person with a special set of shortcomings, including not necessarily negative ones. So, today women are often double-minded, this is necessary in order to reach a fairly high level in certain circles. And at the same time callous and wooden, so as not to waste your emotions in vain. Negative qualities are also supplemented by tactlessness (granny syndrome), greed, and excessive consumerism. Most girls today are capricious, mannered and overly confident in their own irresistibility. The list of shortcomings of a person (in this case, a woman) can be supplemented by modesty (oddly enough, in the modern world this is more a disadvantage than a virtue), as well as talkativeness, which can be attributed to both good and not very pleasant aspects of character.

About men

It is also worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of gender - men. Thus, the negative aspects of a guy’s character include untidiness (unwashed and unironed clothes, dirty shoes, unclean hair, nails, etc.), greed, stinginess, and pettiness. It is also not good if a man is jealous or rude (especially with ladies). Boring, unpunctuality, and stupidity will not work out for the better for a representative of the stronger sex. It is worth noting that patriarchal views are also a man’s flaw, because he believes that in addition to work, a woman should also take care of the house, because this is not the work of a representative of the stronger sex (and there are still quite a lot of such nuances).


We looked at the person, this list is far from complete. It can be replenished day after day. However, as was said above, it will most likely be individual, subjective, because in such a matter the personal attitude to Pure objectivity is important, truth simply does not exist in the world, everything is the work of one person or group of people.

The appearance of a person consists of a variety of advantages and disadvantages. In accordance with personal qualities, behavioral signs are formed by which others evaluate inner world interlocutor. A proverb has long appeared in the Russian language, testifying to the importance of intellectual and spiritual components - “They are greeted by their clothes, but they are seen off by their minds.”

Disadvantages of a person, reflected in personal qualities and behavioral signs– this is not a sentence, but an opportunity to improve throughout life

It is not surprising, because behind a well-groomed appearance, complemented by exquisite wardrobe elements, even a skilled flatterer and a deceitful hypocrite will not be able to hide his own shortcomings. The shortcomings and advantages of a person are numbered in hundreds of names, so it is almost impossible to mention every character trait. However, there are typical images of people endowed with the most common qualities that are quite easy to recognize.

Common Benefits: Social Benefits

It is impossible without learning to harmoniously combine the strengths and weaknesses of character. Successful marriages are characterized by the compatibility of partners who have successfully accepted each other's strengths and weaknesses. The search for a “golden” mean that allows you to remain yourself and evoke sympathy from others is a life goal that appears on a subconscious level since childhood. The first step towards personal improvement can be taken by adding positive qualities to your image:

  • Mercy and compassion allow you to support a loved one in difficult times, lending a comradely “shoulder.” Such qualities reflect the breadth of the soul, ready to share someone else’s grief.
  • Communication skills - the ability to find common language even with a stranger. It’s easy to build a constructive dialogue with him, because he is ready to lively talk about abstract things and share specialized knowledge on a familiar topic.
  • Nobility, especially in demand in the Middle Ages, today becomes a rare artifact that complements the personal appearance. This quality embodies honesty and courage, dedication and high moral concepts.
  • Loyalty is a thinning component of a person’s image, because the importance of the institution of family in the 21st century is decreasing every second. The number of divorces, which have become the logical conclusion of the breakup of couples, is growing exponentially. Loyalty to friend, parent, job, and romantic partner falls into a certain category of disappearing qualities.
  • Attention to current situations and unnoticed details - useful trait, allowing you to easily navigate the fast pace of life. People do not notice banal things, missing important acquaintances and fateful events.
  • Foresight and insight become another virtue of personal appearance, allowing a stranger to prevent the betrayal of a loved one. This quality helps to timely identify the thoughts of the interlocutor, which he does not dare to say out loud.

To achieve the desired result, complementing your inner world with the above qualities, you need to work hard. Main principle, on which training programs for self-improvement are based - control of one’s own emotions, which provoke people to crazy and senseless actions.

It is not customary to talk about one’s own merits in society; it is more rational to show one’s personal qualities in dialogue so that the interlocutor notices them independently

Typical deficiencies: chronic problems

Having identified the common advantages, one cannot fail to mention the typical disadvantages inherent moral character people in the 21st century. Only after eliminating the following qualities from your own image can you count on a successful result, reaching a new stage in the process of personal self-development:

Disadvantages and advantages are a complex of human qualities that create individuality. It is not surprising that some people easily find a common language, while others cannot tolerate their interlocutor at the genetic level

In the first stages of self-development, try to succumb less to emotional impulses, exposing your own thoughts careful analysis. Don't be afraid to listen, but remember expediency objective assessment upcoming action. After a short period of time, certain “barriers” will be developed on a subconscious level that do not allow shortcomings to break out without your permission. Only after reaching such a stage can the procedure for improving personal appearance be considered a successful “event”.

If you do not learn to accept your shortcomings and appreciate your strengths, then there is a risk of occurrence. A person who is not ready for who he is is doomed to mental imbalance and mental instability. Having taken this fact for granted, it is easier to take the path of correction, improving and transforming your own disadvantages into advantages.

Human defects are qualities of mental and physical organization that are considered undesirable and can reflect a person’s personal, behavioral and physical manifestations, including his actions and taste. Those. relate to absolutely any sphere of human manifestation, but do not satisfy either the person directly or someone who evaluates the personality. The advantages and disadvantages of a person have a subjective radical as the main one for determination. The impossibility of an unambiguous and static division of qualities into good and bad introduces confusion into the delimitation and classification of human manifestations as shortcomings or advantages. Also with different situations, introducing different semantic contexts, the same actions have different interpretations, as a manifestation of a disadvantage or an advantage (for example, fast response, without taking into account the smallest details, in family life - a disadvantage, whereas in a situation of military danger this quality plays a primary role and is considered a virtue).

Mention of a flaw implies a context of little or no something, although the same is true of character (lack of patience or honesty).

What are disadvantages?

Personality flaws mean vices and weaknesses that take the form of addictions or spinelessness of character; this also includes the manifestation of negative qualities from the category and. A person’s strengths and weaknesses are polar manifestations, one helps to move forward, achieve success, evokes respect, the second destroys a person’s destiny, rebuilds his personality, by making him weak, preventing success, pushing him towards unworthy or even illegal actions and is the main reason for disrespect and avoidance from society.

Disadvantages are usually presented as a characteristic that is a characteristic of a person for a fairly constant and long time. Everything that happens situationally and not systematically can be called inappropriate behavior, and emphasize special attention on such isolated manifestations it does not stand as strongly as with the permanent variant.

There is an opinion that even the shortcomings in a loved one are liked, but, unfortunately, love is not so powerful as to withstand serious personal changes that affect the lives of others. It’s one thing when this feeling allows you to accept some kind of sloppiness, but coming to terms with uncontrollable outbursts against the background of alcohol addiction with subsequent beatings is unlikely to help. Accordingly, expecting that the world will continue to spin around and accept everything as it is has neither meaning nor hope; shortcomings need to be corrected, replacing them with worthy behavior and manifestation, learning new ones life strategies, otherwise self-indulgence will lead to complete personal degradation and the destruction of life.

From a similar concept of acceptance, some preachers of humility try themselves and advise others not to get rid of shortcomings, but to accept them. And the idea itself is very wonderful, it is about accepting and valuing one’s self, but it is impossible to show self-love while leaving destructive behavior active. Any type of addiction is latent, any resentment takes up space and mental energy where love could be located, time spent on quarrels cannot be returned to create. Any manifestation requires resources of time and energy, which means that by spending them on unworthy things, you yourself deprive some effective part of yourself of the opportunity for realization. Honest admission of shortcomings and search for profitable and useful trend, with which it can be replaced - more the right way. It is to replace, and not just eradicate, because empty space will require filling out and it is better to choose in advance what you want to achieve or what to develop in yourself, before another takes the place of one shortcoming.

What are the shortcomings of a person?

Like everyone else human nature has a physical and mental side of manifestation, and deficiencies are also divided in relation to these areas. TO mental disabilities include any deviations from the mental norm confirmed by a medical-psychological commission (including intellectual-mnestic and speech disorders, deviations in the emotional and mental sphere, developmental delays). Physical disabilities include any deviations from normal criteria physical development, limiting physical, mental and social activity and having confirmation from a specially created medical commission.

These two types of deficiencies have normative criteria and are objectively recognized, but when it comes to talking about human shortcomings, most people will not remember mental and physical ones, referring them rather to the sphere of clinical diseases, while defining some personal manifestations as shortcomings. It is the characterological characteristics and patterns of interaction that are considered those shortcomings that need to be fought and which a person is to some extent able to overcome on his own.

To criticism own behavior most often attributed to spinelessness and the inability to refuse. What prevents you from living your life, and in some cases contributes to the special exposure of your needs, while being quite convenient for those around you. The reasons lie in the desire to please everyone, and deliverance entails a certain restructuring of life. You will have to understand that not all your friends like you; many simply take advantage of your reliability; you will have to accept your own aggression and strength, and learn to handle them, and not push them into the darkest corner, as before. The inability to defend your interests and refuse people speaks of problems with intrapersonal boundaries and the ability to defend them - see if you are in a codependent relationship and how much of your own own life you have left.

The next trait that does not add advantages to your interaction with society is arrogance, and it has been noted that it is shown extremely rarely to strangers in real life, but in relation to a close circle of people or on the Internet, statements with an arrogant look and in a humiliating form are increasingly appearing. others. This is driven by an illusory sense of security (it’s harder to get an unflattering answer from a loved one than from a stranger) and problems with. The world is full of people better and worse than you, but neither the first nor the second manifestation is your concern, everyone is free to do as they please. You can call for humility endlessly, but think about why it is so important for you to remain at the imaginary peak, criticize and strive to establish your own rules, is there really nothing else to do in your own life other than increase your importance in such ways?

Somewhere nearby the need to control may arise, and it’s good if it turns out to be the surrounding space, and you nag your household for placing jars in the wrong order in the kitchen, and if this begins to concern the lives, actions and choices of others, then be prepared for the fact that those around you They will soon howl and run away. Again, talking about violating boundaries and invading someone else's life. Taking responsibility only for yourself and giving advice only when asked - this is approximately the state of affairs you should strive for.

Many attribute the shortcomings to groundless, bordering on and not allowing either partner to live in peace. This is not considered a manifestation of passion or fear of losing; at the level of sensations, this is perceived as distrust or even an insult in that such thoughts are allowed. Soon, excessive jealousy brings with it another drawback, which can exist separately -. Not counting white lies, which is also a dubious undertaking, the reputation of a liar did no one any good, and ruined quite a few relationships.

There are many negative features; only those complaints about which are more common were considered, but in any case, when identifying shortcomings, one should focus on one’s own system of values ​​and feelings (among killers, killing is a craft that has been honed over the years and is respected, but it is unlikely to become great dignity for a teacher in a children's group).

The shortcomings of a loved one

When starting a relationship with someone, we usually fall into thinking that the person is ideal, but over time, the efforts to present only our positive qualities decrease and the real picture opens up and the curtain of raging hormones falls and it turns out that there is not such a prince nearby. Those who are lucky even like the shortcomings in their loved one and can find similarities in these moments, but then these qualities cannot be considered as direct shortcomings in the partner’s system of perception of the world; rather, it’s about an imposed social image. But when some manifestations of your partner begin to infuriate you, and you try to eradicate them, it means that you are faced with something that is a flaw in your life model.

It is worth noting that the adjustment of the behavioral and emotional manifestations of the other begins on both sides, consciously or not, since differences in characters without appropriate changes will lead to the impossibility of peaceful existence on the same territory. Everyone decides (or rather feels) what to consider as shortcomings independently, but on the basis of habitual attitudes and family scenarios in parent families. But there are qualities and signals that require analyzing the possible consequences.

This includes being consistently late without regard for the value of your opinions, time, or plans. Rudeness, manifested towards others, relatives, and you personally. Perhaps it is a verbal form of violence, shouting or the use of force - a person’s inability to restrain his own impulsiveness and aggression is a critical shortcoming for building relationships. Excessive jealousy can please self-esteem at the beginning, but then turns into a manifestation of possessiveness and restriction of your freedom.

Any flaw, before revealing itself fully and causing irreversible damage to your life or psyche, manifests itself in minor moments; there is nothing that indicates the possibility of manifestation or worsening of the situation. So, in order not to participate in rehabilitation activities, think about it at the beginning and be attentive to details.

List of advantages and benefits

You will need:

– a sheet of paper and a pencil;

– time for reflection.

Be prepared for:

– the fact that it will be difficult to find advantages and benefits;

– the fact that the list will have to be reviewed regularly.

This may not be useful if:

– you have already compiled a similar list during psychological training or in preparation for another interview.

There are very reliable way To be confident in your decision to find a job and to be confident at an interview is to make a list of your strengths and advantages over your competitors. Compose it not in your head, but on a piece of paper. This is simply necessary so that you can clearly see their presence. Need to borrow convenient place(for some it is more comfortable at a table, for others in a cozy chair), take a piece of paper and divide it in half with a line. At the top, write the “Advantages” and “Benefits” sections. In the “Advantages” column, make a list that includes personal character traits and personality traits. The “Advantages” column contains your features that distinguish you as a professional and a self-confident person. Perhaps some points will overlap with each other, do not make any special distinctions where exactly one of the points should be included. Theoretically, there should be fewer advantages, since they are built on the basis of advantages, but not every advantage can become an advantage. For example, speaking English is definitely an asset. But, if you expect to get a position where English is mandatory requirement, this dignity will not become an advantage, since it will be present in all candidates. In this case, any additional foreign language can be an advantage.

You don’t have to show this list to anyone, it’s only needed to raise your self-esteem and self-esteem. Next we will look at the most common and important qualities character and professional skills. All you have to do is think about whether you have them and add them to the list of your advantages and advantages.

1. Sociability – readiness for interpersonal communication, to take initiative in conversation with any social categories of people. If you are not afraid of the prospect of meeting, talking and establishing friendships and business relationships with many strangers, you love to chat and enjoy participating in conversations, then you definitely have this quality.

2. Openness is a state of your psyche in which you can calmly and even willingly accept words and actions in your direction from other people. Openness to communication, self-criticism and, as a result, the ability to perceive any words painlessly, readiness for personal questions and sincerity in answers are all signs of this quality.

3. Balance is also a mental state in which you are not influenced by external stimuli. This is the ability not only to control oneself, but also to prevent excessive emotions from appearing at all. This character trait implies the absence of special outbursts of both positive and negative emotions.

4. Contact – readiness to cooperate with people, implies both initiative and acceptance of other people’s initiatives. If you quickly find topics for conversation that will interest both you and your interlocutor, if business relationships are quickly established, this is your plus.

5. Friendliness - the ability to impose on personal communication shade of personal sympathies. If, in addition to communication, you know how to sympathize with people regardless of their social status and appearance, if you treat them with warmth and understanding, then feel free to add this item to your list.

6. Politeness - maintaining etiquette interpersonal relationships. Even in the most stressful situations maintaining polite treatment and not resorting to insults and personalities is an absolute plus to your polite words.

7. Non-conflict – the ability not to succumb to other people’s provocations, to restrain oneself and direct positivity towards this situation. Note these advantages in your own sense if you have not noticed yourself being excessively picky towards people and the desire to annoy them, and if you know that any problem can be solved not by shouting, but by simple negotiations.

8. Responsibility is a quality due to which you clearly understand what and why you need to do, and do it without fail, realizing that this is your job, and only you can finish what you started.

9. Composure - willingness to use everything necessary resources your mind and body: a state in which you keep yourself in good shape and concentrate your strength. A collected man does without swaying the right job, he does not need to tune in for a long time to the atmosphere, tone and type of activity.

10. Initiative – promoting your ideas, views, opinions, actions independently. You are the owner of this quality if you are able to start and complete a task without constant outside advice, adding your own personal ideas to it.

11. Intelligence – this refers to the level of your intelligence, your horizons of knowledge. The higher your knowledge, the better you understand all manifestations of the outside world, the more you understand people and know how not to look at them through the prism of your own emotions, the faster you think, the higher your level of intelligence.

12. Not talkative - this means the ability not to interfere in other people's affairs and not to gossip. If you like to discuss someone with someone, you do not have this quality.

13. Originality is a quality that distinguishes your mental and behavioral reactions from the standards of others. If you are not exposed to " herd instinct“, don’t be afraid to defend your opinion, which is different from others, your reactions to stimuli are sometimes directly opposite to those of others - then you are an extraordinary person.

14. Sociability – having a broad horizon of knowledge and positive personal qualities. The ability to adapt to any style of communication, to any person and situation, qualifications in all areas of knowledge required by your profession. Put this item on the list if you think that you know how to find a common language with all social strata.

15. Diplomacy - the ability to maneuver in a conversation, avoiding pitfalls and negative aspects. A diplomatic person does not go towards his goal abruptly and directly, but studies the situation and chooses the least emotional option development and conversation.

16. Persistence – the ability to achieve what you need. This is a good quality that helps you not to shy away from difficulties, but to overcome them, achieving positive or negative results, and trying to reach your goal over and over again.

17. Learning ability – the ability to quickly perceive and process new information. If you quickly grasp new concepts on the fly, delve into the essence of issues, strive to expand your horizons and do not give in to difficult tasks, and learn from the experience of their decisions - you have high level learning ability.

18. Originality - the ability to find several ways to approach situations and people. Mark this quality if you can find several solutions to the same problem depending on changing circumstances.

19. Loyalty - recognition of the authority of a higher-ranking employee, the absence of pronounced rebellion. If you realize that your immediate superior will have more developed professional qualities, and do not openly compete with him, even if this is not the case, then you will make a good subordinate.

20. Activity – physical and mental, the speed of metabolic processes in the brain and between the head and body. An active employee reacts quickly to changes, has defensive reactions against difficulties, is proactive and efficient, and overcomes internal and external restrictions in all areas of life.

21. Punctuality – adherence to strict time frames. Implies responsibility and composure in the performance of official duties.

22. Creative thinking - creating projects and thought processes that go beyond standard thinking. If you know how to think about professional problems, then the solution approaches will be unusual and effective.

23. Equanimity – the ability to restrain one’s emotions in an unfavorable atmosphere. If you maintain your integrity in any situation and don't let irritation ruin your mood, this will add an item to your list.

24. Determination – the desire to reach the intended height at any cost. What is your favorite saying: “The ends justify the means”? You are a very purposeful person.

25. Optimism – the ability to see the positive in all events. There is a saying: “For optimists, the glass is always half full, and for pessimists, it is always half empty.” Choose for yourself how you feel about it, and draw a conclusion accordingly.

26. Qualification – sufficient education for work. The higher the level of training specific to your job profile, the more qualified employee you are.

27. Imagination – the ability to “dream”, fantasize, and invent situations. People with the gift of imagination are a godsend for an enterprise, as they can think through all the logical chains of events.

28. Experience – having work experience in exactly the position (and in the field) for which you are going. This can be an important advantage over candidates.

29. Composure - the ability not to react to any physical actions other people. If you look at open wounds without shuddering and stand boldly on your feet, even if the whole world around you is collapsing, this is a huge plus. You will be able to evaluate actions from the outside and act with a cool mind.

30. Spontaneity – mental state, in which a person does not adhere to the strict framework of conservative behavior, but shows liveliness and varied interests. Of course, this is a little childish behavior, but colleagues always like a lot of sincerity and friendliness.

31. Adequacy – understanding and perception of reality as it is. If you understand exactly how to determine the degree of complexity of a situation and select the necessary reaction, you are an adequate person.

32. Spirituality - having wealth spiritual world. If you try to understand your existence, where, why, why and how you live, believe in God and recognize the divine essence of human existence, you will be a very interesting person to communicate with.

33. Integrity - exposure to certain postulates of behavior. If, in spite of everything, you do not betray your inner principles, but live guided by them, then you are an integral person, non-capricious and consistent.

34. Positivity – non-aggressive perception of the world around us, good deeds and sublime thoughts. This is a defensive reaction of the psyche, a person with positive thinking life is much easier.

35. Tactfulness – understanding the boundaries of the interlocutor’s personal zone. If you understand that some things simply cannot be asked of people, since they are painful for them, if you know how to stop at the barrier of separation in time general topics and intimate, you have a sense of tact.

36. Delicacy - a gentle approach to the problems of the interlocutor. Delicate people are valued for their ability not to open the complexes in the personalities and lives of other people.

37. Objectivity – the ability to concentrate on one object, realistically assessing all the pros and cons of a situation, and not superimposing one’s own feelings on the assessment of the situation. This can also include self-criticism, since such a person will definitely not allow emotions to prevail over reason and is aware of the state of things based on the standards of thinking.

38. Impulsivity is the tendency to act on the first impulse, spontaneously. Sometimes this quality helps in solving production problems.

39. Flexibility is a person’s ability to adapt to changing conditions.

40. Ability to speak foreign languages. If you have linguistic abilities– this is an undoubted item on the list of advantages.

| | 54 674 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about the shortcomings and advantages of a person. We all know that nothing is perfect in this world. Every creature on this Earth has its own unique, non-standard characteristics, some may call them advantages, others - disadvantages. Much depends on whether these traits interfere with the person himself. If so, is it possible to get rid of the flaws and how to do this?

Human flaws

Every person on this Earth has their own unique set of qualities. Moreover, almost any of them can be attributed to both the advantages and disadvantages of a person. Take, for example, responsiveness and generosity. In society, these qualities are generally considered good, but if we look at them from a different angle, a disadvantage appears before us.

A responsive person is always ready to respond and help. Dignity? Undoubtedly! But excessive responsiveness interferes with the person’s life; he cannot say “no” and often becomes the subject of exploitation by more cunning people around him. From this angle, this flaw prevents the owner of this quality from living and being happy, first of all.

Generosity is an undeniable virtue. But sometimes it turns into wastefulness; an overly generous person can even deprive himself and his loved ones by distributing benefits “outside”.

It turns out that shortcomings are personality traits and qualities that prevent one from living, being successful and happy, first of all, the owner of these qualities. Flaws can be destructive emotions (anger, irritability, mood swings, timidity, etc.), vices (gluttony, greed, envy, etc.), as well as other human weaknesses.

Conventionally, all shortcomings can be divided into several groups.

Type of defects Examples of flaws What can they lead to?
PsychologicalRestlessness, anxiety, excessive sociability or isolation, laziness, low or high self-esteem, fears, cruelty, cynicism, lack of independence, constant need for control and evaluation of actions, commercialism, deceit and others.This type of defects can scare people away from their owner and create problems in personal life, become an obstacle to career growth, deprive a person of strength and drive him into deep depression.
PhysicalHeight, weight, eye color, face shape, body type, imperfect skin, problems with hair or teeth, not meeting someone's standard, etc.This type of deficiency is very subjective. Any physical quality, if desired, can be turned into a highlight or dignity. However, if you do nothing, physical defects provoke the appearance of complexes, self-doubt and lack of acceptance of oneself as an individual. This, in turn, can lead to deep personal problems, misunderstandings in relationships with other people and lack of fulfillment.
Women'sExcessive modesty or cheekiness, talkativeness, duplicity, consumerism, shopaholism, greed, not accepting oneself as a girl or excessive self-admiration, callousness, inability to demonstrate one’s own emotions, touchiness, etc.Such shortcomings can lead a woman to illness and discord in her personal life. In addition, the inability to handle one’s own emotions blocks the free flow of feminine energy and scares off men.
Men'sDictatorship and patriarchal outlook on life, rudeness, lack of humor, low intelligence, stinginess, greed, sloppiness, cowardice, lack of determination, etc.These shortcomings cause inconvenience for men in their careers and personal lives.

How to get rid of shortcomings

Growth and self-improvement are what improve the quality of our lives, give meaning to our existence and make us lighter, better and happier. Therefore, if some quality interferes with your life, you need to get rid of it.

  1. Find the flaw. Most often, flaws do not need to be found; people know what pulls them back and prevents them from living. If you just want to become a better person, but don't know where to start, pay attention to what irritates you in other people. Most likely, this is exactly what you have in you, but you cannot accept it.
  2. You shouldn’t specifically look for shortcomings in yourself, and then savor them without taking any action and complaining about life. The victim attitude gives some people pleasure, but it makes them irresponsible and unable to manage their own lives.
  3. Realize the shortcoming, admit to yourself that you have it, and try to accept it. The same applies to loved ones; do not try to remake the shortcomings of your loved one. Try to accept him along with his flaws. And if something doesn’t give you peace, start working on yourself, and not on raising a loved one.
  4. Start tracking and controlling your thoughts. This may seem difficult at first, but if you can learn to do it, sooner or later the shortcomings will not be able to cross the line of your awareness. Read:
  5. Analyze your flaw. What is his character? How and why does it bother you? What consequences can it lead to? Describe the worst scenario if this disadvantage remains with you forever. How will it end? Use this picture as motivation to quickly eradicate your shortcoming.
  6. Find a strength to replace the disadvantage with. Remember the proverb “A holy place is never empty”? This statement is also true when working on yourself. Once you destroy the flaw that irritates you, there will be voids that need to be filled with something right or positive. Otherwise, there is a risk of acquiring new shortcomings and bad habits or strengthening old ones.
  7. Stop making excuses for yourself and your shortcomings.
  8. Try to find the source of the “trouble.” Where did you get it from? negative quality? Most often, legs grow from deep childhood, when we unconsciously adopt the attitudes and behavior programs of our parents.
  9. We cultivate dignity in the place of disadvantage.

Disadvantages and summary

Sometimes employers ask applicants to fill out a column about their shortcomings. This is not done at all in order to convict candidates of imperfection, but simply to check the adequacy own self-esteem applicant. If you are asked to indicate your shortcomings in your resume, do not be afraid and put a dash in this column. There are no people without flaws.

What shortcomings can be indicated in a resume?

It is best to prepare a list of your shortcomings in advance. It should include qualities that ordinary life can be called disadvantages, but in a particular profession they manifest themselves as advantages. For example, the wording “ I see flaws in everything". On the one hand, it is a flaw, and on the other hand, it is an irreplaceable quality of a program tester or auditor. Here are examples of qualities that may be an advantage for some professions:

  • Excessive need for communication and love for people;
  • Straightforwardness, inability to restrain one’s own opinion and talk behind one’s back;
  • Constant thoughts about work;
  • Workaholism;
  • Slowness;
  • Meticulousness;
  • I pay great attention little things;
  • I can't refuse;
  • I stand my ground, I don’t know how to show flexibility and compliance in work matters;
  • Love of formalism;
  • Excessive energy and inability to sit in one place;
  • Hot temper and emotionality.

There are several neutral disadvantages that are suitable for absolutely all professions:

  • Various fears and phobias (spiders, flying, heights, confined spaces etc.);
  • Excess weight or excessive thinness;
  • Love (weakness) for something (sweets, kittens, shopping, etc.);
  • Lack or lack of experience;
  • Tendency to overanalyze one's mistakes and actions.

What shortcomings will scare off an employer?

When listing your shortcomings, you don’t need to become too frank. Many qualities can scare off an employer and characterize you as a bad employee. Among these qualities:

  • Laziness;
  • Excessive love of love and affairs with colleagues;
  • Interested only in money;
  • Disclaimer of any liability;
  • Absent-mindedness, love of breaks and social networks;
  • Constantly being late;
  • Reluctance and inability to make independent decisions.

No matter what shortcomings you have, the main thing is to learn to accept yourself for who you are, never stop improving and harmoniously compensate for shortcomings with your advantages.

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