What may change in the future. What will a person look like in a couple of million years?

In 2045, the world we know today will be completely different. Predicting the future is almost impossible, but when it comes to... scientific facts or technical achievements, then DARPA employees are the most suitable people who you can ask about this.

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is a well-known US agency for advanced defense research and development. Founded in 1958, it has behind it some of the largest discoveries related to weapons issues. Many of the agency's developments subsequently spilled over into the civilian industry. This is, for example, advanced robotics, a system GPS navigation and the Internet.

IN general outline The picture of the future is this: there is a possibility that thanks to robots the industry will completely change, unmanned aircraft(drones) will appear not only in military aviation, but also in civilian life, and self-driving cars (those without drivers) will make our commute to work more bearable.

In addition to all this, scientists from DARPA have several more grandiose assumptions. They share their thoughts about what awaits our planet in 30 years in a video called Forward to the Future. Some excerpts from this video, as well as the video itself on English are given below.

Dr. Justin Sanchez, a neuroscientist and one of the DARPA scientists, believes that in the future we will be able to control things simply by using the power of thought:

Imagine a world where you could mentally control everything that happens around you. Just imagine being able to control various devices in your home or communicate with your friends and family simply by using brain impulses.

To date, DARPA already has some innovative developments that confirm Sanchez’s words. For example, brain cells that control prosthetic arms. This study involved a man who had been paralyzed for over ten years. It was thanks to the futuristic prosthetic hand that he was able to “feel” physical touch.

Stephanie Tompkins, a geologist and head of one of DARPA's research divisions, believes that in the future it will be possible to produce incredibly strong, but at the same time very light things. For example, skyscrapers made of carbon fiber. This material is much more reliable than steel, very rigid and durable, but has much less weight. This direct proof that everything becomes much more complex at the molecular level.

"I think we'll have a very different relationship with machines in 2045," says Pam Melroy, a space engineer and former astronaut, an employee of the DARPA agency. She is confident that we will find a time when it will be enough to simply explain to the machine in words what you want from it, or press a single button, instead of using a keyboard or elementary systems voice identification.

Today, in order to land an airplane, a pilot will need to perform a certain sequence of actions: check the navigation systems, adjust the brake throttles, pull the handle to lower the landing gear, and so on. All of these steps must be completed in the correct order for a successful landing.

Instead, according to Melroy, in the near future, in order to land, it will be enough to say just two words: “Start landing,” and the computer itself will sequentially carry out a series of necessary steps. And who knows, maybe then a pilot won’t be needed at all.

Bold assumptions about the near future are made not only by DARPA employees, but also by some other scientists. Ian Pearson has some very interesting ideas. You might think this is just another boring report in the style of “augmented reality and artificial intelligence will become an integral part of everyday life people, flying cars will fill all the roads, and gadgets will be super-smart and super-thin.” But no, everything is much more interesting.

Ian Pearson

Doctor of Science and researcher, knowledgeable in many branches of science: from aeronautics to cybernetics. He writes articles, gives lectures and provides advice on technological innovations that await us in the near future. Below are some of his assumptions regarding what cities and transport will be like by 2045.

Below are seven of the most interesting speculations about the future of cities.

1. Buildings will be controlled by artificial intelligence (“Hello, construction version of Siri!”)


Residents will have the opportunity to "" with the building and formulate a request, for example, in order to change the temperature in the room.


With land prices as high as they are now, supertall buildings will be transformed in such a way that they can function as mini cities. That is, they will have floors intended for offices, apartments, recreation and entertainment.


In the second part of the film "" Marty's house was equipped with a window virtual reality, which could show anything. Presumably, by 2045, buildings will not have windows, because they will be replaced with just such screens. This will greatly help in building economy-class housing very cheaply and quickly.


This is very similar to the ones that exist now. solar panels. But unlike them, a special material made from nanoparticles can be sprayed onto various surfaces. Such surfaces will be able to absorb and transform sunlight into energy.


The light will accompany you as you move around the apartment. You can also adjust the amount of lighting that is sufficient for you. Some such developments already exist. For example, Ario is a lamp that imitates natural light sun to help improve the user's health.

6. Builders will use exoskeletons to carry heavy loads without harm to health


Not only Robert Downey Jr., but also ordinary builders will be able to boast of Iron Man. Thanks to this exoskeleton, ordinary person will be able to perform many activities that he would not normally be able to do, such as lifting significant loads. In addition, it provides additional protection against damage.

7. Robots will work at dangerous sites


There are suggestions that in the future robots will work alongside people on various projects. They will replace a person in those places where the danger of an explosion or collapse is most likely.

What will transport be like in 2045?

The transport industry, unlike all others, is developing relatively slowly. Without a doubt, trains have changed significantly since their invention. But in fact, we still use old, albeit modified forms of transportation. However, we are likely to see more changes in transportation over the next 30 years than we have seen in the previous 100 years.

Below are some of the boldest assumptions.


In fact, it will be possible to travel at speeds of more than 800 kilometers per hour.


The prototype was already presented in 2014 during the festival in Vienna. Exact date It is difficult to name the appearance of these cars, but we can say that they already exist.


By 2045, there could be buildings built from super-strong carbon-based materials. The height of the buildings will reach 30–40 kilometers. These giant skyscrapers will make it possible to build spaceports. Now equipment launch sites on the peaks high-rise buildings It seems implausible, but thanks to innovative materials this may well become a reality.

SuperJet International/flickr.com

The aircraft industry will continue to evolve over the next 30 years. Everything will be done to make planes fly faster. Eliminating windows will help increase speed. Augmented reality will allow them to be completely replaced.

5. Supersonic aircraft will appear


The opportunity to fly on an airplane will appear by 2040, however, it will only be available to very wealthy people. The US Patent Office has actually approved an Airbus project that will be able to transport people from London to New York in just one hour.

These are the forecasts for the near future. Looks like 2045 will be pretty good.

The earth is in a constant state of change. Whether the result of human activity or solar disturbances, the future of Earth is guaranteed to be more than interesting, but not without chaos. The following list presents the ten major events that the Earth is predicted to experience over the next billions of years.

1. New Ocean
~10 million years
One of the hottest places on Earth, the Afar Depression is located between Ethiopia and Eritrea - on average 100 meters below sea level. At this point, there is only 20 km between the surface and boiling hot magma, and the ground is slowly thinning due to tectonic movements. Comprising a killer array of volcanoes, geysers, earthquakes and toxic heated water, the depression is unlikely to become a resort; but in 10 million years, when this geological activity ceases, leaving only a dry basin, the area will eventually fill with water and a new ocean will form - an ideal place for water skiing in the summer.

2. An event with a huge impact on Earth

~100 million years
Considering rich history Earth and relative large number With random debris swirling through space threatening planets, scientists predict that within the next 100 million years the Earth will be impacted by some kind of event comparable to the event that caused the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction 65 million years ago. This is, of course, bad news for any life on planet Earth. And while some species will undoubtedly survive, the impact will likely mark the end of the age of mammals - the current Cenozoic era- and instead the Earth will enter new era complex shapes life. Who knows what kind of life will flourish on this newly cleansed Earth? Maybe one day we will share the universe with intelligent invertebrates or amphibians. On at the moment, we can only imagine what will happen.

3. Pangea Ultima
~250 million years
Over the next 50 million years, Africa, which has been migrating north for the last 40 million years, will eventually begin to encounter southern Europe. This movement will seal the Mediterranean Sea for 100 million years, and create thousands of kilometers of new mountain ranges to the delight of climbers around the world. Australia and Antarctica are also eager to be part of this new supercontinent, and will continue to move north to merge with Asia. While all this is happening, America will continue its course westward, further away from Europe and Africa, towards Asia.
What happens next is still being discussed. It is believed that while the Atlantic Ocean is growing, western border a subduction zone will form, which will stretch from the bottom Atlantic Ocean deep into the earth. This will effectively change the direction America is heading in and will ultimately bring it to eastern border the Eurasian supercontinent for about 250 million years. If this does not happen, we can expect both Americas to continue their journey westward until they merge with Asia. In any case, we can hope for the formation of a new hypercontinent: Pangea Ultima - 500 million years after the creation of the previous continent, Pangea. After that, he will probably split up again and start new cycle drift and merger.

4. Gamma Ray Burst
~600 million years
If an event with a huge impact on the Earth, repeating every few hundred million years, seems like a good option, then know that the Earth constantly has to contend with rare gamma-ray bursts - streams ultra high energy radiation usually emitted supernovas. Although we experience weak gamma-ray bursts every day, an explosion occurring in a nearby solar system - within 6,500 light-years of us - has enough potential to wreak havoc in its path.

By using more energy than the Sun produced during its entire life life cycle, which would hit Earth in minutes or even seconds, gamma rays would burn up much of the Earth's ozone layer, causing radical climate change and widespread environmental damage, including mass extinctions.
Some believe that this burst of gamma rays triggered the second largest mass extinction in history: The Ordovician-Silurian extinction event 450 million years ago, which wiped out 60% of all life on Earth.
Like all events in astronomy, exact time for the set of events that will trigger a gamma-ray burst directed towards the Earth, it is very difficult to predict, although typical estimates this period is 0.5-2 billion years. But this time could be reduced to a million years if the threat of the Eta Carinae Nebula is realized.

5. Uninhabitable
~1.5 billion years
Because the Sun gets hotter as it gets bigger, the Earth will eventually become uninhabitable due to its proximity to the hot sun. By this time, everyone, even the most stable forms of life on Earth, will die. The oceans will dry up completely, leaving only deserts of burnt earth. Time goes by, and temperatures rise, the Earth could go the way of Venus and become a toxic wasteland as it heats up to the boiling point of many toxic metals. What remains of humanity will have to vacate this place in order to survive. Fortunately, by that time Mars will enter habitable zone and will be able to serve as a temporary shelter for the remaining people.

6. Disappearance magnetic field
~2.5 billion years
Some believe, based on today's understanding of the Earth's core, that within 2.5 billion years the Earth's outer core will no longer be liquid, but will begin to freeze. As the core cools, the Earth's magnetic field will slowly decay until it ceases to exist at all. In the absence of a magnetic field, there will be nothing to protect the Earth from solar winds, And earth's atmosphere will gradually lose its light compounds - such as ozone - and gradually turn into the pitiful remains of itself. Now with an atmosphere similar to Venus, the Earth will feel full force solar radiation, which will make the already inhospitable land even more treacherous.

7. Internal catastrophe of the solar system
~3.5 billion years
In about 3 billion years, there is a small but significant chance that Mercury's orbit will elongate in such a way that it will cross the path of Venus. At the moment we cannot predict exactly what will happen and when it will happen, but best case scenario Mercury will simply be absorbed by the Sun or destroyed by a collision with its older sister Venus. What about the worst case scenario? Earth could collide with any of the other non-gaseous planets, whose orbits would be radically destabilized by Mercury. If somehow internal solar system remains intact and continues to operate uninterrupted, then within five billion years the orbit of Mars will intersect with the Earth, once again creating the possibility of disaster.

8. New picture night sky
~4 billion years
Years will pass, and any life on Earth will be pleased to observe the steady growth of the Andromeda galaxy in the picture of our starry sky. It will be a truly magnificent sight: to see a perfectly formed spiral galaxy shining in the sky, but it won't last forever. Over time, it will begin to become horribly distorted and merge with Milky Way, throwing the stable star arena into chaos. Even though there is a direct collision celestial bodies unlikely, there is a small chance that our solar system could be extracted and thrown into the abyss of the universe. Either way, our night sky will be, at least temporarily, decorated with trillions of new stars

9. Garbage Ring
~5 billion years
Despite the fact that the Moon is constantly receding at a distance of 4 cm per year, the Sun has entered the red giant phase and it is likely that the current trend will stop. The additional force exerted on the Moon by the huge, inflated star would be enough to crash the Moon directly onto the Earth. When the Moon reaches its Roche limit, it will begin to disintegrate as the force of gravity exceeds the force holding the satellite together. After this, it is possible that a ring of debris will form around the Earth, demonstrating any life on earth beautiful view until the debris falls to the ground after many millions of years.
If this doesn't happen, there is another way the Moon could fall back to its parent planet. If the Earth and Moon continue to exist in their current form with their unchanged orbits, then in about 50 billion years the Earth will become tidally locked with the Moon. Shortly after this event, the Moon's orbital altitude will begin to decay, while the Earth's rotation rate will rapidly increase. This process will continue until the Moon reaches the Roche limit and disintegrates, forming a ring around the Earth.

10. Destruction
The likelihood that the Earth will collapse within the next tens of billions of years is very high. Whether in the cold grip of a treacherous planet, or from suffocation in the arms of our dying Sun, it will undoubtedly be a sad moment for all the surviving people - even if they do not remember which planet it is.

Due to the development transport system and a significant reduction in time to get from one point globe in another, there will be a displacement of races. In thousands of years, everyone will look alike. There will be no black Africans or narrow-eyed people. Scientists are convinced that he will have café-au-lait skin and dark hair.

Other changes

The development of technology makes it possible to store an almost unlimited amount of information on external media. A person no longer needs to remember the multiplication tables, spelling rules or recipes for favorite dishes. If necessary, all this data can be found in a few moments. Due to this, human brain will soon be “repurposed”. He will stop remembering information, but he will remember perfectly well where it can be found.

Comfortable living conditions and the availability of medicine will significantly weaken human immunity. There will be no need to fight pathogens, because you can take a pill at any time. In addition, the predisposition to the part will be blocked when genetic engineering.

People of the future will no longer experience most of the characteristic modern man emotions. Most life will be spent alone with the computer. The person will not need to go to work and support good relationship in a team to advance career ladder. Thanks to telecommunications technologies, there will be no need to leave the house at all. Love and friendship will become the domain of virtuality, people will satisfy their needs for sex with the help of high-tech individually programmable devices, and procreation will be carried out not in bedrooms, but in laboratories.

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Like all living things on Earth, you and I continue to evolve. If you don’t believe me, remember the story of wisdom teeth, which were well developed among our distant ancestors who ate rough food. In our country they were reduced as unnecessary.

We are in website wondered what a person would look like after millions of years of evolution if conditions on planet Earth roughly correspond to emerging trends and probable forecasts.

  • Height. Over the past 200 years, the population of developed countries has grown by 10 cm due to improved living conditions and quality nutrition. If this continues, the height of men will reach 2 meters, but hardly higher. (Sources: Mean Body Weight, Height, and body mass index, United States 1960–2002, wikipedia)
  • Leather will become darker as the races will intensively mix. And dark skin will better protect against ultraviolet radiation, which will penetrate the Earth in excess. (Source: livescience, nickolaylamm)
  • Body. A person will reduce his physical costs with the help of machines and robots. Physical strength will not be in demand, the muscles will shrink. Technology will become an integral part of our body, business as usual there will be built-in chips and gadgets. (Source: futurehumanevolution)

  • Hands. Constant use keyboards and touch screens will make your hands and fingers thinner and longer. (Source: the-scientist)
  • Legs. The body will change to suit a sedentary lifestyle, long strong legs will not be needed. The fibula is reduced, which is typical for land animals. This bone serves to rotate the foot, which was important for our tree-climbing ancestors. But for us, sideways mobility of the ankle has become rather harmful, often leading to dislocations. (Source: futurehumanevolution, anthropogenez)
  • Toes. Our ancestors also used them for climbing trees. In the line from Australopithecus to us, the fingers have noticeably shortened, obviously this is not the limit. Probably their number will also decrease. Land animals always come to a decrease in their numbers, and the horse is the record holder here. (Source: anthropogenez)
  • Rib cage. If it becomes increasingly difficult to obtain oxygen from the atmosphere, the lungs will increase in size. The chest will also increase.
  • Head. It is still unclear whether future humans will have a smaller or larger cranial volume than today. On the one hand, compared to Cro-Magnons, the human brain has become, oddly enough, smaller. It becomes more compact, which only contributes to its fast work. On the other hand, more and more caesarean sections allow babies with large heads to survive. This will affect the increase in its average size. Therefore, there will probably not be a natural birth in the future. (Sources: anthropogenez, bbc, vox)
  • Teeth. Humanity is switching to increasingly soft food. The number of teeth and their size will decrease, this will entail a reduction in the jaw and mouth. (

So, what will happen in 100 years? The following chronology will describe not only the events that await us in the future, but also the inventions that are about to appear.

Earth in 100 years

2013 – Wall Street faces another stock market crash, which will mark the beginning of a new global crisis.

2014 – China deploys its missiles in Sudan, causing unrest in international society.

2015 – The year will be very eventful. Russia will report that natural resources countries (oil, uranium, copper, gold) have reached a critical minimum. The Algerian-German concern Desertec will begin construction of a solar power station on the territory of North Africa. Scientists will be able to find a cure for autism. Bangladesh will claim a catastrophic shortage of fresh water due to rising sea levels and will ask the World Bank for a $9 billion subsidy to purchase desalination plants.

2016 – Cultured meat goes on sale. First time in elections American President You will be able to cast your vote online.

2017 – The first experiment was conducted to create artificial seminal fluid from a woman’s stem cells and subsequent conception without a man.

2018 – Conclusion American troops from Afghanistan. Each country considers itself a winner. Afghanistan's sovereignty remains unshakable. In parallel with this event, there is a renewal lunar program. The four-person crew will spend about a month on the lunar surface. The goal of the project is to prove that accommodation, on natural satellite The Earth using only its resources is quite possible. In the same year a new high-speed railway, crossing 17 countries and designed to connect Europe and Asia. The first train along it will run from Beijing to Paris, its speed will be 300 km/h. The global crisis that began in 2013 will end this year.

2019 – There will be an acute shortage of women in China. The government will allow same-sex marriage. The first prototype of a flying car will also be tested in America.

2020 – Active development space tourism. The first private spacecraft will send everyone into Earth orbit for a day. Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic's first spaceship will land with tourists on the surface of the Moon. The cost of such a tour will cost about 200 million dollars. The first manned expedition to Mars will also be formed. In the same year, permission will be issued to carry out autonomous work that destroys cancer cells in the human body. Megacorporations will undermine the authority of the governments of leading countries and ultimately deprive them of many powers. State borders in our usual understanding will be erased. Cultural differences will still remain in people's memory.

2021-2024 – It becomes possible to implant microchips into the brain that can give their owner the ability to telepathy, increased memory reserves, and it will also be possible to implant them into the body various kinds controllers signaling the state of a person, and giving some kind of bonuses in the form of a built-in mobile communications etc.

2025 - The population will increase to 8 billion people. The globalization of the economy will allow many enterprising people to become rich. The number of dollar millionaires will be 1 billion people, while everyone else will not even have enough fresh water.

2026 – Chips will be implanted up to the skin of all US residents, storing all biometric data and allowing the location of an individual to be determined.

2027 – First successful human cloning. Scientists will be able to understand how genetics influences a person’s character.

2028 – Total quantity AIDS deaths will reach 600 million. A cure has never been found. AIDS becomes the deadliest epidemic in history.

2029 – The appearance of computers 1000 times more powerful than today’s. New chips are also appearing on the market, by implanting which you can have a direct connection with a computer and the Internet.

2030 – All trains, planes, cars and yachts are controlled by a robotic autopilot. Human intervention in their work is required only in extreme cases. Thanks to this technology, it was possible to reduce the number of accidents involving these vehicles to almost a minimum.

2031 – Sex becomes just a form of leisure time. The function of procreation has been simplified to artificial insemination and cloning. Pregnancy will be the lot of the poor and uncultured, as well as third world citizens.

2032 – The appearance of lenses capable of giving a person not only excellent vision, but also eliminating the need to know additional languages. Lenses will be implanted for everyone. They will have built-in face and speech recognition technology, due to which a person will see a translation from any unfamiliar language in the form of text right before his eyes. They will also have built-in zoom, memory of faces, the ability to access the Internet, etc.

2033 – America switches to fundamentally new look fuel, getting rid of oil dependence. Oil prices are falling sharply. The Middle East is suffering widespread losses. Russia enters into an alliance with Iran and China and squeezes the EU.

2034 – Micro sensors capable of recording behavior appear nervous system. Thus, a market for the sale of feelings is organized. Orgasms, happiness, grief, inspiration, etc.

2035 – Firms appear offering artificial cultivation of human organs based on the client’s DNA.

2040 – People monitor their health through genetic therapy. Shower stalls are being scanned general condition internal organs, toilets collect tests. Average duration life in developed countries reaches 90 years.

2041 – The ban on geological exploration activities in Antarctica will be lifted. World powers will immediately begin to develop the deposits. As a result, the ecology of the White Continent will be destroyed. Next up is the Arctic.

2042 – Humanity crosses the 9 billion mark.

2048 – The number of ocean inhabitants declines sharply. People don't have enough fish.

2049 – “Programmable matter” technologies appear. Millions of microscopic devices will gather into a swarm that will take the required form, color, density and texture of any object.

2050 – The world population will reach 10.1 billion. The average life expectancy will be 100 years.

2060 – 95% of the world's population will use only three types of currency. In the struggle for primacy, they will fight, offering all the best and best conditions, as banks, pension funds and plastic card systems do now.

2070 – Glaciers will finally melt and permafrost North Pole, A Arctic Ocean will become fully navigable. Active development of a new habitable territory will begin. In the same year, many animals that became extinct many thousands of years ago will be cloned from DNA.

2075 – Average life expectancy is 150 years. Humanity is on the verge of a discovery that can give people immortality.

2080 – Due to global warming, the level of the Ocean will rise to such limits that 70 million people in Africa will be inundated.

2090 – The emergence of a new generation network. Now, instead of a computer, the client acts as human body. All information goes directly to the brain.

2095 – Thanks to the appearance new technology you can copy your personality onto a chip, which in turn is integrated into any cybernetic shell of your choice. Man acquired immortality.

2100 – Because of global warming a third of the land turned into desert. Now fresh water valued as oil once was. Russia, as always, is on horseback - its climate will only benefit from warming, and there is more than enough water here. Because of huge amount carbon dioxide. The oceans will have increased acidity, making it unsuitable for the existence of a huge number of microorganisms, which, in turn, serve as food for larger animals. The population will increase from 10 to 15 billion people. Active space exploration will begin. A cure for cancer will be found. will appear Artificial intelligence. Due to the development of cybernetic technologies, people will look like robots, and those, in turn, will look like people.

Of course, these are just forecasts and the exact answer is what will happen in 100 years It’s difficult, but many have already begun to think - if the outcome of events is exactly this, then does humanity need such a future. On the other hand, people once did not trust cars and computers in the same way, and cinema and radio were generally considered almost magic. Nevertheless, today they are firmly embedded in our lives and are an integral part of it. Therefore, as they say, wait and see what will happen in 100 years.

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