Why am I chewing on my pen? Why does a child chew pens, notebooks, nails...? Punishment without crime: the habit of picking sores, hangnails, scratching the face, biting lips, the inside of the cheeks

Do you know at least one person who does not have a single bad habit? We are talking not only about drinking and smoking, but also about more harmless harmful things: someone has the habit of chewing pens and pencils, another bites their nails, a third eats chocolate... Meanwhile, even from bad habits you can get benefits! For example, learn something new about yourself.

Habit of biting nails
Many people know the reason behind this habit: biting your nails means you’re nervous. In general, this is true, but here it is worth clarifying that a person’s own anxiety in this case not realized; he sincerely believes that he is fine. But in fact, inside he is very tense, most likely he is oppressed by some situation, but due to his various reasons cannot give himself the will to express his indignation. Maybe the anger is caused by the boss, maybe by the parents, but in any case, the need to restrain emotions leads to low self-esteem and a feeling of trampling on one’s dignity. And this often results in nail biting.

Habit of chewing a pen or pencil
An action that speaks of the internal anxiety of the “rodent”. The person clearly does not like his way of life: work, family relationships or relationships with friends. It is quite obvious that he is doing something that does not bring him any benefit. peace of mind, but for some reason unable to change the situation. By chewing a pencil, a person thus transfers his aggression onto it. And it’s good that it’s on a pencil!
There is another explanation for the damage of pens by teeth: as you know, writing instruments have an elongated – read, phallic shape. The habit of constantly pulling them into the mouth may indicate a subconscious concentration on oral erotic pleasures.

Habit of picking
There are people who just let them pick at something - a scab on a sore, nail polish, etc. This is a sure sign that everything is not going as perfectly as the person wants, and this worries him. You want an ideal now, but for some reason it doesn’t come, and a person, without realizing it, “picks out” it himself. If you recognize yourself in the description of a “picker,” ask what or who in your environment falls short of the ideal? Maybe you yourself?

The habit of endlessly tidying up
This is not about cleaning on Sundays and not about cleaning if it is really necessary, but about manic desire support perfect order wherever it is possible and even where it is not possible. At work, such a person can be quite annoying: he perceives any attempt by colleagues to change his work space, for example, to move papers on the table, as a personal insult. Why does he do this? Because it makes him feel comfortable. When everything is in its proper place, he feels secure and stable. The world scares him and the only way A person finds in cleaning that one can use it to organize the chaos going on around him. The mug is washed and in its place, the documents are in an even pile in the left corner of the table, the folders in the closet are in alphabetical order - and the world doesn’t seem so scary anymore!

Habit of cracking fingers
There are two versions of deciphering this habit, by the way, predominantly male. The first speaks of the insecurity of a person who does this with his fingers. According to the second person, cracking his fingers is unconsciously trying to attract attention to himself.

Habit of lip biting
In this way, a person restrains the words and emotions rushing from his lips. Subconsciously, he understands that now is not the time or place to say what he really thinks and feels, and thus his body reacts to the internal limitation.

The habit of frequently checking likes and reposts on social networks
When a person logs into a social network every five minutes to check if someone has liked his comment or photo, this indicates his great need for love and praise. IN real life For some reason this person does not receive the dose of love he so needs, but he so wants to feel it - albeit from unfamiliar people in the form of virtual approval!

Habit of jerking your leg
You've probably noticed that sometimes you're talking to your interlocutor, but despite the apparent slowness of the conversation, he keeps twitching his leg? Or do you do this yourself during a conversation or a long wait? The solution to the actions is simple: the person jerking his leg really wants to run somewhere, he is in a hurry, but is forced to sit still. This habit indicates depression motor activity. Give yourself the opportunity to realize it!

Habit of tearing paper
This habit is another way to restrain the aggression rushing out. A person, given free rein, would gladly tear someone else apart, but... There is paper at hand, and it’s better to let her suffer.

Habit of overeating
In this case we're talking about about a situation when a person eats almost to the point of nausea, even if he no longer wants to. Here it is worth understanding the following: food is a very powerful pleasure. How more people allows himself to eat, the more he needs pleasure. As a rule, with the help of food, people compensate for the lack of pleasure of a certain kind - sexual. When with personal life complete order, people rarely overeat. So, if you're hungry... have sex!

Reason one: he chews to concentrate.

Many adults do this too, but their manifestations are less noticeable: diligent workers often only suck the tip of their pen or bite lower lip. Surely it is precisely this reason that prompts a small rodent to sharpen pencils with its teeth, if it is generally calm child, is responsible for his studies and has good academic performance. He goes to school, perhaps not with great pleasure, but without fear, and continues to chew a pencil at home - when doing homework, For example. In such children, the habit of chewing pens is not particularly pronounced - yes, the ends of the writing instruments are slightly scratched and crushed by the teeth, but not bitten into holes. If you remove the pen, the child, concentrating, will begin to bite his lips or inner side cheeks In the case when the habit still irritates, you should simply replace ordinary pens or pencils with ones that are inconvenient or “uninteresting” to bite - made of hard plastic or metal, with rubber bands or feathers at the end.

Reason two: he chews because he is nervous.

This happens when a visit educational institution is a great stress for the child - he is worried that he will not cope with the task, he is afraid that he will be scolded, he is worried that he does not understand the topic of the lesson. He literally chews his hands to holes. Other signs that point specifically to this reason are general excitability, problems with concentration, behavior and academic performance. If, when doing homework, the atmosphere around is calm and friendly, the child does not have the desire to put foreign objects into his mouth, but if he is deprived of the opportunity to chew on a pen in moments of nervous tension, the habit transforms into biting nails or other, even less suitable objects (pencil cases and textbooks). , For example). If this is also prohibited, there is high probability development of neuroses and tics. Therefore the only one correct option actions in such a case- contacting a specialist - a neurologist, child psychologist or a teacher whose subject is incomprehensible to the child.

Reason three: he chews because he is bored.

With the same success, she can draw in the margins of notebooks, count crows outside the window, or pick her nose - she needs to do something while Marivanna lists 25 signs of autumn. In this case, the child does not stop gnawing on anything even at moments not related to studies - in front of the TV, for example. You can wean off without fear of consequences, the main thing is to do it gently - without shouting or domestic violence. It’s a good idea to have a conversation with those who are especially impressionable, telling them where the hand might have been before the child put it in his mouth, describing the consequences and showing photographs of helminths. Those with thicker skin should smear the ends of their pens and pencils with a special bitter varnish (it is also used if the child bites his nails). You can buy a pen that you will be sorry to chew on - made of beautiful plastic or with your favorite cartoon character.

Often the child does not even realize that he is putting something in his mouth. One has only to concentrate his attention, and he himself will get rid of the “ugly” habit: tie or glue something unusual to the tip of the pen - a piece of ribbon, cotton wool, paper. When ingested, they will have a sobering effect on the “rodent” and will help him control himself. For the same purpose, you can play “beaver” with your child: every time something ends up in his mouth, he should say “I’m gnawing again.” At first, the children find it very funny, but when the phrase is heard for the 50th time in 10 minutes, the child himself understands that the problem exists and begins to solve it. Nobody wants to turn into a beaver.

There is one more simple piece of advice: watch the student’s diet, because on a full stomach there is no desire to put anything in the mouth.

The material was prepared by teachers of the Center for Development and Education

Child psychologist

  • Neuropsychologist
  • Speech therapist - defectologist
  • Speech therapist

    A speech therapist is a specialist whose main profile is correcting the pronunciation of syllables and sounds, as well as eliminating speech defects.

    What speech disorders does the speech therapist work with in our center?

    • Alalia is complete absence speech or its gross underdevelopment.
    • Dysarthria - this speech disorder in children occurs as a result of a disorder in the functioning of the central nervous system.
    • Dyslalia - this term refers to a violation of the pronunciation of sounds.
    • Stuttering is one of the most known species speech disorders in children.
    • Rhinolalia is a violation of voice timbre and sound pronunciation caused by anatomical and physiological defects of the speech apparatus.
    • Aphasia is a complete or partial loss of previously formed speech.
    • Dyslexia is a reading disorder associated with damage or underdevelopment of certain areas of the cerebral cortex.
    • Dysgraphia is a partial specific disorder of the writing process.
    • Delayed speech development is a deviation from temporary standards for speech development.
    • General underdevelopment of speech - various complex speech disorders in which the formation of all components of the speech system is disrupted, that is, the sound side (phonetics) and the semantic side (vocabulary, grammar) with normal hearing and intelligence.
  • Psychodiagnostics
    • Psychological testing

      Determines individual psychological characteristics that ensure the success of a child’s learning and development in a modern school environment.

    • Psychodiagnostics
    • Neurodiagnostics

      We use our brains every moment, yet few of us have any idea how it works. Most of what we think we know comes from "common knowledge" which is not always true...
      Why do we never forget how to drive a car, but we can lose the keys to it? Is it true that you can memorize all the material right before the exam? Will a child become smarter if he listens? classical music in the womb? Are we killing our brain cells by drinking alcohol? Do men and women think differently? Our brain can answer these and many other questions.

  • Group work

    Treatment with creativity. Is a very gentle and ecological approach to problems modern man. WITH English language The term “art therapy” can be translated as “treatment through the use of artistic means.”

    • Unique

      The proposed program was developed jointly with specialists from the stress management center. It helps to improve the condition of children with developmental difficulties, and for all other children it will help improve the tone of the nervous system, improve brain function, develop ability, speech, memory, attention, thinking, and solve problems with anxiety and fears.

    • Psychological and speech therapy classes in the group “SPEAKING”

      Groups 3-5 years old, 5-7 years old for children with developmental disabilities, stuttering, phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment,
      general underdevelopment of speech level 2-3.
      Groups 7-9 years old - children with stuttering, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysarthria.

    • Autumn camp "Relax and Create"

      During the autumn holidays. From October 29 to November 2, from 09.00 to 17.00, for children 7-10 years old, the “Relax and Create” camp. Vacations are an important part of the learning process. A period when you need to rest, switch to another activity, meet new interesting people, make friends.

    • Crumbs

      Dear mothers!!! I appeal to your memory. Do you remember one of those days in your childhood when you, as a little boy or girl, went somewhere with your mother? And it doesn’t matter where - on a visit, for a walk, to buy groceries or toys for you, to the dacha or to the clinic, or maybe your mother just took you with her on her “adult” business. It doesn’t matter where, what matters is what happens to mom. Do you remember this feeling when she is next to you, the feeling of freedom, security, fullness? The same world becomes different when mom is nearby.

    • Group “Speech” (for children with stuttering problems)

      Thursdays, from 17.00 – 19.00,

      For children 9 -10 years old.

    • "Five Parent Meetings"
  • Psychological trainings (training)

    Help in learning, developing memory and speed reading, as well as in overcoming difficulties associated with mastering the Russian language.

    • Eidetics
    • Career guidance
    • Literacy

      We are waiting for your family to help you overcome the difficulties associated with mastering such a complex, but at the same time, such a native Russian language.

  • Psychological programs for teenagers
    • Individual work
      • Family consultations


      • Child psychologist is a doctor who provides psychological assistance children and studies the functioning of their psyche, taking into account the characteristics of their age.

        In the article we talk about who a child psychologist is, why and when he is needed. We answer the questions:

        • What problems can it help a child solve?
        • How do classes with a child psychologist work?
        • How to prepare your child for them.

        We will also help you decide where to turn for help from a child psychologist in Nizhny Novgorod and negotiate the price of classes with him.

      • Speech therapist - defectologist

        A speech therapist - defectologist is a unique specialist with a wide profile, combining knowledge of psychology, medicine, neurology, pediatrics, and pedagogy.

    • Psychodiagnostics

      Diagnosis is the first important stage solving the problem. It is difficult to imagine that, having examined the tests and discovered the causes of the disease or illness, the doctor easily sends the patient home without prescribing treatment.

      • Psychodiagnostics

        No matter how close the relationship between parent and child is, an adult from time to time notes that children live their own lives, immersed in their own world. Ignorance of features childhood, misunderstanding inner world child often lead to disagreements and conflicts that have an extremely negative impact on mental health children.

      • Career guidance

        Career guidance in psychology is a very broad concept and involves a broad, beyond the scope of psychology and pedagogy, set of measures to provide assistance in choosing a profession.

    • Group work
      • For children whose parents are divorced

        Divorce is never happy. It's never easy. It's always dramatic change pictures of the world. It's complicated. But sometimes this is the best thing we, parents, can do for ourselves and for our child.

      • Group on child psychosomatics

        It seems that the children live in very comfortable conditions. Their rights are protected huge amount helpers for mothers (washing machines and dishwashers, diapers, powders, pacifiers, cribs...). Our mothers, and even more so our grandmothers, did not know all this. The Internet, where you can read the answer to any question. But what is happening? All more children suffer from distress and addictions. At seven years old, the child has now taken more drugs than my mother did in her entire life.

      • "Amazing stories." Workshops for children.

        For children aged 7-10 years old, we offer amazing and deep therapeutic stories about themselves.

      • "Five Parent Meetings"

        Being parents is not easy. And being the parents of a child with special needs- it’s doubly difficult. We have to live for a small or already growing child who needs us like air, just completely!

      • "Girls" therapeutic group for girls 13 - 15, 16 - 18 years old.

        Adolescence– one of the most interesting and complex. At this time, the child gradually becomes an adult. Serious challenges arise and difficult questions. Even if in the family good relationship between mother and daughter, not all issues can be discussed at home. Children feel that their parents will not understand them, will judge them or scold them...

    • Training programs
      • Eidetics

        We offer you a program for the development of SPEED READING and MEMORY in primary school students.

      • Oratory

        A group for those who have long wanted to speak confidently and beautifully!

      • Camp during the holidays

        This is not a school for fun - this is a “School for Life”

  • Psychological programs for adults
    • Individual work
      • Family consultations

        It is quite possible to change your attitude towards what is happening in life and improve your physical well-being. To do this you should contact psychologist who will provide help and support, help you understand yourself, relationships with others, and improve your own life.

        In this article we dispel 10 main myths about going to a psychologist.

      • Psychotherapy

        I must be responsible for what happens in the therapy room. I am responsible for what happens, including the client's well-being.

      • Couples consultations (parent + child)

        Child psychologist is a doctor who provides psychological assistance to children and studies the functioning of their psyche, taking into account the characteristics of their age.

        In the article we talk about who a child psychologist is, why and when he is needed. We answer the questions:

        • What problems can it help a child solve?
        • How do classes with a child psychologist work?
        • How to prepare your child for them.

        We will also help you decide where you should turn for help from a child psychologist in Nizhny Novgorod and negotiate the price of classes with him.

      • Neuropsychologist

        Neuropsychology is a science that arose at the intersection of medicine (neurology, neurophysiology, neurosurgery) and psychology. “Neuro” means nerve, “psycho” means soul.

        The most effective assistance from a neuropsychologist is for children with disorders such as hyperactivity and/or attention deficit disorder, delay mental development and lag in speech development, as well as when working with underachieving students.

      • Consulting

        The goal of psychotherapy is awareness. Through awareness, the client's problems are solved. Psychotherapy methods differ from methods traditional medicine the fact that in therapy the client is an active participant in the process. The position changes from “I am being treated” to “I am being treated.” The therapist encourages the client to personal growth. The therapist supports the client’s individuality, participates in the process of integration life experience. The therapist helps the client accept responsibility for his one, unique, and finite life.

  • Psychodiagnostics

    Diagnostics is the first, important stage in solving a problem. It is difficult to imagine that, having examined the tests and discovered the causes of the disease or illness, the doctor easily sends the patient home without prescribing treatment.

  • Group work
    • Development of emotional intelligence

      Many parents face the problem of chewed pens and eaten pencils. And, of course, every adult understands that it is not very healthy for a child to put dirty objects in his mouth. In addition, such an activity can be quite dangerous. A piece may break off from a pen or pencil and injure the child’s oral cavity. internal organs and even block the windpipe.

      Why does a child chew pencils and pens?

      First you need to determine the reasons for this unpleasant and unsafe habit. The first step is to pay attention to psychological state child. Does he have stress or overexertion? Is he in conflict with teachers or friends? Or maybe it’s you who sometimes behave incorrectly?

      However, you need to understand that children are quite quick-witted. If your child continues to chew on pens long time, that means it nervous tension may be stronger than you think. Talk to him, to his teachers, to his friends. Just don't turn into a fanatical detective. Gently let your child know that you are open to dialogue and are always happy to help.

      If you are absolutely sure that your child is not experiencing any stress, then the problem takes on a slightly different character. Most likely, the child is a kinesthetic learner, that is, his condition depends on tactile sensations. Kinesthetic learners often fiddle with keychains, pieces of paper, keys and other objects in their hands. This is fine. This is not a disease and it is impossible to get rid of it. The man was born this way.

      How to stop your child from chewing on pens and pencils?

      If we return to the problem of “rodents”, it becomes clear what to remove bad habit It will be difficult, but possible. Together with your child, try to understand exactly what process he is trying to stimulate when he chews writing objects: concentration, attention, memorization. It is even possible that he chews his pen during any mental work.

      Then you should come up with another, less dangerous and unpleasant habit for these processes. One option would be to twist a wire or paperclip in your hands. This will not attract the teacher's attention, but at the same time will allow the child to satisfy his need for nourishment thought processes. At home, you can squeeze a ball in your hands, sort out beads, roll cotton balls, tear a piece of paper.

      Finally, it is important to note that you must protect your child and help him cope with any difficulties. Therefore, you should not be too strict. Don't force your child to change right now. Remember that everything happens gradually, and that's right!

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