Teacher's report on speech development. Report on speech development of children

Natalya Kokh
Communication report

"Implementation of a program for activating the process of speech development in the course of various types of children's activities"

The development of speech is determined by the principle of interconnection between various sections of speech work: enrichment and activation of the vocabulary, work on the semantic side of the word, formation grammatical structure speech, education of sound culture of speech, development of elementary awareness linguistic phenomena. It is the relationship between different speech tasks creates the prerequisites for the most effective acquisition of speech skills.

The main task of speech development - the education of the sound culture of speech, vocabulary learning, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, its coherence when constructing a detailed statement - are solved throughout preschool childhood, however, at each age stage there is a gradual complication of each task, and teaching methods change. Each of the listed tasks has a whole range of problems that must be solved in parallel and in a timely manner.

The main type of work on speech development is the NOOD “Communication”, where the teacher strives to comprehensively develop children’s speech.

Each lesson also solves educational problems. Children develop a culture of verbal communication in in a broad sense This concept, moral qualities, forms ethical ideas and moral feelings.

Education of sound culture of speech

Work on the formation of correct sound pronunciation is always highlighted as the leading line of speech development for young children preschool age.

Work on the correct pronunciation of vowel sounds by their differentiation is necessary for the formation of clear articulation of all other sounds that are included in the sound system of the native language. With a clear pronunciation of a word or phrase, the child comes to understand the terms “sound” and “word”.

To solve this problem: we used didactic exercises “Leaves are flying”, “Snowflakes are flying”, “Football” - to develop a long exhalation, to facilitate pronunciation: vowels, hissing and whistling sounds. The didactic game “Who Lives in the House” allows you to consolidate sound pronunciation. Learning pure proverbs in various sounds- allows children to focus on pronouncing different sounds. Singing chants: dividing words into syllables during pronunciation helps children clearly pronounce all the sounds of these words.

This work is part of each NOOD on communication; the integration of the educational process allows you to engage in the education of ZKR in other NOODs, as well as in individual work, didactic games, and independent games of children.

By involving parents in this problem, it was carried out Parent meeting on the topic: “Speech development in middle-aged children.” Where we explained to parents the comprehensive tasks of children's speech development. We advised parents to pay attention to the speech of their children and contact a speech therapist. The multimedia installation showed a video clip in which children sang, read poetry, and expressed their opinions on to the question asked. Watching this video caused positive emotions from parents. We decided that for the preparatory group we would make a second version of this video, compare it and get great pleasure for the development of children.

Vocabulary work.

The main attention is paid to the accumulation and enrichment of vocabulary based on the expansion of knowledge and ideas from the life around the child; revitalization different parts speech, not only nouns, but also adjectives and verbs.

It is necessary to teach how to distinguish objects according to their essential characteristics, to name them correctly, answering the questions: what is this? who it is, see their features, highlight characteristic features and qualities (which one, as well as actions associated with them, their condition and possible actions person: What does it do? what can we do with him?

From naming visible and clear signs object (toy), you need to move on to listing its properties and qualities.

When naming and acting on an object, the child is taught to see the beginning and end of the action.

Children are introduced to general concepts (“clothes”, “dishes”, “toys”) and taught to use these concepts in speech.

On a visual basis, preschoolers learn to distinguish words with opposite meaning(big - small, high - low, compare objects (toys, pictures).

In general, vocabulary work is aimed at leading the child to understand the meaning of a word, enriching his speech with semantic content, i.e., at the qualitative development of the dictionary.

To achieve these goals, we use didactic games: “What is this object?” “Who can do what?” “What is it like? (apple, cloud)" "What is he doing? (parsley, cat)" Storytelling using pictures: "What comes first, what comes next?" This work is carried out using a subgroup method, individually, in the NOOD not only in communication, but also in FEMP, the formation of a holistic picture of the world, drawing, sculpting, and appliqué.

Formation of grammatical structure of speech

From early preschool age, a large share of work is occupied by children’s mastery of grammatical means language.

Teaching how to change words by case, agreeing nouns in gender and number (little horse, a long tail) is carried out through special games and exercises. The activation of spatial prepositions in the child’s speech (in, on, for, under, about) simultaneously leads him to the use of case forms.

A lot of work is being done on training in different ways word formation: the names of animals and their young, the names of utensils are formed using a wide variety of suffixes (hare-hare-hares; sugar bowl, bread box)

A special place is occupied by familiarizing children with the formation of onomatopoeic verbs (a sparrow chirps, chirps, a duckling quacks, quacks).

As for the syntax of children's speech, the child should develop the ability to construct sentences different types- simple and complex. The use of pictures depicting actions and imaginary situations helps the child construct simple common sentences, connecting them in meaning, using different means communications.

Working on grammatical forms words and sentences must be considered in close unity with vocabulary work and the development of coherent speech. By doing grammar exercises, children learn to correctly coordinate words in gender, number and case and combine not only words, but also individual offers. With regard to syntax, the primary task is to teach the child to construct sentences of different types and in elementary level combine them into a coherent statement

Carrying out this work, we use didactic games such as: “What’s missing?”, “What’s missing from the doll Masha?”, “Who’s doing what?”, “Add a word,” etc.

The formation of the grammatical structure of speech in our group is problematic due to the fact that some of the children in the group speak Russian with an accent; Russian is not the native language of their parents. And in the family they do not hear literary Russian speech

Development of coherent speech

Only the relationship in solving various speech problems (education of the developmental skills of children, children and children) are a prerequisite for the development of coherent speech. Children are led to retelling literary works, developing the ability to reproduce the text of a familiar fairy tale or short story first with questions from the teacher, and then without them. When looking at pictures, preschoolers are taught to answer questions about the content and are led to compose short stories first together with an adult, then independently.

When examining toys and objects, children answer questions prompting them to describe the toy, its qualities and actions, the purpose of the objects, and are led to compose stories.

Together with an adult, storytelling involves teaching the child to construct short, coherent statements. The adult must start the sentence and the child must finish it.

It is necessary to form in children an idea of ​​the elementary structure of statements (descriptive and narrative types).

When teaching children to compose stories of a narrative type, it is necessary to develop the ability to see the structure of the story (beginning, middle and end, encourage the use of appropriate verbal vocabulary.

Considering different speech level children, special meaning have individual work with each child, as well as game forms learning both in and outside of class. Adult guidance is provided in an environment natural communication playing partners.

Children with a high level of speech development can be offered short, but quite complex in content schemes (“It’s arrived… Guys… They have become…”)

In individual communication, it is easier to teach children to compose stories on topics from personal experience (about favorite toys, family members, about weekend vacations).

Development of communication skills

Particular attention is paid to the development of communication skills in children who come from families who are inactive and less talkative when communicating with children and the teacher.

It is very important to develop proactive speech in preschoolers, the ability to maintain dialogue with adults and children, and acquaint them with the rules of basic cultural behavior.

Taking into account the different speech and communication levels of children, therefore, individual work with each child, as well as playful forms of learning both in class and especially outside of class, are of particular importance.

Individual work aims to develop the speech characteristics of each child. Individual work is carried out in the morning and evening hours. If phonetics and grammar exercises are carried out, they can easily and naturally write a joint story in the context of the chosen topic. At the same time, it is important to develop dialogical speech skills: the ability to listen to an adult, answer questions, and ask yourself.

The work we are doing will allow us to complicate each of the speech development tasks in the senior and preparatory groups. using teaching methods that are more accessible to older children.

Report on educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

In the 2014-2015 academic year I worked in senior group №2.
Back to top school year a developmental environment has been prepared that plays special role to strengthen the child’s health, his all-round physical and mental development, as well as for the realization of potential mental and motor capabilities.
Child development in preschool period is a complex and multifaceted process. Every day a child discovers new boundaries of the world around him. A huge thirst for knowledge makes a child interested in everything and take an active part in everything, passing through himself - to give his assessment of what he understands, to invent, to create, and most importantly to develop further, rising every day to a new stage of development.
And next to the child, of course, there is an adult who acts as an object of imitation for the child; an adult for the child is an assistant, a protector, a source of knowledge. Therefore, the joint activity of an adult and a child bears fruit. Namely, the child, receiving new knowledge, learns to analyze it, systematize it, plan his further actions, predict events, control yourself and manage your behavior, etc. The main condition for the development of a preschooler is his inclusion in a purposefully organized educational process. I was given the following tasks.
1. Educational area “Social communication development children":
- to form friendly attitudes towards people, respect for elders, development good feelings, responsiveness, fostering a culture of behavior in public places;
- consolidate children’s knowledge about professions, the role of work in the life of every person;
- promote the development of children's creative abilities;
- ensure the development of independence and initiative in labor activity, self-service, design;
- to form children’s ideas about the main sources and types of danger in everyday life, on the street, in nature and methods safe behavior, about safety rules traffic as a pedestrian.
As a result of working throughout the school year, most children coped with the assigned tasks: they are friendly to others, show interest in the words and actions of adults, willingly respond to requests to help, teach others, and show caution when meeting with strangers, animals, are guided by well-known generally accepted norms and rules of behavior. They are well acquainted with the professions of their parents and close relatives, they know the value of other people's labor. Some children are given individual work to master the assigned tasks.

2. Educational area " Cognitive development children":
- to develop in children interest in independent knowledge of objects in the surrounding world, analytical perception to examine objects by properties and characteristics, the ability to reflect the results of knowledge in speech;
-classify objects;
-enrich ideas about people, their moral qualities, gender differences, rules of relationships between adults and children, about yourself, your body, your skills;
-form ideas about hometown, country, civil and patriotic feelings.
Most of the children completed the assigned tasks. They are active in different types cognitive activity: on their own initiative they observe, experiment, reason, put forward problems, show guesswork and ingenuity in the process of solving them; mastered the ability to use numbers and figures within the first ten, mastered measuring length, width, height using measurements different sizes, fixing the result with a number and figure; demonstrate the ability to establish simple dependencies between objects.
There is still more work to be done with some children.
In April, an open viewing of the OD “Paths to Knowledge” (RPM) was held.

3. Educational area “Speech development of children”:
-develop monologue and dialogic speech, the ability to observe communication ethics in conditions of collective interaction;
-enrich ideas about the rules of speech etiquette;
- independently retell familiar fairy tales, with a little help from an adult;
-compose descriptive stories, show interest in language;
-hear words with a given first sound;
- maintain interest in literature, enrich children’s experience through works of more complex genres of folklore, literary prose, and poetry;
- to cultivate literary and artistic taste, to promote understanding of the mood of the work, sonority and rhythm poetic texts; beauty, imagery and expressiveness of the language of fairy tales and stories.
As a result of work, many children have rich lexicon, use generalizing words and concepts, master the means of sound analysis of words, determine the main qualitative characteristics of sounds in a word, the place of sound in a word; independently retell short stories and fairy tales, show selective attitudes towards works, determine the genre of the work. But some children find it difficult to argue judgments and do not use evidence-based speech; make mistakes when analyzing words soundly and dividing words into syllables.
4. Educational area “Artistic and aesthetic development of children”:
-reason for manifestation aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world;
-develop artistic and aesthetic perception of the beauty of the surrounding world in works of art and own works, ideas about various genres of art, the desire to learn about art and master visual activities;
-teach children to analyze the means of musical expression, develop singing skills, stimulate children’s independent activities in improvising dances and games;
-develop cooperation skills in collective musical activities.
As a result of the diagnostics, we noted that mostly children independently determine the plan future work, can specify it, use mastered techniques, create images, express themselves in various types musical performance activities, have an understanding of music genres. But some children need help with scissors; experience difficulties in creating complex decorative compositions. In October, an open viewing of the literary and musical entertainment “Autumn Kaleidoscope” (RMO) was held.
5. Educational area " Physical development children":
-develop the ability to consciously perform all types of exercises, the ability to control and evaluate one’s actions and the movements of one’s comrades, physical qualities: coordination, flexibility, endurance, speed of reaction, strength; children’s independence in performing physical exercises and vital healthy lifestyle habits;
-form ideas about sports, sports games and exercises;
- to cultivate the desire to independently organize and conduct outdoor games.
We are very pleased to observe that basically all children are able to practically solve some problems of healthy lifestyle and safe behavior in motor activity, show good endurance, speed, strength, flexibility, coordination of movements, and are able to throw objects at a target. They are motivated to preserve and strengthen their health and the health of those around them, and have an understanding of some sports.
In November, sports entertainment was held together with parents:

During the school year, children, together with teachers and parents, took part in competitions: action: “White Flower”, city drawing competition: “Thank you, Mom!” (2nd place), regional competition: “Winter Bouquet” (2nd place), city drawing competition road safety: “Green Street”, exhibition of crafts “Autumn Fantasy”.
Throughout the entire school year, she closely interacted with the families of the students, as this is one of the most important conditions for the development of a child’s personality and his socialization in the conditions of public and home education.
All goals and objectives set for this year were fulfilled. To solve these problems, systematic, systematic work was carried out.
For the next academic year I plan to:
1. Direct all efforts to create a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the group.
2. Establish partnerships between teachers, children and parents.
3. Provide assistance to parents in mastering psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the development of a 6-7 year old child and the ability to apply it in communication.
4. Find and apply innovative methods and approaches in your own way priority direction, continue work on implementation healthy image life among children and parents.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 184"
Ivanovo, 13 Proezd, 6, tel./fax 31-11-98, 31-14-29 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Analytical report

Prepared by speech therapist S.A. Bezrukova.
Let me present to your attention an analytical report on work for 2012-2015. The purpose of my work is self-esteem professional activity for a given period of time. IN last years, according to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Prevention of Children's Diseases, there is an increase in the number of children with speech impairments and, accordingly, there is a need to find the most effective way for the development of each child in this category. It is no coincidence that in the federal state standard preschool education, speech development is highlighted in a separate educational area, which includes the tasks: - mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture: - enrichment active dictionary; - development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; - development of speech creativity; - development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; - acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; - formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write. Over the years of work in preschool institution we paid attention to that. that 5-year-old children entering our group for two-year correctional education have not only individual disorders structural component speech, but also a complex lag in the development of speech processes. Conducting a speech therapy examination of children, we found that 100% of children in the 1st year of study arrive with a speech therapy report - general underdevelopment speech. For such children, typical is not only a violation of sound pronunciation, but also underdevelopment of higher mental functions, immaturity of phonemic hearing, lexico-grammatical structure, and coherent speech.
Our professional activity was aimed at solving these problems, the goal of which was to implement the maximum correction of deviations in the speech development of pupils. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified: 1. to study the experience of innovative technologies of speech therapists;
2. develop and test systems of correctional work using new methods in general speech activity: 3. achieve positive results in eliminating speech deficiencies in preschool children.
The main task we see a creation for these children special conditions For

obtaining education prescribed in Article 79 Federal Law about

First of all, to implement these conditions, we developed a “Work program for a teacher-speech therapist”, which was based on the program of T.B. Filicheva, G\V. Chirkina Correction of speech disorders / Programs of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with speech disorders. - M: Education, 2014 and “Basic educational program DOW". This program highlights the main stages and directions of speech therapy work with children, reveals the content of the teaching methods, and the principles of their organization. But, in my opinion, it does not exhaust the entire content of speech therapy work. Therefore, I decided to use other auxiliary means in my activities, original creative techniques of the following authors: 1. N.V. Nishcheva Program of correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group for children with ODD. – M: Childhood-Press, 2013. 2. G.A. Tkachenko Correction of phonetic disorders. - M: Vlados, 2008 3. P.A. Alyabyeva Development of Imagination, M: Vlados, 2013.
4. Ya.N. Smirnova Development of coherent speech, M: Mozaika-Sintez, 2009. 5. Z.E. Agronovich Speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of words in children, M: Prosveshchenie, 2012 6. O.S. Gomzyak We speak correctly. - M: GNOM and D, 2010 7. E.V. Novikova Correction of sound pronunciation using probe massage. - M: TC Sfera, 2014. 8. Z. E. Agronovich Overcoming lexical and grammatical underdevelopment of speech in children. - St. Petersburg: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2013. 9. Z. E. Agronovich Overcoming underdevelopment of the phonemic side speech among older preschoolers. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2013. 10. S.E. Bolshakova Overcoming violations syllable structure words in children, M: TC SPHERE, 2012 11. A.Ya. Mukhina Speech motor rhythm. - M: Astrel, 2013. 12. O.A. Shorokhova Classes on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers and fairy tale therapy. - M: TC Sfera, 2013. 13. A, A, Guskova Development monologue speech children / Lessons based on fairy tales. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. 14. E.A. Ivanova I hear, I see, I feel - I’m saying it right! – M: TC Sfera, 2007. 15. V.V.Konovalenko, S.V.Konovalenko Formation of coherent speech development logical thinking in children with OHP. - M: GNOM and D, 2014. 16. N.Sh. Makarova Correction of speech and non-speech disorders in children based on logorhythmics. - St. Petersburg: DESTVO-PRESS, 2009. 17. I.A. Filatova Development of spatial ideas in preschool children with speech impairments. - M: Knigolyub, 2013. 18. L.B. Fesyukova Learning to manage myself / Complex classes and games for children with special needs. - M: TC Sfera, 2013. 19. O.A. Ishimova, E.D. Khudenko, S.N. Shakhovskaya Development of speech and mental abilities of children. - M: Education, 2011. 20. Tkachenko T A. Program. Development of coherent speech in a child 4-6 years old.-M. : Yuventa, 2008 21. Tkachenko T. A. Using diagrams in drawing up descriptive stories M.: Knigolyub, 2009 22. Tkachenko T. A. Speech therapy encyclopedia. - M.: LLC TD "Publishing House World of Books", 2008 23. Tkachenko T. A. Methodological guide for conducting exercises of lexical and grammatical representations. Formation and development. M.: Gnom i D, 2003
24. Tkachenko T. A. Teaching children creative storytelling using pictures. Manual for speech therapist. (methodology, exercise system, 16 pictures). – M.: Vlados, 2006. - (Speech therapist’s library). 25. Tkachenko. T. A. Book. We write competently and beautifully. Let's train our hand. – M.: Vlados, (Correctional pedagogy). 26. Tkachenko T. A. Visual material. Schemes for writing sentences and stories. - M.: Knigolyub, 2007 27. Tkachenko T. A. Visual material. Pictures are transformers for composing stories. - M.: Knigolyub, 2007 28. Tkachenko T. A. Visual material. Formation of communication skills and ethical ideas in children (36 pictures + manual) - M.: Knigolyub, 2007 29. Inshakova O. B. Album for a speech therapist - M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center Vlados, and others. The success of the correctional process in a preschool educational institution is directly related to the correctness and harmony of the organization of the entire system of education and upbringing of a child with disabilities, the accuracy of the choice of methods and technologies, the availability of technical teaching aids, and the optimal interaction of all participants in the process. Often in preschool educational institutions the problem of interaction between specialists and educators arises. I would like to analyze and present the generalized experience of working in our group. The main goal is to build a unified system of interaction between the teacher-speech therapist and teachers of the speech therapy group.
Main types of organization joint activities speech therapist and teacher
1. Joint study of the content of the training and education program and drawing up a joint work plan. 2. Joint planning of the teacher’s classes, ensuring the necessary consolidation of the material in various types of children’s activities.
3. Discussion of results joint learning children, which was conducted in the classroom and in everyday life. 4. Joint training for all children's holidays (the speech therapist selects speech material, and the teacher reinforces it). 5. Development general recommendations for parents.
Functionality of a speech therapist:
 Studying the level of speech, cognitive and individual typological characteristics of children, determining the main directions and content of work with each of them.  Formation of correct speech breathing, sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech, work on the prosodic side of speech.  Work on correcting sound pronunciation.  Improving phonemic perception and sound analysis and synthesis skills.  Work on correcting the syllabic structure of a word.  Formation of syllable reading.  Acquaintance and assimilation of new lexical and grammatical categories.
 Teaching coherent speech: a detailed semantic statement consisting of logically combined grammatically correct sentences.  Prevention of writing and reading disorders.  Development mental functions, closely related to speech: verbal-logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination.
Functionality of the teacher:
 Taking into account the lexical topic during all group lessons during the week.  Replenishment, clarification and activation of children's vocabulary on the current lexical topic during all routine moments.  Continuous improvement of articulation, fine and gross motor skills.  Systematic control over the delivered sounds and grammatical correctness of children’s speech during all routine moments.  Incorporation of practiced grammatical structures into situations of natural communication among children.  Formation of coherent speech (memorization of poems, nursery rhymes, texts, familiarization with fiction, work on retelling and composing all types of storytelling).  Strengthening reading and writing skills.  Consolidation of children's speech skills in individual lessons according to the instructions of the speech therapist.  Development of understanding, attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination in game exercises on defect-free speech material. One of the main conditions for successfully overcoming speech defects in children is a properly organized subject-development environment in speech therapy room. At the beginning of his professional path and to this day I Special attention I devote constant attention to saturation and organization of the developmental environment in the office. “I can’t, I can’t do anything,” these are usually the words we hear from a child with speech impairments when we start working with him. Therefore, when a child crosses the threshold of my office for the first time, we greet him with sincere joy, in a friendly manner and introduce him to the room in which we will play together, and where he will always find help and support. A subject-based developmental environment allows the child to demonstrate his abilities not only in class, but also in free activity, stimulates the development of creative abilities,
independence, initiative, helps to establish a sense of self-confidence, and, therefore, contributes to a comprehensive harmonious development personality. When organizing a subject-development environment in the office, I am guided by the following principles:  the principle of scientific character;  conformity with nature;  visibility;  perspective orientation;  integrated use of environmental objects;  principle of optimal saturation;  compliance of occupation density with sanitary and hygienic requirements;  mobility. The entire list of material, technical and methodological equipment is presented in the passport of the speech therapy room.

“Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity. This world should surround the child even when we want to teach him to read and write. Yes, how a child will feel when climbing the first step of the ladder of knowledge, what he will experience, will determine his entire future path to knowledge. ” (Sukhomlinsky V. A.) The golden rule of the speech therapy room: cooperation between a child and an adult. An adult (teacher, parent) explains, controls the completion of the task, and the child listens, thinks, acts. And “the impossible is possible” when the child is supported and empathized by his mentor. I believe that the main purpose of a speech therapy room is to create rational conditions for special education preschoolers with speech disorders.
Educational and game

placed according to directions speech therapy work:  Development of articulatory motor skills.  Development fine motor skills fingers  Development of breathing.  Formation of correct sound pronunciation.  Development phonemic processes.
 Development of lexical and grammatical structure of speech.  Development of mental processes. To develop articulatory motor skills, I systematized various card files for conducting articulatory gymnastics in pictures and in poetic form. To create a positive emotional mood during the development of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, I use a logocube with images of basic exercises, and didactic toys: “Lola the Speech Therapy Monkey”, “Znukovichok Bull”. Scientists have proven the fact that the development of fine motor skills of the fingers closely stimulates speech development. Therefore, in the speech therapy room there is a corner for the development of finger motor skills: toys with lacing, streamers, Su-Jok balls, dry pools with cereals, pebbles, sand. In order for finger training with children to be varied, emotionally pleasant, tireless and dynamic, I actively use non-traditional material in my work: toothbrush, hex pencils, walnuts, pine cones, clothespins, coaster, buttons. For the development of speech breathing, aids have been made for the formation of a strong, long-lasting air jet, I picked up a card index with the main sets of breathing exercises. The process of sound correction is always very long, so it is necessary to constantly search interesting games, manuals for automating sounds in children’s active speech. The child quickly gets bored with the same material and, therefore, in order to interest and attract the attention of children, I actively use bright pictures, various puzzles, dominoes, and didactic games to introduce sounds into speech. For consistent correction of sounds, I systematized the didactic material according to the stages of speech therapy work: at the stage of production, a card file of articulation profiles helps me for visual control of the position of the articulatory organs; At the automation stage, I use panels of subject pictures for each sound, which is practiced in different positions of the word, I have compiled albums for fixing problematic sounds, albums for differentiating sounds.
For the development of phonemic processes (the ability to hear the sound being practiced and find its place in a word), the formation sound-letter analysis, teaching elements of literacy, I actively use in my work sound lines, image-symbols of vowels and consonants “Sounds”, sound flags, demonstration posters “City of Sounds and Letters”, memos “Sound and Letter”, “Characteristics of Sound”, tables of merging syllables and others. All these benefits help me introduce preschoolers to abstract concepts: “sound”, “syllable”, “word”, “vowel” - “consonant” sound, “hard - soft”, “voiced” - “voiceless”. For the development and correction of lexical and grammatical structure and coherent speech, I use demonstration material on lexical topics, board games, various mnemonic tables that allow, with the help of visual models, to develop the mental abilities of preschoolers. Since speech is a mental function and is closely related to the development of other mental processes, a corner has been created in the speech therapy room for the development of visual attention, memory, and thinking - pyramids, puzzles, insert games. The organization of a subject-based developmental environment acquires special significance in the work on the prevention of speech disorders, since the educational activities of children in special moments (under the guidance of a teacher or independently) last the longest. A subject-based developmental environment makes it possible to enrich the experience of a child’s emotional and practical interaction with peers and the teacher, and to include all children in the group in active cognitive and speech activity. The subject-development environment includes a speech development center, organized in groups, which is a specially equipped space for individual games and small groups. In September 2015, to enrich the subject-developmental environment of the groups, improve the level and quality of work of teachers with children on speech development, the “Best speech corner in Group". I was a participant in the development of the regulations for this competition and the criteria for equipping speech development centers. Before the competition began, I provided teachers of the educational institution with methodological recommendations on organizing a speech corner. The result of systematic work was stable positive dynamics in the speech development of pupils. Depending on the results of monitoring the speech development of children, carried out annually in September, I use following forms organization of educational activities for children:  individual lessons;  subgroup classes;  group (frontal) classes. On individual speech therapy classes sounds are being produced. In order to develop self-control and control the pronunciation of sounds by other children, I combine 2-3 children with the same defects into subgroups. For group classes With children, I developed notes for frontal speech therapy classes on teaching literacy for the preparatory group in accordance with the “Program of speech therapy work to overcome phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment in children” by T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina. The lessons were compiled gradually, taking into account the difficulties of children and the characteristics of speech development with gradual complication speech material, tasks were used
for the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech, the development of attention, shading for the development of finger motor skills. Being on the border of contact between pedagogy, psychology and medicine, speech therapy uses in its practice, adapting to its needs, the most effective, non-traditional methods and techniques related sciences, helping to optimize the work of a speech therapist. Innovative technologies in speech therapy practice are only an addition to generally accepted, time-tested technologies (diagnostic technology, sound production technology, technology for the formation of speech breathing for various disorders of the pronunciation aspect of speech, and others; new and increased efficiency methods and tools, techniques; new ways of interaction between teacher and child; new incentives serve to create favorable emotional background, contribute to the inclusion in work of intact and activation of impaired mental functions. The result of systematic work was stable positive dynamics in the speech development of pupils.
One of the main directions in the work of a speech therapist in a preschool educational institution is interaction with the families of pupils. Success in achieving good results correction to a large extent depends on how competently and closely this work is structured. Work with parents in our group is carried out in accordance with the annual plan, which is drawn up at the beginning of the year. Use various ways and methods of interaction. This is personal and probably the most important way contact. The speech therapist's corner is also one of the ways to present information. Notebooks and copybooks for individual assignments, parent surveys, parent meetings, open events. A survey was conducted on the following topics:  “Your attitude towards the speech therapy group”  “The effectiveness of the work of the speech therapist of the group over the past year” This type of work helps to identify how correctly and effectively the work is being carried out, according to parents. With an anonymous survey, parents can express certain wishes and comments that they are embarrassed to say directly.
, which I set when working with parents during the school year:  Establish partnerships with the family of each student, create an atmosphere of community of interests and emotional mutual support.  To increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of speech development, to awaken in them interest and desire to participate in the upbringing and development of their child.  To develop in parents the skills of observing the child and the ability to draw correct conclusions from these observations.  Help parents develop a confident and calm parenting style in order to create comfort and security for the child in the family.  Train parents in specific speech therapy techniques. Components of successful interaction between speech therapist and parents. The first factor is awareness.  This means theoretical training a speech therapist who can give a clear answer to any parent’s question about speech impairment and its correction in general and about a specific child. The competence of a specialist will, of course, inspire the trust of parents. Not lower value The parent’s awareness of the speech therapist as a specialist and the areas of his work plays a role. This is facilitated by folders with articles on various speech disorders, recommended for children with speech disorder health activities and, of course, a schedule of speech therapist consultations. I change the contents of the folders once a month / articles by specialists from magazines, books, specific advice on development
speeches relevant for parents, recommendations for the development of articulatory motor skills, fine motor skills/.  If we talk about the information that is conveyed during the consultation, it is perceived better by parents if it is concise and lacks an abundance of terms.  Exhibitions of books and methodological developments are organized, the study of which could help parents become more informed about this problem, I develop booklets for parents. We can highlight another factor in the successful interaction between the speech therapist and parents - the positive emotional attitude of the speech therapist.  It is obvious that parents will be more willing to interact with an open, friendly, optimistic specialist. Of course, this does not require embellishing the true state of affairs - the dynamics of the correction process. It must be remembered that the child is not competing with other children, but with himself “yesterday”, and you can always find a reason to praise the child and approve the efforts of the parents.  Another aspect of this factor is the positive attitude of the speech therapist towards problems that arise during the work. The occurrence of professional problems and difficult situations is completely normal. If we consider specific example, then this may be a situation where correctional work with a child does not give positive dynamics, or it is absent altogether. We all know that this phenomenon occurs more often than we would like. Honest analysis reasons for the problem will be more constructive than blaming yourself or someone else (for example, a parent) for the failure. Interaction with parents will remain positive if the speech therapist warns about changing the method of influencing a speech problem, about the need for more time for correction than previously expected, refers the child for consultation to another specialist, or, in the end, openly admits that he has done everything for the child , that I could. Professional integrity, honesty, respect for oneself and others will become the basis for a positive emotional attitude of a speech therapist.  The listed factors of interaction between a speech therapist and parents are not the only ones, but the main ones. Due attention to these factors can make a significant contribution to the successful interaction between the speech therapist and parents, and, therefore, contribute to the correction process as a whole. The joint work of a speech therapist with parents is an integral part of the entire pedagogical process and is carried out in the following traditional and non-traditional forms and methods:  Questioning.  Design of speech corners  Design of moving folders with consultations.  Individual consultations, conversations /on a daily basis, weekly/. In individual conversations, I draw parents’ attention to successes and small
children's achievements, both in overcoming speech problems, and their relationship with success in other classes.  Conducting seminars and workshops.  Speaking at parent-teacher meetings.  Maintaining a notebook of relationships with parents is a joint work of the speech therapist, child and parents. Having your child complete assignments allows parents to monitor their child's progress throughout the school year. I offer tasks for automating the delivered sound, as well as exercises for the development of fine motor skills, auditory and visual attention, logical thinking, and others. I select tasks differentially, taking into account the capabilities of each child. Completing assignments allows you to consolidate the knowledge your child has acquired in class.  Conducting open classes.  Joint preparation for the holidays. Open events, like no other, can demonstrate the effectiveness of a speech therapist’s work. Parents really like to see their children at work, and the speech therapist is pleased to show the results of his work. We hold open classes two to three times a year. Throughout the school year I regularly gave individual assignments for each child in notebooks and copybooks to attract parents to actively participate in correction process to overcome speech defects in children; consolidation of acquired knowledge, speech skills and abilities. I would like to note that the parents were responsible for this work, and as a result, this was reflected in the time and quality results achieved in the correction process.

Cooperation with kindergarten teachers is constantly carried out, performances are held at pedagogical councils, seminars, which thus increases the competence of teachers in matters of teaching and raising children with speech disorders. In the 2013-2014 academic year, a master class “Using speech therapy games in the work of a teacher to improve the state of the syllabic structure of words in children.” In 2013, a speech was made at the teachers’ council with the message “Use of the design method in the innovative activities of a preschool educational institution teacher,” and a practical consultation was held on “Fairytale therapy as a means of development.” emotional sphere children." In 2012, as part of the annual workshop on the development of coherent speech, the group’s teachers and I shared our experience in using information and communication technologies in speech therapy classes. In 2013, a master class was held for teachers on the use of ball games in the formation of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech, preschool teachers became acquainted with developmental technologies in speech therapy work.
For correctional and developmental organizations individual work during special moments, I developed a notebook for the relationship between a speech therapist and group teachers, I conduct individual consultations, conversations on working with children. For increase professional level, personal growth, I participate in competitions at various levels.

Today we have the following tasks for the future: 1. Improving our own pedagogical system. 2. Building methodological and technological potential. 3. To improve the level of qualifications, actively participate in the competitive movement of various levels. 4. Search for new forms of cooperation with parents of students.

MBDOU "Combined kindergarten No. 67 "Nadezhda"

Speech development report

Preparatory group for school

Completed by: teacher

Maltseva M.K.

Naberezhnye Chelny, 2016

Report on children's speech development.

Preschool age is a period active absorption child spoken language, formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full command of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition solving problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education children during the most sensitive period of development. The earlier you start learning your native language, the freer child will use it in the future.

We consider the development of cognitive and speech activity to be one of the most important sections of preschool pedagogy and that it is aimed at the mental development of the child. We are confident that the better the educational organization is - speech activity children, the higher the guarantee of school success.

Cognitive - speech development includes several areas:

  • Cognitive development;
  • Speech development;
  • Social and communicative development;
  • Artistic and aesthetic development.

Target : to develop in preschool children cognitive and speech abilities (perception, thinking, memory, attention, imagination), which represent different shapes the child’s orientation in the world around him, in himself, and regulate his activities.


  • Enrich the emotional and sensory sphere of children in the process direct communication with objects, phenomena, people.
  • To help organize information about the world around us, to form ideas of its integrity.
  • Develop a caring attitude towards the environment, consolidate positive emotions, and the ability to express them.
  • Create conditions that facilitate the identification and maintenance of interests, the manifestation of independence and cognitive and speech activity.

We support the conditions for the development of cognitive and speech processes of preschoolers in all types of activities.

The educational field “Speech Development” involves:
- mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary;
- development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech;
- development of speech creativity;
- development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;
- acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;
- formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write. (FSES DO)

Techniques and technologies that we use in the formation of cognitive and speech activity of children:

Visual - observations, viewing paintings, showing films, presentations, slides, etc.

Practical – exercises, games, experiments and experiments, modeling, project activities.

Verbal – story, reading, questions, conversations, use of literary words.

To achieve our goals, we use a series of paintings and story pictures:

Winter fun
Moms and babies
Wild animals
Animals on the farm
Tell children about bread
Automobile transport


Sport equipment
Fairy tale heroes
Visually - didactic manual on artistic creativity.

We understand that the speech environment is the family, kindergarten, adults and peers with whom the child constantly communicates. Therefore, we always speak clearly and competently, so that our speech is an example for preschoolers.
The subject development environment has great importance for the development of young children who do not yet read, especially in their independent
activities. Therefore, we have enriched the environment and provided it with the means for a variety of child activities.

Methods of speech development.

Reading and storytelling
Didactic games
Observation in nature,
Dramatization Games

Summary conversation
Storytelling without relying on visual material
Round dance games
Learning by heart




Development of coherent speech through learning to compose stories based on a picture and a series of plot pictures. Therefore, we set the following goals:

Formation of skills in composing stories based on paintings and plot pictures;
- Enrichment of vocabulary and formation of the grammatical structure of children’s speech in the process of working with paintings and plot pictures.

Speech development through fiction

Fiction serves as a powerful, effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children.
a huge impact on the development and enrichment of a child’s speech. When planning educational activities, we include reading fiction every day.

Speech development through didactic and educational games

Affordable didactic game We develop children's speech: we replenish and activate their vocabulary, form correct sound pronunciation, develop coherent speech, and the ability to correctly express their thoughts.

Theatrical activitiesmakes children's lives interesting, meaningful, filled vivid impressions, the joy of creativity, introduces children to the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions encourage them to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations, children’s speech develops,
there is an opportunity for self-realization. Over the past academic year We showed the theater many times not only in the group, but also to other children. We are planing theatrical activities once a week.

Role-playing gameprovides positive influence on speech development. During the game, the child talks aloud to the toy, speaks both for himself and for it, imitates the hum of an airplane, the voices of animals, etc. Dialogue speech develops.

Speech development while walking.

A walk is not only an important routine moment, but also a wonderful way to develop a child’s speech. The territory of the kindergarten is varied: birch trees and lilacs grow here. In the warm season, the flower beds are full of flowers. On walks, children note everything they see around them and try to express their impressions in words.

Walks and excursions.

In the preparatory group we conduct a lot of excursions, which is important in the development of a preschooler’s speech.

Working with parents.

We conduct conversations, give recommendations for memorizing poems, riddles, proverbs, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, and simple twisters with children at home;
consultations and advice on what books children of this preschool age should read; Thematic parent meetings are organized.

Software and methodological support.

1. “Program of education and training in kindergarten/Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova
2. Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development with children 4-6 years old (senior mixed-age group): A book for kindergarten teachers - M.: Prosveshchenie 1987. -207p.
3. Gerbova V.V. Speech development classes in middle group kindergarten. Lesson plans – M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS – 2010. – 80 p.
4. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in mixed age group kindergarten. Lesson plans - M.: Mozaika-Sintez - 2009.
5. O.S. Rudik Speech development of 6-7 year old children in free activity. Guidelines. – M.: TC Sfera, 2009. -176 p.
6. O.S. Rudik Development of speech in children 4-5 years old in free activity. Guidelines. –M.: TC Sfera, 2009. -192 p.
7. Volchkova V.N. Lesson notes for the senior group of kindergarten. Speech development.
8. Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. – Voronezh: TC “Teacher” 2005.-111 p.
9. Ushakova O.S. Classes on speech development for children 3-5 years old - M.: TC Sfera 2010. -192 p.
10. Ushakova O.S. Speech development 6-7 years. Program, methodological recommendations, lesson notes, games and exercises - M.: Ventana-Graf 2008.-288 p.
11. Expanded forward planning according to the program edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T.
S. Komarova. / auto - comp. V. I. Mustafaeva and others - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.- 87 p.

Explanatory note

Play is undoubtedly the leading activity of a preschooler. It is through play that a child learns about the world and prepares for adult life. In this game, the basic needs of a child – a preschooler – are expressed, and children’s speech is also developed.

Speech development is a unique, complex, individual process.

The game has a positive effect on speech development. During the game, the child talks aloud to the toy, speaking both for himself and for it. Imitates the hum of an airplane, a car, the voices of animals, etc.

Among the variety of children's games, the most important is the role-playing game. It differs in that its action takes place in a certain conventional space. The children's room suddenly turns into a hospital or a store. And children playing take on appropriate roles (doctor, salesperson) and get used to these roles. In a role-playing game, these are always paired or additional roles, since every role presupposes another participant: a child can be a doctor only if there is a sick person nearby, a buyer only if there is a seller, etc. Therefore, role-playing game is a collective activity: it necessarily involves the presence of other participants and, above all, peers.

However, the ability to play story-based role-playing games requires sufficient high level speech development of the child. Children who have poor speech skills have a hard time communicating in games: they cannot plan a plot, cannot take on a role, their games are primitive in nature (mostly manipulation of objects) and disintegrate under the influence of any external influences.

The plot-role-playing game has a specific effect on the development of speech. In its process, children should be constantly encouraged to communicate with each other and comment on their actions, which helps to consolidate the skills of using initiative speech and improve colloquial speech, enrichment of vocabulary, formation of grammatical structure of speech.

Working with children, I came to the conclusion that many children need speech correction. And since play is the leading activity of preschool children, the easiest way to do this is in the process of role-playing play.

The purpose of my work was to study the features of speech development in children of middle preschool age in play activities.

Based on the goal, the following tasks were identified:

  • develop coherent dialogical speech;
  • cultivate the desire and ability to play together;
  • expand and activate the vocabulary of children 4-5 years old;
  • strengthen dialogue skills;
  • develop a long-term plan for holding games by age group;
  • promote creative and social self-expression of preschoolers;
  • develop the ability to listen to your interlocutor and communicate in pairs, in a group, in a team.

To solve the problems, I identified methods and techniques that I used to enrich the content of role-playing games:

  • teacher's participation in the game (minor role);
  • use of a multi-character plot (2 doctors, 2 drivers);
  • individual play between the teacher and the child, with the teacher playing the main role;
  • introducing figurative toys;
  • parallel game technique;
  • role-playing game with continuation;
  • activating communication between an adult and children during their play, aimed at awakening and independent application by children of new ways of solving game task, to reflect new aspects of life in the game;
  • telephone game;
  • playing out scenes of life in kindergarten with the help of dolls;
  • playing out imaginary situations with children.

First of all, my work was aimed at creating a favorable comfortable atmosphere in a group: establishing contacts with children, relieving emotional stress in play, building partnerships. Much attention attention was paid to updating and filling the subject-development environment, designing games and manuals.

It is advisable to organize games with children in which all children participate. Examples of such games in my practice are: "Shop" , "Family" , "Kindergarten" , Hospital, Hairdresser.

I started working in the following areas:

  • literature study
  • working to create a developmental environment
  • activities with children
  • interaction with parents.

During the school year, I studied relevant literature on this topic:

  1. Bykova N.M. “Games and exercises for speech development” . SPb.: LLC Publishing House "Childhood-Press" , 2010.
  2. Gerbova V.V. “Speech development in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations" . -2nd ed., rev. and additional., M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2010.
  3. Dyachenko V.Yu. "Speech development: thematic planning classes" Teacher, 2007.
  4. Pimenova T.M. “Formation of artistic and speech skills in children 5-7 years old: classes on epics, heroic games and nursery rhymes.” , Teacher, 2013.
  5. Stepanenkova E.Ya. "Game Methodology" , M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2009.

During the year I prepared and carried out:

  • Conversations with children about professions.
  • Board-printed games (“What is made of what?” , "Professions" )
  • Games and exercises for speech development
  • Organization of independent role-playing games ("Polyclinic" , "Family" , "Theater" , "Shop" , "Beauty saloon" , "Kindergarten" and many more etc.).
  • Compiled creative stories, stories from personal experience by children using diagrams - tips (“What I saw at the construction site” , "My dad is a driver" , "Hairdresser" , "My mom (dad) doctor" ) and so on.
  • Watched videos on the topic "Professions of adults" .
  • A reading of fiction on the topic was organized "Professions" .

And also, undoubtedly, thanks to the implementation of projects "Autumn in the Forest" , “Together we play together” , the children gained a wealth of experience communicating with each other, self-distribution roles in the game, showing initiative in it, which, in general, contributed to their speech development. This is evidenced by the monitoring results at the end of the 2015-2016 academic year for educational field "Speech development" , where the high level of development was 10%, average 75%, and low - 15%, which parents were familiarized with at the parent meeting.

During the year, a lot of work was done with the parents of the students:

  • Consultations (“We form a child’s ability to communicate” , “The role of play in the life of a preschooler” , "Playing with a child" ) . Parents were invited to play board games at home (to strengthen children’s ability to take a leading role), speech games and exercises used in kindergarten to form the speech of preschoolers are presented.
  • Test survey for parents “Can your child be called sociable?” .
  • A parent meeting was held at the end of the 2015-2016 school year on the topic “Speech development of preschool children” , where I gave a presentation on the topic.

And also throughout the year, parents actively took part in the production of various attributes for role-playing games (masks, costumes, tablecloths made together with children, crafts).

In the process of role-playing play, all aspects of the personality of a preschool child develop, including speech development. Role-playing game has a specific effect on the development of speech. In its process, children constantly communicate with each other and comment on their actions, which helps to consolidate the skills of using initiative speech, improving spoken language, enriching the vocabulary, and forming the grammatical structure of speech.

Thus, role-playing game is the basis for the development of speech, the formation of communication skills that are so necessary for every child in the future.

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