How to make morphemic and morphological analysis of a word. What is morphological analysis of a word using specific examples

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Enter any word, then click "parse". After this, you will receive an analysis in which the part of speech, case, gender, tense and everything else will be written. Because Since the parsing is performed out of context, several parsing options may be offered, among which you will need to choose the correct one. The parsing is performed automatically by the computer, so sometimes there may be errors. Be careful online analysis is intended to be a help, not a mindless rewrite. Note about the letter Yo: do not replace it with E.

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In order not to experience difficulties in the scheme morphological analysis words or in the order of parsing, you should not automatically remember the sequence and principle of parsing. It is most effective to focus on highlighting common features parts of speech, and then move on to the particular features of this form. At the same time general logic parsing must be saved. Parts of speech will also help you.

The following examples morphological analysis will allow you to understand the pattern of parsing words of a sentence in the Russian language. However, it should be remembered that the presence of text is a prerequisite correct parsing parts of speech, because morphological analysis is a characteristic of a word (as a part of speech), taking into account the specifics of its use.

Let's consider examples morphological analysis.

Morphological analysis of a noun

  1. initial form (in the nominative case, singular);
  2. proper or common noun;
  3. animate or inanimate;
  4. declination
  5. number;
  6. case;
  7. role in the sentence.

Noun(sample parsing):
Text: Babies love to drink milk.
Milk – noun, initial form – milk, common noun, inanimate, neuter, 2nd declension, in accusative case, singular (not plural), direct object.

Adjective parsing plan

  1. initial form – infinitive ( nominative, singular);
  2. category (qualitative, relative or possessive);
  3. short or complete (only about qualitative);
  4. degree of comparison (qualitative only);
  5. gender (singular only);
  6. case;
  7. number;
  8. role in the sentence.

Adjective(sample parsing):
Text: Alyonushka collected a basket full of mushrooms.
Full – adjective, initial form – complete; qualitative: complete; in the positive (zero) degree of comparison, in the neuter gender, accusative case, is an addition.

Numeral(order of parsing):

  1. initial form (nominative case for quantitative, nominative case, singular, masculine for ordinal);
  2. rank by value (quantitative, ordinal);
  3. category by composition (simple, complex, composite);
  4. case;
  5. gender and number (for ordinal and some quantitative ones);
  6. role in the sentence.

Numeral (sample parsing):
Text: Four days have flown by.
Four is a numeral, the initial form is four, quantitative, simple, in the nominative case, has no number and gender, is the subject.

Pronoun(order of parsing):

  1. initial form (nominative case, singular, if modified by number and gender);
  2. rank by value;
  3. gender (if any);
  4. case
  5. number (if any);
  6. role in the sentence.

Pronoun (sample parsing):
Text: Crystal raindrops dripped from her.
She – pronoun, initial form – she, personal, 3rd person, feminine, genitive, singular, adverbial place.

Morphological analysis of the verb

  1. infinitive (initial form);
  2. returnable or non-returnable;
  3. transitive or intransitive;
  4. conjugation;
  5. mood;
  6. time (for indicative mood);
  7. face (for present, future and imperative mood);
  8. gender (for past tense and conditional mood singular);
  9. number;
  10. role in the sentence.

Verb (parsing example):
Text: They told the truth without fear of condemnation.
They said - verb, initial form - say, irrevocable, intransitive, perfective, 1st conjugation, in the indicative mood, past tense, plural, is a predicate.

Communion(order of parsing):

  1. initial form (nominative case, singular, masculine);
  2. infinitive;
  3. time;
  4. returnable or non-returnable (for valid);
  5. transitive or intransitive (for active);
  6. full or short (for the passive);
  7. gender (for singular);
  8. case;
  9. number;
  10. role in the sentence.

Participle (sample parsing):
Text: I look at the falling leaves and feel sad.
Falling - participle, initial form - falling, from the verb to fall, imperfect form, present tense, irreversible, intransitive, feminine, accusative, singular, agreed definition.

Participle(order of parsing):

  1. verb from which it is derived;
  2. returnable or non-returnable;
  3. transitive or intransitive;
  4. role in the sentence.

Participle (sample of parsing):

Text: When you go abroad, you feel sad about home.
Leaving – gerund, from the verb “to leave”, imperfect form, irrevocable, intransitive, adverbial manner of action.

Adverb(order of parsing):

  1. category by meaning (attributive or adverbial);
  2. degree of comparison (if any).

Adverb (parsing example):
Text: The sun rose higher and the clouds cleared.
Above is an adverb adverbial place, is a circumstance of place, comparative degree.


Is there anything unclear? Eat good video on topic for adjectives:

The order of analysis in your class may differ from the proposed one, so we advise you to check with your teacher about the requirements for analysis.

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Link: https://site/russkij-yazyk/morfologicheskij-razbor-slova

Morphological analysis of a word is one of the most common types of analysis. To successfully pass exams in the Russian language, you need to learn how to do morphological analysis correctly.

Morphological analysis is the analysis of a word as a part of speech. The purpose of morphological analysis is to determine which part of speech it belongs to. given word and prove your assumption.

If in the text you see that some word is marked with the number 3, then you need to do this type analysis. Morphological analysis consists of three parts:

1. Write down the word in the form in which it is used in the sentence. Determine which part of speech this word belongs to. Put the word in its initial form.

2. List all the grammatical features of the word. Permanent signs are listed first, then non-permanent ones.

3. Indicate which member of the sentence the word is.

According to the specified plan, all parts of speech of the Russian language are analyzed. But since parts of speech have different grammatical features, the specific scheme for parsing a noun, adjective, verb and other categories will be different.

Morphological analysis of a noun

1. Designates an object. Initial form– nominative singular.

2. Constant signs: proper - common noun, animate - inanimate, gender, declension.

Variable signs: number, case.

3. In a sentence it can serve as the subject, object, nominal part of a compound verb predicate, definitions, circumstances.

Morphological analysis of the adjective

1. Indicates a feature of an object. Initial form – nominative case masculine singular.

2. Constant signs: category (qualitative, relative, possessive).

Variable signs: gender, number, case. For qualitative adjectives– degree of comparison, complete or short form.

3. In a sentence, it usually serves as a definition or a nominal part of a compound nominal predicate, but can be any member of the sentence.

Morphological analysis of pronouns

2. Constant signs: discharge.

Variable signs: gender, number, case. It is important to take into account that pronouns of different categories change differently. All pronouns have one inconsistent feature - case. Not all pronouns change by gender; for personal pronouns, number is a constant feature.

3. In a sentence, a pronoun can play any role, but most often it is the subject, object or modifier.

Morphological analysis of the numeral

1. The initial form is the nominative case.

2. Constant signs: category by value (quantitative, ordinal, collective), category by structure (simple, compound or complex).

Inconstant signs: gender, number, case, if any.

Morphological analysis of the verb

1. The initial form (indefinite form, infinitive) answers the questions “What to do?” “What should I do?”

2. Constant features: aspect (perfect-imperfect), transitivity (transitive, intransitive), reflexivity (reflexive-non-reflexive), conjugation.

Variable signs: mood, tense (if any), number, person (if any), gender (if any).

3. can serve as any member of a sentence, but most often it is a predicate.

Morphological analysis of the participle

1. The initial form is the nominative singular.

2. Constant signs: voice, type, time.

Variable features: full or short form, gender, number, case.

3. In a sentence, participles most often serve as a definition.

Morphological analysis of gerunds

1. Invariable form of the verb

2. Signs of a verb: aspect, transitivity, reflexivity.

Signs of an adverb: immutability.

3. Syntax function– circumstance.

Morphological analysis of the adverb

1. An unchangeable word.

2. Constant signs: rank by value, degree of comparison (if any).

There are no inconsistent signs.

3. In a sentence, an adverb acts as an adverb, a nominal part of a compound nominal predicate, but it can also be any other member of the sentence.

To learn how to do morphological analysis, you need to know the features of each part of speech, its grammatical features, and be able to determine the syntactic role of a word in a sentence.

Quite often in verification work in the Russian language it is required to perform a morphological analysis of the noun. This article will help you find out what it is and how it is performed. In addition, at the end you will find examples of morphological analysis various forms words

What is morphological analysis of a noun?

Morphological analysis of a noun- this is complete grammatical characteristic noun word forms. During morphological analysis, constant and variable features of a noun are determined, as well as its semantic role in a phrase or in a sentence.

How to parse a noun as a part of speech?

Parsing a noun as a part of speech is carried out in the following sequence:

  • 1. Part of speech, to which the word form refers, and the question.
  • 2. Initial form, morphological characteristics:
    • 2.1. Permanent(animate or inanimate, proper or common noun, gender, declension, number (for nouns that are used only in the singular or only in the plural));
    • 2.2. Fickle(number, case).
  • 3. Syntactic role (what role the noun plays in a phrase or sentence).

Examples of morphological analysis of nouns

For an example of morphological analysis of nouns, consider the analysis of word forms in a sentence:

« Andrey drank coffee made of porcelain cups».


TOP 2 articleswho are reading along with this

  • 1. Andrey – noun (who?).
  • 2. Initial form - Andrey;
    • 2.1. Constant signs: animate, proper, m.r., 2nd declension;
    • 2.2. Inconstant signs: I. p., singular.
  • 3. Subject.


  • 1. Coffee is a noun (what?).
  • 2. Initial form – coffee;
    • 2.1. Constant signs: inanimate, common noun, m.r., indeclinable noun, singular;
    • 2.2. Variable signs: V. p.
  • 3. Addition.

From a cup

  • 1. Cups – noun (from what?).
  • 2. The initial shape is a cup;
    • 2.1. Constant signs: inanimate, common noun, w. r., 1st declination;
    • 2.2. Non-permanent signs: R. p., singular.
  • 3. Circumstance.

Verb parsing plan

I Part of speech, general grammatical meaning and a question.
II Initial form (infinitive). Morphological characteristics:
A Constant morphological characteristics:
1 view(perfect, imperfect);
2 repayment(non-refundable, returnable);
3 transitivity(transitive, intransitive);
4 conjugation;
B Variable morphological characteristics:
1 mood;
2 time(in the indicative mood);
3 number;
4 face(in the present, future tense; in the imperative mood);
5 genus(in the singular past tense and subjunctive mood).
III Role in sentence(which part of the sentence is the verb in this sentence).

Verb parsing examples

If you like to ride, you also like to carry sleds(proverb).

Do you love

  1. What are you doing?
  2. N. f. - love. Morphological characteristics:
    1) not perfect look;
    2) non-refundable;
    3) transitional;
    4) II conjugation.

    2) present tense;
    3) singular;
    4) 2nd person.


  1. Verb; denotes action; answers the question what to do?
  2. N. f. - ride. Morphological characteristics:
    A) Constant morphological characteristics:
    1) imperfect appearance;
    2) returnable;
    3) intransitive;
    4) I conjugation.
    B) Variable morphological characteristics. Used in the infinitive form (unchangeable form).
  3. In a sentence it is part of a compound verb predicate.


  1. Verb; denotes action; answers the question what are you doing?
  2. N. f. - love. Morphological characteristics:
    A) Constant morphological characteristics:
    1) imperfect appearance;
    2) non-refundable;
    3) transitional;
    4) II conjugation.
    B) Variable morphological characteristics. Used in the form:
    1) imperative mood;
    2) singular;
    3) 2nd person.
  3. In a sentence it is part of a compound verb predicate.

Plowing has begun(Prishvin).


  1. Verb; denotes action; answers the question what did you do?
  2. N. f. - start. Morphological characteristics:
    A) Constant morphological characteristics:
    1) perfect form;
    2) returnable;
    3) intransitive;
    4) I conjugation.
    B) Variable morphological characteristics. Used in the form:
    1) indicative mood;
    2) past tense;
    3) singular;
    4) feminine.
  3. It is a predicate in a sentence.

Most big problem for students is morphological analysis(parsing) words. This can be explained by the fact that parts of speech are studied over several years, and their features fly out of the head. Morphological analysis often causes difficulties for schoolchildren, which are associated with the fact that some parts of speech (for example, adverb, preposition, conjunction) are studied in insufficient amount of time, and after studying them, tasks to determine various grammatical features are rare. This results in students not retaining everything in their memory. morphological characteristics these parts of speech, therefore the corresponding analysis causes difficulties.

I propose to issue reference diagrams- plans for the analysis of parts of speech, and such a plan can be drawn up by the students themselves, introducing complex (at their discretion) material into them. For example, for some, the difficulty is in the criteria by which nouns are divided into inflections; for others, the concept of verb inflection is difficult.

Through repeated reference to these blanks, not only stronger knowledge is acquired, but also the skill of performing this type of analysis is developed.

I recommend that my students create special folders with this kind of materials and store one copy (whole, uncut) there, and always carry another copy with them (for example, in a textbook) cut into cards. The teacher can model the analysis plan at his own discretion, adding or removing any supporting material. I offer more full version such cards, which includes such parts of speech as the word category of state and onomatopoeic words, not identified by all linguists as independent parts of speech.

Students do not need to contact different textbooks to remember many rules. This memo will be useful not only in grades 5-7, but also when preparing for exams and final revision.

Ganus Antonina Valentinovna, 30.03.2018

2914 229

Development content

1. Morphological analysis NOUN .

I. Part of speech – noun, because answers the question “ WHAT?” (case question) and designation ITEM.

N. f. – ... ( I.p., units h.)

II. Constant signs:

    proper or common noun,

    animate ( V.p. plural = R.p. plural) or inanimate ( V.p. plural = I.p. plural),

    gender (male, female, neuter, general (relating to both male and female genders at the same time: crybaby), outside the category of gender (noun that does not have a singular form: scissors)),

    declination ( 1st(m., f. –a, -i); 2nd(m, cf. – , -o, -e); 3rd(and. -); controversial(on –my, path);

inflexible ( do not change in cases and numbers ) ,

Variable signs:

    in... number ( units, plural),

    in ... case ( I, R, D, V, T, P).

AND. Who? What? IN. Whom? What? R. Whom? What? T. By whom? How? D. To whom? Why? P. About whom? About what?

III. Syntactic role(set semantic question and underline as part of the sentence).

2. Morphological analysis ADJECTIVE .

I. Part of speech– adj., because answers the question “ WHICH?” and denotes SIGN OF AN OBJECT.

N.f. – ... ( I.p., units h., m.r..)

II. Constant signs:

Qualitative (can be to a greater or lesser extent) / relative (cannot be to a greater or lesser extent) / possessive (denotes belonging to someone).

Variable signs:

    in degree of comparison (for qualitative ones);

    in full ( Which?) or short ( what?) form,

    in ... case (for full forms),

    in...number (units, plural),

    in ... kind (for the only one numbers).

III. Syntactic role

3. Morphological analysis VERB .

I. Part of speech– gl., because answers the question “ WHAT TO DO?” and denotes ITEM ACTION.

N.F. – ... ( infinitive: what's up t? what did you do t?)

II. Constant signs:

    kind (perfect (that With do?) or imperfect (what to do?)),

    conjugation ( I(eat, eat, eat, eat, ut/ut), II(ish, it, im, it, at/yat), heteroconjugate(want, run)),

    returnable (there is -sya, -s.) / non-returnable (there is no -sya, -s),

    transitive (used with a noun in V. p. without pretext)/ intransitive ( Not used with a noun in V. p. without pretext).

Inconstant features: (!!! For verbs in indefinite form(infinitive) there are no unstable signs, since INFINITIVE is an unchangeable form of the word)

    in... inclination ( indicative: What did you do? what does it do? what will he do? , imperative: what are you doing?, conditional: what did you do would? what did you do would?),

    in ... tense (for the indicative mood: past (what did he do?), present (what is he doing?), future (what will he do? what will he do?)),

    in... number (singular, plural),

    in ... person (for present, future tense: 1l.(me, we), 2 l.(you, you) 3 l.(he, they)); in ... kind (for past tense units).

III. Syntactic role(ask a question and underline as part of a sentence).

4. Morphological analysis NUMERAL .

I. Part of speech– number, because it answers the question “ HOW MANY?" (or " WHICH?") and means QUANTITY items (or ORDER items WHEN COUNTING).

N.F. – ... (I.p. or I.p., singular, m.r.).

II. Constant signs:

    rank by structure (simple/complex/composite),

    rank by value ( quantitative+ subcategory (integer/fractional/collective)/ ordinal),

    Declension features:

1,2,3,4, collective and ordinal number skl-sya, how adj.

5–20, 30 skl-sya, as a noun. 3 cl.

40, 90, 100, one and a half, one and a half hundred when declension have 2 forms.

thousand skl., as noun. 1 cl.

million, billion skl., as noun. 2 cl.

complex and compound quantitative skl-xia change every part words.

complex and compound ordinal numerals cl-xia with change only last words.

Variable signs:

  • number (if any),

    gender (in units, if any).

III. Syntactic role(together with the noun to which it refers) indicating the main word.

5. Morphological analysis PRONOUNS .

I. Part of speech – places, because answers the question “WHO? WHAT?" (WHAT? WHOSE? HOW MANY? WHICH?) and does not denote, but points to an SUBJECT (CHARACTERISTIC or QUANTITY).

N.F. –…(I.p. (if any) or I.p., singular, m.r.)

II. Constant signs:

    category in relation to other parts of speech ( places -noun, place -adj., place. -number.)

    rank by value with proof:

personal, because decree. on the face;

returnable, because indicating the return of the action to oneself;

possessive, because decree. for belonging;

interrogative, because decree. to the question;

relative, because decree. on the relations of simple sentences. as part of a complex;

uncertain, because decree. for unspecified items, acknowledgment, quantity,

negative, because decree for the absence of an item, acknowledgment, quantity;

definitive, because decree. to a generalized attribute of an object.

    face (for personal).

Variable signs:

  • number (if any),

    gender (if any).

III. Syntactic role(ask a question from the main word and underline it as a part of the sentence).

6. Morphological analysis ADVERBS .

I. Part of speech – adv., because answer to question "HOW?"(WHEN? WHERE? WHY? etc.) and means SIGN OF SIGN.

N.f. – indicate only if the adverb is of degree of comparison.

II. Constant signs:

    Immutable part speech.

    Rank by value: modus operandi(how?) – measures and degrees(how much? to what extent?), places(where? where? from where?) – time(when? how long?), reasons(Why?) - goals(why? for what?)


Variable signs:

III. Syntactic role.

7. Morphological analysis CONDITION CATEGORIES WORDS .

I. Part of speech – SCS, because stands for STATE man, nature , ACTION EVALUATION and answers two questions at once: "HOW?" And “WHAT IS IT?”

II. Constant signs:

    Unchangeable part of speech.

    Rank by value: modus operandi(how?) – measures and degrees(how much? to what extent?), places(where? where? from where?) – time(when? how long?), reasons(Why?) - goals(why? for what?)

(Indicate, if the adverb is of pronominal type, its type: attributive, personal, demonstrative, interrogative, relative, indefinite, negative.)

Variable signs: in ... form ... degree of comparison (if any).

III. Syntactic role.

8. Morphological analysis PARTICIPLES .

I. Part of speech – pr., because resp. to the question "WHICH?" And “DOING WHAT? WHO DID WHAT?” and designation SIGN OF AN OBJECT BY ACTION.

N.f. – ... (I., unit, m.).

II. Constant signs:

    real (-ush-, -yush-, -ash-, -yash-; -vsh-, -sh-) or passive (-em-, -om-, -im-; -enn-, -nn-, - T-).

    kind (perfect – that With who did? imperfect - what did he do?).

    repayment (refundable – yes, irrevocable – no-sya).

    tense (present: -ush-, -yush-, -ash-, -yash-, -eat-, -om-, -im-; past: -vsh-, -sh-, -enn-, -nn-, -T-).

Variable signs:

    full (which?) or short form (which?) (only for passive).

    case (only for participles in full form).

    number (units, plural).

    gender (only for proverbs in singular).

III. Syntactic role(usually a modifier or a predicate).

9. Morphological analysis Participles .

I. Part of speech – gerund, because the answer to the question. "HOW?" and “DOING WHAT? WHAT DID I DO?” and designate additional action.

II. Constant signs:

    Unchangeable part of speech.

    View (perfect – what With having done?/imperfect – what by doing?).

    Refundability (return - yes, non-refundable – no-sya).

III. Syntactic role(more often it happens by circumstance).

10. Morphological analysis UNION .

I, Part of speech – union, because serves for connection homogeneous members offers or simple parts as part of a complex sentence.

II. Signs:

    Simple (one word: and, ah, but... because…).

    Coordinating (they connect the OCP or PP as part of the BSC: and, too, or, however...) + group by value (connectors: And; adversative: But; separating: or). Subordinating (connecting the PP as part of the IPP: because, since, so that, as if...) + group by value ( explanatory: What, temporary: When, conditional: If, causal: because, targeted: to, investigative: So; concessionary: despite the fact that, although; comparative: as if)

    Unchangeable part of speech.

11. Morphological analysis PREPOSITION .

I. Part of speech – preposition, because serves to connect the main word ... with the dependent ...

II. Signs:

    Simple (one word: from, to) / compound (of several words: during, in connection with).

    Derivative (moved from another part of speech: around) / non-derivative ( from, to, about…).

    Unchangeable part of speech.

12. Morphological analysis PARTICLES .

I. Part of speech – particle, because . gives additional shades(which ones: interrogative, exclamatory, demonstrative, intensifying, negative ) words or sentences or serves to form word forms(which ones exactly: moods, degrees of comparison ).

II. Signs:

    Discharge by value: (formative: more, let, would.../semantic: really, that's it...).

    Unchangeable part of speech.

III. It is not a member of the sentence, but may be part of it.

13. Morphological analysis INTERJECTIONS .

I. Part of speech – intl, because expresses different feelings or encouragement to action.

II. Signs:

III. Not a member of the proposal.

14. Morphological analysis SOUND-IMITATIVE WORD .

I. Part of speech – sound/p. word, because transmits sounds of living or inanimate nature.

II. Signs: unchangeable part of speech; derivative/non-derivative.

III. Not a member of the proposal.

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