Active methods of teaching mathematics in primary school. Mathematical development of younger schoolchildren

Belarusian State pedagogical university named after Maxim Tank

Faculty of Pedagogy and Methodology primary education

Department of Mathematics and Methods of Its Teaching




CHAPTER 1. Features of the mathematics course general education program“School 2100” and its technologies... 5

1.1. Prerequisites for the emergence of an alternative program... 5

2.2. The essence of educational technology... 9

1.3. Humanitarian-oriented teaching of mathematics using educational technology “School 2100”… 12

1.4. Modern goals of education and didactic principles of organizing educational activities in mathematics lessons... 15

CHAPTER 2. Features of working on educational technology “School 2100” in mathematics lessons... 20

2.1. Using the activity method in teaching junior schoolchildren math... 20

2.1.1. Staging educational task… 21

2.1.2. “Discovery” of new knowledge by children... 21

2.1.3. Primary consolidation… 22

2.1.4. Independent work with testing in class... 22

2.1.5. Training exercises... 23

2.1.6. Delayed control of knowledge... 23

2.2. Training lesson… 25

2.2.1. Structure of training lessons… 25

2.2.2. Model of a training lesson... 28

2.3. Oral exercises in mathematics lessons... 28

2.4. Knowledge control… 29

Chapter 3. Analysis of the experiment... 36

3.1. Ascertaining experiment... 36

3.2. Educational experiment... 37

3.3. Control experiment... 40

Conclusion... 43

Literature… 46

Appendix 1… 48

Appendix 2… 69

2.2. The essence of educational technology

Before defining educational technology, it is necessary to reveal the etymology of the word “technology” (the science of skill, art, because from the Greek - techne- craftsmanship, art and logos– science). Concept of technology in modern meaning is used primarily in production (industrial, agricultural), various types of scientific and production human activities and involves a body of knowledge about methods (a set of methods, operations, actions) of carrying out production processes that guarantee obtaining a certain result.

Thus, the leading features and characteristics of the technology are:

· A set (combination, connection) of any components.

· Logic, sequence of components.

· Methods (methods), techniques, actions, operations (as components).

· Guaranteed results.

The essence of educational activity is the internalization (transfer of social ideas into the consciousness of an individual) by the student of a certain amount of information that corresponds to the cultural norms and ethical expectations of the society in which the student grows and develops.

The controlled process of transferring elements of the spiritual culture of previous generations to a new generation (controlled educational activity) is called education, and the transmitted elements of culture themselves - content of education .

The internalized content of education (the result of educational activity) in relation to the subject of internalization is also called education(Sometimes - education).

Thus, the concept of “education” has three meanings: social institution society, the activities of this institution and the result of its activities.

There is a two-level nature of interiorization: interiorization that does not affect the subconscious will be called assimilation, and internalization, affecting the subconscious (forming automatisms of actions), - assignment .

It is logical to name the learned facts representations, assigned- knowledge, learned methods of activity - skills, assigned - skills, and learned value orientations and emotional and personal relationships - standards, assigned - beliefs or meanings .

In a specific educational process, the object of internalization is the target group. The relationship of power in the target group corresponds to the internalization of the corresponding components by the subject of the study: primary elements must be appropriated, secondary elements must be assimilated. We will call the pedagogical target groups interpreted in the described way targets. For example, a target group with the primary elements of “facts and ways of doing things” and the secondary element of “values” sets the target for knowledge, skills and norms. The assignment of primary goals occurs explicitly as a result of specially organized and controlled educational activities (education), and the assimilation of secondary goals occurs implicitly, as a result of uncontrolled educational activities and a by-product of education.

In each specific case, the educational process is regulated by a certain system of rules for its organization and management. This system of rules can be obtained empirically (observation and generalization) or theoretically (designed based on known scientific laws and tested experimentally). In the first case, it may relate to the transmission of some specific content or be generalized to various types of content. In the second case, it is contentless by definition and can be adjusted to various specific content options.

An empirically derived system of rules for transmitting specific content is called teaching methodology .

An empirically derived or theoretically designed system of rules for educational activities that is not related to specific content is a educational technology .

A set of rules of educational activity that do not have signs of systematicity is called pedagogical experience , if obtained empirically, and methodological developments or recommendations, if it is obtained theoretically (designed).

We are only interested in educational technology. The goals of educational activity are a system-forming factor in relation to educational technologies, considered as systems of rules for this activity.

Classification of educational technologies according to technological targets, that is, in a pedagogical sense, according to objects of appropriation:

· Informational.

· Information and value.

· Activity.

· Activity-value.

· Value-based.

· Value-informational.

· Value-based activity.

Unfortunately, the first of these names has been assigned to technologies that are not related to educational activities. Information It is customary to call technologies in which information is not a source of the target group, but an object of activity. Therefore, educational technologies in which facts are the primary element of activity goals, that is, knowledge constitutes the technological target setting, are usually called information-perceptual .

The final classification of educational technologies according to technological targets (objects of assignment) looks like this:

· Information-perceptual.

· Information and activity.

· Information and value.

· Activity.

· Activity and information.

· Activity-value.

· Value-based.

· Value-informational.

· Value-based activity.

Really existing educational technologies have yet to be sorted into classes. Apparently some classrooms are currently empty. The choice of classes of educational technologies used by a particular society (a particular humanitarian system) in a specific historical situation depends on what components of the accumulated spiritual culture of the society in this situation considers the most important for its survival and development. They define goals external to educational technology that constitute the pedagogical paradigm of a given society (a given humanitarian system). This essential question is philosophical and cannot be the subject of a formal theory of educational technology.

The primary elements of technological targets when designing educational technology set a set of explicit (explicitly formulated) goals, secondary elements form the basis of implicit goals (which are not explicitly formulated). The main paradox of didactics is that implicit goals are achieved involuntarily, through subconscious acts, and therefore secondary goals are learned almost effortlessly. Hence the main paradox of educational technology: the procedures of educational technology are set by primary goals, and its effectiveness is determined by secondary ones. This can be considered a design principle for educational technology.

1.3. Humanitarian-oriented teaching of mathematics using educational technology “School 2100”

Modern approaches to organizing the school education system, including mathematics education, are determined, first of all, by the rejection of a uniform, unitary high school. The guiding vectors of this approach are humanization and humanitarization school education.

This determines the transition from the principle “all mathematics for everyone” to careful consideration of individual personality parameters - why a particular student needs and will need mathematics in the future, to what extent and on what level he wants and/or can master it, to design a course of “mathematics for everyone,” or, more precisely, “mathematics for everyone.”

One of the main goals of the academic subject “Mathematics” as a component of general secondary education related to to everyone for the student, is the development of thinking, first of all, the formation abstract thinking, the ability to abstract and the ability to “work” with abstract, “intangible” objects. In the process of studying mathematics, logical and algorithmic thinking, many qualities of thinking, such as strength and flexibility, constructiveness and criticality, etc., can be formed in its purest form.

These qualities of thinking in themselves are not associated with any mathematical content or with mathematics in general, but teaching mathematics introduces an important and specific component into their formation, which currently cannot be effectively implemented even by the entire set of individual school subjects.

At the same time, specific mathematical knowledge that lies beyond, relatively speaking, the arithmetic of natural numbers and the primary foundations of geometry, are not“a basic necessity” for the vast majority of people and cannot, therefore, form the target basis for teaching mathematics as a subject general education.

That is why, as a fundamental principle of the educational technology “School 2100” in the aspect of “mathematics for everyone,” the principle of priority of the developmental function in teaching mathematics comes to the fore. In other words, teaching mathematics is focused not so much on mathematics education itself, in in the narrow sense of the word, how much for education with using mathematics.

In accordance with this principle main task learning math becomes not learning the basics mathematical science as such, and general intellectual development is the formation in students, in the process of studying mathematics, of the qualities of thinking necessary for the full functioning of a person in modern society, for the dynamic adaptation of a person to this society.

Formation of conditions for individual activities a person, based on acquired specific mathematical knowledge, for his knowledge and understanding of the world around him by means of mathematics remains, naturally, an equally essential component of school mathematical education.

From the point of view of the priority of the developmental function, specific mathematical knowledge in “mathematics for everyone” is considered not so much as a goal of learning, but as a base, a “testing ground” for organizing intellectually valuable activities of students. For the formation of a student’s personality, for achieving a high level of his development, it is precisely this activity, if we talk about a mass school, that, as a rule, turns out to be more significant than the specific mathematical knowledge that served as its basis.

The humanitarian orientation of teaching mathematics as a subject of general education and the resulting idea of ​​priority in “mathematics for everyone” of the developmental function of teaching in relation to its purely educational function requires a reorientation of the methodological system of teaching mathematics from increasing the amount of information intended for “one hundred percent” assimilation by students to formation of skills to analyze, produce and use information.

Among the general goals of mathematics education in educational technology, “School 2100” occupies a central place development of the abstract thinking, which includes not only the ability to perceive the specific characteristics inherent in mathematics abstract objects and structures, but also the ability to operate with such objects and structures according to prescribed rules. A necessary component of abstract thinking is logical thinking - both deductive, including axiomatic, and productive - heuristic and algorithmic thinking.

The ability to see mathematical patterns in everyday practice and use them on the basis of mathematical modeling, the development of mathematical terminology as words of the native language and mathematical symbols as a fragment of a global artificial language that plays a significant role in the communication process and is currently necessary are also considered as general goals of mathematical education every educated person.

The humanitarian orientation of teaching mathematics as a general education subject determines the specification of general goals in building a methodological system for teaching mathematics, reflecting the priority of the developmental function of teaching. Taking into account the obvious and unconditional need for all students to acquire a certain amount of specific mathematical knowledge and skills, the goals of teaching mathematics in the educational technology “School 2100” can be formulated as follows:

Mastery of a complex of mathematical knowledge, abilities and skills necessary: ​​a) for everyday life at a high quality level and professional activity, the content of which does not require the use of mathematical knowledge that goes beyond the needs of everyday life; b) to study school subjects in the natural sciences and humanities at a modern level; c) to continue studying mathematics in any form of continuous education (including, at the appropriate stage of education, upon transition to training in any profile at the senior level of school);

Formation and development of the qualities of thinking necessary for an educated person to function fully in modern society, in particular heuristic (creative) and algorithmic (performing) thinking in their unity and internally contradictory relationship;

Formation and development of students' abstract thinking and, above all, logical thinking, its deductive component as a specific characteristic of mathematics;

Increasing the level of students' proficiency in their native language in terms of the correctness and accuracy of expressing thoughts in active and passive speech;

Formation of activity skills and development in students of moral and ethical personality traits adequate to full-fledged mathematical activity;

Realization of the possibilities of mathematics in the formation of the scientific worldview of students, in their mastery of scientific pictures of the world;

Formation of a mathematical language and mathematical apparatus as a means of describing and studying the surrounding world and its patterns, in particular as a basis for computer literacy and culture;

Introduction to the role of mathematics in development human civilization and culture, in the scientific and technological progress of society, in modern science and production;

Familiarization with the nature of scientific knowledge, with the principles of constructing scientific theories in the unity and opposition of mathematics and the natural and human sciences, with the criteria of truth in various forms of human activity.

1.4. Modern goals of education and didactic principles of organizing educational activities in mathematics lessons

Swift social transformation, which our society has been experiencing in recent decades, have radically changed not only people’s living conditions, but also the educational situation. In this regard, the task of creating a new concept of education that reflects both the interests of society and the interests of each individual has become urgent.

Thus, in recent years society has developed a new understanding of the main goal of education: the formation readiness for self-development, ensuring the integration of the individual into national and world culture.

The implementation of this goal requires the implementation of a whole range of tasks, among which the main ones are:

1) activity training - the ability to set goals, organize your activities to achieve them and evaluate the results of your actions;

2) formation personal qualities - mind, will, feelings and emotions, creative abilities, cognitive motives of activity;

3) formation of a picture of the world, adequate to the modern level of knowledge and the level of the educational program.

It should be emphasized that the focus on developmental education is completely does not mean a refusal to develop knowledge, skills and abilities, without which personal self-determination and self-realization are impossible.

That is why the didactic system of Ya.A. Comenius, which has absorbed the centuries-old traditions of the system of transmitting knowledge about the world to students, and today forms the methodological basis of the so-called “traditional” school:

· Didactic principles - visibility, accessibility, scientificity, systematicity, awareness of assimilation educational material.

· Teaching method - explanatory and illustrative.

· Form of training - class lesson.

However, it is obvious to everyone that the existing didactic system, although it has not exhausted its significance, at the same time does not allow for the effective implementation of the developmental function of education. In recent years, in the works of L.V. Zankova, V.V. Davydova, P.Ya. Galperin and many other teacher-scientists and practitioners have formed new didactic requirements that solve modern educational problems taking into account the needs of the future. The main ones:

1. Operating principle

The main conclusion of psychological and pedagogical research in recent years is that The formation of a student’s personality and his advancement in development takes place not when he perceives ready-made knowledge, but in the process of his own activity aimed at “discovering” new knowledge.

Thus, the main mechanism for realizing the goals and objectives of developmental education is inclusion of the child in educational and cognitive activities. IN that's what it's all about operating principle, Education that implements the principle of activity is called an activity approach.

2. The principle of a holistic view of the world

Also Y.A. Comenius noted that phenomena need to be studied in mutual connection, and not separately (not like a “pile of firewood”). Nowadays, this thesis acquires even greater significance. It means that The child must form a generalized, holistic idea of ​​the world (nature - society - himself), about the role and place of each science in the system of sciences. Naturally, the knowledge formed by students should reflect the language and structure of scientific knowledge.

The principle of a unified picture of the world in the activity approach is closely related to the didactic principle of scientificity in the traditional system, but is much deeper than it. Here we're talking about not just about the formation of a scientific picture of the world, but also about the personal attitude of students to the knowledge acquired, as well as ability to apply them in their practical activities. For example, if we are talking about environmental knowledge, then the student should not just to know that it is not good to pick certain flowers, leave garbage behind in the forest, etc., and make your own decision don't do that.

3. The principle of continuity

Continuity principle means continuity between all levels of education at the level of methodology, content and technique .

The idea of ​​continuity is also not new for pedagogy, however, until now it is most often limited to the so-called “propaedeutics”, and is not solved systematically. The problem of continuity has acquired particular relevance in connection with the emergence of variable programs.

The implementation of continuity in the content of mathematical education is associated with the names of N.Ya. Vilenkina, G.V. Dorofeeva and others. Management aspects in the “preschool preparation - school - university” model have been developed in recent years by V.N. Prosvirkin.

4. Minimax principle

All children are different, and each of them develops at their own pace. At the same time, education in mass schools is focused on a certain average level, which is too high for weak children and clearly insufficient for stronger ones. This hinders the development of both strong children and weak ones.

To take into account the individual characteristics of students, 2, 4, etc. are often distinguished. level. However, there are exactly as many real levels in a class as there are children! Is it possible to accurately determine them? Not to mention that it is practically difficult to account for even four - after all, for a teacher this means 20 preparations a day!

The solution is simple: select only two levels - maximum, determined by the zone of proximal development of children, and necessary minimum. The minimax principle is as follows: the school must offer the student educational content at the maximum level, and the student must master this content at the minimum level(see Appendix 1) .

The minimax system is apparently optimal for implementing an individual approach, since it self-regulating system. A weak student will limit himself to the minimum, while a strong student will take everything and move on. Everyone else will be placed between these two levels in accordance with their abilities and capabilities - they will choose their level themselves to its maximum possible.

The work is carried out at a high level of difficulty, but only assessed required result, and success. This will allow students to develop an attitude towards achieving success, rather than avoiding getting a bad grade, which is much more important for the development of the motivational sphere.

5. The principle of psychological comfort

The principle of psychological comfort assumes removing, if possible, all stress-forming factors of the educational process, creating an atmosphere at school and in the classroom that relaxes children and in which they feel “at home.”

No academic success will be of any use if it is “involved” in fear of adults and suppression of the child’s personality.

However, psychological comfort is necessary not only for the assimilation of knowledge - it depends on physiological state children. Adaptation to specific conditions, creating an atmosphere of goodwill will help relieve tension and neuroses that destroy health children.

6. The principle of variability

Modern life requires a person to be able to make a choice - from choosing goods and services to choosing friends and choosing a life path. The principle of variability presupposes the development of variable thinking among students, that is understanding the possibility of various options for solving a problem and the ability to systematically enumerate options.

Education, which implements the principle of variability, removes the fear of mistakes in students and teaches them to perceive failure not as a tragedy, but as a signal for its correction. This approach to solving problems, especially in difficult situations, is also necessary in life: in case of failure, do not become discouraged, but look for and find a constructive way.

On the other hand, the principle of variability ensures the teacher’s right to independence in choosing educational literature, forms and methods of work, and the degree of their adaptation in the educational process. However, this right also gives rise to greater responsibility for the teacher for the final result of his activities - the quality of teaching.

7. The principle of creativity (creativity)

The principle of creativity presupposes maximum orientation towards creativity in the educational activities of schoolchildren, their acquisition of their own experience of creative activity.

We are not talking here about simply “inventing” tasks by analogy, although such tasks should be welcomed in every possible way. Here, first of all, we mean the formation in students of the ability to independently find solutions to problems that have not been encountered before, their independent “discovery” of new ways of action.

The ability to create something new and find a non-standard solution to life’s problems has become an integral part of the real life success of any person today. Therefore, the development of creative abilities is acquiring general educational importance these days.

The principles of teaching outlined above, developing the ideas of traditional didactics, integrate useful and non-conflicting ideas from new concepts of education from a position of continuity scientific views. They don't reject, but continue and develop traditional didactics towards solving modern educational problems.

In fact, it is obvious that the knowledge that the child himself “discovered” is visual for him, accessible and consciously assimilated by him. However, the inclusion of a child in activities, in contrast to traditional visual learning, activates his thinking and forms his readiness for self-development (V.V. Davydov).

Education that implements the principle of the integrity of the picture of the world meets the requirement of being scientific, but at the same time it also implements new approaches, such as humanization and humanitarization of education (G.V. Dorofeev, A.A. Leontyev, L.V. Tarasov).

The minimax system effectively promotes the development of personal qualities and forms the motivational sphere. Here the problem of multi-level teaching is solved, which makes it possible to promote the development of all children, both strong and weak (L.V. Zankov).

The requirements of psychological comfort ensure that the child’s psychophysiological state is taken into account, promotes the development of cognitive interests and the preservation of children’s health (L.V. Zankov, A.A. Leontyev, Sh.A. Amonashvili).

The principle of continuity gives continuity to the solution of issues systemic nature(N.Ya. Vilenkin, G.V. Dororfeev, V.N. Prosvirkin, V.F. Purkina).

The principle of variability and the principle of creativity reflect the necessary conditions for the successful integration of the individual into modern social life.

Thus, the listed didactic principles of educational technology “School 2100” to a certain extent necessary and sufficient to achieve modern educational goals and can already be carried out today in secondary schools.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that the formation of a system of didactic principles cannot be completed, because life itself places accents of significance, and each emphasis is justified by a specific historical, cultural and social application.

CHAPTER 2. Features of working on educational technology “School 2100” in mathematics lessons

2.1. Using the activity method in teaching mathematics to primary schoolchildren

Practical adaptation of the new didactic system requires updating traditional forms and methods of teaching, and developing new educational content.

Indeed, the inclusion of students in activities - the main type of knowledge acquisition in the activity approach - is not included in the technology of the explanatory-illustrative method on which education in a “traditional” school is based today. The main stages of this method are: communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson, updating knowledge, explanation, consolidation, control - do not provide a systematic passage of the necessary stages of educational activity, which are:

· setting a learning task;

· learning activities;

· actions of self-control and self-esteem.

Thus, communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson does not provide a statement of the problem. A teacher’s explanation cannot replace children’s learning activities, as a result of which they independently “discover” new knowledge. The differences between control and self-control of knowledge are also fundamental. Consequently, the explanatory-illustrative method cannot fully achieve the goals of developmental education. A new technology is needed, which, on the one hand, will allow the implementation of the principle of activity, and on the other hand, will ensure the passage of the necessary stages of knowledge acquisition, namely:

· motivation;

· creation of an indicative basis of action (IBA):

· material or materialized action;

· external speech;

· inner speech;

· automatic mental action(P.Ya. Galperin). These requirements are satisfied by the activity method, the main stages of which are presented in the following diagram:

(Steps included in a lesson on introducing a new concept are marked with a dotted line).

Let us describe in more detail the main stages of working on a concept in this technology.

2.1.1. Setting a learning task

Any process of cognition begins with an impulse that encourages action. Surprise is necessary, coming from the impossibility of momentarily ensuring this or that phenomenon. What is needed is delight, an emotional surge that comes from participation in this phenomenon. In a word, motivation is needed to encourage the student to enter into activity.

The stage of setting a learning task is the stage of motivation and goal-setting of activity. Students complete tasks that update their knowledge. The list of tasks includes a question that creates a “collision,” that is, a problematic situation that is personally significant for the student and shapes his need mastering this or that concept (I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t know how it’s happening. But I can find out - I’m interested in it!). The cognitive target.

2.1.2. “Discovery” of new knowledge by children

The next stage of work on the concept is solving the problem, which is carried out teach yourself taking place during a discussion, discussion based on substantive actions with material or materialized objects. The teacher organizes a leading or stimulating dialogue. Finally, he concludes by introducing common terminology.

This stage includes students in active work, in which there are no disinterested people, because the teacher’s dialogue with the class is the teacher’s dialogue with each student, focusing on the degree and speed of mastering the sought-after concept and adjusting the quantity and quality of tasks that will help ensure a solution to the problem. The dialogical form of searching for truth is the most important aspect of the activity method.

2.1.3. Primary consolidation

Primary consolidation is carried out through commenting on each sought-after situation, speaking out loud the established action algorithms (what I am doing and why, what follows what, what should happen).

At this stage, the effect of mastering the material is enhanced, since the student not only reinforces written speech, but also voices internal speech, through which search work in his mind. The effectiveness of primary reinforcement depends on the completeness of the presentation of essential features, the variation of non-essential ones and the repeated playback of educational material in independent actions students.

2.1.4. Independent work with testing in class

Task fourth stage- self-control and self-esteem. Self-control encourages students to take a responsible attitude to the work they do and teaches them to adequately evaluate the results of their actions.

In the process of self-control, the action is not accompanied by loud speech, but moves to the internal plane. The student pronounces the algorithm of action “to himself,” as if conducting a dialogue with his intended opponent. It is important that at this stage a situation is created for each student success(I can, I can do it).

It is better to go through the four stages of working on a concept listed above in one lesson, without separating them over time. This usually takes about 20-25 minutes of a lesson. The remaining time is devoted, on the one hand, to consolidating the knowledge, skills and abilities accumulated earlier and their integration with new material, and on the other, to advanced preparation for the next topics. Here, errors on a new topic that could arise at the self-control stage are individually refined: positive self-esteem is important for every student, so we must do everything possible to correct the situation in the same lesson.

You should also pay attention to organizational issues, setting general goals and objectives at the beginning of the lesson and summing up the activities at the end of the lesson.

Thus, lessons for introducing new knowledge in the activity approach have the following structure:

1) Organizational moment, general lesson plan.

2) Statement of the educational task.

3) “Discovery” of new knowledge by children.

4) Primary consolidation.

5) Independent work with testing in class.

6) Repetition and consolidation of previously studied material.

7) Lesson summary.

(See Appendix 2.)

The principle of creativity determines the nature of consolidating new material in homework. Not reproductive, but productive activity is the key to lasting assimilation. Therefore, as often as possible, homework assignments should be offered in which it is necessary to correlate the particular and the general, to identify stable connections and patterns. Only in this case does knowledge become thinking and acquire consistency and dynamics.

2.1.5. Training exercises

In subsequent lessons, the learned material is practiced and consolidated, bringing it to the level of automated mental action. Knowledge undergoes a qualitative change: a revolution occurs in the process of cognition.

According to L.V. Zankov, consolidation of material in the system of developmental education should not be merely reproducing in nature, but should be carried out in parallel with the study of new ideas - deepen the learned properties and relationships, broaden the horizons of children.

Therefore, the activity method, as a rule, does not provide lessons for “pure” consolidation. Even in lessons whose main goal is to practice the studied material, some new elements are included - this can be the expansion and deepening of the material being studied, advanced preparation for the study of subsequent topics, etc. This “layer cake” allows every child move forward at your own pace: children with a low level of preparation have enough time to “slowly” master the material, and more prepared children constantly receive “food for the mind,” which makes the lessons attractive to all children - both strong and weak.

2.1.6. Delayed knowledge control

The final test should be offered to students based on the minimax principle (readiness at the top level of knowledge, control at the bottom). Under this condition, the negative reaction of schoolchildren to grades and the emotional pressure of the expected result in the form of a grade will be minimized. The teacher’s task is to assess the mastery of educational material according to the standard required for further progress.

Described teaching technology - activity method- developed and implemented in a mathematics course, but can, in our opinion, be used in the study of any subject. This method creates favorable conditions for multi-level learning and practical implementation all didactic principles of the activity approach.

The main difference between the activity method and the visual method is that it ensures the inclusion of children in activities :

1) goal setting and motivation are carried out at the stage of setting the educational task;

2) educational activities of children - at the stage of “discovery” of new knowledge;

3) actions of self-control and self-esteem - at the stage of independent work, which children check here in the classroom.

On the other hand, the activity method ensures completion of all necessary stages of mastering concepts, which allows you to significantly increase the strength of knowledge. Indeed, setting a learning task ensures the motivation of the concept and the construction of an indicative basis for action (IBA). The “discovery” of new knowledge by children is carried out through their performance of objective actions with material or materialized objects. Primary consolidation ensures the passage of the stage of external speech - children speak out loud and at the same time carry out established action algorithms in written form. In independent learning work, the action is no longer accompanied by speech; students pronounce the action algorithms “to themselves”, internal speech (see Appendix 3). And finally, in the process of performing the final training exercises, the action moves to the internal plane and becomes automated (mental action).

Thus, activity method answers necessary requirements to learning technologies that implement modern educational goals. It makes it possible to master subject content in accordance with a unified approach, with a unified focus on activating both external and internal factors that determine the development of the child.

New education goals require updating content education and search forms training that will enable their optimal implementation. The entire set of information should be subordinated to an orientation toward life, toward the ability to act in any situation, toward getting out of crisis and conflict situations, which include situations of searching for knowledge. A student at school learns not only to solve mathematical problems, but through them also life problems, not only the rules of spelling, but also the rules of social life, not only the perception of culture, but also its creation.

The main form of organizing educational and cognitive activity of students in the activity approach is collective dialogue. It is through collective dialogue that “teacher-student” and “student-student” communication takes place, in which learning material is learned at the level of personal adaptation. Dialogue can be built in pairs, in groups and in the whole class under the guidance of a teacher. Thus, the entire spectrum organizational forms lesson developed today in teaching practice can be effectively used within the framework of the activity approach.

2.2. Lesson-training

This is a lesson in active mental and verbal activity of students, the form of organization of which is group work. In 1st grade it is work in pairs, from 2nd grade it is work in fours.

Trainings can be used to study new material and consolidate what has been learned. However, it is especially advisable to use them when generalizing and systematizing students’ knowledge.

Conducting training is not an easy task. Special skill is required from the teacher. In such a lesson, the teacher is a conductor whose task is to skillfully switch and concentrate the attention of students.

The main character in the training lesson is the student.

2.2.1. Structure of training lessons

1. Setting a goal

The teacher, together with the students, determines the main goals of the lesson, including the sociocultural position, which is inextricably linked with “revealing the secrets of words.” The fact is that each lesson has an epigraph, the words of which reveal their special meaning for each only at the end of the lesson. To understand them, you need to “live” the lesson.

Motivation to work is reinforced in the resource circle. Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The teacher’s task is to make every child feel supported and treated kindly. A feeling of unity with the class and the teacher helps create an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding.

2. Independent work. Making your own decision

Each student receives a task card. The question contains a question and three possible answers. One, two, or all three options may be correct. The choice hides possible common mistakes made by students.

Before starting to complete tasks, children pronounce the “rules” of work that will help them organize a dialogue. They may be different in each class. Here is one option: “Everyone should speak out and listen to everyone.” Pronouncing these rules out loud helps create a mindset for all children in the group to participate in the dialogue.

At the stage of independent work, the student must consider all three answer options, comparing and contrasting them, make a choice and prepare to explain his choice to a friend: why he thinks this way and not otherwise. To do this, everyone needs to delve into their knowledge base. The knowledge acquired by students in lessons is built into a system and becomes a means for evidence-based choice. The child learns to systematically search through options, compare them, and find the best option.

In the process of this work, not only systematization, but also generalization of knowledge occurs, since the studied material is separated into separate topics, blocks, and didactic units are enlarged.

3. Work in pairs (fours)

When working in a group, each student must explain which answer option he chose and why. Thus, working in pairs (fours) necessarily requires active speech activity from each child and develops listening and hearing skills. Psychologists say: students retain 90% of what they say out loud and 95% of what they teach themselves. During the training, the child both speaks and explains. The knowledge acquired by students in the classroom becomes in demand.

At the moment of logical comprehension and structuring of speech, concepts are adjusted and knowledge is structured.

An important point This stage is the adoption of a group decision. The very process of making such a decision contributes to the adjustment of personal qualities and creates conditions for the development of the individual and the group.

4. Class listening different opinions

Giving the floor to speak various groups students, the teacher has an excellent opportunity to track how well the concepts are formed, how strong the knowledge is, how well the children have mastered the terminology, and whether they include it in their speech.

It is important to organize the work in such a way that students themselves can hear and highlight the sample of the most convincing speech.

5. Expert assessment

After the discussion, the teacher or students voice the correct choice.

6. Self-esteem

The child learns to evaluate the results of his activities himself. This is facilitated by a system of questions:

Did you listen carefully to your friend?

Were you able to prove the correctness of your choice?

If not, why not?

What happened, what was difficult? Why?

What needs to be done to make the work successful?

Thus, the child learns to evaluate his actions, plan them, realize his understanding or misunderstanding, his progress.

Students open a new card with the task, and the work again proceeds in stages - from 2 to 6.

In total, trainings include from 4 to 7 tasks.

7. Summing up

Summing up takes place in the resource circle. Everyone has the opportunity to express (or not express) their attitude to the epigraph, as they understand it. At this stage, the “mystery of the words” of the epigraph is revealed. This technique allows the teacher to address problems of morality, the relationship of educational activities with real problems of the surrounding world, and allows students to perceive educational activities as their own social experience.

Trainings should not be confused with practical lessons, where strong skills and abilities are formed through a variety of training exercises. They also differ from testing, although they also provide a choice of answer. However, during testing, it is difficult for the teacher to monitor how justified the choice was made by the student; a choice at random is not excluded, since the student’s reasoning remains at the level of internal speech.

The essence of training lessons is in the development of a unified conceptual apparatus, in students’ awareness of their achievements and problems.

The success and efficiency of this technology is possible with a high level of lesson organization, the necessary conditions of which are the thoughtfulness of working pairs (fours) and the experience of students working together. Pairs or fours should be formed from children with different types of perception (visual, auditory, motor), taking into account their activity. In this case, joint activities will contribute to a holistic perception of the material and self-development of each child.

The training lessons were developed in accordance with the thematic planning of L.G. Peterson and are conducted through reserve lessons. Subjects of training lessons: numbering, the meaning of arithmetic operations, methods of calculations, order of actions, quantities, solving problems and equations. During the academic year, from 5 to 10 trainings are conducted depending on the class.

Thus, in the 1st grade it is proposed to conduct 5 trainings on the main topics of the course.

November: Addition and subtraction within 9 .

December: Task .

February: Quantities .

March: Solving equations .

April: Problem solving .

In each training, the sequence of tasks is built according to the algorithm of actions that form the knowledge, skills and abilities of students on a given topic.

2.2.2. Lesson-training model

2.3. Oral exercises in mathematics lessons

Changing priorities for the goals of mathematics education have significantly affected the process of teaching mathematics. The main idea is the priority of the developmental function in teaching. Oral exercises are one of the means in the educational and cognitive process that makes it possible to realize the idea of ​​development.

Oral exercises contain enormous potential for developing thinking and activating the cognitive activity of students. They allow you to organize the educational process in such a way that as a result of their implementation, students form a holistic picture of the phenomenon under consideration. This provides the opportunity not only to retain in memory, but also to reproduce exactly those fragments that turn out to be necessary in the process of passing subsequent steps of cognition.

The use of oral exercises reduces the number of tasks in the lesson that require full written documentation, which leads to more effective development of speech, mental operations and creative abilities of students.

Oral exercises destroy stereotypical thinking by constantly involving the student in the analysis of initial information and predicting errors. The main thing when working with information is to involve students themselves in creating an indicative basis, which shifts the emphasis of the educational process from the need for memorization to the need for the ability to apply information, and thereby contributes to the transfer of students from the level of reproductive assimilation of knowledge to the level of research activity.

Thus, a well-thought-out system of oral exercises allows not only to carry out systematic work on the formation of computational skills and skills in solving word problems, but also in many other areas, such as:

a) development of attention, memory, mental operations, speech;

b) formation of heuristic techniques;

c) development of combinatorial thinking;

d) formation of spatial representations.

2.4. Knowledge control

Modern learning technologies can significantly increase the efficiency of the learning process. At the same time, most of these technologies leave out of the scope of their attention innovations related to such important components of the educational process as knowledge control. The methods of organizing control over the level of students' training currently used at school have not undergone any significant changes over a long period. Until now, many believe that teachers successfully cope with this type of activity and do not experience significant difficulties in their practical implementation. At best, the question of what is advisable to submit for control is discussed. Issues related to the forms of control, and even more so the methods of processing and storing educational information received during control, remain without due attention from teachers. At the same time, in modern society, an information revolution has occurred quite a long time ago; new methods of analysis, collection and storage of data have appeared, making this process more efficient in terms of the volume and quality of information retrieved.

Knowledge control is one of the most important components of the educational process. Monitoring students' knowledge can be considered as an element of the control system that implements feedback in the corresponding control loops. How this feedback will be organized, how much information received during this communication reliable, comprehensive and reliable, The effectiveness of the decisions made also depends. The modern system of public education is organized in such a way that the management of the learning process of schoolchildren is carried out at several levels.

The first level is the student, who must consciously manage his activities, directing them to achieve learning goals. If management at this level is absent or is not coordinated with learning goals, then a situation occurs when the student is taught, but he himself does not learn. Accordingly, in order to effectively manage his activities, a student must have all the necessary information about the learning results he achieves. Naturally, at the lower stages of education, the student mainly receives this information from the teacher in ready-made form.

The second level is the teacher. This is the main figure directly responsible for managing the educational process. He organizes both the activities of each individual student and the class as a whole, directs and corrects the course of the educational process. The objects of control for the teacher are individual students and classes. The teacher himself collects all the information necessary to manage the educational process; in addition, he must prepare and transmit to students the information they need so that they can consciously take part in the educational process.

The third level is public education authorities. This level represents hierarchical system Institutes of Public Education Management. Management bodies deal both with information that they receive independently and independently of the teacher, and with information transmitted to them by teachers.

The information that the teacher transmits to students and to higher authorities is the school grade assigned by the teacher based on the results of students’ activities during the educational process. It is advisable to distinguish between two types: current And final grade. The current assessment, as a rule, takes into account the results of students’ performance of certain types of activities; the final assessment is, as it were, a derivative of the current assessments. Thus, the final grade may not directly reflect the final level of student preparation.

Assessment of students' achievements by the teacher is a necessary component of the educational process, ensuring its successful functioning. Any attempts to ignore knowledge assessment (in one form or another) lead to disruption of the normal course of the education process. Evaluation, on the one hand serves as a guide For students, showing them how their efforts meet the teacher's requirements. On the other hand, the presence of assessment allows educational authorities, as well as parents of students, to monitor the success of the educational process and the effectiveness of the control actions taken. In general grade - This is a judgment about the quality of an object or process, made on the basis of correlating the identified properties of this object or process with some given criterion. An example of an assessment would be the award of a rank in sports. The category is assigned based on measuring the athlete's performance results by comparing them with given standards. (For example, the running result in seconds is compared with the standards corresponding to a particular category.)

Evaluation is secondary to measurement and Maybe be obtained only after the measurement has been carried out. In modern schools, these two processes are often not distinguished, since the measurement process takes place as if in a compressed form, and the assessment itself has the form of a number. Teachers do not think about the fact that, by recording the number of actions correctly performed by a student (or the number of errors made by him/her) when performing this or that work, they thereby measure the results of students’ activities, and when giving a grade to a student, they correlate the identified quantitative indicators with those available in the their disposal of evaluation criteria. Thus, teachers themselves, having, as a rule, the results of measurements that they use to grade students, rarely inform other participants in the educational process about them. This significantly narrows the information available to students, their parents and governing bodies.

Knowledge assessment can be in either numerical or verbal form, which in turn creates additional confusion that often exists between measurements and assessments. The measurement results can only be in numerical form, since in general measurement is establishing a correspondence between an object and a number. The form of the assessment is an unimportant characteristic of it. So, for example, a judgment like “student fully has mastered the taught material” may be equivalent to the statement “the student knows the covered material in Great” or “the student has a grade of 5 for the completed course material.” The only thing that researchers and practitioners should remember is that in the latter case the assessment 5 is not a number in the mathematical sense and with it no arithmetic operations are allowed. A score of 5 serves to classify a given student into a certain category, the meaning of which can be deciphered unambiguously only taking into account the adopted assessment system.

The modern school assessment system suffers from a number of significant shortcomings that do not allow it to be fully used as a high-quality source of information about the level of student preparation. School assessment is usually subjective, relative and unreliable. The main flaws of this assessment system are that, on the one hand, the existing assessment criteria are poorly formalized, which allows them to be interpreted ambiguously; on the other hand, there are no clear measurement algorithms, on the basis of which the assessment should be based. normal system assessment.

Standard tests and independent work, common to all students, are used as measuring tools in the educational process. The results of these tests are assessed by the teacher. In modern methodological literature, much attention is paid to the content of these tests, they are improved and brought into line with the stated learning goals. At the same time, the issues of processing test results, measuring student performance results and their evaluation in most of the methodological literature are studied at an insufficiently high level of development and formalization. This leads to the fact that teachers often give different grades to students for the same work results. There may be even greater differences in the results of assessing the same work by different teachers. The latter occurs due to the fact that in the absence of strictly formalized rules defining algorithm measurement and assessment, different teachers may perceive the measurement algorithms and assessment criteria proposed to them differently, replacing them with their own.

The teachers themselves explain it as follows. When evaluating work, they have in mind first of all student's reaction on the rating he received. The main task of the teacher is to encourage the student to new achievements, and here for them lower value has an assessment function as an objective and reliable source of information about the level of students’ training, but in to a greater extent teachers are aimed at implementing the control function of assessment.

Modern methods for measuring the level of student preparation, focused on the use of computer technologies, fully meeting the realities of our time, provide the teacher with fundamentally new opportunities and increase the efficiency of his activities. A significant advantage of these technologies is that they provide new opportunities not only for the teacher, but also for the student. They enable the student to cease being an object of learning, but to become a subject who consciously participates in the learning process and reasonably makes independent decisions related to this process.

If, with traditional control, information about the level of students’ preparation was owned and completely controlled only by the teacher, then when using new methods of collecting and analyzing information, it becomes available to the student himself and his parents. This allows students and their parents to consciously make decisions related to the course of the educational process, makes the student and teacher comrades in the same important matter, in the results of which they are equally interested.

Traditional control is represented by independent and test work (12 workbooks that make up a set of mathematics for primary school).

When carrying out independent work, the goal is primarily to identify the level of mathematical preparation of children and promptly eliminate existing knowledge gaps. At the end of each independent work there is a space for work on bugs. At first, the teacher should help children choose tasks that allow them to correct their mistakes in a timely manner. Throughout the year, independent work with corrected errors is collected in a folder, which helps students track their path in mastering knowledge.

Tests summarize this work. Unlike independent work, the main function of control work is precisely the control of knowledge. From the very first steps, a child should be taught to be especially attentive and precise in his actions while monitoring knowledge. Test results, as a rule, are not corrected - you need to prepare for knowledge testing before him, and not after. But this is exactly how any competitions, exams, administrative tests are conducted - after they are carried out, the result cannot be corrected, and children need to be gradually psychologically prepared for this. At the same time, preparatory work and timely correction of errors during independent work provide a certain guarantee that the test will be written successfully.

The basic principle of knowledge control is minimizing children's stress. The atmosphere in the classroom should be calm and friendly. Possible errors in independent work should be perceived as nothing more than a signal for their improvement and elimination. A calm atmosphere during tests is determined by the extensive preparatory work that has been done in advance and which removes all reasons for concern. In addition, the child must clearly feel the teacher’s faith in his strength and interest in his success.

The level of difficulty of the work is quite high, but experience shows that children gradually accept it and almost all of them, without exception, cope with the proposed variants of tasks.

Independent work usually takes 7-10 minutes (sometimes up to 15). If the child does not have time to complete the independent work assignment within the allotted time, after checking the work by the teacher, he finalizes these assignments at home.

Grading for independent work is given after the errors have been corrected. What is assessed is not so much what the child managed to do during the lesson, but how he ultimately worked on the material. Therefore, even those independent works that are not written very well in class can be given a good or excellent score. In independent work, the quality of work on oneself is fundamentally important and only success is assessed.

Test work takes from 30 to 45 minutes. If one of the children does not complete the tests within the allotted time, then at the initial stages of training you can allocate some additional time for him to give him the opportunity to calmly finish the work. Such “adding” to work is excluded when carrying out independent work. But in the control work there is no provision for subsequent “revision” - the result is evaluated. The grade for the test work is corrected, as a rule, in the next test work.

When assigning a grade, you can rely on the following scale (tasks with an asterisk are not included in the mandatory part and are assessed with an additional mark):

“3” - if at least 50% of the work has been done;

“4” - if at least 75% of the work has been done;

“5” - if the work contains no more than 2 defects.

This scale is very arbitrary, since when giving a grade, the teacher must take into account many different factors, including the level of preparedness of the children, and their mental, physical, and emotional state. In the end, assessment should not be a sword of pre-Mocles in the hands of a teacher, but a tool that helps a child learn to work on himself, overcome difficulties, and believe in himself. Therefore, first of all, you should be guided by common sense and traditions: “5” is great job, “4” - good, “3” - satisfactory. It should also be noted that in 1st grade, grades are given only for works written as “good” and “excellent”. You can say to the rest: “We need to catch up, we will succeed too!”

In most cases, work is carried out on printed basis. But in some cases, they are offered on cards or can even be written on the board to accustom children to different forms of presentation of material. The teacher can easily determine in what form the work is carried out by whether there is space left for writing in answers or not.

Independent work is offered approximately 1-2 times a week, and tests are offered 2-3 times a quarter. At the end of the year children first they write the translation work, determining the ability to continue studying in the next grade in accordance with state standard knowledge, and then - the final test.

The final work has a high level of complexity. At the same time, experience shows that with systematic, systematic work throughout the year in the proposed methodological system, almost all children cope with it. However, depending on the specific working conditions, the level of the final test may be reduced. In any case, a child’s failure to complete it cannot serve as a basis for giving him an unsatisfactory grade.

Main goal final work - to identify the real level of knowledge of children, their mastery of general educational skills, to give the children the opportunity to realize the result of their work, to emotionally experience the joy of victory.

The high level of testing proposed in this manual, as well as the high level of work in the classroom, does not means that the level of administrative control of knowledge must increase. Administrative control is carried out in the same way as in classes taught according to any other programs and textbooks. You should only take into account that the material on topics is sometimes distributed differently (for example, the methodology adopted in this textbook assumes a later introduction of the first ten numbers). Therefore, it is advisable to carry out administrative control at the end educational year .

Chapter 3. Analysis of the experiment

How do schoolchildren perceive the simplest tasks? Is the approach proposed by the School 2100 program more effective in teaching problem solving compared to the traditional one?

To answer these questions, we conducted an experiment in gymnasium No. 5 and secondary school No. 74 in Minsk. Preparatory school students took part in the experiment. The experiment consisted of three parts.

Stater. Simple tasks were proposed that needed to be solved according to plan:

1. Condition.

2. Question.

4. Expression.

5. Solution.

A system of exercises was proposed using the activity method in order to develop skills to solve simple problems.

Control. The students were offered problems similar to the problems from the ascertaining experiment, as well as tasks more complex level.

3.1. Ascertaining experiment

The students were given the following tasks:

1. Dasha has 3 apples and 2 pears. How many fruits does Dasha have in total?

2. The cat Murka has 7 kittens. Of these, 3 are white and the rest are variegated. How many motley kittens does Murka have?

3. There were 5 passengers on the bus. At the stop, some of the passengers got off, only 1 passenger remained. How many passengers got off?

The purpose of the ascertaining experiment: check which one entry level knowledge, abilities, skills of preparatory class students when solving simple tasks.

Conclusion. The result of the ascertaining experiment is reflected in the graph.

Decided: 25 problems - students of gymnasium No. 5

24 problems - students of secondary school No. 74

30 people took part in the experiment: 15 people from gymnasium No. 5 and 15 people from school No. 74 in Minsk.

More good results achieved when solving problem No. 1. The lowest when solving problem No. 3.

General level The students of the two groups who coped with solving these problems were approximately the same.

Reasons for low results:

1. Not all students have the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to solve simple problems. Namely:

a) the ability to identify elements of a task (condition, question);

b) the ability to model the text of a problem using segments (constructing a diagram);

c) the ability to justify the choice of an arithmetic operation;

d) knowledge of tabular cases of addition within 10;

e) the ability to compare numbers within 10.

2. Students experience the greatest difficulties when drawing up a diagram for a problem (“dressing” the diagram) and composing an expression.

3.2. Educational experiment

Purpose of the experiment: continue work on solving problems using the activity method with students from gymnasium No. 5 studying under the “School 2100” program. To develop stronger knowledge, skills and abilities when solving problems, special attention was paid to drawing up a diagram (“dressing” the diagram) and composing an expression according to the scheme.

The following tasks were offered.

1. Game “Part or whole?”

The teacher, at a fast pace, using a pointer, shows a part or a whole on a segment, which students name. In order to activate student activity, tools should be used feedback. Taking into account the fact that in writing it is agreed to denote part and whole with special signs, instead of answering “whole”, students draw a “circle”, connecting the thumb and index fingers of the right hand, and “part” - placing the index finger of the right hand horizontally. The game allows you to complete up to 15 tasks with a specified goal in one minute.

In another version of the proposed game, the situation is closer to the one in which students will find themselves when modeling the problem. Schemes are drawn up on the board in advance. The teacher asks what is known in each case: the part or the whole? Answering. Students can use the technique noted above or give a written answer using the following conventions:

¾ - whole

The technique of mutual verification and the technique of reconciliation with the correct execution of the task on the board can be used.

2. Game “What has changed?”

The diagram is in front of the students:

It turns out what is known: a part or a whole. Then the students close their eyes, the diagram takes the form 2), the students answer the same question, close their eyes again, the diagram is transformed, etc. - as many times as the teacher considers necessary.

Similar tasks in a game form can be offered to students with a question mark. Only the task will be formulated somewhat differently: “What unknown: part or whole?”

In previous assignments, students “read” the diagram; It is equally important to be able to “dress” the scheme.

3. Game “Wear the scheme”

Before the start of the lesson, each student receives a small piece of paper with diagrams that are “dressed up” according to the teacher’s instructions. Tasks can be like this:

- A- Part;

- b– whole;

Unknown whole;

Unknown part.

4. Game “Choose a scheme”

The teacher reads the problem, and the students must name the number of the diagram on which the question mark was placed in accordance with the text of the problem. For example: in a group of “a” boys and “b” girls, how many children are in the group?

The rationale for the answer may be as follows. All children of the group (whole) consist of boys (part) and girls (other part). This means that the question mark is correctly placed in the second diagram.

When modeling the text of a problem, the student must clearly imagine what needs to be found in the problem: a part or a whole. For this purpose, it can be carried out next job.

5. Game “What is unknown?”

The teacher reads the text of the problem, and the students answer the question about what is unknown in the problem: part or whole. A card that looks like this can be used as a means of feedback:

on the one hand, on the other: .

For example: in one bunch there are 3 carrots, and in the other there are 5 carrots. How many carrots are there in two bunches? (the whole is unknown).

The work can be done in the form of a mathematical dictation.

At the next stage, along with the question of what needs to be found in the problem: a part or a whole, the question is asked about how to do this (by what action). Students are prepared to make informed choices of arithmetic operations based on the relationship between the whole and its parts.

Show the whole, show the parts. What is known, what is unknown?

I show - do you name what it is: a whole or a part, is it known or not?

What more part or whole?

How to find the whole?

How to find a part?

What can you find if you know the whole and the part? How? (What action?).

What can you find if you know the parts of a whole? How? (What action?).

What and what do you need to know to find the whole? How? (What action?).

What and what do you need to know to find the part? How? (What action?).

Write an expression for each diagram?

Support diagrams, used at this stage of work on the task, can have the following form:

During the experiment, students came up with their own problems, illustrated them, “dressed up” diagrams, used commenting, and worked independently with various types of testing.

3.3. Control experiment

Target: check the effectiveness of the approach to solving simple problems proposed by the educational program “School 2100”.

The following tasks were proposed:

There were 3 books on one shelf and 4 books on the other. How many books were on the two shelves?

9 children were playing in the yard, 5 of them boys. How many girls were there?

6 birds were sitting on a birch tree. Several birds flew away, 4 birds remained. How many birds flew away?

Tanya had 3 red pencils, 2 blue and 4 green. How many pencils did Tanya have?

Dima read 8 pages in three days. On the first day he read 2 pages, on the second - 4 pages. How many pages did Dima read on the third day?

Conclusion. The result of the control experiment is reflected in the graph.

Decided: 63 problems – students of gymnasium No. 5

50 problems – students of school No. 74

As you can see, the results of students from gymnasium No. 5 in solving problems are higher than those of students from secondary school No. 74.

So, the results of the experiment confirm the hypothesis that if the educational program “School 2100” (an activity method) is used when teaching mathematics to primary schoolchildren, then the learning process will be more productive and creative. We see confirmation of this in the results of solving problems No. 4 and No. 5. Students have not previously been offered such problems. When solving such problems, it was necessary, using a certain base of knowledge, skills and abilities, to independently find solutions to more complex problems. Students from gymnasium No. 5 completed them more successfully (21 problems solved) than students from secondary school No. 74 (14 problems solved).

I would like to present the result of a survey of teachers working under this program. 15 teachers were selected as experts. They noted that children who study the new mathematics course (the percentage of affirmative answers is given):

Calmly answer at the board 100%

Able to express their thoughts more clearly and clearly 100%

Not afraid to make a mistake 100%

Became more active and independent 86.7%

93.3% are not afraid to express their point of view

Better justify their answers 100%

Calmer and easier to navigate in unusual situations (at school, at home) 66.7%

Teachers also noted that children began to show originality and creativity more often, because:

· students have become more reasonable, cautious and serious in their actions;

· children are at ease and bold in communicating with adults, they easily come into contact with them;

· they have excellent self-control skills, including in the area of ​​relationships and rules of behavior.


Based on personal practice, having studied the concept, we came to the conclusion: the “School 2100” system can be called variable personal activity approach in education, which is based on three groups of principles: personality-oriented, culture-oriented, activity-oriented. It should be emphasized that the “School 2100” program was created specifically for mass secondary schools. The following can be distinguished benefits of this program:

1. The principle of psychological comfort embedded in the program is based on the fact that each student:

· is an active participant in cognitive activities in the classroom and can demonstrate his creative abilities;

· progresses while studying the material at a pace convenient for him, gradually assimilating the material;

· masters the material to the extent that is accessible and necessary to him (the minimax principle);

· feels interest in what is happening in each lesson, learns to solve problems that are interesting in content and form, learns new things not only from the mathematics course, but also from other areas of knowledge.

Textbooks L.G. Peterson take into account the age and psychophysiological characteristics of schoolchildren .

2. The teacher in the lesson acts not as an informant, but as an organizer search activity of students. A specially selected system of tasks, during which students analyze the situation, express their suggestions, listen to others and find the right answer, helps the teacher in this.

The teacher often offers tasks during which the children cut out, measure, color, and trace. This allows you not to memorize the material mechanically, but to study it consciously, “passing it through your hands.” Children draw their own conclusions.

The exercise system is designed in such a way that it also contains a sufficient set of exercises that require actions according to a given pattern. In such exercises, skills and abilities are not only developed, but also algorithmic thinking is developed. There are also a sufficient number of creative exercises that contribute to the development of heuristic thinking.

3. Developmental aspect. One cannot fail to mention special exercises aimed at developing the creative abilities of students. The important thing is that these tasks are given in the system, starting from the first lessons. Children come up with their own examples, problems, equations, etc. They really enjoy this activity. It's no coincidence that's why creative works children according to their own initiative They are usually brightly and colorfully decorated.

Textbooks are multi-level, allow you to organize differentiated work with textbooks in the lesson. Assignments typically include both practice of mathematics education standards and questions that require the application of knowledge at a constructive level. The teacher builds his work system taking into account the characteristics of the class, the presence in it of groups of poorly prepared students and students who have achieved high performance in the study of mathematics.

5. The program provides effective preparation for studying algebra and geometry courses in high school.

From the very beginning of the mathematics course, students are accustomed to working with algebraic expressions. Moreover, the work is carried out in two directions: composing and reading expressions.

The ability to compose letter expressions is honed in an unconventional type of task - blitz tournaments. These tasks arouse great interest in children and are successfully completed by them, despite the fairly high level of complexity.

Early use elements of algebra allows you to lay a solid foundation for the study of mathematical models and for revealing to students at higher levels of education the role and significance of the method of mathematical modeling.

This program provides an opportunity through activities to lay the foundation for further study of geometry. Already in elementary school children “discover” various geometric patterns: they derive the formula for the area of ​​a right triangle, and put forward a hypothesis about the sum of the angles of a triangle.

6. The program develops interest in the subject. It is impossible to achieve good learning results if students have low interest in mathematics. To develop and consolidate it, the course offers quite a lot of exercises that are interesting in content and form. A large number of numerical crosswords, puzzles, ingenuity tasks, and decodings help the teacher make lessons truly exciting and interesting. In the course of completing these tasks, children decipher either a new concept or a riddle... Among the deciphered words are names literary heroes, titles of works, names of historical figures that are not always familiar to children. This stimulates learning new things; there is a desire to work with additional sources (dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, etc.)

7. Textbooks have a multi-linear structure, giving the ability to systematically work on repeating material. It is well known that knowledge that is not included in work for a certain time is forgotten. It is difficult for a teacher to independently work on selecting knowledge for repetition, because searching for them takes considerable time. These textbooks provide the teacher with great assistance in this matter.

8. Printed textbook base in elementary school, it saves time and focuses students on solving problems, which makes the lesson more voluminous and informative. At the same time it is decided the most important task formation of students' skills self-control.

The work carried out confirmed the hypothesis put forward. The use of an activity-based approach to teaching mathematics to junior schoolchildren has shown that cognitive activity, creativity, and liberation of students increase, and fatigue decreases. The School 2100 program meets the objectives modern education and lesson requirements. For several years, children did not have unsatisfactory grades in the entrance exams to the gymnasium - an indicator of the effectiveness of the “School 2100” program in schools of the Republic of Belarus.


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3. Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. M.: Higher School, 1989. - 141 p.

4. Blonsky P.P. Selected pedagogical works. M.: Academy of Pedagogists. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1961. - 695 p.

5. Vilenkin N.Ya., Peterson L.G. Mathematics. 1st grade. Part 3. Textbook for 1st grade. M.: Ballas. - 1996. - 96 p.

6. Vorontsov A.B. The practice of developmental education. M.: Knowledge, 1998. - 316 p.

7. Vygotsky L.S. Educational psychology. M.: Pedagogy, 1996. - 479 p.

8. Grigoryan N.V., Zhigulev L.A., Lukicheva E.Yu., Smykalova E.V. On the problem of continuity in teaching mathematics between primary and secondary schools // Primary school: plus before and after. - M., 2002. - No. 7. P. 17-21.

9. Guzeev V.V. Towards the construction of a formalized theory of educational technology: target groups and target settings // School technologies. – 2002. - No. 2. - P. 3-10.

10. Davydov V.V. Scientific support of education in the light of new pedagogical thinking. M.: 1989.

11. Davydov V.V. Developmental learning theory. M.: INTOR, 1996. - 542 p.

12. Davydov V.V. Principles of teaching in the school of the future // Reader on developmental and pedagogical psychology. - M.: Pedagogy, 1981. - 138 p.

13. Favorites psychological works: In 2 volumes. Ed. V.V. Davydova and others - M.: Pedagogika, T. 1. 1983. - 391 p. T. 2. 1983. - 318 p.

14. Kapterev P.F. Selected pedagogical works. M.: Pedagogy, 1982. - 704 p.

15. Kashlev S.S. Modern technologies of the pedagogical process. Mn.: Universitetskoe. - 2001. - 95 p.

16. Clarin N.V. Pedagogical technology in the educational process. - M.: Knowledge, 1989. - 75 p.

17. Korosteleva O.A. Methods of working on equations in elementary school. // Elementary school: plus or minus. 2001. - No. 2. - P. 36-42.

18. Kostyukovich N.V., Podgornaya V.V. Methods of teaching solving simple problems. – Mn.: Bestprint. - 2001. - 50 p.

19. Ksenzova G.Yu. Promising school technologies. – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia. - 2000. - 224 p.

20. Kurevina O.A., Peterson L.G. The concept of education: a modern view. - M., 1999. - 22 p.

21. Leontyev A.A. What is the activity approach in education? // Primary school: plus or minus. - 2001. - No. 1. - P. 3-6.

22. Monakhov V.N. Axiomatic approach to the design of pedagogical technology // Pedagogy. - 1997. - No. 6.

23. Medvedskaya V.N. Methods of teaching mathematics in primary school. - Brest, 2001. - 106 p.

24. Methods of initial teaching of mathematics. Ed. A.A. Stolyara, V.L. Drozda. - Mn.: Higher school. - 1989. - 254 p.

25. Obukhova L.F. Developmental psychology. - M.: Rospedagogika, 1996. - 372 p.

26. Peterson L.G. Program “Mathematics” // Primary school. - M. - 2001. - No. 8. P. 13-14.

27. Peterson L.G., Barzinova E.R., Nevretdinova A.A. Independent and test work in mathematics in elementary school. Issue 2. Options 1, 2. Study guide. - M., 1998. - 112 p.

28. Appendix to the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2001 No. 957/13-13. Features of kits recommended for general education institutions participating in an experiment to improve the structure and content of general education // Elementary school. - M. - 2002. - No. 5. - P. 3-14.

29. Collection of normative documents of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Brest. 1998. - 126 p.

30. Serekurova E.A. Modular lessons in elementary school. // Elementary school: plus or minus. - 2002. - No. 1. - P. 70-72.

31. Modern dictionary of pedagogy / Comp. Rapatsevich E.S. - Mn.: Modern Word, 2001. - 928 p.

32. Talyzina N.F. Formation of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren. - M. Education, 1988. - 173 p.

33. Ushinsky K.D. Selected pedagogical works. T. 2. - M.: Pedagogy, 1974. - 568 p.

34. Fradkin F.A. Pedagogical technology in historical perspective. - M.: Knowledge, 1992. - 78 p.

35. “School 2100.” Priority directions for the development of the educational program. Issue 4. M., 2000. - 208 p.

36. Shchurkova N.E. Educational technologies. M.: Pedagogy, 1992. - 249 p.

Appendix 1


2nd grade. 1 hour (1 - 4)

Target: 1) Introduce the technique of subtracting two-digit numbers with transition through the digit.

2) Consolidate the learned computational techniques, the ability to independently analyze and solve compound problems.

3) Develop thinking, speech, cognitive interests, creative abilities.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Statement of the educational task.

2.1. Solving subtraction examples with transition through digits within 20.

The teacher asks the children to solve examples:

Children verbally name the answers. The teacher writes the children's answers on the board.

Divide the examples into groups. (By the value of the difference - 8 or 7; examples in which the subtrahend is equal to the difference and not equal to the difference; the subtrahend is equal to 8 and not equal to 8, etc.)

What do all the examples have in common? (The same calculation method is subtraction with transition through the digit.)

What other subtraction examples can you solve? (For subtracting two-digit numbers.)

2.2. Solving examples on subtracting two-digit numbers without jumping through the place value.

Let's see who can solve these examples better! What's interesting about the differences: *9-64, 7*-54, *5-44,

It is better to place examples one below the other. Children should notice that in the minuend one digit is unknown; unknown tens and ones alternate; all known digits in the minuend are odd and are in descending order: in the subtrahend, the number of tens is reduced by 1, but the number of units does not change.

Solve the minuend if you know that the difference between the digits denoting tens and units is 3. (In the 1st example - 6 d., 12 d. cannot be taken, since only one digit can be put in a digit; in the 2nd example - 4 units, since 10 units are not suitable; in the 3rd - 6 units, 3 units cannot be taken, since the minuend must be greater than the subtracted; similarly in the 4th - 6 units, and in the 5th. - 4 days)

The teacher reveals closed numbers and asks children to solve examples:

69 - 64. 74 - 54, 85 - 44. 36 - 34, 41 - 24.

For 2-3 examples, the algorithm for subtracting two-digit numbers is spoken out loud: 69 - 64 =. From 9 units. subtract 4 units, we get 5 units. From 6 d. subtract 6 d., we get O d. Answer: 5.

2.3. Statement of the problem. Goal setting.

When solving the last example, children experience difficulty (different answers are possible, some will not be able to solve it at all): 41-24 = ?

The goal of our lesson is to invent a subtraction technique that will help us solve this example and examples like it.

Children lay out the example model on the desk and on the demonstration canvas:

How to subtract two-digit numbers? (Subtract tens from tens, and ones from ones.)

Why did the difficulty arise here? (The minuend is missing units.)

Is our minuend less than our subtrahend? (No, the minuend is greater.)

Where are the few hiding? (In the top ten.)

What needs to be done? (Replace 1 ten with 10 units. - Discovery!)

Well done! Solve the example.

Children replace the tens triangle in the minuend with a triangle on which 10 units are drawn:

11e -4e = 7e, Zd-2d=1d. In total it turned out to be 1 d. and 7 e. or 17.

So. “Sasha” offered us a new method of calculations. It is as follows: split ten and take from his missing units. Therefore, we could write down our example and solve it like this (the entry is commented):

Can you think of what you should always remember when using this technique, where an error is possible? (The number of tens is reduced by 1.)

4. Physical education minute.

5. Primary consolidation.

1) No. 1, page 16.

Comment on the first example using the following example:

32 - 15. From 2 units. You cannot subtract 5 units. Let's split ten. From 12 units. subtract 5 units, and from the remaining 2 tenths. subtract 1 dec. We get 1 dec. and 7 units, that is 17.

Solve the following examples with explanation.

Children complete graphic models of examples and at the same time comment on the solution aloud. Lines connect pictures with equalities.

2) No. 2, p. 16

Once again the solution and commentary on the example are clearly stated in a column:

81 _82 _83 _84 _85 _86

29 29 29 29 29 29

I write: units under units, tens under tens.

I subtract units: from 1 unit. You cannot subtract 9 units. I borrow 1 day and put an end to it. 11-9 = 2 units. I write under units.

I subtract the tens: 7-2 = 5 dec.

Children solve and comment on examples until they notice a pattern (usually 2-3 examples). Based on the established pattern in the remaining examples, they write down the answer without solving them.

3) № 3, p. 16.

Let's play a guessing game:

82 - 6 41 -17 74-39 93-45

82-16 51-17 74-9 63-45

Children write down and solve examples in squared notebooks. Comparing them. they see that the examples are interconnected. Therefore, in each column only the first example is solved, and in the rest the answer is guessed, provided that the correct justification is given and everyone agrees with it.

The teacher invites the children to copy examples from the board in a column. for a new computing technique

98-19, 64-12, 76 - 18, 89 - 14, 54 - 17.

Children write in notebooks in a cage necessary examples, and then check the correctness of their entries using the finished sample:

19 18 17

They then solve the written examples on their own. After 2-3 minutes the teacher shows the correct answers. Children check them themselves, mark correctly solved examples with a plus, and correct mistakes.

Find a pattern. (The numbers in the minuends are written in order from 9 to 4, the subtrahends themselves go in decreasing order, etc.)

Write your own example that would continue this pattern.

7. Repetition tasks.

Children who have completed their independent work come up with and solve problems in their notebooks, and those who have made mistakes refine their mistakes individually together with the teacher or consultants. then they solve 1-2 more examples on a new topic on their own.

Come up with a problem and solve according to the options:

Option 1 Option 2

Perform cross-check. What did you notice? (The answers to the problems are the same. These are mutually inverse problems.)

8. Lesson summary.

What examples did you learn to solve?

Can you now solve the example that caused difficulties at the beginning of the lesson?

Come up with and solve such an example for a new technique!

Children offer several options. One is selected. Children. write it down and solve it in a notebook, and one of the children does it on the board.

9. Homework.

No. 5, p. 16. (Unravel the name of the fairy tale and the author.)

Compose your own example of a new computational technique and solve it graphically and columnarly.


2kl., 2h. (1-4)

Target: 1) Introduce special cases of multiplication with 0 and 1.

2) Reinforce the meaning of multiplication and the commutative property of multiplication, practice computational skills,

3) Develop attention, memory, mental operations, speech, creativity, interest in mathematics.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

2.1. Tasks for the development of attention.

On the board and on the table the children have a two-color picture with numbers:

2 5 8
10 4
3 5
1 9 6

What's interesting about the numbers written down? (Write in different colors; all “red” numbers are even, and “blue” numbers are odd.)

Which number is the odd one out? (10 is round, and the rest are not; 10 is two-digit, and the rest are single-digit; 5 is repeated twice, and the rest - one at a time.)

I’ll close the number 10. Is there an extra one among the other numbers? (3 - he doesn’t have a pair until 10, but the rest do.)

Find the sum of all the “red” numbers and write it in the red square. (30.)

Find the sum of all the “blue” numbers and write it in the blue square. (23.)

How much more is 30 than 23? (On 7.)

How much is 23 less than 30? (Also at 7.)

What action did you use? (By subtraction.)

2.2. Tasks for the development of memory and speech. Updating knowledge.

a) -Repeat in order the words that I will name: addend, addend, sum, minuend, subtrahend, difference. (Children try to reproduce the order of words.)

What components of actions were named? (Addition and subtraction.)

What new action are we introduced to? (Multiplication.)

Name the components of multiplication. (Multiplier, multiplier, product.)

What does the first factor mean? (Equal terms in the sum.)

What does the second factor mean? (The number of such terms.)

Write down the definition of multiplication.

b) -Look at the notes. What task will you be doing?

12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12

33 + 33 + 33 + 33

(Replace the sum with the product.)

What will happen? (The first expression has 5 terms, each equal to 12, so it is equal to

12 5. Similarly - 33 4, and 3)

c) - Name the inverse operation. (Replace the product with the sum.)

Replace the product with the sum in the expressions: 99 - 2. 8 4. b 3. (99 + 99, 8 + 8 + 8 + 8, b+b+b).

d) Equalities are written on the board:

21 3 = 21+22 + 23

44 + 44 + 44 + 44 = 44 + 4

17 + 17-17 + 17-17 = 17 5

Next to each equation, the teacher places pictures of a chicken, a baby elephant, a frog and a mouse, respectively.

The animals from the forest school were completing a task. Did they do it correctly?

Children establish that the baby elephant, frog and mouse made a mistake, and explain what their mistakes were.

e) - Compare the expressions:

8 – 5… 5 – 8 34 – 9… 31 2

5 6… 3 6 a – 3… a 2 + a

(8 5 = 5 8, since the sum does not change from rearranging the terms; 5 6 > 3 6, since there are 6 terms on the left and right, but there are more terms on the left; 34 9 > 31 - 2. since there are more terms on the left and themselves the terms are greater; a 3 = a 2 + a, since on the left and on the right there are 3 terms equal to a.)

What property of multiplication was used in the first example? (Commutative.)

2.3. Statement of the problem. Goal setting.

Look at the picture. Are the equalities true? Why? (Correct, since the sum is 5 + 5 + 5 = 15. Then the sum becomes one more term 5, and the sum increases by 5.)

5 3 = 15 5 5 = 25

5 4 = 20 5 6 = 30

Continue this pattern to the right. (5 7 = 35; 5 8 = 40...)

Continue it now to the left. (5 2 = 10; 5 1=5; 5 0 = 0.)

What does the expression 5 1 mean? 5 0? (? Problem!) Bottom line discussions:

In our example, it would be convenient to assume that 5 1 = 5, and 5 0 = 0. However, the expressions 5 1 and 5 0 do not make sense. We can agree to consider these equalities true. But to do this, we need to check whether we will violate the commutative property of multiplication. So, the goal of our lesson is determine whether we can count equalities 5 1 = 5 and 5 0 = 0 true? - Lesson problem!

3. “Discovery” of new knowledge by children.

1) No. 1, page 80.

a) - Follow steps: 1 7, 1 4, 1 5.

Children solve examples with comments in a textbook-notebook:

1 7 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7

1 4 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4

1 5 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 +1 = 5

Draw a conclusion: 1 a -? (1 a = a.) The teacher puts out a card: 1 a = a

b) - Do the expressions 7 1, 4 1, 5 1 make sense? Why? (No, because the sum cannot have one term.)

What should they be equal to so that the commutative property of multiplication is not violated? (7 1 must also equal 7, so 7 1 = 7.)

4 1 = 4 are considered similarly. 5 1 = 5.

Draw a conclusion: and 1 =? (a 1 = a.)

The card is displayed: a 1 = a. The teacher puts the first card on the second: a 1 = 1 a = a.

Our conclusion coincides with what we got on number line? (Yes.)

Translate this equality into Russian. (When you multiply a number by 1 or 1 by a number, you get the same number.)

a 1 = 1 a = a.

2) The case of multiplication from 0 in No. 4, p. 80 is studied in a similar way. Conclusion - multiplying a number by 0 or 0 by a number produces zero:

a 0 = 0 a = 0.

Compare both equalities: what do 0 and 1 remind you of?

Children express their versions. You can draw their attention to those images that are given in the textbook: 1 - “mirror”, 0 - “terrible beast” or “invisible hat”.

Well done! So, when multiplied by 1, the same number is obtained (1 is a “mirror”), and when multiplied by 0, the result is 0 (0 is an “invisible hat”).

4. Physical education minute.

5. Primary consolidation.

Examples written on the board:

23 1 = 0 925 = 364 1 =

1 89= 156 0 = 0 1 =

Children solve them in a notebook with the resulting rules spoken out loud, for example:

3 1 = 3, since when a number is multiplied by 1, the same number is obtained (1 is a “mirror”), etc.

2) No. 1, p. 80.

a) 145 x = 145; b) x 437 = 437.

When multiplying 145 by an unknown number, the result was 145. This means that they multiplied by 1 x= 1. Etc.

3) No. 6, p. 81.

a) 8 x = 0; b) x 1= 0.

When multiplying 8 by an unknown number, the result was 0. So, multiplied by 0 x = 0. Etc.

6. Independent work with testing in class.

1) No. 2, p. 80.

1 729 = 956 1 = 1 1 =

No. 5, p. 81.

0 294 = 876 0 = 0 0 = 1 0 =

Children independently solve written examples. Then, based on the finished sample, they check their answers with pronunciation in loud speech, mark correctly solved examples with a plus, and correct the mistakes made. Those who made mistakes receive a similar task on a card and refine it individually with the teacher while the class solves repetition problems.

7. Repetition tasks.

a) - We are invited to visit today, but to whom? You will find out by deciphering the recording:

[P] (18 + 2) - 8 [O] (42+ 9) + 8

[A] 14 - (4 + 3) [H] 48 + 26 - 26

[F] 9 + (8 - 1) [T] 15 + 23 - 15

Who are we invited to visit? (To Fortran.)

b) - Professor Fortran is a computer expert. But the thing is, we don't have an address. Cat X - Professor Fortran's best student - left a program for us (A poster like the one on page 56, M-2, part 1 is posted.) We set off on the journey according to X's program. Which house did you come to?

One student follows the poster on the board, and the rest follow the program in their textbooks and find the Fortran house.

c) - Professor Fortran meets us with his students. His best student, the caterpillar, has prepared a task for you: “I thought of a number, subtracted 7 from it, added 15, then added 4 and got 45. What number did I think of?”

Reverse operations must be done in reverse order: 45-4-15 + 7 = 31.

G) Game-competition.

- The Fortran professor himself invited us to play the game “Computing Machines”.

A 1 4 7 8 9

Table in students' notebooks. They independently perform calculations and fill out the table. The first 5 people who complete the task correctly win.

8. Lesson summary.

Did you do everything you planned in the lesson?

What new rules have you met?

9. Homework.

1) №№ 8, 10, p. 82 - in a squared notebook.

2) Optional: 9 or 11 on p.82 - on a printed basis.


2nd grade, 4 hours (1 - 3).

Target: 1) Learn to solve problems using sum and difference.

2) Strengthen computational skills, composing letter expressions for word problems.

3) Develop attention, mental operations, speech, communication skills, interest in mathematics.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment .

2. Statement of the educational task.

2.1. Oral exercises.

The class is divided into 3 groups - “teams”. One representative from each team performs an individual task on the board, the rest of the children work in front.

Front work:

Reduce the number 244 by 2 times (122)

Find the product of 57 and 2 (114)

Reduce the number 350 by 230 (120)

How much is 134 greater than 8? (126)

Reduce the number 1280 by 10 times (128)

What is the quotient of 363 and 3? (121)

How many centimeters are in 1 m 2 dm 4 cm? (124)

Arrange the resulting numbers in ascending order:

114 120 121 122 124 126 128

Individual work at the board:

- Three The trickster bunnies received gifts on their birthday. See if any of them have the same gifts? (Children find examples with the same answers).

What numbers are left without a pair? (Number 7.)

Describe this number. (Single digit, odd, multiples of 1 and 7.)

2.2. Setting a learning task.

Each team receives 4 “Blitz Tournament” problems, a plate and a diagram.

“Blitz tournament”

a) One hare put on a rings, and the other one put on 2 more rings than the first. How many rings do they both have?

b) The mother hare had rings. She gave her three daughters each b rings How many rings does she have left?

c) There were red rings, b white rings and pink rings. They were distributed equally to 4 bunnies. How many rings did each hare receive?

d) The mother bunny had a ring. She gave them to her two daughters so that one of them got n more rings than the other. How many rings did each daughter receive?

For the 1st team:

For the 2nd team:

For the III team:

It has become fashionable among rabbits to wear rings in their ears. Read the problems on your pieces of paper and determine which problem your diagram and your expression fit into?

Students discuss problems in groups and find the answer together. One person from the group “defends” the team’s opinion.

What problem did I not choose a diagram and expression for?

Which of these schemes is suitable for the fourth problem?

Write an expression for this problem. (Children offer various solutions, one of them is a: 2.)

Is this decision correct? Why not? Under what conditions could we consider it correct? (If both hare had the same number of rings.)

We encountered a new type of problem: in them the sum and difference of numbers are known, but the numbers themselves are unknown. Our task today is to learn how to solve problems by sum and difference.

3. “Discovery” of new knowledge.

Children's reasoning Necessarily accompanied by objective actions of children with stripes.

Place strips of colored paper in front of you, as shown in the diagram:

Explain what letter indicates the sum of the rings in the diagram? (Letter a.) Difference of rings? (Letter n .)

Is it possible to equalize the number of rings on both hare? How to do this? (Children bend or tear off part of a long strip so that both segments become equal.)

How to write down the expression how many rings there are? (a-n)

Is it twice the smaller number or the larger number? (Less.)

How to find the smaller number? ((a-n): 2.)

Have we answered the problem question? (No.)

What else should you know? (Larger number.)

How to find a larger number? (Add difference: (a-n): 2 + n)

Tablets with the obtained expressions are recorded on the board:

(a-n): 2 - smaller number,

(a-n): 2 + n - greater number.

We first found twice the smaller number. How else could one reason? (Find twice the number.)

How to do this? (a + n)

How then to answer the questions of the task? ((a + n): 2 is the larger number, (a + n): 2-n is the smaller number.)

Conclusion: So, we have found two ways to solve such problems by sum and difference: first find double the smaller number - by subtraction, or find first double a larger number by addition. Both solutions are compared on the board:

1 way 2 way

(a-n):2 (a + n):2

(a-n):2 + n (a + n):2 – n

4. Physical education minute.

5. Primary consolidation.

Students work with a textbook-notebook. Tasks are solved with comments, the solution is written down on a printed basis.

a) - Read the problem to yourself 6(a), p. 7.

What do we know about the problem and what do we need to find? (We know that there are 56 people in two classes, and in class 1 there are 2 more people than in class two. We need to find the number of students in each class.)

- “Dress” the diagram and analyze the problem. (We know the sum - 56 people, and the difference - 2 students. First, we will find twice the smaller number: 56 - 2 = 54 people. Then we will find out how many students are in the second grade: 54: 2 = 27 people. Now we will find out how many students are in first class - 27 + 2 = 29 people.)

How else can you find out how many students are in first grade? (56 – 27 = 29 people.)

How to check if a problem has been solved correctly? (Calculate the sum and difference: 27 + 29 = 56, 29 – 27 = 2.)

How could the problem be solved differently? (First find the number of students in the first grade and subtract 2 from it.)

b) - Read the problem to yourself № 6 (b), page 7. Analyze which quantities are known and which are not and come up with a solution plan.

After a minute of discussion in the teams, a representative of the team that was ready first speaks. Both ways of solving the problem are discussed orally. After discussing each method, a ready-made solution recording sample is opened and compared with the student’s answer:

I method II method

1) 18 – 4= 14 (kg) 1) 18 + 4 = 22 (kg)

2) 14:2 = 7 (kg) 2) 22: 2 = 11 (kg)

3) 18 – 7 = 11 (kg) 3) 11 – 4 = 7 (kg)

6. Independent work with testing in class.

Students use the options to solve assignment No. 7, page 7 on a printed basis (I option - No. 7 (a), II option - No. 7 (b)).

No. 7 (a), p. 7.

I method II method

1) 248-8 = 240(m.) 1) 248 +8 = 256(m.)

2) 240:2=120 (m.) 2) 256:2= 128 (m.)

3) 120 + 8= 128 (m.) 3) 128-8= 120 (m.)

Answer: 120 marks; 128 marks.

No. 7(6), p. 7.

I method II method

1) 372+ 12 = 384 (open) 1) 372-12 = 360 (open)

2) 384:2= 192 (open) 2) 360:2= 180 (open)

3) 192 – 12 =180 (open) 3)180+12 = 192 (open)

Answer: 180 postcards; 192 postcards.

Check - according to the finished sample on the board.

Each team receives a sign with the task: “Find a pattern and enter the required numbers instead of question marks.”

1 team:

2 team:

3 team:

Team captains report on the team's performance.

8. Lesson summary.

Explain how you reason when solving problems if the following operations are performed:

9. Homework.

Come up with your own new type of problem and solve it in two ways.


4th grade, 3 hours (1-4)

Target: 1) Review the concepts: point, ray, angle, vertex of an angle (point), sides of an angle (rays).

2) Introduce students to the method of comparing angles using direct superposition.

3) Repeat problems into parts, practice solving problems to find a part of a number.

4) Develop memory, mental operations, speech, cognitive interest, research abilities.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Statement of the educational task.

a) - Continue the series:

1) 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10,...; 2) 2, ½, 3, 1/3,...; 3) 824, 818, 812,...

b) - Calculate and arrange in descending order:

[I] 60-8 [L] 84-28 [F] 240: 40 [A] 15 - 6

[G] 49 + 6 [U] 7 9 [R] 560: 8 [H] 68: 4

Cross out the extra 2 letters. What word did you get? (FIGURE.)

c) - Name the figures that you see in the picture:

Which figures can be extended indefinitely? (Straight line, beam, sides of an angle.)

I connect the center of the circle with a point lying on the circle. What happens? (The segment is called the radius.)

Which of the broken lines is closed and which is not?

What other flat geometric shapes do you know? (Rectangle, square, triangle, pentagon, oval, etc.) Spatial figures? (Parallelepiped, cubic ball, cylinder, cone, pyramid, etc.)

What types of angles are there? (Straight, sharp, blunt.)

Show the model with pencils acute angle, straight, blunt.

What are the sides of an angle - segments or rays?

If you continue the sides of the angle, will you get the same angle or a different one?

d) No. 1, p. 1.

Children must determine that all corners in the picture have the side formed by the large arrow in common. The more the arrows are “spread apart,” the greater the angle.

e) No. 2, p. 1.

Children's opinions about the relationship between angles usually vary. This serves as the basis for creating a problematic situation.

3. “Discovery” of new knowledge by children.

The teacher and children have models of corners cut out of paper. Children are encouraged to explore the situation and find a way to compare angles.

They must guess that the first two methods are not suitable, since continuation of the sides of the corners none of the corners is inside the other. Then, based on the third method - “which fits”, a rule for comparing angles is derived: the angles must be superimposed on one another so that one side of them coincides. - Opening!

The teacher summarizes the discussion:

To compare two angles, you can superimpose them so that one side coincides. Then the angle whose side is inside the other angle is smaller.

The resulting output is compared with the textbook text on page 1.

4. Primary consolidation.

Task No. 4, page 2 of the textbook is solved with commentary, aloud the rule for comparing angles is spelled out.

In task No. 4, page 2, the angles must be compared “by eye” and arranged in ascending order. The name of the pharaoh is CHEOPS.

5. Independent work with testing in class.

Students independently complete the practice work in No. 3, page 2, then in pairs explain how they overlapped the angles. After this, 2-3 pairs explain the solution to the whole class.

6. Physical education minute.

7. Solving repetition problems.

1) - I have a difficult task. Who wants to try to solve it?

During a mathematical dictation, two volunteers together must come up with a solution to the problem: “Find 35% of 4/7 of the number x” .

2) The mathematical dictation was recorded on a tape recorder. Two write down the task on individual boards, the rest - in a notebook “in a column”:

Find 4/9 of number a. (a: 9 4)

Find a number if 3/8 of it is b. (b: 3 8)

Find 16% of the village. (from: 100 16)

Find a number whose 25% is x . (X : 25 100)

What part of the number 7 is the number y? (7/y)

What part of a leap year is February? (29/366)

Check - according to the sample solution on portable boards. Errors made while completing a task are analyzed according to the scheme: it is established what is unknown - the whole or the part.

3) Analysis of the solution to the additional task: (x: 7 4): 100 35.

Students recite the rule for finding a part of a number: To find the part of a number expressed as a fraction, you can divide this number by the denominator of the fraction and multiply it by its numerator.

4) No. 9, p. 3 - orally with justification for the decision:

- A greater than 2/3, since 2/3 is a proper fraction;

Bless than 8/5, since 8/5 is an improper fraction;

3/11 of c is less than c, and 11/3 of c is greater than c, so the first number is less than the second.

5) No. 10, page 3. The first line is solved with commentary:

To find 7/8 of 240, divide 240 by the denominator 8 and multiply by the numerator 7. 240: 8 7 = 210

To find 9/7 of 56, you need to divide 56 by the denominator 7 and multiply by the numerator 9. 56: 7 9 = 72.

14% is 14/100. To find 14/100 of 4000, you need to divide 4000 by the denominator 100 and multiply by the numerator 14. 4000: 100 14 = 560.

The second line solves itself. The one who finishes first deciphers the name of the pharaoh in whose honor the very first pyramid was built:

1072 560 210 102 75 72

6) No. 12(6), page 3

The camel's mass is 700 kg, and the mass of the load it carries on its back is 40% of the camel's mass. What is the mass of the camel with its load?

Students mark the condition of the problem on the diagram and analyze it independently:

To find the mass of a camel with a load, you need to add the mass of the load to the mass of the camel (we are looking for the whole). The mass of the camel is known - 700 kg, and the mass of the load is not known, but it is said that it is 40% of the camel's mass. Therefore, in the first step we find 40% of 700 kg, and then add the resulting number to 700 kg.

The solution to the problem with explanations is written down in a notebook:

1) 700: 100 40 = 280 (kg) - mass of the load.

2) 700 + 280 = 980 (kg)

Answer: the mass of a loaded camel is 980 kg.

8. Lesson summary.

What have you learned? What did they repeat?

What did you like? What was difficult?

9. Homework: No. 5, 12 (a), 16

Appendix 2


Topic: “Solving equations”

Includes 5 tasks, as a result of which the entire algorithm of actions for solving equations is built.

In the first task, students, restoring the meaning of the operations of addition and subtraction, determine which component expresses the part and which the whole.

In the second task, having determined what the unknown is, children choose a rule to solve the equation.

In the third task, students are offered three options for solving the same equation, and the error lies in one case during the solution, and in the other in the calculation.

In the fourth task, from three equations you need to choose those that use the same action to solve. To do this, the student must “go through” the entire algorithm for solving equations three times.

In the last task you need to choose X an unusual situation that the children have not yet encountered. Thus, the depth of assimilation is tested here new topic and the child’s ability to apply the learned algorithm of actions in new conditions.

Epigraph of the lesson : “Everything secret becomes clear.” Here are some of the children's statements when summing up the results in the resource circle:

In this lesson, I remembered that the whole is found by addition, and the parts are found by subtraction.

Everything that is unknown can be found if you follow the right steps.

I realized that there are rules that need to be followed.

We realized that there is no need to hide anything.

We learn to be smart so that the unknown becomes known.

Expert assessment
Job No.
1 b
2 A
3 V
4 A
5 a and b

Appendix 3

Oral exercises

The purpose of this lesson is to introduce children to the concept of a number line. In the proposed oral exercises, not only work is being done to develop mental operations, attention, memory, constructive skills, not only are counting skills being developed and advanced preparation is being made for studying subsequent topics of the course, but also an option is offered for creating a problem situation, which can help the teacher organize when studying This topic is the stage of setting a learning task.

Topic: “Number segment”

Main target :

1) Introduce the concept of a number line, teach

one unit.

2) Strengthen counting skills within 4.

(For this and subsequent lessons, children should have a ruler 20 cm long.) - Today in the lesson we will test your knowledge and ingenuity.

- “Lost” numbers. Find them. What can be said about the location of each missing number? (For example, 2 is 1 more than 1, but 1 less than 3.)

1… 3… 5… 7… 9

Establish a pattern in writing numbers. Continue right one number and left one number:

Restore order. What can you say about the number 3?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Divide the squares into parts by color:




How are all the figures labeled? How are the parts labeled? Why?

Fill in the missing letters and numbers in the boxes. Explain your decision.

What do the equalities 3 + C = K and K - 3 = C mean? What numerical equalities correspond to them?

Name the whole and parts in numerical equations.

How to find the whole? How to find a part?

How many green squares? How many blue ones?

Which squares are larger - green or blue - and by how many? Which squares are smaller and by how many? (The answer can be explained in the figure by making pairs.)

On what other basis can these squares be divided into parts? (By size - large and small.)

What parts will the number 4 be broken into then? (2 and 2.)

Make two triangles using 6 sticks.

Now make two triangles from 5 sticks.

Remove 1 stick to form a quadrangle.

Name the meanings of numerical expressions:

3 + 1 = 2-1 = 2 + 2 =

1 + 1 = 2 + 1 = 1 + 2 + 1 =

Which expression is “superfluous”? Why? (“Expression 2-1 may be superfluous, since this is a difference, and the rest are sums; in the expression 1 + 2 + 1 there are three terms, and in the rest there are two.)

Compare the expressions in the first column.

In case of difficulty, you can ask guiding questions:

What do these have in common? numerical expressions? (The same sign of the action, the second term is less than the first and equal to 1.)

How are they different? (Different first terms; in the second expression, both terms are equal, and in the first, one term is 2 more than the other.)

- Problems in verse(the solution to the problems is justified):

Anya has two goals, Tanya has two goals. (We are looking for the whole. To find

Two balls and two, baby, the whole, the parts must be added:

How many are there, can you imagine? 2 + 2 = 4.)

Four magpies came to class. (We are looking for a part. To find

One of the forty did not know the lesson. part must be subtracted from the whole

How diligently did forty work? other part: 4 -1 = 3.)

Today we are waiting for a meeting with our favorite heroes: Boa Constrictor, Monkey, Baby Elephant and Parrot. The boa constrictor really wanted to measure its length. All attempts by Monkey and Baby Elephant to help him were in vain. Their trouble was that they did not know how to count, they did not know how to add and subtract numbers. And so the smart Parrot advised me to measure the length of the boa constrictor with my own steps. He took the first step, and everyone shouted in unison... (One!)

The teacher lays out a red segment on the flannelgraph and puts the number 1 at the end of it. Students draw a red segment 3 cells long in their notebooks and write down the number 1. The blue, yellow and green segments are completed in the same way, each with 3 cells. A colored drawing appears on the board and in students’ notebooks - number line:

Did the Parrot take the same steps? (Yes, all steps are equal.)

- What does each number show? (How many steps taken.)

How do numbers change when moving left and right? (When moving 1 step to the right, they increase by 1, and when moving 1 step to the left, they decrease by 1.)

The material of oral exercises should not be used formally - “everything in a row”, but should be correlated with specific working conditions - the level of preparation of children, their number in the class, the technical equipment of the classroom, the level of pedagogical skill of the teacher, etc. To use this material correctly, in work must be guided by the following principles.

1. The atmosphere in the lesson should be calm and friendly. You shouldn’t allow “races,” overloading children - it’s better to deal with one task fully and efficiently than seven, but superficially and chaotically.

2. Forms of work need to be diversified. They should change every 3-5 minutes - collective dialogue, work with subject models, cards or numbers, mathematical dictation, work in pairs, independent answer at the board, etc. Thoughtful organization of the lesson allows significantly increase the volume of material, which can be considered with children without overload.

3. The introduction of new material should begin no later than 10-12 minutes into the lesson. Exercises prior to learning something new should be aimed primarily at updating the knowledge that is necessary for its full assimilation.

The new paradigm of education in the Russian Federation is characterized by a personality-oriented approach, the idea of ​​developmental education, the creation of conditions for self-organization and self-development of the individual, the subjectivity of education, the focus on designing the content, forms and methods of teaching and upbringing that ensure the development of each student, his cognitive abilities and personal qualities.

The concept of school mathematics education highlights its main goals - teaching students the techniques and methods of mathematical knowledge, developing their qualities mathematical thinking, corresponding thinking abilities and skills. The importance of this area of ​​work is enhanced by the increasing importance and application of mathematics in various fields of science, economics and industry.

The need for mathematical development of younger schoolchildren in educational activities is noted by many leading Russian scientists (V.A. Gusev, G.V. Dorofeev, N.B. Istomina, Yu.M. Kolyagin, L.G. Peterson, etc.). This is due to the fact that during the preschool and primary school periods the child not only intensively develops all mental functions, but also the laying of the general foundation of cognitive abilities and intellectual potential of the individual. Numerous facts indicate that if the corresponding intellectual or emotional qualities for one reason or another do not receive proper development in early childhood, then subsequently overcoming such shortcomings turns out to be difficult and sometimes impossible (P.Ya. Galperin, A.V. Zaporozhets , S.N. Karpova).

Thus, the new paradigm of education, on the one hand, presupposes the maximum possible individualization of the educational process, and on the other, requires solving the problem of creating educational technologies that ensure the implementation of the main provisions of the Concept of School Mathematics Education.

In psychology, the term “development” is understood as consistent, progressive significant changes in the psyche and personality of a person, manifesting themselves as certain new formations. The position on the possibility and feasibility of education focused on the development of the child was substantiated back in the 1930s. outstanding Russian psychologist L.S. Vygotsky.

One of the first attempts to practically implement the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky in our country was undertaken by L.V. Zankov, who in the 1950-1960s. developed in principle new system primary education, which has found a large number of followers. In the L.V. system Zankov, for the effective development of students’ cognitive abilities, the following five basic principles are implemented: learning at a high level of difficulty; the leading role of theoretical knowledge; moving forward at a fast pace; conscious participation of schoolchildren in the educational process; systematic work on the development of all students.

Theoretical (rather than traditional empirical) knowledge and thinking, educational activity were placed at the forefront by the authors of another theory of developmental education - D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov. They considered the most important thing to change the student's position in the learning process. Unlike traditional education, where student is the object pedagogical influences teachers, in developmental education conditions are created under which he becomes a subject of learning. Today, this theory of educational activity is recognized throughout the world as one of the most promising and consistent in terms of implementing the well-known provisions of L.S. Vygotsky about the developmental and anticipatory nature of learning.

In domestic pedagogy, in addition to these two systems, the concepts of developmental education by Z.I. Kalmykova, E.N. Kabanova-Meller, G.A. Tsukerman, S.A. Smirnova and others. It should also be noted the extremely interesting psychological searches of P.Ya. Galperin and N.F. Talyzina based on the theory of gradual formation they created mental actions. However, as noted by V.A. Tests, in most of the mentioned pedagogical systems, the development of the student is still the responsibility of the teacher, and the role of the former is reduced to following the developmental influence of the latter.

In line with developmental education, many different programs and teaching aids in mathematics have appeared, both for primary grades (textbooks by E.N. Alexandrova, I.I. Arginskaya, N.B. Istomina, L.G. Peterson, etc.), and for secondary school (textbooks by G.V. Dorofeev, A.G. Mordkovich, S.M. Reshetnikov, L.N. Shevrin, etc.). Textbook authors have different understandings of personality development in the process of learning mathematics. Some emphasize the development of observation, thinking and practical actions, others - on the formation of certain mental actions, others - on creating conditions that ensure the formation of educational activities, the development of theoretical thinking.

It is clear that the problem of developing mathematical thinking in teaching mathematics at school cannot be solved only by improving the content of education (even if there is good textbooks), since the implementation of different levels in practice requires the teacher to have a fundamentally new approach to organizing the educational activities of students in the classroom, in home and extracurricular work, which allows him to take into account the typological and individual characteristics of students.

It is known that primary school age is sensitive and most favorable for the development of cognitive mental processes and intelligence. Developing students' thinking is one of the main tasks of primary school. It is on this psychological feature that we concentrated our efforts, relying on the psychological and pedagogical concept of the development of thinking by D.B. Elkonin, position of V.V. Davydov on the transition from empirical to theoretical thinking in the process of specially organized educational activities, based on the works of R. Atakhanov, L.K. Maksimova, A.A. Stolyara, P. - H. van Hiele, related to identifying the levels of development of mathematical thinking and their psychological characteristics.

The idea of ​​L.S. Vygotsky’s idea that learning should be carried out in the zone of proximal development of students, and its effectiveness is determined by which zone (large or small) it prepares, is well known to everyone. At the theoretical (conceptual) level, it is shared almost throughout the world. The problem lies in its practical implementation: how to define (measure) this zone and what should be the teaching technology so that the process of learning the scientific foundations and mastering (“appropriating”) human culture takes place in it, providing the maximum developmental effect?

Thus, psychological and pedagogical science has substantiated the expediency of mathematical development of younger schoolchildren, but the mechanisms for its implementation have not been sufficiently developed. Consideration of the concept of “development” as a result of learning from a methodological point of view shows that it is an integral continuous process, the driving force of which is the resolution of contradictions that arise in the process of change. Psychologists argue that the process of overcoming contradictions creates conditions for development, as a result of which individual knowledge and skills develop into a new holistic formation, into a new ability. Therefore the problem of constructing new concept mathematical development of primary schoolchildren is determined by contradictions:

between the need for a high level of mathematical development for modern man and the inconsistency of the holistic system of the mathematics teaching process in primary school with this task;

between the discrete nature of the education system and the need to create a holistic picture of the world in the child’s mind;

between the basic postulate of the theory of developmental education, which posits the essence of a child’s personality as a “self-developing system” emerging in the educational process, amenable to controlled processes of formation and development, through the use of developmental education technologies, and the absence of such technologies in primary school mathematics education;

between the need for mathematics teachers to use an activity-based approach to teaching and their practical unpreparedness for such teaching, for a thoughtful joint activities teacher and student in the “zone of proximal development”.

Summarizing the above, it can be argued that the problem of mathematical development of younger schoolchildren is undoubtedly relevant and requires, for its solution, the expansion of general approaches, going beyond the framework of “pure didactics”, taking into account modern achievements not only in the field of psychology and physiology, creating a general concept of the formation and development of students' mathematical thinking on a broader scale theoretical basis than is currently accepted.

The purpose of our research was to build, on the basis of the dominant individual-typological characteristics of thinking, a concept of mathematical development, which would make it possible to ensure the continuity of mathematical education at the preschool, primary school levels and in V-VI classes primary school, its continuity and improving the quality of mathematical training of a child of primary school age, as well as in the development and testing of its applied aspect in the form of educational technology (methods, means, forms).

We formulate the main provisions of the concept of mathematical development of a child of primary school age as follows.

1. The starting point is the concept of educational and mathematical activity, which should be characterized by a set of interconnected main components and qualities of the child’s mathematical thinking and his abilities for mathematical knowledge of reality. In the process of all educational and mathematical activities at school, such mental actions as analysis, planning, and reflection should be formed, which ensure mastery of generalized methods of solving mathematical problems.

Lecture session Topic: Methods of teaching mathematics to junior schoolchildren as an academic subject.

Purpose of the lesson:


To achieve students' understanding of the methods of teaching mathematics to junior schoolchildren as an academic subject.

2). Developmental:

Expand the concepts of methods of teaching mathematics to primary schoolchildren. Develop students' logical thinking.

3). Educating:

Teach students to realize the importance of studying this topic for their future profession.

6.Form of training: frontal.

7. Teaching methods:

Verbal: explanation, conversation, questioning.

Practical: independent work.

Visual: handout, tutorials.

Lesson plan:

  1. Methods of teaching mathematics to junior schoolchildren as a pedagogical science and as a sphere of practical activity.
  2. Methods of teaching mathematics as an academic subject. Principles of designing a mathematics course in elementary school.
  3. Methods of teaching mathematics.

Basic concepts:

Methods of teaching mathematics- is the science of mathematics as a scientific subject and the laws of teaching mathematics to students of various age groups; in its research, this science is based on various psychological and pedagogical, mathematical foundations and generalizations practical experience work of mathematics teachers.

  1. Methods of teaching mathematics to junior schoolchildren as a pedagogical science and as a field of practical activity.

Considering the methodology of teaching mathematics to junior schoolchildren as a science, it is necessary, first of all, to determine its place in the system of sciences, outline the range of problems that it is designed to solve, determine its object, subject and features.

In the system of sciences, methodological sciences are considered in the block didactics. As is known, didactics is divided into education theory And theory training. In turn, in the theory of learning, general didactics (general issues: methods, forms, means) and particular didactics (subject-specific) are distinguished. Private didactics are called differently - teaching methods or, as has become common in recent years - educational technologies.

Thus, methodological disciplines belong to the pedagogical cycle, but at the same time, they represent purely subject areas, since the methods of teaching literacy will certainly be very different from the methods of teaching mathematics, although both of them are private didactics.

The methodology of teaching mathematics to primary schoolchildren is a very ancient and very young science. Learning to count and calculate was a necessary part of education in ancient Sumerian and ancient Egyptian schools. Rock paintings from the Paleolithic era tell stories about learning to count. The first textbooks for teaching children mathematics include “Arithmetic” by Magnitsky (1703) and the book by V.A. Laya "Guide to initial training arithmetic, based on the results of didactic experiments" (1910). In 1935 S.I. Shokhor-Trotsky wrote the first textbook “Methods of teaching mathematics”. But only in 1955, the first book “The Psychology of Teaching Arithmetic” appeared, the author of which was N.A. Menchinskaya turned not so much to the characteristics of the mathematical specifics of the subject, but to the patterns of mastering arithmetic content by a child of primary school age. Thus, the emergence of this science in its modern form was preceded not only by the development of mathematics as a science, but also by the development of two large areas of knowledge: general didactics of learning and the psychology of learning and development.

The teaching technology is based on a methodological system of meaning that includes the following 5 components:

2) learning goals.

3) means

Didactic principles are divided into general and basic.

When considering didactic principles, the main provisions determine the content of the organizational forms and methods of educational work of the school. In accordance with the goals of education and the laws of the learning process.

Didactic principles express what is common to any academic subject and are a guideline for planning the organization and analysis of a practical task.

There is no methodological literature common approach identifying systems of principle:

A. Stolyar identifies the following principles:

1) scientific character

3) visibility

4) activity

5) strength

6) individual approach

Yu.K. Babansky identifies 5 groups of principles:

2) to select the learning task

3) to select the form of training

4) choice of teaching methods

5) analysis of results

The development of modern education is based on the principle of lifelong learning.

The principles of learning are not established once and for all; they deepen and change.

The scientific principle, as a didactic principle, was formulated by N.N. Skatkin in 1950.

Feature of the principle:

Displays, but does not reproduce the accuracy of the scientific system, preserving, as far as possible, the general features of their inherent logic, stages and system of knowledge.

Reliance on subsequent knowledge on previous ones.

A systematic pattern of arrangement of material by year of study in accordance with the age characteristics and age of the students, as well as the further development of the teachers.

Disclosure of internal connections between the concepts of patterns and connections with other sciences.

The redesigned programs emphasized the principles of clarity.

The principle of visibility ensures the transition from living contemplation to real thinking. Visualization makes it more accessible, concrete and interesting, develops observation and thinking, provides a connection between the concrete and the abstract, and promotes the development of abstract thinking.

Excessive use of visualization can lead to undesirable results.

Types of visibility:

natural (models, handouts)

visual clarity (drawings, photos, etc.)

symbolic clarity (schemes, tables, drawings, diagrams)

2.Methods of teaching mathematics as an academic subject. Principles of designing a mathematics course in elementary school.

Methods of teaching mathematics (MTM) is a science whose subject is teaching mathematics, and in a broad sense: teaching mathematics at all levels, from preschool institutions to higher education.

MPM develops on the basis of a certain psychological theory training, i.e. MPM is a “technology” for applying psychological and pedagogical theories to primary mathematics teaching. In addition, the MPM should reflect the specifics of the subject of study - mathematics.

The goals of primary mathematics education: general education (mastery of a certain amount of mathematical knowledge by students in accordance with the program), educational (formation of a worldview, the most important moral qualities, readiness for work), developmental (development of logical structures and mathematical style of thinking), practical (formation of the ability to apply mathematical knowledge in specific situations, when solving practical problems).

The relationship between teacher and student occurs in the form of information transfer in two opposite directions: from teacher to student (direct), from teaching to teacher (reverse).

Principles of constructing mathematics in elementary school (L.V. Zankov): 1) teaching at a high level of difficulty; 2) learning at a fast pace; 3) the leading role of theory; 4) awareness of the learning process; 5) purposeful and systematic work.

The learning task is the key. On the one hand, it reflects the general goals of learning and specifies cognitive motives. On the other hand, it allows you to make the process of performing educational actions meaningful.

Stages of the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin): 1) preliminary familiarization with the purpose of the action; 2) drawing up an indicative basis for action; 3) performing an action in material form; 4) speaking the action; 5) automation of action; 6) performing an action mentally.

Techniques for consolidating didactic units (P.M. Erdniev): 1) simultaneous study of similar concepts; 2) simultaneous study of reciprocal actions; 3) transformation of mathematical exercises; 4) preparation of tasks by students; 5) deformed examples.

3.Methods of teaching mathematics.

Question about methods of primary mathematics teaching and their classification has always been the subject of attention from methodologists. In most modern methodological manuals, special chapters are devoted to this problem, which reveal the main features of individual methods and show the conditions for their practical application in the learning process.

Beginning mathematics course consists of several sections, different in content. This includes: problem solving; studying arithmetic operations and developing computational skills; studying measures and developing measurement skills; study of geometric material and development of spatial concepts. Each of these sections, having its own special content, at the same time has its own, private methodology, its own methods, which are in accordance with the specific content and form of training sessions.

Thus, in the methodology of teaching children to solve problems, the logical analysis of the problem conditions using analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization, etc. comes to the fore as a methodological technique.

But when studying measures and geometric material, another method comes to the fore - laboratory, which is characterized by a combination of mental work and physical work. It combines observations and comparisons with measurements, drawing, cutting, modeling, etc.

The study of arithmetic operations occurs on the basis of the use of methods and techniques that are unique to this section and different from the methods used in other branches of mathematics.

Therefore, developing mathematics teaching methods, it is necessary to take into account psychological and didactic patterns of a general nature, which are manifested in general methods and principles related to the course as a whole.

The most important task of the school at the present stage of its development is to improve the quality of education. This problem is complex and multifaceted. During today's lesson, our attention will be focused on teaching methods, as one of the most important links in improving the learning process.

Teaching methods are ways of joint activity between teacher and students aimed at solving learning problems.

The teaching method is a system of purposeful actions of the teacher that organizes the cognitive and practical activities of the student, ensuring that he masters the content of education.

Ilyina: “Method is the way in which the teacher directs the teacher’s cognitive activity” (there is no student as an object of activity or educational process)

The teaching method is a way of transferring knowledge and organizing cognitive practical activities of students in which students master knowledge of knowledge, while developing their abilities and forming their scientific worldview.

Currently, intensive attempts are being made to classify teaching methods. It is of great importance for bringing all known methods into a certain system and order, identifying their common features and features.

The most common classification is teaching methods

- by sources of knowledge;

- for didactic purposes;

- according to the level of activity of students;

- by the nature of students’ cognitive activity.

The choice of teaching methods is determined by a number of factors: the objectives of the school at the current stage of development, the academic subject, the content of the material being studied, the age and level of development of students, as well as their level of readiness to master the educational material.

Let's take a closer look at each classification and its inherent purposes.

In the classification of teaching methods for didactic purposes allocate :

Methods of acquiring new knowledge;

Methods of developing skills and abilities;

Methods of consolidating and testing knowledge, abilities, skills.

Often used to introduce students to new knowledge story method.

In mathematics, this method is usually called - method of presenting knowledge.

Along with this method, the most widely used conversation method. During the conversation, the teacher poses questions to the students, the answers to which involve the use of existing knowledge. Based on existing knowledge, observations, past experience, the teacher gradually leads students to new knowledge.

At the next stage, the stage of formation of skills and abilities, practical teaching methods. These include exercises, practical and laboratory methods, and work with a book.

Contributes to the consolidation of new knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities, and their improvement independent work method. Often, using this method, the teacher organizes the students’ activities in such a way that new theoretical knowledge students acquire them independently and can apply them in a similar situation.

The following classification of teaching methods by student activity level- one of the early classifications. According to this classification, teaching methods are divided into passive and active, depending on the degree of student involvement in learning activities.

TO passive These include methods in which students only listen and watch (story, explanation, excursion, demonstration, observation).

TO active - methods that organize independent work of students (laboratory method, practical method, work with a book).

Consider the following classification of teaching methods by source of knowledge. This classification is most widely used due to its simplicity.

There are three sources of knowledge: word, visualization, practice. Accordingly, they allocate

- verbal methods(the source of knowledge is the spoken or printed word);

- visual methods (sources of knowledge are observed objects, phenomena, visual aids );

- practical methods(knowledge and skills are formed in the process of performing practical actions).

Let's take a closer look at each of these categories.

Verbal methods occupy a central place in the system of teaching methods.

Verbal methods include story, explanation, conversation, discussion.

The second group according to this classification consists of visual teaching methods.

Visual teaching methods are those methods in which the assimilation of educational material is significantly dependent on the methods used. visual aids.

Practical methods training is based on the practical activities of students. The main purpose of this group of methods is the formation of practical skills.

Practical methods include exercises, practical and laboratory work.

The next classification is teaching methods by the nature of students’ cognitive activity.

The nature of cognitive activity is the level of mental activity of students.

The following methods are distinguished:

Explanatory and illustrative;

Methods problematic presentation;

Partially search (heuristic);


Explanatory and illustrative method. Its essence lies in the fact that the teacher communicates ready-made information through various means, and students perceive it, understand it and record it in memory.

The teacher communicates information using the spoken word (story, conversation, explanation, lecture), the printed word (textbook, additional manuals), visual aids (tables, diagrams, pictures, films and filmstrips), practical demonstration of methods of activity (showing experience, work on a machine, a method for solving a problem, etc.).

Reproductive method assumes that the teacher communicates and explains knowledge in a ready-made form, and students assimilate it and can reproduce and repeat the method of activity on the instructions of the teacher. The criterion for assimilation is the correct reproduction (reproduction) of knowledge.

Method of problem presentation is a transition from performing to creative activity. The essence of the problem presentation method is that the teacher poses a problem and solves it himself, thereby showing the train of thought in the process of cognition. At the same time, students follow the logic of presentation, mastering the stages of solving holistic problems. At the same time, they not only perceive, understand and remember ready-made knowledge and conclusions, but also follow the logic of evidence and the movement of the teacher’s thoughts.

A higher level of cognitive activity carries with it partially search (heuristic) method.

The method was called partially search because students independently solve a complex educational problem not from beginning to end, but only partially. The teacher involves students in performing individual search steps. Some of the knowledge is imparted by the teacher, and some of the knowledge is acquired by students on their own, answering questions or solving problematic tasks. Educational activities develop according to the following scheme: teacher - students - teacher - students, etc.

Thus, the essence of the partially search method of teaching comes down to the fact that:

Not all knowledge is offered to students in a ready-made form; some of it needs to be acquired on their own;

The teacher’s activity consists of operational management of the process of solving problematic problems.

One of the modifications of this method is heuristic conversation.

The essence of a heuristic conversation is that the teacher, by asking students certain questions and joint logical reasoning with them, leads them to certain conclusions that constitute the essence of the phenomena, processes, rules under consideration, i.e. Students, through logical reasoning, in the direction of the teacher, make a “discovery.” At the same time, the teacher encourages students to reproduce and use their existing theoretical and practical knowledge, production experience, compare, contrast, and draw conclusions.

The next method in classification according to the nature of students’ cognitive activity is research method training. It provides for the creative assimilation of knowledge by students. Its essence is as follows:

The teacher, together with the students, formulates the problem;

Students resolve it independently;

The teacher provides assistance only when difficulties arise in solving the problem.

Thus, the research method is used not only to generalize knowledge, but mainly so that the student learns to acquire knowledge, investigate an object or phenomenon, draw conclusions and apply the acquired knowledge and skills in life. Its essence comes down to organizing the search and creative activities of students to solve problems that are new to them.

  1. Homework:

Prepare for practical training


Methods of primary teaching mathematics as an academic subject.

Primary mathematics teaching methods answer questions

· For what? –

· To what? –

The methodology of primary teaching of mathematics as an academic subject is associated with

Essay “Is teaching mathematics a science, an art or a craft?”

Objectives of elementary mathematics education.

1. Educational purposes.

2. Developmental goals.

3. Educational goals.

Features of the construction of an initial mathematics course.

1. The main content of the course is arithmetic material.

2. Elements of algebra and geometry do not constitute special sections of the course. They are organically connected with arithmetic material.

The initial mathematics course is structured in such a way that elements of algebra and geometry are included simultaneously with the study of arithmetic material. Consequently, in one lesson, in addition to arithmetic material, algebraic and geometric material is often considered. The inclusion of material from different sections of the course certainly influences the structure of the mathematics lesson and the methodology for its delivery.

4. Connection between practical and theoretical issues. Therefore, in every mathematics lesson, work on mastering knowledge goes simultaneously with the development of skills and abilities.

5. Many theoretical questions are introduced inductively.

6. Mathematical concepts, their properties and patterns are revealed in their interrelation. Each concept receives its own development.

7. Convergence in time of studying some questions of the course, for example, addition and subtraction are introduced simultaneously.

1. Arithmetic material.

The concept of a natural number, the formation of a natural number.

Visual representation of fractions

The concept of the number system.

The concept of arithmetic operations.

2. Elements of algebra.

3.Geometric material.

4.The concept of quantity and the idea of ​​​​measuring quantities.

5. Tasks. (As a goal and means of teaching mathematics).


Analysis of various mathematics programs

1. Elkonin-Davydov

2. Zankov (Arginskaya)

3. Peterson L.G.

4. Istomina N.B.

5. Chekin

Methods and techniques for teaching mathematics to primary schoolchildren.

1. Define the concepts of “teaching method”, “teaching method”.

The problem of teaching methods is formulated briefly with the question how to teach?

To solve the question of how to teach something to students, it is necessary

When talking about methods of teaching mathematics, it is natural to first clarify this concept.

The method is

The description of each teaching method should include:

1) description of the teacher’s teaching activities;

2) description of the student’s educational (cognitive) activity and

3) the connection between them, or the way in which the teacher’s teaching activity controls the cognitive activity of students.

The subject of didactics, however, is only general teaching methods, that is, methods that generalize a certain set of systems of sequential actions of the teacher and student in the interaction of teaching and learning, which do not take into account the specifics of individual academic subjects.

In addition to specifying and modifying general teaching methods taking into account the specifics of mathematics, the subject of the methodology is also the addition of these methods with private (special) teaching methods that reflect the basic methods of cognition used in mathematics itself.

Thus, the system of methods of teaching mathematics consists of general teaching methods developed by didactics, adapted to teaching mathematics, and private (special) methods of teaching mathematics, reflecting the basic methods of cognition used in mathematics.


Observation, experience, measurements - empirical methods used in experimental natural sciences.

Observation, experience and measurements should be aimed at creating special situations in the learning process and providing students with the opportunity to extract from them obvious patterns, geometric facts, proof ideas, etc. Most often, the results of observation, experience and measurements serve as premises for inductive conclusions, using in which new truths are discovered. Therefore, observation, experience and measurement are also classified as heuristic teaching methods, that is, methods that promote discovery.


2. COMPARISON AND ANALOGY - logical thinking techniques used both in scientific research and in teaching.

By using comparisons the similarities and differences of the compared objects are revealed, i.e., the presence of common and non-common (different) properties between them.

The comparison leads to a correct conclusion if the following conditions are met:

1) the concepts being compared are homogeneous and

2) comparison is carried out according to such characteristics that are of significant importance.

By using analogies the similarity of objects revealed as a result of their comparison extends to a new property (or new properties).

Reasoning by analogy has the following general scheme:

A has properties a, b, c, d;

B has properties a, b, c;

Probably (possibly) B also has property d.

A conclusion by analogy is only probable (plausible), and not reliable.

3. GENERALIZATION AND ABSTRACT - two logical techniques that are almost always used together in the process of cognition.

Generalization- this is a mental selection, fixation of some common essential properties that belong only to this class objects or relationships.

Abstraction- this is a mental distraction, the separation of general, essential properties, isolated as a result of generalization, from other unimportant or non-general properties of the objects or relations under consideration and discarding (within the framework of our study) the latter.

Under o bobbing They also understand the transition from the individual to the general, from the less general to the more general.

Under specification understand the reverse transition - from the more general to the less general, from the general to the individual.

If generalization is used in the formation of concepts, then specification is used when describing specific situations using previously formed concepts.

4. SPECIFICATION is based on a known rule of inference

called the instantiation rule.


The transition from the particular to the general, from individual facts established through observation and experience, to generalizations is a pattern of knowledge. An integral logical form of such a transition is induction, which is a method of reasoning from the particular to the general, drawing a conclusion from particular premises (from the Latin inductio - guidance).

Usually, when they say “inductive teaching methods,” they mean the use of incomplete induction in teaching. Further, when we say “induction”, we will mean incomplete induction.

At certain stages of education, in particular in primary school, mathematics is taught primarily by inductive methods. Here the inductive conclusions are quite convincing psychologically and for the most part remain so far (at this stage of training) unproven. Only isolated “deductive islands” can be found, consisting of the use of simple deductive reasoning as evidence for individual propositions.

6. DEDUCTION (from Latin deductio - deduction) in a broad sense is a form of thinking consisting in the fact that a new sentence (or rather, the thought expressed in it) is derived purely logically, i.e. according to certain rules logical conclusion (following) from some well-known sentences (thoughts).

Taking into account the needs of mathematics, it received special development in the form of the theory of proof in mathematical logic.

By teaching proof, we mean teaching the mental processes of searching and constructing a proof, rather than reproducing and memorizing ready-made proofs. Learning to prove means, first of all, learning to reason, and this is one of the main tasks of learning in general.

7. ANALYSIS - a logical technique, a research method, consisting in the fact that the object being studied is mentally (or practically) divided into component elements (signs, properties, relationships), each of which is studied separately as part of a dissected whole.

SYNTHESIS is a logical technique by which individual elements are combined into a whole.

In mathematics, most often, analysis is understood as reasoning in the “reverse direction”, i.e. from the unknown, from what needs to be found, to the known, to what has already been found or given, from what needs to be proven, to what has already been proven or accepted as true.

In this understanding, which is the most important for learning, analysis is a means of finding a solution, a proof, although in most cases it is not a solution or a proof in itself.

Synthesis, based on data obtained during analysis, provides a solution to a problem or a proof of a theorem.

Modern requirements of society for personal development dictate the need to more fully implement the idea of ​​individualization of education, taking into account the readiness of children for school, their state of health, individual typological characteristics of students. Construction of the educational process taking into account the individual development of the student is important for all levels of education, but of particular importance the implementation of this principle has at the initial stage, when the foundation is laid successful learning generally. Omissions at the initial stage of education are manifested by gaps in children’s knowledge, lack of development of general educational skills, and a negative attitude towards school, which can be difficult to correct and compensate for. Observations of underachieving schoolchildren have shown that among them there are children whose learning difficulties are caused by mental retardation.

Learning difficulties are characterized by cognitive passivity, increased fatigue during intellectual activity, a slow pace of formation of knowledge, abilities, skills, poor vocabulary and an insufficient level of development of oral coherent speech.

Failure cognitive activity when learning, it is manifested in the fact that these students do not strive to effectively use the time allotted for completing a task, make few conjectural judgments before starting to solve problems, and need special work aimed at developing cognitive interest, stimulating cognitive activity, and intensifying cognitive activity.

Therefore, it is of great importance to deeply disclose the essence of the principle of activity in learning, taking into account the individual, psychophysiological characteristics of younger schoolchildren with learning difficulties and determining ways of its implementation in the conditions of school education.



Explanatory note

Modern requirements of society for personal development dictate the need to more fully implement the idea of ​​individualization of education, taking into account the readiness of children for school, their state of health, individual typological characteristics of students. Construction of the educational process taking into account the individual development of the student is important for all levels of education, but of particular importance the implementation of this principle occurs at the initial stage, when the foundation for successful learning as a whole is laid. Omissions at the initial stage of education are manifested by gaps in children’s knowledge, lack of development of general educational skills, and a negative attitude towards school, which can be difficult to correct and compensate for. Observations of underachieving schoolchildren have shown that among them there are children whose learning difficulties are caused by mental retardation.

Learning difficulties are characterized by cognitive passivity, increased fatigue during intellectual activity, a slow pace of formation of knowledge, abilities, skills, poor vocabulary and an insufficient level of development of oral coherent speech.

The lack of cognitive activity during learning is manifested in the fact that these students do not strive to effectively use the time allotted for completing a task, make few conjectural judgments before starting to solve problems, and need special work aimed at developing cognitive interest, stimulating cognitive activity, and intensifying cognitive activity. .

Therefore, it is of great importance to deeply disclose the essence of the principle of activity in learning, taking into account the individual, psychophysiological characteristics of younger schoolchildren with learning difficulties and determining ways of its implementation in the conditions of school education.

Pedagogical science has accumulated quite a lot of experience on the problem of intensifying learning.

In the 60s of the last century in our country, independence and activity were proclaimed as the leading didactic principle. Work to intensify learning has led to the need to find ways to intensify the educational and cognitive activity of students, as well as methods of stimulating their learning. In the School Law of 1958, the development of cognitive activity and independence of students was considered as the main task of restructuring the comprehensive school.

Scientists and teachers Z.A. studied cognitive activity. Abasov, B.I. Korotyaev, N.A. Tomin and others, who revealed the content and structure of this concept.

B.P. Esipov, O.A. Nilson investigated issues related to the problem of intensifying learning, considering independent work as one of the effective means of intensifying cognitive activity.

Modern scientists and methodologists have been developing ways to enhance and develop students’ cognitive activity: V.V. Davydov, A.V. Zankov, D.B. Elkonin and others.

Relevance The identified problem determined the choice of topic: “Active methods of teaching mathematics as a means of stimulating the cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren with learning difficulties.”

Target - identify, theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the effectiveness of using active teaching methods for primary schoolchildren with learning difficulties in mathematics lessons.

Object research - the process of teaching primary schoolchildren with learning difficulties in primary school.

Item research - active learning methods as a means of stimulating the cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren with learning difficulties.

Hypothesis research: the process of teaching primary schoolchildren with learning difficulties will be more successful if:

During mathematics lessons, active teaching methods will be used for primary schoolchildren with learning difficulties;

active teaching methods will act as a means of stimulating the cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren with learning difficulties.


To identify active teaching methods in mathematics lessons that stimulate the cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren with learning difficulties.

Use a variety of forms and methods of work to stimulate the cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren with learning difficulties.

To determine, justify and test the effectiveness of using active teaching methods for primary schoolchildren with learning difficulties in mathematics lessons.

The practical significance of the work lies in the identification of active teaching methods that stimulate the cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren with learning difficulties in mathematics lessons.

Cognitive activity is a qualitative characteristic of the effectiveness of teaching primary schoolchildren.

Cognitive activity is a socially significant quality of personality and is formed in schoolchildren in educational activities. The problem of developing the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren, as research shows, has been the focus of attention of teachers for a long time. Pedagogical reality proves every day that the learning process is more effective if the student shows cognitive activity. This phenomenon is recorded in pedagogical theory as the principle of “activity and independence of students in learning.” The means of implementing the leading pedagogical principle are determined depending on the content of the concept of “cognitive activity”. In the content of the concept of “cognitive activity”, a number of scientists consider cognitive activity as a natural desire of schoolchildren to learn.

Cognitive activity reflects a certain interest of younger schoolchildren in acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities, internal determination and a constant need to use different methods of action to fill knowledge, expand knowledge, and broaden their horizons.

Cognitive interest is a form of manifestation of needs, expressed in the desire to learn.

Interest depends on:

The level and quality of acquired knowledge, skills, development of methods of mental activity;

The student's relationship with the teacher.

The most important components of teaching as an activity are its content and form.

Features of the formation of mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities in younger schoolchildren with learning difficulties

One of the most important conditions The effectiveness of the educational process is to prevent and overcome the difficulties that primary schoolchildren experience in their studies.

Among secondary school students, there are a significant number of children who have insufficient mathematical preparation. Already by the time they enter school, students have different levels of school maturity due to individual characteristics of psychophysical development. Insufficient preparedness of some children for schooling often aggravated by health and other unfavorable factors.

Difficulties in learning mathematics cannot but be affected by such characteristics of students as reduced cognitive activity, fluctuations in attention and performance, insufficient development of basic mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, abstraction), and some underdevelopment of speech. Reduced perceptual activity is expressed in the fact that children do not always recognize familiar geometric figures if they are presented from an unusual angle or in an inverted position. For the same reason, some students cannot find numerical data in the text of a problem if they are written in words, or highlight the question of the problem if it is not at the end, but in the middle or at the beginning. Imperfections in visual perception and motor skills of younger schoolchildren cause increased difficulties when teaching them to write numbers: children take much longer to master this skill, often mix up numbers, write them in mirror images, and are poorly oriented in the cells of a notebook. Disadvantages of speech development in children, in particular poverty vocabulary, affect when solving problems: students do not always adequately understand some words and expressions contained in the text, which leads to an incorrect solution. At independently compiling For tasks, they come up with template texts containing the same type of situations and life actions, repeating the same questions and numerical data.

All these features of children with some developmental delay, together with the insufficiency of their initial mathematical knowledge and concepts, create increased difficulties in mastering them school knowledge in mathematics. It is possible to achieve successful mastery of program material by students provided that special correctional techniques are used in teaching, a differentiated approach to children, taking into account the characteristics of their mental development.

Methods and means of stimulating the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren

Teaching methods - a system of consistent, interconnected actions of the teacher and students, ensuring the assimilation of the content of education, the development of mental strength and abilities of students, and their mastery of the means of self-education and self-study. Teaching methods indicate the purpose of training, the method of assimilation and the nature of interaction between the subjects of training.

Means - material objects and objects of spiritual culture, intended for the organization and implementation of the pedagogical process and performing the functions of student development; substantive support for the pedagogical process, as well as a variety of activities in which students are involved: work, play, learning, communication, cognition.

Technical training aids (TSO)- devices and instruments used to improve the pedagogical process, increase the efficiency and quality of teaching by demonstrating audiovisual aids.

The effectiveness of mastering any type of activity largely depends on the child’s motivation for this type of activity. Activities proceed more efficiently and produce more quality results, if the student has strong, vivid and deep motives that evoke a desire to act actively, overcome inevitable difficulties, persistently moving towards the intended goal.

Learning activities are more successful if students have formed a positive attitude towards learning, have cognitive interest and a need for cognitive activity, and also if they have developed a sense of responsibility and commitment.

Stimulation methods.

Creating situations for learning successrepresents the creation of a chain of situations in which the student achieves good results in learning, which leads to the emergence of a sense of self-confidence and ease of the learning process.This method is one of the most effective means of stimulating interest in learning.

It is known that without experiencing the joy of success, it is impossible to truly count on further success in overcoming educational difficulties. One of the techniques for creating a situation of success can beselection of not one, but a small number of tasks for studentsincreasing complexity. The first task is chosen to be easy so that students who need stimulation can complete it and feel knowledgeable and proficient. Larger and more complex exercises follow. For example, you can use special double tasks: the first is available to the student and prepares him the basis for solving a subsequent, more complex problem.

Another technique that helps create a situation of success isdifferentiated assistance to schoolchildren in completing educational tasks of the same complexity.Thus, low-performing schoolchildren can receive advice cards, analogous examples, plans for the upcoming answer and other materials that will allow them to cope with the presented task. Next, you can invite the student to perform an exercise similar to the first, but independently.

Reward and reprimand in learning.Experienced teachers often achieve success as a result of widespread use of this particular method. Promptly praising a child at the moment of success and emotional upsurge, finding words for a short reprimand when he crosses the boundaries of what is permissible is a real art that allows you to manage emotional state student.

The range of incentives is very diverse. In the educational process, this can be praising the child, a positive assessment of some particular quality, encouraging the child’s chosen direction of activity or method of completing a task, giving an increased grade, etc.

The use of reprimands and other types of punishment is an exception in the formation of teaching motives and, as a rule, is used only in forced situations.

The use of games and game forms of organizing educational activities.A valuable method of stimulating interest in learning is the method of using various games and playful forms of organizing cognitive activity. It can use ready-made ones, for example, board games with educational content or game shells of ready-made educational material. Game shells can be created for one lesson, a separate discipline, or an entire educational activity over a long period of time. In total, there are three groups of games suitable for use in educational institutions.

Short games. By the word “game” we most often mean games of this particular group. These include subject-based, role-playing and other games used to develop interest in educational activities and solve certain specific problems. Examples of such tasks are mastering a specific rule, practicing a skill, etc. So, to practice skills mental counting In mathematics lessons, chain games are suitable, built (like the well-known city game) on the principle of transferring the right to answer along the chain.

Game shells. These games (more likely not even games, but game forms of organizing educational activities) last longer. Most often they are limited to the scope of the lesson, but they can last a little longer. For example, in elementary school, such a game can cover the entire school day.

Long educational games.Games of this type are designed for different time periods and can last from several days or weeks to several years. They are oriented, in the words of A.S. Makarenko, to the distant promising line, i.e. towards a distant ideal goal, and are aimed at the formation of slowly developing mental and personal qualities of the child. The peculiarity of this group of games is seriousness and efficiency. The games of this group are no longer like games as we imagine them - with jokes and laughter, but like a task done responsibly. Actually, they teach responsibility - these are educational games. To create cognitive interest among students, we used tasks in the form of “Joke Problems.”

1.Who has a little money but can’t buy anything with it? (At the piglet).

2. When a heron stands on one leg, it weighs 3 kg. How much will a heron weigh if it stands on two legs? (Weight will not change).

There were 3 glasses with cherries on the table. Kostya ate cherries from one glass. How many glasses are left? (Three).

During the evaluation, for each correctly solved problem, the team received two tokens.. In didactics, the following classification of forms of educational activity is adopted, which is based on the quantitative characteristics of the group of students interacting with the teacher at a given moment in the lesson:

general or frontal (work with the whole class);

individual (with a specific student);

group (link, brigade, pair, etc.).

The first assumes joint action all students in the class under the guidance of the teacher, the second - independent work of each student individually; group - students work in groups of three to six people or in pairs. Tasks for groups can be the same or different.basic active learning methods

Problem-based learning- a form in which the process of student cognition approaches search and research activity. The success of problem-based learning is ensured by the joint efforts of the teacher and students. The main task of the teacher is not so much to convey information as to introduce listeners to the objective contradictions in the development of scientific knowledge and ways to resolve them. In collaboration with the teacher, students “discover” new knowledge, comprehend theoretical features separate science.

The main didactic technique of “involving” students’ thinking during problem-based learning is the creation of a problem situation that has the form cognitive task, which fixes some contradiction in its conditions and ends with a question (questions) that objectifies this contradiction. The unknown is the answer to the question that resolves the contradiction.

Case Study Analysis- one of the most effective and widespread methods of organizing active cognitive activity of students. The case study method develops the ability to analyze unrefined life and production problems. When faced with a specific situation, the student must determine whether there is a problem in it, what it is, and determine his attitude to the situation.

Role-playing - game method active learning, characterized by the following main features:

O the presence of a task and problem and the distribution of roles between the participants in solving them. For example, using the role-playing method, a production meeting can be simulated;

"Round table" - This is a method of active learning, one of the organizational forms of students’ cognitive activity, which allows them to consolidate previously acquired knowledge, fill in missing information, develop problem-solving skills, strengthen positions, and teach a culture of discussion. A characteristic feature of the round table is the combination of a thematic discussion with a group consultation. Along with the active exchange of knowledge, students develop professional skills to express thoughts, argue their ideas, justify proposed solutions and defend their beliefs. At the same time, information and independent work with additional material are consolidated, as well as problems and issues for discussion are identified.

An important condition when organizing a “round table”: it must be truly round, i.e. the process of communication, communication, took place “eye to eye.” The “round table” principle (it is no coincidence that it was adopted at the negotiations), i.e. arrangement of participants facing each other, and not behind the head, as in a regular lesson, generally leads to an increase in activity, an increase in the number of statements, the possibility of personally including each student in the discussion, increases the motivation of students, includes non-verbal means of communication, such as facial expressions, gestures , emotional manifestations.

The teacher also sits in the general circle, as an equal member of the group, which creates a less formal environment compared to the generally accepted one, where he sits separately from the students, who face him. In the classic version, the participants in the discussion address their statements primarily to him, and not to each other. And if the teacher sits among the children, the group members’ addresses to each other become more frequent and less constrained, this also helps to create a favorable environment for discussion and the development of mutual understanding between teachers and students. The main part of a round table on any topic is discussion. Discussion (from the Latin discussio - research, consideration) is a comprehensive discussion of a controversial issue in a public meeting, in a private conversation, in a dispute. In other words, a discussion consists of a collective discussion of any issue, problem or comparison of information, ideas, opinions, proposals. The purposes of the discussion can be very diverse: education, training, diagnostics, transformation, changing attitudes, stimulating creativity, etc.

One of effective ways activation of educational activities of younger schoolchildren arenon-traditional lessons.

In my work I often use:

  • Lesson - fairy tale
  • Lesson-KVN
  • Lesson-travel
  • Quiz lesson
  • Relay lesson
  • Lesson-competition

Application of multimedia technologies in mathematics lessons

In my teaching practice, along with traditional ones, I use educational information technologies in order to create conditions for individual choice educational trajectory with each student, I strive to inspire students to satisfy their cognitive interest, therefore, I consider my main task to be creating conditions for the formation of motivation in students, developing their abilities, and increasing the effectiveness of learning.

When teaching mathematics lessons I use multimedia presentations. In such lessons, the principles of accessibility and clarity are more clearly implemented. Lessons are effective due to their aesthetic appeal. Presentation lessons provide a large amount of information and assignments in a short period. You can always go back to the previous slide (normal school board cannot accommodate the volume that can be placed on the slide).

When learning a new topic, I spend lesson-lecture using multimedia presentation. This allows students to focus their attention on significant points of the information presented. The combination of oral lecture material with slide demonstrations allows you to concentrate visual attention on particularly significant moments of educational work.

Multi-slide presentations are effective in any lesson due to significant time savings, the ability to demonstrate a large amount of information, clarity and aesthetics. Such lessons arouse students' cognitive interest in the subject, which contributes to a deeper and more lasting mastery of the material being studied, and increases the creative abilities of schoolchildren.

I also use the presentation to systematically check that all students in the class have completed their homework correctly. When checking homework, a lot of time is usually spent on reproducing the drawings on the board and explaining those fragments that caused difficulties.

I use presentation for oral exercises. Working from a finished drawing contributes to the development of constructive abilities, development of speech culture skills, logic and consistency of reasoning, and teaches the preparation of oral plans for solving problems of varying complexity. This is especially good to use in high school geometry lessons. You can offer students examples of how to write solutions, write down the conditions of a problem, repeat demonstrations of some fragments of constructions, and organize oral solutions to problems that are complex in content and formulation.

Experience shows that the use of computer technology in teaching mathematics makes it possible to differentiate educational activities in the classroom, activates the cognitive interest of students, develops their creative abilities, stimulates mental activity, and encourages research activities.

The use of multimedia technologies is one of the promising areas of informatization of the educational process and is one of the pressing problems of modern methods of teaching mathematics. I consider the use of information technologies necessary and motivate this by the fact that they contribute to:

Improving practical skills;

Allows you to effectively organize independent work and individualize the learning process;

Increase interest in lessons;

Activate cognitive activity students;

Modernize the lesson.


I note that the systematic use of active teaching methods for younger schoolchildren with learning difficulties in mathematics lessons forms the level of cognitive activity, and this helps to increase the efficiency of the learning process in mathematics lessons.

All this allows us to confirm the correctness of the chosen path in using active methods in lessons in primary school.

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