Proper team management. Rules for communication between managers and subordinates, methods for successful team management

To learn lead a team, you need to have very strong nerves, a lot of patience, as well as some skills in working with people. A leader is very responsible work. Being a leader means being able to make decisions not only for yourself, but also for your team, being able to notice and satisfy the demands of the team, finding a common denominator in a heated argument, and also worrying not only about your own well-being, which is what most managers do.

How to lead a women's team?

Learning to lead a female team is quite difficult due to the fact that each employee may have “her own cockroaches” in her head. If the manager is a woman, then, most likely, it will be a little easier for her to lead a female team, since she will clearly understand what her employees need, how to resolve conflict as effectively as possible and make subordinates work. In addition, it will be much easier for a woman to lead a women's team, since she is well aware that ladies quite believably know how to simulate a stormy work activity, which in fact may be completely wrong.

To a woman leader It’s easier to come to an agreement with her subordinates, since she knows exactly what approach to apply to a particular employee.

But there are also significant disadvantages to having a woman lead a women’s team. The boss is definitely guaranteed increased attention, so showing up to work with creases in your stockings, the wrong lipstick, or bags under your eyes is simply unforgivable. It is very important for a female leader to “keep her mark,” since subordinates can easily feel superior to their boss and begin to behave in a very arrogant manner.

To a man The ability to lead a female team is a little more difficult. A good supply will come in very handy here. nerve cells, which are likely to die off every day in numbers of several thousand. Everyone knows that women are big gossips. A man will not be able to avoid “washing the bones” and sidelong glances. If he immediately fails to present himself correctly, then women will most likely closely monitor every step of their boss in order to attack him at any convenient moment, like a kite to an unfortunate mouse.

The leader of a large female team needs to be attentive to intrigues and provocations that can easily come from female employees. These can be either subtle hints about the dishonesty of colleagues or direct denunciations. In any case, before passing judgment, a man needs to find out all the nuances of this situation, since the same problem may look different from the opposite side.

No matter who leads the women's team, this is not an easy task. It is necessary to take into account all the pros and cons of your position, have a clear action plan in force majeure circumstances, and also avoid “familiarity” on the part of employees. There must be discipline in the team. Young ladies need to be taught this from the very first day after you take a leadership position.

Unfortunately, in our time, good leaders are very rare. The best boss is the one who knows how to be on the same page with his subordinates, but at the same time not lose his status. In order to properly and competently lead people, it is necessary create a friendly and cozy atmosphere in the team. Nowadays, finding a job in another office is not very difficult, so office workers rarely stick to workplace, especially if there are no prospects for them there. Therefore, at any opportunity or conflict, a person can slam the door and leave, showering his former superiors with verbal streams obscene language. In this case, it is very important to have stress resistance, because disputes and conflicts very often arise in work teams. By the way, you can increase stress resistance in different ways and even medication.

If you are a good psychologist and have a keen sense of people, then this will help you learn how to lead a team.

To create a friendly atmosphere in a team, you need to communicate with your employees more often, take an interest in their successes, and occasionally meet in informal setting. What you definitely shouldn’t do in a new team is announce your privileges right from the start. Believe me, your employees already understand perfectly well that you are their boss, so unnecessary mention of this, demonstration of your own superiority over your subordinates makes them feel negative towards you. By declaring your superiority, you seem to be hinting that only you here can be considered a full-fledged person, and your team is nothing more than simple biological garbage. Yes, perhaps many will not show their dissatisfaction with you as a leader, but you can be sure that behind your back your team will enthusiastically wash all your bones, which will significantly complicate your task of managing such employees.

You need to get it in your head: you are a human being just like them. You are no better, absolutely. Increased powers and wages does not make you a superman, so don’t be arrogant and communicate more often with your team.

For the manager The ability to peacefully resolve any conflict is very important. Remember that politeness conquers cities. If you remain calm and respond politely even to outright aggression, the attitude of your subordinates towards you will noticeably improve. People who know how to control themselves and control their emotions are highly valued in society. You are a leader, a professional, and not an old market trader. Never argue with your team. If your employee is dissatisfied with something, invite him into your office, offer him a cup of coffee and politely ask him what caused his dissatisfaction. By treating your people politely, you can learn a lot and also gain a new level of respect.

To properly lead a large team, do not play favorites.

Never and under no circumstances. And if it so happened that you liked someone specific from the entire team more than the rest, do not dare to openly demonstrate it. This way, you risk incurring tons of envy on this person from colleagues, which will not help him survive in the team, and also crush their respect for you. We must adhere to the principle of equality. You can do whatever you want in your free time, but at work you are a leader, not a friend or comrade.

It is very important to be able to use the carrot and stick method.

If you can establish friendly relations with your subordinates, there is a high chance that they will soon feel free and begin to do unimaginable things. Simply put: they will sit on your neck and take advantage of your kindness. This behavior needs to be nipped in the bud. If you begin to notice such sins in your team, gather them for a meeting and remind them why you have all gathered. You have a job and everyone must do it responsibly. You are first and foremost their leader, and you cannot allow any concessions, despite the warm relationship. Know how to say “no” when necessary. If a person insists, you should not raise your voice. Just explain to him the reasons why you cannot afford it and tell him that your decision cannot be changed. In 99 percent of cases, your employee will lag behind you with their requests, but at the same time they will not feel negative towards you. Yes, you refused him, but it was justified and he knows the reasons that cannot be argued with.

Accept as truth that sometimes you will have to make concessions in order not to destroy trusting relationships and to properly lead the team.

If a dispute suddenly arises, propose to resolve it by voting. Disputes that are resolved in this way usually end without scandals. Let your subordinates know that you have majority rule. If the majority votes for one or another option, then it is accepted without objection. By the way, you will also have to follow this rule.

Being a leader is a rather difficult and responsible job that not everyone can handle. But if you can make it work good relationship with your team, this will help you in the future.

Practice shows that what better relationship within the team, the better the subordinates do their work.

In any situation, remain human and put yourself in the shoes of your subordinates before you decide to do anything. In this case, leading a team will become easy and pleasant.

Opponents of women's groups have always called organizations where predominantly women worked as “chicken coops”, “ like a snake ball"or "wasp hive." On the other hand, defenders of women's groups remind us of the basic qualities of women, such as their kindness, tolerance, responsiveness, loyalty - this is all that can create the basis for a favorable working climate and form a good opinion of clients.

An interesting fact is that positive reviews about companies where there are only girls, as a rule, are left only by representatives of the opposite sex.

Moreover, men see benefits for themselves in joining such a team. Everyone doesn’t mind becoming an employee of an office where, in the absence of competition, you can count on increased attention to your own person. However, one must take into account the fact that even in such cases one cannot do without negative experience.

As it was once said: “A women’s team is definite death for a man - this opinion was published on one Internet forum. - The serpentarium is still the same.

Only a year and a half of work, but the feeling is that it’s time to cover myself with a white sheet and slowly crawl towards the nearest cemetery. There’s no nervous system left, the gray hair is just hitting.”

Managing a team is not always an easy task. But managing a women's team is always a problem.

To do this, you need to be not only a good manager and psychologist, but also a “firefighter” in order to be able to quickly extinguish the fire of squabbles, intrigues, hysterics and all kinds of conflicts. And it’s not bad at all to be a psychiatrist, because female nature is a completely vulnerable substance. And if we talk about the quality of work, then also as a coach, so that he can develop willpower in his employees.

But it’s not worth saying that women are an extremely unsuitable candidate for work; it’s no secret that they work much more willingly than men and statistics only confirm this.

On average, women stay 3-4 hours after work, which is not the case with men. Also, women have a greater ability to perform routine work, and the fact that the majority of accountants, cashiers and operators are women once again proves this. But one factor must be present here - this is only possible with competent management.

In fact, a lot depends on management.

Well, having considered all the basic concepts, we can move on to specific advice. Below is a list of the most fundamental concepts, competent management should always be developed by the manager himself, depending on the current situation.

Don't let yourself be manipulated

Each individual team member, from the cleaner to the chief accountant, must maintain subordination and work according to the “superior-subordinate” model.

It is important to remember that women have superbly developed intuition, and as soon as you show any lack of self-confidence, or show slack in behavior, this can lead to disobedience and free behavior.

Everyone should know their place

To put it more correctly, it must be said that everything and everyone must be placed in their proper places.

This is easily dealt with by the coach’s strategy, where everyone develops a clear understanding of their place, its significance, and proper behavior. This system was developed to avoid favorite feminine behavior- move the arrows to each other. With a clear statement of the task, you can always know from whom to demand what.

You can't measure everyone with the same yardstick

While the female cast is menacing, there is no denying their exceptional appeal. And the skills of a psychiatrist will not be superfluous here.

Someone, to improve his performance and more motivation, a decent kick is needed, and for some, even the smallest praise is enough for him to become able to move mountains.

You need to thoroughly study the behavior of your subordinates, and after all, skillfully give them what they need for their productivity.

The most important thing is not to confuse and not to overdo it, because there is a high risk of encountering a weapon of serious defeat - women's tears. And this is not only an unpleasant sight, stress, but also black spot on reputation.

Divide and conquer

Perhaps this advice is one of the most effective, and if you know how to use it correctly, then the problem of leading a women’s team is resolved in itself.

For most women in life, emotions are the main component that prevails over all logic and reason. And the scheme becomes extremely simple - the most important thing is not the influence with words, but emotional manipulation.

Good luck in leading the women's team!

Many employees strive to lead a team, but not everyone has the necessary abilities for this position, because it implies deep knowledge of the profession, as well as attentiveness and sensitivity to people. Our article will tell you what rules you need to follow, what skills to develop and what books to read in order to become a successful leader.

You will learn:

  • What a good leader should be able to do.
  • What model of behavior should a leader choose?
  • How to lead a new team.
  • How to manage a women's team.
  • What mistakes should you not make when leading a team?
  • What books will teach you how to manage a team?

What you need to do to effectively lead a team: 9 skills

Most often, those who are respected and appreciated by the team become leaders. Such a person is usually an unconditional leader, but this does not mean that he has the competence necessary for a managerial position. After all, its main essence is control over the activities of the company’s employees, ensuring high-quality work of the company as a whole by motivating employees.

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A good manager is always ready for innovation and motivates employees to strive for independence in decision-making, as well as to offer ideas for the development of the company. This can only be done with highly qualified specialists. To effectively lead a team, a person must have the following skills.

  1. Understand the intricacies of the work process.

A good manager is always developing: getting to know new things information support, undergoes training in specialized offline or online seminars. He must have perfect time management, and also be able to concentrate on work nuances, without losing sight of anything. Possible risks must be taken into account and calculated in advance. To resolve emerging issues in a timely manner, it is necessary for the entire management structure to work smoothly and clearly.

  1. Create favorable conditions for labor.

The more automated the work, the more efficient it is. To increase productivity, it is necessary to use office equipment and various specialized software. There are other ways to increase the speed and quality of work, for example:

  • in work rooms it is necessary to adhere to the rules of sanitation and hygiene;
  • It is necessary to have a desk for work;
  • in addition to the table there should be other furniture;
  • it is necessary that each employee has tools for work and office supplies;
  • a flawlessly organized schedule that includes both working hours, and breaks.

Proper lighting, a comfortable temperature and the absence of distracting noise are also necessary for quality work.

  1. Properly organize the work of the team.

A person leading any team must correctly formulate and convey his ideas to his subordinates. Written information is best perceived, so it’s worth creating a summary certain rules, operating in the company. No less important is activity, that is, when preparing any project, you need to decide on the order of operations to be performed. All ideas must be recorded and implemented, but there is a limitation: you should not introduce global changes in a project that is already under active development, you can do minor changes, and leave the essential ideas for next time.

  1. Create the right atmosphere in the team.

It is necessary to lead a team in such a way that employees share their ideas and opinions. The manager should listen to them, because an outside perspective is very useful for the business, especially at the completion stage. Do not intimidate employees and create a situation in which they are afraid to express their thoughts. To get acquainted with the ideas of subordinates, you can use various methods: surveys with questions about improving the company, individual mailings or personal conversations with each team member. You should not constantly demand ideas - any person needs time to understand whether his idea will help.

  1. Keep your distance from subordinates.

You shouldn’t be on short terms with your employees; it’s better to use other methods to earn the respect of the team:

  • Don’t be afraid to admit you’re wrong - everyone makes mistakes, and a leader is no exception. It is not recommended to blame others for mistakes - it is much better to independently determine what exactly went wrong and fix the problem. This will show that the manager is able to take responsibility for solving unusual situations that arise;
  • correctly formulate the tasks facing the team. It is important that the actions are consistent, then it will be clear to employees what needs to be done to achieve the goal, and they will be able to offer their options;
  • save respectful relationship boss-subordinate. The manager is obliged to communicate with the employee, regardless of what mood he is in. The quality of communication should be expressed in a large number of completed transactions, and not in friendly relations with employees.
  1. Be strict but fair.

A professional leader knows how to productive work. For this there are various ways incentives:

  • monthly dinner with the team in an informal setting, which will allow you to establish friendly relations with subordinates, as well as charge them with energy to complete assigned tasks;
  • public praise of employees who perform their duties at high level; personal conversation with them, discussion of their ideas and proposals;
  • In addition to verbal approval, material rewards should also be used for the work of distinguished employees - this could be, for example, an invitation to an event or some useful thing.
  1. Take responsibility.

An essential quality of a leader is responsibility for one’s actions and decisions. If non-standard situations arise, the manager must first try to find a mistake in his actions. This helps you gain experience and make the right decisions in the future.

An employee may fail to complete a task for several reasons: misunderstanding or misunderstanding of the task, choosing the wrong method, or simple forgetfulness. As for the person who leads the team, his mistakes will be as follows: unclear assignment of tasks to employees; inadequate control over execution; lack of a list of actions to resolve standard issues. Methods for solving unusual situations are developed by the management apparatus independently, and monitoring of the implementation of assigned tasks is also carried out.

  1. Defend the interests of subordinates.

The manager must have influence on everything internal processes company and not allow any external influence at her. A qualified manager acts on the side of his employees and is always ready to stand up for them in any situation, including before superiors, communicates with subordinates on equal terms as far as possible - only then will the team treat the manager with respect, and this helps to increase labor productivity. If the manager’s behavior is the same both with an individual employee and with the entire team, then relationships in the company will be built on trust and friendliness.

  1. Keep your word.

One of the important qualities of a good leader is the ability to be responsible for one’s words. The manager's word must be associated with actions. If a person who leads a team makes some promise to his subordinate, then he is obliged to fulfill it; It is not recommended to rank promises in order of importance, since each of them must be fulfilled in any case, regardless of the conditions. For example, if one of the employees needs an assistant and the manager has given his word to find him, then he is obliged to hire the necessary person, even if it is not included in the company’s budget. Failure to fulfill obligations negatively affects the team's opinion of the manager.

Behavioral model of the “ideal leader”

  1. Learning model of behavior.

This type of behavior can most often be found in English speaking countries such as Great Britain and the United States of America. Its essence lies in the fact that employees constantly improve their professional skills, and the manager in this situation is a kind of “guide” indicating the right direction of development. As a result, the entire team strives to achieve its goals.

The manager faces the following tasks:

  • facilitate the training of subordinates and the application of acquired knowledge in practice;
  • develop employee planning skills;
  • teach employees to correctly determine the importance of the tasks they perform.

One of the advantages of this method of behavior is saving the time of subordinates, since all training takes place directly in the process of activity, without attending additional lectures, seminars and courses. A person who uses this method in the process of leading a team can evaluate the knowledge acquired by the employee directly in the workplace and give his comments.

Another feature of this method is the formation of a friendly relationship between the leader and the team. Maintaining such an atmosphere is facilitated by spending time together outside of work, for example, outings, sporting events, and corporate parties.

The friendly atmosphere that has developed within the team creates more comfortable working conditions, as a result of which employees will be more motivated to perform their duties efficiently.

Despite the obvious advantages of this model, there is also a drawback: the larger the team, the more difficult it is to train. If, instead of leading and performing other management functions, a person is constantly engaged only in staff training, then this can greatly affect the quality of the company’s activities, since not all tasks will be completed on time.

  1. Strict regulation of the work process.

This method of behavior is common in many countries. Its essence is to create certain rules that each member of the team must adhere to.

To lead using this method, you must perform the following tasks:

  • create where each member has its own specific place;
  • monitor the success of subordinates;
  • check the employee’s activities for errors.

For each employee, a clear procedure is formulated that he must adhere to. If any task is not completed, the manager begins to more closely monitor the activities of such an employee: he may require him to provide reports or reports with the results of his work for a certain period. If a subordinate performs his duties poorly for a long time, the manager may decide to fire him.

Here, unlike the previous model, friendly relationships in the team are not provided for. The manager’s goal is to achieve high-quality performance of professional duties by each employee.

This type of behavior turns the company into a single mechanism in which every detail is important: in case malfunction One of the components causes the entire mechanism to fail. A person who uses this method should strictly ensure that every cog in the system works without interruption.

The advantage of this model of behavior is that the company operates as efficiently as possible in such conditions. But harsh working conditions can cause stress among workers, and the specialist who runs the company must always strictly monitor the high-quality and correct execution of assigned tasks.

  1. Delegation model.

This type of management behavior is common in Scandinavian countries. The basis of this method is the transfer of part of the manager’s responsibilities to other employees, usually at a lower level. This model is suitable for those who are wondering how to manage a team without experience: in this case, the manager is not required to know the specifics of all types of activities of the company; he can delegate authority to specialists in these areas.

Manager's tasks:

  • correctly distribute responsibilities between employees and management;
  • find out from employees what exactly is necessary to perform managerial functions and solve the tasks assigned to the team;
  • provide specialists with the conditions and resources necessary for high-quality work and successful achievement of their goals.

This method of behavior involves constant communication between management and employees to clarify emerging problems and resolve them as much as possible. quick solution, as well as to build a plan for future activities. Such discussions usually take place at specially organized events.

One of the advantages of this management style is the employee’s independence in decision making. This means that the result of the work comes first, and not the process of achieving this result.

The ability to act independently inspires an employee to realize his ideas. And if the actions taken by the employee turned out to be effective and made it possible to achieve the desired result, then they will be accepted by management and become officially established rules.

Before you start leading, you should choose suitable way behavior, focusing on the characteristics of the team - its size, age of employees and specifics of activity. If most of the employees are recent graduates, then training is the best management option. This will allow novice specialists to gain the necessary professional experience and skills for work.

In case of any problems in the company, for example, a financial crisis, the best option would be to use a regulated management method. A clear set of rules will allow you to organize a team and set up employees to quickly and efficiently complete work, which will have a positive impact on the development of the organization and will help it quickly overcome existing problems.

The latter model, which involves the distribution of responsibilities, is suitable for creative activities, since it is there that employees need to have the opportunity to express themselves and realize their ideas.

To achieve the best results, you should use all three models, alternating between them. The priority of one method or another is determined based on the characteristics of the team and the specific situation. It is not recommended to adhere to only one model, as this may negatively affect the company's activities.

How to lead a new team to immediately gain authority

Replacing management has contradictory implications. On the one hand, new management personnel are full of ideas that can have a positive impact on the company’s activities, but on the other hand, any changes entail emotional experiences and possible conflicts.

There are certain problems that every new team leader faces:

  1. There had been no changes in the company for a long time, and all team members were happy with this. New man The person appointed to lead the company is usually a highly qualified specialist and comes with his own ideas and certain requirements for employees. Such changes may not suit everyone.
  2. Already existed in the team certain order, which all employees adhere to. Moreover, their professional qualities may be higher than those of the person who was appointed to lead them. In this case, the team may not accept the manager’s proposals, since they will differ from the ideas of the subordinates. This situation will have a negative impact on employee performance.
  3. Within the company there may be informal leader with high professional qualities. And when it is not he who becomes the leader, the team begins to reject the new boss. If, in addition, the chosen management style is not liked by employees, conflicts and even a kind of division of the team may arise. All actions of employees in such a situation are aimed not at fulfilling professional duties, but at inciting conflict.
  4. The team itself responded well to the new leader, and most of the employees accept his working methods and professional qualities. But there is a person who would also like to lead, and since he was not appointed, he will have a negative attitude towards his rival. This can lead to active expression of disagreement with the manager’s position and incitement of the team against management. The result can be tense psychological atmosphere in the company.
  5. It happens that a new boss hires employees with whom he has worked previously and in whose professionalism he is confident. As a result, the team may be divided into two parts: the “old” employees of the company and the new team. Such division may subsequently develop into open confrontation. Usually the outcome of this situation is the gradual dismissal of the entire old staff of the organization.
  6. The opposite situation also occurs, when the previous boss leaves the entire team he led. Along with people, existing developments may disappear, as well as information containing trade secrets, and even the customer base. If the entire team is ready to leave for former boss, this means that his authority is much more important to them than the organization itself. This situation is very unpleasant for the company, since if a person leaves on a negative note, he can take away the most qualified employees of the company as revenge, which will cause considerable harm to it.

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According to studies, approximately 1/3 of managers experience problems in the first year. If the mistakes made by the manager are significant, then this can cause serious damage to the company, and for the person who has barely begun to manage, it can be the end of his managerial career.

To lead successfully, you must follow certain rules.

  1. Actively meet the team's expectations.

The team always expects any changes from the new management. Each employee usually has wishes and suggestions for improving the quality of work. The task of a person who has just assumed a position is to correctly and adequately perceive all the suggestions and expectations of employees.

A qualified leader will be able to identify not only expressed, but also unspoken expectations and ideas. It is important to understand that these are only ideas, suggestions and wishes, but not clear tasks that require immediate and mandatory implementation. Most often, all the information that begins to flow from employees consists of both really good business ideas and ordinary human wishes.

You should pay close attention to all employee suggestions and adhere to the following rules:

  • you should not take all suggestions as a guide to action;
  • respect must be shown to all employees;
  • listen to the wishes that come from superiors, even if they are not expressed directly;
  • It is worth paying close attention to your subordinates so that employees are confident in their stable position in the company.
  1. Develop relationships with key people.

In order to successfully manage a company, a manager must maintain good relationships with maximum number people: colleagues, clients, shareholders and, of course, superiors. Any misunderstanding can lead to incorrect actions and sad results, which is extremely unpleasant at the beginning of a management career. Ill-wishers can also complicate the situation, for example, people who did not receive the desired position, or.

It is very important to carry out the correct psychological work with a person who did not receive a position; You should not sympathize and make impossible promises. This behavior is wrong. Correct position there will be an offer of cooperation and discussion of ideas former rival. This will create a business environment and set up a mutually beneficial relationship. A person is capable of surviving failure on his own; a leader should not show emotional sympathy and pity.

  1. “Invitations” that are best not accepted.

There are formulations containing hidden comparisons with the previous leader, they sound something like this: “You already know exactly how this is done” or “Now the work will be organized correctly, and things will go smoothly.” They can be called original recommendations to a novice manager from the team. But when a person agrees with such formulations, it leads to the opposite result. The trick is that by accepting these “invitations,” the manager, without knowing it, confirms the negative expectations of the employees, which leads to their disappointment, especially in cases where the team, perhaps for a long time, successfully coped with the work without a manager.

If a person knows how to lead correctly or has experience management activities, he will not agree to such a provocation, but will simply wait until the employees get used to the fact that they now have a boss and they do not have to do work beyond their main duties. The manager, in turn, also needs time to get into work in a new position and begin to be active.

  1. Formation of a network of relationships.

It is recommended to build relationships with the team taking into account factors such as competition, loyalty and disappointment. It is worth establishing relationships with subordinates, because this will allow you to look at the situation with different points vision. In addition, to carry out various events, assistance to the new leader will be extremely necessary, since modern world It's hard to organize anything alone.

A practitioner tells

In a new team, figure out who is who

Ildar Yangazin,

manager of the Luxor Cinema restaurant, Moscow

More often than not, the formal and informal structures of an organization differ significantly. From the very beginning of work as a manager, a person needs to collect information about the real state of affairs in the company: who is friends with whom, who usually does this or that task, who to turn to for help if necessary. You can obtain this information in a personal conversation with employees.

How to lead a women's team

Problems with the female team may arise due to various reasons, but most often they are not related to professional activities. Inexperienced managers may not be able to cope with such a team and run away from it.

A woman is considered the most suitable leader for a female team, since she understands the motives of the actions of her subordinates, their desires and character traits. A female leader will be able to find a way to encourage her colleagues to work. In addition, she will be able to determine whether her subordinates are in the mood for work at the moment or whether they are only pretending to be active.

However, it is also not so easy for a woman to lead a women's team. Since representatives of the fairer sex are picky about their appearance, a female boss has no right to appear at work in a sloppy appearance; she must be a step above her colleagues so that they do not feel superior to her. Otherwise, subordinates may lose respect for her and will behave uncompromisingly, as a result of which it will become difficult to manage them.

For a man, leading a female team is very difficult task. A male boss must be stress-resistant, as he will probably be discussed behind his back.

The manager of a female team should remember the character traits of female employees:

  • high degree of emotionality;
  • tendency to create and discuss rumors;
  • inability to enjoy the success of others;
  • desire for superiority over others;
  • violent reaction to some life events;
  • unstable emotional state.

This is far from full list feminine qualities that a good leader must learn to apply in his work in order to direct his employees in the direction he needs.

If a person who leads a team wants to be respected, he needs to follow certain rules:

  1. You should not establish familiar relations with your employees. It is recommended that the message of strict subordination be clearly communicated to anyone who does not comply with the chain of command.
  2. Set specific tasks for the day. Each employee should have her own list of tasks for each working day. Having clear tasks for each employee simplifies the management and control of the work of subordinates.
  3. Avoid routine, change activities. It is common for any person, and especially a woman, to get tired of monotonous activities, so the list of responsibilities should include different types work, otherwise, as a respite, subordinates will begin to gather in groups and discuss management. You can alternate activities by changing jobs. The one who spent the whole day communicating with clients can be put on paperwork, and the one who handled paperwork can be put on the phone to receive calls. This method is used in many companies, for example, in stores where salespeople are periodically moved from one department to another.
  4. Organize your leisure time. In a good way Establishing friendly relations with the team is to hold joint events. The most popular are field trips, cruises or weekend trips, quests, and entertainment and professional competitions. Sharing time helps to establish warm relationships within the team and creates a comfortable work environment. emotional situation allowing you to successfully manage your company.
  5. Pamper yourself more often. A monetary reward based on the results of work for a certain period will be very useful and will motivate employees for further high-quality work.
  6. Short breaks should be provided during the working day, allowing women to tidy up their appearance and exchange news with colleagues. After such a rest, subordinates will work more productively, and the results of the company’s activities will be pleasantly surprising.

One of the ways to stimulate the female team is the promise of advancement through the ranks. But it suits few people, because most women are focused on family values. If a representative of the fair sex manages to combine personal life and professional activities, then such specialists always achieve high success, because they have such qualities as responsibility, diligence, and developed intuition.

One of the important positive feminine traits- the ability to empathize with others. This is great for communicating with clients and helps resolve issues that arise. conflict situations. A person who leads a team must be able to correctly distribute work among employees, taking into account their character traits.

However, women also have disadvantages, for example, a violent reaction to any situations or actions, as a result of which conflicts can arise in the women's team. A manager should not interfere in disputes between colleagues, much less take the side of any of the conflicting parties. The dispute ends, the former brawlers make peace, but the person who occupies a certain position ultimately remains a common enemy.

How to properly lead a team, avoiding common mistakes

Error 1.Lack of desire to exert yourself.

A person who is just starting to lead may feel that he does not have to do this or that work and has the right to delegate his responsibilities to colleagues. This opinion is wrong: the more responsibility a person has, the more work he has, and the more demands are placed on him. Employees can provide assistance to a novice manager at the very beginning of the activity, but subsequent work lies on the shoulders of the boss.

Error 2.Failure to value employees.

One of the needs of every person is self-realization and recognition, so any job well done should be noted at least with verbal praise. Satisfied employees are easier to manage.

Error 3.Inability to organize work.

Leading does not just mean commanding. To be a competent manager, you should familiarize yourself in detail with all the intricacies of the work. Ignorance of any production details can cause conflicts or problems in work, and a short-sighted boss will consider them unqualified.

Error 4.Lack of desire to improve or learn something new.

The ability to lead implies not only the distribution of responsibilities between subordinates or their training, but also the desire for self-improvement and acquiring new knowledge. Unfortunately, some managers with extensive experience believe that they do not need training.

Error 5.Assignment of other people's merits.

You should not pass off your subordinate’s achievements as your own. Undoubtedly, the merit of the manager is that his employee was able to achieve excellent results, but still this is the achievement of a direct subordinate, and there is no need to hide it. You need to be able to lead in such a way that employees do not doubt the honesty of a person holding a high position.

Error 6.Showing rudeness and disrespect for the team.

Leading is not easy - it requires a lot of physical and emotional strength. But the boss should never spill negative emotions on your employees. No matter how stressful the situation may be, you must try to restrain yourself, since usually subordinates have no connection with bad mood leader.

Error 7.Employee insecurity.

A person who leads a team must be on the side of his subordinates in any external disputes so that they feel confident and protected. Some managers do not try to understand the situation, but immediately blame employees and apply some kind of punishment to them.

The list of such mistakes can be continued, because people, and especially management, tend to make mistakes. But the leader should not forget that he bears the full responsibility, and their successes and failures are his direct merit or fault.

TOP 10 books on how to learn to lead a team

Mark Sidonius Fulks. How to manage slaves

Cambridge University professor Jerry Toner wrote the book on behalf of the ancient Roman aristocrat Marcus Sidonius Fulks. According to his opinion, the optimal method of managing a team is to alternate punishment and reward. The book “How to Manage Slaves,” despite its title, is still relevant today, as it details tips on proper training employees, methods of punishment and ways to motivate and gain the respect of subordinates. Is wonderful practical guide for those who are starting to lead.

Susan Fowler. Why don't they work? A new look at employee motivation

There are many methods of stimulating employees that a manager can use in his activities, for example, financial motivation or proper distribution of working time. The author of the book, Susan Fowler, studied the activities of several companies around the world for a whole decade. As a result, she was able to formulate rules for effectively motivating staff that will help a person just starting to manage to achieve success in his activities.

Howard Behar. It's not about the coffee. Starbucks corporate culture

The book describes the history of the development of Starbucks, which is currently one of the largest in the world. Howard Behar, an employee of the organization since 1989, talks about his path in this company, about ideas, plans and their implementation with the help of colleagues and like-minded people. Gives advice on working with difficult clients and how to properly build a business. The book is suitable not only for those who plan to manage the food industry, but also for those who hold a high position in any other company, since the advice is universal.

Mikal Hem. Be a dictator. Practical guide

Using the example of famous historical figures, the author of the book formulates the rules for managing a team. The book also contains advice on the financial component of a manager’s activities, as well as ways to gain respect from subordinates. A set of ideal recommendations on how to properly manage a small team or a large corporation.

Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace. Corporation of geniuses: how to manage a team of creative people

A book from a person who knows first-hand how to properly lead creative people. The head of the PIXAR studio, known all over the world for its cartoons, talks in detail about how to get along with subordinates, get out of any conflict and solve non-standard situations. In addition, the book gives detailed description the process of creating cartoons. Main idea The author's idea is that a company is a family in which each member is worthy of respect.

Daniel Pink. Drive: what really motivates us

Daniel Pink explores the issues of motivation and motivation in his book. He refutes the theories of behaviorists and makes suggestions for new ways to motivate subordinates. The author also talks about his research conducted on this topic. The book was recognized as the best according to the Forbes rating. After reading the book, it will become clearer how to correctly apply punishment and reward, formulate goals and objectives and focus on what really matters. important things. The work will give you a clear idea of ​​how to lead.

Isaac Calderon Adizes. The ideal leader: why you can’t become one and what follows from this?

The opinion of the author of this book is as follows: there are four types of managers: Producer, Entrepreneur, Administrator and Integrator. Each of them has its own characteristics, which are presented in detail. Having extensive experience working in many large companies, Yitzhah Adizes provides solutions and ways out of conflicts of various types, and also gives recommendations on correct selection personnel, because qualified employees are much easier to manage than inexperienced ones.

Stephen Covey. Principle-Based Leadership

The author of the famous best-selling self-development book, in his next book, is based on the same principles discussed in his world-famous work, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” Stephen Covey believes that all these rules can be applied to the organization as a whole and to the team in particular. The writer believes that a person who knows how to lead is able to achieve high results in its activities by building trust relationships with subordinates.

Simon Sinek. Leaders eat last. How to create a dream team

Simon Sinek is the author of two famous books in self-development and business, a participant in television programs, and also a popular speaker. The book describes the “golden ring” theory he created, the essence of which is three questions: “how?”, “why?” and “why?” The ideal qualities for a person seeking to lead, according to the author, are the ability to clearly formulate goals and objectives, as well as creative thinking. A competent leader provides a friendly atmosphere between employees, gives them a feeling of confidence and stability. The book also contains a set of recommendations for developing managerial qualities.

Jeffrey K. Liker. The Tao of Toyota. 14 management principles of the world's leading company

One of the most famous automobile companies in the world reveals the secrets of its success. The principle of work of Toyota managers is absolute trust in employees, as a result of which the company receives amazing results from its activities. The book is considered a kind of reference book for proper management, based on the constant development of not only the quality of the product produced, but also the work of employees. An ideal guide for those who are just starting to manage, or experienced managers who want to take their company to a high level.

Sometimes career ladder leads a person to a leadership position. This can happen if it has special potential, certain personal qualities, knowledge and professional experience necessary to manage a team.

Some strive to become a leader, others become one by accident due to current circumstances. In any case, a person who has embarked on this responsible “path” faces several tasks at once:

  • understand the psychology of your team;
  • find an individual approach to each individual employee;
  • be able to create a friendly atmosphere of cooperation;
  • will learn to implement ideas with the help of united collective work.

A team implies a complex “system” of relationships, so it is very important for a novice leader to learn how to set up his subordinates to move in the right direction.

If earlier the work team was perceived as an abstract mass of people working to fulfill the specific tasks of the boss, today the mechanisms of strategy have changed significantly. The leader must take into account psychological techniques, which will help him communicate with his team and create everything necessary conditions for its normal functioning.

How to gain authority?

Which leader will the team follow? Undoubtedly, this must be a person whom everyone respects. At the same time, he is respected for his personal and professional qualities, experience and ability to communicate competently with employees. Only in this way will he be able to achieve authority, be able to influence his subordinates and direct the course of their work in the direction he needs.

There are several proven ways to achieve authority:

  • consolidation of leadership position(you need to carefully monitor your oral and written speech, be as confident as possible in yourself, try not to make mistakes and remain a role model with your actions in everything; do not entrust an employee with something that he cannot do himself);
  • psycho-emotional stability(it is important to learn to control your own emotions, to be as restrained as possible in any situation, since any emotional breakdown can affect the quality of work of employees and even their relationships with clients);
  • understanding(the manager must be able to meet his subordinate halfway where this is permissible, but at the same time not forget about certain limits that limit their relationship);
  • correct task setting(after the manager tells the essence of the task, the employee should be aware of all the details of the work, he should not have any questions).

The ideal model of behavior for a wise leader

Today, there are many classifications of behavior models intended for a novice leader to choose from. Most often, most classifications come down to three main behavioral models: teaching behavior, strict regulation of the work process, and delegation. Let's consider each of them separately.

Learning behavior model

The learning model of behavior is more common in the countries of the USA and Great Britain. It is based on a system of continuous training of subordinates, where the leader acts as a “teacher”, thanks to whose instructions and advice the team moves towards their professional achievements.

Manager's tasks:

  • help employees learn new skills in practice, gain useful knowledge necessary for the successful development of teamwork;
  • teach employees to independently plan their own work progress;
  • Explain the principle of prioritizing work.

The advantage of this model is that employees do not need to be distracted from their current activities by taking advanced training courses, attending additional seminars, etc. Training is carried out during the work itself, which allows the manager to immediately evaluate the result of his subordinate’s work and give it his objective assessment.

Also, the teaching model of behavior is characterized by maximum psychological rapprochement between the leader and team members. For this purpose, special additional events are organized that allow the team to communicate with their leader outside of work (a picnic in nature, a skit party, a tourist trip, a game of football, a meeting in a cafe, etc.).

Informal relationships help unite the team and make people not only colleagues, but also friends. Of course, in a friendly atmosphere, every employee will feel comfortable, which will allow him to work more fruitfully in the future.

Despite the numerous advantages of this model of behavior, it has one significant drawback: it is quite difficult to train the entire team. Often, a manager pays so much attention to training his subordinates that he does not have time to complete the activities for which he alone is responsible.

Strict regulation of the work process

In Germany, a model of strict regulation of the work process is common. The Germans are convinced that the team management system should be based on clear rules and principles.

Manager's tasks:

  • determine the place of each individual employee in the collective system;
  • monitor the progress of each employee;
  • monitor shortcomings in the employee’s work.

Each member of the team is assigned a number of tasks that he will have to perform in strict sequence. If an employee fails to cope with at least one of the tasks, he falls under the special “individual” control of his manager. He will have to write reports on his work, report what he did during the day, etc. If a manager notices that an employee long time fails to cope with the task, he fires him.

Informal relationships, which presuppose a teaching form of behavior, are not suitable for a model of strict regulation. In this case, the manager does not seek to unite the team psychologically; what is important to him is the successful completion of tasks from each specific specialist.

Thus, this system resembles a kind of machine with many built-in mechanisms. If one of them stops, the machine stops working. Therefore, it is so important for a manager who has chosen a model of strict regulation to closely monitor how effectively all other mechanisms of this system cope with their functions.

The advantage of this model is that it allows you to produce effective results. However, maximum stress resistance is constantly required from the employees themselves, and extreme attentiveness to all the details of the work is required from the manager.

Delegation model

The delegation model is common in Scandinavian countries, mainly in Sweden. It is based on the delegation of powers, that is, the transfer of some responsibilities to lower-level managers, managers, etc. As a rule, such a manager does not understand all areas of the organization’s activities, so he entrusts management to several people with narrow specializations.

Manager's tasks:

  • distribute functions between managers and employees;
  • find out from specialists what resources they will need to further lead and achieve successful results of teamwork;
  • create the necessary conditions for obtaining these resources.

An important feature of the delegation model is that it involves maintaining an ongoing relationship between the manager and his subordinates. For this purpose, special events and meetings are periodically organized, at which the manager and his subordinate find out what they were able to achieve success in. certain time, and where were the problems. At such events, a work plan for the future is drawn up.

Another principle of this model of behavior: the boss allows his subordinates to independently choose the path to achieve results. In this case, what is important is not the process itself (“how the work is done, by what means the intended goal is achieved”), but the product of this work and its quality.

Freedom of action allows employees to realize their potential, show enthusiasm and share their ideas. If the employee's methods once produce results, they will be officially confirmed by management and disseminated for further use.

Which behavior model should you choose?

The behavior model is selected depending on individual characteristics collective ( middle age employees, gender, etc.) and the nature of the work.

So, for example, training model usually used to manage young professionals who have recently graduated from higher education. For them, the training form is the most effective: they acquire new knowledge and skills, fill gaps and learn to firmly take a professional path.

The regulatory model is best suited for crisis situations (for example, when a business is under threat). Thanks to strict regulation, it is possible to relatively quickly increase the productivity of collective activities and manage to complete a colossal amount of work in a short time.

As for the delegation model, it is now successfully used by many managers for organizations whose activities are related to creativity. A creative team needs comfortable conditions, as well as some freedom to achieve a successful result.

When choosing a model of behavior, a leader must start from the goals that he intends to achieve together with his team. Lately all three models are often combined. Indeed, according to psychoanalysts, it is best to apply one or another model depending on a specific situation and should not be limited to any one model of behavior.

If you are an aspiring leader and want to gain authority, but you are bothered psychological problems, you can ask your question in an anonymous form (or by indicating your name) on our website.

For more than a century, a person’s financial condition has been a key factor determining his social status in society. The only way climb the last step hierarchical ladder, at the same time, without violating the laws and principles of morality in force in all states, get a good position in a large, recognizable company, become its manager or the head of one of its divisions. Many ordinary employees dream of sitting in the manager’s chair in order to personally direct the lives and activities of their subordinates. But to become a truly competent leader who knows all the intricacies from his own experience economic activity companies or the nuances of the work of a certain department, and also understands the personal and professional qualities of colleagues, maybe only a few. This explains the fact that leadership positions are occupied by employees who have authority and respect in the team.

Good leader- not the one who was born under a lucky star. This is a man who has worked hard to eventually be able to call himself “boss.” You can have outstanding leadership qualities and have a great understanding of the profession, but do not know how to manage a team, do not know how to plan working hours. Main task each leader - efficient organization staff labor, which is combined with timely rewards or punishments.

Every real leader started with a simple position, doing ordinary work. Some of the leaders, having failed to cope with the responsibilities assigned to them, lost the confidence of the senior administrative apparatus and were removed from their leadership positions. The most common reason why gifted employees have failed to achieve success in the rank of manager is a limited view of the relationships between employees in the work team. Trying to look at a team solely from the point of view of business relationships, excluding personal connections, friendship, sympathy, is a deliberately losing option.

Summarizing all of the above, it becomes clear that a real leader is an experienced psychologist who can clearly determine changes in mood in the team subordinate to him. If a person cannot read the thoughts of the professionals around him, this will result in constant lies and theft in the workplace, and labor productivity during periods of economic instability can negatively affect the profitability of the entire company. The only way out in this situation is to gain respect among subordinates. To achieve this goal, it is important to understand how to competently manage a team.

Manager's tasks

The staff of any company consists of employees with their own priorities in life, interests, opportunities, hobbies and prohibitions, so it is pointless to communicate with everyone, adhering to one pattern. A dialogue that may motivate one employee to become more productive will have the opposite effect on another. Every person who has just taken a leadership position is obliged to thoroughly study each employee under his subordination before making obviously incorrect assumptions and conclusions. Detachment from the team is effective method fold yours own performance about the team. If you follow the lead of your subordinates, then respect and trust in you will be instantly lost. Every decision of the boss should be taken for granted, as something that cannot be challenged. However, all decisions must be meaningful and reasonable. That is why trainings, where experienced teachers tell how to organize effective management of a team as a whole and each of its members individually, are becoming increasingly popular among young managers.

The new manager must adhere to several key rules that will help him cope with the responsibilities that have fallen on him without losing the respect of his employees and building effective system controls:

  • Study the team's traditions in detail. There is no need to violate the foundations that have developed over many years. The main thing is that they do not interfere with labor productivity;
  • Make a “psychological” portrait of each employee. Try to find an individual approach to everyone: for one, a mention of encouragement is enough for him to work twice as hard, for another you will have to be threatened with dismissal or the imposition of penalties;
  • It is important to find out who among the subordinates is the unspoken leader. Getting to know this person can tell you a lot about the team that needs to be managed. If the leader is mercantile and cunning man, then, most likely, theft, lies and other vices flourish in the workplace. If this is a professional who values ​​and respects work, and also works conscientiously for the benefit of the enterprise, then it is necessary to direct his aspirations in the right direction;
  • Needs to be created as a team favorable atmosphere, where work, respect, mutual assistance, and professionalism will be valued;
  • You shouldn’t single out someone from the team based on your personal preferences. Any reward must be deserved, and each employee must know why his colleague was rewarded.

We should not forget about the place the leader occupies in the team. His orders will be carried out in any case, since ignoring them is fraught with fines and dismissal. However, motivating employees to do more work can only be done through their own involvement in the work process. It is necessary to demonstrate to your subordinates your skills, your desire to solve any problems ahead of schedule, your enthusiasm, intelligence and resourcefulness.

A boss is a “strong” person who knows how to competently organize the activities of a team, work independently, help subordinates and direct their activities in the right direction.

To manage a team competently, you need to choose the right model of behavior. The unquestioning execution of orders and the quality of the result obtained can be influenced by many factors: the mood between employees or the format of communication. If the majority of the team are young professionals who have recently graduated from educational institutions, then it is better to put into practice the training model of relationships. The boss should be an example for his less experienced subordinates. In the case where a leadership position was occupied during a financial crisis, it is necessary to settle on a regulated model in which rigor and judicious decision-making will prevail.

Every newly minted leader should use in his work general rules for team management:

  • It is necessary to communicate with company specialists by calling them by name. A leader is the same person; he must always remember the rules of behavior in society and the team;
  • You should not remind your subordinates day after day about their responsibilities and deadlines for completing the work assigned to them. A competent boss talks about the work plan only once. If the team consists of professionals, then they will learn the information the first time. In the event that subordinates miss important information goes unnoticed, the time has come to part with such specialists;
  • Do not forget about human relationships, operating in your activities exclusively with orders. Trust your subordinates if they do not allow you to doubt their professionalism and competence. It is necessary to use the authority of a leader in extreme cases;
  • Be sure to listen to those employees who have made a complaint, question or request. The boss must listen to all the information conveyed to him and make a reasonable decision;
  • The best option for conducting business is the “carrot and stick” method. Reward successful employees who exceed plans or complete projects ahead of schedule, and punish those who are irresponsible in their duties;
  • At meetings that are held on “core” topics, be sure to listen to the opinions of your subordinates. Employees located closer to technological process, they always know more than the manager, no matter how experienced a professional he is. No boss can fully grasp the entire scope of professional knowledge that will be required to study all the nuances of the company’s business activities;
  • Always keep your word or promise! If the manager promised to give bonuses if the plan was exceeded, he is obliged to do this without jeopardizing his authority and respect from his subordinates.

As a conclusion, it must be said that a leader is best example professionalism, ability to work, intelligence, self-sacrifice for his subordinates. Every employee should see in the leader a “strong” person who is able to find a way out of the most critical situations.

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