Rating of cities by traffic jams. Rating of cities in the world with the longest traffic jams

British media published a ranking of cities with the worst traffic jams in the world. Congestion calculations were used to prepare it road networks V percentage and data on the amount of wasted time and fuel, writes the RBC daily newspaper on June 16.

Moscow is expectedly included in the TOP 15 most congested cities in the world, however Russian capital turned out to be quite far from first place - in eighth position. Analysts believe that Moscow is the leader in terms of time to overcome traffic jams: it averages 2.5 hours.

The ranking comes down to modest Polish city Wroclaw: its street congestion rate reaches 33.1%. The US capital Washington is in 14th place: 560 million liters of fuel are wasted on the city streets every year. Among the cities representing the United States, more serious transport problems observed in New York and Los Angeles. Thus, the former boasts two of the slowest highways in the United States during rush hour.

The only participant in the ranking from Africa was Johannesburg: traffic problems in South Africa's largest metropolis and one of the continent's most populous cities, problems have become even more serious over the past three years. Residents of other parts of the world also have to deal with terrible traffic jams, in particular residents of the Indian capital New Delhi and motorists from Mexico City.

As for Europe, residents of Warsaw, Paris and Brussels suffer the most from traffic congestion. The Polish capital is one of the most crowded cities in Europe, but ring road still not built in the metropolis. Residents of Paris spend an average of 70 hours a year stuck in traffic jams.

Second place in the ranking is occupied by Beijing: experts say that designers simply cannot keep up with the automobile boom that has swept the Chinese capital. There are six ring roads in the city, but traffic is becoming denser: in 2010. a 100-kilometer traffic jam formed here, which resolved only after 10 days.

Sao Paulo was recognized as the most unpleasant city for motorists in terms of traffic jams. In 2008 A traffic jam 265 kilometers long was recorded in the Brazilian metropolis. Over the past three years, the traffic jam situation in Sao Paulo has not improved at all.

TOP 15 cities in the world with the worst traffic jams:

1) Sao Paulo (Brazil)

2) Beijing (China)

3) Brussels (Belgium)

4) Paris (France)

5) Warsaw (Poland)

6) Mexico City (Mexico)

7) Los Angeles (USA)

8) Moscow (Russia)

9) London (UK)

10) New Delhi (India)

11) New York (USA)

12) Johannesburg (South Africa)

13) Bangkok (Thailand)

14) Washington (USA)

15) Wroclaw (Poland).

As previously reported, kilometer-long traffic jams are periodically recorded in Kyiv. They, as a rule, paralyze traffic in the 15 most problematic areas in the capital. To solve problems with congestion in the capital, in 2012 it is planned to build a tunnel, which will be laid from the new Darnitsky bridge.

Let us note that Bagnet previously wrote that the only tunnel in Kyiv worth 350 million euros, the construction of which has already been planned in detail, will run from Victory Square to the Livoberezhna metro station. In total, it is planned to open six tunnels for automobile traffic in the capital by 2025.

As for the tunnel from the new Darnitsky bridge, it will make life easier for residents of Rusanovka, Bereznyakov, Kharkov massif - it will be much easier for them to get to the center of the capital. The Dnieper Highway in the area of ​​the Paton Bridge, where there are now constant traffic jams, will be relieved, as well as the Paton Bridge itself - those drivers who now drive along it towards the center will be able to choose the new Darnitsky Bridge and go directly through the tunnel to Kikvidze, and then to Lesi Boulevard Ukrainian women.

The analytical company INRIX Inc presented the TOP 25 cities in the world with the most serious traffic jams. Six hit him Russian cities. At the same time, Moscow, which is the leader in Russia, took second place in general list. Magnitogorsk and Krasnodar were also included there.

Six Russian cities are in the TOP 25 ranking of municipalities with the world's worst traffic jams. The Global Traffic Scorecard rating was compiled by INRIX Inc, a company specializing in transport analytics. To compile it, the company studied the problem of traffic congestion in 1064 settlements around the world. The main rating criterion was the time drivers spent in traffic jams. The authors of the study relied on data from 2016.

Among Russian cities, Moscow predictably leads. According to INRIX Inc, Muscovites spend 91 hours a year in traffic jams. At the same time, the capital ranks second in the world rankings, second only to Los Angeles, where drivers are stuck in traffic jams for 102 hours. In third place is New York, where standing in traffic jams also takes 91 hours. Let us add that the balance of power was the same in the previous Global Traffic Scorecard rating.

Magnitogorsk is recognized as the second most traffic-congested city in Russia and the eighth in the world. There, the time spent in traffic jams is approximately 73 hours.

The ninth place in the world is occupied by a settlement called Yurga (the city of Shakhty in the Rostov region is marked on the map). On the 11th place is another place from Russia - Aerodromnyy (the sign is in the Krasnodar area). It is not entirely clear what places the creators of the rating had in mind, but, be that as it may, traffic jams in Yurga take 71 hours, and in Aerodromny - 69 hours. Another mysterious Russian city of Kansk (marked near the city of Polyarny in the Murmansk region) is in 15th place, and traffic jams there take 64 hours. At the same time, we note that the cities of Yurga and Kansk exist in Russia, but one is located in the Kemerovo region, the other in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Finally, Krasnodar was in 24th place, where it dropped from 21st place. There, the time spent in traffic jams is 57 hours per year.

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Krasnodar entered the TOP 25 cities in the world with the most hellish traffic jams. Photo: Anton Balashov

Krasnodar entered the TOP 25 cities in the world with the biggest traffic jams at the end of 2016. The capital of Kuban took 21st place in the world ranking, improving its result by five positions compared to the previous year. Analysts studied road traffic in 1064 cities in 38 countries. Los Angeles is in first place in terms of the number and duration of traffic jams, Moscow is in second place, and New York is in third place, reports citing INRIX. Let us remind you that due to simultaneous repairs on several important city highways, the Kuban capital is experiencing a “transport collapse.”

INRIX, a company specializing in big data technologies and transport analytics, conducted a Global Traffic Scorecard study. As part of the study, company experts studied road traffic in 1064 cities in 38 countries. It is noted that specialists selected data for analysis in different time days, in different days weeks and different parts cities.

Krasnodar took 21st place in the ranking, improving its performance by five positions compared to the previous year - previously the Kuban capital took 16th place in the table. Drivers in the Kuban capital spend an average of 56 hours a year in traffic jams, the study shows.

At the end of 2016, Sochi dropped out of the TOP 25, taking 27th place; previously, the Olympic capital was in 17th place. According to the study, Sochi residents spend an average of 49.2 hours in traffic jams.

Los Angeles took first place in the world ranking (104.1 hours in traffic jams), Moscow came in second (91.4 hours), followed by New York (89.4 hours). Of the Russian cities, Magnitogorsk made it into the TOP 10, taking 8th place. Residents Ural city spent 71.1 hours in traffic jams.

The study did not take into account the time spent by drivers directly on the road; calculations were made only regarding “dead” standing in traffic jams.

As KrasnodarMedia previously reported, Krasnodar region took third place in the TOP-3 regions of the Russian Federation in terms of passenger car fleet volume. There are 1 million 740 thousand cars registered in the region - 60 thousand more than in St. Petersburg. In first place in the ranking is Moscow (3 million 750 thousand cars), second place goes to the Moscow Region (2 million 590 thousand cars). IN total In the Russian Federation, experts counted ten regions with passenger vehicle fleets of over 1 million units.

Based on the results of the current year, 2017, experts and social activists of Kuban predict a significant increase in Krasnodar in the ranking of the most traffic-congested cities. Let us remind you that for several weeks now “massive” repairs of a number of important buildings have been ongoing in the Kuban capital. transport arteries cities. Simultaneous repairs in different areas led to the fact that the regional center was stuck in traffic jams.

Let us add that the “road apocalypse” has reached its climax. “They are making fun of us - this is obvious! The ill-considered policy of officials to close city roads during repairs has made life extremely difficult!” said residents of the Kuban capital. Today, another reason for large-scale indignation among citizens was the proposal of the deputy head of the city department of transport and organization traffic Vladimir Arkhipov to use bicycles and mopeds in order to correct traffic during the period of global repair of city highways - according to social activists, he announced this at a recent press conference at the mayor’s office.

"If I used to go to work in an hour, now it takes 2.5 hours! And the whole city does this! We don’t have time to pick up our children from kindergartens and schools, we come home late in the evening, and in the morning everything starts all over again. Is it really possible? It was impossible to think through the traffic management scheme in advance, because the repair of city highways was also approved in advance!” — the residents of Krasnodar “accompany” their indignation with similar responses.

According to the press service of the Krasnodar administration, today, out of 47 sections of roads to be repaired in the Kuban capital, 16 sections are fully ready and accepted, 7 will be completed within the next week, the rest by the end of October. The only transitional project for 2018 is the Garden overpass, which will be completed in May-June next year.

At the same time, from mid-October, several important highways will be closed for repairs in Krasnodar. “The whole horror is yet to come,” say the townspeople.

This .

Being stuck in a traffic jam - what could be more unpleasant for a motorist? Unfortunately, in big cities Traffic jams are already a common occurrence. INRIX company, which provides many Internet services and mobile applications related to road traffic amounted to ranking of cities in the world with the longest traffic jams. The study analyzed traffic situations in 1064 megacities from 38 countries. The study did not rank cities in Japan and China because INRIX does not collect its data there.

This is what the top ten most traffic-congested cities on Earth look like.

The time drivers spend annually in traffic jams is 65 hours.

In Miami, traffic congestion increases by 40% during morning hours peak and 60% in evening time. The absence of shocks in the American economy, the continuation of the urbanization process, employment growth and low prices on gas contribute to an increase in the number of cars not only on the roads of Miami, but also in other cities that are strongholds of democracy.

Time in traffic jams is 65 hours.

Small consolation for Parisians is that they look less at the bumper of the car in front than residents of London or Moscow.

Time in traffic jams is 71 hours.

It's a popular city where congestion costs motorists about $1,861 in lost revenue. In total, losses from traffic jams for the city amount to about $3.1 billion.

Time in traffic jams is 73 hours.

Despite Brexit in 2016, UK fuel prices remained low and employment rose to an 11-year high. These reasons influenced the volume of traffic on London roads and contributed to the increase in the duration of traffic jams.

Time in traffic jams is 77 hours.

Brazil in general and Sao Paulo in particular are notorious for their traffic jams. The city even had to launch a helicopter taxi service, Uber, from the airport to the city center to counter the surprisingly long travel times on the roads. But despite such measures, Sao Paulo consistently ranks among the worst cities for motorists. On June 10, 2009, a 293-kilometer traffic jam was recorded there - the longest in city history. It was the result of a huge number of people wishing to leave the city on the eve of Corpus Christi, as well as rain that did not stop for several hours. And judging by the results of the INRIX study, the traffic situation in Sao Paulo is not improving over time.

Time in traffic jams is 80 hours.

The capital of Colombia is known not only as a city of magnificent ancient churches, original rooftop sculptures and many museums (including the world's only Gold Museum with the largest collection of gold jewelry), but also as a city of eternal traffic jams. Therefore, if you decide to spend your holiday in Bogota, it is better to use buses (they run on dedicated lines) or walk.

Time in traffic jams is 83 hours.

City officials argue that such long traffic jams are to blame for reasons that are positive for San Francisco - an increase in jobs and active entrepreneurial activity. The disadvantages of these phenomena for citizens, in addition to traffic jams, include pollution environment and possibly increasing the blood pressure of all road users.

Time in traffic jams is 89 hours.

On the roads of the Big Apple, as they say, there is nowhere for an apple to fall. Traffic picks up in the summer, when about 2 million New Yorkers travel on summer weekends. In addition, lower oil prices have saved motorists about 45 cents per gallon compared to last year, leading to more cars on New York roads. Worst days for New York drivers - Friday and Monday. Many city residents are trying to avoid suffering from long wait in traffic jams, resorting to alternative types transport. In New York, for example, almost a third of all citizens use public transport. This is more than any other city in the United States.

Time in traffic jams is 91 hours.

In second place in the top 10 megacities with the largest traffic jams 2017 is the Russian capital. IN morning hour the peak in Moscow is about 106% occupancy, and in the evening this figure rises to 138%. The worst traffic days were recorded in December 2016, when heavy snowfall snarled traffic on the streets.

1. Los Angeles

Time in traffic jams is 104 hours.

When it comes to getting stuck in traffic on the way to and from work, Los Angeles is second to none. There is more traffic in this city than in San Francisco and New York. And traffic congestion has increased by 10% over the past seven years. Back in 2013, drivers in Los Angeles wasted 64 hours rather than 104.

According to INRIX experts, traffic congestion costs drivers an average of $1,400. The study authors also noted that the increase in traffic jams in 2016 reduced the quality of life in the cities studied, but the situation is unlikely to improve in the near future.

It is growing at such a pace that the infrastructure simply cannot keep up with it. This phenomenon was unknown to Russians until the mid-90s of the last century, but now traffic in megacities practically stops during rush hour. Let's look at ten cities where this problem is most acute.

10th place.

Los Angeles, California Los Angeles, USA, closes the top ten busiest cities. Research shows that the average resident spends 41% more time traveling during rush hour than usual. Despite the numerous road junctions, and developed infrastructure, the city is one of the most problematic in terms of traffic management in the world. It's connected with big amount personal vehicles. Thus, the number of cars is 1.8 million higher than the number of registered drivers. And a poorly organized public transport system only makes the situation worse.

9th place.

Chengdu, China Katai has long become a world leader in terms of growth rates in the automotive industry. This is facilitated by the development of industry, the growth of cities, an increase in transportation volumes, as well as an improvement in the well-being of citizens. The population of Chengdu already numbers 14 million people, and by 2017, according to forecasts, it will reach 20 million. Chengdu has officially registered more than three million Vehicle

and this number is constantly growing.

8th place.

Recife, Brazil

On average, a car owner in Recife spends 94 hours a year driving in heavy traffic. According to most experts, the problem of traffic congestion worsened in 2014, during the World Cup. According to mayors, the main way to solve the problem of transport collapse is to tighten traffic rules and increase fines. 7th place. Salvador, Brazil

The next position in our ranking is also occupied by a Brazilian city, whose car owners spend 43% more time traveling during rush hour than usual. Moreover, approximately 18.7% of its residents spend more than one hour traveling from home to work. The main problem with this state of affairs is that it

Old city , its development and growth occurred spontaneously, without a developed urban plan. Moreover, El Salvador is located on hilly terrain, which, coupled with narrow streets, seriously complicates traffic. 6th place.

Bucharest, Romania

The city has 12 million officially registered residents, who own four million cars. In addition, one must take into account the fact that Moscow has become a center of attraction for residents of nearby regions who come to work every day. The situation with parking is also quite difficult - this leads to the fact that the total duration of the trip of 1.5 hours is considered normal. Neither increased fines nor forced evacuation help to avoid illegal parking; only the Moscow Ring Road and the Third Ring Road are partially freed from this phenomenon, which leads to a narrowing of the roadway. In addition, the increase in the number shopping centers, as close as possible to the city center, significantly increases the intensity of the load on transport routes.

4th place.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The capital of this year's Summer Olympics turned out to be ill-prepared for the manifold increase in car traffic; even large-scale construction in the run-up to this event did not completely solve the problem. Studies have shown that on average, motorists in Rio de Janeiro lose 165 hours of idle time per year, which equates to a total economic loss of $43 billion.

3rd place. Istanbul, Türkiye The difficult state of affairs in Istanbul is due to a whole range of reasons, the main of which is geographical - the city is located on two continents, and is connected by several bridges. This leads to a concentration of traffic at certain nodes and junctions. Moreover, finding large quantity offices and tourist attractions in the city center leads to a significant increase in passenger traffic. Chaotic traffic and massive disregard for traffic rules are the reason for the formation of five rows of vehicles on three-lane roads. The TomTom company from the Netherlands, specializing in the production of navigation systems, records the difficult road situation in this city on a quarterly basis. According to expert Nick Conf, this state of affairs is due to a huge amount artificial structures on


, on which it is limited. 2nd place. mopeds, scooters and motorcycles completely stop traffic during rush hours. average speed on the busiest street in Bangkok, Ayutthaya, does not exceed 8.95 kilometers per hour. The reason for such a rapid increase in the number of cars is the mitigation of taxation when purchasing a first car, which since 2012 has actively encouraged citizens to switch to personal vehicles.

1st place.

Mexico City, Mexico The leader of our rating, the busiest city in the world! The average motorist spends 219 hours a year in Mexico City traffic. And during rush hour, trip duration increases by 59%. The mayor of Mexico City, Miguel Angel Mancera, considers the main mechanisms to be the development of public transport, the creation of comfortable conditions for passengers and the optimization of routes. The system has been actively practiced in this city for a long time. sharing

car, when the car owner takes several travel companions for a nominal fee - it has proven its effectiveness and is being implemented throughout the country. Unfortunately, in Russia such measures are not particularly widespread due to the fact that, from the point of view of imperfect legislation, this is illegal import. Thus, the main reasons for the formation of such a complex road situation include the lack of a clear urban planning plan, poorly developed public transport , imperfection of traffic rules and slow development of related infrastructure. Negative experience these ten cities should serve as a lesson to those settlements

, which are in the stage of intensive development. Did you like the article?