GOST on the design of literature. Example of a list of references

One of the last structural elements of any scientific work is the preparation of a list of references according to GOST 2016. This is a kind of test for attentiveness and endurance. Not everyone is able to sit through such tedious work, and besides, all the requirements imposed by GOST must be met, which you need to know about. For example, where to place Internet links - before or after the general list? How to properly submit foreign publications? Is it necessary to indicate all 4-5 authors of one publication? If you have difficulties when registering in accordance with GOST 2016, please contact our specialists for help! We will quickly and competently compile a bibliography for any scientific work!

The placement of the constituent elements when preparing a list of references according to GOST 2016 (sample submitted) should be as follows:

  • subsequence literary sources corresponds to the sequence of quotations placed in the text of the work (usually this is how lists are formatted in abstracts).
  • alphabetical presentation of the list. IN in this case there are their own rules: at the beginning they indicate the sources of legislative acts, then - Russian-language scientific and educational publications (books, monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, reference books, collections of lectures), then - in a foreign language and, finally, an Internet resource. If authors with the same last name are mentioned, pay attention to the initials, and scientific works of the same author - by “alphabetical” names.

The numbering of list elements is ascending, Arabic numerals(requirements for all scientific papers).

Coursework, abstract, diploma: preparation of the list of references according to GOST 2016

Suppose you used a university textbook in yours, quoting the author and borrowing some from him key provisions. In this case, this source will be listed in the following way:

Gureeva, P.K. Psychology of Personality: tutorial/ P.K. Gureeva. – M.: Unity-Dana, 2013. – 1126 p.

That is, the author (note that after the surname there is a comma before the initials) - The title of the textbook - separated by a slash again indicates the author - abbreviated through a dash is the city in which the publishing house is located, after the colon the name of the publishing house itself - separated by a comma the year (by the number after which put a period) - and again, separated by a dash, the number of pages of the publication.

Lapteva, U.D. Logopathopsychology: textbook / U.D. Lapteva, Z.V. Kakhovsky. SPb.: VLADOS, 2011. - 463 p.

If the textbook was created under the editorship of the author, the publication is formatted as follows:

Social Psychology: textbook / under general. ed. V.A. Horny. - SPb.: VLADOS, 2014. - 458 p.

When using one book from a multi-volume book, the additional volume must be indicated:

Nemov, R.S. Psychology. Book 1. General fundamentals of psychology / R.S. Nemov. – M.: Yurayt, 2003. – 688 p.

Journal articles in the lists look like this:

Zotova, O.Yu. Need for security / O.Yu. Zotova // Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 14. Psychology. – 2011. – No. 4. – P. 4-11.

Dictionaries are formatted similarly:

Nemov, R.S. Psychological Dictionary/ R.S. Nemov. – SPb.: VLADOS, 2007. – 560 p.

When preparing a list of references according to GOST 2016, Internet resources should be submitted as follows.

GOST design of the list of references, literature according to GOST, used literature
Examples of designing a list of references according to GOST, designing a list of references according to GOST
list of literature according to GOST

Example of a list of references
(list of references is required; fulfilled according to GOST):
List of references according to GOST, format:

Abolmasov, N.N. Strategy and tactics for the prevention of periodontal diseases / N.N. Abolmasov // Dentistry. - 2003. - No. 4. - P.34-39.

Bezrukova, I.V. Classification aggressive forms inflammatory periodontal diseases / I.V. Bezrukova, A.I. Grudyanov // Dentistry. - 2002. - No. 5. - P.45 -47.

The importance of microcirculation control during millimeter wave therapy of acute destructive pancreatitis / B.S. Briskin, O.E. Efanov, V.N. Bukatko, A.N. Nikitin // Issues. balneology, physiotherapy and medical treatment. physical culture. - 2002. - No. 5. - P.13-16.

Immunological disorders in the pathogenesis of chronic generalized periodontitis / A.I. Volozhin, G.V. Poryadin, A.N. Kazimirsky et al. // Dentistry. - 2005. - No. 3. - P.4 -7.

Kashchenko, P.V. Application of laser Doppler flowmetry in implantology / P.V. Kashchenko // Application of laser Doppler flowmetry in medical practice: mater. third All-Russian symp. - M., 2000. - P.131-133.

Kozlov, V.I. Laser blood flow analyzer LAKK-01 / V.I. Kozlov, V.V. Sidorov // Application of laser Doppler flowmetry in medical practice: material. second All-Russian symp. - M., 1998. - P.5 - 8.

Analysis of dental morbidity in adolescents under 18 years old / A.M. Khamadeeva, G.K. Burda, I.E. Gerasimova, S.S. Stepanova // VIII international Conference maxillofacial surgeons and dentists: material. conf. - St. Petersburg, 2003. - P. 170.

The influence of heparins on microcirculation and blood rheology in patients with acute coronary syndrome / V.S. Zadionchenko, E.V. Gorbacheva, N.V. Danilova et al. // Application of laser Doppler flowmetry in medical practice: material. IV All-Russian symp. - Pushchino, 2002. - P.69 - 71.

Admakin, V.V. Conditions for using composites / V.V. Admakin. - Krasnoyarsk: Moscow State Pedagogical University Publishing House, 2003. - 128 p.

Loginova, N.K. Pathophysiology of periodontal disease / N.K. Loginova, A.I. Volozhin. - M., 1995. - 108 p.

Laser Doppler flowmetry in dentistry: Method. recommendations / E.K. Krechina, V.I. Kozlov, O.A. Terman, V.V. Sidorov. - M., 1997. - 12 p.

Laser Doppler flowmetry method in cardiology: A manual for doctors / V.I. Makolkin, V.V. Branko, E.A. Bogdanova, etc. - M., 1999. - 48 p.

Armitage, G.C. Development of classification system for periodontal diseases and conditions / G.C. Armitage // Ann. periodontal. - 1999. - No. 1. - P. 1-6.

Up to 4 authors
Eggert, F. M. Performance of a commercial immunoassay for detection and differentiation of periodontal marker bacteria: analysis of immunochemical performance with clinical samples / F.M. Eggert, M.H. McLeod, G. Flowerdew // J. Periodontol. - 2001. - Vol. 72, no. 9. - P. 1201 - 1209.

4 authors
Erste Beweise einer intressanten Beziehung. Parodontitus und Gafässerkrankungen / N.Mastragelopulos, V.I.Haraszthy, J.J.Zambon, G.G.Zafiropoulos // New in dentistry. - 2002. - No. 8 (108) (special issue). - P.4-5.

More than 4 authors
The effect of short-term tooth intrusion on human pulpal blood flow measured by laser Doppler flowmetry / M. Ikawa, M. Fujiwara, H. Horiuchi et al. //Arch. Oral Biol. - 2001. - Vol.46, No. 9. - P.781-788

Registration of a list of literature according to GOST

On January 1, 2009, the new GOST R 7.0.5 - 2008 " Bibliographic link", developed by the Federal State Institution "Russian Book Chamber" Federal agency on printing and mass communications. This standard “establishes general requirements and rules for compiling a bibliographic reference: main types, structure, composition, arrangement of documents. The standard applies to bibliographic references used in published and unpublished documents in any media. The standard is intended for authors, editors, publishers" *1 .

According to " General provisions""Bibliographic reference" (clause 4.6.), "based on their location in the document, bibliographic references are distinguished: intratextual, placed in the text of the document; interlinear, taken from the text down the page of the document (in a footnote); extra-textual, placed outside the text of the document or part of it (in a callout)" *2 .

Out-of-text references are placed after the main text, and when numbering out-of-text bibliographic references, continuous numbering is used for the entire text of the document *3 . The text refers to an out-of-text link.

A reference to an off-text link is enclosed in square brackets *4 . The reference may contain the serial number of a textual link in the list of textual links, the name of the author (authors), the title of the document, the year of publication, the designation and volume number, and an indication of the pages. Information in the submission is separated by a comma.

References are made uniformly throughout the document: either by indicating the serial number of a textual link, or by indicating the name of the author (authors) or the title of the work. The sending is made as follows: or [Karasik, 2002, p. 231], in the presence of several authors - [Karasik, Dmitrieva, 2005, p. 6-8].

If the author of a book is not indicated (for example, the book was written by a team of authors, and only the editor is indicated), then the title of the book is indicated in the reference. If the name is too long, then it can be shortened to the first two words, for example, [Interpretation characteristics..., 1999, p. 56] *5 .

If the reference contains information about several extra-text links, then the groups of information are separated by a semicolon: , or [Shakhovsky, 2008; Sheigal, 2007], [Leotovich, 2007, p. 37; Slyshkin, 2004, p. 35-38].

When references to the same non-textual link are placed sequentially, the second reference is replaced with the words “Ibid.” or “Ibid.” (from “Ibidem”) (for sources in languages ​​with Latin script). If the source is preserved, but the page is changed, then the page number is added to the word “Ibid”: [Ibid. P. 24], *6 .

If the text is quoted not from the original source, but from another document, then at the beginning of the reference the words “Cit. by:", for example, [Cit. from: 132, p. 14] or [Cit. from: Olyanich, 2004, p. 39-40]. If not a quotation is given, but a mention of someone’s views, thoughts, ideas, but still not based on the original source, then the words “Cited by:” are given in the reference, for example, [Cited by: 108] or [Cited by: : Krasavsky, 2001]. If pages are needed, they can also be specified: [Cited from: 108, p. 27] or [Cited from: Krasavsky, 2001, p. 111].

Design of behind-the-text links
(examples and explanations)

1. Abeleva I.Yu. It's about speech. Human communication system. - M.: Logos, 2004. - 304 p. *8

2. Alefirenko N.F. Controversial problems of semantics: monograph. - Volgograd: Peremena, 1999. - 274 p. *9

3. Bell R.T. Sociolinguistics. Goals, methods, problems / trans. from English - M.: International relationships, 1980. - 318 p. *10

4. Azhezh K. The speaking man: the contribution of linguistics to the humanities / trans. from fr. - ed. 2nd, stereotypical. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2006. - 304 p. *11

5. Andreeva G.M. Social psychology: a textbook for higher educational institutions. — 5th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Aspect Press, 2006. - 363 p.

6. Borbotko V.G. Principles of discourse formation: From psycholinguistics to linguistic synergetics. - ed. 2nd, stereotypical. - M.: KomKniga, 2007. - 288 p.

7. Belyanin V.P. Psycholinguistics: textbook. — 3rd ed., rev. - M.: Flint: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2005. - 232 p. *12

8. Myers D.J. Social psychology: intensive. well. — 3rd international ed. — St. Petersburg: Prime-Eurosign: Neva; M.: OLMa-Press, 2000. - 510 p. *13

9. Berger P., Lukman T. Social construction of reality: a treatise on the sociology of knowledge. - M.: Moscow. Philosopher fund, 1995. - 322 p.

10. Fundamentals of communication theory: textbook / M.A. Vasilik, M.S. Vershinin, V.A. Pavlov [and others] / ed. prof. M.A. Vasilika. - M.: Gardariki, 2006. - 615 p. *14

11. Antonova N.A. Strategies and tactics of pedagogical discourse // Problems speech communication: interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. / ed. M.A.Kormilitsyna, O.B. Sirotinina. - Saratov: Publishing house Sarat. University, 2007. - Issue. 7. - pp. 230-236. *15

12. Bart R. Text linguistics // New in foreign linguistics. - M.: Progress, 1978. - Issue. VIII: Text linguistics. — P. 442-449.

13. Sirotinina O.B. Structural and functional changes in modern Russian literary language: the problem of the relationship between language and its real functioning // Russian literature in the context of modern integration processes: materials of international. scientific conf. - Volgograd: VolSU Publishing House, 2007. - T. 1. - P. 14-19. *16

14. Braslavsky P.I., Danilov S.Yu. Internet as a means of inculturation and acculturation // Mutual understanding in the dialogue of cultures: conditions for success: monograph: in 2 hours / under the general. ed. L.I. Grishaeva, M.K. Popova. - Voronezh: Voronezh State. Univ., 2004. - Part 1. - P. 215-228.

15. Voyskunsky A.E. Metaphors of the Internet // Questions of Philosophy. - 2001. - No. 11. - P. 64-79. *17

16. Asmus N.G. Linguistic features virtual communicative space: abstract. dis. ...cand. Philol. Sci. - Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk State. univ., 2005. - 23 p. *18

17. Shkolovaya M.S. Linguistic and semiotic aspects of identity construction in electronic communication: dis. ...cand. Philol. Sci. - Tver, 2005. - 174 p. *19

Prescribed for separating areas bibliographic description sign, dot and dash, can be replaced with a dot. In this case, the behind-the-text links look like this *20 :

1. McLuhan M. The Gutenberg Galaxy: the formation of a printing man / trans. AND ABOUT. Tyurina. M.: Academic Project: Mir Foundation, 2005. 496 p.

2. Makarov M.L. Genres in electronic communication: quo vadis? // Genres of speech: collection. scientific articles. Saratov: Publishing house of the State Scientific Center "College", 2005. Vol. 4: Genre and concept. pp. 336-351.

3. Markelova T.V. Semantics and pragmatics of means of expressing evaluation in the Russian language // Philological sciences. 1995. No. 3. P. 67-79.

When compiling links to electronic resources, some features should be taken into account.

“The notes provide the information necessary to search and characterize the technical specifications of the electronic resource. The information is given in the following sequence: system requirements, information about accessibility restrictions, date of update of the document or its part, email address, date of access to the document" *21 .

The email address and date of access to the document are always provided. The date the document was accessed is the date when the person making the link opened this document and this document was available.

System requirements are given when special software is needed to access a document, for example Adobe Acrobat Reader, Power Point, etc. *22

Access restriction information is provided if access to the document is possible, for example, from a specific location ( local network, organization for which network access is open), only for registered users, etc. In this case, the description indicates: “Access from …”, “Access for registered users,” etc. If access is free, then nothing is indicated in the information.

The date of update of the document or its part is indicated if it is recorded on the website (see paragraph 8). If the update date cannot be set, then nothing is indicated.

1. Bakhtin M.M. The works of Francois Rabelais and folk culture Middle Ages and Renaissance. — 2nd ed. - M.: Artist. lit., 1990. - 543 p. [ Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.philosophy.ru/library/bahtin/rable.html#_ftn1 (access date: 10/05/2008).

2. Borges H.L. A terrible dream // Letters of God: collection. - M.: Republic, 1992. - 510 p. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://literature.gothic.ru/articles/nightmare.htm (access date: 05/20/2008).

3. Belous N.A. Pragmatic implementation communication strategies in conflict discourse // World of linguistics and communication: electronic scientific journal. - 2006. - No. 4 [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.tverlingua.by.ru/archive/005/5_3_1.htm (access date: 12/15/2007).

4. Orekhov S.I. Hypertext method of organization virtual reality// Bulletin of Omsk State pedagogical university: electronic scientific journal. — 2006 [Electronic resource]. System. Requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. — URL: http://www.omsk.edu/article/vestnik-omgpu-21.pdf (access date: 01/10/2007).

5. Novikova S.S. Sociology: history, foundations, institutionalization in Russia. — M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: Publishing house NPO "MODEK", 2000. - 464 p. [Electronic resource]. System. requirements: RAR archiver. — URL: http://ihtik.lib.ru/edu_21sept2007/edu_21sept2007_685.rar (access date: 05/17/2007).

6. Panasyuk A.Yu. Image: definition of the central concept in imageology // Academy of Imageology. - 2004. - March 26 [Electronic resource]. URL: http://academim.org/art/pan1_2.html (access date: 04/17/2008). *23

7. Parpalk R. Communication on the Internet // Personal website of Roman Parpalak. - 2006. - December 10 [Electronic resource]. URL: http://written.ru (access date: 07/26/2006).

8. Shared Resources on linguistics and philology: Igor Garshin’s website. — 2002 [Electronic resource]. Update date: 10/05/2008. — URL: http://katori.pochta.ru/linguistics/portals.html (access date: 10/05/2008).

*1 . Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules of compilation: official publication. M.: Standartinform, 2008. URL: http://protect.gost.ru/document.aspx?control=7&id=173511 (access date: 10/05/2008). S. 4.
*2 . Right there. S. 5.
*3 . It is also possible to continuously number out-of-text links for individual chapters, sections, etc.
*4 . Only intra-text links are enclosed in parentheses; according to GOST R 7.0.5 - 2008, they are not used for references to extra-text links.
*5 . The ellipsis that replaces part of the name in the reference is in this case a prescribed sign, not a punctuation mark, so a space is placed before and after it.
*6 . After “Ibid” there is a period, the page is indicated by a capital “S.”, and not lowercase, as in the main reference.
*7 . Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules of compilation: official publication. M.: Standartinform, 2008. URL: http://protect.gost.ru/document.aspx?control=7&id=173511 (access date: 10/05/2008). P. 6.
*8 . Unlike GOST R 7.1-2003, there is no space between the author’s initials, just as there is no comma after the author’s last name before the initials. The colon after the place of publication is not separated by a space.
*9 . The type of document (textbook, study guide, atlas, monograph, collection of works, etc.) is placed after the title, separated by a colon. There is no space before the colon.
*10 . If the document is a translation, then this is indicated after the type of document (or immediately after the name, if the type is not reflected), separated by a slash. There are spaces before and after the slash (no matter where in the description it appears, no matter what it separates).
*11 . Information about the edition (what kind of edition it is, stereotypical, corrected, supplemented, etc.), if any, is given after the information about the translation, separated from them by a dot and a dash. If the publication is not translated, then information about the publication comes immediately after the type of document (as in paragraph 5) or the title, if the type is not specified (as in paragraph 6).
*12 . After the place of publication (the city where the document was published) comes the publisher, separated from the place of publication by a colon. If there are two publishers, then a colon is placed first after the place of publication, and then after the first publisher.
*13 . If there are two or more places of publication, then after listing the publishers of the first place of publication, a semicolon is placed, and then the second place of publication follows with the publisher, etc.
*14 . If there are two or three authors, then all of them are indicated at the beginning of the description (as in paragraph 9), but if there are more than three authors, then the description begins with the title, and the first three authors are listed after the slash. If it is indicated who edited the document, then this is also reflected after another slash.
*15 . If there is an indication of an issue, volume, part, etc., then they follow after the year of publication. See also points 12, 13 and 14.
*16 . If the link does not indicate total pages of the document, but only those on which it is located in a larger document, then a dash (not a hyphen) is placed between the pages, and there are no spaces.
*17 . When describing an article from a journal, first indicate the year and then the journal number.
*18 . The description of the dissertation abstract is no different from the description of other sources, as was the case according to GOST R 7.1-2003. There is a space before and after the ellipsis.
*19 . There is no publisher in the dissertation description because it is a manuscript. It may also be omitted when describing abstracts.
*20 . It should be noted that all links must be formatted uniformly: either with a dash and a dot, or only with a dot.
*21 . Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules of compilation: official publication. M.: Standartinform, 2008. URL: http://protect.gost.ru/document.aspx?control=7&id=173511 (access date: 10/05/2008). P. 15.
*22 . See examples 4 and 5.
*23 . Electronic publications often have a date included in the description. The year comes first, then the date and month.

General provisions

The list is mandatory part coursework and diploma work and shows the student’s ability to apply in practice the knowledge gained from studying the relevant disciplines.

The list includes bibliographic information about used when preparing work sources.

It is recommended to also include bibliographic records on quoted in the text of the work documents and sources factual or statistical information (in this case, interlinear or in-text bibliographic references are not issued).

In works of a retrospective or review nature, it becomes necessary to mention a particular publication. In the event that the list includes bibliographic information about publications with which the listener has not directly become acquainted, the bibliographic record indicates the source of information from which the data about the publication was taken (in the form: “Quoted from...” or “Cited from...” ..").

The list of references must be compiled according to certain rules:
Selection of literature. The literature used in preparing the work is indicated.
Descriptions of sources. Each entry about a book or article is a brief bibliographic entry that includes basic information:

Multi-volume editions

Author. Title of the publication: information related to the title (see on the title) / Information about responsibility (authors); further information about responsibilities (editors, translators, teams). – City of publication: Publisher, Year of publication start – year of publication end. – (Series)./FONT>
Volume designation and number: Volume title: information related to the title. – Year of publication of the volume. - Volume;
Volume designation and number: Volume title: information related to the title. – Year of publication of the volume. - Volume. etc.


Author. Title of the publication: information related to the title (see on the title) / Information about responsibility (authors); further information about responsibilities (editors, translators, teams). – City of publication: Publisher, Year of publication start – year of publication end. – Number of volumes. – (Series).


Gorozhanin, A.V. Russian police guarding imperial statehood: monograph [Text]: in 2 volumes / A.V. Citizen; Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Samar. legal institute – Samara, 2004. – 91 p.

T. 1: Police as a pillar of Russian imperial statehood(XVIII – first half of the 19th century) – 258 p.

T.2: The Russian Empire and its police: dawn and dusk – 166 p. or

Gorozhanin, A.V. Russian police guarding imperial statehood: monograph [Text]: in 2 volumes / A.V. Citizen; Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Samar. legal int. – Samara, 2004. – 91 p. – 2 t.

Magazine article


  1. If an article is published in two or more journals, then information about its location in each issue is separated by a semicolon.


Tarasova, N.G. A change of paradigms in the development of the theory and practice of urban planning [Text] / N.G. Tarasova // Architecture and construction of Russia. – 2007. - No. 4. – P. 2-7.

Kazakov, N.A. Belated recognition [Text] / N.A. Kazakov // At the combat post. – 2000. - No. 9. – P. 64-67; No. 10. – P. 58-71.

Article from ongoing publications

Author. Title of the article: information related to the title / information about responsibility (authors of the article) // Title of the publication. Episode title. - The year of publishing. – Issue number: Issue title. – Location of the article (page).


Belokh, N.V. Income, supply and prices - the problem of balance [Text] / N.V. Belokh, N.Ya. Petrakov, V.P. Rusakov // News of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Ser. economic. – 1982. - No. 2. – P. 71-77.

Belova, G.D. Some issues of criminal liability for violation of tax legislation [Text] / G.D. Belova // Current problems of prosecutorial supervision / Institute of Advanced Studies. hands HR General Prosecutor's Office of Russia Federation. – 2001. – Issue. 5: Prosecutor's supervision over the execution of criminal and criminal procedural legislation. Organization of the activities of the prosecutor's office. – pp. 46-49.


Author of the review. Title of the article: information related to the title / information about responsibility (authors of the article) // Title of the journal. - Year of issue. - Issue number. – Location of the article (page). – Rec. on the book: Description of the book.


Description of the book. – Rec. Title of the article: information related to the title / information about responsibility (authors of the article) // Title of the journal. - Year of issue. - Issue number. – Location of the article (page).


  1. The description of the publication for which the review is written is carried out according to rules for describing a book publication.


Voskresensky, S.V. To help teachers and students [Text] // Northern Territory. – 1999. – September 30. – Rec. on the book: Map Yaroslavl region. Geography. History [Maps] / answer. Ed. E.Yu. Kolobovsky. – Yaroslavl, 1999.

Ponomarenkov, V.A. Features of the investigation of “gypsy” crimes: a textbook / V.A. Ponomarenkov, I.A. Ponomarenkova. – Moscow: Moscow State Pedagogical University Publishing House, 2002. – 76 p. – Rec. Naumova, N.A. About an unusual benefit for law enforcement[Text] / E.A. Naumova // Vestnik Mosk. mountains ped. un-ta. – 2003. - No. 2. – P. 273.

Prepared by the information and bibliographic department.

There are strict requirements for graduate qualified work. The thesis must be formatted exclusively in accordance with GOST. Next, we’ll look at how to obtain a diploma in accordance with GOST.

First of all, you need to pay attention to:

  • Font color. It must be exclusively black.
  • Selection. According to GOST, chapters and sections cannot be distinguished. Subparagraphs can only be highlighted in bold, not italics.
  • Volume. Many universities require a certain number of pages. It all depends on the faculty and specialty of the student. As a rule, the minimum length of a thesis is 60 pages. Notes and attachments are not included in this amount. Basically, pages are counted from contents to bibliography. The maximum volume must be clarified at your department.
  • Page numbers. They are marked exclusively at the bottom center with Arabic numerals of 11 point size. Numbering cannot be placed on the left, right or top. It is necessary to take into account that the first page begins with the title page, but is not numbered. Also, pages with a table of contents and bibliography are not numbered.
  • Line breaks. As a rule, words are transferred themselves. However, there are exceptions. For example, after the title. You cannot move lines using the “Tab” or “space” buttons, as later the work will look sloppy.

The entire project must be written (printed) on A4 sheet. Plus, only one-sided printing is needed, since the work is then stapled.

Strict requirements are also imposed on the following parameters:

  • font. You must select "Times New Roman". The font size for text and subheadings should be 14 point, and the first level headings should be 16 point. The second level is 15 pt, and the third is 14 pt.
  • intervals. According to GOST, one and a half intervals are provided.
  • fields. Since the diploma is sealed on the left, on this side the margin indentation should be 2 cm. The indentation of the top and bottom margins is 2 cm, and the margin on the right is 1 cm.

However, there are universities that deviate from GOST standards, then such details need to be clarified with your scientific supervisor. The text itself is best aligned in width.

How to design a title page

The title page is the main part of the diploma, thanks to which the commission’s opinion is drawn up. Therefore, you need to arrange it neatly and beautifully according to all GOST standards. The main aspects to consider are:

  • Maintain the correct margin sizes (top and bottom are 2 cm, left is 2 cm, and right is 1.5 cm.
  • print in black, font 14;
  • align text centered (except for information located on the right). This is the data of the student and the supervisor.

Example of title page design

How to correctly format the contents (table of contents) in a diploma

For this design, since 2001, GOST 7.32 has been established, which states that the title of the content is written in capital letters. The content consists of an introduction, titles of chapters, paragraphs, conclusions, references, and appendices. It is not difficult to draw up the contents of the diploma; the main thing is to adhere to the necessary GOSTs.

According to GOST 2.105, you need to write the word “TABLE OF CONTENTS” or “CONTENTS” in capital letters. However, there is the latest version of GOST 7.32 for 2001, according to which there are no clear instructions for the design of content. Therefore, the author can choose the size of the letters at his own discretion.

An example of formatting content in a thesis

1.Theoretical foundations accounting in retail...5
1.1 Concept and features in retail trade...5
1.2 What is included in the costs of a trading enterprise...8
1.3 How the goods are registered...10
2. Accounting activities at the enterprise IP Kalinina A. S...25
2.1 Economic characteristics organizations...25
2.2 Primary documents for the movement of goods…35
2.3 Accounting for sales expenses...45
3.Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise according to the balance sheet...56
3.1 Internal audit of sales expenses...56
3.2 Analysis of sales expenses...62
3.3 Recommendations for improving accounting...69
List of used literature...83

The authors print the titles of chapters exclusively in capital letters and underline them; sentences are not acceptable, they can only be highlighted in bold. Headings and subheadings are centered on the page and there is no period at the end of the sentence. If there are two sentences in the title, then they need to be separated by a period. Headings - clear and short name, which explains what the text is about. This is the content, introduction, structural part (chapters and subsections), conclusion, list of sources used. Presentation of chapters and subheadings in a concise, concise form is important, since the commission often has questions on these points.

Each chapter should begin with new page and print in Times New Roman 16 point font. Also, chapters must use numbering, but for structural elements, headings may not be numbered.

When designing, three styles of writing chapters and subsections are used:

It is allowed to divide chapters into paragraphs, and those, in turn, into subparagraphs. Subparagraphs are identified by numbers, which consist of the chapter and paragraph numbers, which must be separated by a period. For example, 2.2.1 – Practical activities primary documents for the movement of goods. Here the first number “2” is the chapter number, and 2.1 is the paragraph.

The title of a paragraph and its subparagraphs cannot begin on a new page. For this purpose, there is a paragraph indent of 1.5 or 1.7 mm. Also, as in other headings, there is no period at the end of the sentence, but the text begins on a new line.

How to arrange drawings in a diploma

Drawings in diploma work can be graphs, diagrams, illustrated examples, etc. GOST 7.32-2001 states that illustrations must include links to the source. Also, graphic materials are located after the text and signed. Below we will look at how to arrange drawings in a diploma.

Images must be numbered in Arabic numerals. This also includes the number of the chapter, paragraph, subparagraph. For example, the picture refers to the second paragraph, then the first number is put “2”. Then it is calculated what the serial number of the illustration is. For example, 2.3, where “2” is the chapter number, and “3” is the number of the drawing.

The drawing is signed at the bottom and aligned to the center of the line. There is no need to put a period at the end of the signature. The word “Drawing” is written in full, and “FIG.” signing is unacceptable.

Sample design of drawings and diagrams

Formatting tables in the diploma

You need to compare indicators using tables, which can be located either in the text or in the appendices section. Throughout the text, references to tables must be placed, as specified in GOST 7.32-2001.

The tables are placed immediately after the text, where the link is indicated and the obligatory condition is continuous numbering of the tables. First, the section number is put, and then the table sequence number. The numbers are separated by a dot. For example, Table 3.4, where “3” is the number of the chapter or section, and “4” is the serial number of the table.

The tables in the appendix are numbered separately with Arabic numerals. The first letter indicates the name of the application (B.2). The word “Table” cannot be abbreviated. The table name itself is written at the top, aligned to the left and without indentation, as shown in the example below. There is no period at the end of the title.

If the table is large and does not fit on the page, then it is worth moving it. In this case, a horizontal line is not drawn at the bottom, as it is carried over to the next page. Also, the title is written only above the first part of the table, and on the second page it is written, for example, “Continuation of table 3.4.”

A large table with many rows and columns can be divided into parts, but you need to make sure that the frames do not go beyond the boundaries. If it so happens that the table goes beyond the A4 sheet format, then the sides are allowed to be divided. Just make sure that the part that was in the previous line is repeated.

According to GOST 7.23-2001, the names of rows and columns in the table begin with a capital letter, and in subheadings all letters are lowercase. You can put a period only if there is an abbreviation. Also, headings and subheadings of rows (columns) cannot be separated by oblique lines.

If the table was calculated by a student, then under it you need to indicate on what data the calculations were made.

Sample table design

Table 3.2 – Assessment of the organization’s solvency

Sample table design with subheadings

Table 3.3 – Indicators of costs for the manufacture of products that make up group A products

How to write formulas and equations in a thesis

In complex mathematical calculations, formulas or equations are always given. Therefore, students need to know how to correctly format them in their diploma. According to GOST 7.32-2001, formulas and equations are written on a separate line, and between them and the text there should be indentations both above and below.

Sometimes the equation doesn't fit on one line. In such cases, it must be moved to the next line after mathematical sign. These could be: division, multiplication, equals, etc.

Formulas must have continuous numbering, which indicates the section number or simply the serial number of the formula within the same paragraph, which is placed exclusively in Arabic numerals in parentheses.

A consistent explanation for the symbols or coefficients should be given below the formulas. The word “where” is written at the beginning of the line. For example, given the formula:

F = m*g (3.4) (1)

where, F – force;

m – mass;

g – free fall acceleration.

According to GOST 7.32-2001, formulas are allowed to be written manually, but only with black paste.

How to provide links to sources

It is mandatory to provide references to the source, since a student who indicates the literature he has read in his thesis demonstrates his knowledge and skills in this field. Therefore, according to GOSTs 7.82-2001 “Bibliographic description of electronic resources” and 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation” there are requirements according to which it is necessary to provide a link to the source of information within the text.

It is also necessary to provide the page number, formula, image where the information was taken from. For example, where “3” means the serial number from the bibliographic list, “35” is the page from which the information was provided and “5” is the table number. As you can see, the link is in square brackets.

Formatting transfers: bulleted and numbered lists

Marked and numbered lists should be in the diploma, as thanks to them, the student’s work looks more neat and aesthetically pleasing. Listings of any kind can be in each section, and even in subparagraphs.

If the listings contain a bulleted list, then a semicolon is used, and a numbered list with a period at the end of each sentence. If the previous line contains a semicolon, the sentence below begins with lowercase letter. Accordingly, after the period, the word in the new line begins with a capital letter.

Registration of the conclusion

The volume of the results should not exceed 3 A4 pages. Here you need to write conclusions and summaries of the work done. Scientific research should be present not only in the text itself, but also at the end. The font and its size should not be changed.

The margins and spacing in the conclusion should be the same as throughout the thesis. There is no need to insert tables, graphs and other illustrations here. You need to put thoughts from each section into 3 pages.

Application design

Applications are an additional part to the thesis. These are visual materials that show the author’s work. According to GOST 7.32-2001, references to applications must be indicated throughout the text and they must be numbered so that there is something to refer to while working on the diploma.

Applications do not have to be continued in the diploma, since according to GOST 7.32-2001 they can be issued as a separate independent document.

Applications begin on a new A4 sheet, on which “APPENDIX” is written at the top center. As you can see, the word is written exclusively in capital letters of the Russian alphabet. The name of the application itself can be indicated in Latin letters or Arabic numerals, if this is appropriate in meaning. Each application must start on a new sheet.

If there is only one application in the document, then it is designated by the letter “A”. For example, "APPENDIX A". Additional pages are numbered using regular Arabic numerals. Applications must be written in the same way as the text, that is, they may have paragraphs and subparagraphs.

Registration of the list of references: structure of the bibliography

Teachers pay attention Special attention on the sources used and their design, because for incorrect spelling, the commission may reduce the score at its discretion. To prevent this from happening, you need to be very careful when designing your bibliography.

According to GOST 7.80-2000, general requirements for the title and full description sources. GOST 7.82-2001 tells how to describe a bibliography of electronic resources, and GOST 7.05-2008 - general rules and requirements for bibliographic references.

Sequence of sources in the bibliography

As a rule, the sources of the literature used are written in alphabetical order and if the sources consist of normative acts, then they are indicated before the bibliography.

So, bibliography comprises:

  1. Regulatory acts.
  2. Constitutions of the Russian Federation.
  3. Scientific and educational literature.
  4. Reference literature.
  5. Foreign literature.
  6. Electronic media. These are disks, floppy disks, flash drives, etc.

After the acts, literature is written in alphabetical order, and then printed periodicals. Electronic resources are indicated at the very end of the bibliography.

Author's name or source name: what to include at the beginning of the description

Before describing any quote, you must indicate the name of the author, and if there are several of them, then it is enough to write only one. If there are more than four authors, then the title is written first, and then, after an oblique line, the authors are listed, starting with the last name.

Formatting the names of sources

The main title may be alternative. This name can be combined with the conjunction “or”. For example, Botany or the science of flowers.

The material is indicated in square brackets and written after the main title with capital letters. For example, Accounting and Auditing [Text]. The source area is separated by a dot and a dash. If you need to give information regarding the title, then you need to put a colon before the description.

First, the title proper of the source is written, and then the general designation of the material is indicated in square brackets. A parallel title is written after the equal sign “=”, and information that relates to the title after “:” (colon). The first information about responsibility is indicated after one oblique line “/”. Further information is written after the semicolon “;”.

Source publication area

Information about the source of information must be written in the same wording and sequence as described in the literature used. Also, we must not forget about the publication area, where the first information is written through one oblique line “/”, and parallel information are indicated after the equal sign “=”. All subsequent information is written after the semicolon “;”.

The serial number is written in Arabic numerals or words. For example, .-7th ed.., .- Ed. 5th, .- 3rd ed. The region or city of publication includes only information that pertains to a specific issue. They are written down exclusively after basic information regarding this source. For example, .- Ed. 3rd/reworked From 2nd ed. E. V. Lysenko.

How to format output data

First, write the place of publication or distribution, and if there are several of them, then you need to write separated by a semicolon “;”. The name of the source publisher or distributor appears after the colon ":".

Any information about the functions of the publisher (distributor) must be enclosed in square brackets “”, the date of publication can be indicated after a comma, and the place of production of this literature must be closed in parentheses “()”. The manufacturer's name must be indicated after the colon.

How to design an area of ​​physical characteristics

According to GOST 7.1-2003, you need to provide a specific designation of the material and its volume. This is followed by a colon and other information about the physical characteristic. Next is a semicolon “;” and the dimensions (volume) of the material are written. A plus “+” is placed before information about the accompanying material.

Design of the series area

The main title of the series is written in parentheses, and the parallel title is indicated after the equality “=”. Information that relates to the title is written after the colon “:” and the first information is written after the oblique line, and the subsequent information after the semicolon “;”.

How to design multi-volume publications

Tom is a separate physical unit and it can be designated: issue, collection or part. If the literature consists of several volumes, then the general title is described.

In the case when the volume does not have a common title, all parts are called differently and are constantly changing, then the title proper is a constant part. In these weekends, you must indicate the first volume and the last, and they must be separated by a dash.

Design of periodicals

First, the main title is written, and then, in square brackets, the general designation of the material. The parallel title is indicated after the equal sign, and the information provided regarding the title must be written after the colon.

One oblique line is placed and the first information is indicated, and the subsequent ones separated by a semicolon. Then information about the publication area is written with an equal sign and the following information is indicated. Additional information about the publication is written separated by commas.

After the output data area, a semicolon is placed and then the next place of publication is written, and after the colon the name of the publisher is written, information about it is enclosed in square brackets.

How to format electronic sources (links)

Back in 2001, GOST 7.82 was developed, which specifies the requirements for the design of electronic resources. These are disks, Internet, floppy disks and other media electronic information. At the beginning it is written common name material, then through the equal sign the parallel title. Next, a colon is added and information regarding the source is indicated.

After the dash sign the place where the source was published is written, and after the colon the name of the publisher (distributor) is indicated in parentheses. Next is a dot, a dash and the main title of the series, and then an equally parallel title. Then, after the colon, information that relates to a specific source is indicated and an oblique line is placed, after which information about responsibility is written.

Example of bibliographic list design

The article describes how a diploma should be issued in accordance with the relevant GOSTs. They will help you understand all the intricacies. Moreover, considering that this is the student’s last project and it must not only be protected, but also properly formatted.

How to properly issue a diploma according to GOST updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

The reference section contains a description of the rules that were in effect in the log " Psychological research"until April 1, 2012, GOST allows for a certain variability in the design of the list; in other journals there may be some differences from the rules of the PI journal. For example, there may be a requirement to separate parts of the description with a dash; the sign No. etc is usually used. Please keep this in mind Examples of bibliographic descriptions are provided at the end of the section.


The list is given in alphabetical order after the text of the article. The items are not numbered and are separated by an empty line (by additionally pressing the Enter button). Authors' names or titles works are highlighted in italics.

Links in the Russian version of the article are given in the original language. First - sources in Cyrillic (in Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian, etc.), then - in Latin (in English, French, etc.). The description rules are the same for all sources, domestic and foreign.

If there are several works by the same author (authors), the links are arranged by year in ascending order, from early works to later ones. Works of one author (authors) and one year are marked in alphabetical order with a Latin letter for the year of publication, without a space after the year: 2007b. In this case, references in the text also contain a letter when indicating the year [Ivanov, 2007b].

There is no dash between parts of the description in bibliographic references (this is allowed by GOST R 7.0.5-2008). All links must be formatted uniformly: only with a dot, without a dash between parts of the description.

The symbols # and & are not used; the number is indicated in lat. the letter N without a dot after it; see below Abbreviations in bibliographic descriptions.

A double slash separates the description of the larger document whose fragment is being referenced. There is no dot before the double slash //. Spaces before and after // are required.

Be sure to indicate

  • For books: name of the author(s), title of the work, place of publication, publisher and year of publication.
  • For collective monographs and collections: the name of the editor (names of reactors) is added.
  • For articles, etc.: author's name, title of work // source, year of publication, volume - number (issue, part, etc.), page range.
    When specifying a range of pages, an en dash (not a hyphen) is placed between the numbers, and there are no spaces.
  • For translation works: the language from which the translation was made. We recommend indicating the name of the translator.

Beginning of description: names of authors or title of work

The names of all authors, regardless of their number, are indicated at the beginning of the description (there is no comma after the surname, initials - without spaces between them: Ivanov A.A., Ivanov A.A.). If the names of the authors are not listed (for example, only the editor is listed), the description begins with titles work.

  • Clinical psychology: per. with him. / ed. M. Perret, W. Baumann. 2nd international ed. M. et al.: Peter, 2007. [Spaces before and after / are required.]

All the features of the spelling of names are preserved: Ariès, Børglum, Büchner, Janáč, Längle etc.

In foreign sources, editors are usually indicated before the title of the work (with the mark (Ed.). or (Eds.). - in English). This order should be maintained.

  • Runco M.A., Albert R.S.(Eds.). Theories of creativity. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1990.
  • Baumann U., Perrez M.(Hrsg.). Klinische Psychologie - Psychotherapy. 2. Aufl. Bern: Huber, 1998.
    Nouns in German Language(but: only in German) must be written with a capital letter.

Names of foreign authors

The surnames of foreign authors in the Russian version of the list of references, after being written in Cyrillic, are indicated in the original spelling (if the original name is in Latin) or in the commonly used Latin transcription (for example, the names of Japanese authors), in square brackets. In the English version, only the original (commonly used) names of foreign authors are preserved.

  • Heckhausen H. Motivation and activity: in 2 vols.: trans. with him. M.: Pedagogy, 1986.
  • Heckhausen H. Motivatsiya i deyatel "nost": v 2 t.: per. s nem. M.: Pedagogika, 1986.

Document fragment: article in the book...

If a fragment of a larger document is described and there is an indication of a specific issue, volume, part, etc., then they follow after the year of publication. At the end of the description there is a range of pages.

  • Ivanov I.I. Job title // Psychological aspects: Sat. Art.: at 2 o'clock. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Publishing House. Univ., 2007. Part 1. pp. 215-228.

Journal article

When describing an article from a journal, first indicate year with a dot after him. Then - volume, and through comma number(issue, etc.), after the number (issue) - dot. Then - page range. Numbers here and everywhere are preceded by a space.

Name of the magazine. 2001. T. 5, issue. 7. pp. 11-23.
Journal Title. 2007. Vol. 5(7). P. 21-54.

For foreign sources, we highly recommend sample Vol. 5(7), without a space before the bracket. It is not acceptable to mix volume number and issue number. Descriptions are available on the journals' websites. The issue number is indicated in parentheses after the volume number, without spaces.

  • Osnitsky A.K. Problems of research of subject activity // Questions of psychology. 1996. N 1. P. 5-19.
  • Pison G., D"Addato A.V.. Frequency of twin births in developed countries // Twin Research and Human Genetics. 2006. Vol. 9(2). P. 250-259.

In the title of the journal, a colon is placed after the word “Series” (Series: Psychology). If a journal series has a number, its title is given after a comma: Series 12, Psychology. Sociology. Pedagogy. The series number is indicated in Arabic numerals: Series 10, Differential psychology.

Double magazine numbers are indicated using a slash (not a dash) without spaces: N 1/2.

Type of document: dissertation, collection of articles...

The type of document (dissertation, conference materials, encyclical, collection of articles, selected works, etc.) is placed after the title, separated by a colon. There is no space before the colon. One word is not abbreviated (“reference book”, but “reference book”; “textbook”, but “textbook for universities”).

  • Description of the dissertation, dissertation abstract
    Ivanov A.A. Title of the work: abstract. dis. ... Dr. Psy. Sci. M., 2005.
    Sidorov B.B. Title of work: dis. ...cand. psychol. Sci. Tver, 2005.

    There is a space before and after the ellipsis. The city in which the dissertation was defended is indicated, and not the place where the abstract was printed. The description of the dissertation does not contain the name of the publisher, since it is a manuscript. It may also be omitted when describing abstracts.

  • Collections of conference materials
    Indicate the editor(s), as well as the place and date of the conference. (after a comma or in parentheses - as indicated in the output), for example:
    Psychology of the 21st century: materials of international. scientific Conf., St. Petersburg, May 10-12, 2011 / rep. ed. A.A. Ivanov. St. Petersburg: Publishing house Publishing house of St. Petersburg. University, 2011.

Translated from another language

Information that the publication is a translation from another language (in the absence of the translator’s surname; for indicating names, see below) is indicated after the type of document (or immediately after the title, if the type is not reflected), separated by a colon.

  • Azhezh K.

Names of editors, translators, names of institutions...

The names of compilers, editors, translators, names of institutions and other information about responsibility are indicated after the slash, before and after / there is a space. Groups of similar information are separated by semicolons.

If there are three or more translators and/or editors, the surname of the first translator and/or editor is indicated with the addition of the words “etc.”; You can give the names of everyone.

  • Ekman P. Psychology of lies / scientific. ed. V.V.Znakov; lane from English N. Isupova and others. St. Petersburg. and others: Peter, 2008. [The translator's last name is indicated after the slash in the information about responsibility.]

Publication information

Information about the publication (what it is, standard, corrected, supplemented, reprinted from another publication, etc.), if available, is given after the information about responsibility, separated from it by a dot. For example:

  • Maslow A.


After the place of publication (the city where the document was published), the name of the publishing house is given through a colon (see examples of names below). If necessary, indicate two or more places of publication, they are separated by a semicolon. If there are three or more places of publication/publishing houses, you can describe one - the one highlighted on the title or the first one, replacing the omitted one with the words “etc.”

  • M.; Novosibirsk: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1950.
  • Paris; London; New York: Harvard University Press, 2001.
  • SPb. etc. (three or more places of publication)
  • M.; St. Petersburg: Peter and others (three or more publishers)

The names of only three cities are abbreviated: M., St. Petersburg, N. Novgorod. All other places of publication are indicated in full.

The names of multiple publishers are separated by a colon.

  • Myers D.J. Social psychology: intensive. well. 3rd international ed. St. Petersburg: Prime Eurosign: Neva; M.: Olma-Press, 2000. [City and two publishing houses separated by a colon - semicolon - second city and publishing house.]

If it is impossible to establish the place of publication, then the abbreviation [B.m.] (without place) or (sine loco) for documents in Latin is given in square brackets.

If there is no information about the publisher, the words [b.i.] (without publisher) or (sine nomine) are given in square brackets.

If the source does not indicate the year of publication, the abbreviation [b.g.] (without year) or (sine anno) is given in square brackets. The references in the text look like this: [Ivanov, b.g.]; .

Names of some publishers

The words “Publishing House”, “Publishing/Book Center/House”, “LLC”, “NPO”, Ltd, Inc, GmbH, etc. are omitted in the bibliographic description.

Right Wrong

The publishing house has its own name
Academy Publishing center "Academy"
Aspect Press Aspect-Press
Editorial URSS Editorial URSS
[Publisher name:
Institute of Psychology Russian Academy sciences]
Publishing house "Institute of Psychology RAS"
Cogito Center Cogito Center
Samar. university
[Publisher name:
Samara University;
until 1997: Samar Publishing House. university]
SSU Publishing House

Publishing house of whom/what
Leningrad: Publishing house Leningr. university L.: Leningrad State University
M.: Publishing house of the Institute of Practical Sciences. psychology M.: IPP
M.: Publishing house Mosk. psychol.-social institute M.: MPSI
M.: Publishing house Mosk. university M.: MSU
Perm: Perm Publishing House. state ped. university Perm: PGPU
SPb.: Publishing house St. Petersburg. university St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University
SPb.: Ivan Limbach SPb.: Publishing house. Ivan Limbach
St. Petersburg: Mikhailov V.A. St. Petersburg: Publishing house of Mikhailov V.A.

Abbreviations in bibliographies

Abbreviations for the title proper of works are not used. In other parts of the description, GOST 7.11, GOST 7.12 should be followed, for example:

Russian language links English speaking
And etc. et al.
No. = N № = N (without a dot after the letter)
Tom = T. Volum = Vol. (with a dot at the end)
Issue = Issue Issue = Issue
Page = S. Page = P. (with a dot after the letter)
In 3 volumes (etc.) = 3 volumes. In 3 vols.
Editor/s = Ed.
Edition = Ed.
Editor/s = Ed./Eds.
Edition = Ed.
Translation = Translation Translation = Transl.

Links to electronic resources

Digital ID doi

Electronic publications that international organization International DOI Foundation (http://www.doi.org) has been assigned a Digital Object Identifier, or doi, described similarly printed publications, indicating doi without a dot after it. In this case, the URL is not provided because doi allows an object to be uniquely identified in databases, unlike a network address, which can change.

  • D"Addato A.V.

Publications without doi

The designation of materials for electronic resources should be indicated [Electronic resource]. Email address And date of application They always lead to a document on the Internet. The date the document was accessed is the date when the person making the link opened this document and this document was accessible (format: day-month-year = hh.mm.yyyy).

  • Dal V.I.
  • Belous N.A.

According to information on home page The site/portal is given: the name and description of the resource, if indicated - the place and year of publication.

  • Lapichkova V.P. Standardization of library processes. Experience National Library Republic of Karelia [Electronic resource] // Library.ru: information and reference portal. M., 2005-2007. URL: http://www.library.ru/1/kb/articles/article.php?a_uid=225 (access date: 12/24/2007).

The notes provide the information necessary to search and characterize the technical specifications of the electronic resource. The information is provided in the following sequence: system requirements, information about accessibility restrictions, date of update of the document or part of it, email address, date of access to the document.

Information about access restrictions is provided if access to a document is possible, for example, from a specific location (local network, organization for which access is open), only for registered users, etc. In this case, the description indicates: “Access from …”, “Access for registered users,” etc. If access is free, then nothing is indicated in the information.

System requirements are given when special software is needed to access a document, for example Adobe Acrobat Reader, Power Point, etc.

Electronic publications often have a date included in the description. The year comes first, then the date and month.

  • Panasyuk A.Yu. Image: definition of the central concept in imageology [Electronic resource] // Academy of Imageology. 2004. March 26. URL: http://academim.org/art/pan1_2.html (access date: 04/17/2008).

The date of update of the document or its part is indicated if it is recorded on the website. If the update date cannot be set, then nothing is indicated.

  • General resources on linguistics and philology: Igor Garshin’s website. [Electronic resource]. 2002. Update date: 10/05/2008. URL: http://katori.pochta.ru/linguistics/portals.html (access date: 10/05/2008).

You should not link to electronic resources that violate copyright.

Examples of design of bibliographic references according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008

According to GOST-2008, it is allowed not to use a dash between areas of the bibliographic description. All links must be formalized uniform: only with a dot, without a dash between parts of the description.

Abolin L.M. Psychological mechanisms of human emotional stability. Kazan: Kazan Publishing House. University, 1987. [Not "Kazan: KSU".]

Azhezh K. Man speaking: the contribution of linguistics to the humanities: trans. from fr. Ed. 2nd, erased M.: Editorial URSS, 2006. [The translator's last name is not indicated; indication of translation - after the colon; indication of the translator's surname - see paragraph “Ekman” below.]

Andreeva G.M. Social psychology: textbook. 5th ed., rev. and additional M.: Aspect Press, 2006. [Not Aspect-Press.]

Antonova N.A. Strategies and tactics of pedagogical discourse // Problems of speech communication: interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. / ed. M.A. Kormilitsyna, O.B. Sirotinina. Saratov: Publishing house Sarat. University, 2007. Issue. 7. pp. 230-236. ["under. ed." - lower case; the names of editors, translators, etc. are indicated after a slash; if there are more than two: A.A.Ivanov and others; you can specify everyone. Page range - no spaces around dashes.]

Anufriev A.F., Kostromina S.N. Solving diagnostic problems practical psychologist in the education system // Questions of psychology. 2000. N 6. P. 26-37. [The number symbol (№) is not used, replaced by the letter N without a period after it.]

Bart R. Linguistics of the text: trans. from English // New in foreign linguistics. M.: Progress, 1978. Issue. VIII: Text linguistics. pp. 442-449. [The original spelling of the name of the foreign author must be provided. The release title can be omitted. The translator's last name is not indicated; indication of translation - after the colon; indication of the translator's surname - see paragraph “Ekman” below.]

Belyanin V.P. Psycholinguistics: textbook. 3rd ed., rev. M.: Flint: Publishing house Mosk. psychol.-social institute, 2005. [Not “M.: MPSI.”]

Berger P., Luckman T. Social construction of reality: Treatise on the sociology of knowledge: trans. from English M.: Medium, 1995. [The original spelling of the names of foreign authors is required. The translator's last name is not indicated; indication of translation - after the colon; indication of the translator's surname - see paragraph “Ekman” below.]

Braslavsky P.I., Danilov S.Yu. Internet as a means of inculturation and acculturation // Mutual understanding in the dialogue of cultures: conditions for success: in 2 hours / under general. ed. L.I. Grishaeva, M.K. Popova. Voronezh: Voronezh Publishing House. Univ., 2004. Part 1. pp. 215-228. [Not “Voronezh: VGU”; "under the general ed." - lower case.]

Kuftyak E.V. Adaptation of the “Marital Coping” questionnaire // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Episode 12, Psychology. Sociology. Pedagogy. 2009. Part 1, issue. 3. pp. 246-253. [After the series number there is a comma; For more information about the magazine series, see above. After the part number there is a comma, then the issue number etc.]

Myers D.J. Social psychology: trans. from English 3rd international ed. St. Petersburg: Prime Eurosign: Neva; M.: Olma-Press, 2000. [City: Publisher - semicolon - Other city: Other publisher.]

Maslow A. Motivation and personality: trans. from English 3rd ed. SPb. and others: Peter, 2008. [The translator's last name is not indicated, the indication of translation is after the colon; indication of the translator's surname - see paragraph “Ekman” below.]

Mironenko I.A. Modern theories in personality psychology. St. Petersburg: Mikhailov V.A., 2003.

Non-standardized psychodiagnostic methods for studying thinking - ensuring comparability and reliability of data : method. allowance / St. Petersburg. psychoneurol. Institute named after V.M. Bekhtereva. St. Petersburg, 1995. [Collective author is listed after the slash; without the participation of the publisher.]

Piaget J. Egocentric speech: trans. from fr. // Jean Piaget: theory, experiments, discussions: collection. Art. / comp. and general editor L.F. Obukhova, G.V. Burmenskaya. M.: Gardariki, 2001. pp. 41-46.

Psychology of Individuality : materials II All-Russian. scientific Conf., Moscow, November 12-14. 2008 / ed. A.K. Bolotova. M.: Publishing house of the State University Higher School of Economics, 2008. [Indicate the place and date of the conference, the name of the editor.]

Ptashkin A.A. Title of the article // Psychology of individuality: materials of the II All-Russian. scientific Conf., Moscow, November 12-14. 2008 M.: ID State University Higher School of Economics, 2008. P. 12-15. [Required - page range. Conditional example.]

Terekhin A.T., Budilova E.V. . Network mechanisms of biological regulation // Advances in physiological sciences. 1995. T. 26, N 4. P. 75-97. [Comma after volume number. There is no dot after N.]

Fomina E.V. Functional asymmetry of the brain and human adaptation to extreme conditions sports loads: author's abstract. dis. ...Dr.Biol. Sci. Tyumen, 2006.

Shkolovaya M.S. Linguistic and semiotic aspects of identity construction in electronic communication: dis. ...cand. Philol. Sci. Tver, 2005. [Space before and after the ellipsis.]

Ekman P. Psychology of lies / trans. from English N. Isupova and others. St. Petersburg. and others: Peter, 2008. [The translator's last name is indicated after the slash, as are the last names of the editors, etc; indication of translation without the name of the translator - see above.]

Campbell K.J., Collis K.F., Watsn J.M. Visual processing during mathematical problem solving // Educational Studies in Mathematics. 1995. Vol. 28(2). P. 177-194. [It is unacceptable to mix the volume number (Vol.) and issue number (N). We strongly recommend the following version of the description: 28(2). If issues/numbers of one volume have continuous numbering within the volume, it is permissible to indicate only the volume (Vol.). Please check the descriptions on magazine websites. The & symbol is not used. The quotation marks in descriptions in Latin are only “paws”, not “Christmas trees”.]

Hebb D.O. The organization of behavior. New York: Wiley, 1949. [Not “N.Y.”, ​​only three abbreviations are used: M., St. Petersburg, N. Novgorod.]

Links to electronic resources: examples

Indicating doi, according to the rules for describing printed sources

If electronic publication the digital identifier doi is assigned, the rules for describing printed sources apply. doi is indicated at the end. There is no period after doi. The network address (URL) is not specified.

D"Addato A.V. Secular trends in twinning rates // Journal of Biosocial Science. 2007. Vol. 39(1). P. 147-151. doi:10.1017/s0021932006001337

According to GOST R 7.0.5-2008, indicating the material [Electronic resource], for web resources - URL and date of access

Sources in Russian use the following elements: [Electronic resource], URL, (access date: ...).

Belous N.A. Pragmatic implementation of communicative strategies in conflict discourse [Electronic resource] // World of linguistics and communication: electronic. scientific magazine 2006. N 4. URL: http://www.tverlingua.by.ru/archive/005/5_3_1.htm (access date: 12/15/2007).

Bibliographic link. General requirements and drafting rules [Electronic resource]: official publication. M.: Standartinform, 2008. URL: http://protect.gost.ru/document.aspx?control=7&id=173511 (access date: 10/05/2008).

Bibliography on social and humanities, 1993-1995 [Electronic resource] / Institute of Science. information by society Sciences (INION). M., 1995. 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM). [Collective author is indicated after the slash]

Dal V.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dahl [Electronic resource]: prepared. according to the 2nd oven ed. 1880-1882 M.: ACT et al.: 1998. 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).

Dresher Yu.N. Introduction of information technologies and quality management systems into library and information production [Electronic resource] // Libraries and information resources in modern world science, culture, education and business: 12th international. conf. “Crimea - 2005”, Sudak, June 4-12, 2005. URL: http://www.gpntb.ru/win/inter-events/crimea2005/disk/163.pdf (access date: 12/24/2007).

Panasyuk A.Yu. Image: definition of the central concept in imageology [Electronic resource] // Academy of Imageology. 2004. March 26. URL: http://academim.org/art/pan1_2.html (access date: 04/17/2008).

Parpalak R. Communication on the Internet [Electronic resource] // Personal website of Roman Parpalak. 2006. December 10. URL: http://written.ru (access date: 12/26/2006).

Sokolova E.D., Berezin F.B., Barlas T.V. Emotional stress: psychological mechanisms, clinical manifestations, psychotherapy [Electronic resource] // Materia Medica. 1996. N 1(9). pp. 5-25. URL: http://flogiston.ru/library/sokolova-berezin (access date: 07/23/2008).

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