Russian Bashkir translator with pronunciation. Fine

Previously, translating texts from one national language to another was quite problematic due to the lack of specialists, especially if we were talking about non-international languages. There are plenty of specialists around in English, German, Italian or French, but what to do if you urgently need to translate a text from Russian to Bashkir?

Why do you need a translator?

A translator from Russian to Bashkir will be an indispensable assistant when traveling through the regions of Russia. A huge multinational country has united a colossal number of nations under one flag. Of course, anywhere in Russia you will be understood without any problems if you speak exclusively Russian. However, according to cultural norms many eastern peoples if you want to show respect to a local resident or the owner of the house, it is recommended to communicate in his native dialect.

Also, a translator from Russian into Bashkir is a necessity when directly learning a new language. The Bashkir or Turkic language is very ancient and belongs to the group of Altai dialects. Interesting combinations letters give rise to unique sound combinations that are hundreds of years old.

If you just need to translate from Bashkir into Russian for study or work, you can use a convenient online service.

Online translator from Russian to Bashkir

Internet culture is developing at an amazingly fast pace, covering an ever-increasing number of areas human life. Everything is here: information about the life and religion of lost civilizations, photographs of the ocean floor, descriptions of space " wormholes"... But with all its diversity, until recently there was simply no translator from Russian to Bashkir on the Internet.

The fact is that the Turkic people are not represented so a large number people, so the need for an appropriate online service was not so urgent. But nevertheless, there were those who took the situation into their own hands and created an online translator from Russian to Bashkir so that everyone could quickly find out the meaning of a particular word.

Finding an online translator on the Internet is not difficult. To do this, you need to write the corresponding query in the search bar and select one of the links that appears in the browser window.

Helpful Hint: Various online translators from Russian to Bashkir and vice versa can give different interpretations of words, so if you are not sure of one or another interpretation, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the interpretation of several sources and choose the most suitable option.

Among other things, it is necessary to take into account the fact that a pure Turkic language as such does not exist. There are many adverbs and dialects, so in any case the translation will be approximate. To find out exact translation from Russian to Bashkir, you need to contact a native speaker.

Not long ago, a UNESCO commission assigned the Bashkir language the status of “vulnerable” and included it in the Atlas of the World’s Endangered Languages. Most native Bashkir people or native speakers use their native dialect only in everyday life, communicating at work in Russian or another language. You have a great opportunity to join the culture of Bashkortostan by using a translator from Bashkir to Russian.

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About one and a half million citizens call Bashkir their native language. Speakers of this language live mainly in, as well as in, and some other regions of Russia. In a multilingual environment, Bashkirs in the vast majority of cases speak one more (Russian) or several languages.

In total, about 1.2 million people in the world know the Bashkir language, the majority are ethnic Bashkirs. The population of the Republic of Bashkortostan speaks this language. In 2009, the Bashkir language was listed as vulnerable due to its limited use. The Bashkir language belongs to the family of Turkic languages ​​and is divided into eastern, southern and northwestern dialects. Bashkir differs from most Turkic languages ​​in some phonetic features.

History of the Bashkir language

The ancestors of the Bashkirs were part of Golden Horde and in the period from the XIV to the XIX centuries. enjoyed common language Turks, giving it national characteristics. The modern Bashkir language was formed from the eastern and southern dialects under the influence of folklore and fiction.

In the XVI–XVIII centuries. elements of the Russian language began to enter the Turkic language of the Bashkirs. A handwritten dictionary appeared in 1781 Bashkir language, and in 1842 the “Tatar Grammar” was published, which included sections on colloquial and book speech Bashkir. In 1892, the first Bashkir primer based on the Cyrillic alphabet was printed.

By the beginning of the last century, the modern Bashkir language had formed, combining the features of the southern and eastern dialects. basis literary language became the Kuvakan dialect, more distant from others than others Tatar language. Since 1922, a commission began to operate, developing the alphabet and spelling of the language. In 1923, a writing system based on Arabic letters. In 1930–1950 literary Bashkir language developed at an accelerated pace, and after this period the basic styles were established and the norms of the language stabilized.

Currently, an academic document is being compiled in Bashkortostan explanatory dictionary Bashkir language in 11 volumes. On national language teaching is carried out in schools, and Faculty of Philology Departments of Bashkir language and literature were created. The language is used in public administration and media.


The Bashkirs converted to Islam in the 10th century. and at the same time Arabic script entered their writing. The first monuments of Bashkir writing date back to the 14th century. From 1929 to 1939 it was used latin alphabet, after which the letters of the Russian language came into use, supplemented by three vowels and six consonants.

  • Since 1905, the works of Bashkir authors in newspapers and magazines have been published in Turkic language, since 1910 - in Tatar, since 1912 - in a mixed Tatar-Bashkir language. And only in 1924 did publications in periodicals begin to appear in literary Bashkir.
  • In Bashkortostan they respect the national and global literary heritage. Museums of Salavat Yulaev, M. Gafuri, and S. Aksakov have been opened in the republic. Monuments to Pushkin, Mayakovsky, Salavat Yulaev, M. Akmulla, M. Gafuri and others were erected.
  • Bashkir translators are working on transcriptions of fiction. Work is underway on translating the Bible into Bashkir. But the profession of a translator is almost not in demand in Bashkiria, since there are practically no orders for translations from the Bashkir language.
  • The most popular form of publications has become recent years corporate histories and chronicles of the cities of Bashkortostan. For example, in 2013, the Encyclopedia of OJSC Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat was published.

We guarantee acceptable quality, since texts are translated directly, without using a buffer language, using technology

- [los]. Particle, used. as 1) a polite address in meaning. please. Give me some water, please. Please take another piece. 2) polite expression of consent. Can you pass me the knife? Please! 3) a polite request or order is not... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

PLEASE- [lus]. 1. An expression of polite address, request, agreement, response to gratitude. Bring, p., a dictionary. Thanks for the tea. P. 2. Expression of surprise of the onset, appearance of something. (usually with a tinge of disapproval) (colloquial). I haven't been there for a whole year and... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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  • Fine! , Vladimir Mayakovsky. This book includes the poems “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”, “Good!”, “At the top of my voice”, the poet’s best poems about the party, the Motherland, the conscious work of the Soviet people...

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