Results of two studies in social studies, Moscow State University of Law. Faculties of Moscow State University: Faculty of Law

Law Faculty of Moscow State University

Law Faculty of Moscow State University- one of three faculties approved in accordance with the plan of M.V. Lomonosov by Empress Elizaveta Petrovna in the “Project for the Establishment of Moscow University” (1755). According to the Project, it consisted of three ordinary professors in the departments: general jurisprudence (natural, folk and Roman law), Russian jurisprudence (internal state law) and politics ( international law).

Faculty now

Training at the faculty is conducted according to full-time in the full-time department and in the special department (second higher education). The last intake of students for the evening department was held in the year, in the year latest graduates departments have completed their training.

Graduated Faculty of Law work in the authorities state power And government controlled, in court, prosecutor's office, bar, on state enterprises, in institutions and organizations, in entrepreneurial and commercial organizations, educational institutions, continue their preparation in graduate school.

The faculty includes 14 departments and 3 laboratories:

  • theory of state and law and political science (head of the department - professor Mikhail Nikolaevich Marchenko);
  • history of state and law (head of the department - professor Vladimir Alekseevich Tomsinov);
  • administrative law (head of the department - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor Alexey Petrovich Alekhin);
  • financial law (acting head of the department - associate professor Maria Fedorovna Ivlieva);
  • international law (head of the department - associate professor Lev Nikitovich Shestakov);
  • constitutional and municipal law (head of the department - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor Suren Adibekovich Avakyan);
  • civil law (head of the department - professor Evgeniy Alekseevich Sukhanov);
  • business law and legal regulation of foreign economic activity (head of the department - professor Evgeniy Porfirievich Gubin);
  • civil procedure (head of the department - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor Mikhail Konstantinovich Treushnikov);
  • labor law (head of the department - professor Alexander Mikhailovich Kurennoy);
  • environmental and land law (head of the department - professor Alexander Konstantinovich Golichenkov);
  • commercial law and fundamentals of jurisprudence (head of the department - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor Boris Ivanovich Puginsky);
  • criminal law and criminology (head of the department - professor Vladimir Sergeevich Komissarov);
  • criminal procedure and prosecutorial supervision (head of the department - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor Konstantin Fedorovich Gutsenko);
  • criminology (head of the department - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office, Doctor of Law, Honored Professor of Moscow State University Professor Nikolai Pavlovich Yablokov);
  • laboratory of political science;
  • Laboratory of Social and Legal Research and Comparative Law;
  • Laboratory of Legal Informatics and Cybernetics.

The faculty is located in the first humanities building, where it partially occupies the sixth, seventh and eighth floors, and in the second humanities building, where the department of criminology is located.


1. Bauze Fedor Grigorievich(1805-1806) was born into the family of a Lutheran pastor, higher education received from the Faculty of Law of the University of Leipzig. After finishing it, he went to look for work in Russia. In April, I received an invitation from the leadership of the Imperial Moscow University (IMU) to occupy the Department of Jurisprudence. Started teaching Roman law. And in June he was elected dean of the moral and political department of Moscow University.

2. Reinhard Christian Egorovich(1806-1808, 1812), professor of philosophy at the University of Cologne, came to Russia and was appointed to the department of practical philosophy, at the same time holding positions in the departments of natural, political and folk law faculty of Moscow University. Taught history to students of the ethical-political and literary departments philosophical systems until his death in .

Z. Bryantsev Andrey Mikhailovich(1808-1809, 1811-1812, 1818-1819), having graduated from the Vologda Seminary, came on foot to Moscow, to the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, where he completed a course in theological and philosophical sciences, refusing to become a monk. At Moscow University he was the closest student of Professor S.E. Desnitsky. For almost half a century, he taught courses in logic and metaphysics, “moral philosophy,” “empirical psychology,” and the history of philosophical systems. Three times he was elected dean of the ethical and political department of the MU.

4. Shletser Christian Augustovich(1809-1810) arrived in Moscow after graduating from the University of Göttingen and became a home teacher. At the invitation of the director of the IMU, Turgenev, I.P. moved to Moscow University, where from 1801 to . was the first teacher of political economy at the Faculty of Law; also taught politics, history course European countries, political economy, natural law and diplomacy from their books.

5. Stelzer Christian-Julius-Ludwig(1810-1811), professor-lawyer, at the invitation of trustee M.N. Muravyov, arrived at Moscow University from Gallic University, and was appointed ordinary professor. Until 1812, he taught almost all the sciences that were then part of legal education. A brilliant criminologist, he also taught the philosophy of criminal law. In 1813, not getting along in Moscow, he moved to Dorpat with a scandal.

6.Snegirev Mikhail Matveevich(1813-1815) - son of a priest. His godmother was Empress Elizaveta Petrovna. V was elected dean of the ethical and political department of the University of Music and a member of the temporary commission to manage the affairs of the University after the invasion of Napoleon. He took an active part in the restoration of the University after the fire of 1812. Wrote a textbook on church history, taught church law.

7. Sandunov Nikolay Nikolaevich(1815-1816, 1819-1820, 1828-1830, 1831-1832) began working at the Moscow University with the rank of ordinary professor and took the department of Russian, civil and criminal law (legal proceedings) of the Russian Empire. Until his death he was the dean of the moral and political department of the MU. He was perhaps the first professor to introduce elements of practical exercises into the teaching of legal proceedings.

8. Tsvetaev Lev Alekseevich(1816-1818, 1820-1828, 1830-1831, 1832-1834), having passed the bachelor's exam, in 1801 he was sent abroad to prepare for the “department of jurisprudence.” Being a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Göttingen and working at Moscow University, in service records In the 1820s, he was called only a bachelor, V, in connection with the 25th anniversary of his tenure as a professor, received the title of Honored Ordinary Professor of the MU. He headed the department of political and popular law, while at the same time being a university censor.

9. Ternovsky Petr Matveevich(1834-1835), archpriest, first rector of the Tatian Church, since 1828 - professor of theology and church history, church jurisprudence, logic and experimental psychology at Moscow University. Since May - Dean of the Department of Moral and Political Sciences.

10. Vasiliev Nikolay Semenovich(1835-1843) from to gg. at the moral and political department of the MU began to lecture on political economy on Schletzer, Storch and Pay; in addition to this subject - the history of Roman law and Roman civil law according to Makeldey, Russian criminal law, and from 1835 - the beginning of Russian civil law according to the Code of Laws Russian Empire,: In 1835 he was elected dean of the moral and political department. He maintained a boarding house for University students in his Moscow house.

11. Krylov Nikita Ivanovich(1843-1847), from , took the department of Roman law at Moscow University, which he left in. Krylov's course had the character of a philosophical reflection on Roman morality. In his scientific views on law, Krylov was a prominent exponent of the historical school of jurisprudence.

12. Barshev Sergey Ivanovich(1847-1863) listened to Berlin University lectures on legal philosophy, legal encyclopedia, history and dogma of Roman law; studied general German state, criminal and civil law in their historical development And current state. On June 12, he was elected dean of the Faculty of Law for a 4-year term. He was elected dean for the second time. V resigned from Moscow University, having the rank Privy Councilor. Was awarded the order St. Alexander Nevsky, Order of St. Anna, 1st degree.

13. Leshkov Vasily Nikolaevich(1863-1866, 1867-1872, 1877-1880). The election for the second time in January as dean caused, according to the memoirs of A.V. Nikitenko, “a real uprising against the rector and the council,” which was raised by professors Dmitriev and Chicherin “with their adherents - only seven people”; ...the matter came to the attention of the minister, who did not approve of the actions of the minority"

14. Chicherin Boris Nikolaevich(1866-1867) in January was elected dean of the Faculty of Law, and already in May of the same year the majority of the university council, in violation of the elementary foundations of the minister’s academic constitution public education canceled the election of B.N. Chicherin and approved V.N. Leshkov for the new five-year anniversary.

15. Milgausen Fedor Bogdanovich(1872-1876) - Doctor of Medicine, occupied the department of comparative anatomy and physiology at the Moscow Medical-Surgical Academy. Started teaching at Moscow University. He lectured on financial law and public law, and served as secretary of the law faculty. After defending his doctoral dissertation, he was approved as a full professor in the Department of Financial Law. He received the title of emeritus professor.

16. Legonin Viktor Alekseevich(1880-1899) completed the course Faculty of Medicine at Moscow University and took a chair there forensic medicine. For the first time, a forensic medicine course has been introduced for law students. Dean of the Faculty of Law from to In October, the rector of the University signed the agreement No. 2771 on the approval of Emeritus Professor V. A. Legonin again as dean of the Faculty of Law for the next four years.

17. Alekseev Alexander Semenovich(1899-1909) after graduating from the Faculty of Law of Moscow University, he went to Götzdania, where for three years he listened to lectures by Bluntschli, Topfl, and Otto Meyer. The departure of A. S. Alekseev from Moscow University is directly related to the events of February - the resignation of A. A. Manuylov from the post of rector in connection with the admission of police to the territory of the university.

18. Kamarovsky Leonid Alekseevich, (1909-1912), appointed as an ordinary professor at the MU. One of the initiators of the creation in Paris International Institute rights, s - full member. Sought to substantiate international law with principles natural law and demands for “justice”; considered issues of limiting the “law of war,” disarmament, and peaceful means of resolving international disputes. The ideas of L. A. Kamarovsky were to a certain extent used in the creation of a judicial body in the League of Nations system, as well as International Court of Justice UN.

19. Gidulyanov Pavel Vasilievich(1913-1917) he combined his studies with work as an assistant to a sworn attorney. In 1910-1913 headed the scholarship committee at the Faculty of Law of the University. At the same time he taught state law at the Lazarevsky Institute oriental languages. V was arrested in the case fabricated by the OGPU of the “Counter-revolutionary nationalist organization “Party of the Revival of Russia””. In 1933 he was sentenced to ten years in forced labor camps. B - re-convicted and shot. B rehabilitated posthumously."

20. Tarasov Ivan Trofimovich(1917-1918), while serving at Moscow University, established a public school, a savings and loan partnership, a public shop and a public tea house in the Berdichev district of the Kyiv province; took great participation in the Rubezhevskaya colony for juvenile delinquents. In 1889 he was appointed to the position of ordinary professor of police law at Moscow University.

29. Klimov M. E.(by majority existing versions Mikhail Efimovich) (1930) - professor, dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the 1st Moscow State University from February 15 to October 22, 1930. In 1927-1930. - Professor High school OGPU. Later - head of the Moscow Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia. Unreasonably repressed and executed in 1938. Rehabilitated in 1956

30. Berman Yakov Leontievich(1931) - participant Civil War, member of the CPSU (b). Conducted a seminar on criminal procedure at the Faculty's legal department social sciences 1st Moscow State University. In 1925-1926 - Prosecutor of the Collegium of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR. In 1932-1937 - Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR, Director of the Institute of Red Professors Soviet construction and rights. In the spring of 1937 he was arrested, in September sentenced to 10 years in prison without the right to correspondence, and executed on the same day.

31.Kozhevnikov Fedor Ivanovich(1942-1943, 1944-1949) - head of the department of international law from 1942 to 1960. Since 1960, professor at MGIMO. Member of the UN International Law Commission (Geneva), member of the International Court of Justice (The Hague), member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, delegate World Congress supporters of peace.

32. Udaltsov Ivan Dmitrievich(1943) worked as an assistant to a sworn attorney at the Moscow Judicial Chamber. Since 1924 - professor of the legal department of the FON in the department economic policy. In 1925, he was appointed a member of the dean's office of the Faculty of Soviet Law of the 1st Moscow State University. In 1929 he was appointed director of the 1st Moscow State University, a position he held until 1930, after which he became a professor of political economy. In 1943, he was simultaneously approved as the dean of the Faculty of Law, which was restored in March 1942, and as the dean Faculty of Economics Moscow State University.

33. Amphiteatrov Georgy Nikitovich(1943-1944) teaching activities began at Moscow State University after completing graduate school in 1929. He taught economics, industrial and land law. In 1931, he was appointed deputy director for academic affairs and at the same time head of the department of civil law at Moscow State University. law institute on the basis of MP-", which he continuously directed until 1937. In 1935 he received his dissertation without defending it academic degree candidate of legal sciences. spoke French and German languages. Since 1942 - full-time professor, acting. Head of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of Moscow State University, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University for Academic Affairs. He served as full-time dean from the fall of 1943 until August 1944.

34. Kozhevnikov Mikhail Vasilievich(1950-1953) worked as a member of the military revolutionary tribunal, chairman of the provincial revolutionary tribunal and head of the department of justice, provincial prosecutor, prosecutor at the People's Commissariat of Justice of the RSFSR, chairman regional courts, member of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR, head of the department of judicial protection and legal assistance to the population of the People's Commissariat of Justice of the USSR. S teaches at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University

35. Lashin Anatoly Grigorievich(1953-1956) dean. Doctor of Law, Professor. B defended doctoral dissertation on the topic: “The emergence and development of forms of a socialist state.” Sphere scientific interests were the problems of organization and activity of socialist states.

36. Karev Dmitry Stepanovich(1956-1965) - student at the Higher Military Aeronautical School, observer-spotter of artillery fire from the air, red commander. He began to study legal science in absentia at Irkutsk University, then transferred to Moscow State University. In 1945-1946. - Assistant to the Chief Prosecutor of the USSR at Nuremberg trials, Colonel of Military Justice. S - head of the department of criminal procedure.

37. Ivanov Georgy Vasilievich(02/26/1965 - 05/31/1980) participated in the Second World War, was seriously wounded, lost an arm. In 1942 he worked at the Goznak factory in Krasnokamsk, Perm region. He completed his postgraduate studies at the Department of Collective Farm and Land Law of the Moscow Law Institute. In 1954 he was transferred to the same department of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. From 1959 to 1965 - Deputy Dean of the Law Faculty of Moscow State University for scientific work. For many years he was secretary of the party bureau of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University.

38. Kozlov Yuri Markovich(1980-1982) assistant at the Department of Administrative and Financial Law, Faculty of Law, Moscow State University. Born September 9, 1925. In 1961 he was replaced by prof. I. I. Evtikhieva as head of the department. Traveled abroad several times; for giving lectures and participating in international symposia, etc. conferences. Since 1970, he was the executive editor of the Bulletin of Moscow University. Series “Law”. In 1997, he joined the Moscow State Law Academy as a professor in the department of administrative law. He died on November 10, 2002.

The Faculty of Law of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov is a recognized center for training highly qualified jurists. The main type of training at the Faculty of Law is preparation for a bachelor's degree program in the field of "jurisprudence".

The faculty was originally formed at the founding of the university in 1755 and was recreated in the university structure in 1942. Today, the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov is the leading educational and scientific legal institution. Faculty scientists carry out broad program research work in various areas legal science, actively participate in improvement Russian legislation, scientific consulting government agencies And international organizations, drafting legislation.

The main type of training at the Faculty of Law is preparation for a bachelor's degree program in the field of "jurisprudence". Full-time form of education. There are both budget and contract places available.

During the learning process, students consistently study full complex basic legal disciplines: theory of state and law, history domestic state and law, history of state and law foreign countries, constitutional law, administrative law, municipal law, financial law, civil law, civil process, criminal law, criminal procedure, criminology, environmental law, land law, labor law, international law, constitutional law, constitutional law of foreign countries, business law, commercial law, family law and other legal disciplines, as well as foreign language, logic, social and humanitarian disciplines.

The special department “Second higher education” has been operating since 1992. It is intended for persons with higher education professional education and those wishing to obtain a second higher education in the field of jurisprudence. Preparation is carried out according to the undergraduate program in full-time and part-time (evening) form on a contractual basis.

Training at the special department involves studying legal disciplines in full according to an accelerated program. As with full-time students, specialization is provided. Graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies in a master's program.

Since 2010, master's programs have been introduced at the Faculty of Law. Training is conducted face-to-face.

Master's training programs are aimed primarily at persons with higher education legal education(bachelor's or specialist's degree) and those wishing to receive in-depth training in a selected master's program.

The Faculty of Law offers master's programs in the currently most popular scientific and practical specializations:

  • Civil proceedings
  • Information technology and information security
  • Constitutional and legal problems of organizing state and municipal authorities
  • Corporate law
  • Forensics, forensic examination, forensic information technology
  • International economic law. European law
  • Organization of the legal service
  • Public finance law
  • Legal regulation in the field of energy and environmental protection
  • Legal regulation of the use of subsoil, forests and water bodies
  • Legal regulation of attracting investments in land and related real estate
  • Regulation of trade entrepreneurial activity
  • Head, deputy, employee and legal adviser of a state or municipal body
  • Modern anti-corruption legislation and anti-corruption practice
  • Theory of state and law, comparative law, history of political and legal doctrines
  • Labor, government, business: legal aspects interaction
  • Criminal law and criminology; criminal law
  • Criminal procedure, judiciary, prosecutor's office and legal profession
  • Private right

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Dean - Professor Golichenkov Alexander Konstantinovich

The Faculty of Law of Moscow State University is a recognized center for training highly qualified lawyers. This is the oldest faculty at Moscow University, dating back to the founding of the university in 1755.

The Faculty of Law of Moscow State University is a leading educational and scientific legal institution. The efforts of the best scientific and teaching staff are aimed at strengthening the leadership of the faculty, including recognized leaders of leading scientific law schools, members of the Scientific Advisory Council at Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, similar councils under other government bodies of Russia and its constituent entities, as well as young teachers - graduates of the faculty's graduate school.

Faculty scientists carry out a wide program of research work in various fields of legal science, actively participate in improving Russian legislation, scientific consulting of government bodies and international organizations.

The Faculty of Law has Certificate No. 1 of public accreditation by the Russian Lawyers Association.

The Faculty of Law invariably ranks highest in the most prestigious national rankings assessing the quality of educational services, volumes scientific work, influence on government decisions made.

The faculty is a leader in the National University Rankings in the “Jurisprudence” category. It also ranks first in the ranking for the number of law firm partners who graduated from the faculty, as well as in the ranking of universities for the number of graduates hired by law firms.

The Faculty of Law is a leader in level wages graduates who completed their studies in 2010-2015: graduates can expect on average 95,000 rubles per month in Moscow.

The new educational building, where the faculty is located, has modern classrooms, computer classes, language laboratories, a courtroom, a library and information center, a museum, a chess club, and a Forensic Center. The faculty's classrooms are equipped multimedia equipment, including computers with access to the Internet, reference legal resources, unique teaching materials faculty teachers.

The faculty consists of 16 departments:

  • administrative law (head of the department - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor A.P. Alekhin),
  • civil law (head of the department - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Professor E.A. Sukhanov),
  • civil procedure (head of the department - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Professor M.K. Treushnikov),
  • foreign languages ​​(head of the department - associate professor T.I. Tarasova),
  • history of state and law (head of the department - professor V.A. Tomsinov),
  • commercial law and fundamentals of jurisprudence (head of the department - professor E.A. Abrosimova),
  • constitutional and municipal law (head of the department - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Professor S.A. Avakyan),
  • criminology (head of the department - professor I.V. Aleksandrov),
  • international law (head of the department - associate professor A.S. Ispolinov),
  • business law (head of the department - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor E.P. Gubin),
  • theory of state and law and political science (head of the department - professor M.N. Marchenko),
  • labor law (head of the department - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor A.M. Kurennoy),
  • criminal law and criminology (acting head of the department - associate professor V.G. Stepanov-Egiyants),
  • criminal process, justice and prosecutorial supervision (head of the department - professor L.V. Golovko),
  • financial law (head of the department - associate professor M.F. Ivlieva),
  • environmental and land law (head of the department - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor A.K. Golichenkov).

The faculty also includes a laboratory for political science, a laboratory for socio-legal research and comparative law, and a laboratory for legal informatics and cybernetics.

Types of training and forms of training

Bachelor's degree

The main type of training at the Faculty of Law is preparation for a bachelor's degree program in the direction of "jurisprudence" as the first stage of training in a unique educational standard"integrated master" of Moscow State University. Full-time form of education. Admission plan: 304 budget and 130 contract places. The Unified State Examination in Russian language, social studies and history, as well as additional entrance test in social studies.

During the training process, students consistently study a full range of basic legal disciplines: constitutional law, administrative law, municipal law, financial law, tax law, civil law, civil procedure, criminal law, criminal procedure, criminology, environmental law, land law, labor law, social security law, international law, private international law, prosecutorial supervision, business law, commercial law, family law and other legal disciplines, as well as foreign language, logic, social and humanitarian disciplines.

During their studies, students undergo practical training in court, other government bodies, and in the legal departments of firms and enterprises.

Undergraduate training is conducted in one of the profiles: state law, civil law, criminal law.

Department of Second Higher Education

The special department “Second Higher Education” is intended for persons with higher education and wishing to obtain a second higher education in the field of jurisprudence.

Preparation is carried out according to the undergraduate program in full-time and part-time (evening) form on a contractual basis. Reception plan - 170 places. Social studies (written) is taken as part of the school curriculum.

Training at the department provides for the study of legal disciplines in full. Undergraduate training is conducted in one of the profiles: state law, civil law, criminal law.

The standard period of study is 4 years. Upon successful completion curriculum The duration of study can be reduced to 3 years (6 semesters).

Graduates of the department have the opportunity to continue their studies in a master's program.

Master's degree

At the Faculty of Law there are master's training programs, both independent and those that are the second stage of training according to the educational standard of the “integrated master” of Moscow State University.

Full-time enrollment plan: 228 budget places, 50 places with tuition fees; in full-time and part-time (evening) form - 50 places with tuition fees. Upon admission, a written exam in jurisprudence is taken. The standard training period is 2 years.

The Faculty of Law offers master's programs in the currently most popular scientific and practical specializations:

  • Current problems of administrative law and process
  • WTO and regional integration associations (EU and Eurasian Economic Union)
  • Civil and administrative proceedings
  • Information legal relations in the innovative economy
  • History of State and Law and Comparative Law
  • Commercial and contract law
  • Competition law
  • Constitutional and legal problems of the organization of state and municipal authorities in Russian Federation
  • Corporate law
  • Forensics in law enforcement
  • Forensic support and business protection
  • Master of International Private Law
  • Master of Private Law
  • International economic (commercial) law
  • Tax administration, tax consulting and protection of taxpayer rights
  • Law and state: theory and practice
  • Legal system Russia in the context of international law (for foreign citizens)
  • Legal support for entrepreneurial activities (Law and Business)
  • Legal regulation of land use and creation of real estate objects
  • Legal regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy)
  • Labor, state, business: legal aspects of interaction
  • Criminal law and criminology; criminal law
  • Criminal procedure, judiciary, prosecutor's office and legal profession
  • Lawyer in public authorities

There is an opportunity to continue education in graduate school.

Training for foreign citizens

Along with Russian students Citizens from near and far abroad study at the faculty full-time on a contractual basis.

All types of training are available for foreign citizens: bachelor's and master's degrees.

Training courses

They work at the Faculty of Law. Courses are taught by MSU teachers in the following subjects: Russian language and literature, social studies, law, Russian history, foreign languages(English, German, French).

The training course lasts 8 months for students graduating classes, for 6 months - for students in 10th grade, for 4 months - for students in 9th grade. Classes are held in faculty classrooms three to four times a week.

Training on preparatory courses carried out on a contractual basis.

School of Law

Students are trained in evening time on a contractual basis under the guidance of leading faculty teachers, as well as practitioners. Upon completion of training, a certificate of advanced training is issued.

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