Forensic medicine fb2. Forensic medicine - Popov V.L.

Name: Forensic medicine.

Textbooks and manuals on forensic medicine intended for specialists are less user-friendly practical work and in some respects for the study of the subject. The Handbook for Lawyers was published more than 10 years ago. Meanwhile, over the years, a lot of new things have appeared not only in the organization of forensic medical examination, but also in the rules and other departmental instructions for forensic medical examination, corresponding to the new Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and new scientific data have appeared on a number of sections of forensic medicine, expanding the capabilities of forensic -medical examination. This applies to information about gas weapons and other devices, about injury to reflexogenic zones, etc.

Section II
Forensic examination of living persons

General provisions
Forensic medical examination of harm caused to health
Definition of permanent disability
Other reasons for prescribing medical examination for damage caused to health
Forensic medical examination of sexual crimes and sexual conditions (obstetric and gynecological examination)

Section III
Forensic medical examination of a corpse
General questions forensic thanatology
Cadaveric changes
Determination of how long ago death occurred
Inspection of the crime scene and the corpse at the place of its discovery
Forensic medical research in cases of sudden death and the deceased in hospital
Medical examination of newborn corpses
The procedure and methodology for forensic medical examination of a corpse. Expert documentation
Forensic examination of an exhumed corpse
SME of putrefactively altered, skeletonized and dismembered corpses
Medical examination of the corpse of an unknown person

Section IV
Health disorder and death from action various factors external environment
Forensic medical examination of mechanical trauma. General issues of forensic traumatology
SME of injuries caused by blunt objects
SME of transport trauma
Car injury
Motorcycle injury
Tractor injury
Railway injury
Emergency medical examination for falls
SME damage caused by a sharp weapon
Damage from a cutting tool
Damage from a slashing weapon
Damage from a piercing weapon
Damage from a piercing weapon
Damage from sawing equipment
SME of injuries caused by firearms
Gas weapon damage
Trauma from explosions
Forensic examination under the influence of extreme temperatures and electricity. SME health disorders and death from high temperature
SME health disorders and death from low temperature
Forensic medical examination under the influence of technical or atmospheric electricity
Forensic medical examination of mechanical asphyxia ( oxygen starvation) and drowning
General questions
Mechanical asphyxia from compression
Mechanical asphyxia from closure
Forensic medical examination in cases of death from drowning
Forensic medical examination in cases of poisoning
General questions
Forensic medical examination of poisoning with individual poisons
Forensic medical examination of alcohol intoxication and drug poisoning

Section V
Forensic medical examination physical evidence. Forensic biological examination of physical evidence

Forensic medical and forensic examination of material evidence
Index main Russian literature in forensic medicine for a more detailed study of certain topics.

Question: How does a motorcycle injury differ from a car injury and what are the possibilities of forensic medical examination??

ANSWER: Motorcycle injuries are characterized by seasonality, less extensiveness, and simultaneous injury to the pedestrian and driver. In this case, there are many abrasions and other external injuries, mainly on the head and limbs. The driver always suffers with any impact mechanism. Along with mechanical damage, there may be damage from thermal and chemical factors(fuel, battery acid).

The above mechanisms of motor vehicle injury lead to different types of damage due to the characteristics of motor vehicles. When colliding with an obstacle or a pedestrian, the driver falls forward, receiving a head injury of varying severity, collarbone fractures, and sometimes a chest injury. Characteristic are strip-like abrasions, less often lacerations along inner surface thighs, sometimes shins. In some cases, drivers develop superficial wounds or abrasions between the first and second fingers from hitting the steering wheel.

Collisions of a motorcycle can be with oncoming traffic, with overtaken or stationary, which brings its own characteristics to the damage that occurs. A motorcycle strikes a pedestrian with the front wheel, mudguard, footrest, control lever or sidecar. The injuries are located in the lower part of the body or in the abdomen or lower back with damage to the abdominal organs. When moving, signs of compression or tread marks with a full imprint are not detected or they are weakly expressed.

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The textbook covers general theoretical foundations, general principles organization of forensic medical examination in Russian Federation. The specifics, features, forms of participation of a forensic physician in the work of forensic investigative bodies and the limits of his competence are revealed. The procedure for conducting forensic medical examinations of living persons and corpses is outlined. The features of medical and forensic identification are covered. Cases of mandatory appointment of forensic medical examination in criminal and civil proceedings, features of conducting forensic medical examinations based on materials from investigative and judicial cases. Given in the textbook test questions and tests will help students check the quality of assimilation of the studied material.

The work belongs to the genre Educational literature. It was published in 2017 by Urayt Publishing House. The book is part of the "Specialist" series. On our website you can download the book “Forensic Medicine 2nd ed., trans. and additional Textbook for Universities” in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner’s online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

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Tutorial“The textbook “Forensic Medicine”, edited by V.N. Kryukov, is an excellent textbook for students in studying the basic concepts, definitions and methods of the subject. Much attention the book focuses on forensic medical examination (of the corpse, victims, material evidence, accused persons), its production, organization, interpretation of the results obtained; analysis of factors leading to fatalities(mechanical asphyxia, trauma, gunshot injuries). Other research methods (laboratory, cytogenetic) in the work of forensic experts are considered. For medical students, forensic experts.

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Edited by corresponding member. RAMS Yu.I. Pigolkina


Recommended by State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "First Moscow State medical university them. THEM. Sechenov" as a textbook for students studying in higher education institutions vocational education in the specialties 060101.65 “General Medicine”, 060104.65 “Medical and Preventive Care” and 060103.65 “Pediatrics” in the discipline “Forensic Medicine”

Yu.I. Pigolkin , Dr. med. Sciences, member=corr. RAMS, professor, head. Department of Forensic Medicine of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov;BY. Romodanovsky, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Forensic Medicine, RSMSU;

E.M. Kildyushov , Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Forensic Medicine, Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov; I.A. Dubrovin , Dr. med. Sciences, Professor of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov;

D.V. Chests , Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Forensic Medicine of RUDN University.

Forensic medicine:textbook / ed. Yu.I. Pigolkina. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: GEOTAR=Media, 2012. - 496 p. : ill.

ISBN 978=5=9704=2103=1

The textbook was written by professors from leading Russian medical universities taking into account the new requirements for conducting examinations in connection with changes and additions made to modern legislation. Educational material built on the basis of innovative modular educational program, developed by employees of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov in accordance with the discipline program« Forensic medicine» for specialty"Healing" GOST higher professional education. The textbook presents the latest scientific data on the pathogenesis and diagnosis of the effects of damaging factors on the human body.

Designed for students of institutions of higher professional education studying in specialties 06101.65"Medicine", 060104.65 " Medical = preventive care" and 060103.65 "Pediatrics" in the discipline

« Forensic medicine» .

UDC 340.6(075.8) BBK 51.1(2)ya73

The rights to this publication belong to LLC Publishing Group "GEOTAR Media". Reproduction and distribution in any form of part or the entire publication cannot be carried out without the written permission of the GEOTAR Media Publishing Group LLC.

UDC 340.6(075.8) BBK 51.1(2)ya73

Production editor I.V. Puchkova

Proofreaders G.I. Koledova, L.V. Kim

Computer layout by A.V. Vishnevsky

Signed for publication on October 18, 2011.

Format 60x90 1/16. Offset paper. Offset printing. Volume 31 p.l. Circulation 2000 copies. Order No.

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Forensic medicine- the science that studies medical and biological issues that arise during the investigation or trial of criminal or civil cases.

Subjects of forensic medicine are the theory and practice of forensic medical examination. Forensic medicine identifies, studies and resolves medical issues arising in forensic investigative practice. Forensic knowledge is also used in solving scientific

And technical problems to improve quality diagnostic and treatment work, when developing measures aimed at reducing population mortality.

Forensic thanatology studies death as biological phenomenon, mechanisms of thanatogenesis during different types violent

And sudden death and postmortem processes; develops methods for establishing how long ago death occurred, studies the causes sudden death, methods of its diagnosis and prevention.

Forensic traumatology studies injuries, the mechanisms of their occurrence and outcomes, develops methods for establishing the severity of harm caused to health, the duration and lifetime of injuries, as well as identifying the instrument of injury by the properties of the injury.

Forensic obstetrics, gynecology, urology develop methods for diagnosing newborns, full-term and fetal maturity, live birth and viability of the baby, life expectancy of the child after birth; studies issues that arise during the investigation of sexual crimes and controversial sexual conditions.

Forensic anthropology studies general, group and individual anatomical and physiological characteristics of a person for the purpose of personal identification.

Forensic biology explores group and individual biological features tissues in order to identify and establish the identity of the suspect, victim and other persons involved in the case.

Forensic medicine concept

Forensic forensics examines material evidence of biological origin for the purposes of investigative and judicial practice.

Forensic medical deontology studies the causes of adverse outcomes in medical practice.

Organizational basis of forensic medical examination - organizational, tactical and methodological aspects practical application forensic knowledge.

Procedural foundations of forensic medical examination - procedural support and support forensic expertise, interaction forensic and law enforcement agencies. The procedural framework is regulated by the criminal and civil laws in force in the Russian Federation, criminal procedure and civil procedural legislation, as well as regulations, rules, orders and instructions issued by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.


1. Forensic medical examination - section of forensic medicine, provides activities law enforcement agencies, being one of the most important sources evidence in criminal and civil cases. Forensic examination - scientific and practical a study required and regulated by law and undertaken to resolve specific medical issues that arise during the investigation of a crime or suspicion of a crime. The following types are distinguished: forensic examination.

Examination of living persons appointed to resolve the issue of the severity of harm to health, sexual conditions and crimes, determination physical condition persons, personal identification.

Examination of corpses is carried out to establish the cause and duration of death, the nature, severity and mechanism of formation of injuries, etc. This type of examination is carried out in forensic morgues and in the sectional rooms of pathology departments of hospitals.

The examination of physical evidence is carried out in medical-forensic, forensic biological And forensic chemical laboratory departments of the bureau forensic examination. The objects of such examination are usually secretions, particles and tissues of the human body.

Forensic medicine

Examination of case materials - special kind research, the objects of which are documents: protocols of inspection of the crime scene, interrogations, investigative experiments, medical history, opinions of other experts, etc.

2. Solving scientific and technical problems. Forensic knowledge is used in jurisprudence to develop and improve methods and means for solving, investigating and preventing crimes.

Factual data on the patterns of damage formation are used in weapons science, as well as in industry and transport to improve the effectiveness of active and passive safety equipment.

Forensic methods are widely used in historical sciences- anthropology, archeology, genealogy, local history, ethnography.

3. Development of measures aimed at reducing population mortality.Identified during the process forensic examination general patterns and morphological manifestations of sudden

And sudden death, health disorders and death from various types external influence are used in healthcare to develop methods for the prevention of various types of fatal and non-fatal injuries, exogenous intoxications, sudden and sudden death, etc.

4. Improving quality diagnostic and treatment assistance. Establishing the causes of unfavorable outcomes of medical care in the process of forensic examination helps to detect treatment defects and eliminate detected deficiencies, thereby improving quality diagnostic and treatment work. Forensic Diagnosis of deaths from infectious diseases allows health authorities to timely and effectively carry out anti-epidemic measures. Forensic examination of cases of sudden death makes it possible to clarify its causes, improve its diagnosis and prevention.

Objects of forensic medical examination:

living persons - victims, suspects and accused (in case of bodily injuries, controversial sexual conditions and sexual crimes, when establishing health status, artificial diseases and self-harm, identity, age, paternity and maternity, when determining alcohol intoxication);

corpses (to establish the type of violent or non-violent death, determination of the nature, mechanism, lifetime, prescription and causation with death, injuries discovered during examination of the corpse, as well as for personal identification);

material evidence - objects that can be a means of detecting a crime, for example, preserving its traces (when identifying tools and other traces of interest to investigative authorities);

materials of criminal and civil cases, i.e. medical and judicial investigative documents that contain data on the above-mentioned objects of forensic medical examination (state of health, course of diseases, identifying signs, etc.).



A forensic medical examination is carried out by order of the investigator, prosecutor, person conducting the inquiry, or by court ruling. It is regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation (Criminal, Civil, Criminal Procedural and Civil procedural codes), Federal law“On state forensic activities in the Russian Federation”, as well as instructions and orders of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation.

Only a citizen of the Russian Federation who has a higher professional education and has undergone further training in a specific expert specialty has the right to conduct a forensic medical examination. He should not be in any way dependent on the body or person who appointed the examination, or on other persons interested in the outcome of the case. A doctor who has previously provided medical treatment cannot participate in a forensic medical examination. medical care the victim or suspect, as well as directly or indirectly interested in the outcome of the case due to family, official connections, etc.

An expert cannot take part in criminal proceedings if his incompetence is revealed (Article 70 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation). Most often, the examination is carried out by state forensic experts - certified

Forensic medicine

qualified employees of the state forensic institution in order to fulfill their job responsibilities. However, the legislation provides for the possibility of it being carried out by a doctor of any specialty, in particular when it is impossible to call a full-time forensic expert or an urgent study is necessary. The doctor involved in the examination is called a doctor-expert and has all the rights and duties of a forensic medical expert, determined by the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the system of higher medical education includes a course in forensic medicine.

The expert is obliged:

accept for production the forensic examination assigned by the head of the state forensic institution (for the state expert);

carry out full research objects and case materials presented to him;

give a reasoned and objective opinion on the questions posed to him;

compose a motivated written message about the impossibility of giving an opinion and sending it to the body or person who appointed the forensic examination, if: the objects of research and the case materials are unsuitable or insufficient for conducting research and giving an opinion and the expert is denied their addition; modern level the development of science does not allow us to answer the questions posed; the questions posed go beyond the expert’s special knowledge (they require knowledge of non-medical sciences or do not require special knowledge at all), for example, the question about the manner of death (murder, suicide or accident) is legal, not medical, and therefore goes beyond the special knowledge of the judicial -medical expert;

ensure the safety of the presented research objects and case materials;

give truthful testimony during interrogation, if clarification of the terms and wording of the conclusion is necessary, detailed description materials and methods used, explanation of differences in opinions of members of the expert commission, etc. According to Art. 197 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the investigator has the right to be present during any examination, including forensic medical examination, when examining a suspect or victim regarding injuries; the only exception is the examination of a person of the opposite sex (Article 179 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation).

The expert has the right:

get acquainted with the case materials related to the subject of the examination;

apply for grant additional materials necessary to draw up a conclusion, but do not collect them yourself;

apply for an invitation to participate in the examination of relevant specialists;

participate, with the permission of the inquirer, investigator, prosecutor and court, in procedural actions (interrogations, investigative experiments) and ask questions related to the subject forensics;

give an opinion within its competence, including on issues that, although not specified in the decision on the appointment of a forensic examination, are important for the investigation and trial;

draw the attention of those who ordered the examination to additional facts relevant to the investigation and trial;

refuse to give an opinion on issues that go beyond the scope of special knowledge, as well as if the materials presented to him are insufficient to give an opinion.

bring complaints against actions (inaction) and decisions of the inquirer, investigator, prosecutor and court that limit his rights;

to be recorded investigative action or a court hearing of a statement regarding the misinterpretation of its conclusion or testimony by the participants in the process.

The expert has no right:

without the knowledge of the investigator and the court, negotiate with participants in criminal proceedings on issues related to the conduct of forensic examination;

independently collect materials for expert research;

conduct research without the permission of the inquirer, investigator and court that could lead to the complete or partial destruction of objects or alteration of them appearance or basic properties;

give a knowingly false conclusion; for giving a knowingly false conclusion, the expert is liable in accordance with Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

disclose preliminary investigation data that became known to him in connection with the organization and conduct of a forensic examination; For the disclosure of preliminary investigation data, the expert is responsible in accordance with Art. 310 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Forensic medicine

IN The expert's conclusion indicates:

date, time and place of the forensic examination;

grounds for conducting a forensic examination;

the official who ordered the forensic examination;

information about the expert institution, as well as the surname, name and patronymic of the expert, his education, specialty, work experience, academic degree and/or academic title, position held;

information about the expert’s warning about liability for giving a knowingly false conclusion;

questions posed to the expert;

research objects and materials submitted for forensic examination;

information about persons present during the forensic examination;

conclusions on the questions posed to the expert and their justification (Article 204 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation).


Primary examination- initial study of the object with drawing up a conclusion. Except especially complex cases, carried out by one expert.

Additional expertise carried out if the conclusion of the primary examination turned out to be incomplete or not clear enough for employees of the investigative authorities, as well as when new investigative data appears. Additional examination may be entrusted to the specialist who conducted the initial examination or to another.

Re-examination carried out if investigators have doubts about the objectivity and correctness of the conclusion of a forensic expert. It is entrusted to another forensic expert or a commission of forensic experts.

Sole examination carried out by one expert who bears sole responsibility for his/her opinion.

Commission examination carried out by several experts of the same or different specialties. The permanent members of the commission are the chairman and one of the forensic experts, acting as secretary. The remaining members of the commission are appointed depending on the nature and complexity of the examination. Representatives of other medical specialties are often involved as experts.

with extensive experience in scientific and practical work. All commission members have equal rights and responsibilities, and each of them in equally bears responsibility for the conclusion. Therefore, during a commission forensic medical examination, each expert conducts research in full, after which the commission members jointly analyze the results obtained. Having reached a common opinion, the experts draw up a joint conclusion or a message about the impossibility of giving an opinion, which is signed by everyone. If the commission does not come to a consensus, then the opinion of an expert who does not agree with the conclusions of the commission is attached to the conclusion.

The commission examination is carried out: in cases of criminal prosecution medical workers for professional offenses; during repeated examinations; during examinations of permanent disability; during initial examinations in particularly complex and responsible cases: terrorist acts, mass disasters, ritual murders, study of dismembered and exhumed corpses, etc.

Comprehensive examination- this is an examination conducted by experts of different specialties (doctor and criminologist, doctor and auto technician, etc.). Each of them conducts research within the limits of his special knowledge and signs that part of the conclusion that contains a description of the research he has conducted. General conclusion done by experts competent in assessing the results obtained and formulating this conclusion.


Forensic medical examination is usually carried out by government experts - employees of the Bureau of Forensic Medicine or FGU " Russian center forensic medical examination" of the Russian Federation Roszdrav. Teachers of the departments of forensic medicine

And law schools can also conduct examinations, but as non-state experts.

The Bureau of Forensic Medicine includes departments: examination of living persons; forensic medical examination of corpses with a forensic histological department; forensic laboratory with medical-biological, forensic-chemical departments

And medical forensics; economic department; organizational but-methodological department; district, interdistrict and city departments of forensic medical examination.

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