How's it going? TOEFL test: scoring system, test examples

What is TOEFL

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is an international exam in English as a foreign language. TOEFL is prepared by Educational Testing Service (ETS), Princeton University, New Jersey, USA.
The main purpose of TOEFL is to assess the level of proficiency of non-native English speakers. Providing TOEFL results is a necessary condition for admission to more than 2,400 colleges and universities in the USA, Canada and some other countries. TOEFL Certificate – required document when enrolling in foreign universities to study an MBA program, when obtaining the right to an internship in English, or when applying for a job that requires knowledge of the English language. Some academic and professional certification programs also require applicants to take the TOEFL. The TOEFL certificate is valid for two years.
Main feature TOEFL exam is that it is based on American version English, so to successfully pass TOEFL you need to understand the lexical and grammatical subtleties that distinguish American English from British English.
IN given time in Russia there are two versions of the test: Paper-based Test (PBT), that is, a test in in writing on paper, and Internet-based Test (iBT) – testing via the Internet. Second option in lately is considered preferable in many universities, as it includes tasks not only for reading, listening and written speech, but also for oral speech and combined tasks.

The exam consists of four parts: Listening Comprehension, Structure and Written Expression, Reading Comprehension And Test of Written English.

Part 1: Listening Comprehension

Listening ability is assessed English speech(North American pronunciation), highlight the main idea, the most significant details, draw conclusions.

The questions are divided into three groups.

A: Mini-dialogues: In this part, you must listen to a dialogue and a question regarding the content of this dialogue, and choose the correct answer from the written options provided.

B: Long dialogue: In this part, you must listen to a dialogue and a series of questions regarding the content of this dialogue, and choose the correct answers from the written options provided.

C: Short monologues: In this part, you must listen to a monologue and a series of questions regarding the content of this monologue, and choose the correct answers from the written options provided.

Part 2: Structure and Written Expression.

The ability to understand written language and the level of grammar are assessed.

In this group, you must choose one of the proposed options for filling in the gap in the sentence so that you get a grammatically correct sentence.

Written Expression:
In this group, you must choose the incorrect one among several highlighted parts of the sentence.

Part 3: Reading Comprehension

Assesses ability to understand short passages similar in topic and style to college and university academic texts. This part contains questions about the content of five or six passages read. You read the passages and answer the questions. It also includes questions about the meaning of words in the context of the passage.

Part 4: Test of Written English

You must write an essay on given topic. In an essay, you need to agree or disagree with some statement and support your answer with strong evidence and examples.

Launched in the US on September 24, 2005 new format test - TOEFL iBT(Internet-based Test), which replaced the TOEFL CBT (Computer-based Test). In Russia, a new version was introduced in 2006.
TOEFL iBT involves testing integrated skills. This means that the grammar is checked not through a separate section, but through all the others. In addition, your ability to speak English is tested. Online registration and online results make the test easier.
Changing the test format is aimed at improving the system for assessing the knowledge of those taking the test. New section Speaking helps assess students’ ability to communicate in English, which is important for studying at a business school or college, and new tasks in sections Writing allow assessing the student’s ability to combine information.

The test consists of 4 sections: Speaking, Listening, Reading And Writing.
The test takes four and a half hours to complete and all parts can be taken on the same day, which provides additional convenience for test takers.

Peculiarities new version:

  • Grammatical structures are assessed based on students' ability to use them in sections Speaking, Writing and the ability to recognize them when reading complex academic texts in the section Reading.
  • Chapter Writing. The new version of TOEFL requires two essays. One of them is also a new “integrated” task type: read a short text and listen to a lecture on the same topic. Information presented in the lecture either contradicts or complements/clarifies information obtained from the reading text. You are allowed to take notes while reading and listening. You will have 3 minutes to read a text of approximately 200 to 220 words and 20 minutes to write a short essay of 150 to 225 words.
  • Chapter Reading has not undergone significant changes, except for the fact that several new types of questions have appeared.
  • In the section Listening first part ( short dialogues) is cancelled; two parts remain: long dialogues representing lively spoken language, and four lectures, two of which are accompanied by student comments.
  • Unlike the old format new exam TOEFL iBT allows and even recommends taking notes and notes (Note Taking) in each of its sections.
  • The new TOEFL exam format requires more time to complete it, and therefore the introductory part Tutorials (additional exercises before the exam in order to familiarize yourself with the program and computer) is cancelled.
  • Chapter Speaking. This new section of the exam includes 6 questions that you will answer into a microphone. You are allowed to make notes!
  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is the most popular standardized exam today that tests knowledge of English as a foreign language. Passing this exam is mandatory for non-English-speaking foreigners who want to enroll in universities not only in the USA and Canada, but in Europe and Asia. The abbreviation TOEFL is correctly pronounced "tofl". The TOEFL exam was first conducted in 1964, and has since become one of the main international language exams. Testing is carried out by Educational Testing Service, the largest private company, engaged in language testing.

    PBT and iBT are two versions of TOEFL

    The test is developed in two versions: TOEFL Paper Based (PBT), TOEFL Internet Based (iBT). At the time the TOEFL appeared, a personal computer was a very rare thing. The administration of the testing event involved printing, circling answers, and writing tests in pencil. Today, the “paper” version of the exam (PBT) is almost out of use. It is carried out only in those areas where it is impossible to use the Internet (African and island states - Micronesia, Congo, Rwanda and some countries Central Asia- Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan).

    When personal computers became quite common, it became possible to take the CBT (computer-based test). And since 2005, this test has been in iBT format (i.e. internet-based test, test over the Internet). Now TOEFL iBT can be taken in almost any country, test centers are located in many major cities. By the way, in large countries, including Russia, only the iBT version of the test is available.

    Test structure

    The exam format includes four sections, testing such basic language skills as Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing. Each aspect, in turn, contains a number of questions of a unique format, which you need to familiarize yourself with in detail if you want to pass this test. In the exam itself, the sections are presented in the same order as mentioned above: first there is reading, then listening, then the examinee is given a break - 10 minutes - then he needs to demonstrate speaking skills and at the end he is required to perform written assignments. The test duration is only about four and a half hours.

    Grading system

    Total score - from 0 to 120 points (the test does not provide “excellent” or “satisfactory” grades, the limits passing score each university sets it independently);

    Each of the four aspects is scored on a scale from 0 to 30 points.

    Assessment oral speech carried out on a gradation scale from 0 to 4 points.

    Writing skills are rated on a scale from 0 to 5 points.

    The scores are then converted on a scale from 0 to 30 points.

    Features and difficulties of TOEFL

    The main purpose of testing is to check the English language knowledge required by the student, both in the learning process and in everyday life. The TOEFL exam is designed for people who speak English conversational level able to freely discuss everyday problems. But the proposed material contains academic vocabulary, a lot scientific terms, abstract concepts and synonyms - this is one of the difficulties.

    It should be remembered that the examinee only has contact with the computer. For many people who are accustomed to taking exams in the presence of a teacher, this may not seem very convenient and may even serve as a stress factor.

    Another difficulty is related to planning the time allocated for completing tasks. At the top of the monitor there is a timer, inexorably counting down the time. To cope with all the tasks within a certain time period, you need to practice a lot.

    TOEFL tests not only the level of knowledge of the English language, but also the ability to analyze information and highlight the main points; the exam involves assessing the skills of generalization, argumentation, drawing conclusions, and the like. Therefore, it is extremely important for the examinee to understand what is required of him in a particular task. Learning strategies for completing assignments and answering questions will help with this.

    #1: Study the exam structure

    TOEFL what is it? An examination test, but which is not even close to those that are conducted in domestic schools or universities. Therefore, even excellent knowledge of English is not a reason to refuse preparation for the TOEFL. It is necessary, first of all, to familiarize yourself with the format of the test, with examples of tasks from previous years. Not a single stage in the test should be unexpected for the applicant. Test tasks can serve as training.

    #2: Take a practice test

    Taking a practice test will help you become familiar with the structure of the exam and understand which sections you still need to work on. There is a lot of free materials on the Internet. You can also practice on the official TOEFL website.

    #3: Prepare for a four-hour marathon

    The duration of the TOEFL (iBT) is 4.5 hours, and fatigue and loss of concentration for the average person occurs after just two hours of intensive study. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate one day for trial delivery test at home. An experiment of this type will help the applicant evaluate his behavior in stressful situation and will become a kind of endurance training before the exam.

    #4: Read academic texts

    Academic texts can be an unpleasant surprise for applicants, even with good spoken English. Reading will help you learn to understand academic English scientific literature. The English-language Wikipedia will be an excellent assistant in this regard. You can also improve the perception of academic texts using popular science magazines in English. Recommended magazines: Popular Science, Scientific American, Science News, Popular Mechanics, and The Economist.

    #5: Listen to academic texts

    The key to successfully passing the Listening part is listening to as many scientific texts as possible. The topic must certainly be interesting for the applicant, otherwise the training will not bring him any pleasure. The TED channel offers a lot of educational lectures. Watching scientific programs will help expand your vocabulary. documentaries on English TV channels BBC and Discovery.

    No. 6. Use the scientific “poke” method

    Surprised? Even in such a serious exam, guessing the answer is not prohibited. It happens that even reading the question again does not help to find the correct answer. Then you should exclude obviously incorrect answer options, which will increase the probability of guessing the correct answer by 25% -50%, and this is already good.

    No. 7. Learn to take notes

    Three of the four sections of the exam require the applicant to write a short summary of the material read and listened to. The candidate will be required to answer questions or summarize. The text or audio fragment usually consists of 200−500 words. Therefore, you should not rely only on your memory; it is important to note some points ( keywords, examples, arguments, introduction and conclusion) on paper.

    No. 8 Make standard preparations for the Writing and Speaking sections

    Panic can overcome an applicant during the Speaking part. It is impossible to predict what exactly the question will be. However, a couple standard phrases each of the three stages is still worth learning. A few phrases will also be useful for transitioning between these stages; it is advisable to use introductory words and designs. You can come up with phrases yourself or find them on the Internet. This set of phrases can also be used when writing an essay.

    #9: Learn to paraphrase

    When checking the written and oral answers of applicants, members of the commission pay attention not only to the ability to logically and consistently express their thoughts, but also to the ability to paraphrase - to express their thoughts in writing, without resorting to the words or constructions used in the question. Using something interesting phrasal verb or idioms is a huge plus.

    No. 10. Provide yourself wellness and physical training

    We are often asked the question: What is TOEFL and is it worth taking it?

    In this article we will answer these questions, and also tell you about the format and nuances of the exam and what difficulties you may encounter.

    When talking about entering a foreign university, the first thing that comes to mind is TOEFL which is on par with the exam IELTS serves necessary requirement for enrollment in many universities. TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language. It is taken by those who study English as a foreign language. TOEFL All American colleges and universities accept educational institutions Canada, European countries, Australia. But be careful, not all European universities accept TOEFL, some only accept IELTS, so before you run to take the exam, read the requirements, or better yet, contact admissions committee and check if they accept this certificate.

    There are two test options: TOEFL Paper Based (PBT), TOEFL Internet Based (iBT). The paper-based test (PBT) has largely fallen out of use and is only administered in areas where Internet access is not possible. TOEFL iBT can be taken in almost any country; test centers are located in major cities. As for the exam dates, the exam is taken several times a month. It depends on the center where you are going to take the test. You can check the dates on the official website By choosing a date and city that is convenient for you, you can find a test center that accepts TOEFL on this day. But we’ll talk about registration a little later, and now about the test format.

    Exam Format includes four sections that test four basic language skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing. Each section, in turn, contains several questions of a unique format, which you will need to familiarize yourself with in detail if you decide to try your hand at TOEFL. In the exam itself, the parts follow the same order as presented above: first you read, then you listen, then there is a break of 10 minutes, after which you demonstrate your speaking skills and finally, you complete written tasks. The test takes about four and a half hours in total. The test is taken entirely on a computer.

    Let's briefly look at the tasks of each part.
    Readings usually include three or four academic texts that you need to answer questions about. There are 10 types of Reading questions and we will look at them in the Reading Section articles. Depending on the number of texts, tasks are given from 60 to 80 minutes to complete.

    Listening consists of several lectures, conversations, discussions that you have to listen to and answer questions. This part may contain from 34 to 51 questions, and depending on the number of questions, the answer time is between 60 and 90 minutes.

    Sometimes the Reading and Listening parts include test tasks, which are not evaluated to compare data or test materials for future tests. When completing such a task, you do not know whether it will be graded or not. But try not to think about it, but simply complete the tasks as well as you know how to do it.

    After listening, you have ten minutes to rest, after which you begin the Speaking Section. This part contains six questions, which are classified as Independent and Integrated. The first two questions ask about a familiar situation, a situation from your experience. This is part of Independent. The remaining four are asked to answer a question based on what they read and heard (integrated). Each question requires a special preparation strategy, which we will definitely consider. Conversation part The test takes about 20 minutes, as you are given 40 seconds to a minute to answer the questions.

    And finally, Writing Section, consisting of two questions. The first question is Integrated, you are asked to write an answer based on information you have heard and read. Second question - Independent. You must write an essay on a given topic. You will have 20 minutes to write the first task, and 30 minutes for the second.

    Here brief description exam format TOEFL. Of course, if you are going to take it and are seriously planning to prepare, then this information is not enough; you should learn more about the format and strategies for completing the tasks.

    How to register for the test?

    Registration is online at You need to register and create your profile on the site. When the profile is created, select Register for a Test in the left menu. You will be asked to enter your personal information, select the exam date, country, city and test center where you are going to take the test. Read all instructions carefully and double-check all data. You will also have the opportunity to order a paper copy of the certificate for yourself and have your certificate sent to the three institutions. In order to order copies to institutions, contact them in advance, specify the address and ETS code, as they will be asked to enter it on the website. If you did not indicate recipients during registration, you can do this after, but not later than one day before the exam. If you do not know where you will send the documents, then you will have the opportunity to order certificates after the exam, but this will already be a paid service. From experience, many universities will accept a scan of your certificate, or they can verify the authenticity of your result by contacting ETS directly. Be sure to order a certificate for yourself when registering, indicating your mailing address.

    At the end of the registration process, you will need to pay the exam fee by card Visa or Mastercard. There are other payment methods, but you will agree that card is the most convenient. You will be sent a confirmation email and your registration number, which you must print out and bring to the test center on the day of the exam. What happens next during the exam itself will be discussed in a separate article.

    How is TOEFL scored?

    Evaluation is carried out in points. Maximum quantity points - 120. For each part you can score 30 points, after which the number of points scored for each part is summed up and you get your overall result. It should be noted that universities often require not just any TOEFL score, but put forward specific requirements for each part or separate parts. For example, general requirement- TOEFL score no lower than 90, with no less than 25 in Speaking. And you will have all 100, but in Speaking - 24, then alas, you will have to retake it! Therefore, I emphasize once again - if you are taking the TOEFL for a specific program, familiarize yourself with the requirements and devote time to those skills that require the most high scores so as not to be offensive.

    Which version of English is used on TOEFL?

    Until 2013, the Listening Section and Speaking Section used recordings voiced by native speakers from North America, that is, the accent was predominantly American. Since 2013, changes have been made to the content of the test and other English accents have been added: British, New Zealand, Australian. So the lectures and conversations are voiced by different native speakers, but the speech is clear and intelligible throughout. If you have studied British English all your life, then this is not a problem, you can safely go take the test, just stick to one version of the language. This applies to both pronunciation and spelling in Writing.

    Features and difficulties of TOEFL.

    TOEFL tests the knowledge of English that a student needs in the learning process and in everyday life. The exam assumes that you speak English at a conversational level sufficient to discuss everyday problems. But one of the difficulties is academic vocabulary, terms from various areas science, large number abstract concepts and synonyms.

    Also, remember that during the exam you only interact with the computer. For many who are used to taking exams in the traditional teacher-student format, this can be stressful.

    Planning time to complete tasks also causes difficulty. The timer at the top of the screen inexorably counts down your time. In order to complete tasks within the time given to you, you need to practice a lot.

    And lastly, TOEFL tests not only how well you know the English language, but also how you analyze information and highlight the main points; your skills in generalization, argumentation, drawing conclusions, and so on are assessed. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand what they want from you in a given task. Strategies for completing tasks and answering questions will help you with this.

    If you have firmly decided to prepare for TOEFL- we will try to help you with this. On the pages of our website Enginform We are starting to publish a series of articles that will be useful to everyone who is preparing for TOEFL, as well as teachers who prepare their students to pass this exam. Good luck to you and stay tuned!

    TOEFL test Knowledge of English is a prerequisite for employment or study in Western countries Oh. It is possible to pass it in any country. For or USA foreign student you must take the TOEFL test. This is done to determine the person's level of language proficiency and ability to speak English fluently.

    The TOEFL test is an international English language test. It was introduced back in 1964 by a test organization. Since then, all interested applicants must take it. Translated into Russian, this means “test of English as a foreign language.” Only representatives of those countries for whom English is not their native or national language are allowed to take it.

    Not only prospective students of foreign universities take the TOEFL test. It is necessary for employment in fairly reputable companies and for completing an internship in Western countries.
    A special feature of the test is that all tasks are based purely on American English, which is fundamentally different from the British version.

    TOEFL Test Structure Table

    Therefore, when planning to pass the test, this fact must be taken into account.

    The English language proficiency test can be taken in two ways:

    1. Using Internet resources (computer method).
    2. IN in writing(on paper).

    Based on the results successful completion A certificate is issued that is valid for two years.

    Taking the test in writing

    Passing a written language proficiency exam involves going through four stages, such as:

    This method of testing still has legal grounds, but is not as popular as computer testing.

    Testing using Internet resources

    This type of testing was introduced in 2005. It allows you to more deeply assess your knowledge of the language. Compared to the previous test, some adjustments were introduced to it related to the definition of spoken English.

    A test in this form involves going through several stages, such as:

    Regardless of the type and stage of testing, you are allowed to make notes that can later help you pass this test.

    To summarize, we can distinguish the following stages of passing the test:

    • listening;
    • speaking;
    • letter;
    • reading.

    Where to take the test

    To take the language proficiency test, you must register on the ETS website. This is an official website created specifically for this purpose. Only the person who intends to be tested should register.

    Registration involves going through the following stages:

    You must arrive at the testing center with a printed confirmation. All contact information regarding locations and contact numbers, is provided directly on the site.
    It is important to remember that you must not be late for testing. It should also be taken into account that this is very long process, so it is necessary to have in stock free time. The average time to complete the test is four hours.

    Mock test

    The TOEFL test is quite a difficult test for a person even with perfect proficiency foreign language. Before taking it officially, you can take a practice test in English.

    sample TOEFL test tasks

    Today on the Internet it is provided huge amount sites offering to take a practice test. It is completed online completely free of charge and does not place any restrictions on the number of attempts. Taking a practice test will help identify weaknesses in testing, which in itself will indicate what else needs to be worked on for a positive result. Most often, the trial version can be found in scattered stages of the passage.

    You can also take a trial test at a specialized center where the test is taken. This method has its advantages, since the test is provided in full and employees focus on errors. A practice test can also be taken immediately before the actual testing at the center.

    It includes steps such as:

    • listening;
    • reading;
    • letter.

    Preparing for testing

    Preparing for TOEFL involves learning or improving your knowledge of a language such as English. You can prepare for the test on your own or by attending special English language courses.

    If a person decides to prepare for the test on his own, he can take advantage of practice English proficiency tests.

    Trials are free and have an unlimited number of attempts. This test is mainly taken by people who already have a certain level of knowledge. Almost every country has created training courses that include a set of specially designed tasks.

    They also provide highly qualified teachers with personal experience in passing the test. The test preparation center staff devotes increased attention To weaknesses person and provide the opportunity to take a free trial test.

    preparing for the TOEFL test

    Such centers do not provide for long visits. The entire training course lasts from 40 to 48 hours.

    Having a TOEFL certificate indicates a high level of proficiency English. It opens up new opportunities for a person. With it, it is possible to enter foreign universities and find employment in Western countries. It is also very welcome in reputable companies and is necessary for employment in government agencies.

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