Triz. contradiction

One of the stages in writing thesis will reveal relevance of the topic and contradictions. You have already decided on the name of yours and the question is no longer worth it for you. If the topic is approved scientific supervisor, then it’s time to move on to the actual writing of the entire work. However, before this you need to do a little preliminary study. In particular, you need to describe the relevance of the thesis topic.

When determining relevance, do a little searching yourself. necessary information. Study your question thoroughly. This is the stage of accumulating and searching for books, articles in scientific journals and the Internet. Surely you yourself understand that the problem being studied is relevant, so describe your fabrications in simple words- for yourself and your manager, as a working option.

Next, go through the main documents adopted at the state level. What laws, decrees, new amendments indicate the need to conduct research like yours? This will be a direct indication that the research topic is timely. In general, the relevance of the topic means that the tasks posed in the work must be solved immediately, now. It is possible that the topic of your thesis will solve potential problems in the future.

Here are some examples for various areas science.

  • Human Sciences (pedagogy and psychology). Here we need to point out the most important needs of man and society today (today we need people who are tolerant, patriotic, sociable, etc.)
  • Technical Sciences. Justify that this technical task or technological problem should be solved right now. Link this to energy costs, economics, availability of raw materials, resources, ecology, etc.
  • Economy. Connect the relevance to laws and draft laws, the political and economic situation in the country and the world.
  • Humanities. Your development is relevant because it is aimed at studying phenomena that contribute to the development of the cultural sphere of man and society as a whole.

For example, the law states that the amount of harmful emissions during the production of cast iron should be reduced. However, existing technology does not allow achieving such results without economic and resource costs. That's why we are going to develop a new technological process.

As a rule, a contradiction is described with the words:

“As a result of the analysis of this problem a contradiction was identified between the need/requirement/necessity something there in something and insufficient level/absence so-and-so's readiness to satisfy these needs/demands"

"...between one process and another process."

Got it? A contradiction must always have a comparison, juxtaposition, even opposition between the first and the second.

In conclusion, I propose to take note of the plan for describing the relevance of the topic and the controversy:

1. Start a little further away. Describe the relevance of the research object, i.e. in a broad sense. Refer to the names of famous scientists and researchers (one paragraph is enough).

2. Go to clarification, specify the object (for example, from skills in decorative creativity to skills in modeling).

3. Give reasons for your point of view by citing scientists.

4. Move on to an extensive description of the contradiction (“However, today we observe that this problem difficult to solve...")

5. Write how this issue can be resolved and why it is preferable. Also with reference to authoritative opinions.

6. Formulate the contradiction as in the example (“Thus, the contradiction of the study is between ... and ...")

Of course, you should not accept everything described as a rigid scheme for describing relevance, you can change something, rearrange it, but general principle writing is such. Try to relate all aspects of your topic in the description of the importance of the research, that is, if the title contains 6th grade schoolchildren, then they will be discussed here too (answer the question: why exactly them?).

Always consult your supervisor. The success of the entire work largely depends on the correct updating of the topic!

Do you have any questions? Ask them in the comments, "" will be happy to help! Wait for the continuation!!

Have you ever gotten into an argument with someone who holds a diametrically opposed point of view? So we felt it special case contradictions. Was it difficult to prove you were right? Surely impossible. What is a contradiction in in a general sense? Why is it needed and how to deal with it? Let's try to figure it out.

What is a contradiction

This concept is used in logic, judicial practice, relationships, sciences and many other places. They write in textbooks about what a contradiction is, the meaning of this word Practitioners are trying to explain to clients. In fact, everything is easiest to understand with an example. Let's take it from the usual school curriculum. You studied physics, remember mechanics? This discipline describes the interaction of stationary and moving objects. So, during our study we encounter contradictions. There is static and movement. These are mutually exclusive concepts within this discipline. If an object is standing, it means it is not moving, and vice versa. Let us repeat: this is true only within the framework of ordinary mechanics. Other sciences consider bodies from a different point of view, in an expanded coordinate system, where this contradiction is insignificant or completely absent. Another example: two friends got together to play. The first suggested listening to music, the second - silence. It is impossible to do both at the same time. Now is it clear what a contradiction is? These are mutually exclusive concepts, opinions or phenomena.

Philosophical meaning

Let's look a little deeper. Contradictions exist not only in the sciences, but also in society. Here they manifest themselves a little differently, or rather, they take on a different meaning. It's all about the delightful and amazing diversity of the world. Humanity gives birth to various ideas. Sometimes they collide or rather people those who profess these views enter into the struggle. For example, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie could not reconcile, the whole last century proved to each other that they were right. The workers did not want to give up their strength to the owners of production, but they also did not have the opportunity to refuse labor. The development of contradictions between the two classes led to revolutionary events, bloodshed. But they arose not by the will of people, but naturally.

The development of technology led to the fact that some people became owners. There were few of them. And the majority needed work to earn money to support their families. Initially, this state of affairs seemed promising, as it allowed society to develop. But the inequality of people has led to a contradiction between in large groups. If we look at the problem more broadly, we are dealing with two opposites that determine and deny each other at the same time.

Contradiction in logic

Science always strives to find the truth. Some try to prove that they are right experimentally, others use They express an idea, taking it as a postulate. Then a thought is formed that is opposite to the first, antagonistic to it. To arrive at the truth, logical constructions are built around a given pair of ideas, the purpose of which is to prove a particular position. That is, scientists, using their own and other people’s achievements, conduct a discussion, trying to compare the logical bases that justify mutually exclusive statements. Ideally, if they don’t make mistakes, they eventually come to the truth. By the way, contradictions in society have a sacred meaning. If they were absent, we would probably still be hunting mammoths and collecting fruits. The presence of contradictions leads to evolutionary or revolutionary development humanity. The same can be said about science. Often most important discoveries occur when contradictions are revealed in theories.

In a relationship

Every person has own view on life, your priorities, habits and the like. Two people only try to please each other at first. This period is called the candy-bouquet period. Over time there are controversial issues. One is freezing at home, the other is hot. And they live in the same apartment. But this, of course, is a trifle. It is much more important in a relationship to understand whether there is a fundamental contradiction between two people. They arise when people have different ideological foundations. For example, one was raised in a family of believers and considers such things as natural, such as compassion, the need to share and help one’s neighbor. A person cannot even imagine that it is possible to treat others differently. His partner professes cynical views. He proceeds from the premise that everyone is for himself. Consequently, the desire to help their neighbor is perceived as stupidity or strangeness. Moreover, we repeat, everyone does not analyze the ideological foundations, since they do not know others. Naturally, they will often argue about what to do. Often people cannot understand each other and break up, although they do not stop loving.

Is it necessary to fight?

Of course, it is extremely unpleasant to encounter contradictions. But it should be remembered that they demonstrate the diversity of the world. Typically, contradictions are opposite sides one phenomenon or process. They complement and emphasize each other, pushing those who encounter them to develop and improve. Isn’t this why we come to our beautiful world?

1. What is the name for the form of allegory characteristic of fables, a parable? ( Allegory)

2. Name the term that is used in literary criticism to designate an expression that has become popular? OR: In the speech of the heroes of the play there are many short, figurative sayings that express original thoughts (for example, in the speech of Ash: “You are not a nail, I am not pliers...”). What are such statements called? OR: Many of the remarks of the characters in the play have become commonly used (for example: “You can’t always cure your soul with the truth”). Indicate the term that denotes apt figurative expressions containing a complete philosophical thought. ( Aphorism)

3. In literary criticism, what are characters who do not appear on stage called? OR: In the stories of Mrs. Prostakova and Skotinin, the “dead father” and uncle Vavila Faleleich appear. What are the names of the characters mentioned in the speech of the heroes, but not appearing on stage? ( Off-stage)

4. In a literary work, what is the name of the monologue that the hero pronounces “to himself”? ( Inner monologue)

5. Wanting to show his importance, Khlestakov uses a clear exaggeration: “thirty-five thousand couriers alone.” What is the name of an artistic technique based on exaggeration? ( Hyperbola)

6. One of the characteristic techniques of classicism is to reveal the character of the hero through his last name. What are these surnames called? OR: In the surname of Khlestakov, as in the surnames of others characters plays, a certain figurative characteristic is laid down. What are these names called? ( Speakers)

7. Indicate the name of the appointment artistic exaggeration, in which verisimilitude gives way to fantasy and caricature. ( Grotesque)

8. What is the name of the expressive detail that carries literary text important semantic load? OR: Indicate the name of the detail that gives the story special expressiveness (for example, the tear that rolled out of Chichikov. OR: What term denotes a significant small detail that contains an important meaning (for example, Father’s chest from the story of Mrs. Prostakova)? ( Detail)

9. What term refers to the form of speech of characters that represents an exchange of remarks? OR: The text of the fragment is an alternation of statements of the characters addressed to each other. What is this form called? verbal communication? (Dialogue)

10. Specify genre, to which the work belongs. (Epic genres: Novel, short story, story, fairy tale, fable, epic, short story, essay... Dramatic genres: drama, comedy, tragedy...

11. Define genre of work. Fonvizin “The Minor” is a comedy. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" - comedy. Gogol "The Inspector General" is a comedy. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm” – drama. Chekhov “ Cherry Orchard"- comedy. Gorky "At the Bottom" - drama.

12. Which one genre variety refers to the novel? ( Social-philosophical, psychological, social-everyday...)

13. To what stage in the development of action does this fragment belong? ( Commencement, climax, denouement). OR: What is the name of the moment highest voltage in development dramatic plot. (Climax).

14. The free, relaxed nature of the characters’ speech is emphasized in this fragment by violating the direct word order in their phrases: “I’ll give you money for them”; “After all, I’ve never sold dead people before.” Name this technique. ( Inversion)

15. As in literary works What is the name of the type of description that allowed the author to recreate the furnishings of the home? OR: Indicate the term that in literary criticism is used to describe the setting of the action, the interior decoration of the premises (“... in the corner, in front of the black board of the icon of the Mother of God of the Three-Handed One, a lamp was burning, they sat down at a long table on a black leather sofa...”). ( Interior)

16. Name artistic technique, which consists in the fact that the implied meaning of a word or phrase is the opposite of the literally expressed (“Master of interpreting decrees”). ( Irony)

17. The fragment begins and ends with a description of a fire in Smolensk, etc. Indicate the term that denotes the location and relationship of parts, episodes, images in work of art. OR: What term denotes the organization of parts of a work, images and their connections? ( Composition)

18. The fragment depicts an acute clash of positions between the heroes. What is such a collision called in the work? OR: Clashes between the characters are revealed from the very beginning of the play. What is the name of the irreconcilable contradiction underlying dramatic action? (Conflict)

19. Type conflict? (Public, love, social). OR: The conflict associated with the relationship between the hero and heroine determines the plot action " Clean Monday» I.A. Bunina. Define this conflict. ( Love)

20. Within what literary direction was created this work? (Sentimentalism, classicism, realism, symbolism...). OR: Indicate the name of the literary movement of the 18th century, the tradition of which Griboedov continues, endowing some of the heroes of his realistic play with “speaking” surnames - characteristics. ( Classicism) OR: What is it called literary direction, the principles of which are partly formulated in the second part of the presented fragment (“to bring out everything that is every minute in front of our eyes and what indifferent eyes do not see - all the terrible, stunning mud of little things that entangle our lives”)? ( Realism)

21. Indicate the type of trope, which is based on the transfer of the properties of some objects and phenomena to others (“flame of talent”). OR: What is the term for the remedy? allegorical expressiveness, to which the author refers when describing giant ship“Atlantis”: “... the floors... gaped with countless fiery eyes”? ( Metaphor)

22. What is the name of the extended statement of one character? ( Monologue)

23. At the beginning of the episode, a description of the night village is given. What is the term for such a description? OR: What term is used to describe nature? ( Scenery)

24. Indicate a trope that is a replacement of a proper name with a descriptive phrase. ( Periphrase)

25. What is intentional use in a text called? identical words, enhancing the significance of the statement? OR: “Yes, he was hateful to me, hateful...”, “It’s so hard, so hard.” What is this technique called? ( Repeat)

26. Name artistic medium, based on an image of a person’s appearance, his face, clothing, etc. (“Fuzz on her upper lip was covered in frost, the amber of his cheeks turned slightly pink, the blackness of the paradise completely merged with the pupil..."). OR: At the beginning of the fragment a description of the character’s appearance is given. What is this means of characterization called? ( Portrait)

27. The heroes’ speech is replete with words and expressions that violate literary norm(“such rubbish”, “get around me”, etc.). Indicate this type of speech. ( Vernacular)

28. What term refers to the display method internal state heroes, thoughts and feelings? OR: What is the name of the image of the hero’s internal experiences, manifested in his behavior? (“confused, blushed all over, made a negative gesture with his head”)? ( Psychologism)

29. The events in the work are presented from the perspective of a fictional character. What is the name of the character in the work who is entrusted with the narration of events and other characters? ( Narrator)

30. What is the name of the hero who expresses the author’s position? ( Reasoner)

31. The first act of M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths” opens with the author’s explanation: “A basement like a cave. The ceiling is heavy stone vaults, smoked, with falling off plaster...” What is the name of the author's explanation that precedes or accompanies the course of action in the play? OR: Indicate the term used in plays to describe short authorial remarks (“Teases him,” “With a sigh,” etc.). ( Remarque)

32. Name the term that refers to the statements of the characters in the play. OR: What is the name in dramaturgy for a single phrase of an interlocutor in a stage dialogue? ( Replica)

33. Enter a title sort of literature to which the work belongs? ( Epic, drama)

34. What is it called in literary criticism? special kind comic: ridiculing, exposing negative aspects of life, their depiction in an absurd caricature (for example, the depiction of generals in the fairy tale by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals”?) ( Satire)

35. Describing the tavern where the heroes arrived, I.A. Bunin uses figurative expression, built on the correlation of two objects, concepts or states that have common feature(“it was steamy, like in a bathhouse”). What is the name of this artistic technique? OR: Indicate the technique used by the author in next phrase: "...soaring high above all others geniuses of the world like an eagle soars above other high-flying ones.” ( Comparison)

36. What is the name of the part of the act (action) dramatic work, in which the cast of characters remains unchanged? ( Scene)

37. What term denotes the totality of events, turns and twists and turns of action in a work? ( Plot)

39. Artistic time and spacethe most important characteristics author's model of the world. What traditional spatial landmark does Goncharov use to create a symbolically rich image? confined space? (House)

41. The above scene contains information about the characters, place and time of the action, and describes the circumstances that took place before it began. Indicate the stage in the development of the plot, which is characterized by the named features. OR: What term is used to designate the part of the work that depicts the circumstances preceding the main events of the plot? ( Exposition)

42. What term refers to the final component of a work? ( Epilogue)

43. What is the name in literary criticism for a means that helps describe a hero (“weak”, “frail”)? OR: What are the names of figurative definitions that are traditional means artistic representation? (

(continued 1)

What kind of contradictions are there?

To find a contradiction, you need to know what contradictions exist.

G. Altshuller offers three types of contradictions in TECHNOLOGY, but they can be extended to other areas of knowledge.

- ADMINISTRATIVE CONTRADICTION- when only disadvantages are indicated. For example, something like this: “I don’t like the situation, I don’t know how to fix it.” "Performance has decreased." "The class is unmanageable." “I don’t have time to give all the material required by the program.”

With such an “amorphous” formulation, the problem is difficult to solve.

- TECHNICAL CONTRADICTION- this is the first clarification of an object to which conflicting requirements are presented. It lies in the depths of the administrative contradiction and clarifies it.

- PHYSICAL CONTRADICTION- lies in the depths of the technical contradiction and makes demands on the PROPERTIES of the object.

Non-technical inconsistencies include SOCIAL CONTRADICTIONS- This conflict interactions between people in all spheres of their activity, when desires and opportunities do not coincide. For example, personal contradictions. These are contradictions between the desires of one person:

  • I want to, but I can’t.
  • I want to, but I can’t (I don’t have enough resources). I want to buy alpine skis and I want to buy a coat, but I don’t have enough money for both purchases.
  • I don't want to, but I have to.
  • I don't want to, but they force me...

A special case of social contradictions are PEDAGOGICAL CONTRADICTIONS- these are conflicting interactions between people's desires in the field of education. For example: contradiction between the interests of adults and children:

1. IF teach children in strict accordance with the requirements of school curricula,
THAT the order on education will be carried out,
BUT children's interests and requirements real life to the composition of knowledge and skills may not be met.

Schools have mechanisms for resolving this contradiction, which we will not consider here.

2. Children MUST spend a lot of time moving
TO develop physically,
BUT there will not be enough time for intellectual pursuits.

3. Children need to sit a lot of time
TO study,
BUT there won't be enough time for physical development and so on...

How to formulate contradictions - typical examples

Contradictions can be written down “on a line”, in the form of a table, or depicted graphically (“eyes”). Below are four options for formulating contradictions: according to Altshuller, for children, according to Zlotin and a system of contradictions. Why so many? Formulating contradictions is one of the creative stages of problem solving. The problems are different and the solvers are different, so try different formulations, over time you will choose your favorite option.

1. G.S. Altshuller suggests formulating a pair of interrelated contradictions in the form:


I. IF...(a description of the first state of the system element is given),
THAT...(explains what is good and for whom),
BUT...(explains what is bad and for whom).

II. IF...(description given opposite situation or the opposite state of the same element of the system),
THAT...(explains what is good about this),
BUT...(explains what is bad about this).

For example. In the aquarium, you need to add very predatory, voracious fish, which were brought in a small jar, to the peaceful fish. There is no other aquarium. The system includes the following main elements: predatory fish (A), peaceful fish (B), aquarium, jar, water.

I. IF plant predatory fish,
THAT they will have room to swim and will have someone to hunt,
BUT peaceful fish will feel bad, because... they will be eaten by predatory fish.

II. IF do not introduce predatory fish,
THAT no one threatens peaceful fish,
BUT predatory fish will die from suffocation in a tight jar.

For children, this can be represented as an “Eyes” diagram. The first situation: I do good to element A, but it becomes bad for element B. The second situation: I do good to element B, but it becomes bad for element A.

From here it is easy to formulate PERFECT solution: (both element A and element B feel good) both predatory and peaceful fish live in one aquarium together, everyone feels good.

Or another wording perfect solution: predatory fish themselves do not want to eat peaceful fish. (There is no contradiction).

2. Here is a simplified formulation of the contradictions for children:

IF... THEN...

I. IF...(a description of the system state is given),

II. IF...(the reverse state is described),
THAT...(explains what will happen).

For example:

IF let predatory fish into the aquarium, THAT they will eat peaceful fish.
IF do not allow predatory fish in, THAT they will die in a small jar.

Strictly speaking, this is just a conditional sentence.

3. The third scheme for formulating contradictions:


I. OBJECT...(what we improve) MUST BE...(requirements for it are listed),
TO...(good consequences are listed),
BUT AT THIS TIME or BUT THEN...(bad consequences are listed).

II. OBJECT(what we improve) SHOULD NOT BE...,

For example:

I. Racing car MUST BE heavy, TO there was good grip on the road, BUT AT THIS TIME he becomes unmaneuverable.

II. Racing car SHOULD NOT BE heavy, TO be maneuverable BUT AT THIS TIME The car has very poor grip and accidents are possible.

Or: Pencil MUST be long TO he wrote for a long time, BUT then it becomes very inconvenient to write.

V.L. Uralskaya offers a very clear beginning of the formulation of the contradiction with the words: I want it to be like this so that...

It is convenient to start the formulation with the words: It is necessary to...

4. System of contradictions.

Let us present the fourth method of compiling a system of contradictions, which is suitable for multivalued problems, breaking down into many separate but interrelated tasks.

In general, all problems are multi-valued, any problem can be decomposed into several partial subtasks, and for each subtask its own partial contradiction can be compiled. We will call the set of these particular contradictions A SYSTEM OF CONTRADICTIONS.

Let's look at a specific example.

Our, still repressive, pedagogy proceeds from the fact that the student does not want to learn and must be forced to study (for his own benefit, of course), forgetting that exploring the world and learning is an innate need of a person, especially a child. This inexhaustible resource. If a child does not want to study, then it is not the child’s fault, but the parents, school and teachers, who, by the way, see all this, understand everything and continue to do it.

Why? The education system is set up for this kind of work. To be “filled” with knowledge, which is both good and bad.

One of the instruments of coercion is the school grading system. We do not set out to solve the problem of assessments on the merits, but we will offer a tabular, detailed way of formulating a system of contradictions for the specified situation:

NECESSARY give grades, TO...(all goals are listed), BUT AT THIS TIME...(all negative aspects are listed).

One of the possible tabular ways to analyze the situation:

ACTION: grade students at school.
MAIN PURPOSE (FUNCTION): evaluate the student's knowledge.
PARTICIPANTS: students, teacher.

What's good about it FOR STUDENT

What's wrong with that FOR STUDENT

Knows his level of performance.

Eternal stress - the fear of getting a bad grade - ruins the life of both the student and the parents.

A good grade is an incentive to study well, and it’s also nice to be praised at home.

Getting a good grade, not knowledge, becomes the goal of learning.

Often they give bad marks for discipline, not for knowledge.

What's good about it FOR TEACHER

What's wrong with that FOR TEACHER

You can control the student.

It is difficult to be a kind and fair assessor of a student's knowledge.

In addition to knowledge, it is necessary to evaluate:
Diligence, discipline, morality, communication skills, attention, hard work and other personality qualities, for the assessment of which there are no special tools and the teacher is forced to use the same 2, 3, 4 and 5, which were not intended for that.

Easier to manage the class.

You can gain enormous prestige among the class if you give grades extremely fairly, do not leave a single bad mark uncorrected, do not “display” quarter grades as the arithmetic average, etc. Each assessment should be “imbued” with love for the child; the child should always be given a chance to improve.

We see that the formulation of the contradictions resulted in a complex multifactorial, multicriteria analysis of the functions of the object of study and their complex interactions. This is normal, even good. In this case, the solution is expected to be multicomponent, that is, consisting of many interdependent parts.

The scheme for formulating a system of contradictions can be as follows:

  • NEED TO IMPROVE and this, and this, and this...,
  • TO it was good for this, and this, and this...,
  • BUT At the same time, both this, and this, and that get worse...
  • FOR that, for that, for that...

It is necessary to find a solution or chain of decisions so that EVERYONE feels good.

It is almost impossible to satisfy all requirements at the same time 100%. A solution or system of solutions can often only be optimal, that is, the best according to some given criteria (often contradictory) and for certain conditions.

When carrying out optimization, we must try to identify the key contradiction - the resolution of which will give greatest effect, will remove the most harmful contradictions. The desire for optimization is a natural desire smart person. Man is a born optimizer.

To learn how to break down a contradiction into components, identify the numerous demands of numerous parties to the conflict, and also identify positive and negative consequences possible solutions, necessary:

  • independently solve many problems and gain experience,
  • first solve the main (supersystem) problems,
  • try to localize problems - solve some problems, considering that others have been solved, and then see what comes of it.

What is a contradiction? Why does the contradiction arise? What types of contradictions can be identified? Why do you need to formulate contradictions? How contradictions are resolved. Can contradictions be resolved “by themselves”, without human participation? An example of a contradiction and its solution.

Understanding contradiction as a problem.

Contradiction is a combination of opposite consequences when choosing a certain solution.

It is the combination of positive and negative consequences from each decision option (alternative) that makes decision making difficult.


If the bus make it long(solution 1) so that he carried more passengers(positive consequence of decision 1), then he will be clumsy(negative consequence of decision 1).

If the bus make it short(solution 2), then he will be more agile(positive consequence of decision 2), but will carry fewer passengers(negative consequence of decision 2).

There is a problem - a contradiction: the bus must be long to carry more passengers, and must be short to fit into city streets.

Solution 3: The bus is long, but its parts are connected by a flexible connection.

4.1. Administrative contradiction

What is AP. Why do you need to formulate an AP? How to formulate an AP. What to do after formulating the AP. Examples of AP.

Understanding Administrative Controversy.

An administrative contradiction is a formula that indicates a requirement to transform something, and the lack of opportunities for this. In fact, an “administrative contradiction” can only be conditionally called a “contradiction.” It is like a contradiction, where it is indicated what needs to be done, and it is noted that the method of transformation is unknown.

How to formulate an AP.

An administrative contradiction is formulated as: MUST<……….>BUT IT'S NOT CLEAR HOW.

A description of the required transformation is inserted into angle brackets.

Example. Necessary find a job, but it’s not clear how?

Here “find a job” is an indication of the necessary transformation.

Why do you need to formulate an AP?

An administrative contradiction is formulated when analyzing a situation in order to decide: what problem needs to be solved and what is the difficulty?

The initial situation can be quite complex, with a large number of actors involved. And we need to start somewhere, decide: what problem are we going to solve?

Practice working with different groups showed: if you formulate a situation and ask participants to decide on a task, the result is stunning: how many participants - so many formulations of tasks. This suggests that the thinking of an ordinary person is not ready for this kind of task and does not have the means to make a specific choice of task in a problem situation.

What to do after formulating an AP

Following the formulation of the AP comes the definition of a method (method) for solving the problem of “finding a job.” For example, one way is to interview friends and relatives. Another way is to contact a recruitment agency. And so on.

It is very important that AP is formulated through “you must” and not through “what you want.” A person usually wants a lot. And “must” allows us to highlight the most pressing desire of a person.

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