Eternal flame a. Why doesn't the Eternal Flame go out? Eternal Flame in Russia

History of the Eternal Flame The eternal flame is a constantly burning fire, symbolizing eternal memory about something or someone. Continuous combustion is achieved by supplying gas to a specific location where a spark occurs. An eternal flame is a constantly burning fire, symbolizing the eternal memory of something or someone. Continuous combustion is achieved by supplying gas to a specific place in which a spark appears. Firegazasparkfiregazaspark It burns in winter and summer, day and night, symbolizing that the memory of the feat of the defenders of the Motherland will live forever. It burns in winter and summer, day and night, symbolizing that the memory of the heroism of the defenders of the Motherland will live forever. The tradition of the Eternal Flame began after the First World War, when the Unknown Soldier Memorial was unveiled in Paris in 1921. The tradition of the Eternal Flame began after the First World War, when the Unknown Soldier Memorial was unveiled in Paris in 1921.

History of the Eternal Flame In Russia, it is a tradition to light Eternal Flame appeared In Russia, the tradition of lighting the Eternal Flame appeared much later: the first memorial “Eternal Flame” much later: the first memorial “Eternal Flame” was created not in the capital, but in the small village of Pervo was created not in the capital, but in the small village of Pervo Maysky Shchekinsky district Tula region, at the May monument, Shchekinsky district, Tula region, at the monument to fallen heroes. The eternal flame was lit here on May 6 in honor of the fallen heroes. The eternal flame was lit here on May 6, 1956, 12 years after the Victory, 12 years after the Victory. And only 10 years later And only 10 years later, a memorial to the Unknown Soldier appeared in Moscow. A memorial to the Unknown Soldier appeared in Moscow.

History of the Eternal Flame On May 7, 1967, the torch of the Eternal Flame was lit from the flames burning on the Field of Mars in Leningrad, and the relay race began to deliver it to Moscow. On May 7, 1967, the torch of the Eternal Flame was lit from the flames burning on the Field of Mars in Leningrad, and the relay race began to deliver it to Moscow. They say that along the entire path there was a living corridor - people wanted to see what was sacred to them. The streets of Moscow were also filled to capacity with people. They say that along the entire path there was a living corridor - people wanted to see what was sacred to them. The streets of Moscow were also filled to capacity with people. The Hero accepted the torch at Manezhnaya Square Soviet Union, At Manezhnaya Square, the Hero of the Soviet Union accepted the torch, legendary pilot Alexey Maresyev and handed it over to Leonid Brezhnev. Unique chronicle footage has been preserved, capturing this moment - crying men and the women froze, trying not to miss the important moment. legendary pilot Alexey Maresyev and handed it over to Leonid Brezhnev. Unique chronicle footage has been preserved, capturing this moment - crying men and women froze, trying not to miss the most important moment.

Eternal Flame Since 1997, State Post 1 has been transferred to the Eternal Flame from the Mausoleum, to which the honor guard of the Presidential Regiment takes over. Since 1997, State Post 1 was transferred to the Eternal Flame from the Mausoleum, to which the honor guard of the Presidential Regiment takes over. The eternal flame burns in large parks The eternal flame burns in large parks major cities. large cities.

Honor Guard Post at the Eternal Flame in Moscow at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Post 1) the main guard post in Russian Federation, Guard of honor at the “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier” in the Alexander Garden in Moscow. The Guard of Honor post at the Eternal Flame in Moscow at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Post 1) is the main guard post in the Russian Federation, the Guard of Honor at the “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier” in the Alexander Garden in Moscow. Post-Guard of HonorGraves of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander GardenMoscow Post-Guard of HonorGraves of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander GardenMoscow In accordance with the Decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin “On the establishment of a Guard of Honor post at the Eternal Flame in Moscow at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier” dated December 8, 1997, the Guard of Honor is standing on duty in the Alexander Garden near the Eternal fire daily from to hours. In accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin “On the establishment of a post of the Guard of Honor at the Eternal Flame in Moscow at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier” dated December 8, 1997, the Guard of Honor stands at the post in the Alexander Garden at the Eternal Flame every day from until o'clock. By Decree of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin December 8, 1997 by Decree of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin on December 8, 1997

Facts The sentries are armed with SKS self-loading carbines. The sentries are armed with SKS.SKS self-loading carbines. The sentries underwent special daily training: the soldiers practiced their marching steps, techniques with weapons, and coordination of movements. For this purpose, a special wooden model of the Mausoleum was made. The sentries underwent special daily training: the soldiers practiced marching steps, techniques with weapons, and coordination of movements. For this purpose, a special wooden model of the Mausoleum was made. formation step formation step The military personnel of the honor guard company “print the step” move with the so-called “goose step”, first introduced in Russia by Emperor Paul I, who borrowed it from the practice of the Prussian army. The military personnel of the honor guard company “print a step” move with the so-called “goose step”, first introduced in Russia by Emperor Paul I, who borrowed it from the practice of the Prussian army. goose step of Russia by Paul I of the Prussian army goose step of Russia by Paul I of the Prussian army The guards walked from the Spassky Gate to the “point” (Mausoleum) exactly in 2 minutes 35 seconds, taking 210 steps. The guards walked from the Spassky Gate to the “point” (Mausoleum) in exactly 2 minutes 35 seconds, taking 210 steps. In December 1966, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the defeat German troops near Moscow unknown soldier was moved to the Alexander Garden from mass grave on the 40th kilometer of the Leningradskoye Highway (at the entrance to the city of Zelenograd). In December 1966, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the defeat of German troops near Moscow, the ashes of an unknown soldier were transferred to the Alexander Garden from a mass grave on the 40th kilometer of the Leningrad Highway (at the entrance to the city of Zelenograd). on the 40th kilometer of the Leningradskoye Shosse, Zelenograd, in 1966, the defeat of German troops near Moscow. architectural ensemble“Tomb of the Unknown Soldier”, created according to the design of architects D. I. Burdin, V. A. Klimov, Yu. R. Rabaev and sculpture On May 8, 1967, the memorial architectural ensemble “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier”, created according to the design of the architects, was opened at the reburial site D. I. Burdina, V. A. Klimova, Yu. R. Rabaeva and the sculpture May 8, 1967, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. R. Rabaeva May 8, 1967 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Yu. R. Rabaeva

The eternal flame in the city of Khabarovsk The eternal flame remains, despite all political changes, a symbol of feat, national independence The eternal flame remains, despite all political changes, a symbol of heroism, national independence and true love for the Motherland. and true love for the Motherland.

The eternal flame symbolizes the courage and bravery of the soldiers who gave their lives for a brave cause. When the Nazi occupiers violated the non-aggression pact and treacherously invaded the territory of the Soviet Union, everyone, young and old, contributed as best they could to the Great Victory. Most of the boys and girls volunteered to go to the front to beat the enemy, those who did not go to the front stood behind the machines, making shells and tanks for the Soviet army, mostly these workers were children.

The first days and months of the war were very difficult and tense. With incredible courage and bravery soviet people defended their great Motherland. Volunteers were organized in Belarusian forests partisan detachments who by their actions tried to disrupt lightning plan to take over the Soviet Union by Adolf Hitler.

Opening of the first Eternal Flame of Glory

One of the first monuments to soldiers killed in battle was opened back in 1921. The memorial complex was built under the Arc de Triomphe in the French capital, Paris.

In the collapsed Soviet Union, in Moscow, in honor of the celebration Great Victory in 1955, the Eternal Flame was solemnly lit at the monument. However, it is difficult to call it “eternal”, since it was lit periodically, only a few times a year:

  • to celebrate Victory Day;
  • on Armed Forces Day and Navy, later, since 2013, on Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • on the Day of Liberation of Shchekino.

The truly Eternal Flame is the fire in St. Petersburg ( former Leningrad), which was lit on November 6, 1957 on the Champ de Mars.

Today there are only three such memorial complexes in the capital. The first Eternal Flame was lit on February 9, 1961. Over time, the gas pipeline supplying gas wore out, and, starting in 2004, it was repair work were temporarily turned off, and by 2010 they were lit again.

Monuments and memorial complexes built in the 50-60s of the twentieth century have become fairly worn out by our time. Gas pipes leading to fire are especially affected. Therefore, the government annually allocates funds to reconstruct and replace pipes at many of the country's monuments as quickly as possible.

Photos of the memorial complex

The photo below shows the Eternal Flame at the Kremlin Wall, which was lit at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in 1967. The opening ceremony was personally led by Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. In 2009, the fire was moved to Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill. In 2010, it was returned again to the Kremlin wall.

Representatives of the Moscow Veterans Society made a proposal to open a memorial on Poklonnaya Hill. The public warmly supported this initiative, because such monuments symbolize the eternal memory of fallen soldiers and teach modern youth not to forget the terrible pages of the history of their country.

The following remarkable and brave citizens were honored to light the Eternal Flame:

  1. Participant in combat operations during the defense of Moscow, honorary citizen, Chairman of the Council of War and Labor Veterans Vladimir Dolgikh.
  2. Hero of Russia Colonel Vyacheslav Sivko.
  3. Representative public organization Nikolai Zimogorodov.

After opening memorial complex this place has become the most visited in Russian capital. Not only Moscow residents come here, but also numerous tourists who want to see the sights of the hero city.

Is the Eternal Flame necessary?

Modern youth are less and less interested in history and those distant troubled days Great Patriotic War. There are fewer and fewer people left who passed through the fiery walls of hell in those years. But nevertheless, we must never forget about the feat that our fathers and grandfathers accomplished in the name of peace for future generations. One of these reminders are monuments and memorials with an eternal and unquenchable flame, reminiscent of heroic deeds soldiers on the battlefields.

When designing and restoring monuments, experts are thinking about how to make an Eternal Flame, but there are people and officials who are against this. They argue that they need extra material costs for installation and maintenance of gas exhaust pipes and burners. But it is very good that there are only a few such people, because the Eternal Flame symbolizes the eternal memory of the feat that people accomplished in the name of peace.

Where do veterans meet?

In many cities vast expanses Monuments and memorials with the Eternal Flame have been opened in Russia. These places have long become landmarks and calling cards of cities; they attract many people different ages, guests and tourists. For veterans, they serve as a meeting place and remembrance of distant war days and fallen comrades.

On the day of the celebration of the Great Victory over the Nazi occupiers, May 9, fresh flowers are brought to monuments and memorials and wreaths are laid. Here they very often set up a field kitchen for veterans with the mandatory one hundred grams of front-line food.

Eternal flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

During bloody battles huge amount soldiers and officers went missing. The remains of dead soldiers are still found on former places military operations. During the defense of Moscow back in 1941, a huge number of workers and soldiers were killed; in their honor, the monument “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier” was built in 1967. At its foot, pointed flames burst out from a bronze five-pointed star, symbolizing the unforgotten exploits of the heroes.

The Eternal Flame monument serves as a meeting place, because every day people bring fresh flowers to it, thereby honoring the memory of the soldiers who gave their lives for a bright future. It serves as a meeting place for students from Moscow (and not only) schools with war veterans. Each child then records what they see by creating a drawing. The eternal flame burns with a bright flame in young hearts.

Creating a drawing

How to draw the Eternal Flame? Before you start sketching, you need to look at it in person at least once. It is best to make a sketch without leaving the memorial, this way you can choose the most suitable angle. The monument should be photographed in order to complete the begun drawing at home.

On a piece of paper you need to sketch out the outline of the memorial. It is important to remember when creating a drawing: The eternal flame should not reach the edges of the sheet; two to three centimeters should be left. In this case, the image will turn out beautiful and voluminous. The sketch and the drawing itself should be done with a sharp pencil, drawing light lines.


The next step is to draw clearer outlines. Parents can give their children their advice on how to draw the Eternal Flame, but it is better to do it in the shape of a five-pointed star in the form of rays with all sides of the figure completed.

To add volume from each vertex of the star, we raise (lower) perpendicular lines relative to the entire picture and connect them parallel lines. The final moment will be connecting the center of the star with its vertices. After this, you should proceed directly to drawing the flame. It is better not to paint the tongues of fire in a flashy bright red color, but to make them orange-red.

Finally, use an eraser to remove all auxiliary lines and color the picture using colored pencils or watercolors.

Hero Cities

The inscription on the granite slab of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier memorial reads: your name unknown, your feat is immortal.” In continuation of the historical ensemble, parallel to the Kremlin wall, urns with soil taken from the hero cities were installed: Minsk and Leningrad, Sevastopol and Kyiv, Kerch and Volgograd, Brest and Smolensk, Tula and Murmansk.

As you can see in the photo, the “Eternal Flame” is a monument that is always crowded with people. The flame burns constantly, and the top of the memorial ensemble is decorated with a soldier's helmet cast in bronze, a laurel branch and a battle flag. On May 9, Victory Day, thousands of people come to look at the Eternal Flame, as well as veterans who take a minute of silence to honor the memory of the fallen soldiers who showed extraordinary courage and fortitude in the struggle for freedom during the Great Patriotic War.

Craft for Victory Day

The “Eternal Flame” craft, made with your own hands, will be the most beautiful and expensive gift that a schoolchild can give to his grandparents who fought. On the eve of the holiday, adults at school and at home should have a conversation with children about heroic deeds Soviet soldiers on the battlefields with the Nazi occupiers.

The craft is made from paper or other available materials. It should not be complicated so as not to discourage children from doing it. To make an Eternal Flame out of paper, a child will need perseverance, attentiveness, and the ability to use scissors and glue. Such crafts are best done by middle school students, fifth and sixth grade students. To make a gift you will need scissors, colored paper, glue, a simple pencil and a ruler. First you need to draw a star on the back of the colored paper, cut it out and glue it three-dimensional figure. You also need to do the same with the image of fire.

More possible in a simple way make the Eternal Flame with your own hands. To do this you will need the following ingredients: half a glass of flour, water and one tablespoon vegetable oil. Ask your elders or try to knead the dough yourself. From it, like from plasticine, mold a cake and press it down with something flat, such as a saucer or plate. From the resulting cake, cut out a five-pointed star with a knife. Make five small fire holes in the middle. To make flames you will need red colored paper. On back side you should draw the fire, then cut it out. There should be five flames. Having cut them out of paper, they need to be inserted into the holes made in the dough. The craft is ready, and you can give it to your grandparents!

The fire of Eternal Glory burns

Many representatives of the younger generation do not even know that their grandfathers and great-grandfathers once fought for the freedom of their Motherland. The primary task of teachers and parents is to work with children, aimed at ensuring that they do not lose the thin thread connecting the history of past glory and the realities of present life. Almost no one can answer the question of when the first Eternal Flame was lit; few can tell why it burns and what it symbolizes. Stories about war are an integral part in the upbringing and development of a child.

The eternal flame in Moscow and many cities in the vast expanses of the Motherland burns at the foot of memorial ensembles and monuments.

Memory is imperishable

In Cherkessk, during the celebration of Victory Day in 1967, a fire was solemnly lit at the memorial to the fallen liberating soldiers who gave their lives for the independence and freedom of Russia. From a conversation with the director of the local history center, S. Tverdokhlebov, it was possible to find out that he piece by piece collected information about the soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War, defending the city of Cherkessk. Based on this material, a book was published and the memory of the heroes was immortalized in the form of a memorial complex with the Eternal Flame.

It is very important that the current generation never forgets about the terrible crimes against all humanity committed by the Nazi invaders, so that the horror of war that our grandfathers experienced is never repeated, especially since every year there are fewer and fewer living witnesses of those terrible and busy days.

Eternal memory of someone or something. As a rule, it is included in the thematic

They always bring flowers to him, they come to bow, stand and be silent. It burns in any weather: winter and summer, at any time of the day: day and night, not allowing human memory to fade...

The eternal flame was lit in For example, in Ancient Greece The Olympic flame burned without going out. In many temples it was supported by special priests as a shrine. Later, this tradition migrated to ancient Rome, where an eternal flame burned constantly in the Temple of Vesta. Before that, it was used by both the Babylonians and the Egyptians and Persians.

In modern times, the tradition was born after the First World War, when the Unknown Soldier Memorial was opened in Paris in 1921 - a monument whose Eternal Flame illuminates. In our country, for the first time it was solemnly lit not in the capital, but in the small village of Pervomaisky near Tula, at the monument to the heroes who fell in Great Patriotic War. In Moscow today, three symbols of memory are burning at once: near and also on Poklonnaya Hill.

For many, military monuments are a sign of gratitude to those who were able to ward off the threat of fascism from the world, but the Eternal Flame is special. Sometimes it seems that the flame bursts out of the stone on its own, but this is not entirely true, since a person sees only the result of the work of very complex devices. The mechanism is a pipe through which gas is supplied to the device where a spark is created. This design requires periodic maintenance. Specialists regularly check the integrity of the pipeline, clean the mechanism that produces the spark from settling dust or carbon deposits, and update the outer lining, usually made of metal in the form of a torch or star.

Combustion inside the device occurs in a burner, where oxygen access is limited. The flame, coming out, flows around the cone through the holes in the crown. The eternal flame burns regardless of the weather: rain, snow or wind. Its design is thought out in such a way that it always remains protected. When there is no wind, rain falling into the cone is self-discharged through the drainage pipe, and the water that ends up at the bottom of the metal cylinder flows evenly out of the holes in it. And when there is a slanting downpour, the droplets, falling on a hot burner, immediately evaporate without reaching the core of the flame. The same thing happens with snow. Once inside the cone, it immediately melts as it comes out. At the bottom of the metal cylinder, the snow only surrounds the flame and cannot extinguish it in any way. And the teeth provided on the crown reflect gusts of wind, forming a kind of air barrier in front of the holes.

Memorials created in memory of fallen heroes, were installed in many cities former republics USSR. And almost everywhere they have been preserved, as evidenced by their numerous photographs. The eternal flame is a mandatory attribute of these memorials, remaining the holiest and most precious symbol of the memory of the feat.

On May 8, 1967, the Eternal Flame was lit at the Kremlin wall at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in memory of the people who fell in the bloody struggle against fascism.

51 years ago, in May, a symbol of memory and tribute to those people who gave their lives in the fight against the German invaders lit up near the Kremlin wall.

Since then, the fire has burned continuously and constantly - reminding us of the price at which our ancestors gave us freedom. And even though dozens of veterans remain with us now, the memory of their feat will live forever.

However, few people know that the tradition of maintaining fire in special burners at various memorials, monuments and cemeteries originated in Ancient Rome. The symbol of fire was described in ancient myths, where both people and gods appeared. It is interesting that the initial possession of fire is attributed to women, and men received it later. This prescription is reflected in modern times - now a woman is considered a guardian family hearth(fire).

From the point of view of sacraments and symbolism, the “fire sign” also carries a lot within itself. Thus, earlier in mythological systems fire was classified as an object of purely religious relation, which was worshiped by people. Since ancient times, light has always carried the symbol of the “divine” and illuminated the human path. Moreover, the first people on earth considered the flame to be a manifestation of God himself, who was accessible to perception. At its core, fire has always been considered a symbol of purification, transformation and renewal of life, as well as the family (which gathers around its light and warmth) and patriotism.

The eternal flame was lit for the first time in Paris Arc de Triomphe at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in which the remains of a Frenchman who died in the battles of the First World War were buried. The flame of memory has been burning in Paris since January 28, 1921. After this, the tradition of lighting a fire was borrowed by many states and countries. Thus, in the 1930s and 1940s, flames were lit in Belgium, Romania, Portugal and the Czech Republic in memory of the soldiers who died in the First World War.

The first “Eternal Flame” in the USSR was lit in the Tula region in the village of Pervomaisky on May 9, 1957 in memory of those who fell in the Great Patriotic War. However, the first one state level The eternal flame in the USSR appeared on November 6, 1957 on the Field of Mars in St. Petersburg.

There are currently three Eternal Flames burning in Moscow. The first was lit at the Preobrazhenskoye Cemetery on February 9, 1961 from the flames on the Field of Mars. The second is located near the Kremlin wall at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Heroes of the Soviet Union took part in the ceremony of lighting the fire at the Kremlin wall: A.P. Maresyev and G.F. Muslanov. Then Maresyev passed the torch with fire into the hands of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L.I. Brezhnev, who lit the fire at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The ashes of the unknown soldier were transferred from the mass grave at the 40th kilometer of the Leningrad Highway in Zelenograd to the Alexander Garden on December 3, 1966. The third fire appeared on April 30, 2010 on Poklonnaya Hill.

IN at the moment The eternal flame was lit in many cities of Russia. And while the symbol of victory, heroism and perseverance will burn, we will remember the great feat of our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and those who won this Victory over Nazism.

Do you love looking at candle fire? Probably few of us will say no. For some reason, the flame has a magical, bewitching effect on a person.

And the flame itself has been something magical since ancient times; one second we see the flame, the next it disappears, only to appear again. Therefore, the ancients believed that fire easily and simply unites the worlds.

When a person dies, the flame of his heart slowly fades away to be rekindled in another world. This is, of course, an image, but from it arose the tradition of lighting a fire in honor of the dead and dead.

To put it even more simply, fire is our memory, eternal fire is eternal memory.

Now, probably, in every city you can see a memorial or monument with an eternal flame.

For the older generation, this is not just a symbol of worship of a feat. This is an eternal connection with the dead, no matter how long ago it happened.

Fire has been considered a symbol of purification since ancient times. Do you think you just keep looking at the candle flame? No.

It turns out that our thoughts, passing through this flame, are also purified, everything superficial, everything unnecessary is burned, everything that remains is your truth. So it is very useful for a person to look at the fire from time to time.

Remember May 9... How the whole country freezes in mute silence, without taking its eyes off the flame of the eternal flame. This minute is a moment of strength for the whole country. At this moment there is an energetic unification of the entire family. Somewhere in some dimension, the gazes of the living and the dead meet.

This is just how they say that the gaze is unseeing..... What a seeing one, just not with an ordinary human eye, but rather with the soul.

In ancient times, when moving to a new house, it was a tradition to bring a pot of fire from the old house. This was done for a reason. This tradition had great meaning. With this fire, the connection with the ancestors, with the lineage of this family, was transferred to the new home.

Remember that a woman is the keeper of the family hearth? We're just used to thinking now that it's just a metaphor. And in ancient times, the fire in the house had to be constantly maintained, so the family connection was not lost.

It's like looking for someone in the dark with a flashlight. You'll find him faster if he also lights a flashlight, right?

We must always remember that certain traditions do not arise just like that. And if we don’t know something, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist and never happened.

We are simply given this opportunity to forget. Sometimes this gift is useful, sometimes it is not. But we must remember and honor those who have passed on.

And we must not only remember those who gave their lives so that you and I could live and rejoice now. We must be worthy of them.

And when your gaze once again freezes on the flame of a burning fire, you mentally send gratitude and bow. You can rest assured that you will be seen and heard.

It seems to us that main role fire to warm our homes, make our lives more comfortable and cozy. It seems so to us...

And FIRE itself only smiles at human naivety. After all human knowledge Already at the “warm” level, but still far from “hot”.

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