Arches of Europe. Arc de Triomphe

Probably everyone knows about the existence of the Arc de Triomphe in France. It was erected by order of Napoleon in honor of the valiant French army on the Champs Elyées in Paris.
But few, in my opinion, will name at least three more similar monuments, indicating the location and history of construction.

Home "TA" Russian Federation was built for the ceremonial meeting of the participants liberation campaign 1814. It is located near Victory Park.

In 1841, Stavropol built its own “TA”, called the Tiflis Gate. It was probably erected in honor of victory in the war. Only it is not known for certain which one.

In 1983, “TA” was installed in Sevastopol in honor of the 200th anniversary of the city.

In Croatia there is the so-called “TA” Sergiya, built in 1840. It decorates the city of Pula.

The history of the People's Friendship Arch in Kyiv is noteworthy. It was created in honor of the merger of Ukraine with the Russian Empire ( Pereyaslavl Rada). Today, of course, in Ukraine it has lost this meaning.

In 1936, Romania became independent and in honor of this significant event, its own “TA” was built in Bucharest.

The oldest can be safely called “TA” in Rimini, Italy. In 27 BC it was erected in honor of Octavian Augustus.

Victory in the battle on Kursk Bulge(1943) gave the Kursk authorities a reason to build their own "TA" in 2000.

In 2003, residents of Krasnoyarsk received their "TA" in honor of the 375th anniversary of the city.

In 2001, "TA" was built in Sardarapat, Armenia, commemorating the defeat of the Turks on May 26, 1918.

London's Marble Arch was created in 1828 as the main entrance to Buckingham Palace.

In 1840 in Chisinau, Moldavia, in honor of the victory of the Russian Empire in Russian-Turkish war and the liberation of the lands between the Dniester and the Prut, "TA" was built.

In Germany there are two "TA" with the same name - Brandenburg Gate. One of the arches decorates Berlin, and the second - Potsdam. Moreover, Potsdamskaya was built eighteen years earlier. And Berlinskaya is much more famous.

In 2001, the TA, destroyed during the USSR, was restored in Vladivostok, which was built in the 19th century for the arrival of Nicholas II.

The World Exhibition of 1888, held in Barcelona, ​​gave the city its “TA”.

Five years after the victorious campaigns Kuban Cossacks In 1812, Novocherkassk “grew up” its own “TA”.

Approximately ninety thousand Indian citizens died in the First World War. To honor their memory, the TA was built in New Delhi in 1931, becoming the official “gateway to the country.” The arch is called the Gateway of India.

In 2008, “TA” was restored in Krasnodar, built by local Cossacks at their own expense for the arrival of Alexander lll. It had to be erected due to destruction by the USSR.

I left the most interesting part for dessert. Remember where we started?
That's right, with the famous Parisian "TA".
So, it is located in the center of the so-called Triumphal Route, which connects Versailles and the Louvre.
The beginning of the path is decorated with the "TA" Carruzel, built in 1808.
And at its end stands the Great Arch of Brotherhood, erected in 1989.

The triumphal gates were first built in Ancient Rome and were intended for ceremonies marking the entry of the victorious army into the city. Foreign experience was the first in Russia to adopt Peter the Great, and later arches were erected on the occasion of each major victory Russian weapons or just for a significant date.

Triumphal Gate in Moscow

With the idea of ​​​​building a triumphal gate in Moscow, dedicated to the victory over the army Napoleon, spoke Nicholas I. The arch was created according to the design of one of the largest architects of that time Osipa Bove. During the ceremonial laying of the gate on August 30, 1829 (new style) at Tverskaya Zastava, a bronze slab and a handful of silver coins minted in 1829 were laid into the foundation, “for good luck.” The construction of the gate took quite a long time due to a lack of funds: the opening took place only on September 20, 1834. The inscription on the attic was approved by Nicholas I and read: “Blessed memory Alexandra I, which raised from the ashes and adorned this capital city with many monuments of paternal care, during the invasion of the Gauls and with them twenty languages, in the summer of 1812 it was dedicated to fire, 1826.”

In 1936, during the implementation of Stalin's General Plan, the arch was dismantled. Some of the sculptures were transferred to the Museum of Architecture on the territory of the former Donskoy Monastery. Moscow owes a lot to the restoration of the gates Yuri Gagarin, which at the VIII Congress of the Komsomol Central Committee in 1965 stated: “In Moscow it was removed and not restored Arc de Triomphe In 1812, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, built with money collected throughout the country in honor of the victory over Napoleon, was destroyed. Has the name of this monument eclipsed its patriotic essence? I could continue the list of victims of the barbaric attitude towards the monuments of the past. Unfortunately, there are many such examples.” To this he answered Nikita Khrushchev: “Gagarin is Gagarin. Therefore, the first thing we will do is definitely restore the Arc de Triomphe.” The arch was restored in 1966-1968 at Kutuzovsky Prospekt, next to the Battle of Borodino museum. The text on the attic was changed: “These Triumphal Gates were laid as a sign of remembrance of the triumph Russian soldiers in 1814 and the resumption of the construction of magnificent monuments and buildings of the capital city of Moscow, destroyed in 1812 by the invasion of the Gauls and with them the twelve languages.”

Moscow Triumphal Gate. Photo: RIA Novosti / Sergey Guneev

Red Gate in Moscow

Red Gate. Photo:

The Red Gate has existed in Moscow since early XVIII century until June 3, 1927. The first arch that appeared at this place in Russia was created in 1709, in honor of the victory Peter I over the Swedes, and later rebuilt many times. So, Catherine I rebuilt them in 1724 in honor of her coronation, but 8 years later this wooden structure burned down.

In 1742 already Elizaveta Petrovna built a new gate on this site, but after 6 years it was again destroyed by fire. The first stone arch was built to replace the burnt gate in 1753 architect D. Ukhtomsky. It was made in the Baroque style, with red walls, snow-white relief, and gold capitals. 50 bright drawings personified “Majesty Russian Empire", and the arch was crowned with a golden figure of an angel. The arch was demolished along with the nearby Church of the Three Saints due to expansion Garden Ring. Today, only the square of the same name and the metro station, which opened in 1935, remind of it.

Narva triumphal gates in St. Petersburg

The Narva triumphal gate, like the Moscow triumphal arch, was dedicated to the victory in the War of 1812. The triumphal arch was originally built to welcome troops returning home from Europe in 1814 at the Narva Gate. These gates were made of alabaster and wood in one month and quickly fell into disrepair. Nicholas ordered the construction of new stone gates in a new location, next to the Tarakanovka River. In general, the new gate retained the appearance of the first arch, but there were some peculiarities. The construction of the gate was brick, lined with copper sheets, and the sculptures of Roman soldiers were replaced with copper Russian heroes. There are inscriptions on the arch about places decisive battles. The gates took on their usual appearance later, when copper in harsh northern conditions began to rust. During the siege of Leningrad, the gates were heavily damaged by bombing (they received more than two thousand bombs, parts of the decor were knocked off, and the cornice was destroyed). It was through the Narva Gates that parts of the Leningrad garrison were sent to the front. After the war the gate was restored. Now in the premises of the gate there is a museum-monument “Narva Triumphal Gate”.

Narva triumphal gates in St. Petersburg. Photo: RIA Novosti / D. Chernov

Moscow Triumphal Gate in St. Petersburg

These gates were built in 1834-1832 in honor of the victory of Russian weapons in the Russian-Turkish war. Created by project V. Stasova, they were located at the intersection of Moskovsky and Ligovsky prospects, on the square of the same name. In 1936, the gates were dismantled in connection with the planned relocation of the city center. However, the authorities did not plan to destroy the architectural monument: they were going to decorate the park with them. However, the project was never implemented, and in 1959-1960 the gate was restored in its original location.

Moscow Triumphal Gate. 1834-1838. Architect Vasily Stasov. Photo: RIA Novosti / B. Manushin

Alexander's triumphal arch in Krasnodar

Monument to Empress Catherine II and the Alexander Triumphal Arch in Krasnodar. Photo: RIA Novosti / Mikhail Mokrushin

Triumphal arches were built not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in other cities, and they were dedicated not only to military victories. The Alexander Arch in Krasnodar was built in honor of the arrival of the emperor Alexandra III to the capital of Kuban in 1888.

Having stood at the intersection of Sedina and Mira streets for half a century, it was demolished by the new authorities in 1928. Residents of Krasnodar decided to restore the arch in 2006. The difficulty of restoring the arch was that the drawings of the original arch were not preserved, and therefore the reconstruction took 2 years. The arch was installed in a new location, near the reconstructed fountain at the intersection of Krasnaya and Babushkina streets. There was a park next to the arch, and the arch itself soon became a new landmark of the city.

Brandenburg Gate in Kaliningrad

The first wooden gates in Kaliningrad (then Königsberg) were built on this site in 1657, and 100 years later, at the direction of Frederick II were replaced by stone ones. Initially, these gates were not triumphal, but carried practical function: defended the city from enemy raids. There was always a garrison of guards on duty outside the walls, and there were also utility rooms. In the middle of the century, the gates ceased to have a fortification function. In 1843 they were rebuilt and decorated with decorative pediments, cruciform flowers, leaves on the finials, coats of arms and medallions. They also featured portraits of famous Prussian military personnel. The gate was preserved by the Soviet authorities and has survived to this day. Today they continue to perform transport function, while remaining travel passes.

The Brandenburg Gate in Kaliningrad was part of the city’s defense system and served as shelter at the entrance to it. This is the only city gate of Kaliningrad still in use today. direct purpose. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko

Amur Gate in Irkutsk

These gates were built to meet Governor General Nikolai Muravyov-Amursky, who signed an agreement on the Amur with Chinese Empire and returned to Irkutsk. Under this treaty, Russia received the left bank of the Amur and vast territories. In addition, it was this document that determined the border between states. In 1891, the gate was reconstructed, but after 29 years it fell into disrepair again and was demolished. During the celebrations of the 350th anniversary of Irkutsk in 2009, it was proposed to restore the gates, but work was never started.

Amur Gate on a 19th century postcard. Photo:

Moscow triumphal gates in Irkutsk

There are other triumphal gates in Irkutsk, built in 1813 in honor of the accession to the throne of Emperor Alexander I. The arch was located at the exit from Irkutsk towards the European part of Russia, on the Moscow highway, and that is why it received such a name. The arch contained several rooms occupied by the caretakers of the Moscow outpost and the water rescue society station. In 1890, an archive was located here. The dilapidated gate was demolished in 1928, but before that large-scale work was carried out to photograph and measure the monument. This made it possible to restore the arch to its original form. The reconstruction was carried out with private funds and was completed in 2011. After the restoration of the Moscow Gate, it is planned to create a museum dedicated to the history of this architectural monument.

Sergei Petrov and Tatyana Ermakova near the Moscow Triumphal Gate in Irkutsk during the Olympic torch relay. 2013 Photo: RIA Novosti / Ramil Sitdikov

Nikolaevsky triumphal gates in Vladivostok

The Nikolaev Triumphal Gate in Vladivostok was built in honor of the arrival of Tsarevich Nicholas. Photo: / Russian.dissident

The Nicholas Triumphal Gate in Vladivostok was built to honor the arrival of Tsarevich Nicholas (later crowned Nicholas II) in 1891, during his trip to the Far East.

Construction was carried out with private funds: industrialists, merchants and other wealthy residents of the city took part in it.

The arch did not stand for long: with the arrival Soviet power it was demolished. It was decided to restore it in the year of the 135th anniversary of his birth and the 85th anniversary of the death of the latter. Russian Emperor. In May 2003 it took place grand opening.

This arch is also dedicated to the visit of Tsarevich Nicholas and was built in the same year as in Vladivostok.

The 20-meter stone arch was decorated double headed eagles and icons. In 1936 it was destroyed by flood. Reconstruction of the arch began in 2003 with funds from entrepreneurs, the diocese and ordinary residents Blagoveshchensk. The arch was opened in 2005.

Triumphal Arch in Blagoveshchensk. Photo: / AmSU student

Triumphal Arch "Kursk Bulge" in Kursk, Russia

In Kursk, the triumphal arch was built in 2000 in honor of the victory Soviet troops on the Kursk Bulge. Photo: / Georgy Dolgopsky

In Kursk, the triumphal arch was built in 2000, in honor of the victory of Soviet troops at the Kursk Bulge. At the very short terms the project was developed and approved. Work began in 1998 and lasted two years. A monument was erected at the northern façade of the arch Soviet commander Georgy Zhukov. The arch was decorated with a sculptural composition of St. George the Victorious slaying a dragon with a spear.

Triumphal Arch "Grozny"

Another triumphal gate, built quite recently, was the Grozny arch in Chechnya. This building was opened on October 5, 2006 on Khankalskaya Street in Grozny and dedicated to the 30th anniversary Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. The arch is located above the highway and is decorated on the sides with seventeen-meter-high Chechen battle towers, as well as two portraits - Russian President Vladimir Putin and the first president Chechen Republic Akhmat Kadyrov. The arch is the main gate to the city of Grozny.

Since antiquity, triumphal arches have been erected in honor of some memorable event. Sometimes their construction was dedicated to an important person in the state. This tradition originates from the ancient Romans. Although not installed to this day exact date construction of the first triumphal arch. Today, similar structures exist in almost all countries of the world. They are still being built today. But this is more likely a tribute to fashion than a connection with a certain historical event.

How many triumphal arches are there in the world? It is difficult to give an exact answer to this question. Since there are many of them in every country. But still, the famous and significant ones can be counted on one hand. The world's famous triumphal arches have historical significance. Almost all of them are dedicated to the victorious battles of various peoples.

Arc de Triomphe in Paris

The building was erected in 1836. The reason was the victorious battle of Napoleon Bonaparte at Austerlitz. The site for the construction of steel Champs Elysees, namely the hill of Chaillot. The design project was developed by the architect Chalgrin. When the royal couple first entered Paris through the gates, they were still at the development stage and were a wooden model.

The Arc de Triomphe is business card Paris. Every tourist has heard at least once about the history of this amazing monument culture. Each element of the Arch symbolizes the deeds and merits of the French army of Napoleon Bonaparte. The 5-meter-tall structure tells the story of the exploits of warriors. At the top there is an attic on which the names of 30 victories of Napoleon's army are stamped.

The monument is decorated by Tourists from all over the world cannot pass by observation deck, located on the roof of the Arch. After all, it is from there that a picturesque view of all the beauties of Paris opens.

The triumphal arches of the world are the embodiment of emotions and incredible talent of architects.

Triumphal Arch of Septimius Severus in Rome

The victorious battles of the greatest Roman emperor and his sons over Parthia became the inspiration for the construction of the famous triumphal arch in Rome. The monument was built in 205. The emperor had two sons, Caracalla and Getta, who were constantly at odds with each other over the title of emperor. IN fraternal war Caracalla won and became emperor. After this, it was decided to erase Guetta's name from the arch.

The 20.9 m high structure is located on the ancient Sacred Way in the northern part of the Roman Forum. There are 4 rooms in the 5-meter attic, which can be accessed by stairs.

Two famous triumphal arches of the world, built in honor of the Roman Emperor Caracalla, are located in Morocco and Algeria.

Marble Arch of Caracalla in Volubilis

It is not surprising that Morocco is located historical monument, erected in honor of the Roman emperor. After all, in ancient times, Volubilis belonged to the Roman Empire. The city was located on the border territory, which later became part of Morocco. The monument was built in 211 in honor of the emperor's mother Julia Domna and himself.

Arch of Caracalla in Djemil

Traces Ancient Roman Empire can be seen not only in modern Europe. In northern Africa, there is the settlement of Djemila, famous for its Roman ruins. The city embodies Roman urban planning. The triumphal arch, located on the territory of a Roman settlement, was built in 215 in honor of the Roman emperor Caracalla.

There is an opinion that the most famous triumphal arches in the world are located mainly in Italy. Most of them are indeed located in this country, but no less famous arches of the world have been erected in other parts of the world.

Gateway of India Arch

The monument is located in the very center of New Delhi. The structure was erected thanks to the architect Sir Edwin Lutyens. Previously, on the site of the monument there was a statue of the Emperor of India, which was later placed in Coronation Park. After India gained independence, the Arc de Triomphe was proclaimed by the Indian Army.

The monument itself is a structure with six sides. The monument is a current symbol of Indian independence. It is through this Gate that the column in honor of Republic Day passes.

Incredibly beautiful and mysterious triumphal arches of the world are located in Libya and Laos.

Arch of Septimius Severus at Leptis Magna

In an abandoned ancient city on the shore Mediterranean Sea located unique monument architecture, erected in honor of the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus. Since the city was the birthplace of the emperor, it was distinguished by special luxury and prosperity during his reign.

The bas-reliefs of the arch glorify the deeds of the emperor. The arch itself is a huge tetrapylon.

Triumphal Arch of Patusai

The monument has unusual story. Funds from the United States were allocated for its construction. However, America did not provide money to Laos for the construction of a monument, but for the construction of a military airfield. But the Laotian generals preferred to spend them on other needs. This is how a monument appeared, symbolizing the victory of Laos over America.

Historical monument of Orange in France

The Arc de Triomphe is a structure consisting of a main and two auxiliary entrances. The length of the monument is 19.5 meters and the width reaches 9 meters. All four facades are decorated with raised columns. Almost nothing is known about the monument. The only thing that could be gleaned from historical documents is that the arch served as a defense for the city during the reign of Prince of Orange, Raymond I de Beau. Naturally, the original one has not survived to this day, since over time it has undergone numerous restorations and modifications. The images on the arch symbolize the military past. It is decorated with a bronze chariot and the frieze depicts a Gallic battle.

If circumstances had been different, it is possible that not all of the listed triumphal arches of the world could be contemplated today. Alternate history indicates that on the site of some monuments it was planned to build completely different architectural monuments. But due to difficulties in implementing certain projects, a decision was made to build other structures. An example of this is the triumphal arch in Paris, on the site of which Charles Ribar’s huge elephant was supposed to show off.

Not all triumphal arches of the world were presented above. A photo with a short description of less famous buildings is given below.

Triumphal Arch of Hadrian in Jordan

In 129 Jerash visited in his honor and a monument was erected.

Triumphal Arch of Titus in Rome

The monument was built in 81 in honor of Flavius ​​by order of Domitian, his brother. The monument symbolizes the victorious battle of Rome in the war with Jerusalem. The location of the arch is also symbolic. The place of construction was the "Golden House", which was destroyed by the emperor.

From an architectural point of view, the monument is an ideal structure. The facade is decorated with sculptures of the goddesses Victoria and Fortune.

The Arc de Triomphe is an architectural monumental structure, which is essentially a monument in the form of an arch, erected in honor of important events or winners at the entrance to the city, at the end of the street, on avenues, on bridges. What is the history of the origin of these structures? Where are the oldest arches in the world?

Types of arches

Arches can be temporary (most often wooden arches were installed) or permanent (concrete, brick, stone). Triumphal arches have several spans covered with vaults. These structures usually end with an attic and entablature and are decorated with various memorial inscriptions, bas-reliefs or statues.

History of the origin of the term

The word “arch” translated from Latin means “bow, bend, arc.” The Romans were very fond of everything victorious and triumphant, having borrowed the idea of ​​an arched triumphal gate from the Etruscans, it was they who gave the name to this architectural structure - “arch”. Where this structure first appeared is a very difficult question.

History of origin

Arches and arched vaults have always been there. The entrance to the cave, most likely, was also arched, from that time everything went... Arched architecture existed both in Mesopotamia and in Ancient East, and in Ancient Greece. For example, the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon were arched.

The arch always symbolized something more than a passage between two supports; it meant a certain process of rebirth. To pass through the arch meant to be born again. It was the sacred meaning that was attached to it in ancient times.

For example, some tribes in Africa built an arch of tree branches near the forest; young men passed through such a span and found themselves in a dense forest, where they spent several days and returned to the village as men. Arches were used to initiate young men into men.

On Trinity Sunday in Rus', two tops of young birches were tied together in the form of an arch. Girls passed through it, holding hands, they were initiated into gossips, after which they never quarreled.

In ancient Rome, winners were held under an arch made of pine branches. Then the Romans triumphal procession it turned out to be not enough, and they began to erect monumental structures, first temporary (after the ceremonial passage of the winners they were dismantled), and then permanent.

Approximately from the 1st century BC to the 8th century AD in Ancient Rome, triumphal arches became a common memorial structure, which were built in honor of significant victories historical events, a significant and great person.

Images of ancient triumphal arches are preserved on medals in honor of Nero and Augustus and many others. So, what are the oldest arches in the world?

The most ancient arches

The ancient Romans borrowed this amazing design from the Etruscans, but it was Ancient Rome immortalized the structure and exalted it, they began to build this monumental structure in all countries of the world. Currently, there are a huge number of triumphal arches in the world, both modern and ancient. But the most ancient of them are, of course, in Italy. The triumphal arch of Augustus, built in 28 BC, in honor of Augustus Caesar. It was through her that everyone got to Rimini. It has been standing for more than 2000 years and is considered the main attraction of the city.

In Rome there are no less famous and ancient triumphal arches: Septimius Severus, Titus, Constantine.

European arches

European civilization was influenced by ancient Roman culture, therefore, arches became an integral feature of the medieval European architecture. For example, Cologne Cathedral. In the Middle Ages, even arches were depicted on chairs and cabinets. And of course, the arch did not lose its significance during the Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo and Classicism.

How many triumphal arches are there in the world, in Europe? Their number is very difficult to count, since these structures adorn the cities of many countries around the world, perpetuating the memory of historical events of the state. In addition, they continue to be built in our time. For example, the Parisian Arch of Defense, built in 1989. It is a marble and glass cube with an opening carved inside.

The most visited triumphal arches in the world by tourists

Their list can be presented as follows:

In Paris: on Place Carrousel, Arch of Defense, arch on Place des Stars, Montpellier, in Parc Sempione, Porte Saint-Martin, Gate Saint-Denis;

In St. Petersburg - Moscow Gate;

In Rome: arches of Constantine, Titus, Septimius Severus, Galerius;

In Athens - Hadrian's Arch;

In Moscow - the triumphal arch of the General Staff building;

In Innsbruck;

In London - Wellington Arch;

In Barcelona;

In Lecce - Gate of Naples;

In Lisbon - the arch on Praça do Comércio and the triton;

In Antalya - Hadrian's Gate;

In Vladimir - Fortress Golden Gate;

In New Delhi - India Gate;

In Grozny;

In Baghdad - Swords of Qadisiyah;

In Bucharest.

Which cities in the world have triumphal arches? These architectural structures adorn many cities of the world - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Vladimir, Grozny, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Bucharest, London, Delhi, Baghdad and many other cities.

The most famous

The most famous triumphal arches in the world include:

1. The Triumphal Gate of Septimius Severus in Rome, its height is 21 meters, built in 205 AD from white marble, erected in honor of the victory of Severus over the Parthians.

7. Arc de Triomphe on Place des Stars in Paris. In honor of his victories, Napoleon decided to erect two arched monumental structures: on Place Carrousel and on Rue Saint-Antoine. But the second location was unsuccessful and impeded traffic movement; construction was moved to Star Square (since 1970, Charles de Gaulle Square). The construction of the structure lasted 30 years and was opened after the death of Napoleon, in 1836. The height of the complex is 50 meters.

8. Swords of Qadisiyah in Baghdad. The structure was built in the late 80s of the twentieth century, symbolizing the victory of Iraq in the war with Iran. Currently, the arch is one of the main attractions of the city of Baghdad.

9. India Gate in New Delhi. The arch was built in 1911 to honor the Indian soldiers who fought and died during the First World War. An eternal flame burns at the foot of the monument. The structure was built in Hindu and Arabic styles.

The world's triumphal arches are the most frequently visited places of tourist excursions.

Arches of Russia

Fashion for the Triumphal Gate in Russian state introduced by Peter the Great. In Moscow, in honor of the victory over the Turks, 3 arches were built, in honor of Poltava victory- 7. Elizaveta Petrovna continued this tradition, which was then picked up by Catherine the Great. In those days, arched complexes were built of wood and many of them have not survived to this day. Many triumphal arches have befallen tragic fate V Soviet era, they were destroyed and destroyed as a symbol of the tsarist era.

The most famous triumphal arches of Russia:

Arc de Triomphe General Staff is a memorial dedicated to the Russian victory over Napoleon in 1812. The arch is integral part General Staff. It was built in 1829 according to the design of the architect Rossi. She is crowned by a chariot that carries the Goddess of Victory.

The Golden Gate in Vladimir, built in the 12th century. It was conceived by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky as the central fortress gate of Vladimir. The structure of the arch combines several architectural structures: triumphal arch, tower and church built above the gate.

Moscow Gate in northern capital, built in honor of the exploits of Russian soldiers in battles in Turkey, Persia and Poland. The first stone was laid in 1834.

Triumphal arches were erected to perpetuate significant event in the state or a prominent figure. Centuries later, they continue to amaze with their grandeur, grace and power, reminding descendants of the triumph of their predecessors.

Triumphal arches are majestic structures that adorn more than 20 cities around the world. Their appearance and history invariably inspire tourists and passers-by with a bright sense of pride for the bright victories of the past. These monuments are often placed at the end of streets or at the entrance to a city and are called gates.

Known, if not to the whole world, then certainly to all Russians, the Moscow Triumphal Gate on Poklonnaya Hill were laid down on August 30, 1829. And exactly five years later, in 1934, the grand opening of the updated Narva Triumphal Arch took place in St. Petersburg.

It's time to remember the most beautiful triumphal arches in the world!

Moscow triumphal arch in 1910

Triumphal Gate in Moscow

The arch on Poklonnaya Hill is perhaps second only to the Parisian one in popularity. Every day thousands of tourists come to Kutuzovsky Prospekt to admire the majestic building dedicated to the victory in Patriotic War 1812. However, what we admire every day in dense traffic jams on Kutuzovsky is, in fact, just a copy of the original arch, moreover, restored hundreds of times. The gate, according to the plan of the architect Beauvais, was built at Tverskaya Zastava in 1834; it stood for a little while. more than a century and were dismantled. 30 years later, this same copy was built on Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

The last restoration of the Arc de Triomphe in Moscow took place in 2012. In order to spend everything necessary work, the specialists even had to film a chariot and a sculpture of the goddess crowning the gates Nicky! The entire renovation cost 231 million rubles. True, it still cannot be called completely completed - on the opening day of the arch, September 4, Sergei Sobyanin spoke about plans to build an observation deck there.

Narva triumphal gates in St. Petersburg

The Narva triumphal gates are very reminiscent of the Moscow Arch, only now, may all art connoisseurs forgive me, it seems to have “bloomed”. You know how to catch a coin in a fountain that was thrown there a long time ago. However, the controversial color is completely redeemed by the fantastic bas-reliefs on the facade.

The gate was also erected in honor of the victory in the War of 1812. Since then, they have changed their location more than once and been restored more than once (all because of the St. Petersburg climate!). The gates were wooden, stone, copper, and iron.

Nowadays there is a museum of military glory in the gate premises itself.

Arc de Triomphe in Paris

The monument on Place Charles de Gaulle, erected by order of Napoleon in order to perpetuate the glorious victories of his army, is perhaps the most popular attraction in Paris (except Eiffel Tower, Certainly). The structure, just 50 meters high, housed 128 battles won under Napoleon.

But personally we especially like her night view. Illuminated with a soft, noble pink-gold glow, the arch evokes the deepest feelings. It’s probably not for nothing that Paris is called the city of romance.

The arch is famous for its sculptural compositions commissioned by Napoleon. By the way, he never lived to see the completion of the work. After his death, the emperor's ashes were carried with a funeral cortege under the arches.

Arc de Triomphe in Barcelona

The arch in Barcelona is not at all like the others. It has a simpler, at first glance, appearance. In addition, the local landmark is one of the few not associated with military battles. At one time it served as the entrance to World Exhibition of 1888. The Barcelona triumphal arch is made in the neo-Moorish style, characteristic of Spain in those years. Many small carved details truly reveal the spirit of Spain, and this has its own certain charm. She is more laconic, perhaps not as elegant, but still deserves a place on our list.

Triumphal Arch of Constantine in Rome

The oldest arch on our list was built back in 315! It is located in Rome, exactly between the Colosseum and the Palatine and is dedicated to the victory of Constantine over Maxentius in the Battle of the Milvian Bridge on October 28, 312. This arch, by the way, is the only one in the world dedicated to victory V civil war, and not over an external enemy.

The oldest of the remaining triumphal arches is impressive with its decoration, and more topics, in what excellent condition it has been preserved to this day. It reeks of antiquity and history, and perhaps it’s worth going to Rome to see something like this at least once.

Triumphal Arch in Pyongyang

This arch, surprisingly, is not located in Europe. Built in 1982 in the city of Pyongyang in the DPRK, the arch is dedicated to the Korean resistance to the Japanese occupiers. Despite the fact that the Korean arch was created on the model of the Parisian one, it is significantly inferior in size. And their styles are completely different. The top of the arch in Pyongyang has a traditional oriental style and symbolism (for example, it consists of 25,500 granite blocks - this number symbolizes the number of lives Kim Il Sung, founder of the state).

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