Hello. I don’t even know how to start. Every day I think that I really want to fall asleep and not wake up. I’m studying to become a veterinarian, the university is 1.5-2 hours by minibus from my home. Every day I get up at 6 in the morning, at 7 my stepfather takes me, and around 6 in the evening I return home by minibus with a transfer. They didn’t rent me an apartment or a place in a dorm, because they think that I’m not independent. I don’t have time to rest. I eat, and I sit down to study. Then I walk with my boyfriend for a couple of hours, then I come back, finish my homework and go to bed. I sleep 4-5 hours a day. On weekends I also can’t sleep longer, because if I sleep until lunch, my mother starts yelling that I’m sleeping again and doing nothing. She always screams if I don’t do household chores (my responsibilities include washing the floor, dishes, ironing, and maintaining order in the hallway, kitchen and my room). And when I try explain that I am very tired and cannot do household chores on weekdays, she says that I am just lazy and feel sorry for myself. And if I try to prove my point, they shut me up and shout. And I start to cry. I am very emotional person and I always cry when I’m offended. And my mother screams that I’m annoying her with my whining and that it would be better than whining to do something useful. I have a younger brother. He’s 8 and he’s a son from my second marriage. Sometimes it seems to me that they love him more, because if he is punished, then at most he is forbidden to play on the computer and go for a day. But I was punished until I was 15 years old, and I sat at home for weeks for, for example, getting a C in a quarter or not helping my mother .I was raised in such a way that now I simply cannot answer anything when they yell at me. And if I answer, I get a couple of name-calling in response and in the end they don’t talk to me. Now I’m 18 and I really miss my parents’ understanding. They they will never sit down and ask how you are doing. So only fleetingly, for the sake of decency they ask once a month. Everyone is at work. All they can do is shout. When my boyfriend returned from the army, no one even bothered to congratulate him on that I waited. No one cares. What irritates me most is that I depend on my parents, but I don’t want and can’t quarrel with them. My conscience is tormenting me. I’m quite plump, and when my mother and I start quarreling, she will definitely reproach me for that I do nothing but “eat and sleep” and says that I will be fat all my life because of this. She never admits that she is wrong, even if it is obvious. And when she tries to show it to her, I only hear another “shut up.” I understand that I am far from an ideal daughter, but why when parents demand respect (they constantly tell me that I don’t respect them), they don’t think about the fact that it should be mutual. I don’t even try to get understanding from my parents. It’s useless. There’s only one answer to everything - you’re a bad, lazy pig who even dares to object. lately I have a terrible headache, but I don’t even have time to go to the doctor. I hope that it’s some kind of meningitis and that I’ll die soon. I tried to commit suicide by injecting air into a vein, but I’m so afraid that I’m giving up trying. Help me.