Intermediate group water classes. Summary of GCD on the topic “Water Sorceress” in the middle group

Target: strengthening children's knowledge about different states water, its properties and qualities.

  1. Tell children about the importance of water in people's lives and everything else.
  2. Develop speech, attention, memory.
  3. Cultivate a caring attitude towards water.
  4. Create a joyful, cheerful mood in children.

Preliminary work: memorizing poems and nursery rhymes about water; viewing images of different states of water, outdoor games.

Equipment: Piglet toy, bubble, umbrella, basin with soapy water, an emblem in the form of a drop for each child, a cloud cape for the teacher.

Progress of the holiday.

Host: Guys, today we have an unusual holiday - holiday magic water.

Have you heard about water?
They say she is everywhere!
In a puddle in a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
And in the water tap.
Like an icicle freezes
Fog creeps into our house,
It's boiling on the stove,
The steam of the kettle hisses,
Dissolves sugar in tea.
We don't notice it.
We are used to the fact that water -
Our companion always!
We can't wash ourselves without it,
Don't eat, don't get drunk!
I dare to report to you -
We can't live without water!
This is how different the water is, that’s why we call it magic. Today you and I will turn into droplets. And together we are the sea!

Game "The sea is agitated"

Host: guys, can you find water in nature? Where does water go, where does it travel?
Guys: yes, we can.
Host: then guess my riddles!
I'm running down a flight of stairs,
Ringing over the stones,
From far away according to a song
You will recognize me.
Shake a little in the breeze
Ribbon in the open.
The narrow tip is in the spring,
And the wide one is the sea.
There is water all around, but you can’t drink it
It's very salty.
In calm weather
We are nowhere
And the wind will blow -
We run on water.
Fluffy cotton wool
Floating somewhere
The lower the wool,
The closer the rain comes.
The rain passed, but I stayed
On the path in the yard
The sparrows bathed in me for the amusement of the children.
But before tomorrow the sun will dry me out.
What kind of stars are through?
On a coat and on a scarf?
All through, cut-out,
And if you take it, there is water in your hand.
Transparent like glass
You can't put it in the window.
The children sat on the ledge
And they grow all the time downwards.
He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it doesn’t get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere.
As long as he goes.
Presenter: Our guys know poems about rain.
Rain, rain, my friend,
You spill on the meadow.
In the trees, in the face.
According to the carved porch!
Give the earth a drink
I'm full of water.
Will grow,
And the flowers grow.
The days will become warm,
Moths flutter…..
Rain, keep on raining!
There will be a good harvest.
Along a country road
A long-legged rain fell.
He drummed and rustled:
- “I have so much to do,
I'll water everything in order,
Forest, fields, gardens and garden beds
I will wash the windows and roofs"
And then I went quieter
Drip, drip, drip,….
And he stopped
Because the rain is tired!
Presenter: guys, the rain has a sister, Kolya Korablev will tell us who she is now.
There is a rain sister.
Ssss, she whistles and sings.
And it flows like a stream from the tap.
Listen to this song:
"Wash clean oh, soap your ears"
Host: now let's hit the road. I will turn into a cloud, and you will be my children - droplets (I give everyone emblems in the form of a droplet.)
Finger gymnastics “A drop one, a drop two”

Presenter: droplets flew from the cloud to the ground. We jumped and played (children jump and play). It became boring for them to jump one by one, all the droplets gathered together and flowed into small cheerful streams (holding hands). Streams met and became a big river (droplets are connected in a large chain). Droplets float in big river, travel (walking like a snake, holding on like a “train”) Tekla, a river flowed and ended up in a big, big ocean. (children form a round dance and move in a circle). The droplets swam and swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that mother cloud told them to return home. And then the sun just warmed up (the children squatted down). The droplets became light, stretched upward and returned to the mother cloud.

Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”

The presenter shows the children a toy piglet covered in mud.
Presenter: Hello, Piggy!
Piggy: Hello guys!
Host: Piggy, how dirty you are. You probably dug the ground with your heel, so you got all dirty. Guys, for Piggy to become clean and beautiful again, what is needed for this?
Children: water.
Host: Piggy, you need to be washed!
Piggy: I never want to wash my face! Brushing your teeth is a must! I am already handsome, cute and good.
Presenter: Piggy, our children are all clean and tidy, do you want to play with them?
Piggy: yes, of course!
Presenter: then let our little droplets wash you, then you and I will play with a paddle.
Piggy: good!
Children wash Piggy (reading the nursery rhyme “Water, water”)
Host: And now, Piggy, how clean you have become! If you want to be strong, healthy, brave, cheerful, beautiful, cheerful, skillful. You must make friends with water.
Let's swim, dive, tumble.
In an ear can, a trough, a tub, in a river, in a stream, in the ocean.
Anytime and anywhere!
Eternal glory to the water!
Presenter: Look, Piggy, I have beautiful soap bubbles. Now we will all have fun playing with them.
Game with soap bubbles.
The holiday is over .

Tasks: formation and systematization of children’s knowledge about water, its purpose, what it is used for; training in careful use of water; form cognitive interest to nature, develop observation skills; intensify mental activity when conducting experiments.

Material: cups of water, paint, sugar, salt, ice cubes, thermos, picture of Stars.

Progress of the lesson


Sit down more comfortably,

Don't spin, don't spin.

Children, oh, what happened this morning,

I forgot to tell you -

I just went to kindergarten,

An asterisk came to me (shows a picture of an asterisk),

He says I have a miracle guest,

Here I admire from above,

I like your Earth, blue and big,

Always plays with colors

Tell me why, because I myself won’t understand!

Educator: Let's tell Star why our planet Earth is so beautiful?

D: Yes. Let's!

Educator: Children, our planet earth is so beautiful because most of its surface is covered with water. That's why she's so blue. ( Show the children the globe and explain that the blue color on it is water. Please note that water blue color, there's more than sushi on it. Pay attention to the fact that there is also a white color on the globe - find them together. Explain that white also denotes water, but only special water - this is ice and snow that never melt).

Water is the main source of life on Earth: without it, there would be no plants - flowers, trees, fruits, vegetables, no animals, no birds, no fish, no people. Why do you think? Why does everyone need water? Children talk one by one about what they know. The teacher briefly summarizes what has been said. (Water is needed by people, plants, animals, insects, fish, birds; life is not possible without water. People drink it, cook food, wash it, wash it, water it, etc.)

Educator: Where do we most often find water?

Children: In the tap.

Educator: Where do you think it comes from? And if we use it every day, why doesn’t it run out? Children, because the water in the tap comes from a river or underground lake.

Educator: What do you think, is it necessary to conserve water and take care of its safety and cleanliness? Children answer how they can save water, that they need to turn off the tap, not pollute reservoirs, etc.

Educator: Well done guys, thank you! The star is very glad that you know so much about water, that you are kind and thrifty children. But she didn’t quite understand what water looked like and what it was like. Let's introduce the star to some water?

Children: Let's.

The teacher takes 2 glasses of water (prepared in advance). What do you think is in the glasses?

Children. Water.

The teacher pours water from one glass to another.

Do you hear? How does it sound? The water is pouring and we hear it. And if it pours, then what is it like?

Children. Liquid.

Educator: That's right guys. What does it taste like? Children taste clean water.

Is it possible to make it salty? How? What about sweets? Sour? Color? (Children's answers.) The teacher conducts appropriate experiments by adding salt, sugar, and paints to the water.

Educator: Well done boys! Now let's show Zvezdochka where some water might be hiding. The teacher shows the children pieces of ice and invites those who wish to take them into their hands.

Educator: What happens to the ice? Why is he melting? (Children's answers.) That's right, our hands are warm, and therefore the pieces of ice melted and turned into water. So what is ice? (Children's answers.) That's right, ice is also water, only hard and cold. But look - a thermos. Let's open it and see what's inside. (Opens, steam is coming.) What is this? (Children's answers.) This is steam from hot water. Let's take a mirror and hold it over the steam (drops have formed on the mirror, look at them together with the children). Where did the water come from here? (Children's answers.) This means that steam is also water.

We conclude: water can be liquid, solid and in the form of steam.

Educator: We told Zvezdochka a lot about water, let's now help her solve riddles about water:

1. White cotton wool is floating somewhere.
The lower the wool, the closer the rain. (Cloud.)

The clouds come together and what is hidden in the riddle is formed.

2. Who floats across the sky
In a black hat down to his eyebrows?
Who carries water across the sky?
Tell me, quickly! (Cloud)

3. Lives in seas and rivers,
But it often flies across the sky.
And when she gets bored of flying, she falls to the ground again (drop)

Who knows what this riddle is about?

Children : About water.

Educator: Have you heard that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times? Let's show the star how fast and nimble water can be!

Children perform physical education:

The first drop fell - drop!

And the second one ran - drop!

We looked at the sky -

The droplets sang, drip-drip,

Our faces got wet

We wiped them off.

Well, look at the shoes -

Everyone became wet.

Let's move our shoulders together, And shake off all the droplets,

Let's run away from the rain and sit under a bush.

Educator: We told Zvezdochka a lot about water, and so that she doesn’t forget anything, let’s learn a poem about water together?

There is wonderful water,
We can't live without her,
Don't wash, don't get drunk
And not be healthy.
In the morning as soon as you wake up -
Wash your face right away.
You will be clean and beautiful
Make friends with water quickly.

What kind of water is this?
Who will answer the question?
We all know about water
And in the morning anyone’s nose:
It's rain and icicles,
White snow and smooth ice
Stream and river: Each
Let him remember and understand.

Educator: Before we say goodbye to Zvezdochka, let's remember everything we told her about? View presentation: Necessary and important water.

Educator: Well guys. The star now knows what water is, thanks to you, and says Thanks a lot! Let's say goodbye to her and say - See you again!

Download presentation

MBDOU teacher Kindergarten No. 75 “Fairy Tale”,

Prokopyevsk. Kemerovo region, Russia

Expanding ideas about water and its properties.
Give children an idea of ​​water, its properties (smell, taste, color).
Develop the ability to compare and analyze.
Develop logical thinking.
Activate children's vocabulary.

Develop the ability to work in a team.
Preliminary work:
Making riddles about water, looking at illustrations of water, talking about water.
Disposable cups (two for each child), straws, gouache, brushes, illustrations depicting rain, waterfall, sea, river, sounds of nature, cartoon “Journey of a Drop.” For the teacher: spoon and jam. Water coloring pages according to the number of children.

Children stand in a circle.

Good morning, I'm telling you!

Good morning! I love you all!

I wish you to do well,

Listen carefully, gain your mind!

(They say hello in 3 languages, sit on chairs in a semicircle)

Move experimental activities.

Children are asked a riddle about water:

Running down the mountain without difficulty,

It roars like thunder.

On a frosty day it is hard -

Chop with an ax!

Heat it up and go to heaven

She will take off then.

Now anyone will answer us:

Her name is…(water)

Where in nature can you find water?

(in a river, lake, stream...)

And now I want to show you a small model of our planet earth.

Does anyone know what it's called?

What do you think is written in blue and blue on the globe? blue?

(water, seas and oceans)

Look how much space water takes up on our planet, but in reality we have very little water to drink. It's called fresh. Let's repeat together: - water that can be drunk is called fresh.

Why can't you drink water from the sea? (because it's salty)

What will the water in the sea be called? (sea)

And in the lake? (lake)

In a river? (river)

In a spring? (spring)

And in the swamp? (swamp)

Guys, tell me, why do people need water? (children's answers)

Who else needs it? For what?

You know, guys, water is like a sorceress from fairy tales. She can do various transformations. Would you like to become wizards together with some water? (answers)

And our laboratory will help us with this and we, like real scientists, will do experiments. What do you call people who do experiments in a laboratory? (laboratory assistants)

We need to properly prepare for work in the laboratory.

(perform eye and finger exercises)

In the laboratory, you must follow the following rules:

1. Listen to me carefully.

2. Do not talk loudly and do not disturb other children.

3. Do not touch anything on the table without permission.

4. Some experiments can only be done with adults.

(children take places in the “laboratory”)

1 .IN. Shows the children clean water in a transparent glass.

Guys, what kind of water do we have in our glass? (children's answers)
Experience: Place an object in a glass of water. Is he visible? Yes.

Conclusion: the water is clear.
Let's take a closer look at what kind of water it is? What color is she? What colors do you know? (children's answers)

Water does not resemble any color, water has no color, which means it is colorless. Let's repeat the word " colorless".

2. But we told you that water is a magician; it turns out that it can change its color.
Experience: Each of you has a brush and gouache. I suggest you wet the brush, dip it in the gouache and stir the clear water in your glasses with the brush. What happened to the water? (answers)
The water changed its color: for some it became yellow, for others it became green, red, blue.
We learned that water can change its color.
Experience: Compare the color of clear water with the color of multi-colored stripes. Conclusion: the water is colorless.

(we put a picture-symbol on the board).

3. Children are given new glasses with clear, clean water.
Let's smell the water. What does she smell like? (answers)
Clean water, guys, doesn't smell like anything. The water is odorless. What do you think, does water have a smell? (answers)
What do you think the water will smell like if I put currant jam in it? (answers)
The teacher puts jam in his glass of water, stirs it and gives it to each child to smell. What does the water smell like? (answers)

(we put a picture-symbol on the board).

4. The children have cups of clean water on their tables.
Guys, do you think water has a taste? (answers)
Let's remember what tastes we know? Candy, what does it taste like? (answers) What does lemon taste like? (answers)
Now try some water. What does it taste like? (answers)
Pure water has no taste; it is tasteless. Let's repeat the word "tasteless" in unison.

(we put a picture-symbol on the board).

Well, guys, water really is magic! Let's remember, what is clean water like? (answers)
1. No smell.
2. Without color (colorless)
3. Without taste (tasteless)
But we have found out that water has the ability to change its color, smell and taste - therefore water can be called magical.
Did you like doing magic? (answers)

Physical exercise.

Are you probably tired?

Well then everyone stood up together.

They stomped their feet,

Hands patted.

One two three four five-

We also know how to relax

Let's put our hands behind our backs,

Let's raise our heads higher
And easy - let's breathe easy!

Well, the game is over

It's time for us to get to work!

(walk to the chairs and sit down)

Q: Guys, what else can the water sorceress turn into?

(dew, ice, fog...)

Let's play with some water some more.

You must listen carefully to the sounds and guess what it is, and find the answer with your eyes.

(the sound of a waterfall, stream, sea, rain sounds, children must find with their eyes

pictures hanging from the ceiling, and then give the answer in words)

Q: Children, oh, what happened this morning,

I forgot to tell you!

A drop came to me

I just entered the kindergarten.

The poor thing is crying, sad,

And then he says:

The children forgot to turn off the tap

And all the droplets floated away!

And I said in response:

No, there are no such children here!

We save water.

The droplet began to smile

And I was left with a gift!

But first you must answer me,

What will happen without water?

(children's answers)

Q: You can’t wash yourself or drink without water.

A leaf cannot bloom without water.

They can't live without water

Bird, beast and man.

And that's why it's always

Everyone needs water everywhere.

There is a saying: “Where there is water, there is life!”

Let's do it all again together.


A droplet gave us a cartoon called “The Journey of a Droplet.” Let's watch it.

(watching cartoon)

Q: Guys, I want to show you another gift from the droplet. She gave us two fairy tales with pictures. Look at the pictures, what are they? What's wrong with them? (they are black and white)

The droplet said that the sorceress - water - will help us make them colorful.

Let's try.

(children go to the tables in the “laboratory” and paint water coloring books, return to their chairs)

Q: What did we learn about water in our laboratory today?

(name the properties of water)


Guys, if you were interested in the lesson, then give droplet emoticons to the sun, and if it was difficult for you, then give it to the cloud.

Natalia Koskina
Summary of GCD on the topic “Water Sorceress” in the middle group

Abstract directly- educational activities on topic« Sorceress water» region "Cognition" V middle group

Target: introduce children to some properties of water, draw their attention to the fact that even such a familiar object as water, conceals a lot of unknowns.

Program tasks: give children ideas about the properties of water (taste, color, smell, fluidity); clarify the meanings for all living things;

Develop children's curiosity, thinking and speech; enter into active dictionary children words: liquid, colorless, tasteless, transparent;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards water.

Methods and techniques: - gaming (surprise moments);

Visual (schemes, symbols);

Practical (experiments);

Verbal (conversations, teacher’s story, search questions);

Preliminary work: - reading stories, educational fairy tales character: M. D. Prishvina "Live water» , asking riddles;

- conversations on topics: "Where you can find water", "Who lives in the water";

Experiments (color change, ice turning into water);

Drawing diagrams.

Materials and equipment: computer, glasses, water, milk, spoons, cups, refined sugar, symbols.

GCD move:

1. Introductory part.

An audio recording is playing (raindrops).

Q: Guys, listen to what it sounds like?

D.: These are the sounds of water, it is raining.

V.: Yes guys, it’s coming, it’s raining.

Surprise moment.

Today a drop of rain came to visit us; she has traveled a lot around the world, seen a lot, and knows a lot of interesting things about water. The droplet wants to invite us to visit the Kingdom of Water.

2. Main part.

Have you heard about water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap...

Is it so? How do you think?

(children's answers)

Q: Where did the droplet come from, where could it be?

Let's look at the pictures where our droplet traveled. Name them.

D.: Sea, river, pond, stream, puddle.

Q: So, a droplet is a particle of what?

IN.: Water necessary for all living things; without water there would be no life on our Earth. Water is the basis of life.

What do you guys think, what can it do? water?

D.: Murmur, flow, pour, run.

V.: Let’s check it out.

Experience 1. « Water is a liquid»

V.: Guys, look, I’m tilting the glass, water pours out and pours into another glass. What is he doing water?

D.: It pours, flows, shimmers.

V.: Why?

D.: Because it is liquid.

CONCLUSION: water is a liquid, it can be poured, poured.

V.: Guys, what color do you think? water? (children's answers)

We'll check this now.

Experience 2. « The water is colorless»

On the table in front of children 2 glasses: one - with water, the second - with milk. Place teaspoons in both glasses. In which of the glasses is the spoon visible, and in which is not? Why?

D.: Where is it poured? water there you can see a spoon, because the water is clear, but you can’t see it in a glass of milk because it’s opaque and white.

CONCLUSION: water has no color, it is colorless.

Physical education minute "Rain"

Drop one, drop two,

Very slowly at first

And then, then, then (running in place)

Everybody run, run, run.

The drops began to keep pace (clap hands on each word)

Drop drop catch up.

Drip-drip, drip-drip. (free movement hands)

Umbrellas We'll reveal it soon (join hands above head)

Let's protect ourselves from the rain.

Experience 3. « Water has no odor»

V.: Guys, you have mugs of water on the table, I suggest you smell the water.

Does it smell water with something? (children's answers)

CONCLUSION: water has no odor, she doesn't smell of anything.

Experience 4. « Water has no taste»

V.: Guys, now taste the water. What is she like? Sweet, salty, sour, bitter (children's answers).

V.: Guys, now you can conduct a little experiment on your own.

Place the substance that is on your plate in a mug of water. Stir with a spoon and then taste the water. What has she become? (children's answers).

V.: Today you learned a lot about water. Let's remember what water?

Water is a liquid.

Water is colorless.

Water - odorless.

Water has no taste.

V.: The water that we have and that we use in everyday life needs to be protected, saved, and not left the water tap open unnecessarily.

V.: Guys, the droplet has prepared a surprise for us - juice.

"Water Sorceress"

Target : Involving children in elementary research activities on the study of the qualities and properties of water.

Tasks :


  1. Cultivate a caring attitude towards water.
  2. To instill in children cultural and hygienic skills, the desire to always be beautiful, clean, and neat.
  3. Strengthen skills in washing, knowledge of toilet items and their purpose.


  1. Develop children's speech, thinking and curiosity.
  2. Develop the ability to give complete answers to the teacher’s questions, enrich the children’s vocabulary.
  3. Develop observation skills.
  4. To form a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children.


  1. Introduce children to the properties of water (taste, color, smell, fluidity).
  2. Talk about the importance of water in our lives.

Integration of areas: cognition, socialization, artistic creativity, health.

Vocabulary enrichment: colorless, transparent, tasteless.

Material and equipment: pictures of water, cups of water (according to the number of children), empty cups, a glass of milk and a glass of water, pebbles, two bowls of cold and warm water; glue stick, blanks of colored paper droplets, threads, rags, sheet of white paper f-A3, wet wipes, computer, screen.

The teacher comes in to the music of falling drops. Riddle about water.

Hello my friends!

I was in a hurry to visit you,

I will water everything in the world,

I will save everyone from thirst

Steamboats without me,

Neither here nor there

Guess who I am?

I am not stone, not sand,

My son is a trickle

You guessed it, friends,

What's my name? (water)

The teacher reads an excerpt from a poem by N. Ryzhova:

You can't wash your face without water,

Don't eat, don't get drunk!

I dare to report to you:

We can't live without water!

Educator: What is water for, how do we use it?

Children, think about where the water in the tap comes from? We use this water every day, but it keeps flowing and flowing, never ending.

There is water from the river in the tap. Those droplets with which we wash our hands have done big way. At first they swam in the river, then the man directed them into the pipes.

- Do you guys know that you need to save water, and when you wash your hands, you need to immediately turn off the tap. There is a lot of water, but for washing and cooking you only need purified water. And to get clean water, people spend a lot of effort. That’s why you need to save water and close the tap tightly.

Game “Water is good - water is bad”

1. If a person is tired, thirsty, and drinks water, is that good?

2. If it rains for a day, two, three, everything is flooded with water (bad for walking, good for plants, but if it’s not heavy rain);

3. If the ice on the river melts in the spring, this is good for the river inhabitants, but if the river overflows its banks, then this is bad for people; the water can flood their houses.

4. If a child gets dirty, all dirty, grimy, and he will wash himself, will he wash himself?

Guys, now we’ll remember and show you how to wash your face. Performeddynamic pause:

Clear water is flowing,

We know how to wash ourselves.

We take tooth powder,

Brush your teeth firmly.

Wash your ears, wash your neck,

we see good things.

This is how pure and beautiful we are.

Oh, guys, I forgot to tell you, when I came this morning, they brought me a telegram. And he sent it main boss in terms of cleanliness - Moidodyr.

Reads out phrases to the children. Children must find errors and correct the text of the telegram.

“Wash your hands with a towel”

“They wipe themselves with a comb”

“They soap the body with a toothbrush”

“They comb their hair with soap.”

Oh, guys, I didn’t understand something, it seems Moidodyr got everything mixed up. Let's try to figure it out together:

With a towel (what do they do?)…




This is the funny telegram Moidodyr sent us.

And he also gives you advice:

“Wash your face in the morning, after sleep. Wash your hands, face and neck."

“Wash your hands and feet before going to bed every day.”

“Wash your hands after playing, walking, using the toilet.”

Will you follow Moidodyr’s advice?...Okay

I need to wash my face

in the mornings and evenings,

and unclean chimney sweeps

shame and shame, shame and shame!

Look, guys, there is water on your tables too, each of you go to your table.

Now take an empty glass in one hand and a glass of water in the other. What about a glass of water? (Children's answers). – That’s right, it’s heavy, but empty it’s light.Water has weight, it is heavy.

Guys, let's taste the water?! (children are offered boiled water). What is she like? Sweet? Salty? Bitter? Sour? (Children's answers)

Water has no taste, it is tasteless.

— Guys, what color do you think the water is? (Children's answers).

— What color is the milk? (white).

- Can we say that water white? (Children's answers).

Let's play hide and seek. I will hide the pebbles in water and milk. And you will tell me where I hid the stones and where it didn’t work out. (Children's answers).The water is colorless.

The teacher says that water can be warm, cold, hot. Offers to dip your finger in a warm and cold water. In rivers, lakes and seas there is also warm and cold water. Some fish, animals, plants can only live in warm water, others - in the cold.

V. You guys are great. Now, tell me, why do we say that water is Magic?

D. -Answers.

W-Water is a magician becausecan turn into snow, ice, steam, dew and rain.

Outdoor game "Droplets"

All children are droplets. The teacher is the sun.

When the teacher says “sunshine”, the children run away easily on their toes, “frost”, crouch down and sit quietly, frozen. When the sun says again, the droplets melted, united into streams and ran. They ran to their places.

V. - Guys, I brought magic ice cubes for you! Look (Teacher shows ice on a plate) why are they magical?

D. - Children's answers.

V. -Because when we take them in our hands, they will begin to melt and turn into water. Let's try.

D. -Children conduct an experiment.

So, kids, we learned that when water freezes it turns into ice. Now look at our plate with ice, the ice began to melt and ... (water) appeared. This means that ice is water, it’s just frozen!

Now let's play.

Didactic game “Where the water hid”

Children are offered pictures of water in various states(photos and pictures of reservoirs, various natural phenomena etc.), children must determine where exactly in the picture water can be found.

V. — Now let’s watch the presentation “The History of a Droplet” together.

Q. - Guys, what does water consist of?

D. - From droplets.

B- That’s right, and the droplets are very cheerful and love to play. Let's play.

Phys. just a minute

One, two, three, four, five love to play.

We kick stomp, we clap clap with our hands

We are eyes blink, blink, we are shoulders chick, chick

One there, two there, turn around

One sat down, two stood up

Everyone raised their hands up

One, two, one, two (clap hands)

So the game is over.

And now we will make rain from droplets.

Application "Rain"(children glue droplets to a thread, and then glue these threads onto a large sheet where the cloud is already glued). Cooperative activity with the teacher.

V. - What great fellows you are. Perhaps you got your hands dirty? Let's wash them!

Children come to the center of the water and sand.

V. -I’ll pour water from a watering can, and you better wash your hands. Look, our water is flowing! And why?

D.- (answers)

B. Correct, because liquid water! Wipe your hands with napkins.

Educator: - What wonderful wizards you and the water sorceress were today! Well done! Learned how to identify hot and cold water. What other interesting things did you learn about the water sorceress? (children's answers). It has no color, smell, taste. Water is liquid and can flow.

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