Holiday September 6th. Lantern Festival in France

Today, September 6, in Bulgaria, in honor of the unification of Eastern Rumelia with the Principality of Bulgaria in 1885, public holiday Unity Day.

Unification Day (Bulgaria)

This public holiday is the Unification Day of Bulgaria, celebrated in the country every year on September 6. It was established in honor of the annexation of Eastern Rumelia to the Principality of Bulgaria in 1885.
Bulgaria, according to Berlin Treaty 1878, was divided into three parts: into the autonomous region of Eastern Rumelia ( center-city Plovdiv), the Principality of Bulgaria (capital Sofia), and the region of Macedonia - part Ottoman Empire.
As a result of the Bulgarian national doctrine and under pressure masses began in 1885 in Eastern Rumelia popular uprising.
Rebel troops under the command of Chardafon entered Plovdiv on September 6, 1885. Under their pressure, the regional ruler was forced to surrender his powers to the Provisional Government. The Bulgarian prince Alexander Battenberg, with his special manifesto, literally two days later approved the annexation of Eastern Rumelia to the Principality of Bulgaria.
In fact, these actions of Alexander Battenberg (Alexander I of Bulgaria) violated the Treaty of Berlin and attracted criticism from the great powers of Europe. Subsequently, it was this act of Alexander Battenberg that cost him the princely crown.
However, Prince Alexander I of Bulgaria forever remained in the memory of the Bulgarian people as the Unifier Tsar. After the death of Alexander I of Bulgaria, his ashes rest in Bulgaria.
Throughout Bulgaria, ceremonial and festive events are held on this holiday.

Unusual holidays on September 6.

Today, September 6, you can happily and cheerfully celebrate unusual funny and cheerful holidays with your friends: Day of Flights over the Earth and the Lantern Festival.

Day of flights over the ground

It is known that we have all flown above the earth at some point. Maybe in a dream, or maybe in reality they just flew differently. To fly, some need wings, while others only need good dreams. And someone can fly above the ground from ice cream or a bouquet of flowers.
Remember today, September 6, on the funny holiday Day of Flights over the Earth, with what you fly and be sure to fly above the ground. At least half an hour.

Lantern Festival

In Florence (Italy) every year on September 6th an unusual merry holiday flashlights. It began to be celebrated back in the 17th century, when all residents of surrounding villages and towns came to Florence for the birthday of the Virgin Mary. On this day, the peasants not only celebrated cheerfully, they sold various goods they had brought with them.
The birthday of the Virgin Mary turned into a huge fair on central square cities. For this holiday, peasant women dressed fluffy dresses, in the shape of lanterns, which is why city residents nicknamed them “lanterns.” Today, in memory of this ancient holiday, on the night of September 6, thousands of people walk through Florence with colorful paper lanterns with candles lit in them.
And today you can celebrate this holiday by simply making a cheerful bright lantern out of paper and lighting a candle in it at night.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar - Eutychius the Quiet

On this day, Orthodox Christians know what day it is church holiday. On September 6, they honor the memory of the disciple of the holy apostles Paul and John the Theologian, the holy martyr Eutyches, who for his labors began to be called an apostle, although he was not among the seventy apostles.
Eutyches became a disciple of John the Theologian after he heard him preach about Jesus Christ and once met Paul, after which he began to preach with him in different countries.
Eutyches had to experience a lot of torment while wandering around the world - the pagans, angry at the encroachment on their beliefs, tortured him, burned him with a hot iron, starved him and threw him into a pit to wild animals.
During one torture, a miracle happened to Eutyches: a lion released on him gave praise to the Creator, speaking in a human voice. Many pagans, seeing this miracle, immediately converted to Christianity.
Saint Eutyches ended his life in agony. The pagans sentenced him to death penalty.
Peasants in Rus' watched the weather on the feast of Eutyches. They did not think that this day should be quiet and windless, so that the flaxseed, which was just ripening at that time, would not fall off.
According to folk superstitions, if it rains on Eutyches, then next year a good harvest should be expected, and this autumn will be warm and dry.
Name day September 6 from: Arseny, Georgy, Kuzma, Maxim, Peter

September 6 in history

1941 - Pravda first called Soviet partisans « people's avengers»
1944 - The Polish Committee of National Liberation issued an order for the expropriation of farms with an area of ​​arable land of more than 50 hectares and farms with total area more than 100 hectares. Part of the occupied land was transferred to small farms and agricultural cooperatives, and the remaining estates turned into state agricultural enterprises. All forests are also nationalized
1947 — Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR on awarding the city of Moscow with the Order of Lenin in connection with the 800th anniversary.
Moscow metro awarded the Order of Lenin.
1949 - The State Theater of Variety Miniatures opened in Leningrad under the direction of Arkady Raikin
1952 - The Universal Copyright Convention (Geneva Copyright Convention) is signed.
CBC launched the first television station in Canada - CBFT Montreal.
1955 — Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces “On the establishment annual holiday"Builder's Day"
1956 — Decree “On renaming the international Stalin Prizes into international Lenin Prizes»
1968 - Swaziland became independent state led by King Sobhuza II
1977 - In all Canadian provinces except Quebec and Nova Scotia, road signs brought into line with metric system
1979 - 30 thousand “boat people” who managed to leave Vietnam by sea received permission to reside in the United States
1987 - In Baltimore, surgically separated for the first time Siamese twins
1991 - The USSR recognizes the independence of the Baltic republics - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
The old name of St. Petersburg has been returned to the city of Leningrad.
Chechnya declared itself independent.
1997 - Creation of the Belarusian democratic movement “Young Front” in Minsk
2002 - The IMF Board of Directors approved a loan to Brazil in the amount of $30.4 billion. The purpose of the tranche was to prevent a recession in the largest economy in South America

Lantern Festival in France

Within two days it passes interesting holiday- on the eve of the birthday of the Mother of God, starting from the 17th century, a goods fair was held, as well as a service in Florentine Square. It was the most important city fair, to which the townspeople came in their best clothes. In the 17th century, the outfits of city women seemed too magnificent, so they were nicknamed “lanterns”. After the fair in evening time A procession with paper lanterns and burning candles passes through the city. The procession is led by a cardinal. Another version notes that the tradition began after Florentine troops entered Siena. Today the holiday is very popular among tourists; these days the city museum demonstrates its true face.

Bulgarian Unity Day

In 1885, Eastern Rumelia was annexed to the Principality of Bulgaria. Before this, the principality was divided into three parts by the Treaty of Berlin: Bulgaria and Rumelia, as well as Macedonia, former part Ottoman Empire. The uprising in Rumelia led by Alexander I of Bulgaria and Chardaphon led to the surrender of powers by representatives of Ottoman Rumelia. Despite the violation of the Berlin Treaty, Prince Alexander of Battenberg issued a special manifesto annexing Eastern Rumelia to the Bulgarian Principality. The forces of Europe sharply criticized the violation of the treaty, which subsequently influenced Battenberg - he lost his princely crown. However, in the memory of the Bulgarian people he forever remained only a unifier.

Day of the Armenian city of Dilijan

Dilijan is a world balneological and mountain climatic resort. The city is surrounded on all sides by the Dilijan Nature Reserve, which is a large forest park of 40 hectares. Excellent healing climate of mountainous and wooded areas, windless, with relative humidity, as well as large number mineral springs make the resort popular throughout the year. The population of the city is different - they live next to Armenians historical peoples- Old Believer community of Molokans, Doukhobors from Don Cossacks, as well as Russians.

September 6 in the folk calendar

Eutychius Quiet

Eutyches was one of the disciples of the holy apostles of Christ John and Paul. He was also called an apostle for his hard work preaching in different countries along with Paul. Their wanderings endured a lot of torment; they were constantly pursued by pagans, starved to death, and thrown to be devoured by wild animals. Torture often did not bring satisfaction to the torturers - for example, a lion in a cage spoke in a human voice, praising Jesus. Many pagans believed in Christ. The saint ended his earthly life as a martyr. Folk signs On this day they can talk about autumn - rain foreshadowed a dry autumn and a good harvest. Last days dedicated to harvesting flax, it was important to avoid losses and keep the boxes from drying out.

Historical events of September 6

September 6, 1817– after a rather long transportation from St. Petersburg, the famous monument to Minin and Pozharsky arrived in Moscow, which today is installed on Red Square in front of St. Basil’s Cathedral; it is one of the symbols of the Russian capital. The idea of ​​​​creating a monument arose at the very beginning of the 20th century; initially the monument to Minin and Pozharsky was planned to be installed in Nizhny Novgorod, but then changed their mind. The sculptor of the composition is Ivan Matros.

September 6, 1936– the title “People’s Artist of the USSR” became the highest honorary title awarded outstanding figures culture Soviet Union. Among the people who were awarded this honorary award– Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko (the first holders of the title), Pugacheva, Yankovsky (the last holders of the title).

September 6, 1939- The State Theater of Variety Miniatures opened in Leningrad, directed by Arkady Raikin. In 1982, the popular cultural institution moved to Russian capital, five years later it was renamed the Satyricon Theater, which is today managed by Konstantin Raikin.

September 6, 1956- the document “On the renaming of the international Stalin Prizes into international Lenin Prizes” was signed; this need was caused by attacks on Stalin’s personality, which were initiated by Khrushchev.

September 6, 1991– Union of Soviets Socialist Republics was forced to recognize the independence of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. Having received support from the West, the Baltic republics achieved the independence they had dreamed of for many decades while being part of the Soviet Union.

September 6, 1991– Leningrad was again renamed St. Petersburg, the name it bore until August 31, 1914. Residents of the city on the Neva initiated the return of the city’s former name, since it is associated with rich history and the traditions of Northern Palmyra. Sociological polls show that the overwhelming majority of St. Petersburg residents reacted positively to this transformation and are proud to call their city St. Petersburg today.

Born on September 6

Ivan V(1666 – 1696) - Tsar of the Romanov dynasty, brother of Peter I

The children of Maria Miloslavskaya, except for the younger Peter, were very sickly, and Ivan was no exception - he grew up weak and almost blind. The interests of the two parties were explained by the fact that the Miloslavskys and Naryshkins represented half-brothers from different queens. Ivan ruled quite a bit - he was removed from power by representatives of Alexei, the son of Natalia Naryshkina. Due to incorrectly disseminated information about the murder of Ivan, a Streltsy rebellion began.

The main opponents of the Miloslavskys were eliminated, Patriarch Joachim presented a conciliatory position - the rule of two brothers under the regency of Sofia Naryshkina. The eldest, Ivan, was practically not involved in the affairs of the state - the entire burden of government lay on the shoulders of Sophia, then the young Peter. Later, Peter 1 dealt with Sophia, but it is noteworthy that he never touched his brother and his family. At the age of 30, John suffered from paralysis. It is known that he had 5 children. In all ceremonies during the dual power until 1696, Peter 1 emphasized the seniority of his brother and revered him as a father.

Hiram Berdan(1824 -1893) - American inventor of rifle accessories

Berdan was considered the best shot in America. He received 200 thousand dollars for inventing a press for crushing quartz rocks, and settled in New York, purchasing a mansion for himself. When did it start Civil war, he creates special unit shooters (snipers). Lincoln granted Berdan the rank of colonel. At that time, the shooters were armed with the best weapons - Sharpe's guns. The colonel himself was distinguished by unusual cowardice - he instantly left the battlefield when he heard the sound of bullets.

For such behavior he was court-martialed and resigned. After this Berdan designed new look weapons, but was unable to obtain a contract for its production. In 1867, he met the Russian military, who were choosing types of weapons to arm the army. They noted the Berdan gun and ordered the Colt factory 30 thousand Berdan N2 guns with a large number cartridges. This was not Berdan’s last invention - he improved his designs several more times.

John Dalton(1766 -1844) - English chemist, physicist

Dalton's merit lies primarily in the fact that he described a phenomenon called "color blindness" - when some people do not distinguish between red and green colors, while others do not distinguish between yellow and blue. The scientist himself also observed such deviations; they were called “color blindness.” People who were color blind stopped feeling discomfort. Dalton was unable to find out the cause of the disorder, just as there was no practical application its discovery. Much later, with the advent of traffic lights and color alarms, the discovery was appreciated. In addition, John Dalton observed weather phenomena and their changes, the formation of clouds, the behavior of gases during expansion, and the phenomenon of polymerization.

Edgar Rubin(1886 - 1951) - Danish psychologist

Edgar John studied philosophy and psychology, taught at the department experimental psychology. Subsequently, he became the successor of his leader Lehmann and headed the laboratory of the University of Copenhagen. His most famous research concerns the theory of visually perceived figures, which have great influence on the development of Gestalt psychology. It was Rubin who introduced the concept of figure and background and drew attention to their difference - the figure does not merge with the background, but seems more convex, the background is more continuous, it is only material.

“Ruby Vase” is a model in which rotating figures clearly demonstrate the difference in perception, turning out to be either a vase or images of faces. Gestalt theory considers only the perception of the “here and now” as an opportunity to organize parts into a single whole. By concentrating on the most important points in the present, the figure occupies the main place, everything else recedes into the background. If any parts elude perception, then the need remains unsatisfied and the gestalt remains incomplete.

Friendly, sociable Virgos born on September 6 seem to be self-sufficient, but in fact they belong to the type of people who do not want to be alone. You passionately crave the approval of others, their feedback and advice, and therefore are easily influenced by other people's opinions. You have impeccable manners, tact and diplomacy, demonstrating them in your interactions with all your friends and acquaintances. Endowed fine sensitivity and a love of harmony, you prefer not to associate with people who seem vulgar, rude or impolite, and try not to fall into unpleasant situations. You skillfully use your flamboyant charm to achieve a more favorable position or to persuade others to do what you ask.

Those born on September 6 should not take their health for granted and exaggerate their physical endurance. Long-pent-up emotions can turn out to be negative consequences for the digestive organs, so regular medical examinations will come in handy. However, most important aspect for those born on September 6 is the development of positive and more realistic look to the world. It is this birthday that does not tolerate pampering from parents. Those born on September 6th will grow up stronger both psychologically and physically if they learn to fight for the fulfillment of their dreams and the satisfaction of any, even the most insignificant needs. Movable physical exercise in combination with a good appetite not only for food, but also for life in general, are extremely important in youth, and in more mature years good habits preferably saved.

Those born on September 6th are exceptionally vulnerable to actions hidden mechanisms Good luck. Sometimes it seems that their life path is carefully drawn by the hand of fate - both for the better and for the worse. For many of those born on this day, life can develop quite predictably, and suddenly, seemingly for absolutely no reason - ONCE! When those born on September 6 try to guide and to a certain extent limit the course of their lives, it may seem that everything is working against them. They can carefully develop detailed plans to prepare for any unforeseen circumstance, but it will soon become clear that events are not unfolding as expected. Similar experience can be very painful and deeply disappointing for those who, even in their old age, have not learned to calmly experience the vicissitudes of fate.

Zodiac sign September 6 -

Element of the Sign: . Your zodiac sign is ranked among the Earth signs that have the following qualities: logic, scrupulousness, decency, flexibility, reasoned conclusions, education, modesty.

Planet Ruler: . Responsible for criticality and pettiness. The planet is favorable for analysts, doctors, and those who work in the service sector. The planet in exile is Neptune. You can be grateful to her for the lack of flights of fancy, as well as her dislike of the abstract.

On September 6, Virgos celebrate their birthday. They differ from other representatives of the sign by their bright charm and integrity. Virgos do not like falsehood, vulgarity, or rudeness. They simply do not communicate with such people, even if necessary. Virgo's sharp mind allows them to find ways out of any situation. Avoid unpleasant communication it's worth nothing to them. Virgo born on September 6 is strong, but she is vulnerable to only one thing - the jokes of fate. Most of all, the representative of the sign does not like spontaneity. When predictable life suddenly takes a sharp turn, Virgo suffers.

Sometimes those born on September 6 give the impression of short-sighted people to others. They may seem so affected by the importance of the moment and their immediate success or lack thereof that others feel as if they are not putting enough energy into preparing for what is to come and perhaps beyond. hard times. This perception is largely incorrect, since those born on this day simply learned to focus attention on the present, to perceive everything gradually, in full agreement with life rhythms.

Although life for these people can be quite uneven, those born on September 6th highest degree constant and true. Friends and family are extremely important to them and can serve as a protective buffer between them and the harsher side of life. If for some reason those whom they are accustomed to trust in everything suddenly commit betrayal (as those born on this day perceive it), the results can be especially destructive. Most of those born on September 6th care about looking attractive to others and take pride in their good looks. They highly value beauty and romantic love, but many of them mistakenly believe that such things can protect them from blows and injections outside world. Those who discover that this is not so, fortunately for themselves, begin to have a much more philosophical attitude towards love and life in general.

Often those born on September 6 lead a calm, uneventful life until the age of 30. At this time, the mechanisms of fate are just being put into action. But as soon as unexpected incidents begin to replace each other, like in a kaleidoscope, those born on this day become real fatalists. Those of them who have been railing against fate for years may eventually change and accept it wholeheartedly. Thus, they are completely at the mercy of fate and can again expect both the best and the worst. Such people are especially prone to making a variety of self-fulfilling prophecies and must be wary of the power of their words, especially if they are addressed to others.

Virgo man - born on September 6

Men born on September 6 - own the following properties: such a gentleman is thrifty, clean, health-conscious, capable, decent. Only a woman who is ideal in every sense can please a Virgo man - modest, well-mannered, educated, with an impeccable appearance, inaccessible and mysterious. You shouldn't expect surprises or explosive emotions from a Virgo man. It is stable, constant and very predictable. He carries out all his actions according to a clear plan, and by understanding the logic of which, one can understand the man himself.

Virgo woman - born on September 6th

Women born on September 6th are endowed with the following properties: such a lady is reliable, sensitive, and prudent. Virgos strive for perfection in everything - in their career, in relationships, and in appearance. Coquetry is alien to them, but also false modesty also an atypical trait of Virgos. They accept well-deserved compliments and advances with dignity, but are not flattered by them. Virgo women have a good understanding of people and are difficult to deceive or mislead.

Birthday September 6

For some individuals born on September 6, life will begin only at the age of 30; before that it will proceed quite ordinaryly. Time will change one state of affairs and give them more color and richness. Those born on September 6th zodiac sign Virgo look after their appearance to appear more attractive to the outside world. On your own life path In relationships they value romance and sincerity of feelings. If life throws you bad experience in relationships and love, Virgos born on September 6 begin to treat the new chosen ones in their lives more carefully, thinking philosophically.

September 6 zodiac sign Virgo. Even if life throws up evil surprises in relationships with the opposite sex, in the family, this sign of the zodiac shows devotion and fidelity. The betrayal situation committed by man, which was trusted by the Virgo zodiac sign born on September 6, may end in a bitter end. Friends and family are the most important part of their lives. Birthday September 6th zodiac sign Virgo. They perceive everything gradually and live by current events, experiencing, most often studying, and perceiving the world around us according to your own life rhythms. Because of this, they may seem short-sighted in their social circle.

People under the Virgo zodiac sign may feel like everything is working against them. When planning their assigned tasks, those born on September 6 need to understand that fate can throw them both good luck and bad luck. Therefore, calculating all possible life plans You can't just hope for the best. For those who have not realized this, even in old age they will be greatly disappointed in a dynamic world where everything can go wrong. Therefore, those born on September 6th with the Virgo zodiac sign will have to work on themselves and learn to take ups and downs calmly.

For those born on September 6th, the zodiac sign Virgo is important to understand that in their lives everything can happen unpredictably. It's as if life throws the best things at you and then suddenly changes the direction of the wind. Success in the life of those born on September 6 will be the desire for their internal purposes that will take them to the top. Understanding your desires and achieving them will bring great inner satisfaction.

You need to show less than you have and know more than you say. You need to understand that life is like a zebra, there are white stripes and dark ones, learn to interact with this. If life throws up too many surprises, and it seems to you that you are unlucky, immediately throw away these thoughts, soon the dawn will come and the sun will shine.

Love and Compatibility

You are loving and romantic, which sets you apart from the usually cold Virgos. Love means a lot to you, but so does friendship. When you gain the necessary reliability and consistency, you become a caring, generous and devoted partner.

Representatives of other earthly zodiac signs – Taurus and Capricorn – have the best chance of making an ideal couple with Virgo. They, like Virgos, expect constancy and stability from relationships rather than a hurricane of passions. Taurus will help Virgos become more sensual and emotional, and Capricorns will easily understand the desire for order and organization, also possessing analytical thinking. With representatives of the signs of Scorpio or Leo, Virgos also have good prospects in family life. In this case, they will play the role of a follower, completely yielding leadership to their partner. At the same time, neither Leos nor Scorpios will suppress Virgos, highly appreciating their intelligence, organization and consistency. The most unsuccessful alliances for Virgos are with Pisces and Aries. Pisces, like Virgos, never dare to take the first step, they are passive and withdrawn. As a result, relationships between representatives of these signs fade away before they even begin. Aries, on the other hand, suppress Virgos with their pressure, frighten them with their persistence and unpredictability.

Work and Career

People born on September 6 are sociable, friendly, kind, and give the impression of being self-sufficient. In fact, they do not want, moreover, they are afraid to be alone. For those born on September 6, there is nothing worse than an empty apartment and a silent telephone. Therefore, they tend to surround themselves with a lot of people. Friends sometimes turn out to be closer to those born on September 6 than blood relatives. Strong traits The personalities of people born on this day are diplomacy, tact, charm. Their impeccable manners impress others. Love of harmony determines life principles born on September 6th. And sensitivity makes them compassionate.

In their work, Virgos born on September 6 often wait for favors from fate. Relying on luck does not give them the best reputation. Often such people are considered down-to-earth and short-sighted. At the same time, you cannot deny them professionalism in their chosen field. But Virgos are in no hurry to develop. This hinders a possible career. Virgo-subordinate - headache leader. The specialist has to be constantly monitored and directed. When Virgo gets tired of this, she changes her job, but not her style of behavior.

Health and Diseases

Good health is a given for Virgo. At the same time, they tend to exaggerate their physical capabilities, abilities, strengths. This leads to disastrous consequences. Virgos born on September 6 are advised to beware of injuries. The danger for representatives of the sign is pent-up emotions. They might turn around psychosomatic disorders. The latter most often affect the nervous, digestive system, sense organs.

Fate and Luck

On this day, cheerful, good-natured people are born sociable people. They have artistry, an excellent sense of humor, and charm. Heaven generously endowed them creative abilities. They can successfully prove themselves in any field of activity. But in order to achieve the desired result, they need not to scatter their efforts, focus on a specific goal, direct all their efforts directly to achieving their plans and, having chosen one direction, improve in it, bringing their skills to the absolute.

You are a practical idealist who needs stimulation and change to save you from boredom. While you desire travel and adventure, you also need the safety and comfort of your own home. You love popularity and try to make a good impression.

You were born on September 6th, your zodiac sign is Virgo. With a sober and prudent mind, keen insight and strong instincts, as well as hard work and perseverance, you must develop determination.

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Work has for you great importance, but due to restlessness or impatience, you may feel dissatisfied.

Since you are not immune to volatile financial situations, it is wiser to save money for a rainy day or make long-term investments, which can be beneficial and relieve you from worrying or worrying about money.

Despite your pragmatism and practicality, you are sensitive and intuitive, which helps you achieve success and implement your plans.

After the age of 16, you have an increased need for partnerships and personal relationships. The sense of beauty intensifies, interests in literary or other creativity are revealed.

Upon reaching 56 years of age, there comes a turning point that gives special meaning transformations and an increasing interest in personal power. At 76 years old, there is a desire for greater certainty and honesty.

Personal qualities of those born on September 6

You can be restless and restless, and sometimes subject to doubts about the correctness of decisions taken. Focus your energy on what really interests you. Be dispassionate and you will be able to develop an easier and more creative attitude to life.

Thanks to their innate humanity, Virgos born on September 6th are purposeful and have a sincere interest in people.

You are sociable, plump creative ideas and need self-expression.

Intuitive feelings, as a rule, do not let you down, and help you quickly evaluate others. You love entertainment and surprise people with your wit. The love of freedom can be expressed in a penchant for traveling or working abroad.

Work and vocation of those born on September 6

Despite your hard work, you should not choose a profession associated with routine and monotony. Congenital analytical skills and the ability to perform painstaking and time-consuming work help to achieve success in research work, science or psychology.

In business, Virgos born on September 6 need variety and the opportunity to receive rewards for their work quickly enough.

You can show energy and assertiveness in professions related to travel, sports or leisure. People born on this day are often drawn to healthcare and medicine.

Love and partnership born on September 6

You are friendly, cheerful and drawn to smart and interesting people. A thirst for knowledge, a need for self-improvement, and a youthful spirit help you maintain success in society.

You are incredibly entertaining and interesting person, but despite this, you need to develop a more responsible attitude towards people.

However, you are usually willing to make every effort to maintain a harmonious union. Brief separations from your partner usually do wonders for restoring your enthusiasm and courageous spirit.

An ideal partner for those born on September 6th

Look for your ideal partner among those born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 6, 10, 20, 21, 26, 29; February 4, 8, 18, 27; March 2, 6, 16, 25, 28, 30; April 4, 14, 23, 26, 28, 30; May 2, 12, 13, 18, 21, 24, 26, 28, 30; June 10, 19, 22, 24, 26, 28; July 8, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26; August 6, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24; September 4, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22; October 2, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20; November 9, 12, 14, 16, 18; December 7, 10, 12, 14, 16.
  • Favorable contacts : January 7, 13, 18, 28; February 5, 11, 16, 26; March 3, 9, 14, 24; April 1, 7, 12, 22; May 5, 10, 20; June 3, 8, 18; July 1, 6, 16; August 4, 14; September 2, 12, 30; October 10, 28; November 8, 26, 30; December 6, 24, 28.
  • Soulmate : January 18; February 16; March 14; April 12; May 10, 29; June 8, 27; July 6, 25; August 4, 23; September 2, 21; October 19; November 17; December 15.
  • Fatal attraction : January 25; February 23; March 3, 4, 5, 6, 21; April 19; May 17; June 15; July 13; August 11; September 9; October 7; November 5; December 3.
  • Troubled relationships : January 3, 17; February 1, 15; March 13; April 11; May 9, 30; June 7, 28; July 5, 26, 29; August 3, 24, 27; September 1, 22, 25; October 20, 23; November 18, 21; December 16, 19.

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Bulgaria and Florence, as well as other countries, are celebrating joyful events today. They make people's lives more fun and beautiful.

Amazing celebrations on September 6, 2019

Saint Peter's Day

IN given number Orthodox people celebrate Peter's day. He is also known as the first metropolitan and patron of Moscow. This celebration in church calendar present since 1480. Saint Peter was metropolitan in the 14th century.

It was he who decided to transfer the department of the Kyiv Metropolitan to Moscow. For such reasons, people call him one of the founding fathers of the Mother See and the patron saint of Moscow. Peter came to the capital of Russia for the first time in 1315. There he created a monastery in honor of the apostles Paul and Peter on one of the hills above the Neglinka River.

Bulgarian Unification Day

In the country, such a celebration is celebrated every year on September 6. The holiday was created in honor of the annexation of Eastern Rumelia to the Principality of Bulgaria in 1885. In 1878, by the Treaty of Berlin, Bulgaria was further divided into three parts: autonomous region Eastern Rumelia, Principality of Bulgaria and region of Macedonia.

In 1885, the national doctrine of the young state bore fruit. In Eastern Rumelia, under the pressure of the popular masses, an uprising began. In the same year, on September 6, rebel detachments led by Chardafon entered Plovdiv and forced the ruler of the region to give his powers to the Provisional Government.

Two days later, a Bulgarian prince named Alexander Battenberg approved with a special manifesto that Eastern Rumelia would join the Principality of Bulgaria. All this was considered a violation of the Berlin Treaty. So they entailed sharp criticism from European powers.

Dilijan City Day

This city is located in Armenia, in the Tavush region. It is also located on the Agstev River and the whole world knows it thanks to its mountain climatic and balneological resort. Dilijan is among the main recreational resources Armenia.

The city owes its healing climate to its favorable location. There are almost no winds here thanks to the mountainous and forested terrain, relative humidity air. That's why tourists come to the resort all year round. Dilijan boasts its mineral springs, which can approach in their properties the waters of the resorts of Georgia and even France.

Nobody knows exactly when this city appeared. Some documents mention it in the 19th century. On the site of modern Dilijan, Russian settlements appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, when in 1827 the Russian army recaptured part of large regions Eastern Armenia. Then they were joined to Tsarist Russia. The country's first anti-tuberculosis dispensary was opened in Dilijan in 1921, and after some time - a dispensary-hospital.

Lantern Festival in Florence

Every year the historical celebration takes place on the 6th-7th of September. Such numbers correspond to the eve of the birthday of the Mother of God. The celebration dates back to the 17th century. It was then that it was customary for residents of surrounding cities to come to Florence for the birthday of the Virgin Mary. In Italy, this saint has always been highly revered.

People loved to celebrate this event in Florence's Piazza della Annunciation. With all this, local residents We tried to combine business with pleasure. They not only took part in the celebration, but also sold their goods well. So the Eve of the Virgin Mary gradually became one of the most important city fairs.

On such days, crowds of peasant women flooded Florence. On this occasion they even dressed up in their best dresses. And since the city residents believed that the village women dressed excessively, they were nicknamed lanterns. Nowadays, in memory of those times, after the fair has passed, a crowded procession with colorful paper lanterns passes through the city. Candles are burning in them. But another version says that the tradition originates from the triumphal entry of Florentine troops into Siena.

What do we celebrate according to the folk calendar on September 6, 2019

Eutychius Quiet

On such a day, people celebrate the memory of the holy martyr Eutyches, who was a disciple of the holy apostles John the Theologian and Paul. Eutyches became a disciple of John when he heard him preach about Jesus. And then he met with Paul, who preached with him in different cities.

During his travels, Eutyches had to experience a lot of torment, because the pagans always wanted to destroy Christians. So they starved them, beat them, threw them into pits with animals, and so on. And during one of the tortures, people saw a miracle: the lion, which was allowed onto Eutyches, spoke in a human voice and gave praise to God. At the same time, many people converted to Christianity.

On Eutychius in Rus', peasants watched the weather. And if the day was calm and windless, then there was no need to fear for the flaxseed, which might fall off. The flax seeds were just ripening in the first week of September, and it was necessary to have time to collect them. If it rained on the holiday, it spoke of a dry autumn and a good harvest.

Name day September 6, 2019

Arseny, Georgy, Kuzma, Maxim, Peter.

Significant events of September 6

  • 394 – Byzantine emperor Theodosius I the Great in last time in history united the Eastern and Western Roman Empires.
  • 1689 – the Treaty of Nerchinsk is concluded – the first treaty between Russia and China.
  • 1826 – the opening of the Egyptian Bridge took place on the Fontanka in St. Petersburg.
  • 1872 – meeting of three emperors in Berlin: Wilhelm I, Franz Joseph I and Alexander II.
  • 1936 – established honorary title People's Artist of the USSR.
  • 1991 – Leningrad returned its historical name – St. Petersburg.

Who was born

  1. Ivan V 1666 – Russian Tsar.
  2. John Dalton 1766 - English scientist.
  3. Hiram Berdan 1824 – American soldier.
  4. Edgar John Rubin 1886 – Danish psychologist.
  5. Edward Victor Appleton 1892 – English physicist.
  6. Grigory Yagdfeld 1908 - Soviet playwright.
  7. Lewis Essen 1908 – English physicist.
  8. Sergei Ostrovoy 1911 – Russian songwriter.

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