Lands that were part of the oprichnina. The main directions of the oprichnina

Yesterday I talked with one of the historians, what do you study and how? It turns out that they are studying not events and facts, not artifacts that are right before our eyes, but some kind of notorious Methodology developed at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
While the Toritics are hanging noodles on our ears, under the tireless supervision of the Zionist nest of the Russian Academy of Sciences, THEY themselves are destroying the Chronicle artifacts of the Russian People. Here are the pyramids of the Urals - they were intact and unharmed, so the historians recommended making careers in them... So who are the barbarians and who imposed the history on us instead of the Chronicle?

Published: May 27, 2013

In the village of Shabrovsky (or simply Shabrakh), perhaps the most interesting tourist attraction in the immediate vicinity of the city of Yekaterinburg is located. This is a talc quarry unusual shape with a small waterfall and equipment remaining at the bottom. A unique museum open air, perfect for filming films based on the works of the Strugatsky brothers. A beautiful and unusual place that has no analogues in the Urals.

Shabrovsky mineral resources are distinguished by their richness and diversity. Numerous gold mines operated here in the 19th century, and talc, marble and serpentine are still mined. Valuable minerals are found in the surrounding area.

In 1829 (June 5, old style), a German traveling around Russia also visited Shabry. scientist Alexander von Humboldt with his companions Gustav Rose and Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg. An excursion to the Shabrovsky gold placers was arranged for them by the chief mountain chief of the Ural ridge, O.S. Osipov.

During a visit to the Shabrovsky mines, the Germans, among other things, noted talc slate, serpentine and garnet crystals found here.

Talc began to be mined in these places later - in the 1880s, but little by little, in an artisanal way. More big catch in those years it was carried out near Sysert - on the site of the current Lake Talkov stone.

And in 1931, the largest talc plant in the Soviet Union arose in Shabry, which continues to operate successfully today. The talc mined here is used in the most different areas industry. It is used in the production of rubber products, plastics, ceramics, chemical industry, etc.

Talc is the softest mineral, greasy to the touch, but at the same time it has fire-resistant properties (melting point of talc is 1530º C), and is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Due to its fireproof properties, soapstone bricks have been widely used in Ural factories in the 19th and most of the 20th centuries. By the way, our distant ancestors also used soapstone for smelting ores.

It was from the quarry, which received the name Staraya Lenza (“old” - because it is no longer in use, and “lens” - for the lens-shaped shape of the talc deposits), began in Soviet era Shabrovsky talc plant. Talc was cut out into bricks using vertical and horizontal saws and lifted to the surface through the air - on cable car cables.

Because of this mining technology, the quarry walls have the appearance of steps that are so unusual for quarries, a little reminiscent of the Egyptian pyramids.

And the bottom of the quarry produces misleading impression as if lined with smooth slabs. It is unlikely that there is something similar anywhere else in the Urals.

The descent into the Old Lens quarry takes place along wooden stairs, the condition of which is well monitored, repaired or replaced.

The length of the quarry is 300 meters, the width of the quarry bottom is up to 100 meters, and the depth is 70-80 meters.

During the development of the quarry, the water horizon was broken. As a result, in several places of the quarry, streams flow out from its slopes. The most powerful is in the northwestern part of the quarry. A real two-stage waterfall, so rare for the Middle Urals, formed here.

By the way, the water here is undrinkable. It has a rather strong unpleasant aftertaste due to large quantity impurities.

Water from all the streams is collected in a small lake with clear, bluish water. A house hangs over the lake, where there is a pump that pumps out water. Next door is a hut in which there is a watchman on duty looking after the pump.

The Staraya Lenza quarry was mothballed in 1974, when all talc began to be mined in a new quarry (New Lenza) in a less troublesome way, without cutting out bricks. Since then, to avoid flooding of the quarry, water from its bottom has been constantly pumped out. This is being done in case they decide to resume talc mining work here again.

There is a house in the quarry where a watchman is on duty to look after the pump. Otherwise, a second Talkov Stone lake (similar to Sysert lake) would have already formed in Shabry, only much larger than the first.

At the bottom of the quarry, old equipment, including foreign ones, is quite well preserved. Here you will see saws used to cut talc blocks. One of them was invented in the 1930s by the company’s staff and was called the “Stolyarov saw”.

This saw always attracts the greatest interest from visitors; it resembles the giant Friendship saw.

The excavator has also been preserved here. The excavator is not a simple one, but a foreign one.

Judging by the inscription preserved on board, it is of Polish origin.

Also in Staraya Lenza, narrow-gauge railway rails, trolleys, lift mechanisms, etc. have been preserved.

Staraya Lenza is beautiful both in summer and winter. In winter, the waterfall is covered with a beautiful ice crust...

and on the southern slope of the quarry a thick layer of blue ice freezes over the winter.

Climbers like to train here.

There is a quarry at the bottom and... a toilet. The rather exotic quarry structure has become the subject of numerous jokes among visitors Staraya Lenza. As if earth's axis passes through it, and a portal to other dimensions opens inside...

In some places the bottom of the quarry is quite humid. In spring, frogs breed in puddles. The bottom and slopes of the quarry are gradually overgrown with young pine trees. In some places the walls of the quarry are covered with moss.

Rare plants are also found in the quarry and near it: red palmate root, spotted lady's slipper, night violet, foxglove grandiflora, wild lily.

Geology lovers will find interesting samples for your collection. In addition, near the descent to Staraya Lenza there is a warehouse for industrial waste, where you can take a beautiful piece of coil or marble as a souvenir of the walk.

Another “highlight” of these places is the preserved section of a narrow-gauge railway near the quarry, so rare in our time.

Some scenes of Alexey Muradov’s film “The Truth about Slits” (2003) were filmed in Staraya Lenza. Three former classmates meet after a long separation at the funeral of an old woman - ex-neighbor and set off to travel together hometown, “resurrecting” his own past along the way, says the annotation for the film.

A scene from Alexey Fedorchenko’s film “Angels of the Revolution” (2015) was also filmed in the quarry.

Still from the film "The Truth About Slits"

Flooding of Stara Lenza

Unfortunately, at the beginning of 2017, the pump that pumped water out of the quarry failed. They were unable to repair it promptly; in addition, ice froze in the pipes. As a result, the quarry began to fill with water. Under the multi-meter layer of water, the amazing sights of the quarry were hidden: old equipment, a waterfall, mineral deposits. Unfortunately, the most amazing attraction of Yekaterinburg is forever a thing of the past. Now, on the site of Staraya Lenza, an ordinary quarry lake has formed, of which there are many in the Urals.

Video about the Old Lens

Program "Weekend Plan", episode about the Old Lens and Mount Vysokaya

How to get to Staraya Lenza?

To get to Staraya Lenza, just take bus No. 9 (formerly No. 105) in Yekaterinburg at the Yuzhnaya stop. The bus schedule is posted at the stop. On average, he walks two to three times an hour. Since administratively the village of Shabrovsky belongs to the Chkalovsky district of Yekaterinburg, the cost of travel is the same as a trip around the city.

You need to go to the final stop “Shabrovsky”. From the stop go along railway in a south-easterly direction, towards the talc plant. Immediately behind the plant buildings, paths will appear on the right, which after a few tens of meters will lead first to a dirt road, and then to the quarry itself. From the stop to the quarry - no more than 20-30 minutes walk. Although Staraya Lenza is located on the territory of the enterprise, no one is preventing access to it yet.

GPS coordinates of Stara Lenza: N 56º 37.572’; E 60º 36.350’.

Also, in addition to the Old Lens, in the vicinity of Shabry you can visit the rocks on Mount Vysokaya (Snake Hill), Shabrovsky stone tents, Hematite Hill, the Kler-Shpankov mine or the Malosedelnikovskoye rhodonite deposit.

© Pavel Raspopov


Pyramid - volumetric geometric figure, which is based on a polyhedron, and side faces are triangles having common top. The pyramids of the Uchalinsky district have squares at their base. Throughout history, miraculous properties have been attributed to the pyramids. One of the translation options for the word “pyramid” is “fire in the middle,” “middle fire,” which in itself is mysterious. In occultism and esotericism, pyramids serve as reservoirs of anomalous (paranormal) spiritual, mental and cosmic energy. According to some people, pyramidal structures have healing and stimulating properties. Others believe that they accumulate evil, other negative energy and that long stay It's harmful to be around them. There is a pyramid cult extending from ancient egyptian pyramid Cheops to the glass structure in the courtyard of the Louvre.

I first heard about the Uchalinsky pyramids in 2006 from Edgar Osvaldovich Olin, the leading geologist of the Sibay branch of the Uchalinsky Mining and Processing Plant. At the presentation of the UMMC expedition “Bashkir Region”, dedicated to the 450th anniversary of the unification of Russia with Bashkiria, which was celebrated that year, Olin spoke about stone tetrahedral pyramids recently discovered in the forests of the Uchalinsky region. They were made of massive stones and were structures up to 2.5-3 meters high with a base size of about 4 by 4 meters. Interestingly, their edges or faces were oriented exactly to the cardinal points. The age of the mysterious structures was not clear - maybe 50-100 years, or maybe several thousand.

Unfortunately, then due to busy schedule During the expedition we were unable to pay adequate attention to the pyramids. Over the years, the number of pyramids found scattered throughout the forests has apparently increased to 14. I say “apparently” because none of the topics covered in our book are surrounded by as many lies and deception as these pyramids. With some stretch, we can say that they are located around the Iremel mountain range in the sector from east to southwest. Researchers are confident that the pyramids must be on other sides of Iremel, but they have not yet been discovered. Moreover, some believe that the pyramids are copies of Iremel himself. We can partially agree with this: the main peak of the Iremel massif, when viewed from the northeast, really looks like a huge pyramid (see photo on page 112).

There is practically no information about Chalinsky copies in the literature. There are several notes on the Internet that wander from site to site with the same spelling errors. For several months I tried to contact the main expert on the pyramids, Dmitry Dmitriev from the city of Uchaly. He did not respond to emails, and the phone invariably reported that the subscriber was temporarily unavailable. Finally, through third parties I learned about Dmitriev’s untimely death. So the history of the pyramids unexpectedly acquired a tragic overtones.

We continue to scour the Internet. We find: “The most famous pyramids four. Two are Urazovsky. One, 8 km from Urazovo towards Tirlyan, was destroyed by vandals, who paid for it (one died in a car accident, the second became homeless), the second - 5 km. Its top is also battered by time. Two are Musinsky (Kyzyltash). They are located at a distance of 2 km from each other towards the top of Iremel. One of them has a foundation about 70 cm high. Perhaps thanks to it, the pyramid has been preserved almost in its original form.”

The Musin pyramids were discovered by Ayrat Khisamutdinov, an employee of the Chalinsky tourist club: “We were collecting wild cherries, and I accidentally came across these piles of stones. I didn’t tell anyone about the find for four years - I was afraid that they would break it, like the one from Uraz. You know what kind of energy there is! The vegetation is lush. Boletus caps are huge."

To my great joy, I discovered the coordinates of one of the Musin pyramids: 54 o 08 "09" N. and 58 o 50 "09" E. We will definitely find the second one, since it is located 2 km in the direction of Iremel. Pyramids have also been discovered nearby settlements Mindyak, Kiryabinskoe, Yuldashevo, Kubyakovo, Kunakbaevo.


There is a flood on the Ryastok River, which the Bashkirs call “Rastak”. With difficulty we cross the river on the Niva (which has a proper name - Donkey) and drive along a dirty forest road, plunging into muddy puddles, towards the treasured coordinates. The road ends. There are only 700 m left to the place. Judging by the map, the pyramid is installed somewhere on a slope at an altitude of 802 m in the upper right bank of the agile Ukvantyrgan stream, which is the right tributary of the Ryastok.

The mountain slopes are covered with birch forest interspersed with huge pine trees and with traces of some strange selective windfall. A nasty light rain begins. The surrounding forest is filled with a creeping fog, from which all signs emerge anomalous zone: trees with traces of lightning, groups of curved birches, their tops tilted to the ground, and, finally, many so-called dunces - trees broken in the middle part of the trunk 1.

Near the indicated coordinates, we see the ghostly outlines of a pyramid through the fog. Hooray? We rush to her, but she turns out to be the root of a huge uprooted pine tree. Disappointment…

Having gotten wet, we decide to return to Donkey. The next day we resume our search. There is no fog, but the rain is not stopping, and it is pouring more and more heavily. How will we return? The water at the ford has probably still arrived. Again we reach the uprooted pine tree and walk around it in widening circles. There is no pyramid in the indicated location!

We didn’t even get to the ford on the way back. We got stuck on a steep earthen slope, trying to get around an insurmountable puddle through the forest. They abandoned poor Donkey and went on foot. Having gotten wet, we barely crossed the river...

A week later we went to rescue Donkey.

My companions will not let me lie. Already beyond Uchaly, when it got dark, rain began to pour. The impenetrable darkness of the wet asphalt was dazzlingly cut through by frantic lightning, and the windshield was flooded with jets of inky water. The sky opened up, there was a roar as if a blacksmith’s hammer was knocking a meter away from us. Most of the cars clung to the roadsides, waiting out the rampant elements. I couldn’t help but think: “Pyramids are not allowed!”, and I remembered the story of D. Dmitriev:

“Perched on wooden planks, we toss and turn for a long time - hard. I still don't want to sleep. And suddenly the forest began to rustle and rain began to patter on the roof. Sharp gusts of wind at times even seemed to shake the hut. I look at my cell phone - it’s four o’clock in the morning.

Hm. That’s what needed to be proven,” Lenar suddenly declares. - The head of a Chachalinsk enterprise came to Urazovo. I went to the pyramids in a UAZ. A terrible thunderstorm came, we don’t know if we got there...”

The thunderstorm finally stopped, but the rain continued to fall, filling Ryastok with water. In complete darkness we reached Donkey. He faithfully waited for us, forlornly burying his side in a young birch tree.

In the morning the sun was shining, nothing reminded of the night riot. Even the water in the river has not arrived very much. The donkey was saved. There was an opportunity to think about the sublime, that is, about the pyramids! I re-read the text again and suddenly noticed the second name of the Musinsky pyramids, given in brackets - Kyzyltashsky. And the mountain with that name was located directly behind the ford opposite our camp. It was decided in the morning to climb to its rocky peak and look around.


A 40-year-old resident of Musino, who had surgery for appendicitis a week ago, lay on the couch all day, and in the evening decided to take a car ride. So he met us at the crossing. Khalil volunteered to accompany us to the pyramids, despite the fact that he kept his hand on his lower abdomen the entire time.

The first pyramid is located on the open southwestern slope of the Kyzyltash ridge. A significant part of the journey to it was made on the Donkey, taking a detour through Musino. Last meters 400 walked up. The base of the pyramid is lined with large, up to 1 m long, massive stones, which are laid with a slight slope inside the pyramid. Closer to the top of the structure, the stones become smaller. All the masonry was done very carefully, without haste, with a careful selection of the most suitable stones, which are practically absent on the slope itself. The material for the construction was probably delivered from the rocks located about two hundred meters away. A beautiful panorama opens from the pyramid in the direction of Mount Ryastoqtash.

The second Musinskaya (Kyzyltashskaya) pyramid is located 400 m southeast of the first. Unlike the first one, it is located in a small clearing, less noticeable and, one might say, is in the forest. It is slightly larger in size than the first, better preserved, but perhaps folded less neatly.

It is difficult to say anything definite about the age of the pyramids. I will only note that close to the second pyramid grows a 50-70-year-old birch tree, which was clearly born after the construction of the mysterious structure, since it “flows around” it. I will also not say that the faces and edges of the pyramid are “oriented (with an accuracy of one degree) to the modern magnetic pole"(quote from the Internet). Firstly, the masonry is not so ideal, and secondly, we do not have such precise instruments (it is impossible to determine the direction with an accuracy of 1 o using a compass needle or using a navigator). And finally, what does it mean to be “oriented towards the modern magnetic pole”?

The Earth's magnetic pole is a point that does not stand still, but moves along an unpredictable trajectory with variable speed. Canadian scientist Larry Newitt 2 reported in 2005 that the magnetic north pole, located in Canada, had left the country. According to forecasts, if maintained modern direction and a movement rate of 64 km per year, the pole can reach the Taimyr Peninsula and become the “property” of Russia by approximately 2040-2045.

So, let's summarize the Musinsky pyramids. What is wrong with the Internet?

1. The coordinates of the pyramids are indicated incorrectly.

2. The distance between the pyramids is not 2 km, but 400 m.

3. If you draw a line connecting the pyramids, then its continuation will not point to Iremel.

4. None of the pyramids have any foundation!

Internet guys copy unverified nonsense from site to site! Or is this done on purpose so that no one finds and destroys the pyramids? But, gentlemen, this is stupid! Why pretend to be mysterious? Potential vandals reason something like this: “If there is something somewhere, but no one really says anything, then doesn’t it mean that there is something to hide there. But we’ll find it, turn it around and see if there’s any treasure there.”


1. Ancient temple. Religious ritual building. About. Religious object. Perhaps these are both Turkic and ancient Slavic buildings serving worship sacred mountain Iremel. The location of the pyramids on a steep slope, in a deep forest, etc. is not always convenient.

2. Graves, burials, mounds, mazars, other tombs with the construction of a stone structure over them. Arguments against: rocky ground, absence of traces of burial in the destroyed pyramid.

3. Ancient memorial structures. According to this version, the culture of mummification of the bodies of noble dead with the help of pyramids originated in Southern Urals and then, in more perfect form, was moved to Ancient Egypt. The ratios of the linear dimensions of the pyramids of the Uchalinsky region and the ancient Egyptian ones are the same, the only difference is in size.

4. Tour, geodetic, boundary sign, boundaries of certain territories. According to the geologist of the Uchalinsky Mining and Processing Plant E. Olin, who studied the pyramids, these structures are boundary markers for the factory dachas of the Tirlyansky or Beloretsky factories. Critics usually point out, as in point 1, the inconvenient arrangement of symbols. As an anti-criticism, we can recall the extreme southern point Sverdlovsk region, lying in an illogical place, on the border with Bashkortostan, on a remote forest slope, and marked ... by a small reservoir dug out by land surveyors in 1934.

5. Gate to a parallel (other) world. Built in places of power, at points of contact between worlds. The point of intersection of worlds. Time machine. Exchange of earthly and solar energy. Solar energy storage. The clairvoyant guru Sai Baba from India informed his followers about the location of a gate to a parallel world in the Southern Urals.

6. Places of power, pyramids, were built to cleanse the Earth. They attract negativity and neutralize it. Rimma Galeeva, director natural park"Iremel": “The guys and I measured the energy of the pyramid - after two meters the wire begins to actively spin. And then, you know, after visiting the pyramid I felt very empty, as if all my strength had gone. One pyramid - the one from Uraz - has been known for a long time; geologists found it back in the 1980s. But the rest were found already in the 2000s.”

7. Maybe someone was just kidding? This assumption should not be rejected 100%, but one cannot but agree that this is a very sophisticated masochistic prank.

The age of the pyramids, knowledge of which would significantly reduce the number of versions, and perhaps completely clarify the situation, has not been determined. All experts unanimously refer to the high cost of the research and, of course, to the fact that it is done only in distant Moscow. For some reason, archaeologists are not interested in pyramids...

1 Experts do not consider “dumbs” to be something unusual; on the contrary: “In a virgin forest, trees rarely break at the base. They either turn upside down or break quite high above the ground" (E. Shubnitsina, Shchugor. Syktyvkar: NP "Yugyd Va", 2009. - 72 pp. with ill.).

2 Larry Newitt - head of the Ministry's geomagnetic laboratory natural resources Canada.

Lecture by Nikolai Subbotin, which talks about the unknown civilization of the Ural Mountains and megalithic objects of Russia.

Megalithic structures.
Granite cube
Cuts in stone
Lichens grow on stones (2-3 years and cover the stone). If the stone is well processed, then the lichen cannot penetrate
Tulma Ridge: a perfectly flat area, cleared of large and small boulders. The platforms are cut in the form of ledges. The sites are usually located at dominant heights
Tulym artifact: The internal surface is well processed, there are no lichens inside
Expeditions of Tom Zamorin. He goes to the mountains for a month without weapons, taking with him a day's supply of water and food!
Kosvinsky artifact: Clear traces of cuts
Artifact from the Kvarkush plateau
Konjakov artifact: A circle with a diameter of 5 meters made of stones. There are no roads around, 200 km to populated areas, 100 km to the nearest nature reserve in the mountains
Ancient mine workings on the plateau (not only in the Urals, but also in Yakutia)
Mount Pyramid. Rock "Dragon".
Black Mountain Pyramid. At the base of the pyramid is a mine, and a very old one at that. The pyramid itself is made of quartzite. Quartzite accumulates static electricity, i.e. is a resonator of energy. Under certain conditions, orbs or glows appear. At the same time, people begin to experience fear and certain physical sensations. Death Valley.
Damn town Sverdlovsk region. The wall, about 30 meters long, is strictly oriented from south to north. At the base there are regular hewn blocks. Between some blocks there is a “fastening solution” that is still preserved. There are a lot of regular slabs around, clearly not nature education. There are several dozen or hundreds of them. This wall is on the top of a ridge. On one side the wall is flat, but on the other it is very easy to climb onto it, and to any height. There are round holes in the wall (you can watch, shoot,...). There are many strange channels around the object (possibly these are drainage systems).
Popov Island, Sverdlovsk region. Very interesting stone processing. Steps.
Mountain Shoria near Tomsk. The blocks are not a thousand tons, as in Baalbek, but probably tens of thousands of tons! The outer wall consists of blocks of at least 5 meters. Classic plasticine masonry. Unknown stone processing technology. Strange round holes. Unclear ducts (water ducts, air ducts, or something similar). The unknown ones are chipped. Alternatively, the remains of ancient copper smelters, but there are no traces of combustion. Granite blocks flowed under the influence of temperature (granite melted or boiled, traces of soot remained).
Could destroy civilization nuclear explosion. This is stated in ancient works like the Mahabharata.
A kilometer-sized clay patch that is not overgrown with forest.
Characteristic islands in the center of the lake, which often remain at the epicenter of powerful (atomic) explosions
Artificial craters

Sodom and Gomorrah. Traces of the trees of war. The ash penetrates the stone to a depth of 20 centimeters. Insertion in the stone (granite is melted 5-10 cm). Sulfur balls with a purity of 95%, i.e. These are artificial formations, the combustion temperature of such balls is from 3500 to 4000 degrees. A wall of fire burns everything out.

Comparison of Sodom and Gomorrah and Tulma.

Weapons in Mahabharata. Thundering arrows, after which a wave of fire passed, while people did not get sick, there was no radioactive contamination left.
Vimanika Sastra (translated into English years 20 ago) describes how to build aircraft, how to fly them, how to train ancient pilots, how to repair them. Weapons that allow
-burn an army with one shot,
-blind the army without killing it,
-immobilize the army (psychotronic drugs?).

The expression “no stone left unturned.” Apparently there were such wars that there were no traces left at all.

Polyudov stone, footprint of the giant Polyud. The depression is similar to a leg. To get there, you need to climb to a height of 50 meters along a sheer wall. The legend about the giants Polyud and Pele, who loved the girls Vishera.
According to legend, the Divya people inhabited the Perm region and the Ural Mountains. 1.5 meters high. Bazhov wrote about them. Divya cave. The explored passages go to a depth of approximately 8 km. Little people are seen around the cave, fireballs, are heard strange sounds, in some grottoes people become very scared.

Peipus wells

Wars of the ancient gods in Slavic mythology. Svarog with the heavenly army defeated Deevo’s army and sealed the marvelous people under Ural mountains. The same legends exist on the Kola Peninsula.

A giant's tooth (fang) in the Pozhvinsky Museum. 1.5 times larger than a normal human fang.

Stone Town in Perm region. Classic image of a woman in a rock. Altar stone.

Manpupuner. Stones on a flat surface. The same object - "Valley of Stone Giants" - is in Yakutia.

Georesonators. Flat helical electromagnetic antennas.
Stone labyrinths repeating longitudinal section brain. Comparison with flat magnetic antennas. In the Perm region, 80% of labyrinths are located in places geological faults. Faults, like waveguides, transmit energy earth's bowels to the surface. Frequency approximately 50 Hz. Antenna labyrinths enhance and structure this energy. Those. There is a certain synchronization of flows coming from the earth, which come into resonance with our shell. An energetic resonance arises between the brain and the fields of the planet.
According to legends, witches and shamans danced on these circles on days of lunar activity, when gravitational processes change. These days the activity of the faults was the highest. Legends say that shamans communicated with spirits using such stone circles.
Most of these objects are on the seashores. Perhaps this is an ancient psionic weapon.
Other artifacts of ancient cyailizations are built according to a similar spiral-ring pattern.

Tom Zamorin "Black Mountain Pyramid". Announcement of the d/f Memories of the past.


OPRICHNINA-s; and. East.

1. The system of internal political measures of Ivan the Terrible in 1565 - 1572, carried out to strengthen the Russian centralized state and to combat princely-boyar opposition and alleged treason.

2. Part of the Moscow state, allocated in 1565 by Ivan the Terrible as a special fief, under his direct control, with a special administrative apparatus and a special army. The whole earth was divided into zemshchina and oprichnina.

3. A special army of Ivan the Terrible, which served as his support in the fight against the princely-boyar opposition.

4. In appanage Rus' of the 13th - 15th centuries: a part of the appanage allocated as a special possession (for example: a part allocated to the widow of a prince for lifelong possession).


1) in the XIV-XV centuries. special appanage ownership of women from the grand ducal family. 2) The name of the inheritance of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible in 1565-1572 with a special territory, army and state apparatus. 3) The system of internal political measures of Ivan IV the Terrible in 1565-72 to combat alleged treason among the nobility (mass repressions, executions, land confiscations, etc.).


OPRICHNINA (oprichnina, from Old Russian oprich - especially), name domestic policy Ivan the Terrible (cm. IVAN IV the Terrible) in 1565-1572. In the 14th and 15th centuries oprishnina was the name given to the special appanage ownership of a member of the grand ducal family, usually women. In 1565, Ivan the Terrible allocated himself an oprichnina - a sovereign inheritance with a special territory, troops, and institutions. The oprichnina policy was aimed at eradicating alleged treason among the nobility (mass repressions, executions, land confiscations).
The establishment of the oprichnina was prepared by the events of the early 1560s. Ivan the Terrible sought an active continuation Livonian War(1558-1583), but encountered opposition from some people from his circle. The break with the Elected Rada and disgrace with the princes and boyars in 1560-1564 caused discontent among the nobility, leaders of the orders and the higher clergy; some representatives of the nobility who did not agree with the policies of Ivan IV fled abroad (A.M. Kurbsky). In December 1564, Ivan IV left for Alexandrov Sloboda near Moscow and on January 3, 1565 announced his abdication due to “anger” at the clergy, boyars, children of boyars and officials. Deputations arrived in the settlement from the boyars and clergy, as well as from the townspeople of Moscow, who agreed to grant the tsar emergency powers. A decree was prepared by which Ivan IV announced the establishment of a “special” court with a special territory, army, finances and governing bodies. The goal of the oprichnina was proclaimed to be the eradication of “sedition”; a special control apparatus and an army obedient to the tsar were created (initially a thousand people). The oprichnina included: in the central part of the country - Mozhaisk, Vyazma, Suzdal; in the southwest - Kozelsk, Przemysl, Belev, Medyn; in the north - Dvina, Veliky Ustyug, Kargopol, Vologda, as well as palace possessions. Revenues from the oprichnina territory went to the treasury and were used to maintain the oprichnina army and administrative apparatus. The number of oprichnina troops reached 5-6 thousand people. Later, Kostroma, Staritsa, part of Novgorod, Obonezhskaya and Bezhetskaya Pyatina were additionally included in the oprichnina inheritance. In the oprichnina, the oprichnina Duma acted, and the financial orders were the Cheti. The oprichnina army was led mainly by people from the sovereign's court. The Tsar introduced the independence of the guardsmen from the jurisdiction of national authorities and courts. The rest of the state received the name zemshchina. She continued to be driven Boyar Duma, forced by all the most important issues seek the king's consent. To establish the oprichnina, the zemshchina was subject to a one-time tax of 100 thousand rubles.
Many local landowners who were not included in the “special” court were evicted from the oprichnina territory, and their lands were transferred to the oprichnina nobles. The nobles who were taken into account, better than other landowners, were allocated land and peasants, and received generous benefits. These land redistributions to some extent undermined the economic and political importance of the large landed aristocracy. With the beginning of the oprichnina, disgraces and executions intensified. The conductors of the oprichnina repressions were boyar A.D. Basmanov, armorer Prince A.I. Vyazemsky, M.L. Skuratov-Belsky. The establishment of the oprichnina and the actions of Ivan IV the Terrible, aimed at the physical destruction of real and imaginary political opponents and their confiscation land holdings, caused protest from part of the nobility and clergy. On Zemsky Sobor In 1566, a group of nobles filed a petition for the abolition of the oprichnina. The petitioners were executed. Metropolitan Afanasy expressed dissatisfaction with the oprichnina (left the throne on May 19, 1566), and the new Metropolitan Philip Kolychev (strangled by M.L. Skuratov in 1569) also spoke out against the oprichnina. Started in 1568 big wave repressions (the case of boyar I.P. Fedorov), which ended with the liquidation of the Staritsky inheritance (1569) and the defeat of Novgorod (1570). In the case of I.P. Fedorov executed more than 400 people. During the Novgorod campaign in Tver, Torzhok (in the cities through which the guardsmen marched) and in Novgorod, the guardsmen killed 1,505 people only on the report of Skuratov-Belsky (in fact, there were many times more executed and killed). Oprichnina repressions were accompanied by murders and robberies of the population of cities and estates. Among those killed in Novgorod most of were black townspeople. The population was subject to unaffordable taxes, for the collection of which the guardsmen used torture and execution.
As a result of the oprichnina, Ivan IV achieved a sharp strengthening of autocratic power, giving it the features of an eastern despotism. The policy of the oprichnina has become important stage on the path of peasant enslavement. During the years of the oprichnina, the tsarist government generously distributed black and palace lands to landowners, especially from among the oprichniki. At the same time, peasant duties increased sharply, and oprichniki removed peasants from the zemshchina “by force and not on time. The increase in state taxes and private duties caused the ruin of the peasants. Oprichnina terror was aggravated by the protracted war in Livonia, raids Crimean Tatars, famine, epidemics, rights. In conditions oprichnina terror, when any protest was suppressed in the bud, the main forms of resistance of the peasantry became mass escapes and non-payment of taxes. The division of the state into oprichnina and zemshchina was fraught with disastrous consequences. In 1572, the oprichnina was abolished and part of the confiscated lands were returned to their former owners. The revival of the oprichnina under the name “destiny” occurred in 1575-1576, when Ivan IV put the serving Tatar khan Simeon Bekbulatovich at the head of the zemshchina, and he himself began new land redistributions.
Since the 16th century they have expressed various judgments about the reasons for the introduction of the oprichnina and its essence. Progressive Russian historiography has generally leaned towards a negative assessment of the consequences of the oprichnina for development Russian state. Research Soviet historians(P.A. Sadikov, S.B. Veselovsky, A.A. Zimin, I.I. Polosin, I.I. Smirnova, L.V. Cherepnin, S.O. Schmidt, R.G. Skrynnikova, V. B. Kobrina, S.M. Kashtanova, N.E. Nosova) considered the oprichnina as a complex of military, administrative, financial and social measures of the government of Ivan IV, aimed at overcoming the remnants feudal fragmentation in the country, the rise of the nobility and the strengthening of peasant enslavement, but they recognized that the oprichnina policy was accompanied mass repressions, which affected not only princes and boyars, but also nobles, as well as wider masses. Historians of post-Soviet Russia do not see oprichnina politics positive aspects, they believe that the scope of the repressions of Ivan the Terrible is in no way justified and is largely connected with the manic character traits of the tsar himself. The oprichnina undermined the economy and productive forces of Russia, which became one of the reasons for the crisis of the Time of Troubles.

Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .


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