10 biggest tsunamis. The biggest waves in the world

Tsunami is one of the most destructive natural disasters. The most common cause is earthquakes, which create giant waves that crash onto the shore with millions of cubic meters of water. Such power can take the lives of thousands of people and cause colossal destruction. We at TravelAsk decided to tell you about the worst tsunamis that humanity has witnessed.

Tsunami after the Krakatoa eruption, 1883

Victims: 36.5 thousand people

Krakatoa is one of the most dangerous volcanoes on the planet. Thus, in 535, a volcanic eruption led to climate change on Earth, and the eruption of 1883 destroyed almost the entire island on which it was located. It was from its explosion that a powerful wave was formed that swept along the entire coast of the Indian Ocean, demolishing fishing villages along the way. Then almost everyone who lived within a radius of 500 kilometers died. Moreover, even people who were on the opposite bank - in South Africa - became victims.

Megatsunami in Lituya Bay, 1958

Victims: 5 people

In southeast Alaska, in Lituya Bay, a natural disaster occurred in 1958. First, an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.3 was recorded in this region, which caused a huge landslide of stones and ice from two glaciers with a total volume of more than 300 million cubic meters. All this provoked a giant wave over 500 meters high! The tsunami washed away the entire slope of the bay and destroyed the spit that separated Lituya from the neighboring bay. It was the highest wave recorded in the history of mankind; for comparison, the Eiffel Tower is almost half as big: 300 meters. Fortunately, the shores of the bay were not inhabited, so the number of victims was minimal.

Philippines tsunami, 1976

Casualties: 7.5 thousand people

In 1976, an earthquake occurred in the Philippines, which caused a seemingly small tsunami with a wave height of 4.5 meters. But since the coast was low, the waves swept away everything in their path for 400 miles. Of course, people did not expect such a threat, so more than 5 thousand people died and approximately 2.5 thousand people went missing. And the number of victims is generally estimated in tens of thousands: many settlements were simply washed away, about one hundred thousand residents were left homeless.

Tsunami in Indian Ocean, 2004

Casualties: 655 thousand people

Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar and other countries along the Indian coast will remember December 26, 2004 for centuries. The underwater earthquake triggered a tsunami with wave heights of up to 30 meters, which hit the shore in just a few minutes. The tsunami, according to official data, then claimed the lives of 280 thousand people, and according to unofficial data - 655 thousand people. The reasons for such a number of victims are that the coastal area is very densely populated, and there were a lot of tourists on the beaches. But the most important thing is that if these regions had established modern system tsunami alerts, then people would be aware of the threat.

Earthquake in Japan, 2011

Casualties: 25 thousand people

40-meter waves covered approximately 560 square kilometers of Japan on March 11, 2011, after a magnitude 9.0 earthquake. The natural disaster was called the Great Earthquake Eastern Japan" As a result of the disaster, 62 people were injured settlements, about 380 thousand buildings were destroyed, and more than 25 thousand people died. But the main consequence of the tsunami is the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. The radiation threat from the damaged reactor is global, with emissions occurring in the ocean and atmosphere radioactive substances. Elimination of the accident and its consequences will take approximately 40 years.

In December, mourning events were held in Indonesia, dedicated to memory victims of the devastating tsunami that hit the country exactly 10 years ago. The 9.1 magnitude Indian Ocean undersea earthquake that occurred on December 26, 2004, created a tsunami that is considered the deadliest natural disaster in the world. modern history. This is the third most powerful earthquake on record. So Planet X entered solar system.

The epicenter of the earthquake was in the Indian Ocean, north of the island of Simeulue, located off the northwestern coast of the island of Sumatra (Indonesia). The tsunami reached the shores of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, southern India, Thailand and other countries. The height of the waves exceeded 15 meters. The tsunami led to huge destruction and a huge number dead people, even in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 6900 km from the epicenter. According to various estimates, from 225 thousand to 300 thousand people died. The death toll is 227,898, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). True number the deaths are unlikely to ever be known, as many people were swept out to sea.

The earthquake was unusually large in a geographical sense. About 1200 km (according to some estimates - 1600 km) of rock shifted over a distance of 15 m along the subduction zone, causing the Indian plate to move under the Burma plate. The shift was not one-time, but was divided into two phases within a few minutes. Seismographic data suggests that the first phase formed a fault measuring approximately 400 km by 100 km, located at approximately 30 km above sea level. The fault formed at a speed of about 2 km/s, starting from the shore of Ase towards the northwest for about 100 seconds. There was then a pause of about 100 seconds, after which the rift continued to form north towards the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Bias tectonic plates caused the movement of a huge amount of water with an energy equal to 23 thousand nuclear charges dropped on Hiroshima.

Some small islands southwest of Sumatra were shifted to the southwest by a distance of up to 20 meters. The northern end of Sumatra, which lies on the Burma Plate ( southern regions Sunda Plate), may also be shifted 36 meters to the southwest. The shift was both vertical and lateral; some coastal areas are now below sea level.

The reported death toll from the earthquake, tsunami and subsequent flooding fluctuates widely due to confusion and conflicting reports from the ground. Total quantity The death toll is estimated at approximately 235 thousand people, tens of thousands are missing, more than a million people were left homeless. Losses were initially reported in the hundreds human lives, but over the next week the number of known victims increased greatly. On the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka, waves 7-9 meters high destroyed the overcrowded Samudra Devi passenger train located near the coast, killing about 1,700 people - the largest train accident in world history.

Charitable organizations report that . This is a result of the high proportion of children in the settlements of many of the affected regions and the fact that children were the least able to resist the rising waters.

In addition to the huge number local residents, over 9,000 foreign tourists (mainly Europeans) who spent their holidays in regions affected by the tsunami died or went missing, especially tourists from Scandinavian countries. Perhaps the hardest blow of all European countries was struck in Sweden - 60 dead and 1,300 missing were reported.

Coast of Sri Lanka

The water receded 100 m

Tsunami strike

A critical situation was declared in Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the Maldives. The UN has announced that the current rescue operation will be the most expensive ever undertaken. Secretary General UN Kofi Annan said reconstruction would take five to ten years. Governments and non-governmental organizations feared that the death toll could double in the final stages as a result of disease.

In terms of the number of victims, the earthquake was one of the 10 most destructive in history. It is also one of the worst tsunamis in history, the previous “record” being held by the 1703 tsunami in Awa (Japan), which killed about 100,000 people.

On December 23, 2004, two earthquakes occurred, magnitude 8.1 in Tasmania and magnitude 8.2 in Auckland. After this, on December 24, 2004, real-time seismographs showed global wave activity around the world.

Earthquakes are recorded on seismographs in the form of pointed graphs. And this wave activity is not a sign of earthquakes, but. December 26, 2004 major earthquake Magnitude 9.1 caused a huge tsunami in Sumatra. Geologists reported that the Earth subsequently "ringed like a bell" for several days, and the next day, December 27, 2004, this wave activity in the magma was observed again.

On December 26, 2004, Sumatra suffered a magnitude 9.1 earthquake, although it took several months for the USGS to acknowledge that it was about that magnitude. The gap along the fault line between the Eurasian and Indo-Australian plates, common to India and Australia, was eventually recognized to be 700 miles long. It was also an earthquake that would set in motion the end of the world. The December 26, 2004 earthquake was preceded by two December 23 earthquakes, magnitude 8.1 in Tasmania and magnitude 8.2 in Auckland, one after the other, both near the magnetic South Pole. Casey reported:

Question: How soon will changes in Earth activity begin to become apparent?

Answer: When in one of South Seas the first violation of certain conditions will occur and these disturbances in the form of an obvious decrease or increase will appear in almost the opposite place or in the Mediterranean Sea and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Etna volcano, then we can consider that it has begun.
311-8; April 9, 1932

These original faults, quite close to the South Magnetic Pole, arose in an area directly opposite the Mediterranean. Casey states that this will be followed by a sinking or rising of the earth in the area Mediterranean Sea. On January 13, 2005, it was reported that this had already happened - the level of the Mediterranean Sea in Venice, during the high tide season, became surprisingly and unseasonably low, in the west of the sea, near Barcelona and in the east, in Croatia; the population cannot remember that the shores were so exposed at such a time. Cayce predicts that a pole shift will occur in our future, but does not give exact date

Question: Which big change or the beginning of what change, if any, should take place on Earth in 2000 - 2001 AD?

Answer: When a pole shift occurs. Or new cycle begins.
826-8; August 11, 1936

What could push such a large platform as the Indo-Australian one, jumping out of its blocking, formed along all edges at depths of several miles by fractures of rocks interlocked in infinite number places and preventing any movement at all? What force could cause these stone teeth to rupture along 600 miles of Sumatra? This is the Torque that will experience globe, when the north magnetic pole is sharply pushed in one direction, and the south magnetic pole is pulled in the other. In these days, coming months later, such tension increases as Planet X not only moves closer and takes up more space, but also turns its North Pole, this fire hose throwing out magnetic particles, as it will make a maneuver, lining up along the lines magnetic flux passing above the solar equator. Therefore, the attraction of the Earth's south magnetic pole will become stronger. And the repulsion of its north magnetic pole will be stronger. The entire Indo-Australian Plate has now become detached and in motion, starting with a fault in the rock south of Tasmania, where the plate is adjacent to the south magnetic pole. By rotating this location to the left and holding off from further rotation as Planet X's N magnetic pole is not inclined to let go due to the Earth's N magnetic pole being pushed to the right, the plate is pushed out of its clinch at the location where it became detached from New Zealand. Rock surrendered within a few days, breaking along a curve passing near Sumatra.

A person looks at the so-called Continental Drift and cannot figure out how movement could arise in various directions(hypothetical single continent) Pangea. The forces that can cause a rocky platform to rupture and continue to do what it does are something he chooses not to consider. Why might the Indo-Australian Plate be subducting under the Himalayas? And what put the platforms in this position? Why did the gaps form? Sea Route St. Lawrence, African Rift Valley, Atlantic Rip While Pacific Ocean Shrinks? Why did these rocky foundations simply not resist throughout the entire time, continuing to maintain the status quo that had once arisen? Due to this torque acting on the south magnetic pole, not only is the Indo-Australian Plate being pushed out, indicating that this is only part of the pressure that is causing the Pole Wobble. This wobble is due to the strong repulsion of the Earth's magnetic north pole as it faces the emerging N Pole of Planet X. There is also a strange lack of tension along the North American Plate, likely subject to the same compressive pressure as the rest of the Pacific Ocean. Ring of Fire!

National Information Center US Geological Survey

Place your hand on the North Pole of the globe and turn it to the right, as if you were trying to unscrew the lid of a jar. Place your other hand on South Pole globe, turning it to the left, as when opening a can - in this case, the platforms of the Earth move apart. At the same time, you not only push out the Indo-Australian plate, disappear and submerge the Pacific Ocean with the Philippine plates located under Asia, you reduce the pressure on the entire North American continent! This is the force that pushes back the magnetic north pole whenever it faces Planet X. Step forward, push back - these are the impulses received from Planet X that are the cause. Why is it that Central and South America, like parts of the Ring of Fire, do not escape such influence, and the platform on which the northern magnetic pole, - avoids? It is far away! For those who do not follow the Pole Wobble, thinking that all is right with the world because the Sun rises and sets as usual and the world continues to spin, this is pointless to consider. There is no other explanation for this widespread earthquake. Not a single one.

Of the ten worst earthquakes of the last century, half have occurred in the last ten years, or since Planet X entered the solar system. And of course we can assume that over the last ten years they have been underestimated by the US Geological Survey.

1. Valdivia, Chile. May 22, 1960 Magnitude 9.5
2. Prince William Sound, Alaska. March 28, 1964 Magnitude 9.2
3. Sumatra, Indonesia. December 26, 2004 Magnitude 9.1
4. Sendai, Japan. March 11, 2011 Magnitude 9.0
5. Kamchatka, Russia. November 4, 1952 Magnitude 9.0
6. Bio-Bio, Chile. February 27, 2010 Magnitude 8.8
7. Off the coast of Ecuador. January 31, 1906 Magnitude 8.8
8. Rat Islands, Alaska. April 2, 1965 Magnitude 8.7
9. Sumatra, Indonesia. April 11, 2012 Magnitude 8.6
10. Sumatra, Indonesia. March 28, 2005 Magnitude 8.6

There is no reason to doubt that tsunamis are one of the most terrible disasters that are found on Earth. Every year, such natural phenomena lead to irreparable consequences, taking the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. At the same time, some tsunamis result in colossal losses and damages in terms of the economy. The reason for this natural disaster is an earthquake or tropical cyclone. In some cases, tsunamis are caused by volcanic activity. But this is rare. We propose to consider the largest tsunamis over the past 12 years so that you can understand the danger of the phenomenon. And of course, we advise you to read the article about the most powerful earthquakes in human history! You will definitely like her!

10 largest and most destructive tsunamis

In 2005, an earthquake with an amplitude of 6.8 was recorded on the islands of Izu and Miyake. This phenomenon provoked a powerful tsunami, which reached 5 meters in height. The water was moving toward the shores at crazy speed. Within 30 minutes, the tsunami from one island reached the second. Fortunately, the quick actions of the operatives made it possible to avoid casualties. But, despite this fact, the cataclysm is one of the most powerful tsunamis in the last 12 years that occurred in Japan.

The top 10 largest tsunami includes a seismic phenomenon recorded on the island of Java. This event to this day, many residents of the Indian island remember. This phenomenon occurred in 2006. The height of the waves reached seven meters. The powerful onslaught of water led to the destruction of many buildings and the death of 800 people. About 10,000 people were affected, both physically and mentally. Many were left without houses and apartments. Among the dead were registered huge amount foreign tourists. The terrible cataclysm was provoked by an earthquake with a power of 7.7 points.

The most powerful tsunami recorded in New Guinea was in 2007. An underwater earthquake with a magnitude of 8 led to the emergence of 10-meter waves that covered about 10 villages. About fifty people died. As a result of the phenomenon, many houses were destroyed. Preliminary estimates put the damage at $30,000 million. After the end of this incident, not many residents decided to return to the islands. At that time, some tourists were on the tops of the hills, which saved foreigners from certain death.

In 2008, such a powerful tsunami occurred on the shores of Myanmar that it was given the name “Nargis”. Given natural phenomenon took 90 thousand inhabitants of the country. The cataclysm is categorized as a meteotsunami. About a million people suffered financial and mental harm. The city of Yangon suffered the most. Based on its scale, it is clear why the tsunami is one of the most serious and dangerous in the last 12 years. The waves reached heights of up to 10 meters. Seismologists from different countries are still talking about the scale of this disaster.

Earthquake (9 points) in the depths Pacific Ocean, which occurred in 2009 led to incredible disasters. A tsunami was recorded on the territory of the Samoan Islands, which covered all residential areas of Samoa with a wave. Within a radius of several kilometers from the coast, literally all buildings were wiped off the face of the Earth. Several hundred people died. The number of victims could exceed thousands, but special services We managed to notify and evacuate residents in advance. However, the powerful wave is one of the strongest tsunamis in the history of the last 12 years.

The most powerful tsunami on the coast of Chile was recorded in 2010. The raging natural phenomenon provoked the emergence of waves 11 meters high. As a result, 11 cities were affected at once. What caught my attention the most was Easter Island. Several hundred people died. At the same time great damage The earthquake itself damaged the infrastructure of cities. To make you realize the power of the cataclysm, we add that the city of Concepción was displaced several meters from its previous position.

The largest tsunami in Japan is the one in 2011. An earthquake with an amplitude of 9.1 on the Richter scale occurred in the city of Tohuku, which led to the emergence of forty-meter waves. As a result, more than 20 thousand people died. About 5 thousand more were injured. Due to this phenomenon, an accident occurred at nuclear power plant, which to this day is a reminder of the spread of radiation. Over the past 12 years, there have not been such powerful incidents in Japan.

In the Philippines in 2013, a typhoon was registered, which provoked a tsunami with a wave height of 6 meters. This phenomenon caused the death of 10 thousand people. The water spread over a distance of 600 kilometers. Not just houses, but entire islands were wiped off the face of the earth. As a result of this cataclysm, the city of Tacloban completely ceased to exist. Only thanks to timely evacuation was it possible to avoid numerous losses. Several billion dollars had to be spent on restoring houses and infrastructure.

A tsunami is a giant wave generated by seismic activity and rapidly moving along the surface of the water. These waves have caused a lot of harm to people throughout history, especially for residents of island countries.

More about tsunamis

The greatest geological activity, contributing to the emergence of the strongest waves, is observed in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Over the last thousand years there have been at least a thousand of them, that is, on average one tsunami per year. In other oceans the statistics are much more modest. The vast majority of tsunamis are caused by a sudden drop or rise of the ocean floor. However, not every such event is fraught with a giant wave; there are other factors, for example, the depth of the source.

In addition to destruction and loss of life, waves can cause other harm. In particular, this is erosion and severe salinization of coastal land areas. Usually, the approaching catastrophe is first felt by birds and animals, which may behave unusually during this period. Within a few hours or even days, they try to escape away from the shore, and pets try in every possible way to make their owners understand this. This is due to electromagnetic field. Animals are much more than a person sensitive to it, although some people experience severe headaches.

The moored ships have no chance of salvation

Having noticed the approaching tsunami, you need to take documents with you, gather your children and other helpless relatives and go away from dangerous place, trying to avoid bodies of water - rivers, canals, reservoirs, as well as fragile buildings such as bridges or towers. What was the largest tsunami in the world? Let us list the most famous cases.

July 1958, Alaska

On a summer day, a terrible natural disaster occurred in Lituya Bay. The bay protrudes into the land for about 11 kilometers, and, according to geologists, giant waves several hundred meters high have appeared here at least four times over the last hundred years. And in 1958, a powerful earthquake occurred in the northern part of the bay, from which houses collapsed, the coast collapsed, and many cracks formed. At the same time, a landslide that came down from the mountain swept across the bay and caused a wave of unprecedented height - 524 meters, which moved at a speed of 160 km/h.

The first to be affected were the people in the ships anchored in the bay. According to the stories, at first they were thrown out of their beds by a strong push. Running onto the deck, they did not immediately believe their eyes: the sea reared up, and even powerful glacier, previously located far to the north, was carried along the sea and collapsed into the water of the bay. It was like a nightmare. The water completely engulfed Cenotaph Island and spread over it. highest point and with its entire mass fell into the bay area, causing another impressive wave. On the mountain slopes to the north, the largest tsunami in history tore away forests up to 600 meters in height.

The tsunami easily swept over the entire sandbank and tore off the forest cover from the nearby mountain slope

One of the longboats was picked up by the wave and thrown over the shallows into the ocean waters. The fishermen could see the trees below them. The ship crashed against rocks and trees, but the fishermen managed to survive and were later rescued. Another ship, by luck, remained in place, withstanding the tsunami, but the third sank; people from it are considered missing. Half an hour later, the surface of the water was completely calm, only strewn with uprooted trees, slowly floating towards the exit from the bay.

December 2004, Indian Ocean

On December 26, in the early morning, a powerful earthquake occurred near the island of Sumatra, part of Indonesia. Its power reached nine points. At the same time, a strong displacement of two tectonic plates occurred. In just an hour, 1,200 kilometers of rock moved fifteen meters, and with them the small islands located in the area. It was in connection with this displacement that the tsunami arose. Devastating consequences awaited the popular Thai resort of Phuket, although its residents and vacationers hardly felt the initial tremors or did not pay attention to them.

What happened next was a complete surprise for the defenseless city. Warnings about the danger had not yet come from Indonesia, so people found themselves face to face with a huge tsunami completely unprepared. Everyone was minding their own business, when suddenly there was a sharp and strong low tide, leaving behind a lot of shells and other seafood. Residents were delighted with this catch, and tourists were delighted with the free souvenirs.

But very soon waves 30 meters high rolled towards the shore, sweeping away everything in their path. People desperately tried to escape, but the tsunami instantly swallowed many of them. Light bungalows are definitely lighter than houses of cards. Having retreated, the water left behind hundreds human bodies and building debris.

Victims terrible disaster became almost 230,000 people

On March 11, northeastern Japan was affected powerful earthquake strength 9 points. According to scientists, an earthquake of this magnitude occurs once every six hundred years. It all started from a point 373 km from Tokyo and at a depth of 24,000 meters. The result of the shake-up was a devastating tsunami that almost completely covered 23 Japanese regions (in total, more than 62 settlements).

For the reason big tsunami There was an accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, which had no protection from waves. Water flooded the diesel generators responsible for the cooling system.

Thus, the power units overheated to a critical state, and a reaction began with a powerful release of hydrogen. This resulted in several explosions that destroyed buildings. IN environment A lot of radioactive substances were released.

The number of people killed in the disaster exceeded 20,000, and monetary damages exceeded $215 million. Six months after the incident, radiation continued to be found in food products, not only in the Fukushima area, but also far from it, although the volume of emissions was approximately 5 times less than Chernobyl.

The maximum wave height was 40 meters, which greatly exceeded preliminary calculations scientists

The largest earthquake in the history of mankind occurred in Chile on May 22 and resulted in three huge tsunamis. 5,000 people died and several fishing villages were completely wiped off the face of the Earth. The waves also reached the coasts of the USA and Japan, from which these countries also suffered high losses. The earthquake occurred the day before, on May 21, and its continuation the next day had a huge force of 9.5 points and lasted at least ten minutes.

The resulting high wave caused irreparable damage - destruction, casualties, trees uprooted. Exact numbers It is not possible to indicate, all data is very approximate, since it was not possible to collect reliable statistics, except for eyewitness accounts. Some, for example, believe that there were not 5 thousand dead, but 10 thousand. One way or another, the disaster is simply stunning.

From the air you can see the outlines of farms and villages underwater, stretching 100 kilometers from former line coast

About ten thousand hectares of coastal lands were flooded, they are under water to this day. It was assumed that this was due to the fact that as a result of the shift of tectonic plates, sea levels rose. But it turned out that, on the contrary, the surface of the earth became lower.

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake on August 16 devastated the Philippines. highest wave. A huge tsunami covered 700 kilometers of coastal territory, killing 5 thousand people and taking away another 2200. 9.5 thousand were injured, and almost one hundred thousand lost their homes.

The worst natural disaster in the history of the state completely destroyed several cities to the ground

On July 17, the northwestern part of the state was shaken by earthquakes with a magnitude of 7. For this reason, in the most remote part of the coast, a deadly wave rose high, the height of which reached 15 meters. More than 2 thousand people fell under it, and several thousand more were left homeless. To terrible tragedy there was a small and very beautiful lagoon, but due to the earthquake it was blocked by an underwater landslide. There have never been earthquakes of this magnitude in this area before, although smaller ones occur regularly.

As a result of the 1998 tragedy, a completely new large lagoon was formed

Another major tsunami also occurred in Alaska, just six years after the devastating 1958 wave. It all started with an earthquake measuring more than nine points. Already 120-150 people have died because of it. The resulting wave, almost 70 meters high, demolished three villages, taking 107 people with it. Then a wave ran along west coast United States, having destroyed several business offices in downtown Anchorage, and fish and crab processing plants on Kodiak Island. The ruins looked as if they had been bombed.

Then the tsunami moved to the city of Crescent City. Residents were warned and managed to evacuate, but later, deciding that there was no more danger, they returned to their homes. It was big mistake. Strong waves flooded the streets of the city, overturning cars and filling all passages with debris from buildings. The events were truly terrible: the pier was practically twisted into a spiral, some houses moved from place to place.

Total damage was estimated at $400 million, and the President issued an executive order to reconstruct Alaska after the tragedy.

Powerful waves, as you can see, can be extremely dangerous. Like others natural disasters, terrible tsunamis often lead to devastating consequences and take people’s lives with them. The only reassuring thing is that the residents of Russia do not have to worry in this regard; our regions are not too susceptible to such a disaster, except for certain regions, for example, the island of Sakhalin.

Megatsunami in Lituya Bay, Alaska, USA - the most destructive wave in the world (its length is more than 500 meters). The disaster occurred in 1958 on July 9. It was the largest natural disaster ever known to science. A little later, scientists called the phenomenon a “megatsunami.”

Causes of the disaster

The giant wave was caused by a magnitude 8 earthquake off the Alaska Peninsula. Tremors caused a huge landslide that dumped a massive glacier and piles of rock into Gilbert Bay. That's what they became main reason occurrence of a giant wave.

Consequences of the disaster

Major casualties were avoided: ten fishermen were killed and vegetation along the coast was destroyed. Eyewitness accounts say that “the mountains were shaking terribly, the stones were rapidly rushing down, then suddenly they disappeared, and a giant wall of water appeared.”

Presumably, similar tsunamis have occurred here before, with an interval of several decades. The tsunamis that occurred were also quite high altitude, but traces of their impact were finally eliminated by a natural disaster in 1958.

Next megatsunami

The Lituya megatsunami was the first time in science that a giant wave was caused not only by an earthquake, but also by a landslide.

One of the strongest tsunamis was the aftermath of the Indian Ocean earthquake on December 26, 2004. This is the deadliest, natural disaster in modern history. The destructive wave dealt a huge blow to Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Somalia. The capital of the Maldives, Male, was very badly damaged during the tsunami. Certain areas of the city had to be rebuilt.

The death toll as a result of the natural disaster is estimated at 235 thousand people.

It is sad that many of the victims are tourists who spent their holidays on the shores of Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.

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