Works on all topics of the Unified State Exam in Russian. Inner world, moral qualities of a person


Typical problems of texts proposed for analysis in essay-reasoning on the Unified State Examination can be grouped into several blocks.

1. Relationships between fathers and children.
· The problem of finding ways of mutual understanding between people of different age generations (What influences the relationship between fathers and children, the emergence of differences in their worldview? How to learn to represent different generations respect each other's views?)
· The problem of selfless and forgiving parental love.
· The problem of children betraying their parents.

2. The role of childhood in the formation of a person’s personality, his moral guidelines.
· The problem of the influence of childhood on the formation life position person, as well as on the formation of his moral guidelines.
· The problem of the role of a caring adult in the formation of a teenager’s personality (How can adults influence the lives of teenagers?).
· The problem of the influence of childhood events, childhood and youth experiences on the formation of a person’s character, his future fate(What influence do events that occurred in childhood have on the formation of a person’s character?).

3. Role classical literature in the spiritual development of modern society.
· The problem of the role of books in the intellectual, spiritual, moral development modern society.
· The problem of reducing the level of reading activity in modern society(Why do modern youth read less? Has society’s attitude towards books changed? Can television become an alternative to books?).
· The problem of understanding the importance and necessity of studying literature at school (Do modern schoolchildren need to study literature?).

4. The complexity and inconsistency of human actions.
· The problem of betrayal, which caused the destruction of friendly relations (Is it possible to continue friendship after betrayal?).
· The problem of a person’s moral choice in extreme life situation.
· The problem of distinguishing true heroism from false heroism associated with the senseless risk of one’s own life.

5. Human nobility.
· The problem of honor as one of the main factors influencing a person’s moral choice.
· The problem of a person’s conscience and responsibility for his actions (What can lead to negligent, indifferent attitude person to his business?).
· The problem of human persistence in achieving goals.
· The problem of human nobility (What is the true greatness of a person?).

6. Honor and human dignity.
· The problem of the loss of moral values ​​(What does the loss of moral values ​​lead to?).
· The problem of protecting honor and self-esteem.
· The problem of true and false life values.

7. A person’s relationships with other people.
· The problem of overcoming selfishness in relationships with other people.
· The problem of dedication in a relationship with a person you consider your friend.
· The problem of true friendship.
· The problem of people being rude to each other (How do manifestations of rudeness affect people? Is it possible to resist its manifestation?).
· The problem of attitude towards older people (What needs to be done to old man felt needed by your loved ones and was happy?).
· The problem of helping a desperate person gain faith in himself.

8. Human perception of the surrounding world.
· The problem of modern man’s loss of the ability to enjoy life due to minor everyday troubles.
· The problem of acquiring a joyful worldview (Why do you need to learn a culture of joy?).

9. Loneliness of a person.
· The problem of human loneliness (When and why does a person feel lonely? How can you help him get rid of this feeling?).
· The problem of a child’s loneliness in the world of adults (Why is it unacceptable for a child to feel lonely?).
· The problem of lonely old age.

10. Man and art.
· The problem of ambiguous perception of art different people(Why do some people immerse themselves in the world created by the artist, while others remain deaf to beauty?).
· The problem of the purpose of genuine art (What kind of art does society need?).
· The problem of human perception of music.

11. Man’s attitude to the natural world.
· The problem of man's soulless, consumerist, ruthless attitude towards the natural world.
· The problem of human sensitivity or insensitivity to the beauty of nature.
· The problem of the influence of the beauty of nature on a person’s mood and way of thinking.
· Problem negative impact scientific and technical process on the relationship between man and nature (What is manifested Negative influence civilization on human life, his relationship with nature?).
· The problem of homeless animals (Is a person obligated to help homeless animals?).

12. A person’s caring attitude towards language.
· The problem of language ecology (What changes are currently taking place in the Russian language? How do modern Russians feel about the culture of their speech? Why is it necessary to take emergency measures to preserve and maintain the purity and correctness of Russian speech?).

13. Man and the power with which he is endowed.
· The problem of the influence of power on the character and actions of the person endowed with it (How should people who have received special powers and privileges behave towards others? Why does even minimal power make some people cruel and rude?).

14. Compassion for others.
· The problem of a person’s presence or absence of the ability to sympathize (How does having the ability to sympathize or lack of such ability affect a person’s life? Is it necessary to cultivate a sense of compassion in a person?).
· The problem of effective compassion.
· The problem of empathy and active assistance to a person.

15. Human attitude towards war.
· The problem of human attitude towards war (Why human consciousness cannot recognize the very fact of war?).
· The problem of a person’s mental state in war conditions (How do military events and related human tragedies affect state of mind people, on their ability to compassion?).
· The problem of human behavior in war (How did the war force people to behave? What helped people behave heroically during the war? What led Soviet people to victory?).
· The problem of heroism and perseverance in the face of severe military trials (What makes ordinary people courageous and persistent during the war? Why were people ready to sacrifice themselves during the war? What can an ordinary person do in extreme situations?).
· The problem of demonstrating humanism in difficult military conditions.

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First, let's get acquainted with the Unified State Exam itself - what is it? This is a state exam that is held in secondary educational institutions to assess the quality of student training using CIMs (control measuring materials), for all completed school material. After passing the exam, all graduates are issued certificates of Unified State Exam results, where the points obtained in subjects are indicated. And is the main form entrance exams to universities, and at the same time there is the possibility of repeated passing the Unified State Exam in subsequent years.

This is a type of testing the knowledge of schoolchildren who have mastered secondary education programs. general education, the implementation of which allows you to find out the quality of his mental knowledge by Unified State Examination form. Students need to pass compulsory subjects such as Russian language and mathematics, and for admission to a university, you need to choose one or more specialized subjects such as computer science, English language, biology and others. Successful passing The Unified State Exam allows a graduate to enter the full-time studying at any state university.

The Unified State Exam system implies equal chances for any graduate to enter universities and when testing the honesty and veracity of knowledge.

But in reality this is not the case. Not a single experiment in educational system did not cause as much controversy as the United State exam. It is impossible not to agree that this system really allows you to enter any university in Russia, if you have the appropriate results. But as they say, it was not without sin.

The problems of the Unified State Exam are now being very hotly discussed in the State Duma of the Russian Federation due to the fact that the Unified State Exam has turned into a lottery that anyone can pass well without studying school curriculum. In order to pass the Unified State Exam with high quality, parents have to hire tutors for their children to enter the prestigious universities. That is why there is a demand in the market for educational services to prepare for the Unified State Exam. If we compare the “excellent” student, who throughout his studies showed good results and a “C” student who was trained only to pass the test, then both of them will be equal, even in some cases the “C” student will be “smarter than the “A” student.” Unified State Exam materials are constructed in such a way that knowledge of the creative material will not solve much; even in part “C” there are template answers, which were implied as free form presentation of a student's thoughts. When preparing for the Unified State Exam, a student is faced with limits and criteria beyond which he should not go, otherwise points will be deducted. And this will lead to massive expulsions or corruption in higher educational institutions, so that graduates “trained only for tests” are not able to learn curriculum higher education, and they are not adapted to this. The basis for success at university is self-study material.

What are the problems?

1.Moral problems
2.Social problems
3.Philosophical problems
4.Aesthetic problems
5.Political problems
6.Environmental problems

How to determine main problem text?

1. See if there are any questions in the text you read.
2. Think about what problems the text contains.
3. Select the main one.
4. And if the text does not interrogative sentences, then you need to pose questions to some sentences that contain the main idea.
5. The answer to the question determines the problem of the text.

Formulation of specific text problems

1. The problem of the role of books in human life
2. The problem of the role of books in the formation of personality
3. The problem of the role of reading in human life
4. The problem of speech culture in human life
5. The problem of the relationship between human speech and his intellectual development
6. The problem of the development of the Russian language
7. The problem of preserving the Russian language
8. The problem of education today
9. The problem of mercy and compassion in our lives
10. The problem of preserving the soul
11. The problem of callousness and hardness of heart
12. The problem of the role of love in human life
13. The problem of the role of friendship in our lives
14. The problem of the role of honor in human life
15. The problem of the role of conscience in human life
16. The problem of the role of patriotism in human life
17. The problem of loneliness in human life
18. The problem of human moral choice
19. The problem of intergenerational relationships
20. The problem of relationships between family members
21. The problem of the moral significance of memory in people's lives
22. The problem of human indifference
23. Problem the right choice life goal
24. The problem of the role of the Internet in human life
25. The problem of the role of generosity in our lives
26. The problem of the meaning of human life
27. The problem of attitude towards elderly parents.
28. The problem of the role of external and inner beauty in our life
29. The problem of preserving monuments
30. The problem of the role of childhood memories in the lives of adults
31. Problems of adolescence
32. The problem of the role of parental influence on the formation of a child’s personality.
33. The problem of the role of nature in people's lives
34. The problem of historical memory
35. The problem of the role of money in people's lives
36. Problem interethnic conflicts.
37. The problem of the role of art in human life.
38. The problem of the role of music in human life
39. Problems of attitude towards war
40. The problem of attitude towards animals
41. The role of the problem of selflessness and nobility of man
42. The problem of the role of talent and genius in human life
43. The problem of the role of freedom in human life
44. The problem of the importance of work in human life
45. Role problem popular culture in people's lives
46. ​​Problem moral lessons wars
47. The problem of indifferent and abusive relationship to nature
48. The problem of human self-realization in life
49. The problem of tolerance and its role in relations between people
50. The problem of social inequality

Essay topics for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language - enough abstract concept. We can rather talk about problems. In each text proposed for analysis Unified State Examination participant, contains several problems. Usually there are at least three of them, but there are texts in which up to ten problems can be identified.

The most subjective moment. In fact, the problem may be present in the text, but not contained in the materials for the experts checking the students' work. Most experts in similar situations counts the problem statement.

The difficulty is different: sometimes a student formulates a problem in an ugly way from the point of view of the Russian language, while thinking in the right direction. The result is correct, but difficult to understand content. The expert does not always grasp the connection between the text of the work and the materials according to which he must check. As a result right idea scored zero points.

How to avoid this? There is a list of topics (problems) for Unified State Examination essays in the Russian language, it will be given below. This list contains brief but precise formulations that will definitely be understandable to an expert. Many of them are taken from previous years' examination review materials or from official trial options exams. Problems may vary slightly depending on source text, but in general their list is exhaustive.

The problem can be formulated in the form of a question or in the genitive case.

There is no difference in terms of assessing essays by experts. But using the first method (questioning) leads to writing a better essay. It makes it possible not to get confused and not to go off topic. Advice from site developers: formulate the problem in the form of a question. We will also formulate a list of topics (problems) in question form.

List of topics for essays on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

The relationship between man and nature

How do human activities affect nature?

How should we treat nature?

Why is nature important to humans?

Should a person protect nature?

How does nature influence humans?

Why is consumerism towards nature bad?

Does man depend on nature?

Why do people often fail to see the beauty in nature?

How can nature inspire people?

How does the destructive power of nature manifest itself?

Why should you live in harmony with nature?

What is the beauty of nature?

Relationships between humans and animals

Why should a person care about animals?

Why do homeless animals evoke feelings of compassion?

How should people treat their pets?

Do all people love animals?

Why are people so often cruel to animals?

What makes a person kill animals?

Can an animal be useful to a person?

Is a person always more intelligent than an animal?

Family relationships, childhood

How does family influence the formation of a child’s personality?

Is there anything stronger than a mother's love?

How do parents care about their children?

Why are parents strict with their children?

What influences the process of forming a child’s worldview?

Is it always mother's love is it for the good?

How does upbringing affect a person’s future?

Should children leave their parents?

What kind of atmosphere should there be in the family?

Do family relationships influence a child's character?

Why should parents be honest with their children?

Why do conflicts between “fathers” and “children” happen?

What do childhood memories mean to a person?

Can childhood always be called the happiest time?

The beauty and richness of the Russian language

What does a person's native language mean?

Why do you need to protect the Russian language?

What does it lead to? irresponsible attitude to your native language?

Why do young people neglect the rules of the Russian language?

What is the richness of the Russian language?

School, teachers, books

Why is it important for a person to get a good education?

How does the school participate in shaping a child’s personality?

Why are school lessons important?

Why should you remember your teachers?

Can every teacher be called good?

What should a real teacher be like?

Why should a person strive for knowledge?

What's wrong with not wanting to learn?

What consequences does the work of an incompetent teacher have?

How do books influence a person's worldview?

What place should reading occupy in a person’s life?

Inner world, moral qualities of a person

What can a person's appearance say?

Is a person beautiful on the outside always beautiful on the inside?

In what situations does a person’s character emerge?

Which personal traits can a person be considered correct?

What is a truly rich inner world like?

Why do people commit immoral acts?

Can anything justify betrayal?

Why do people take the path of spiritual degradation?

How does cowardice manifest itself?

What kind of person can be called callous, heartless?

What does human cruelty lead to?

Why do intrapersonal conflicts occur?

Can moral person change your principles?


Can real friendship ever end?

Why do quarrels happen between friends?

Why does friendship not tolerate betrayal?

What kind of person can be called a true friend?

Can friends be rivals?


What is true love?

How should you treat the person you love?

Is love always happy?

What can a person do in the name of love?

Why is unrequited love dangerous?

Is it possible to forgive everything to a loved one?

Social problems

How should we treat the poor?

Why should you help the homeless?

Can you always trust the authorities?

How does the problem of veneration manifest itself?

Why can the rich control the destinies of the poor?

Why is crime rampant?

Is there any way to justify theft?

What can make a person a drunkard?

Are the poor always to blame for their financial situation?


What kind of person can be called well-mannered?

Will it well-mannered person be rude or rude?

Why should a person be responsive?

Who gives a person education?

Why is it important to respect others?

Should a person be polite?

Art in human life

Is it always talented person do they notice?

What does art give to a person?

How does music affect a person?

Is it possible to express through art what cannot be expressed in words?

What did music mean to people? war time?

Is it always brilliant people live happily?

Why do people love art?

How does art help people?

War time

Why was heroism common in wartime?

What are people who love their Motherland ready for?

What kind of person can be called a patriot?

How does false patriotism manifest itself?

Does it make sense to treat the enemy humanely?

Why is war a grief for every family?

Why should we remember war heroes?

How does humanity preserve the memory of the Great Patriotic War?

The list of problems can be expanded. New problems will be added to common list, stay tuned.

The main problems of the Unified State Examination texts in the Russian language include the following:

1. The problem of heredity and upbringing. The question being asked here is: Is a person's life determined by what he received at birth? Indeed, a person’s inclinations and inclinations are largely shaped by heredity. But it depends only on him how much he can develop them throughout his life.

2. Problem literary talent. The problem of money is usually associated with it. Can a genius create just to get material goods? All the greats literary works appear primarily because their author has an urgent need to say something to his readers.

3. The problem of intelligence. What kind of person can be considered intelligent? Any well-mannered person should have this quality. But education or erudition should not be confused with intelligence. Intelligence is manifested, first of all, in how a person relates to the people around him.

4. The problem of correspondence between nature and spirituality of the people. How are the territory in which the people live, its nature and landscape related to the main characteristics of its representatives? The landscape of a country is a reflection of how a society treats its members as well as environment. In addition, nature largely determines the formation of a sense of beauty.

5. The role of literature in life modern man. Why does a person need books? How do we read our favorite books? What are they needed for? Books help a person to learn the world, determine your place in it, live better.

6. The role of art in human life. What impact can it have? good work art? It not only evokes a feeling of pleasure, but also awakens thought and serves as a call to action.

7. What is the feeling of homeland? This is something that is always with a person and that can inspire him to strong actions and exploits.

8. The problem of a talented person. Does everyone have talent or is it only those who practice art? Talent is a gift of nature, but it can be realized in any profession. True, for this you have to make a lot of effort, demonstrate your spiritual strength and individuality.

9. The problem of human relations with nature. Does a representative of humanity realize that by his actions he can destroy own house? Man today must behave wisely in order to maintain ecological balance. It is no coincidence that humanity is sometimes called a disease of the planet - its vital activity can pose a threat to the Earth.

10. The complexity of human life. Is it possible to live in such a way as to preserve your moral values? Is it possible not to make mistakes in life? What role does childhood play in a person’s destiny? Over the years, we all make mistakes, and this cannot be avoided.

11. Understanding beauty. How to see the beauty in your life? How to avoid becoming spiritually “deaf” and “blind”? How not to lose the ability to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding world and nature? Only a spiritually developed person can perceive all the beauty of what surrounds us.

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